She wont take me back or even TALK to me, help!! (short story)

Started by Jas0nx420, May 21, 2009, 01:09:08 AM

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 So theres this girl Victoria right.. that i'm like totally in love with, and have been for really almost 2 years now.  Anyways, we first met at work.. where we started talking and soon became really close friends.. I mean, close enough to the point where we would often even cuddle and sleep together(no sex).. after about a year of this I did something that in hindsight, probably wasn't the best idea.  I just couldn't control myself!  I basically spilled my guts and told her how I felt.  There was this sort of awkward feeling in the air.. and in not so few words- told me that she really only saw me as a friend.  OUCH.  I acted like it was ok no problem, but this really screwed my head up, and I noticed after I said that we were still real close but she began to distance herself a little.

So at this point im in this sort of paniced frenzy.  I start scouring the internet for advice or guidance.. and I came across this one website: .. Which is this online dating/attraction learning course type thing.  So long story short I wound up signing up for it... Much of the info, lessons, and things it teaches you didn't quite click or make sense to my logic at the time.  But after my amazing screw-up.. I was jus like fuck it, nothing much to lose.  So I started employing these methods.. And long story short.. this shit worked fucking INCREDIBLY.. I can't quite explain it, this girl just ate it all up.  All I can say.. at least for me, everything we think females want, or like, or what makes sense.. you can bet is almost the EXACT opposite.  It's incredible.  Women are really strange ill-logical creatures.. no offense to any girls out there.  Anyways, after a couple months of this going back and forth we eventually wound up in a relationship, and even had sex a couple times.. it was amazing and so surreal it all happened so fast... so onto my question-

I guess with my newfound "game" .. I got a little too ahead of myself and wound up meeting this girl off myspace and ended up having sex with her.. Then one day Vic was at my house and I left my myspace page open.. she went snooping and discovered EVERYTHING.. I don't even know what I was thinking when I decided to go off and do this.. but she confronted me, I was dumbfounded lost for words, she smacked me SO hard across my face, told me she hated me n never wanted to speak 2 me again.. then left.  I truly am sorry I could give a shit about this other girl.  For the past week I've been trying to contact her every day and shes COMPLETELY avoiding me.. it's driving me fucking insane.  I had everything I ever wanted and totally fucked it up .. Is there any way to turn this thing around?? =(  Help!


This one sucks.  Where's LanguishChick33 or whatever it was?


Not again! Look, Jason,  even if you are a bot you should change your ways with girls. I would suggest you start changing your nick; naming yourself after 'Friday the 13th' killer is not cool, is stupid.


Further proof that the mod powers on this forum are only slightly weaker than a paper bag.