The Evil That Are Wires - old vs new technology

Started by mongers, December 01, 2013, 07:26:14 PM

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"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"



When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone ?  I use my land line as my normal phone. 

How many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile ? I use cell phones rarely, keeping mine mainly as an extra and for when traveling, away from home.

When was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax ? I send faxes in work and have capability to send them from my home computer printer.

When did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter ?   Long ago. Probably in high school learning to type, or in one of my early office jobs.

Do you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed ? I use digital camera now but will use film too. Just don't take many pics anyway.

When did you last print photos on a pc linked printer ? I haven't done that lately but still do, though not often.

Do you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing ? I moved to cable a long time ago, probably thirty years ago. 

Do you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio ?   I listen to AM radio a lot. In my area AM has news and talk stations. I listen to FM often also. Though I find the I-Pod takes some place from the radio listening. 

If you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself ? I haven't had a car with points, condenser, distributor cap, etc for many years. I used to do my own tuneups, changing out those parts. 

When was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player ? Long time ago. I only had a few records and gave those away long ago. I probably still have some old records but no player. I do have some cassettes and play them once in a while.

When did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc ?  Probably twenty years ago when I played in a softball league. 


Quote from: KRonn on December 04, 2013, 08:18:32 AM

If you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself ? I haven't had a car with points, condenser, distributor cap, etc for many years. I used to do my own tuneups, changing out those parts. 

Yeah I miss that, plus if you breakdown somewhere ,there's always the possibility of fixing the problem yourself, rather than having to call a tow truck.
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"