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Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword

Started by JonasSalk, May 03, 2011, 02:12:40 AM

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The latest patch was some sort of Turkish language change shit.  Not a real patch.

Anyway, the way to make money is to run huge caravans from various cities.  Furs from north to the southeast, oil from west-southwest to northeast, velvet and spices from southeast to northwest.  Big big money in doing that.  Do it about 10 times and money is no problem.

Also, control + spacebar is the best "cheat" ever.  Holy fuck.

I turn the damage down on me so that I can survive longer against the guns until they patch it.  If the damage is down, it isn't that big of a deal if you're going really fast on a horse.


ctrl and space?

And yeah, I've thrown damage down too now, feels like cheating though :(


It isn't cheating to want to avoid being one-shotted by every little peasant piece of shit with a gun out there.  They need to learn to respect their betters by doing less damage to me when I have a full suit of armor on.

According to a video I saw online, shields can block bullets.  I haven't tested that, but it sounds like a good idea.

Anyway, yeah, control + space on the map while you're traveling speeds everything up about 5 times.  Makes travel in the game way way more bearable.



EATRC handles guns much better, making them deadly, but usually inaccurate. Unless you have a whole line of gunners or cannoneers, who massacre shit. :D


I can't seem to make any money with caravans short distance- buy for 3000, sell for 300....yeah. And can't be bothered with going all the way across the map. GAH.


1.  Yeah, guns in the game are still quite inaccurate, which is realistic, since the game is based in the 1650s.

2.  Tyr: You don't do caravans short-distance. Here's what you do first. Go to a place that sells furs for less than 200 apiece.  Buy a ton of them and go to the Crimean areas and buy up all the spice and velvet you can find if it's cheaper than 200.  Same with salt.  Now sell those in the northwest.  Once you have about 10k or so, start doing caravans with the same goods, say from Koenigsberg or Reval to Sich or Bakhchirasay with furs, then from the reverse with salt/spices/velvet.  Then pay for the trade patent.  The game says it costs 4500, but it's actually 45000--the game has a typo in it.  Buy that patent when you have around 60k or so, because that will increase your profits substantially.  BOOM.  Mega money.


how do you couch lances in this? Just going super fast doesn't seem to do it anymore...


Going really fast in single-player with a lance couches them automatically.  You have to have a horse better than the starter one and be going at a fairly rapid pace.  Also, some of the "lances" can't be couched.  I recommend using either the cavalry lance or hussar lance, as the others don't seem to work.

Pro-tip: Couching is NOT automatic in multiplayer.  When you have a lance selected, watch for the dot at the bottom of your weapon screen to show as white/clear, rather than red. When it's clear/white, couch the lance by pressing X.  Lots of people don't know this, so I've been able to pwn motherfuckers in MP using this trick, because I'll get the hussar lance and be able to ride them down with ease...unless they shoot me.


Aha, they've restricted the sorts of lounces that can be couched in this one. Would have thought simple lance would...oh well, will have to search for one that does. Ta

The red thing and pressing x was from warband iirc.


Ah, didn't know that. This is the first M&B I've played.