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Started by Syt, July 30, 2015, 10:12:50 AM

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Quote from: Jaron on May 11, 2016, 12:47:47 AM

Is there any point to running excess credits? I always try to keep myself as close to 0 as possible.

Energy is becoming a problem point for me later in the game, as I get a much larger navy and lots of building upgrades. I'm even considering setting up a trade for it with my neighbors.


So how stable are big empires? Are you facing factions and unrest?


I get strikes (reduced production) and riots (destroyed buildings) relatively often but no downright rebellion yet.


I think factions and the like are one good target for a development in a DLC - this could easily deal with complaints that the game is too boring during the mid-game phase. Consider all kinds of cool stuff that could be added, potentially depending on the government type - parties competing with each other in democracy; great houses plotting in a monarchy; branches of bureaucracy and the ecclesiarchy vying for influence in a secular or theocratic government (think the Cult of Machine, the Holy Church of Terra and the Administrativium in the Empire of Man).


Yeah, the faction system feels lean at the moment. It has a lot of potential. The entire POP/Faction system feels like they are dipping their toes in Vicky territory again, but being too afraid of going full steam ahead (for good reason, probably).

jimmy olsen

Quote from: celedhring on May 11, 2016, 02:39:06 AM
Yeah, the faction system feels lean at the moment. It has a lot of potential. The entire POP/Faction system feels like they are dipping their toes in Vicky territory again, but being too afraid of going full steam ahead (for good reason, probably).

It is much more transparent than in Victoria. The pops are right there out in the open, and you'll never have more than 25 on any one planet. I think they have much more potential than the pops in Victoria ever had.
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Yeah, I meant that I believe they learnt from their mistakes in Vicky, and thus are offering up a more transparent and lean version of that system. They will probably wait and see how it is received before adding complexity to it.


I don't know, I find Vicky 2 to be vastly underrated.  Even now I can fire up a game and be totally engrossed for the entirety of it.  Yes, it has a lot of problems, but nothing that can't be solved with intelligent design, IMO.



There are so many areas that you could really flesh out some of the gameplay. I don't mean that as a knock on the current game, which is a blast, but rather there are lots of places that could really be fleshed out and add some very interesting choices.

The combat system is a prime example. The current system is pretty cool, but very limited in its results. Ships just fly at each other and shoot until they are dead. Would love to see this look a lot more like actual "naval" combat. Why don't ships break off when they are badly damaged? Why don't ships decline in capability from damage - the damage model seems to be just a straight up hit points model.

I would love to see fleet engagements have more variability in outcome, while being less decisive in that outcome. Fleets should not fight until one is wiped out, and there should be results other than simply dead and not dead. I suspect that right now if I had two fleets with identically capable ships where one fleet is 50% larger than the other, the larger fleet wins 10 out of 10 times. That should not really be the case, IMO.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


They sold 200,000 units on the first day, which is a record for Paradox. They promise lots of expansions.


Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


You know the one thing I wonder about this game is how replayable it will be.

The thing about EU or CK is that even though the game play was basically identical, there was always another country you could play as.  Being England, or France, or Venice all had huge differences in your own mind so they would always feel like a new game.

Here, the difference between being an avian alien vs a fungoid alien doesn't seem nearly as strong.

Mind you given it takes, what, 40-80 hours to play a single game that's probably a nice problem to have.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


If it takes 80 hours to play a game, I'll just have finished one or at best two when the first expansion comes out in a couple of months. I am such a casual these days... :(


So, so far I keep restarting a lot. But I need a guidance - which traits should I pick for my empire of man? Xenophobe and what? Collectivist, militarist and spiritualist all kinda fit.