Children of the 50s, 60s, 70s. Health habits compared to today? Lol...No way!

Started by KRonn, July 06, 2009, 02:00:30 PM

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I see these kinds of stories all the time, and find them quite :yawn:

Things were different in the past.  Huge, huge surprise!

It wasn't the boomers who grew up horrified by the thought of Armageddon.  We left that for our parents.  As a kid, I never gave it a thought.

The one striking difference I can see in the youth of today os how entertwined they are in their parents' lives.  Growing up, I was never like that.  In summer, I would leave the house at dawn, come back when the streetlights came on (we thought the whole purpose of streetlights was to tell kids to go home), and never, ever got a ride to baseball practice, school, piano rcitals, etc.  The idea that i would ride in a car when there was a prefectly good bicycle to ride (rain or shine) never occurred to me.

I think parental involvement came when college became such a big deal, and therefor getting the right skills to get into the right college became an issue for parents.  Talking with peers from a more elite beckground, they were as involved in their parents lives (and vice-versa) as kids today.  I just never sweated that whole deal.  Neither of my parents had been to college, and they 9and I) knew that if I was going I would have to figure out a way to get into college and pay for it.  Luckily, I had a rich uncle who took care of the latter.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar
