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Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Started by Norgy, May 06, 2015, 02:16:58 AM

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It is called "freedom", you should try it in America.  :hug:


Okay. Here is a review.

It is bloody excellent. With emphasis on blood.

While you start out in quite a fashion and with Sir Hans at your side, you will soon be just Henry, buck naked.

Things can only get better. And they do.
Quest-wise, this is the best game I have played since Morrowind. And that is, what, 20 years ago?
The fear of being out of arrows, potions, your sword being broken and whatever armour you have torn to shreds is rather palpable.

There is a level cap, at 30, for every skill. Lugging around huge amounts of wares that I never really managed to sell since I was too overloaded to fast travel and then was overwhelmed by bandits, well, it did raise my strength a little, at least.

The map is huge, by any means, and it instilled the sense of wonder I first had when playing Bethesda's Morrowind and Oblivion. What's around that woodland? Where do I go from here? Should I risk carrying extra weight, since it depletes my stamina?

Getting Henry up to reasonably okay-ish stats is quite a task. But while there is some lack of hand-holding compared to most RPGs, you will after a short while settle into the fetch, get stronger and bring back some miserly item in the side quest. Or solve some mysteries and save someone even less powerful than you.

Graphics, voice, sound overall, they are superb.
And I get a feeling of wanting Henry to succeed. The politics of Bohemia are at the centre of the questline, and while that is really, really far down on my list of "Stuff I know a little about", it is a good, entertaining way to learn a little.

It would have been truly excellent if someone had made a similar game about the days of the Kalmar Union.

I'd like to just congratulate those who have made this game, and say it beats The Witcher III and is on par with Red Dead Redemption 2 when it comes to atmosphere and the overall experience.

There are several subgames, like alchemy, dice, smithing and fight clubs. I really liked the smithing part, although getting raw materials can be a chore. Dice? I have read the rules several times, and still DO NOT GET HOW BOHEMIAN YATZEE WORKS.

Expect more than 200 hours of enjoyment out of this. Even if the game doesn't give you too many "bad" or "good" options when making choices.