[Canadian Election Results] Harper vs Iggy vs the 'stache

Started by Barrister, May 02, 2011, 04:43:06 PM

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Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2011, 11:14:15 PM
And as far as I can tell the Conservatives got 50% or more of the vote in Western Canada, from 47% in BC, to 67% in Alberta.  So not that many Westerners.

Surely you must understand that even 67% does not equal every?


Quote from: Grallon on May 02, 2011, 11:06:04 PM
C'est incroyable comment ces gens ne comprennent rien parce qu'ils ne veulent rien comprendre! *hoche la tête*
Don't overstate your case there.  It's not like the seperatist point of view is the only legitimate one in Quebec.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Jacob on May 02, 2011, 11:08:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2011, 10:54:52 PMToday, every Westerner loves Toronto and Ontario. -_-

The most Western riding is trending NDP (more than 60%) with 104/250 polls counted.

Edit: Actually, no, the Western most riding is the Yukon and they look like they're going Con. But there are plenty of Westerners who aren't happy with the GTA and Southern Ontario swing to the Conservatives.

Really?  I am not sure what the final vote count will be in BC but it looks close to be a majority of Conservative seats here and certainly in the rest of the West.

I think what BB is referring to is the fact this is the first time, at least in my lifetime, that voters in Ontario and the West are of the same view.  I just heard Elizabeth May say the voters wanted change and that one fact is certainly a big change.


Quote from: Jacob on May 02, 2011, 11:07:18 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2011, 10:55:38 PMBut petty? :huh:

You do come across as quite petty on Canadian politics, yeah. I mean, you're a decent guy and we know that, but you seem to approach politics like the fan of a sports team which leaves you open to seeming petty.

I don't know what to say about that.  I am NOT non-partisan, and I am not unbiased.  I am an enthusiastic supporter of the Conservatives.  And a night like tonight...  21 years ago I remember going out to Reform Party meetings when we were some wacky fringe party who had just elected our first MP in a rural Alberta by-election, and in Manitoba we were polling low single digits.  And now... with so many of the people from Reform in power - we ARE the government.  At times I didn't think it would take this long, but at times I never thought it would happen.

I am passionate about politics.  If that makes me seem like a sports fan, there's not much I can do about it.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Grallon on May 02, 2011, 11:06:04 PM
C'est incroyable comment ces gens ne comprennent rien parce qu'ils ne veulent rien comprendre! *hoche la tête*

Ce qui m'étonne toujours, c'est l'assurance avec laquelle on se prononce sur les forces et les mouvances québécoises, en n'en ayant que ce qui m'apparaît qu'une compréhension finalement limitée. Il ne viendrait à l'idée de personne de pontifier sur la vie politique d'un pays étranger dont on ne comprendrait pas la langue, et pour lequel il faudrait se reposer sur de rares commentaires d'interprètes autorisés. Je lis l'anglais, et je m'intéresse à la vie politique canadienne (ce qui déjà n'est pas commun au Québec...) et je suis toujours très prudent à avancer des analyses sur ce qui peut bien expliquer la politique ontarienne ou britano-colombienne.
Que le grand cric me croque !


Elizabeth May being elected is a negative.  Still, I'm certain she's a one-term wonder.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Quote from: Jacob on May 02, 2011, 11:15:26 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2011, 11:14:15 PM
And as far as I can tell the Conservatives got 50% or more of the vote in Western Canada, from 47% in BC, to 67% in Alberta.  So not that many Westerners.

Surely you must understand that even 67% does not equal every?

Which is why I didn't use the word "every", or even "none". :mellow:
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Neil on May 02, 2011, 11:15:29 PM

Don't overstate your case there.  It's not like the seperatist point of view is the only legitimate one in Quebec.

You know I do think you're the most lucid of all Canadians here.  And it is to your credit.  You are right of course, Quebecers did chose to give Canada another chance, in a way.  But judging by your peers' reactions, it's only a matter of time before another disillusion materializes.  One has to plan for the long term.  ;)

"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel

crazy canuck

Quote from: Neil on May 02, 2011, 11:19:36 PM
Elizabeth May being elected is a negative.  Still, I'm certain she's a one-term wonder.

I dont think so.  She is a reasonable candidate and the Greens will get a lot more exposure because of her election.  It will also be a signficant issue for the Liberals and NDP to consider as they decide how to unite the left.


Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2011, 11:18:43 PMI am passionate about politics.  If that makes me seem like a sports fan, there's not much I can do about it.

I do not share the usual Languishite's scorn of partisanship. I think it is commendable to stand for a party, and play the game of politics. But there is a difference between a sports fan that will gracefully shake hands with the losers, and a hooligan that screams "you lose, suckers!" to the other team.

(That being said, I think you go only unfrequently into "hooliganism" territory).
Que le grand cric me croque !

crazy canuck

Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2011, 11:00:46 PM
Quote from: Grallon on May 02, 2011, 10:58:02 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2011, 10:55:38 PM

But petty? :huh:

Rejoicing at the weaknesses of others  BB, since it must be spelled out for you.

If it's wrong to rejoice at the weakness of separatists, then I don't want to be right.


I see it differently.  I think the NDP victory in Quebec is exactly what the separatist side needed.  The status quo was not working for them.  If the NDP screw up, which is almost certain given all the rookie MPs they will have going to Ottawa, the Provincial Separatists will have a field day.

Rex Francorum

Quote from: Neil on May 02, 2011, 11:15:29 PM
Quote from: Grallon on May 02, 2011, 11:06:04 PM
C'est incroyable comment ces gens ne comprennent rien parce qu'ils ne veulent rien comprendre! *hoche la tête*
Don't overstate your case there.  It's not like the seperatist point of view is the only legitimate one in Quebec.

But it is indeed annoying to always overanalyzing the Bloc' or the PQ's outcome as a sign of the high/low vitality of the independantist idea. It is true to a certain extent.
To rent


Quote from: crazy canuck on May 02, 2011, 11:26:32 PMIf the NDP screw up, which is almost certain given all the rookie MPs they will have going to Ottawa, the Provincial Separatists will have a field day.

They already have, in no small part thanks to the Provincial Liberals' tremendous ineptitude. A lot of the quality MPs of the Bloc will no doubt turn to Provincial political life. It is going to be interesting to see how the massive Quebec support to the NDP (nearly two thirds of the NDP caucus!) will transform (or not) the party.
Que le grand cric me croque !


And I think I gave only one strong prediction - that the NDP wouldn't be able to translate their support in Quebec into seats because they didn't have any ground support.

With 60 Quebec MPs, I clearly was dead wrong.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: crazy canuck on May 02, 2011, 11:22:40 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 02, 2011, 11:19:36 PM
Elizabeth May being elected is a negative.  Still, I'm certain she's a one-term wonder.

I dont think so.  She is a reasonable candidate and the Greens will get a lot more exposure because of her election.  It will also be a signficant issue for the Liberals and NDP to consider as they decide how to unite the left.

My friends out there voted for her.... :ph34r:
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son