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Wrapping up the IRS scandal

Started by Jacob, June 27, 2013, 05:14:31 PM

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Quote from: Admiral Yi on June 27, 2013, 10:38:53 PMBTW, how many threads have you started now about the utterly final and complete end of the IRS scandal?

I don't know. Didn't you count them?


In any case, Yi, if you're not interested in discussing the IRS scandal you're not obliged to post in threads about them. Personally, I'm somewhat interested in how it plays out and there are some posters on languish who offer lucid analysis of American politics at times; I'm interested in hearing what they say.

That includes you, when you're in the right mood, by the way.

Admiral Yi

WTF??  I just posted at great length about the IRS scandal and this particular article.  I'm about the only person who actually posted anything in this thread.

Now if you're not interested in hearing any opinions about the issue that don't agree with your own, it would be helpful if you made that clear at the beginning.


Quote from: Admiral Yi on June 27, 2013, 11:31:04 PM
WTF??  I just posted at great length about the IRS scandal and this particular article.  I'm about the only person who actually posted anything in this thread.

Now if you're not interested in hearing any opinions about the issue that don't agree with your own, it would be helpful if you made that clear at the beginning.

I'm totally interested in hearing your opinion.

I did, however, read your "how many threads have you started" to mean "shut up about this already." If that was not your intention, I apologize for misreading it and responding accordingly.

Admiral Yi

My intention was to suggest that you might not want to be so quick to proclaim it dead in future.  So not totally benign.


Quote from: Admiral Yi on June 27, 2013, 11:57:57 PM
My intention was to suggest that you might not want to be so quick to proclaim it dead in future.  So not totally benign.

The dynamic is basically like this: I frequent a few other places on the net, and some of them skew a fair bit further to the left than languish when it comes to politics. When something is brought up there - or something is presented there as factual - which I find interesting, I often bring it here to see how it stands up to languish scrutiny (especially if it involves US politics).

That was definitely the case here. I mean, I never found the case convincing, so the "deliberately or echo-chamber manufactured" narrative seems believable enough to me as a thesis. But yeah, I thought it worth it to subject it to the languish fire, so to speak.

I take it you object to the thread title, and think there's still some potentially flammable material somewhere in all of this? So it's too early to wrap it up?

Admiral Yi

There's the thread title for one thing.

Another is your comment in the OP about wondering if it's accurate, since, as I explained to Raz earlier, even if it's 100% accurate (which i tend to believe) the conclusion doesn't follow from the facts.  I would have hoped you could have seen that yourself.

I don't get your "potentially."  My understanding of the case is that a couple people in Cleveland admitted to targeting TP groups for extra scrutiny.  That's a bad thing.  That's the scandal.

Is there more?  I don't see any signs that there are, but the scandal is still there.

The Minsky Moment

Quote from: Admiral Yi on June 27, 2013, 10:14:40 PM
the confessions of middle managers in the Cleveland office

Did they all get transfered from Cincinatti?
The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.
--Joan Robinson

Admiral Yi