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What does a TRUMP presidency look like?

Started by FunkMonk, November 08, 2016, 11:02:57 PM

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Quote from: FunkMonk on July 17, 2018, 01:52:00 PM
Donald just reversed everything and said he was misinterpreted,

See, I figured all you guys (plus everyone else) misunderstood him.  Shame on you!
"If you can play a guitar and harmonica at the same time, like Bob Dylan or Neil Young, you're a genius. But make that extra bit of effort and strap some cymbals to your knees, suddenly people want to get the hell away from you."  --Rich Hall


Quote from: RT "expert"while the summit itself exemplified "the acceptance from the US of the new multipolar world."

OMG they really ARE wiping the floor with Trump, jesus christ  :lol:

crazy canuck

The real lesson here for US law makers and governmental types - make sure you are the last person Trump speaks to before he makes a decision.

The Brain

It doesn't matter what was said in that room, whatever Putin says was said was said. Trump didn't understand what was said (he conversed in English) and wouldn't remember it anyway, the US interpreter (did he use one?) will get sent to Machiavellian pound-you-in-the-ass gaol if he sings, and the Russian interpreter/bodyguard is loyal to Putin.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Remember, what Trump says and does are three entirely different things.
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Quote from: mongers on July 17, 2018, 04:44:21 PM
Remember, what Trump says and does are three entirely different things.

In this clarification I'm sure he said three entirely different things about what he did:
"Af alle latterlige Ting forekommer det mig at være det allerlatterligste at have travlt" - Kierkegaard

"JamenajmenømahrmDÆ!DÆ! Æhvnårvaæhvadlelæh! Hvor er det crazy, det her, mand!" - Uffe Elbæk


Quote from: Liep on July 17, 2018, 05:42:05 PM
Quote from: mongers on July 17, 2018, 04:44:21 PM
Remember, what Trump says and does are three entirely different things.

In this clarification I'm sure he said three entirely different things about what he did:

I like how he looks so sour having to read from a script someone prepared for him.


Quote from: mongers on July 17, 2018, 04:44:21 PM
Remember, what Trump says and does are three entirely different things.

OK, I liked that.  Good one, mongers.

Too bad it's not just funny, but true.

jimmy olsen

A totally normal candidate of a totally normal political party.

QuoteArizona Senate candidate who killed his mother supports 'good guys' with guns

A big crowd gathered in a Tucson church last week, ready to hear candidates' plans for gun-control legislation from people vying to become lawmakers at the Arizona state Capitol.

All was going more or less as expected. Then, it was Bobby Wilson's turn to speak.

Wilson, one of two Republican candidates who attended the July 9 meeting, took the mic and told a story of how he shot and killed a crazed attacker in an act of self-defense while a teenager.

That attacker, it turned out, was his mother.

He said his life story illustrates the importance of having "a good guy there with a gun" rather than gun-control legislation.

"You can pass all the laws you want to in this world, and when you've got somebody out there that wants to harm somebody, they're going to do it if you don't stop them," Wilson told the crowd.

The audience was shocked, as video posted online showed. The crowd, brought together by Moms Demand Action, a nationwide movement against gun violence, burst into boos and heckles.

But there is more to Wilson's story — a lot more.

The tale begins in Hugo, Oklahoma, in 1963, when Wilson was 18 years old. It includes charges of familial murder, a home destroyed by fire, years of amnesia and the start of a winding path that led a young man to a legal career and, now, ambitions to serve in the Arizona Legislature.

The candidate told only part of this story to the Tucson audience.

"(She) was hell-bent on killing me in my sleep one night. At three o'clock in the morning, I woke up to find a rifle in my face — a semiautomatic rifle at that — and the bullets started to fly, and I started diving for cover," Wilson said.

A clip of Wilson's remarks was posted on Twitter by a reporter with the Tucson-based Arizona Daily Star.

He said he dodged six bullets before reaching for the gun under his bed, which he then used to shoot his mother. He said if not for that gun, he'd be dead.

Both his 49-year-old mother and 17-year-old sister died that night, as Wilson recalled in a 2010 memoir about the event. The book, "Bobby's Trials," was published by Apache Publishing Company, a small Arizona-based publisher operated by Wilson's wife. The publisher has printed four other books by Wilson.

In his memoir, Wilson wrote that his mother suffered debilitating depression and fits of intense rage. He has also called her "deranged" and a "fugitive hiding in the backwoods of S.E. Oklahoma."

Court records and newspaper articles from the time suggest there may be more to the story than Wilson's account.

Those records show he was charged with the murder of his mother and sister, and soon after his arrest he confessed to those charges. He later recanted his confession and claimed he had amnesia about the events of the night in question.

The charges against him ultimately were dismissed by an Oklahoma judge.

What happened the night of the killing?

In an interview with The Arizona Republic, Wilson recalled more of his memories of the events that night at his childhood home.

Wilson said his mother, Lavonne Wilson, entered his room and repeatedly shot at him but missed.

While aiming for Wilson, he said his mother must have seen a shadow move, so she swung the gun. The rifle butt hit his younger sister, Judy Wilson, in the back of the head and caved it in, he said. Wilson said Judy had entered his room upon hearing the commotion.

More: Official: Parkland shooting suspect's mother let him buy gun

An autopsy found she was killed upon impact to the head, according to Wilson.

Wilson's mother continued to shoot at him, Wilson said. A few bullets ricocheted off two gallon-size containers of gasoline in the room and smashed them open.

The Wilsons stored gas in glass jars in Bobby's bedroom because it was the coolest area of the house, which had no air-conditioning, he said. Gas spilled all over the floor, Wilson said.

Wilson said he then grabbed a single-shot rifle from under his bed and fired at his mother.

He said an autopsy later concluded the shot hit her point-blank in the eye. Wilson then ran to the living room to call for help.As he turned on the light switch to reach for the phone, a spark ignited fumes from the spilled gasoline in the other room, he said.

"The house exploded," Wilson recalled.

According to Wilson, he was blasted through the living-room window and into a barbed-wire fence. He said he received a concussion upon impact and was found unconscious and taken to the hospital.

More: Most shooters got their guns legally, didn't have diagnosed mental illness, new FBI report says

Wilson said his mother and sister were found dead in the house's rubble. A medical examiner declared his mother dead from a combination of the bullet wound and burns, Wilson said.

Wilson said he was arrested by the county sheriff while in the hospital and was thrown in jail. With his two family members dead and he as the sole survivor — and unable at the time to recall what happened — Wilson said the sheriff blamed him and imprisoned him right away.

He said he spent seven or eight months in jail until his employer bailed him out. Wilson said he faced two trials, both of which he said were "inconclusive."

He said that at a third trial in 1973, all charges against him were dropped. He said the district attorney announced the state never had a solid case against him and was wrong all along.

According to Wilson, the district attorney and sheriff apologized for Wilson's ordeals and the judge dismissed all charges against him.

Newspaper, court accounts of killings are much different

Details reported at the time in a local newspaper, in addition to court records from Wilson's case, both differ significantly in numerous regards from Wilson's account to The Republic.

The Choctaw County Weekly, a publication that compiled articles from multiple area papers, published several stories about the events in the days following the deaths and fire.

The Choctow County District Court Clerk's Office also provided records about Wilson's case.

Court records list Wilson's last name as Wiste. Wilson said that was because his mother — who was a widow — had the family living under an assumed last name. He said he later changed his last name to Wilson.

According to the June 20, 1963, edition of the Choctaw County Weekly, after the fire at the house was extinguished, a water truck sprayed the site of the burned house to allow funeral workers to remove the remains.

According to the newspaper, the charred bodies of Lavonne and Judy Wilson were found lying together in bed "in a 'perfectly relaxed' position, indicating they died in their sleep from suffocation."

More: Feds: Russian operative tried to infiltrate National Rifle Association, other groups

The paper reported that neighbors heard the explosion and rushed to the house to find young Wilson lying in the grass, gasping for breath. The paper said he was suffering from smoke inhalation and had minor cuts and burns.

Initially, authorities anticipated no foul play was involved, but they proceeded with an investigation.

One week later, the paper reported that Wilson had confessed to murdering his mother and sister.

The paper said Wilson led officers to where he buried the rifle used to kill them.

After prompting by his boss at the meat market, "Bobby reflected a moment, and then slowly added that last jigsaw piece with this account — a story already put together by officers, needing only his stamp of authenticity," the Weekly wrote.

Wilson admitted to shooting his mother, according to the paper. Then, when his sister ran at him, he crushed her skull with his rifle butt. He placed the bodies on the bed, poured gas around the house and lit a match, the paper reported.

"It was Sheriff Thornton's tenacious insistence that the bodies be sent to the state crime bureau for examination that spoiled what otherwise could easily have been the perfect crime," the Weekly reported. "Reports showed death came prior to the fire and from causes that later proved completely accurate."

Wilson was tried on homicide charges.

Court records show that three years after he was charged with the murders, Wilson filed with the court for "mental incapacity to make a rational defense."

He claimed he suffered from amnesia during the time of the allegations, and with no clear memory of the night's events, was unable to plan his defense with attorneys or tell his side of the story.

The court ordered a jury to decide whether evidence supported Wilson's claims of memory loss.

Four days later, the jury returned its verdict: Wilson indeed suffered from amnesia, they said. The judge ruled Wilson was thus "not capable of proceeding to trial and making a rational defense."

The case was "suspended" until Wilson could regain enough memory to defend himself, the judge said.

More: Unlocked and loaded: Families confront dementia and guns

Seven years later, in late 1973, Wilson moved to dismiss entirely the charges against him.

According to court filings, his attorney argued that because the district attorney, state and district court had taken no action in seven years, he had been "deprived of his right to speedy trial." He added that his witnesses were no longer available because they had died. He motioned for all charges to be dismissed.

The court dismissed his case.

Wilson then moved to Texas for college and law school. After graduating, he practiced law in Texas for 20 years.

Last year, Wilson told the Green Valley News, a southern Arizona publication, that he regained all of his memory of the events in a momentous day as a lawyer.

He was investigating the case of one of his first clients, "who also had been falsely accused of murder," Wilson told the Green Valley News.

He said he was looking for clues in the woman's vehicle, when he smelled the combination of gasoline and blood.

"The horrible, nauseating smells off the car plummeted me back like a lightning bolt to that fateful night in my childhood, and all the memories flooded in," Wilson told the paper. "It was an incredibly disturbing experience, but it also brought relief: Now I had the truth."

Wilson told the Green Valley News that after his amnesia subsided, he could fully recount the events of that night in 1963. He proceeded to pen a book and tell his version of the story.

More: Judge temporarily blocks assault weapons ban in Chicago suburb of Deerfield

Wilson moved to Arizona in 1995 to teach law as a college professor.

According to his candidate website, he also owned a private-investigation agency in Arizona for 10 years.

The Maricopa County Community College District hired Wilson in 1995 as an adjunct faculty member in the criminal-justice department, where he remains active.

He teaches paralegals at Rio Salado College. He said he is a three-time recipient of a teaching award for adjunct faculty at the college.

More on gun laws, and an Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy

In the interview with The Republic, Wilson stood by his remarks about gun-control legislation and doubled-down on his belief that "good" armed people are "the only way" to stop gun violence.

"When I was in high school, all of the high-school boys had rifles and shotguns in their cars every day when they came to school, and nobody shot anybody at school, and nobody even thought about it," Wilson said.

"In today's world, we've got people walking into the public schools and public events and killing innocent people, and yes, the only way you can stop that is somebody better have a firearm to put a stop to it."

Wilson reiterated his belief that legislation will make no difference.

"I don't think you can control people's behavior by passing laws," he said. "They keep looking for a magic-bullet law that they can pass where it's gonna put an end to the killings and the gun violence, and they're not gonna find the magic bullet. There is no magic bullet."

In another take on American government, Wilson penned a 2016 book explaining his theory that the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was part of a government sting operation and that "a massive cover-up had occurred and possibly an innocent man executed."

Man who helped save Gabby Giffords responds

State Rep. Daniel Hernandez, D-Tucson, was seated next to Wilson at the forum — what Hernandez called "a bizarre meeting" — as both are running to represent Legislative District 2 at the Capitol.

Hernandez was an intern for former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in 2011 when she was shot in the head and almost died at a mass shooting outside a Tucson-area supermarket.

He is credited with saving her life. He applied pressure to her forehead wound and made sure she didn't choke on blood.

Giffords was in the audience at the forum.

Hernandez said he was "so confused" upon hearing Wilson's comments, and said he checked with Wilson after the event to make sure he heard correctly.

"I thought I had misheard him," Hernandez said. "We were just like 'Wait, what did he just say?!'

More: Two years after the Orlando shooting, young activists hold a die-in on the Capitol lawn

"Even though I was sitting right next to him, it just took me aback that at this forum put on by Moms Demand Action, when we were talking about common-sense gun-violence prevention, he was talking about how he had to kill his mother in what I take is self-defense," Hernandez said.

After his experience at the Jan. 8, 2011, shooting, Hernandez became an outspoken advocate for gun-violence prevention at the state and federal levels.

"The idea that we can't actually do anything as a policymaker is just something that baffles me to this day," Hernandez said.

Candidate: Giffords 'created a target'

Wilson said he was aware of Hernandez's story and knew that he "supposedly" helped Giffords in the moments immediately after the shooting. Wilson said he expected to be "booed and heckled" at the event given its focus on gun-control measures.

"I knew it was gonna be a hostile audience when I went," Wilson said. "I just thought, 'I'm gonna go in and tell them how I think, and they can throw rocks or bananas or whatever, I don't care.' " 

Wilson said Giffords should have had security with her at the 2011 supermarket meet and greet.

"She basically created a target," he said. "Anytime you have a group of celebrities or a group of people like at the forum last night, you better have security there. It's the same with a public school."

Wilson mentioned that an armed officer was present in the back of the church at Monday's forum, which he said made the boos after his comments seem "pretty hypocritical" and "ironic" to him.

But Hernandez said that even if armed people are present in a violent incident, they still may not act, be it for lack of training or for not wanting to add to the "confusion" in a mass-shooting event.

He added that the officer present on Monday was a trained professional.

"(Wilson's) notion of all you need is a good guy with a gun is I think just bonkers," Hernandez said. "It was utter shock at hearing a candidate talk about killing his own mother, and then also just being really surprised that he would come to this forum where gun-violence prevention was really the main topic."

District 2 is a Democratic stronghold encompassing parts of Pima County and Santa Cruz County, south of Tucson. All three Democratic incumbents are running for re-election this fall.

It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


"Af alle latterlige Ting forekommer det mig at være det allerlatterligste at have travlt" - Kierkegaard

"JamenajmenømahrmDÆ!DÆ! Æhvnårvaæhvadlelæh! Hvor er det crazy, det her, mand!" - Uffe Elbæk


QuoteUS offers no details as Russia claims Trump and Putin reached military agreements

Washington (CNN)Russia announced it was ready to pursue agreements reached by Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump "in the sphere of international security," though the White House and Pentagon would not confirm any agreements had been made or offer any details.

Trump and Putin met for about two hours during their summit in Helsinki with only translators present. It is still not clear what the two men discussed or agreed to during their meeting.

"The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is ready for practical implementation of the agreements reached between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump in the sphere of international security achieved at the Helsinki summit," Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, a Russian military spokesman, said in a statement Tuesday.

The Russian military "is ready to intensify contacts with the US colleagues in the General Staff and other available channels to discuss the extension of the START treaty, cooperation in Syria, as well as other issues of ensuring military security," Konashenkov said.

The National Security Council would not confirm what Trump had agreed to in the one-on-one with Putin. A spokesman for the NSC told CNN on Tuesday that they were still "reviewing the discussion."

"The Helsinki summit was the beginning of a process between the United States and Russia to reduce tensions and advance areas of cooperation in our mutual interest," the spokesman said. "We are reviewing the discussion between President Trump and President Putin, considering possible next steps, and have nothing further to announce at this time."

The Pentagon declined to comment.

Trump's Helsinki press conference with Putin, and his endorsement of the Russian President over his own intelligence services, has fed outrage and concern about Trump's motivations, as well as what transpired during the closed-door session. Those concerns are now yielding calls in Congress for Trump's translator to appear before lawmakers.

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat who sits on the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees, called for the Foreign Relations Committee to ask the administration to allow Trump's interpreter in Finland to testify before Congress.

"Yesterday, President Trump handed global leadership and stature —free of charge— to Vladimir Putin, a man who has spent his entire life working against the interests of the United States and who brutally suppresses and murders his own citizens," said Shaheen said in a statement.

"I believe the Senate Foreign Relations Committee should hold a hearing with the American interpreter who was present during President Trump and President Putin's private meeting to determine what was specifically discussed and agreed to on the United States' behalf," Shaheen said.

In an effort to clarify his comments about Russian election interference and US intelligence agencies, Trump gave a statement to cameras from the White House Tuesday in which he outlined in general terms some of his discussion with Putin.

The two men discussed "the range of issues," Trump said, "starting with the civil war in Syria and the need for humanitarian aid and help for people in Syria."

They also discussed the need to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions "and the destabilizing activities taking place in Iran," as well as Israel's security, North Korea and "the reduction of nuclear weapons throughout the world," Trump said.

He did not mention making any formal agreement with the Russian leader on military cooperation or anything else.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


I guess that's why he didn't want to have an American translator present.

Can he really make deals with a foreign power without any kind of oversight?


Quote"We are reviewing the discussion between President Trump and President Putin, considering possible next steps"

Translation: "We're trying to sort through this insane garbage and have no fucking clue what we can do about it."
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

The Larch

Quote from: jimmy olsen on July 17, 2018, 09:15:44 PM
A totally normal candidate of a totally normal political party.

QuoteArizona Senate candidate who killed his mother supports 'good guys' with guns
Wilson, one of two Republican candidates who attended the July 9 meeting, took the mic and told a story of how he shot and killed a crazed attacker in an act of self-defense while a teenager.

That attacker, it turned out, was his mother.
The audience was shocked, as video posted online showed. The crowd, brought together by Moms Demand Action, a nationwide movement against gun violence, burst into boos and heckles.

Oh, the irony.