Congratulation On Your Retirement, KRonn ; Who's Next?

Started by mongers, November 03, 2016, 08:42:22 PM

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Congratulations on  your retirement, KRonn. :cheers:

So who here is next in line for greener pastures/being put out to grass.  :P

And to widen the question out a bit, what you do if you suddenly had to retire tomorrow?

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Let me know how playing video games goes for you in your retirement, that being my dream :P

That and spending time with my family and traveling. Maybe writing my memoirs.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."

Ed Anger

What the hell. Congrats.

I suggest religious mania, Justinian style.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive

Eddie Teach

I'm semi-retired; my only "job" right now is getting my blood cleaned 12 hours a week.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Congrats, KRonn.  You're a member of an ever-shrinking phenomenon.


Quote from: mongers on November 03, 2016, 08:42:22 PM

And to widen the question out a bit, what you do if you suddenly had to retire tomorrow?

Burn a big fat bowl
"there's a long tradition of insulting people we disagree with here, and I'll be damned if I listen to your entreaties otherwise."-OVB

"Obviously not a Berkut-commanded armored column.  They're not all brewing."- CdM

"We've reached one of our phase lines after the firefight and it smells bad—meaning it's a little bit suspicious... Could be an amb—".


Thanks!  :)  My last work day was last Friday, October 28. My co-workers gave me a great party on Tuesday with a generous gift. On my last day I made the rounds talking and saying good bye to my friends and co-workers that I was close with. I'll maintain friendships with some, and see them at times or talk via email. 

My last couple of weeks in work seemed to drag by, I guess because I could feel that I was leaving so it was like waiting for something which makes it go by more slowly.

So far retirement is good, like a vacation at first though I definitely feel more like retired than on vacation. I don't yet have too many new things going on. Right now more like catching up on stuff and getting some rest. But I do feel like I have so much freedom now and don't feel rushed trying to fit things in with a work schedule. It feels good!  :)


I have been working on early retirment the whole time by living below my means.  Things are progressing well, I think.  I can pull the plug now even, IF I am willing to subsist on instant noodles for the rest of my life.  I am essentially working to ensure that I have some vegetables and coffee to go along with the instant noodles. 

I imagine that I will be very busy after retirement.  Every time I take leave I feel I don't have enough time to do the things I want to do.  Anime, exercise, games, food, music etc.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 03, 2016, 08:56:35 PM
Congrats, KRonn.  You're a member of an ever-shrinking phenomenon.

Yeah, I see reports that show more people of retirement age working longer, or more retirees going back to work through need or desire. I may get some part time work after a while but it won't be anything demanding. One of the managers asked if I wanted part time work next year as they go through a major upgrade. That is if they have to hire contractors/consultants. Since I know the work I'd be doing it won't really be demanding, but they may need people to do some grunt work. It'll just be a couple/few days a week as I doubt I'll want to do more. So we'll see on that.


Quote from: Monoriu on November 03, 2016, 09:01:31 PM
I have been working on early retirment the whole time by living below my means.  Things are progressing well, I think.  I can pull the plug now even, IF I am willing to subsist on instant noodles for the rest of my life.  I am essentially working to ensure that I have some vegetables and coffee to go along with the instant noodles. 

I imagine that I will be very busy after retirement.  Every time I take leave I feel I don't have enough time to do the things I want to do.  Anime, exercise, games, food, music etc.

Good plan, good luck. I always made sure I was putting money away also. Mainly through my job's 401k plan. Many companies offer those. I'll miss the pay check but that's ok, I'll be fine. I was so ready to leave anyway. It was partly the ever increasing work load that helped me decide and I just didn't have the desire to bust my butt anymore and it was going to get a lot worse with more big projects coming. Mentally and physically I was quite ready to retire.


"If you can play a guitar and harmonica at the same time, like Bob Dylan or Neil Young, you're a genius. But make that extra bit of effort and strap some cymbals to your knees, suddenly people want to get the hell away from you."  --Rich Hall



Quote from: KRonn on November 03, 2016, 09:06:45 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 03, 2016, 08:56:35 PM
Congrats, KRonn.  You're a member of an ever-shrinking phenomenon.

Yeah, I see reports that show more people of retirement age working longer, or more retirees going back to work through need or desire. I may get some part time work after a while but it won't be anything demanding. One of the managers asked if I wanted part time work next year as they go through a major upgrade. That is if they have to hire contractors/consultants. Since I know the work I'd be doing it won't really be demanding, but they may need people to do some grunt work. It'll just be a couple/few days a week as I doubt I'll want to do more. So we'll see on that.

I see far too many retired people working--and not working to keep busy, I mean working. As in the cash register at a grocery store.  The kitchen at the local mega-convenience store.  The clothes steamers and sewing machines at the clothier warehouse I was working at a couple years ago. And these aren't the "Hey, life begins at 65!" types of seniors.  These are the elderly.

And I don't care what the Free Marketeer assholes, the Wall Street cocksuckers and other conservatards say: there is no good and compelling reason for the elderly to be working real jobs, laborious jobs in this country.  Not this in this day and age.  Not for healthcare, not for money to live.  It's immoral and an obscenity.


I have read that the first year in retirement is a high risk period.  Some people just can't cope with the abrupt life changes in stress levels, social status and interpersonal relationships. 


Agreed CDM. Many retirees have to keep working. Even at my workplace many people would tell me they feel they'll have to work long after retirement age.