Putting on the Reich: An Axis Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe AAR

Started by Drakken, August 16, 2017, 10:14:59 PM

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They should have done that. The freaking Communists were Nazi fifth columnists thanks to the non-aggression pact.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."

Duque de Bragança

Quote from: Valmy on August 22, 2017, 10:51:18 PM
They should have done that. The freaking Communists were Nazi fifth columnists thanks to the non-aggression pact.

Actually, they did, Daladier, of Munich conference fame, décret-loi 26 September 1939.
Incidentally, some useful idiot named Guy Môquet later was branded a résistant due to post-war politics and all he did was parroting the PCF line about the capitalist war, as per Nazi-Soviet Pact Moscow guidelines. Vichy just used the Daladier law banning the PCF, law used to arrest his father.

Back to topic, on attend la suite Drakken, continue. :)


Axis Turn 4: October Mudfest

Shitty weather this turn. Europe is covered in mud, with rain pouring on the continent from Brest to Moscow. Only the British Isles, Spain, and the Italian peninsula are unaffected. This does impact the movement of my troops westward, exhausting them a bit more with each Forced March.

We are glad, however, that the bulk of the Wehrmacht is now half-way through Germany. We should start placing our OOB for Fall Gelb by the end of 1939.

We have also a report of where the British raider, a submarine, might be on the Norwegian coast - northwest of Bergen. Too far away to safely make a sortie, too small to really sting our war economy. So the Kriegsmarine is ordered to ignore it for the time being.

No buying of Units this turn for Germany, as we want to spare to buy a Medium Bomber unit next turn. It will be needed in our incoming operations against France and Belgium as it is the only Bomber with De-entrenchment value.

However, since Iraq is supplying war material to Britain we decide to invest in a diplomatic chit to put pressure on the King of Iraq to stop its war contraband. Each chit on a Minor costs 50 MPPs to invest, and has a 5% change to trigger successfully each turn. If successfuly, it could move Iraq's support away from the Allies, and perhaps even towards the Axis.

We see also the results of the Allies recent diplomatic blunders last turn. US support towards the Allies has decreased all the way down to 17% (from 22%), compared to 20% for USSR. Somewhat minor for the Soviets, but this might save us some precious time with the US when they get uppity against the Reich.

I also begin a Research line for Naval Warfare in Germany, to prepare against an eventual confrontation with the Royal Navy that is bound to happen if we intervene in Denmark and Norway. Costs only 100 MPPs, which leaves us 74 MPPs. This surplus should be enough for our purchase next turn.

Nothing much in Italy. Only Graziani's HQ is slowly reaching Naples. No spending as I have 100 MPPs in bank and I spare it for starting the Italian Infantry Weapons Research project. After that, I will start Reinforcing my Armies and my Tank Unit and start moving troops in Egypt. :homestar:

jimmy olsen

It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Allies Turn 4: Intermission

Absolutely nothing of note on the Allies turn - except a contact with a Mohawk-class Destroyer rushing westwards, north of Tobruk, that was sighted by our neutral Italian submarine. Where the hell is the Royal Navy? Are they on strike? Was Churchill kidnapped by a pack old, sex-crazed spinsters?

Oh yeah, and Stalin was really not pleased by the French government banning his useless Western minions the French Communist Party. Their mobilization rating has decreased yet again to reach a low 16% - even lower than the US. :lol:

That means that yet again, for another turn, our raiders are free and unmolested in the Atlantic. If this continues it will not be the hunter-killer fleets that will put a stop to our Happy Times, but my ships' own lack of supply forcing me to order them to port.


Axis Turn 5: Drang nach Westen

We reach the middle of November 1939, and the first units from Poland are finally reaching the Western borders. In the next few turns, we will begin refitting our battered troops to gear up for Fall Gelb. II Corps is now on the Dutch border, while both 3rd and 4th Panzer are now poised to strike through the Ardennes and Luxemburg.

Our Luftflotte have also reached the Western zone while our Medium Bombers are placed near Arnhem. Unfortunately, our Strike Range is currently at 9, barely away from the English Isles. Instead, we'll batter the Frogs' production cities instead.

As planned, a new Medium Bomber unit is ordered produced by the Reich's industries. They are expected to be come available in June 1940 - a bit late for France, but will surely useful when we get to Paris.

In the Atlantic, Deutschland has finally encountered an enemy vessel, 300+ km from the coast of Portugal, identified as a French Terrible-class destroyer squadron. Salvos were exchanged up-close with minor damage inflicted to the French squadron. While it was bound to happen one day this, hopefully, will attract the attention of the Royal Navy assets currently in the Atlantic, away from my submarines.

In Italy, having misscalculated the amount of MPPs I would get this turn we barely miss having enough MPPs to invest in Infrantry Weapons. This will wait next turn. In the meantime I refit my Ariete Tanks unit from 3 to 5 to buff it up a bit.

Meanwhile our submarine fleet reports that a British heavy cruiser is sighted nearby the aformented Mohawk-class destroyer squadron. Are they sortieing away from Alexandria, or going toward Gibraltar? Mystery... The Leonardo da Vinci (yeah, it's the sub's name) is ordered to go west along the Mediteranean convoy line to picket a few hexes East of Malta.

Ende for now.


Meanwhile, down in front of us on the Maginot line...



Que le grand cric me croque !


Allies Turn 5: Talvisota!

Soviet troops have penetrated Finnish borders south of Petsamo and in Suomussalmi, while the main thrust in Karelia seems to have been stopped in front of the strong Mannerheim Line. Unfortunately, because of the FOW we cannot witness the Soviet worldwide humiliation invasion. We have to evaluate from partial briefs and reports.

This drives the Soviet mobilization dips even lower, at 12%. Stalin really knows how to make new friends, maybe I should extend an offer of alliance against the West! Seriously, this buys us even more diplomatic space to take in Lithuania in 1940 without pissing too much the Bolsheviks.

Finally, the Allies have spotted one of my u-boats 100 km West of Vigo. U-47 has endured a barrage of depth charges from Light Cruisers and Destroyers alike, but with minor damage.

This, however, has distracted it from raiding and afforded some relief to the Allied war effort. U-47 will have to go into silent running next turn if it wants to survive, and all my ships are getting short of supply.


Quote from: Oexmelin on August 25, 2017, 02:44:30 PM

Private Guido is quitely eating his overcooked pasta under a palmtree with his favourite camel.


Axis Turn 6: O Tannenbaum, wie treu sind deine Blatter!

Unfortunately for our Luftwaffe, Winter has arrived. Heavy snowfall and early ice has pinned our aircrafts to the hangars, thus unable to make any sortie away to France. Lucky them. <_<

We use this break to start massing our troops nicely along the Westen borders. I direct my Armies along the main arteries, while Corps will cover the flanks and the rear with the goal of further softening and isolating weakened enemy units after the main Armies hit them.

My two Tanks units are now right in front of the Ardennes, ready to strike as soon as the order is given. 3 more will come to spearhead our offensive - one in the Netherlands, one in Belgium, and the last one as backup in the Ardennes.

I also puirchase 17th Army to complete my ordnance for Fall Gelb. The next turns will be solely dedicated with refitting my troops, with the upgrade of equipment when affordable. Priority is given to front troops (Tanks, Armies) and also to Medium Bombers, as they will be needed to soften Entrenchment values of the French defenses - and to weaken secondary strategic objectives.

All that I need for France is now in the pipeline and will be on-field by April 1940. Thus, as historically, I plan the beginning of operations against the Western powers on May, 1940.

U-47 is switched to Silent mode and escapes by going north. All my raider units start slowly going northward to head port. That said, I am considering staying them even on low supply, put until Jaunary 1940 before Norway is seized. I do not want to allow a Turn in which English convoys go to port totally unmolested - plus it draws British assets away from the North Sea.

Italy can now beginning researching more advanced Infantry Weapons, although those are active Technologies: This means I will have to spend MPPs to upgrade each unit individually when the time comes.


Allies Turn 6: Admiral Graf Spee, We Hardly Knew Ye

The good news is, that this is only a fluff historical event. Heavy Cruiser Deutschland is alive and kicking in the North Atlantic.  :)

Aside of that, Russia has been officially kicked out of the League of Nations for Stalin's invasion of Finland. Look on this historical picture how much these League of Nations representatives seem they care. The panic is palping.

If an British CVE-based fighter did not attack U-30 twice, on the convoy line from South America and the British colonies in the Carribean this turn, we would believe it is Russia which is at war with Great Britain and France, not us.


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Axis Turn 7: Looking forward the Summer 1940

We have refitted most of my units that were in position up to maximum strength. Cost me all of my current MPPs left, and still some are left to be reinforced. Meanwhile, my three HQs are slowly crawling toward our massed troops, which means I will not need to spend MPPs to Relocate them faster.

Because of the snow, we still cannot launch the might of the Luftwaffe in the air to soften France's rear area. Let's home the tents on the Western front are heated. <_<

Our raiders are almost all lined onto the supply line from Canada, concentrating to claim as many MPPs as possible to English before beginning to return home. U-47 has pulled out of Silent mode and it is now back on the hunt, too.

Graziani's HQ is now ready to be moved in Naples, ready to be transported to Tobruk next Turn. HQs are critical in regions with abysmal supply lines like Africa, so Italy needs 1, even 2 HQs to chain-line supply if it wants to have a fighting chance in Egypt.

Next Turn, we enter 1940. I promise you, the war will soon pick up.  :menace:


Quote from: Drakken on August 27, 2017, 05:15:24 PM
Next Turn, we enter 1940. I promise you, the war will soon pick up.  :menace:

True. Right now it has been like a logistics simulator. :D

Excited to see more action.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.