Irish priest kidnapped in Philippines released by MILF

Started by Queequeg, November 13, 2009, 12:46:26 AM

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QuoteIrish priest Father Michael Sinnott, who had been kidnapped by militants in the Philippines, was released Wednesday night to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which handed him to the Filipino government as a goodwill gesture.

By Tom A. Peter
•A daily summary of global reports on security issues.

Filipino militants released an elderly Irish priest late on Wednesday night after holding him in captivity for 32 days. Father Michael Sinnott had worked in the Philippines for nearly 33 years when six armed gunmen kidnapped him from a gated compound in Pagadian City on Oct. 11. He was released into the custody of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which turned him over to government authorities on Thursday morning.

Although militants released a video in November in which Fr. Sinnott said his captors would release him in exchange for $2 million, the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs says that he was released without any ransom payments.

Michael Martin, Ireland's foreign affairs minister told reporters that refusing to pay any ransom was in line with his country's policy to discourage future kidnappings, reports the Guardian. Paying kidnappers would set a precedent that endangers Irish citizens and "jeopardised the vital work of aid workers and missionaries around the world," he said.

According to a high-ranking member of MILF, the rebel group acted as an intermediary between the kidnappers and the government as a goodwill gesture to show their commitment to peace, reports The Philippine Star. Ghadzali Jaafar, MILF's vice chairman of political affairs, added that his organization would help bring the kidnappers to justice and "expressed disappointment" in response to claims that the abduction had been carried out by a rogue, MILF splinter group.

"The MILF is a mass-based organization with an objective, and it won't commit an act that would tarnish its reputation. In fact, the MILF always wants to project a good image not only within the Philippines but also in the entire world," Jaafar said.

Filipino police and military authorities later identified Sinnott's captors as part of a pirate band that eventually turned the priest over to a rogue element of MILF, reports Tempo, a Filipino newspaper.

Despite the potential involvement of a MILF-linked organization, the Filipino government praised the Muslim separatist group for its assistance and cooperation throughout the kidnapping. Major General Ben Dolorfino, a Filipino official, called the group's actions a "big confidence-building measure in forthcoming peace talks," reports the Daily Telegraph.

Sinnott has a serious heart condition and there were many concerns about his health while in captivity. However, after a clinical assessment doctors said he is "as well as can be expected in the circumstances," reports the Irish Times. Speaking to reporters at the Manila airport on Thursday morning, the priest also appeared in good humor.

"I have no desire to leave [my work in the Philippines], although I don't think they'll kidnap me again. I think if they wanted to kidnap somebody they'd be inclined to go for a much younger man because I was not able always to hike with the speed, and keep going - I often had to rest while they were hiking."
Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."

Eddie Teach

To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


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