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Fusion reactor needs coconuts to run

Started by jimmy olsen, October 21, 2009, 10:57:21 PM

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jimmy olsen

I wonder how much society would change if we ever get fusion plants up and running.

QuoteBuilding a second sun: Take $10 billion, add coconuts

THE balmy south of France has always been a magnet for sun worshippers. So it is perhaps fitting that here, not far from the Côte d'Azur, an international team of researchers is building a machine to recreate the sun. It will take tens of thousands of tonnes of steel and concrete, plus a whole host of more unusual materials: beryllium, niobium, titanium and tungsten; frigid liquid nitrogen and helium. Oh, and a supply of burnt coconuts.

This eclectic mix of ingredients will be turned into ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor - the next big thing in nuclear fusion research. When completed in 2018, the reactor will fuse together two heavy isotopes of hydrogen to release vast quantities of energy. In theory, the result will be clean electricity galore with no carbon emissions and far less radioactive waste than today's nuclear fission reactors leave behind.

So why we are not already flooding our electricity grids with fusion energy? While the concept of nuclear fusion is simple, the practicalities are anything but. That's because the nuclei themselves are reluctant participants: each carries a positive electrical charge and these repel one another, so forcing two nuclei together is almost impossible. Only at stupendously high temperatures do the nuclei acquire enough energy to overcome their mutual aversion, smash into one another, and fuse.

It is much the same picture in the sun. There, heat is generated from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei. But the fuel barely smoulders even at 15 million kelvin, the temperature of the sun's core. It is consumed so slowly that the supply lasts for billions of years.

At a fusion power plant, the fuel needs to be burned on human, not cosmological, timescales. The heavier isotopes deuterium and tritium are a little easier to burn than ordinary hydrogen, but even so, to get a good blaze going inside ITER the temperature will have to be racked up to a hellish 150 million kelvin. That brings a mountain of engineering problems. Not least is how to contain a plasma of electrons and atomic nuclei that is 10 times as hot as the sun's core.

Even the most hardy of construction materials cannot withstand temperatures of more than a few thousand kelvin. So the solution is to weave a cage for the plasma from magnetic fields.

ITER follows the design of several smaller experimental reactors where physicists have already achieved the temperatures required for fusion. The nuclear fuel is held inside a ring-shaped reactor called a tokamak.

Magnets outside the ITER ring combine to generate a spiralling field that holds the superhot plasma in place. To make its magnetic cage, ITER will use superconducting coils of niobium-alloy wire weighing a total of 10,000 tonnes and cooled by a supply of liquid helium. Outside the magnetic cage, a vacuum isolates the confined plasma from the reactor's inner wall - and this is where the coconut comes in (see "Totally tropical tokamak").

Trapped in its cage, the fusion fuel is simultaneously cooked in three different ways. While electrical circuits force a current through the plasma, it is blasted with microwaves and bombarded by high-energy atoms generated by small particle accelerators dotted around the ring. Even under this triple-pronged attack, so far no tokamak has yielded much fusion energy. ITER should do better by firing up a much bigger, denser ring of plasma. A lot of power will have to be pumped in to start the plasma sizzling, but if all goes to plan, 10 times as much will emerge.

All that power poses a threat to ITER because the magnetic cage is not impregnable. The violet-hot plasma will radiate X-rays, a trickle of charged particles will always escape, and the fusion reaction will create high-energy neutrons, which are electrically neutral and can't be contained by magnetism. So despite the magnetic cage, ITER's plasma will blast the surrounding walls with several megawatts of heat per square metre, far more than in previous tokamaks or conventional nuclear fission reactors.

The solution is simple: use water to carry the heat away. "Of course this is exactly what we want from fusion in the end - to extract the heat," says Mario Merola, head of the ITER division responsible for internal components of the reactor.

Once again, it's the practicalities that are the problem. The main reactor wall, known as the blanket, will be made from 440 stainless steel blocks nearly half a metre thick and riddled with high-pressure water pipes. This steel blanket should absorb most of the neutrons, which will heat the blanket from within. Near the inner wall, the water pipes can be no more than 2.5 centimetres apart, otherwise the steel between them would become dangerously warm and soft.

For the innermost surface facing the plasma, steel is no good. Incoming plasma particles would chip iron atoms out of the steel and back into the chamber, where they would pollute the fuel and damp down the fusion reactions. So the ITER team has chosen to face the wall with tiles made of beryllium. While beryllium is toxic to humans, it is quite palatable to the plasma because it is such a light element, close in atomic weight to deuterium and tritium. So although some beryllium will get blasted off the walls, it won't quench the reactor's fire.

The steel and beryllium plates will also be battered by mechanical forces generated by the interaction of the electric currents and magnetic fields passing through them. Each 4-tonne plate will experience forces of up to the weight of 100 tonnes, so they will have to be firmly locked in place - and sturdily built, even though they are punctured with holes for the pipes. "The design of the blanket modules is one of the most technically challenging parts of the whole machine," says Merola.

A different kind of armour plate is needed around the bottom of the chamber. Here, a device called the divertor is used to keep the plasma pure. The main by-product of the fusion reaction is helium nuclei, which would eventually build up and stifle the nuclear fire. The divertor's job is to skim off the outermost layer of plasma, which can then be cooled and siphoned off to have the helium "ash" and other impurities removed. The surface of the divertor will get hot enough to melt beryllium, so it will be covered in tungsten and carbon fibre, both materials with melting points above 3000 kelvin.

Armour plates
Wearing this water-cooled suit of armour, ITER should be able to resist the steady heat given off by the ring of plasma, but that isn't all it has to contend with. The plasma inside a tokamak turns out to be similar to the sun in more ways than one: like its big brother this doughnut-shaped mini-star can suddenly and violently erupt in an event called an edge localisation mode, or ELM. In a fraction of a millisecond, the surface of the plasma ring balloons outwards, sending out an explosive burst of particles. "It looks like a solar flare," says ITER researcher Alberto Loarte.

"The problem is that the release is very intense and localised, so local power densities are very high - many gigawatts per square metre," Loarte explains. That is more than a million times the power density of sunlight hitting Earth. Even though an ELM is very brief, this flash of energy is still enough to vaporise a thin layer of beryllium, tungsten or carbon. As ELMs are expected at a rate of a few per second, the vital armour would soon be destroyed.

However, the ITER team has a plan to fight these turbulent fires: throw ice cubes at them. The technique was developed during the 1990s at a reactor called ASDEX in Garching near Munich in Germany. Like other tokamaks, ASDEX has to keep its plasma topped up with fuel, and to do this it is equipped with a gas-powered peashooter that fires pellets of frozen deuterium into the plasma chamber.

The ASDEX team discovered that the sudden puff of gas released when a pellet enters the plasma can trigger an ELM-like outburst. So it is possible to cut ELMs down to size by deciding where and when to aim your pellets. "You can decide to trigger these events frequently, making very many small ELMs," says Loarte. These smaller flares should be less damaging.

But this may not prove a perfect method of control: the ELMs might still eventually eat through ITER's inner armour, and a further line of defence could be needed. In 2006, at the DIII-D tokamak operated by General Atomics in San Diego, California, physicists discovered that they could prevent ELMs from happening altogether by using an array of small magnetic coils inside the reactor. Tucked in just behind the protective blanket wall, these coils produce small magnetic fields that perturb the surface of the plasma and somehow prevent the ELMs bursting out. "The theoretical basis for this is not yet clearly understood," says Loarte. Both methods have been developed further at the JET fusion reactor near Oxford, UK, but the ultimate test will be at ITER to find out if they can control ELMs without releasing too much plasma and shutting down the fusion reaction.

A more insidious hazard is posed by neutrons. As well as heating up the fabric of the reactor, high-energy neutrons from the fusion core will damage the crystal structure of anything they hit, potentially making a strong metal brittle and weak. The bombardment of neutrons generated by ITER will be more intense than anything ever seen on Earth - so will the reactor crumble away? Merola is confident that it won't. The blanket will be made from austenitic stainless steel - a type of steel also used in domestic cutlery - which has a resilient crystal structure that keeps its strength even if many atoms are knocked out of place. "Austenitic steel is very forgiving," says Merola.

Fusion remains a controversial goal, not least because of the expense of the research still required. ITER alone will cost more than $10 billion. Sceptics also like to point out that ever since the idea was first touted in the 1950s, fusion's promise of clean power has receded endlessly into the future.

The ITER team are now hoping to drag it closer to the present. If they can successfully hold a slice of the sun at the reactor's heart, we might finally be on the verge of getting usable energy out of this electric dream.
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Getting this thing up and running is not good enough.  It has to produce energy more efficiently than existing methods for it to be practical.


10 billion? that's less than "wallstreet" takes home in bonusses apparently.


Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on October 22, 2009, 12:21:05 AM
10 billion? that's less than "wallstreet" takes home in bonusses apparently.

Indeed. The main reason fusion has always been 50 years in the future is, no serious money has been spent on the thing. Without that pesky A. Hitler and his shenanigans the same thing would probably have happened to fission ("sure, it's a cool concept for 'Amazing Stories' but the eggheads say testing it would need getting together the better scientists of the world, several years of hard work, 130,000 workers and 20 billions; and they muttered something about keeping buried poisonous waste for 20,000 years...")

Mono is partially right, to be commercially viable fusion has not only to produce energy, it has to produce energy at a price low enough to compete. Still, if fusion energy is more expensive it would still be useful where price is a minor concern: for example in antarctic bases, spaceships or submarines (if the reactors can be made small and light enough, and that's a big 'if').


I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


That's what they get for letting the Professor from Gilligan's Island design the reactor.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Quote from: Neil on October 22, 2009, 06:13:15 AM
That's what they get for letting the Professor from Gilligan's Island design the reactor.

I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Quote from: Razgovory on October 22, 2009, 01:17:20 AM
The whole thing is nuts.
The burned coconuts being needed... Yeah, sure. I bet those are actually for some kind of energy drink for the scientists.   <_<


I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
A lovely bunch of coconuts I have
Big ones, small ones, some used for nuclear fuel...
Experience bij!


There is a girl at work that has huge coconuts.
Grand Duke of Lurkdom

The Brain

Fusion wants to be free. Keeping a lovely beast contained like that is not very ethical IMHO.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.

jimmy olsen

Quote from: Neil on October 22, 2009, 06:13:15 AM
That's what they get for letting the Professor from Gilligan's Island design the reactor.
Nice. :lol:
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Quote from: The Brain on October 22, 2009, 11:01:18 AM
Fusion wants to be free. Keeping a lovely beast contained like that is not very ethical IMHO.
Actually, it seems to me that in nature, fusion contains itself rather extensively.  What is a few metres of metal and concrete next to hundreds of thousands of kilometres of ultracompressed hydrogen?

Moreover, uncontained fusion has a very short, unhappy lifespan.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.