The Utility of Olympic Sports and Skills in Modern Life?

Started by mongers, August 16, 2016, 06:02:42 PM

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Any suggestions as to how useful the various Olympic sports and their necessary skills are in modern day to day living?

100m,200m,400m sprints - just change the finishing line for that of a bus or train one needs to catch.

Pole vaulting - I'm struggling with this one, perhaps useful if you live in rural Netherlands or Bangladesh and want to try taking a few short cuts.

Dressage - I can see no use for this, admittedly there are horsing riding skills involved, but the other olypmic horse events more directly demonstrate those.   
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I saw them pole vault across the river on Dual Survival.
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Quote from: mongers on August 16, 2016, 06:02:42 PM

Pole vaulting - I'm struggling with this one, perhaps useful if you live in rural Netherlands or Bangladesh and want to try taking a few short cuts.

The long jump would be more appropriate. Or rather, realistically estimating your ability to jump. Swimming ties in quite well, too.

Phillip V

alfred russel

Quote from: Maladict on August 17, 2016, 02:26:53 AM
Quote from: mongers on August 16, 2016, 06:02:42 PM

Pole vaulting - I'm struggling with this one, perhaps useful if you live in rural Netherlands or Bangladesh and want to try taking a few short cuts.

The long jump would be more appropriate. Or rather, realistically estimating your ability to jump. Swimming ties in quite well, too.

I'm not sure the purpose for the triple jump. When you have to jump over 2 short creeks followed by a big one?
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-garbon, February 23, 2014

The Brain

Didn't Alvarado supposedly use the pole vault during La Noche Triste?
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On a serious note in an otherwise trivial thread, I recall one Polish (?) concentration camp inmate who used an improvised pole to vault over the wire to the outside, I think he might have been a champion athlete, the Germans caught him, forced him to do it again and then murdered him.  :(

This may have been at Sobibor ?
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