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Free beer in Iraq to watch the superbowl

Started by Siege, February 07, 2010, 07:48:50 PM

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Quote from: The Brain on February 08, 2010, 12:52:58 PM
I love Siege. :)

In a forum filled with memorable characters, he is certainly the most unique.   :)
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Alcibiades on February 08, 2010, 09:18:58 AM
Dude, believe it or not you can keep your eye open when you look through an acog, guess what happens.  You see the target as if you're not looking through a site, and there is a magical red dot where the target is.  Neat really.   :rolleyes:

And I would say my range estimation is pretty good and it was between 1000m and 1500m, you couldn't walk the tracers in all the way, 900m and all, but you can see the rounds kick up dust on the top of the building.  Definitely was doing that with my squad leader over my shoulder helping me adjust it as he looked through his acog.

And we're talking Baghdad here, Sadr City, not some slum village like you're used to.  So yes, about 15-20 stories.  And it was dusk, not mid-day.

We didn't have mk.19s there, and the Bradleys weren't in a position to take a shot at that time.  So as a precaution, since we kept hearing sniper fire from that direction, he had me but a few bursts at possible sitting positions.  And yeah the angle wasn't too high, but enough that I had to look over my sights to walk it in with the tracers instead of looking down my site.  Ranks within the top 3 coolest things I've ever done.

And with how prevalent snipers are, I can't see why you wouldn't choose a 145 for the even slight magnification for your gunners, eotechs provide no magnification, I feel like it's a must to be able to see tiny details from windows from so far, but I only have first hand knowledge with full on urban fighting, not villages and the like....where it would seem to be even more needed I would think.

And I'm also a fanboi of the Acog, but personally I just can't see why you wouldn't want the magnification of the Acog.  Later today, go grab one of your Joe's Acogs, look down it with both eyes open and you'll see what im talking about, it's no different than an eotech except when you close your left eye you have magnification. 

I await your rebuttal.   :mad:

Yeah, this is getting nasty!  :lol:

QuoteDude, believe it or not you can keep your eye open when you look through an acog, guess what happens.  You see the target as if you're not looking through a site, and there is a magical red dot where the target is.  Neat really.

ACOG with both eyes opens: It doesn't work that well. Reason is, because we see with our brains, and with both eyes open, you have an eye looking at a 3.5 power magnified target, and the other looking at a plain sight. So what you are actually seing, is the plain sight target, with the red chevron magnified from the ACOG on top of the plain sight image from your unmagnified eye. What that means in practice, is that your brain is going to see the target fuzzier than looking at it with either eye alone. But my main reason against the ACOG, is that because of its tubular design, you have to bring it all the way up to your face to adquire the target, making it that much slower compared to an Eotech.

As I said, ACOGs are great between 200 and 600m. Farther than that they don't have mils to calculate elevation, shorter than that they are too slow to adquire the target.

And I would say my range estimation is pretty good and it was between 1000m and 1500m

Really? Your range estimation is pretty good but you can't tell where between 1000 and 1500m a 20 story building is? You are using a 33% for range variable. You are only allowed 15% for the naked eye, and you had a M145. With the M145 you should be able to get your range variable within 10%. That's plus/minus a 100m for a target a 1000m away.

Definitely was doing that with my squad leader over my shoulder helping me adjust it as he looked through his acog.

Your squad leader didn't have binos? M22 binos have 7x magnification. Beats the hell out of the 3.5 in the ACOGs. And they have actual mil-dots to range the target, not just the little 100m tick marks up to 600m that are in the ACOGs.

So yes, about 15-20 stories.

Ok. I'm seing a clearer picture now. Most people tend to over estimate ranges, so my professional guess, based in what you have told us, is that the building was between 8 and 10 stories high, and was between 800 and 1000m away.

And it was dusk, not mid-day.

You saw dirt kicked out by your 5.56mm rounds over a 1000m away, while looking over your sights, at dusk?

What was the direction of the sun from your position?

So as a precaution, he had me but a few bursts at possible sitting positions.

Yeah, I miss the days when you didn't need PID to fire a couple bursts. Recon-by-fire for the win.

since we kept hearing sniper fire from that direction,

Sniper fire or spot shots from some random hajj with a buttstock-less AK-47?
Were the bullets cracking or zipping over your position?

And yeah the angle wasn't too high, but enough that I had to look over my sights to walk it in with the tracers instead of looking down my site.

Yeah, if you were walking the tracers that would put your building within my 800-1000m estimate, because of the 900m burn-out range for tracers.

And with how prevalent snipers are, I can't see why you wouldn't choose a 145 for the even slight magnification for your gunners, eotechs provide no magnification, I feel like it's a must to be able to see tiny details from windows from so far, but I only have first hand knowledge with full on urban fighting, not villages and the like....where it would seem to be even more needed I would think.

Its beacuse of the way we mount the M240B on the strykers. There is no way you can fired from your shoulder, let alone bring the M145 up to your face. From the stryker mounts you have to fire with one hand on the pistol grip and one on the end of the buttstock, where your shoulder is suppossed to go. With the Eotech, you can see the red dot on the target without having to bring the gun to your face for eye relief distance. I have one M240B with the M145, and is the one gun we dismount for SKTs, foot patrols, and the sort.

And I'm also a fanboi of the Acog, but personally I just can't see why you wouldn't want the magnification of the Acog.

And this is the real reason, isn't it? You, like far too many other infantrymen I've seen, don't like to carry binos, and use the damn ACOG as a bino to look at all kinds of shit, doesn't matter if they are a target or not. You see a couple dudes farming over there, and you look at them with your ACOG, aiming your damn weapon at them, whether they have weapons or not, whether they look suspicious or not. I don't need to tell you, this do wonders for our Hearts and Minds campaign. Lets go and aim our weapons at random people. Hey, I don't really care, but I am a professional soldier and I have been order to wage the damn Hearts and Minds campaign. So no aiming your weapon at civilians to look through your ACOG.

Me, I have a set of 10x power magnified binos, not the crappy M22 or M24 7x binos the Army issues.

Later today, go grab one of your Joe's Acogs, look down it with both eyes open and you'll see what im talking about, it's no different than an eotech except when you close your left eye you have magnification. 

If you see any of my recent pictures, you would see that I had an ACOG until last month when I came over to this platoon and with now. Here is one below:

Anyway, this is all the trouble you get into for telling me to not drink in uniform and to not post pictures.  :P

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


Damn, killing people sounds way more complicated and involved than I imagined.

citizen k

Quote from: DGuller on February 08, 2010, 03:46:24 PM
Damn, killing people sounds way more complicated and involved than I imagined.

It's the 21st century and we've been at it for thousands of years. We've got it down to a science.


Things were so much simpler when we just had human waves.


Quote from: DGuller on February 08, 2010, 03:56:10 PM
Things were so much simpler when we just had human waves.

I can see DG ancestors arguing about the finer points of human wave tactics just a few decades ago...

Nameless Soviet Officer #1: WTF Comrade, I see you have deployed your wave using the outmoded Wedge Relieved formation. You are: newbass.
DGsGrandad: Bite me, you stupid Georgian peasant! I have been sending thousands to their death longer than you have been pissing in Comrade Joe's boot! The relieved Wedge when facing concentrated artillery over broken ground i still the most effective formation under cloudy conditions where Fascist air support is not available!
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


Quote from: Siege on February 08, 2010, 03:30:48 PM

QuoteReally? Your range estimation is pretty good but you can't tell where between 1000 and 1500m a 20 story building is? You are using a 33% for range variable. You are only allowed 15% for the naked eye, and you had a M145. With the M145 you should be able to get your range variable within 10%. That's plus/minus a 100m for a target a 1000m away.
It was nearly 2 years ago now, giving the benefit of the doubt.

QuoteYour squad leader didn't have binos? M22 binos have 7x magnification. Beats the hell out of the 3.5 in the ACOGs. And they have actual mil-dots to range the target, not just the little 100m tick marks up to 600m that are in the ACOGs.

We arent some recon squad, heavy mechanized infantry squad.  We didn't have time to just sit on our butts and just glance down an alley like we werent being seen, we were being constantly engaged.  Look at the video, it was like that at all times of the when it would flare up as they fired 4 rpgs at once and opened up on us with PKC's for 3 hours straight.

QuoteOk. I'm seing a clearer picture now. Most people tend to over estimate ranges, so my professional guess, based in what you have told us, is that the building was between 8 and 10 stories high, and was between 800 and 1000m away.


QuoteYou saw dirt kicked out by your 5.56mm rounds over a 1000m away, while looking over your sights, at dusk?

What was the direction of the sun from your position?

Building was north, sun set in the west, so left.  Was to the point my eyepro was off, nods mounted, but not on my face.

Sniper fire or spot shots from some random hajj with a buttstock-less AK-47?
Were the bullets cracking or zipping over your position?

They had dragunov and actually had a Barrett .50 cal which they used to penetrate the the thick glass on the windows of route clearance and our MRAPs.  Hadj with only their Ak-47s also managed to shoot off 2 stingers at the Apaches too.

QuoteYeah, if you were walking the tracers that would put your building within my 800-1000m estimate, because of the 900m burn-out range for tracers.

It was certainly over 1000m.

QuoteAnd this is the real reason, isn't it? You, like far too many other infantrymen I've seen, don't like to carry binos, and use the damn ACOG as a bino to look at all kinds of shit, doesn't matter if they are a target or not. You see a couple dudes farming over there, and you look at them with your ACOG, aiming your damn weapon at them, whether they have weapons or not, whether they look suspicious or not. I don't need to tell you, this do wonders for our Hearts and Minds campaign. Lets go and aim our weapons at random people. Hey, I don't really care, but I am a professional soldier and I have been order to wage the damn Hearts and Minds campaign. So no aiming your weapon at civilians to look through your ACOG.

No time to whip out binos every 5 seconds to scan windows and far away crevices, much more efficient to use your acog as a bino and if its a hostile entity, oh hey guess what youre looking through your weapon sights already.  Enemy won't always be Hadj who will give you time to shoot at him.  And security comes first, they all have guns, hell a lot of them have probably fired them at us, I think they're fine being scanned with my machine gun, as long as I don't shoot.  Safety comes first, Hadj second.  Sucks for you if your chain of command doesn't see it that way.  Where abouts roughly you stationed any way, they let you patrol any more or you just sit on a fob?

QuoteAnyway, this is all the trouble you get into for telling me to not drink in uniform and to not post pictures.  :P

Not supposed to be drinking while deployed, your on duty 24/7 and should be available to leave the wire at a moments notice hence why pictures are even worse, be a professional. ;)  Not to mentioned you requisitioned more than your allotted amount.  :contract:
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain

Grey Fox

Siegy is unbelievable.

The guy doesn't understand sarcasm but can do math and analyze a freaking rifle sight in 10mins.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.

Admiral Yi

Quote from: Grey Fox on February 08, 2010, 08:43:23 PM
Siegy is unbelievable.

The guy doesn't understand sarcasm but can do math and analyze a freaking rifle sight in 10mins.
Sniper school. :contract:

The Brain

Nice military foreplay between Siege and Alci.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.

Duque de Bragança

Quote from: Syt on February 08, 2010, 11:15:20 AM
Quote from: Duque de Bragança on February 08, 2010, 11:14:48 AM
Quote from: Zanza on February 08, 2010, 05:57:53 AM
The German soldiers in Afghanistan may drink a liter of beer every day. :cheers:

Let's hope for them it's real beer ;)

Probably Warsteiner or Bitburger. :(

Is Weißbier more haram than the above mentioned two ?  :osama: