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The Irish Catholic Church or 60 Years of Sodom

Started by Martinus, May 21, 2009, 01:21:51 AM

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QuoteIrish abused 'cheated of justice'
Victims of child abuse at Catholic institutions in the Irish Republic have expressed anger that a damning report will not bring about prosecutions.

The report, nine years in the making and covering a period of six decades, found thousands of boys and girls were terrorised by priests and nuns.

Government inspectors failed to stop beatings, rapes and humiliation.

John Walsh, of Irish Survivors of Child Abuse, said he felt "cheated and deceived" by the lack of prosecutions.

The findings will not be used for criminal prosecutions - in part because the Christian Brothers successfully sued the commission in 2004 to keep the identities of all of its members, dead or alive, unnamed in the report.

No real names, whether of victims or perpetrators, appear in the final document.

" It documents a shameful catalogue of cruelty: neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, perpetrated against children "
Cardinal Sean Brady Leader of the Catholic Church in Ireland
Mr Walsh said: "I would have never opened my wounds if I'd known this was going to be the end result.

"It has devastated me and will devastate most victims because there are no criminal proceedings and no accountability whatsoever."

Police were called to the Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse's news conference in Dublin amid angry scenes as victims were prevented from attending.

The victims were among 35,000 children who were placed in a network of reformatories, industrial schools and workhouses until the early 1990s.

More than 1,000 people had told the commission they suffered physical and sexual abuse.

'Self-serving secrecy'

The five-volume study concluded that church officials encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders' paedophiles from arrest amid a "culture of self-serving secrecy".

The commission found that sexual abuse was "endemic" in boys' institutions, and church leaders knew what was going on.

It also found physical and emotional abuse and neglect were rife in some institutions.

Schools were run "in a severe, regimented manner that imposed unreasonable and oppressive discipline on children and even on staff".

It found the Department of Education had generally dismissed or ignored complaints of child sexual abuse and dealt inadequately with them.

As far back as the 1940s, school inspectors reported broken bones and malnourished children but no action was taken.

The report proposed 21 ways the Irish government could recognise past wrongs, including building a permanent memorial, providing counselling and education to victims, and improving current child protection services.

The leader of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, said he was "profoundly sorry and deeply ashamed that children suffered in such awful ways in these institutions".

"This report makes it clear that great wrong and hurt were caused to some of the most vulnerable children in our society," he said.

"It documents a shameful catalogue of cruelty: neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, perpetrated against children."

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, said those who perpetrated violence and abuse should be held to account, "no matter how long ago it happened".

"Every time there is a single incident of abuse in the Catholic Church, it is a scandal. I would be very worried if it wasn't a scandal... I hope these things don't happen again, but I hope they're never a matter of indifference," he said.

QuoteAbuse report - at a glance
The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse was established in 2000 to investigate allegations of abuse at Catholic-run children's institutions in Ireland.

The main findings were:

Physical and emotional abuse and neglect were features of the institutions.
Sexual abuse occurred in many of them, particularly boys' institutions.
Schools were run in a severe, regimented manner that imposed unreasonable and oppressive discipline on children and even on staff.
Children were frequently hungry and food was inadequate, inedible and badly prepared in many schools.
Many witnesses spoke of being constantly fearful or terrified, which impeded their emotional development and impacted on every aspect of their life in the institution.
Prolonged, excessive beatings with implements intended to cause maximum pain occurred with the knowledge of senior staff.
There was constant criticism and verbal abuse and children were told they were worthless.
Some children lost their sense of identity and kinship, which was never recovered.
Absconders were severely beaten, at times publicly. Some had their heads shaved and were humiliated.
Inspectors, on their occasional visits, rarely spoke to the children in the institutions.

QuoteIrish church knew abuse 'endemic'
An inquiry into child abuse at Catholic institutions in Ireland has found church leaders knew that sexual abuse was "endemic" in boys' institutions.

It also found physical and emotional abuse and neglect were features of institutions.

Schools were run "in a severe, regimented manner that imposed unreasonable and oppressive discipline on children and even on staff".

The nine-year inquiry investigated a 60-year period.

About 35,000 children were placed in a network of reformatories, industrial schools and workhouses up to the 1980s.

More than 2,000 told the Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse they suffered physical and sexual abuse while there.

The leader of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, said he was "profoundly sorry and deeply ashamed that children suffered in such awful ways in these institutions".

" It has devastated me and will devastate most victims because there are no criminal proceedings and no accountability whatsoever "
John Walsh Irish Survivors of Child Abuse
"This report makes it clear that great wrong and hurt were caused to some of the most vulnerable children in our society," he said.

"It documents a shameful catalogue of cruelty: neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, perpetrated against children."

The five-volume study concluded that church officials encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders' paedophiles from arrest amid a "culture of self-serving secrecy".

It also found that government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation.

The findings will not be used for criminal prosecutions - in part because the Christian Brothers successfully sued the commission in 2004 to keep the identities of all of its members, dead or alive, unnamed in the report.

No real names, whether of victims or perpetrators, appear in the final document.

Police were called to the commission's news conference amid angry scenes as victims were prevented from attending.

One of the many victims, John Walsh of Irish Survivors of Child Abuse, said the absence of prosecutions had left him feeling "cheated and deceived".

"I would have never opened my wounds if I'd known this was going to be the end result," he said.

"It has devastated me and will devastate most victims because there are no criminal proceedings and no accountability whatsoever."

More allegations were made against the Christian Brothers than the other male orders combined.

The report found child safety was not a priority for the Christian Brothers who ran the institutions, the order was defensive in its response to complaints and failed to accept any congregational responsibility for abuse.

Ritual beatings

The report said that girls supervised by orders of nuns, chiefly the Sisters of Mercy, suffered much less sexual abuse but frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless.

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, said those who perpetrated violence and abuse should be held to account, "no matter how long ago it happened".

" The reformatory and industrial schools depended on rigid control by means of severe corporal punishment and the fear of such punishment "
Mr Justice Sean Ryan
"Every time there is a single incident of abuse in the Catholic Church, it is a scandal. I would be very worried if it wasn't a scandal... I hope these things don't happen again, but I hope they're never a matter of indifference," he said.

The commission said overwhelming, consistent testimony from still-traumatized men and women, now in their 50s to 80s, had demonstrated beyond a doubt that the entire system treated children more like prison inmates and slaves than people with legal rights and human potential.

"The reformatory and industrial schools depended on rigid control by means of severe corporal punishment and the fear of such punishment," it said.

"The harshness of the regime was inculcated into the culture of the schools by successive generations of brothers, priests and nuns.

"It was systemic and not the result of individual breaches by persons who operated outside lawful and acceptable boundaries.

"Excesses of punishment generated the fear that the school authorities believed to be essential for the maintenance of order."

The report proposed 21 ways the government could recognise past wrongs, including building a permanent memorial, providing counselling and education to victims, and improving Ireland's current child protection services.

Catholics: biggest scum on the face of Earth? Discuss.


Of course they are scum.  But no more than the rest of humanity.  Whenever there is power but no checks and balances, people will abuse such power. 


Quote from: Martinus on May 21, 2009, 01:21:51 AM

Catholics: biggest scum on the face of Earth? Discuss.

Nope, that honor is taken by Gay polish lawyers.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


Quote from: katmai on May 21, 2009, 01:32:50 AM
Quote from: Martinus on May 21, 2009, 01:21:51 AM

Catholics: biggest scum on the face of Earth? Discuss.

Nope, that honor is taken by Gay polish lawyers.
What's a "Gay polish"? Is this some hair product?


These people agree with Marty.
QuoteIreland is notorious for being huge supporters of the evil monstrosity that is the Catholic "church." Some 92% of Ireland's 4.1 million people proclaim themselves to be Catholic.  You can't get much more demonic than supporting an institution that damns souls to Hell on a daily basis. These churches support adultery by granting annulments to husbands and wives who deal treacherously with each other, despite Christ's teaching on the subject: Luke 16:18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery. This is just the tip of the iceberg; the Catholic Monster also endorses idolatry/Mariolatry, the lie that God loves everyone (despite Ps. 5:5, Rom. 9:13, and many more), infant baptism, unmarried priests, and so many more anti-Bible doctrines.

However, the worst part of the Catholic Monster would definitely have to be the fact that the priests "secretly" rape little boys and girls, and their parents pay the priests to do it! Moreover, these rapists' fellow false prophets cover it up and are enraged by the fact that that this sick tradition is being exposed. Come and hear the sick saga of Father Ollie (Oliver O'Grady), who was deported back to Ireland from the U.S., after spending 7 years in prison for sodomizing hundreds of kids while a priest. O'Grady worked with Roman Catholic Archbishop Mahoney of the Southern California diocese, which recently settled cases of Priest Molestation for $640 million (2/3 of a billion dollars). "Father Ollie" was transferred from parish to parish for fresh supplies of kids to molest for many years. According to the film, "Deliver Us from Evil," "Father Ollie" is still a Catholic priest in good standing, well respected throughout Ireland where he lives on a pension and an annuity - a bribe, if you will - to keep him quiet about all the criminal molesting of little kids by the thousands.

You can bet Ireland is DELIGHTED to have this old pervert priest living out his retirement years in Ireland, where he is celebrated like a retired rock star celebrity. Jeff Anderson, an attorney representing hundreds of abused kids in litigation for more than twenty years, says in the film, "Deliver Us from Evil," as follows: "Every day, every week, I learn of another child molested by a cleric who hasn't been disclosed before this day, and my belief is, that there are not hundreds, but there are thousands of offenders yet to be exposed and disclosed still roaming the churches in the landscapes in this U.S., and tens of thousands worldwide." (And one of the biggest child-molesting-priest nations - worldwide - is Ireland.) Jeremiah 5:29-31 Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord; shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as thisA wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so, and what will ye do in the end thereof? ? For more on the Catholic Monster, see and this video on that explains the evil of Catholics.

Ireland is in so much trouble for their outrageous sins and lies. They are beyond salvation because they refuse to repent. Jeremiah 6:15 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD. The time of Ireland's visitation by a raging mad God is nigh at hand. Ezekiel 7:3,4 Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations. And mine eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity; but I will recompense thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee; and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

citizen k

Quote from: Syt on May 21, 2009, 02:18:17 AM
These people agree with Marty.

:lol: from their website:

QuoteAnd the Chaff-People they outsourced to other nations have spread their idolatrous tendencies far and wide.  One need look no further than Bill O'Reilly in the United States to get just the picture of this phenomenon:   That bloviating big mouth, worshipping "Mother Nature" rather than God (i.e., giving that man-made creature power over the Sovereign God), and doggedly promoting the great whore Catholicism (while trying to minimize the harsh reality of the pedophile and other perversion growing strong in that satanic hothouse), is classic Irish.