Anyone played Kentucky Route Zero yet? Impressions?
It just became available on Steam after going through the Greenlight process...I'm thinking of plunking down for it based on the gameplay vids I've seen, but I'd be interested in some other opinions too.
I read blurbs about it, and had to think of Lettuce (underground civil war battleship populated by cats? Mew!).
Yeah, I played some demo for the second act.
Oh well.
I really liked it. First act is creepy as shit.
I may get it.
I may no longer have the patience for point-and-click adventure games.
What was the last one you played that you really enjoyed?
Sam & Max Hit The Road
Quote from: Jaron on March 02, 2013, 05:05:27 PM
What was the last one you played that you really enjoyed?
Grim Fandango.
The Walking Dead game is great, but it's relentlessly negative. Please note: I stopped about halfway through Chapter 2. Couldn't take the (very well-crafted) bullshit.
Hmm. If you haven't tried these, you might like them.
The Silver Lining is a fan made sequel to the Kings' Quest series. If you liked Kings Quest, you'll probably enjoy it. I didn't finish it, but I enjoyed playing it. It's FREE.
Jack Keane is 10 dollars on Steam. I think it aims to be a successor in some ways to Monkey Island. Only instead of a pirate theme, it has a British Empire/India theme. However, it is silly like MI so not really good if you're one of those who likes an air of seriousness in your adventure. It is absolutely a silly game from its characters to its plot, but I had fun with it.
The adventure genre really has dried up, and it makes every failed attempt to make a new one that much sadder.