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World of Tanks

Started by Threviel, June 13, 2011, 06:05:24 AM

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Quote from: Berkut on October 11, 2011, 06:25:53 PM
Quote from: Tamas on October 11, 2011, 03:41:08 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 11, 2011, 02:55:55 PM
Don't get me wrong, the JagdPanther was not a terrible tank or anything - I had pretty good success with it. Over 1k/match, 70something percent hit rating. It just wasn't as good as I thought it would be. It does not dominate its tier level by any means.

Why should it dominate it's tier? If more than one tanks are dominating, they cease to be dominating so are you asking for imbalance? :P

Besides, I am not sure I agree. I have no fear of taking on anything in my tier, if I have a shot at using my advantages (distance/concealment/accuracy). And relying on those is not worse than the IS relying on zerging close so with its relative mobility so it can derp gun at a range where it can actually hit something, for example.

If it is "awesome" it should do something other than be simply as good as the other vehicles in its class, right? Or rather, not quite as good as the other vehicales in its class?

It is awesome because it is fun to play with. All the tier sevens are fun to play with? That's great, I'll believe you on that.


Battle of Moscow event is coming, from the 14th 'til the 17th.

Damn, I bought my IS like a week ago, and I am nowhere near to farming out the PzIV, and I am more interested in the Sherman anyway, when it comes to farming useless mediums. I dread the Pershing and the Patton, I want to eventualy own them.


I kill three wallet warriors in one battle, and not a peep of approval from  :berkut::(


You done good, padawan. Now get a microphone.
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I just had a game in my E-50 where I got 20/20 shots/hits. 780 XP in a match we lost, and I did not get a single kill.

I think I took 4 different heavies from 100% to 10%.
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Well. It's official. I am in love with the Wolverine.

Mid-tiered tank on Siegfried, I found myself excellently positioned in the city to enfilade the flanking advance. About 8 tanks raced across the open and I popped 76mm rounds into them like it was going out of style. The utter and savage rape...  :D :lol: :D :lol:


I'm on my SU-8 and we're winning, but they get a Lowe into our base area.  I'm hiding in a bush someplace and the Lowe isn't even aiming at me as he's too busy engaging a T25 that's playing defense.  What do I do?

I gun it, full-speed ahead, and park a shell into him at point-blank range.  Kaboom!
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien


Meh.  I once killed a light tank that was rushing our base, by ramming him with my Priest.  Now that was amusing.


I once killed a light tank that was ramming me with a point blank shot, but the splash damage killed me as well. Which really was kind of cool.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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Jsut got Kamikaze on my KV-3. I was playing peekaboo with an IS-3 on the town in Lakeville when I accidentally ran backwards into a circling, damaged T-44 as I tried to put a corner between me and the enemy heavy before he reloaded. :lol:


That is awesome. The only thing that could have made it better would be if it was a Type 59.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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I once blasted a medium that was in the process of ramming me, knocking him down to about 1%, so that when he rammed me he essentially killed himself...


I got my Kamikaze badge when, IIRC, I was in some bullshit tank that was rammed by an IS-3 that suddenly appeared over a hill. Didn't even see him coming and BLAMMO. Killed himself.


Damn, I'm making a crapload of cash thanks to the Moscow event. :)


An elite KV is a cash cow *before* you double its credits...
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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