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Polish man buries girlfriend alive

Started by Brazen, December 07, 2011, 11:39:40 AM

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Never trust a man called Marcin :P

QuoteBuried Huddersfield woman 'sure partner would kill her'

A woman who was buried alive in a cardboard box has told a jury she was sure her partner was going to kill her.

Michelina Lewandowska, 27, said was left inside the box in a shallow grave in woodland near Huddersfield for about half an hour before she escaped.

A jury at Leeds Crown Court had heard that Ms Lewandowska was put in the box by her partner, Marcin Kasprzak, 25, after he attacked her with a stun gun.

Mr Kasprzak and Patryk Borys, 18, from Huddersfield, deny attempted murder.
Hand holes

Miss Lewandowska, who is Polish and spoke through an interpreter, told the court: "I am sure that he was going to kill me."

Julian Goose QC, for Mr Kasprzak, had suggested to Miss Lewandowska that his client had only ever intended to scare her.

Mr Goose reminded Miss Lewandowska that the box she was put in had two hand holes through which she could breathe.

Miss Lewandowska replied: "I can tell you now that they were not left specially or intentionally for me to live."

The court had earlier heard that after Tasering her and taping her hands and feet, Miss Lewandowska had been placed in the boot of a car by Mr Kasprzak, of Penistone Road, and Mr Borys, of Rashcliffe Hill Road, and driven to the wood.

The jury was told that the pair buried the box containing Miss Lewandowska in a shallow grave with a tree branch placed on top, but that she had managed to escape and flagged down a passing motorist.

Miss Lewandowska described how she managed to pull the cardboard box apart and get out using her engagement ring.

Prosecutors earlier told the jury: "In a nutshell, this case is about a young man who got bored with his partner, the mother of his child, and he decided to get rid of her."

The case continues.


The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


QuoteProsecutors earlier told the jury: "In a nutshell, this case is about a young man who got bored with his partner

Do British prosecutors have a flair for understatement?  :lol:

Darth Wagtaros


crazy canuck

There is a punchline about a Pole using an airtight box full of holes but I am not sure what it might be. :hmm:


0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


QuoteI am sure that he was going to kill me.
And she was buried in a shallow grave after being put in a box with holes? Psssssssh.