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Canadian Politics Thread

Started by crazy canuck, September 01, 2009, 04:52:33 PM

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Quote from: Josephus on September 11, 2009, 09:27:35 AM
As Iggy said:
"He treats every adversary as a public enemy who has to be destroyed, and so you wonder why it's difficult for me to continue to support him?" .

So Ignatief intends to have an election called because Harper is a meanie? 


Quote from: Neil on September 11, 2009, 06:41:43 PM
Quote from: Josephus on September 11, 2009, 03:01:29 PM
More people voted for other parties.
Yeah, but only one of those other parties counts.  The Liberals were defeated.  Thus, by right of tradition, Harper should wield absolute power over Canada, and all who oppose him should be imprisoned or executed.

Well...since you put it that way. I'm convinced.  ;)
Civis Romanus Sum<br /><br />"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Jack Layton 1950-2011


Quote from: Neil on September 11, 2009, 12:34:12 PM
Quote from: Josephus on September 11, 2009, 12:20:37 PM
What'sa matter, Neil, you can't grow a moustache?  ;)
Actually, I have an ever-so-trendy goatee.

Welcome to 1993. :thumbsup:


Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on September 12, 2009, 12:03:06 AM
Quote from: Neil on September 11, 2009, 12:34:12 PM
Quote from: Josephus on September 11, 2009, 12:20:37 PM
What'sa matter, Neil, you can't grow a moustache?  ;)
Actually, I have an ever-so-trendy goatee.

Welcome to 1993. :thumbsup:

He probably has a mullet too.  :D
Civis Romanus Sum<br /><br />"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Jack Layton 1950-2011

crazy canuck

Quote from: Barrister on September 11, 2009, 02:02:49 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 11, 2009, 11:10:03 AM
As I have argued in past threads when he had the chance to put right wing ideologues into the Courts he didnt.

We had our annual "bench and bar" session yesterday.  Guest speakers included Rothstein J. (SCC) and Fraankel J. (BCCA) - both of whom were Harper appointments.  I appeared in front of Frankel very briefly this past spring, but we haven't had any federal appointments up here yet so I haven't had an opportunity to assess how he's done.

I found both of the Justice's very interesting, and in their own way, very small "C" conservative.  Rothstein in particular was talking about conflicts, but spent a lot of time talking about "unintended consequences" and the limits of the court's power.  It was music to my ears.  :wub:

Frankel I know more by reputation, as he was a DOJ/FPS lawyer for 30+ years, and I saw his name on a number of emails when I first joined the department.

So based on a sample size of two, I'm quite impressed with Harper's appointments.  They are in no way doctrinaire appointments, and follow very closely to precedent.  But they are also appointments that Martin or Chretien would be unlikely to make.

It's not all superior court judge's, but I know more than a few that were appointed on the basis of long-standing support to the Liberal (or PC) Party.

I was in a constitutional case opposite Frankel. In a word, he was Brilliant.  We had the case won and then he started to talk....

crazy canuck

I heard Moe Sihota (a BC NDP heavyweight) talking this morning being complimentary about the Federal conservatives budget and their willingness to live with deficits for longer and saying the Iggy was an idiot for trying to force this election.

Translation - the NDP won't let this government fall and they will look good doing it because the Conservatives will give them some EI reform in return.


Is Moe still in the thick of it? I thought he was exiled to Vancouver Island TV. I think it's the right move for the NDP. Governance instead of posturing. If the Cons are willing to compromise, the others should be too. Personalities aside. plz. :p


So Harper is making a deal with THE SOCIALISTS is he now? :D
Civis Romanus Sum<br /><br />"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Jack Layton 1950-2011


Quote from: Josephus on September 15, 2009, 10:10:43 AM
So Harper is making a deal with THE SOCIALISTS is he now? :D
That's what the Liberals are trying to tell us.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Josephus on September 15, 2009, 10:10:43 AM
So Harper is making a deal with THE SOCIALISTS is he now? :D

Now that they are not acting like socialists.... :D

crazy canuck

Getting all kinds of conflicting reports in the media as to what is actually happening between the Conservatives and NDP.  If they both drop the ball on this and send us to the polls I will be very unhappy with both of them.

Of course the NDP has nothing to lose by that since it is very unlikely they would ever get my vote and I can't see myself voting for Iggy so I suppose the Conservatives have little to lose as well.

Just another meaningless election I suppose.


So if you won't vote NDP, Iggy or the Conservatives...whom would you vote for?

Oh, God, not the Greens?
Civis Romanus Sum<br /><br />"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Jack Layton 1950-2011


The Cons are sensing majority territory so they might be happy to let the Government fall - but if they do that they might end up sharing the blame for creating an election and wasting all that money on an election. 

And as for the Cons working with the NDP... that's a two way street - it's just as negative for the NDP who have been seen to stand against Harper at every turn.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Josephus on September 15, 2009, 12:05:14 PM
So if you won't vote NDP, Iggy or the Conservatives...whom would you vote for?

Oh, God, not the Greens?

They are as good a place as any to place a protest vote.


I see that politics is making strange bed-fellows again;)
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius