First big "holy shit" moment of the Trump presidency?

Started by Jacob, March 22, 2017, 03:32:16 PM

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What's the next big gamechanger for the Trump administration.

The US will a nice big bloody expensive war somewhere high profile.
3 (10.3%)
Some kind of Erdoganist/ Putinesque mangling of institutions, breaking democratic norms in permanent way.
2 (6.9%)
Significant economic crisis.
1 (3.4%)
Fumbling of a deadly natural disaster or health emergency on a national scale.
3 (10.3%)
Permanent major shift in international alignment - i.e. US withdrawing from the UN, seriously undermining or disbanding NATO et. al.
2 (6.9%)
Clear and incontrovertible proof of the Russian direct influence on Trump and senior administration.
6 (20.7%)
Large scale civil unrest - riots etc.
0 (0%)
A face turn - Trump does something competent that makes many of his critics accept that he's up to the job after all.
2 (6.9%)
Lurid personal scandal - clear evidence of Trump involved in incest, f. ex., or evidence of major corruption and abuse of power that makes even many of his supporters think he's gone too far.
1 (3.4%)
Breakdown of GOP discipline with the House and/or Senate openly hostile to and actively obstructing and investigating the Trump administration.
3 (10.3%)
A significant strike against the US, causing a major "rally around the president" effect.
0 (0%)
Something else (feel free to elaborate in a post)
0 (0%)
There won't be one. This is the new normal and the US will trundle along as is until another election changes the landscape.
6 (20.7%)

Total Members Voted: 28


Quote from: Jacob on April 14, 2017, 02:12:18 PM
Say Kim does some nuclear testing, because he can't back down.

Then Trump orders a little cruise missile strike because he can't back down either. Noting too bad, just a little hello a la Syria.

Then Kim fires back. Not all out, like trying to level Seoul, but he has to do something because otherwise he looks too weak internally. Maybe he strikes back at a nearby carrier group.

Maybe the dice come up high enough that they sink a destroyer or hit a carrier hard enough that it hurts - and makes the US look less than invulnerable.

Is there any way that that gets deescalated?

Why try to hit a ship out in the open ocean when you've got thousands of artillery pieces and missile launchers targeted on shit that's been paced off for years?  They know where the all barracks, depots, government buildings and critical infrastructure are located.

And no, China would not send in any ground forced that were never mobilized, because 1) it was a bullshit story, and 2) China will not let the North fall.  Not at this time, and in this manner.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 14, 2017, 02:36:10 PM
Quote from: Jacob on April 14, 2017, 02:12:18 PM
Say Kim does some nuclear testing, because he can't back down.

Then Trump orders a little cruise missile strike because he can't back down either. Noting too bad, just a little hello a la Syria.

Then Kim fires back. Not all out, like trying to level Seoul, but he has to do something because otherwise he looks too weak internally. Maybe he strikes back at a nearby carrier group.

Maybe the dice come up high enough that they sink a destroyer or hit a carrier hard enough that it hurts - and makes the US look less than invulnerable.

Is there any way that that gets deescalated?

Why try to hit a ship out in the open ocean when you've got thousands of artillery pieces and missile launchers targeted on shit that's been paced off for years?  They know where the all barracks, depots, government buildings and critical infrastructure are located.

And no, China would not send in any ground forced that were never mobilized, because 1) it was a bullshit story, and 2) China will not let the North fall.  Not at this time, and in this manner.

I could see China wanting to reorganize its puppet.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."

I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.