I mentioned in the another thread about seeing a white hart/buck on my way through the forest last week.
Anyway today I had an unusual encounter, coming home across another county I encountered a large red deer stag standing on a bridge.
Odd as they're not found in that part of Dorset, whereas there are a couple of herd over in my the area of my home county of Hampshire.
I stopped 30 yards short to try and get a photo in the dusk, also so as to not spook it, as there's a road crossing 800 yards further along this old railway. So I waited for it to disappear for heading off to find out where it had come from.
I say that because a few fields over some farmer is attempting to breed them, so in probability it was an escapee, hence my reluctance to spook it.
I didn't find the nearest farmhouse, though not of the actual farmer, but left a message for them to pass on about the risks of a possible hole in the fencing.
I guess the other option was it a wild stag that had been attracted to the area by the scent of other red deer.
Odd to see much a beast in a relatively densely populated area.
Nice coming back through the forest last night with the bike light lighting up the fog as I cut through it; quiet, empty and pleasantly eerie. :)
At night the coyotes can be heard in the wooded field outside the apartment. I like to sling there on good weather like today; I just got back. :)
My roommate almost hit a deer on the way home a couple days back. The wildlife is over-abundant.
Quote from: Lettow77 on November 17, 2012, 03:32:42 PM
At night the coyotes can be heard in the wooded field outside the apartment. I like to sling there on good weather like today; I just got back. :)
My roommate almost hit a deer on the way home a couple days back. The wildlife is over-abundant.
I had to thread my way through some horses this evening, I think they like standing on the warm tarmac.
Isn't it mating season for deer roundabout this time? The bucks get all horny and brave and manly and shit.
Odd, I haven't crossed the River Stour in Dorset in about 45 days, normally I pass over it a two or three times a week, indeed I've probably not come with a mile of it since early October. :hmm:
I think it's because the conurbation is on the other side of it, I've changed my routine and I've been spending more time in the countryside, so I've not felt inclined to go into the large town/city.
And whilst the river is no barrier, it's acts like a subconscious boundary between different states of mind ? :unsure:
Quote from: Tamas on November 17, 2012, 04:37:13 PM
Isn't it mating season for deer roundabout this time? The bucks get all horny and brave and manly and shit.
Quote from: mongers on November 17, 2012, 07:00:32 PM
And whilst the river is no barrier, it's acts like a subconscious boundary between different states of mind ? :unsure:
Could be.
Or you need to cut back on the pot :P
A couple of days ago I travelled up the river Avon, my river, to check on it's condition; a little bit of local flooding here and there, what you'd expect in water meadows/flood plain, but the flow looked within what you'd expect for the time of year.
With normal or bit above rainfall, I'd hazard next spring and summer the valley should be 'looking' good; much better than the last 3-4 years of poor winter rains, when it looked so dried out.
I had some hunters on my lands. Without permission. They weren't too pleased when I showed up with my vassals heavily armed. My AK said get off my farmland and my finger was mighty itchy.
The ground is too firm for digging six foot holes right now.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 28, 2012, 07:22:30 PM
I had some hunters on my lands. Without permission. They weren't too pleased when I showed up with my vassals heavily armed. My AK said get off my farmland and my finger was mighty itchy.
The ground is too firm for digging six foot holes right now.
You should start your own thread, you could call it oh I don't know, 'Deliverance Territory'. :D
I was out and about. Deal.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 28, 2012, 08:04:55 PM
I was out and about. Deal.
Then I shall have to start posting in your Day-Tone thread. :P
Yesterday I took some landscape photos and the day tone of the light was just right ....
Go right on ahead.
Breaking News:
There's a Great White Egret in the meadows here, I knew it must be rare, given the number of twitchers that have been plodding up and down the lane the last couple of days. :)
I usually got 3-4 blacktail deer within 50 or so meters of the house on any given evening year round. All I would have to do step out on the deck and shoot. It would be venison in the freezer. But I have deemed my 3 acres a demilitarized zone. So they get a pass.
Quote from: mongers on November 07, 2012, 08:35:17 PM
Odd to see much a beast in a relatively densely populated area.
Pfft, while walking my dog last night came across a Bull Moose traipsing around looking for some food in downtown Anchorage.
Did you eat it?
We have muntjack deer (descended from escapees from Woburn safari park in 1925) in our local park, making eerie barking noises. In summer there was a jay just outside my back door and a green woodpecker when I came out the front door. In spring, the bit of the New Rover Loop I live on is like a sample set of British water birds and their babies, including herons. I love my bit of the suburbs. :bowler:
Quote from: Syt on December 07, 2012, 12:11:14 AM
Did you eat it?
I did not, i let it go on it's merry way after i shut up my silly dog that want to bark at it.
Quote from: katmai on December 07, 2012, 04:55:37 AM
I did not, i let it go on it's merry way after i shut up my silly dog that want to bark at it.
Pretty waterlogged around here, what with living in a river valley.
Couldn't do much today, as I had three fillings at the dentist and the drugs took ages to wear off, couldn't make a business proposal to someone whilst soundings like a mummer.
So instead I went up valley to check on the state of the river, great fun, cycling through the floods and negotiating the fords, actually a nice mild, not too windy afternoon, just a bit drizzly at times.
Of course every other person in town is going loopy, OMG the floods, doom I say etc. Forgetting this has and should happen at least every other year, it's what British weather and rivers do. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on December 06, 2012, 07:11:48 PM
There's a Great White Egret in the meadows here, I knew it must be rare, given the number of twitchers that have been plodding up and down the lane the last couple of days. :)
It probably wants to be left the fuck alone.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 20, 2012, 03:20:26 PM
Quote from: mongers on December 06, 2012, 07:11:48 PM
There's a Great White Egret in the meadows here, I knew it must be rare, given the number of twitchers that have been plodding up and down the lane the last couple of days. :)
It probably wants to be left the fuck alone.
Yeah, it's not exactly rare, maybe I should spray paint one of the local herons white ?
To my eye it would then be the exact same bird. :cool:
I knew it was 'bad', but I didn't know it was this bad, I've not owned and driven a car for 14 years 5 months ! :gasp:
It get worse, I'd always thought of myself as a car owner/driver type person before I gave them up and decided to use bikes and public transport.
It turns out on examining historic business records/receipts (you have to keep them for nearly decades in the UK), it wasn't really a consistent pattern, there were lots of little few month periods when I did without or had company vehicles to borrow when needed.
So in total I've only been a car/vehicle driver for 8 1/2 years of my adult life and I've been qualified to drive for more than 26 1/2 years. :blush:
On the bright side, hopefully Garbon will never talked to me again. :P
I was always looking forward to getting a car so much. Then I turned 18 and didn't have any money to get a license.
Then when I did have the money I couldn't be bothered, and now, at 33, I still don't care. :)
Urban driving sucks. But then, I'm sick of any driving.
Quote from: Maladict on December 24, 2012, 09:42:54 AM
I was always looking forward to getting a car so much. Then I turned 18 and didn't have any money to get a license.
Then when I did have the money I couldn't be bothered, and now, at 33, I still don't care. :)
Though it can be a bit of a disadvantage living in a rural area or in a part of Europe without a thoughout/intergrated transport system. :bowler:
I'm holding out till those driverless cars become available to the general public :cool:
We've been without a car for just under a year now. We rent or borrow a car when necessary, but otherwise, we generally do okay. That being said, because I can't ride a bike, I'm usually relegated to walking when the busses aren't running/don't go where I need to be, which is often very slow. An hour commute on foot when it could be a 10-minute drive or a 20-minute bike ride can become a serious detriment to my going at all, which is annoying.
I desperately want a car once we can afford one again, but Max is dead-set against it. I want to be able to travel on a whim, something that is just impossible without a vehicle. Max doesn't think the expense is worth it. I rarely push for anything, but on this one, I will be. I'm all for public transportation and walking, but there is a limit and I think I've reached it. :mad:
Cars are so 20th century. They're for the poors and the rich.
Hope I never have to get one.
Why can't you ride a bike Meri :hmm: ?
Quote from: Tyr on December 24, 2012, 10:56:37 AM
Cars are so 20th century. They're for the poors and the rich.
Hope I never have to get one.
You live on a tiny island - both in the UK and Japan - where having a car isn't nearly as essential. I live in a country where one can literally drive straight through 36 hours and still not make it from one side of the country to another, even without going over the mountains. It isn't uncommon to take a weekend trip to visit the folks, driving five hours one-way.
Not only that, but our public transportation is limited to the city that you live in with few exceptions. Having a car is pretty much essential in the majority of the US, with the exception being very large cities like New York City and Chicago.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on December 24, 2012, 11:13:38 AM
Why can't you ride a bike Meri :hmm: ?
Back and hip issues. Not an option for me... ever.
Quote from: merithyn on December 24, 2012, 11:15:48 AM
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on December 24, 2012, 11:13:38 AM
Why can't you ride a bike Meri :hmm: ?
Back and hip issues. Not an option for me... ever.
Ah, ok :(
I'd get a car if I lived in the States too (unless it was Manhattan), probably a gun too depending on the state.
Not knowing your finances, the 99/mo lease of the smart car might be up your alley.
Tell max to stop being a hippie.
I could see myself owning/driving a car again, thought the CBA in terms of time and convenience would have to be pretty persuasive.
Out and about on the edge of the forest, mulling things over in my mind, I go through a ford and look up and there's this large buzzard 20 ft above me, sailing slowly left to right into the teeth of a Sou-Westerly; a pristine condition bird, all the under-wing detail clearly visible against a winter's soft blue white sky.
I wonder if this was an omen as to what I should do, or was the bird just intent on bothering the nearby crow ? :)
Sounds like a lovely vision.
If it's an omen, what does a buzzard a harbinger of?
Quote from: merithyn on December 27, 2012, 09:24:26 PM
Sounds like a lovely vision.
If it's an omen, what does a buzzard a harbinger of?
All the archaic Greeks are dead, so I don't know all. :D
Quick Google search says: Spring. :blink:
Quote from: merithyn on December 27, 2012, 10:37:44 PM
Quick Google search says: Spring. :blink:
That's good enough for me. :)
I'm assuming that's for the vulture like buzzard, over here a buzzard is a rather different bird. :bowler:
Indeed, it seems what you call a buzzard, we call the generic "hawk".
Quote from: Tonitrus on December 27, 2012, 11:27:47 PM
Indeed, it seems what you call a buzzard, we call the generic "hawk".
Seriously?? Well damn....
Okay, hawk means someone's out to cheat you in a clever way, according to a couple of websites, so be on your toes.
Quote from: merithyn on December 27, 2012, 11:39:36 PM
Okay, hawk means someone's out to cheat you in a clever way, according to a couple of websites, so be on your toes.
He should go to a fortune teller for a more precise answer.
He could always pull a Futhark Rune or a Tarot card on his own, if he's got any handy. Or an Ogham Rune, too, for that matter.
"I say! You are in need of a soothsayer."
Or he could just enjoy the beauty of his area without the need for hocus pocus. :)
Mongers, do you have a camera?
Quote from: merithyn on December 28, 2012, 09:58:08 AM
Or he could just enjoy the beauty of his area without the need for hocus pocus. :)
Mongers, do you have a camera?
He left it in the car.
Quote from: Jacob on December 28, 2012, 07:14:36 PM
Quote from: merithyn on December 28, 2012, 09:58:08 AM
Or he could just enjoy the beauty of his area without the need for hocus pocus. :)
Mongers, do you have a camera?
He left it in the car.
Might as well, as bikes have destroyed two of my cameras; now anything vulnerable has to go in a messenger bag on my back.
Now that's it milder, managed to get out and do 20km up the valley yesterday, so nice to not have freezing hands and nads.
Off out to see how much mud is about following the heavy rain last night, and before it rains some more tonight and probably much of tomorrow. :hmm: :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on January 27, 2013, 10:52:37 AM
Now that's it milder, managed to get out and do 20km up the valley yesterday, so nice to not have freezing hands and nads.
Off out to see how much mud is about following the heavy rain last night, and before it rains some more tonight and probably much of tomorrow. :hmm: :bowler:
Still too cold to bike here, too icy too :(
Quote from: PDH on January 27, 2013, 04:43:28 PM
Quote from: mongers on January 27, 2013, 10:52:37 AM
Now that's it milder, managed to get out and do 20km up the valley yesterday, so nice to not have freezing hands and nads.
Off out to see how much mud is about following the heavy rain last night, and before it rains some more tonight and probably much of tomorrow. :hmm: :bowler:
Still too cold to bike here, too icy too :(
Yeah that's a bummer, I'm sitting here thinking of weekend days out for the spring and summer and realising it'll be months before there's enough daylight to be able to do them. <_<
Coming home at dusk a couple days ago, first a barn owl passed in front of me and then a heron, with the space of 30 seconds.
I think I saw the barn owl last week, so if it's hanging around it'll be the first time the meadows have had a resident owl for a fair few years.
But this year very few swans around, maybe 3-4 on a two mile stretch of the river, most winters there's usually 3-4 dozen wintering here. :hmm:
It was 40f today, but the streets still have snow. By the time it all melts off there will be another snow storm. No biking til April is the usual mantra here.
Quote from: PDH on February 02, 2013, 04:17:29 PM
It was 40f today, but the streets still have snow. By the time it all melts off there will be another snow storm. No biking til April is the usual mantra here.
Turbo trainer* ?
* I have no idea what those things are, just some cyclists I talk with are alway mentioning them, something to do with droplets of sweat ? :unsure:
On the bus this morning, a young woman/student carrying cello(in a case) got on and sat next to me. A minute or two later in the radio play podcast I was listening to, a main character visits a friend and interrupts here cello practice. :blink:
Bit of an odd coincidence, I don't recall having sat next to someone who was transporting any sort of orchestral instrument.
Man, I need some fresh air. :bowler:
Ouch, forgot how to jump off my bike and clipped my ankle sticky-out bone with a pedal. :(
I have no idea what that means. :hmm:
Quote from: Maladict on February 15, 2013, 05:27:01 AM
I have no idea what that means. :hmm:
Typo, should be bone, not bond. :blush:
Quote from: mongers on February 14, 2013, 07:56:00 PM
Ouch, forgot how to jump off my bike and clips my ankle sticky-out bone with a pedal. :(
On my way home down the valley this evening on a quiet little road, a buzzard drops out of the sky and land 20 ft in front of my bike, off to one side of the road, in the process giving a good view of all his underside colourings.
Probably he's landed to get a small mammal, he sees me and decide, possibly somewhat annoyed, to climb back into the air, and lazily take to wing flying for a while 6-8 ft in front of my bike as I cycle along, before he picks up speed and rolls off left and up into the sky. Nice looking bird. :cool:
Had an engaging time giving a presentation about sustainable transport this eveing, though to mix things up a bit, I turned it into more of a debate format.
In part because, I've discovered I really dislike the sound of my own voice, with or without hearing aids, it drives me to distraction.
Everyone was politely positive about it, though that's because we're British, so who knows how well it went down. :bowler:
Had a fun time cycling home through the forest in fog and drizzle, dodging the wildlife, though very few horses and cows about, but one has to be prepared just in case they're around the corner.
Popped out to do some leafleting/free speech activism in one of the local towns, on the way to somewhere else, which I didn't get to in the end.
I learnt, that Southern England has returned to it's normals state, damp and muddy, about 10 miles cross country's worth. :cool:
Leaflets? WTF is this, Dr. Zhivago?
Does that make Swallow Lara or Tonya?
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2013, 09:24:30 AM
Leaflets? WTF is this, Dr. Zhivago?
Well if you take out the romance, the brutal weather and add in even more futility, then yes. :)
So tell us, Strelhnikov, what kind of leaflets? What kind of progressive monkeyshit are you flinging about?
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2013, 09:52:18 AM
So tell us, Strelhnikov, what kind of leaflets? What kind of progressive monkeyshit are you flinging about?
Equitable distribution of the world's food, I call it the one world diet. :)
Pfft, gay.
Quote from: mongers on March 10, 2013, 10:07:32 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2013, 09:52:18 AM
So tell us, Strelhnikov, what kind of leaflets? What kind of progressive monkeyshit are you flinging about?
Equitable distribution of the world food, I call it the one world diet. :)
My share better not include British cuisine. :yucky:
I'll banger and mash her, what what.
There was a lot of hot jogger ass out today. :)
Quote from: Tonitrus on March 10, 2013, 10:12:33 AM
Quote from: mongers on March 10, 2013, 10:07:32 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2013, 09:52:18 AM
So tell us, Strelhnikov, what kind of leaflets? What kind of progressive monkeyshit are you flinging about?
Equitable distribution of the world food, I call it the one world diet. :)
My share better not include British cuisine. :yucky:
It's the ingredients I'm interested in, not the end result of what each nation chooses to do with it, high-fructose corn syrup FTW.
You one of those fruitball anti-GMtards?
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2013, 05:47:16 PM
You one of those fruitball anti-GMtards?
No, I'm generally pro-technology if there aren't simple answers to problems or where technological development might offer the only solution; chatting with a professor the other day, discovered we both have a boyish enthusiasm for container ships/containerisation. :)
Quote from: mongers on March 10, 2013, 10:07:32 AM
Equitable distribution of the world's food, I call it the one world diet. :)
Move to a country that can feed itself, then you can talk about sharing the wealth.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on March 10, 2013, 06:25:08 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 10, 2013, 10:07:32 AM
Equitable distribution of the world's food, I call it the one world diet. :)
Move to a country that can feed itself, then you can talk about sharing the wealth.
Quote from: mongers on March 10, 2013, 06:23:47 PM
we both have a boyish enthusiasm for container ships/containerisation. :)
:wub: They are kinda neato.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2013, 08:38:27 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 10, 2013, 06:23:47 PM
we both have a boyish enthusiasm for container ships/containerisation. :)
:wub: They are kinda neato.
Yeah, there's a national tv program about my local port, Southampton and the container port got quite a bit of coverage as it's so large.
They followed one crane operator as he tried to break the local record for number off-loading in a 12 hour shift, in the end he managed just over 600 !
Those ships are damned big.
And getting bigger.
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 10, 2013, 08:56:00 PM
And getting bigger.
Yeah, they're planning on dredging Southampton Water still further, to allow the next generation to offload, which I think are the 18,000 TEU Triple-Es of the Maeserk Line, those things are over 300 ft longer than a Nimitz. :cool:
There are projected classes on the drawing boards that'll not be able to dock at any port in the Americas ! :blink:
A buddy of mine works them loading and unloading at the Port of Baltimore; Republitards bitch about longshoremen making union money, but that shit is some dangerously hard work, and there are no days off for inclement weather.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2013, 09:04:33 PM
A buddy of mine works them loading and unloading at the Port of Baltimore; Republitards bitch about longshoremen making union money, but that shit is some dangerously hard work, and there are no days off for inclement weather.
Yeah, I was surprised that these guys work 12 hour shifts, but seems to be right, funny how people bleat about the EU worktime directive limiting workers to unproductive jobs/shifts. Seems like these guys are doing a fine job.
You think they are big, I got to see them up close from the vantage point of a sailing boat that has one pass within a quarter of a mile...huge slab sides motoring along piled high with containers, the ships leave a wake that is immense.
Quote from: PDH on March 11, 2013, 12:10:00 PM
You think they are big, I got to see them up close from the vantage point of a sailing boat that has one pass within a quarter of a mile...huge slab sides motoring along piled high with containers, the ships leave a wake that is immense.
Yeah, I believe they and similar sized vessels have to go slow up Southampton Water because of wakes affecting others and the fragile shorelines.
Did 5 miles on the bike, earlier this evening to check on conditions; good news the muds drying up, bad news that same responsible strong north westerlies are keeping things at zero C and semi-brass monkey-like. <_<
Lovely day yesterday, early evening managed to get out in the forest, came across a nice image of a horse sunning itself sitting in amongst the graves at a local church.
Today, it rained, didn't get out no the bike. <_<
Oh, slight weather window amongst the rain cloud, have to pop out on the bike to see how muddy it's gotten by getting well, muddy. :cool:
Quote from: mongers on March 15, 2013, 08:14:24 PM
Today, it rained, didn't get out no the bike. <_<
I thought if you didn't get out when it rained, you'd never be able to? :P
What does free speech activism mean? :unsure:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 16, 2013, 12:16:14 PM
What does free speech activism mean? :unsure:
In your language, unlimited and anonymous campaign contributions.
Mongers was giving out really big campaign contributions anonymously in English villages? :huh:
In his way.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on March 16, 2013, 11:45:56 AM
Quote from: mongers on March 15, 2013, 08:14:24 PM
Today, it rained, didn't get out no the bike. <_<
I thought if you didn't get out when it rained, you'd never be able to? :P
Indeed. :bowler:
As it was, wasn't too muddy and I stayed dry up until a point.
Came across the top of a little hill, must have just missed a hailstorm, 3-4mm stuff was lying everywhere like snow. Thought to myself good job I missed that, bit further on, stopped to chat with an acquaintance and it started to rain, carried on walking/chatting and in that incremental British way, the rain gradually ratcheted up itself through all the versions of rain, till we were standing in another hail shower. :cool:
Rain eventually gave up the ghost in the late afternoon, managed to get out into the forest for an hour or so.
All the fords up, everything wet, but looking shiny in the late sunshine, spring is arriving. :)
Quote from: mongers on March 17, 2013, 04:38:11 PM
Rain eventually gave up the ghost in the late afternoon, managed to get out into the forest for an hour or so.
All the fords up, everything wet, but looking shiny in the late sunshine, spring is arriving. :)
So, not much different than when you piss all over the place outside.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 17, 2013, 04:40:32 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 17, 2013, 04:38:11 PM
Rain eventually gave up the ghost in the late afternoon, managed to get out into the forest for an hour or so.
All the fords up, everything wet, but looking shiny in the late sunshine, spring is arriving. :)
So, not much different than when you piss all over the place outside.
I'm sensing you got up in a bad mood today. :hug:
Quote from: mongers on March 17, 2013, 06:22:15 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 17, 2013, 04:40:32 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 17, 2013, 04:38:11 PM
Rain eventually gave up the ghost in the late afternoon, managed to get out into the forest for an hour or so.
All the fords up, everything wet, but looking shiny in the late sunshine, spring is arriving. :)
So, not much different than when you piss all over the place outside.
I'm sensing you got up in a bad mood today. :hug:
I've got his bite marks on my leg. :(
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 17, 2013, 06:54:34 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 17, 2013, 06:22:15 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 17, 2013, 04:40:32 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 17, 2013, 04:38:11 PM
Rain eventually gave up the ghost in the late afternoon, managed to get out into the forest for an hour or so.
All the fords up, everything wet, but looking shiny in the late sunshine, spring is arriving. :)
So, not much different than when you piss all over the place outside.
I'm sensing you got up in a bad mood today. :hug:
I've got his bite marks on my leg. :(
One of the fords I diverted around, had a car parked 5 yards from it on the up-slope, clearly the signs, perfect sunny visibility and the mark one eyeball, weren't enough to convince this young woman it was a bad idea to drive her little bmw-Mini through it and flood the engine.
I almost felt sorry for as she sat in the recovery van, as the mechanic hitched up her car for the ride home.
Getting colder, consistent stiff NE/ENE winds drying everything out, did 'brave' the 1C to checkout the tracks near me. :)
Visited the place where I was born, for the first time, it's only a 16 mile round trip up the valley, wonder why I didn't get around to this before. :hmm:
Just lovely to get out and about without having to wear gloves and a hat.
Also must be the first time in months I've been able to set out with a map and go places I haven't been or tracks I've not used before.
Really looking forward to be able to spend large proportions of the day/weekend just out, exploring, cycling, being. :)
Short trip out into the forest, nice to do a little bit of exploring with a map and finding all those nooks and crannies, one's passed by in the past.
Nice to stand on top of a hill in a breeze and it not to be a cold biting wind but a mild refreshing one. :cool:
The forest is on the verge of springing into life, so things still a bit grey and 'overcast'.
Looks like the setting of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Nice late afternoon day out, did a 40 odd mile roundtrip to Salisbury to help the local museum empty some of galleries.
Everything is now growing, lovely spring sunshine in amongst dodging the showers. :bowler:
Quote from: PDH on April 14, 2013, 06:56:32 PM
Those be hills. Looks to be a nice deer area.
These are little mountains. Elk hunting 2012
Quote from: Syt on April 15, 2013, 06:13:28 AM
Looks like the setting of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I played that. Then Melody said she was going to call the police. :(
Used to be a big mountain. :P
Quote from: 11B4V on April 18, 2013, 09:02:44 PM
Quote from: PDH on April 14, 2013, 06:56:32 PM
Those be hills. Looks to be a nice deer area.
These are little mountains. Elk hunting 2012
Yep deer all over the place, and in a lot of the nearby agricultural land, has become a bit of a problem; needs someone like you to shoot a few.
They can be a little destructive. I have six blacktails that I battle every spring and summer. Fuckers munch on the plants. :mad:
Quote from: 11B4V on April 18, 2013, 09:02:44 PM
These are little mountains. Elk hunting 2012
I hope the elk hunted you down and fucked your shit up.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 18, 2013, 09:18:46 PM
Quote from: 11B4V on April 18, 2013, 09:02:44 PM
These are little mountains. Elk hunting 2012
I hope the elk hunted you down and fucked your shit up.
I carry a big caliber rifle for elk. :blurgh: plus two pistols for SD.
Quick rural raid this evening to one of my favourite hill forts in Dorset, Badbury Rings *.
First time I've been there in months, spring hasn't arrived there yet, trees not awoken, but a nice little 33 mile jaunt.
* Cal, one of the reputed sites of Mount Badon
Bit of a rest day/evening, did go out on the bike, but more effort was expended in my first efforts to get the garden sorted out. <_<
Now that the 'good weather', light still gone 8.30 pm and I've now stretched myself and my horizons a bit on the bike, now is the time to start going further a field of an evening.
I went to a facualty dinner at the 108 Samgyupsal restaurant. Sam Gyup Sal is Three layer pork cooked on a grill and it is delicious. 108 is a Buddhist religous reference. :)
Went to Salisbury this afternoon to help out at the museum, dismantled a 12 century chimney top, not exactly the most interesting piece of archaeology I've encountered.
You wont believe this, but it was so sunny in the cathedral close, my camera phone couldn't cope with all the light:
Ended up exploring a new route to another iron age hill fort, Old Sarum, original site of the city. Pretty hot for an English spring day. Ive decided you can't take a good picture of a hill fort:
Ended up cycling about 75 kilometres.
Dallied a lot along the river at various places on the way home. Man I'm loving these light evenings. :cool:
Thats a nice trip
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 25, 2013, 03:56:46 PM
Thats a nice trip
Yeah, I'm lucky.
Plus the 'city' (only 40,000 souls) seems to have a high percentage of attractive women. I think the warm weather has brought them out into the parks and on the walks. :ccr:
Quote from: mongers on April 25, 2013, 04:00:24 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 25, 2013, 03:56:46 PM
Thats a nice trip
Yeah, I'm lucky.
Plus the 'city' (only 40,000 souls) seems to have a high percentage of attractive women. I think the warm weather has brought them out into the parks and on the walks. :ccr:
You are taking pictures of the wrong things.
Quote from: mongers on April 25, 2013, 03:50:15 PM
Ended up cycling about 75 kilometres.
Weirdo freak weirdo.
Timmy needs to show bad taste in women to make every axis.
Popped out earlier this evening, amongst the showers, to spend a quarter of an hour at the coast. Avoided getting wet. :blush:
Isle of Wight across the Solent:
The harbour entrance:
Do you even have a job?
He is sponsored by Schwinn.
Jobs are no longer a necessity in this sceptred Isle :bowler:
Twice this early evening, a rather attractive 30-40something woman engage me in conversation in the lane, as I was leaving the front gate of the house. Not having my hearing aids in and so not hearing all of what she said or where she was coming from was somewhat irksome. <_<
If you'd past me on my way down or back up the valley later in evening, you'd probably have caught me still muttering the occasional mild expletive. :bowler:
Didn't go anywhere interesting today, just out shopping on the bike, but what I did notice was a lot of polite/well behaved teenagers about, saying hello, thanks etc. :bowler:
They're up to something...
Definitely time of year to be spending more of it out and about, rather than wasting time 'discussing' things on the interwebs. :cool:
Quote from: mongers on May 04, 2013, 05:16:54 PM
Didn't go anywhere interesting today, just out shopping on the bike, but what I did notice was a lot of polite/well behaved teenagers about, saying hello, thanks etc. :bowler:
Youth these days. What is the world coming to? &cetere &cetera
Short 3 minute 'Sky at Night' item about an interesting meteorite in my local museum:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p018j3f0 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p018j3f0)
Went to the museum by bike, to help finish off the 'decanting'/emptying of the stone,bronze,iron age and Pitt-Rivers* galleries, in preparation for the big rebuild/redesign.
I happened to be the one to move the last object out of the galleries and into storage, guess what it was ?
* famous 19th century 'scientific' archaeologist.
Did you move it back to your place? :ph34r:
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2013, 04:06:13 PM
Did you move it back to your place? :ph34r:
You've guessed haven't you?
Yes, bizarrely it was a bicycle. :blink:
Why was it at a primarily archaeological museum ? I think it was part of a display about him being a philanthropist and creating leisure gardens for his workers, so was part of the collection his family donated to the museum. Otherwise an entirely unremarkable Victorian safety bicycle which will hopefully not go on display again and will find a home elsewhere or be returned to Oxford ?
Quote from: mongers on May 16, 2013, 04:13:24 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2013, 04:06:13 PM
Did you move it back to your place? :ph34r:
You've guessed haven't you?
Yes, bizarrely it was a bicycle. :blink:
Why was it at a primarily archaeological museum ? I think it was part of a display about him being a philanthropist and creating leisure gardens for his workers, so was part of the collection his family donated to the museum. Otherwise an entirely unremarkable Victorian safety bicycle which will hopefully not go on display again and will find a home elsewhere or be returned to Oxford ?
But did you make the switch and leave your bike in its place?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2013, 04:51:42 PM
Quote from: mongers on May 16, 2013, 04:13:24 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2013, 04:06:13 PM
Did you move it back to your place? :ph34r:
You've guessed haven't you?
Yes, bizarrely it was a bicycle. :blink:
Why was it at a primarily archaeological museum ? I think it was part of a display about him being a philanthropist and creating leisure gardens for his workers, so was part of the collection his family donated to the museum. Otherwise an entirely unremarkable Victorian safety bicycle which will hopefully not go on display again and will find a home elsewhere or be returned to Oxford ?
But did you make the switch and leave your bike in its place?
What swap a nice new, useful folding bike for a fairly common old Victorian safety bike that's worth at best 200-300 dollars :hmm:
Sell Out!
OK what's up with my point and shoot camera, it seem to be producing odd looking pictures:
The color saturation looks a little high, but otherwise fine.
Didn't go anywhere today, just 14 miles up valley in the late evening light, no one around save for me and the usual horses,donkeys and cattle, on the back roads.
Spent most of the afternoon sorting out the garden, 'recycling' and repairing 10 punctures/innertubes !
Nice sunny afternoon out in Dorset today, glad all the trees are finally out:
Guess who built this road, or at least the alignment it rests on.:
Lots of white puffy clouds about today:
I guess Romans.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on May 25, 2013, 05:47:03 PM
I guess Romans.
Yes, another bunch of migrants come here to steal 'our jobs' :P
:( no mountains
It was so nice in the city today that I decided to walk along the westside. Ended up making it down to whitehall terminal - so google informs me my walk was over 3 miles long.
I also saw a bunch of palm trees going indoors which apparently is the winter garden atrium.
Quote from: garbon on May 28, 2013, 12:16:21 AM
It was so nice in the city today that I decided to walk along the westside. Ended up making it down to whitehall terminal - so google informs me my walk was over 3 miles long.
I also saw a bunch of palm trees going indoors which apparently is the winter garden atrium.
Sounds nice and urbane.
I miss going for similar long wanders in London, maybe I should get myself in gear ?
Now that summer is here, I'm feeling better and it's sunny warm, I need to get out more and you know go places; I shall make a target list of 'attractions'. :bowler:
Took the car out today for a spin to Long Beach/Jones Beach. Given that it was a good 20 degrees cooler than the city - and remarkably easy to get to once I found a good (non-freeway) route, I think I know where I'll be spending time this summer.
This evening I went up the valley to Stonehenge with a pit-stop at Salisbury, pretty nice evening with lots of sunshine. Left a little after 5pm and was home at 10pm just before dark.
Didn't have much time to stop or take photos, as I'd set off late.
Just back from a trip to Scotland, man there's some nice scenery there. :cool:
Quote from: Maladict on June 04, 2013, 08:02:35 AM
Just back from a trip to Scotland, man there's some nice scenery there. :cool:
Yeah, I should get on the train and pay it a visit sometime this year.
Quote from: mongers on June 04, 2013, 08:27:45 AM
Yeah, I should get on the train and pay it a visit sometime this year.
The West Highland Line was a highlight for sure. :yes:
On my way home I stopped overlooking the meadow opposite and caught this:
Barn Owl Acrobatics -
http://youtu.be/NLPnlgTtQgU (http://youtu.be/NLPnlgTtQgU)
I shall take it as an omen that I should exercise wisdom regard one or two of today's issues/events. :)
Been doing some promotional work for the musuem at a history festival 20 miles away over the downs.
Turns out there's lots of rather interesting historians and authors giving talks during a weeks worth of events:
http://www.cvhf.org.uk/speakers (http://www.cvhf.org.uk/speakers)
This event would have probably appealed for a few history nerds here,plus Meri for all the re-ennactments going on. :D
As a bonus as I was arriving to do my stint, there was an airshow there going over the show ground, so the chalk hillsides echoed to that sound of merlin engines. Only managed to get one clip with my cheap camera of the one of the several spitfires flying:
http://youtu.be/9kR9DnT_kic (http://youtu.be/9kR9DnT_kic)
Popped down the valley this evening to visit a friend, it was a joy to chase the sunset back up the valley on the way home in cool high 50s temperatures. :)
See we have sunny days here too.
Didn't do much today, just popped out on the bike into the forest, lots of tourists about on the roads, so didn't have it to myself. :(
When out to my old college in a forest village, but only as it's just off the map and half way, on the way back, going up a hill, I had to stop to let a snake cross the road and to make sure it didn't run over by any possible traffic.
The other animal encounter of the day was a good deal bit odder, as I'm about to set off from the upper field at home half a dozen middle-aged people turned up with a large tortoise, a very large one, nearer to those old giant ones than a regular one and precede to place it on the grass and take photos of it.
Now if I was so inclined, I could guess what omen a poisonous snake crossing ones path would foretell, but I'm at a loss as to what sort of harbinger a large tortoise might be. :hmm:
Arse, my first significant bike accident ever. :mad:
Going down a steep hill, breaking, road goes around corner, I'm already breaking beforehand, road reaches low point at a concrete ford then immediately uphill. A car is in the narrow ford, so I have to break again to really slow down, back wheel hits stone chippings on the tarmac road and I lose it at just 10-15 mph. No one's fault.
Not an ambulance job, but I had to go to the hospital emergency dept to get check out that nothing was broken and have a few stitches put in.
Did I say arse that's annoying, my first ever hospital procedure and I almost made it to 50 years without one. :rolleyes:
Mainly injured pride, along with addition scraps heavy brusing and the image of various bits of the bike imprinted in my skin.
Interestingly I wasn't wasn't wearing a helmet, which wouldn't have helped, as bizarrely nearly all the impact force went through the underside of my chin/jaw. Medics not sure how that could have happened. :hmm: (somewhat appropriate smilie )
Glad you are ok. You are going to start wearing a helmet now right?
I saw a guy wipe out last Friday while driving home (he didn't appear injured). For you guys that take it seriously, those falls don't look pretty.
Quote from: mongers on August 20, 2013, 01:40:40 PM
Interestingly I wasn't wasn't wearing a helmet, which wouldn't have helped, as bizarrely nearly all the impact force went through the underside of my chin/jaw. Medics not sure how that could have happened. :hmm: (somewhat appropriate smilie )
Bad luck mongers, good thing you were already slowing down.
I always wear a helmet, but it never helped me either, I've taken all my crashes on my chin for some reason.
Quote from: crazy canuck on August 20, 2013, 01:43:05 PM
Glad you are ok. You are going to start wearing a helmet now right?
Thanks, interesting advice, in one sense it is thoroughly sensible but in this instance because of the odd way I landed, it might have interfered with my head flexing backwards ? Who knows.
Quote from: Maladict on August 20, 2013, 01:52:51 PM
Quote from: mongers on August 20, 2013, 01:40:40 PM
Interestingly I wasn't wasn't wearing a helmet, which wouldn't have helped, as bizarrely nearly all the impact force went through the underside of my chin/jaw. Medics not sure how that could have happened. :hmm: (somewhat appropriate smilie )
Bad luck mongers, good thing you were already slowing down.
I always wear a helmet, but it never helped me either, I've taken all my crashes on my chin for some reason.
Thanks. :)
Yeah that's odd isn't it.
I guess even at slow speeds of like 10 mph you still have 4 times the momentum of walking at just 2.5-3 mph.
My mate, the epic downhill/pro-mechanic had a slow speed one and was knocked unconscious. :(
4 wheels good 2 wheels bad, Mongers. Goddammit, when will you listen to me? :mad:
Quote from: alfred russel on August 20, 2013, 01:44:46 PM
I saw a guy wipe out last Friday while driving home (he didn't appear injured). For you guys that take it seriously, those falls don't look pretty.
Yeah the van drive said it was quite spectacular, even though it was at low speed.
Haven't being doing a great deal this summer for various reason ie fitness, time, finances and so forth.
Popped out this evening with the intention of exploring a 'bit of map' 10-15 miles from here and finding a new part of the route up the valley that avoids a couple of somewhat hazardous hills on the eastern side.
Whilst its part of my home county I've not visited the area in detail before as it's not especially on the way to anywhere.
Crossed the river here, over a nice flat late-Victorian iron bridge that I've not used before.
Immediately next to the bridge over the main channel is the mill stream crossed by this old three arch bridge.
Notice the building at the top left, it has a concrete pill box built into one corner of the barn with the two machine gun slit still visible, these cover the bridge and the millstream's wide ford south of the bridge.
It's one of several defensive features built in mid to late 1940 around this crossing of the river valley, part of a 'stop-line' to slow the enemy advance, parts of which can be still found up and down the valley from the coast to Salisbury plain.
On my way back I stopped at the Saxon church next to the 'Elizabethan'* house in the village of Braemore. As you can see it's largely saxon in appearance with a few norman additions like the porch:
In the porch is the badly damaged, but just still visible depiction of Christ on the 'Saxon road' which somehow escaped complete destruction in the late 16th century.
I didn't bother going into the church as it appeard locked, so I sat on one of a couple of wooden benches in the porch before heading home. Very pleasant spot and one of the benches is dated to before the civil war.
* I say this because whilst originally it was Elizabethan, a fire in the mid-19th gutted the place so the rebuild is an attempt to replicate the original whilst being a Victorian version of it. Though there are plenty of Elizabethan cottages and farmhouses in the village and surrounding area.
Have maps, off out exploring some little used byways in a while.
Nice church. :)
What's a map?
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2013, 10:04:19 AM
What's a map?
Something that show where you are and lets you explore, unlike say car sat navs ? :unsure:
Explored a line of old byways and bridle paths leading out of the valley and up onto the chalk downlands.
I'm guessing it may have once been a significant route-way over the downs to Salisbury, named Green Lane at it's 'start' in the small town I pick it up at.
And it remains greener than the chalk hills around it for 3-4 miles before reaching the uplands where it aligns with some old earthworks and a long barrow and carries onto a high point which is marked with a large wood of yew trees.
Also it's rather wider than a typical rural road or agricultural lane and in places it's several 10s of yard wide, which suggest maybe these are customary stopping placed for people to rest up the night with the animals they're moving. But that's just a guess on my part.
Hadn't noticed it in the field, but once I got home the map indicates it is the boundary for the old established county boundary for several miles.
My guess, this suggests it was a notable route for a long time. And following on the alignment of that boundary further, highlights a natural way down to the next little river/stream valley. From where it's only 2 miles over a small downland ridge before it would meet a good ford at the site of a prominent and still existing mill (it's now a rather nice pub).
Then it's a short distance across water meadows to the city and it's cattle market.
I shall use a different bike and try and come back that way in the next week or two.
Reminds me of Robert McFarlane's latest book. I envy your countryside.
Quote from: Maladict on August 20, 2013, 01:52:51 PM
Quote from: mongers on August 20, 2013, 01:40:40 PM
Interestingly I wasn't wasn't wearing a helmet, which wouldn't have helped, as bizarrely nearly all the impact force went through the underside of my chin/jaw. Medics not sure how that could have happened. :hmm: (somewhat appropriate smilie )
Bad luck mongers, good thing you were already slowing down.
I always wear a helmet, but it never helped me either, I've taken all my crashes on my chin for some reason.
Back when I was a kid, I had a few bike wrecks. In most of them, I never hit my head on anything, but in the 2 wrecks in which I did hit my head, it was chin-first.
Quote from: dps on September 02, 2013, 12:22:08 PM
Quote from: Maladict on August 20, 2013, 01:52:51 PM
Quote from: mongers on August 20, 2013, 01:40:40 PM
Interestingly I wasn't wasn't wearing a helmet, which wouldn't have helped, as bizarrely nearly all the impact force went through the underside of my chin/jaw. Medics not sure how that could have happened. :hmm: (somewhat appropriate smilie )
Bad luck mongers, good thing you were already slowing down.
I always wear a helmet, but it never helped me either, I've taken all my crashes on my chin for some reason.
Back when I was a kid, I had a few bike wrecks. In most of them, I never hit my head on anything, but in the 2 wrecks in which I did hit my head, it was chin-first.
Yeah that's interesting, surely there must be plenty of people who've hit their foreheads or the side of their skull ?
Quote from: Maladict on September 02, 2013, 05:09:03 AM
Reminds me of Robert McFarlane's latest book. I envy your countryside.
Thanks for that, 'The old ways' looks like an interesting read. :cool:
My viewpoint is finding alternatives to modern busy routes, so one has to strip most of those roads out of the landscape and I guess in part you're then looking at it like people in the past would have.
And to some extent you're then faced with finding solutions to similar problems.
Quote from: mongers on September 02, 2013, 02:43:11 PM
Thanks for that, 'The old ways' looks like an interesting read. :cool:
It is. :)
Quote from: mongers on June 29, 2013, 04:57:45 PM
Been doing some promotional work for the musuem at a history festival 20 miles away over the downs.
Turns out there's lots of rather interesting historians and authors giving talks during a weeks worth of events:
http://www.cvhf.org.uk/speakers (http://www.cvhf.org.uk/speakers)
This event would have probably appealed for a few history nerds here,plus Meri for all the re-ennactments going on. :D
As a bonus as I was arriving to do my stint, there was an airshow there going over the show ground, so the chalk hillsides echoed to that sound of merlin engines. Only managed to get one clip with my cheap camera of the one of the several spitfires flying:
http://youtu.be/9kR9DnT_kic (http://youtu.be/9kR9DnT_kic)
Hmm.... mongers... may I stay with you for a week next June? :hmm:
Quote from: mongers on September 01, 2013, 04:28:28 PM
Explored a line of old byways and bridle paths leading out of the valley and up onto the chalk downlands.
I'm guessing it may have once been a significant route-way over the downs to Salisbury, named Green Lane at it's 'start' in the small town I pick it up at.
And it remains greener than the chalk hills around it for 3-4 miles before reaching the uplands where it aligns with some old earthworks and a long barrow and carries onto a high point which is marked with a large wood of yew trees.
Also it's rather wider than a typical rural road or agricultural lane and in places it's several 10s of yard wide, which suggest maybe these are customary stopping placed for people to rest up the night with the animals they're moving. But that's just a guess on my part.
Hadn't noticed it in the field, but once I got home the map indicates it is the boundary for the old established county boundary for several miles.
My guess, this suggests it was a notable route for a long time. And following on the alignment of that boundary further, highlights a natural way down to the next little river/stream valley. From where it's only 2 miles over a small downland ridge before it would meet a good ford at the site of a prominent and still existing mill (it's now a rather nice pub).
Then it's a short distance across water meadows to the city and it's cattle market.
I shall use a different bike and try and come back that way in the next week or two.
Fun stuff, all the exploring and finding out some of the old history. :)
Quote from: merithyn on September 03, 2013, 11:28:40 AM
Hmm.... mongers... may I stay with you for a week next June? :hmm:
You'd be welcome, but the way things are going I can't guarantee I'll still be here by then. :D
Obviously in the sense of me moving, rather than anything emoistic. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on September 04, 2013, 04:52:06 PMYou'd be welcome, but the way things are going I can't guarantee I'll still be here by then. :D
Obviously in the sense of me moving, rather than anything emoistic. :bowler:
Where'd you go? And why?
Quote from: mongers on September 04, 2013, 04:52:06 PM
You'd be welcome, but the way things are going I can't guarantee I'll still be here by then. :D
Obviously in the sense of me moving, rather than anything emoistic. :bowler:
Moving on to the afterlife?
Quote from: Jacob on September 04, 2013, 05:10:59 PM
Quote from: mongers on September 04, 2013, 04:52:06 PMYou'd be welcome, but the way things are going I can't guarantee I'll still be here by then. :D
Obviously in the sense of me moving, rather than anything emoistic. :bowler:
Where'd you go? And why?
What he said. :)
Mongers is going to the bike bandit of Dorset.
Happy Birthday to Frodo and Bilbo. :)
Time for an adventure or two ? :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on September 22, 2013, 09:13:32 AM
Happy Birthday to Frodo and Bilbo. :)
Time for an adventure or two ? :bowler:
To London, where the Shadows lie?
Not doing anything that interesting; just put on some more off-roady/armoured tyres on a single speed bike and have been trying those out on different terrain to see if they fit my needs.
A few days ago I popped out and did a 40 mile late afternoon/early evening circuit, that involved an old railwayline, forest track, mud, some minor roads and the part-sand strewn main beach promenade. They coped well and ran well.
Popped out yesterday evening to explore more of the hampshire downs, searching for a different, quiet route to Salisbury.
Set off at 5 pm, took some minor roads up the valley for 12 miles before I eventually climbed onto the chalk hills, where the tarmac gave way to tracks. Followed a 'gallop' for a brief distance, got to a down-slope and saw what I was after, an noticeable route snaking it's way in the direction I wanted.
Pretty easy going, mainly byways or droves, finding their way from one clump of threes to the next, soon turned into regular agricultural roads before becoming a minor road above a small valley/comb populated by some good quality black beef cattle.
Carried on for a couple more whiles before I crested a rise, to see the spire of Salisbury Catherdral poking above the top of the last down between me and it some 2 miles off.
I didn't carry on as it was pointless to go straight down, then up and ove this next hill before getting there and having to immediately turn around and head home because of failing light. As it was I wanted to get back by 8 pm so I could buy some food before the shops closed.
So ended up doing 30+ miles in a little over 2 1/4 hour, managed to get to the shops with a fair few minutes left.
Quite pleased with this as I've now found an alternative route that's largely traffic free, 18.25 miles one way, which is barely 10% longer than the main highway, which one would be mad to tackle on a bike. And it's significantly shorter than either of my other quiet routes up the valley.
I also like that it's clearly, once you get into the landscape, a route many others have used down the years.
I've spotted what I think is an old sheep drove in the same area, possibly heading to the old town of Wilton, once county town of Wiltshire in Saxon Wessex. I shall investigate this weekend, weather permitting.
I wonder if this map of the above route works ?
http://binged.it/18qhici (http://binged.it/18qhici)
https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?saddr=Ringwood,+Hampshire,+UK&daddr=50.8518341,-1.7877934+to:50.8703686,-1.7737605+to:50.9239066,-1.7783829+to:50.950877,-1.8097662+to:Salisbury+museum,+Salisbury&hl=en&ll=51.001873,-1.812401&spn=0.086853,0.220757&sll=50.934633,-1.792488&sspn=0.043489,0.110378&geocode=FRXVBwMdb7Tk_yl1IcaqMoVzSDGLC8YZj6akCQ%3BFfrvBwMdb7jk_ymLwBeMR5dzSDGDWkYj1jlQxg%3BFWA4CAMdQO_k_ykjPujD1JBzSDGdra3qCIHO_g%3BFYIJCQMdMt3k_ynj0IPE-JNzSDFgII3Z1IRsiA%3BFd1yCQMdmmLk_ynl4G0FXJRzSDEEWSZV2y3IhA%3BFekuCwMdiIjk_yHBqwMh7Zv6oimb0VmB7etzSDHBqwMh7Zv6og&oq=salisbury+mu&dirflg=w&mra=dpe&mrsp=4&sz=13&via=1,2,3,4&t=h&z=12 (https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?saddr=Ringwood,+Hampshire,+UK&daddr=50.8518341,-1.7877934+to:50.8703686,-1.7737605+to:50.9239066,-1.7783829+to:50.950877,-1.8097662+to:Salisbury+museum,+Salisbury&hl=en&ll=51.001873,-1.812401&spn=0.086853,0.220757&sll=50.934633,-1.792488&sspn=0.043489,0.110378&geocode=FRXVBwMdb7Tk_yl1IcaqMoVzSDGLC8YZj6akCQ%3BFfrvBwMdb7jk_ymLwBeMR5dzSDGDWkYj1jlQxg%3BFWA4CAMdQO_k_ykjPujD1JBzSDGdra3qCIHO_g%3BFYIJCQMdMt3k_ynj0IPE-JNzSDFgII3Z1IRsiA%3BFd1yCQMdmmLk_ynl4G0FXJRzSDEEWSZV2y3IhA%3BFekuCwMdiIjk_yHBqwMh7Zv6oimb0VmB7etzSDHBqwMh7Zv6og&oq=salisbury+mu&dirflg=w&mra=dpe&mrsp=4&sz=13&via=1,2,3,4&t=h&z=12)
Earlier this evening I had a proper crack at the route on the only bike* to hand, a folding bike. :whistle:
*All the others need repair/rebuilding. <_<
Set off just gone 4 pm, 12 miles later got to here and the start of the off-road downland heights:
Caught site of the route, across the foreground, left at the trees, left again at the wood, up the middle along the white line, left at the next wood and up onto the hill crest on the horizon:
Some of this along the way:
A nice coombe to the east:
Objective sighted:
Arrived, stopped for a few minutes, then turned around home:
Bike coping well:
Sunset, with just 12 miles to home:
Got back just before 7.30pm as the light was failing, all told a 37mile round trip, turns out the middle off-road bit only took at total of 40 minutes. Good to get this route under ones belt before the autumn rains makes much of it impassable.
A typical autumnal early evening here, hint rain in some of it's British varieties.
So no chance of going anywhere on a bike this evening, hmm :hmm:, I know I'll go and buy some ice cream; put some shoes on, got the bike out, cycled the 400 yards to supermarket, ice cream acquired.
On my way back just as I was crossing the bridge over the river here, several Vs of geese fly directly overhead, maybe 100 birds, having spent the day feeding in the meadows and now off up the valley to their 'beds'.
I pop up onto the old railway line over looking the lower meadows, bumped into one of the old boys I sometimes chat with, we pass the time of day and part.
Dusk deepens, a few wisps of low cloud scud* across the remaining light from the sunset, 5 minutes later the bats come out, the mallards are waddling amongst the grasses to get to their river bank night roosts.
A small flock of geese is still in that meadow, I decide I'll watch them till they take off, not much happens, over the course of ten minutes they wander in one direction then another, fair bit of wing flapping, the odd call, now it's 20 minutes past sunset and no sign tell leave, maybe this group kip here and I'm wasting my time ?
I move onto the big old railway bridge for a better view, I wait, light bleeds out of the landscape, then black wings flapping on mass against the darkening green of the meadow grasses, flying away from me they execute a 2700just as I'm setting off on the bike, I nearly 'intercept' them as I they fly across my path, and head off low into the horizon.
What I learned from this is the geese may use the lane I live on get their initial bearings before they fly off up the valley and perhaps why I'm always nearly guaranteed to see them, and for that matter groups of mute swans flying over the houses in our little lane at around 5-20 minutes after sunset at this time of year.
*scuds too fast, drift or float is too slow, must be a better word to describe the speed of those low cloud fragments?
I wish I were your neighbor. :(
I don't have much to say in response to your tour posts - but I'm enjoying them greatly :cheers:
Quote from: merithyn on October 02, 2013, 02:15:14 PM
I wish I were your neighbor. :(
Yes, your and your family would make a nice change from some people around here who think they're property developers. <_<
Popped out up the valley to attend a lecture at the museum this evening, a round trip of 37 miles on the folding bike, some of it was off-road, great fun coming back in the pitch dark over the somewhat muddy* high downs.
And I had the roads all but to myself, for the last 17 miles no car overtook me. :bowler:
* actually wet chalk.
Quote from: mongers on October 08, 2013, 06:02:26 PM
Popped out up the valley to attend a lecture at the museum this evening, a round trip of 37 miles on the folding bike, some of it was off-road, great fun coming back in the pitch dark over the somewhat muddy* high downs.
And I had the roads all but to myself, for the last 17 miles no car overtook me. :bowler:
* actually wet chalk.
That's a nice trip on a bike, sounds very relaxing, and a good bit of exercise.
Quote from: mongers on October 08, 2013, 06:02:26 PM
Popped out up the valley to attend a lecture at the museum this evening, a round trip of 37 miles on the folding bike, some of it was off-road, great fun coming back in the pitch dark over the somewhat muddy* high downs.
And I had the roads all but to myself, for the last 17 miles no car overtook me. :bowler:
* actually wet chalk.
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
Quote from: Tamas on October 09, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
Quote from: mongers on October 08, 2013, 06:02:26 PM
Popped out up the valley to attend a lecture at the museum this evening, a round trip of 37 miles on the folding bike, some of it was off-road, great fun coming back in the pitch dark over the somewhat muddy* high downs.
And I had the roads all but to myself, for the last 17 miles no car overtook me. :bowler:
* actually wet chalk.
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
I'd be more worried about cars, drivers who are drunk, texting, sexting, talking on phones, or all of the above at the same time, even in daylight.
Quote from: KRonn on October 09, 2013, 07:35:32 AM
Quote from: Tamas on October 09, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
Quote from: mongers on October 08, 2013, 06:02:26 PM
Popped out up the valley to attend a lecture at the museum this evening, a round trip of 37 miles on the folding bike, some of it was off-road, great fun coming back in the pitch dark over the somewhat muddy* high downs.
And I had the roads all but to myself, for the last 17 miles no car overtook me. :bowler:
* actually wet chalk.
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
I'd be more worried about cars, drivers who are drunk, texting, sexting, talking on phones, or all of the above at the same time, even in daylight.
Exactly This.
I also see this behaviour, all day long, is it me or are drivers getting increasingly distracted on the roads by gadgets ?
Quote from: mongers on October 09, 2013, 07:49:28 AM
Quote from: KRonn on October 09, 2013, 07:35:32 AM
Quote from: Tamas on October 09, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
Quote from: mongers on October 08, 2013, 06:02:26 PM
Popped out up the valley to attend a lecture at the museum this evening, a round trip of 37 miles on the folding bike, some of it was off-road, great fun coming back in the pitch dark over the somewhat muddy* high downs.
And I had the roads all but to myself, for the last 17 miles no car overtook me. :bowler:
* actually wet chalk.
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
I'd be more worried about cars, drivers who are drunk, texting, sexting, talking on phones, or all of the above at the same time, even in daylight.
Exactly This.
I also see this behaviour, all day long, is it me or are drivers getting increasingly distracted on the roads by gadgets ?
I think that's why, at least here, governments are clamping down on them. Of course, it isn't like there was an issue with people looking at maps, newspapers, makeup, etc. back in the day.
Popped out to do some shopping early this evening, did a dozen miles, part in the rain, lots of rush hour traffic around, glad my tyres and mudguards performed well in the standing water etc. :)
Quote from: Tamas on October 09, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
The most threatening experience I've had of British wildlife was a narrow path filled with angry looking cows.
Quote from: merithyn on October 02, 2013, 02:15:14 PM
I wish I were your neighbor. :(
I would throw all the used kitty litter into his yard. The clumping stuff. Like little Stonehenges of shit.
That's not very neighborly.
Quote from: Sheilbh on October 14, 2013, 10:10:55 PM
Quote from: Tamas on October 09, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
The most threatening experience I've had of British wildlife was a narrow path filled with angry looking cows.
Yeah, it's an sorry comparison compared to what our American or Australian posters have. :D
Haven't seen teh Jack or Bumblebee in ages.
Did a quick 20 miles earlier this evening, on my only currently working/together bike. :hmm:
So by default I think this is my winter bike.
Quote from: mongers on October 15, 2013, 07:55:20 AM
Quote from: Sheilbh on October 14, 2013, 10:10:55 PM
Quote from: Tamas on October 09, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
The most threatening experience I've had of British wildlife was a narrow path filled with angry looking cows.
Yeah, it's an sorry comparison compared to what our American or Australian posters have. :D
I came close to running into a jaywalking bear on the way back from my parent's cottage this weekend. That's the second time in more or less the same place.
Fucker should look before he crosses, or I'll have a free bearskin rug. :P
Also, on the same trip, someone ahead of me ran over a skunk, and the stink cloud it made was just incredible. :yuk:
Quote from: Malthus on October 15, 2013, 03:32:44 PM
Quote from: mongers on October 15, 2013, 07:55:20 AM
Quote from: Sheilbh on October 14, 2013, 10:10:55 PM
Quote from: Tamas on October 09, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
I would be a bit wary of the wildlife (including dogs, maybe humans) during the night on some godforsaken country road. :hmm:
The most threatening experience I've had of British wildlife was a narrow path filled with angry looking cows.
Yeah, it's an sorry comparison compared to what our American or Australian posters have. :D
I came close to running into a jaywalking bear on the way back from my parent's cottage this weekend. That's the second time in more or less the same place.
Fucker should look before he crosses, or I'll have a free bearskin rug. :P
Also, on the same trip, someone ahead of me ran over a skunk, and the stink cloud it made was just incredible. :yuk:
Only a lawyer would hold wildlife to have infringed a road traffic law. :P
Homeward bound down the valley, face buried into a strong southwesterly, vees of gulls tacking above me on their evening commute. Half way back we bump into wings of geese flying on the wind. Wondered if the two species might 'dogfight' around me.
I really do love your posts.
Just been out to check my 'manor' plenty of small debris in the roads , the occasional power line or small tree down, otherwise not a lot of damage, other than this one large oak irreparably weakened in an exposed spot 5 miles up the road.
Because it was getting dark, couldn't tell if it was a fast or slow growth oak, might have been barely 100 years old or could have been 18th century or earlier. :(
The short winter days have just about arrived. :(
Having visited England in wintertime I am intrigued by the winter that's just a bit cool and rainy and not the deep freeze BS we get here.
Quote from: The Brain on November 07, 2013, 05:15:23 PM
Having visited England in wintertime I am intrigued by the winter that's just a bit cool and rainy and not the deep freeze BS we get here.
Yeah, that would get me and most English people really down; I don't know how you guys cope. :hmm:
Quote from: mongers on November 07, 2013, 05:53:07 PM
Quote from: The Brain on November 07, 2013, 05:15:23 PM
Having visited England in wintertime I am intrigued by the winter that's just a bit cool and rainy and not the deep freeze BS we get here.
Yeah, that would get me and most English people really down; I don't know how you guys cope. :hmm:
You bundle up, and enjoy the snow. :)
Quote from: Barrister on November 07, 2013, 05:54:33 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 07, 2013, 05:53:07 PM
Quote from: The Brain on November 07, 2013, 05:15:23 PM
Having visited England in wintertime I am intrigued by the winter that's just a bit cool and rainy and not the deep freeze BS we get here.
Yeah, that would get me and most English people really down; I don't know how you guys cope. :hmm:
You bundle up, and enjoy the snow. :)
England is to snow, as water is to oil.
Back from the high country bitches.
Looks like fun and proper outdoors living, 111B.
Nearest high country to me, is in another country, Black Mountains in Wales. :(
Quote from: mongers on November 07, 2013, 08:15:39 PM
Looks like fun and proper outdoors living, 111B.
Nearest high country to me, is in another country, Black Mountains in Wales. :(
Had a good time and walked a total of 25 miles. Getting to old for that shit at 47. A lot of good guys up there and I have yet to run into any assholes. Storm blew in the night of the 2nd and was snowing like hell. Had to move lower to follow the Elk. When the snow hits the ground they start moving to lower elevations. No legal elk just spikes and cows. The bigger bulls were being cagey. Seen four hanging in various camps ranging from 3 point to 5 point bulls.
What the hell did you do out there? Did you cut down all those trees?
Quote from: Razgovory on November 07, 2013, 08:29:02 PM
What the hell did you do out there? Did you cut down all those trees?
Elk hunting.
Did the Elk do all that?
Out in the city of Salisbury today, collecting some gps data for a map I'm building.
Instead of using a bike, I walk more than 3.75 miles! :gasp:
That's the most I've done in years. :D
Quote from: Razgovory on November 07, 2013, 08:33:42 PM
Did the Elk do all that?
He was likely out on National Forest land, and that was remains was from commercial timber cutting (and also open to hunters).
One of the pictures also clearly shows the young trees from re-planting.
All very common scenes from the great Pacific Northwest.
Popped out and did a quick 17 miles on the bike late this afternoon, primarily to get some more way-point for the map, rather tedious having stop 60-70 times to logged junctions etc. <_<
On the way back, quarter hour past sunset, a canadian/american couple on mountain bikes stopped me for directions, they were on their way to Romsey on the other side of the Forest.
They didn't have a map and probably had another 20 miles to do in the dark. And I thought I sometimes wasn't too well prepared. :hmm:
Do interracial couples get weird looks in your area?
Quote from: The Brain on November 10, 2013, 04:18:59 PM
Do interracial couples get weird looks in your area?
No, not at all; not sure why you asked the question ?
Coincidentally this couple were, but the confusion on my part was having a heavy cold and them being soft spoken, so one or both could have been Canadian or American, or perhaps the other one was Dutch/Danish/Scandinavian?
Why do I post anything on Languish?
Wait, Americans soft spoken? HEY NIGEL, WHICH WAY TO HEATHROW?
Living on a 'boundary' between water and land means in this weather, I got home half covered in mud. :cool:
Coming home last night through the edge of the forest, not a soul about or for that matter any cattle, horses, deer or donkeys, I guess they move uphill to kip overnight in the ferns/bracken.
Could have done most of the journey moonlit, save for the occasional tunnel of trees requiring lights.
I can sort of see how others, down the years, have accused me of 'hobbit tendencies'. :bowler:
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 10, 2013, 05:31:22 PM
Wait, Americans soft spoken?
I'm often told people can't hear me. :sleep:
Quote from: mongers on November 15, 2013, 04:57:55 PM
Coming home last night through the edge of the forest, not a soul about or for that matter any cattle, horses, deer or donkeys, I guess they move uphill to kip overnight in the ferns/bracken.
Could have done most of the journey moonlit, save for the occasional tunnel of trees requiring lights.
I can sort of see how others, down the years, have accused me of 'hobbit tendencies'. :bowler:
You do seem to live in a Shire type landscape! [smile]
Quote from: KRonn on November 19, 2013, 08:19:01 AM
Quote from: mongers on November 15, 2013, 04:57:55 PM
Coming home last night through the edge of the forest, not a soul about or for that matter any cattle, horses, deer or donkeys, I guess they move uphill to kip overnight in the ferns/bracken.
Could have done most of the journey moonlit, save for the occasional tunnel of trees requiring lights.
I can sort of see how others, down the years, have accused me of 'hobbit tendencies'. :bowler:
You do seem to live in a Shire type landscape! [smile]
Though blinged-out Range Rovers/SUVs in front of the plush houses in the forest, rather spoil that.
But I expect those Range Rovers and SUVs are compact versions, to reflect the Hobbit size of their owners. ;)
Early this evening popped out to view the sea, just got there before dark, nice dusk lit seascape as the colour slowly drained away.
Home in the dark and high 30f 'heat', some of my extremities got somewhat cold.
Nice little 22-23 mile trip on the bike.
Probably my last weekday trip out of any note till the spring. :(
Rather unimaginatively visited the sea this afternoon, not too bad out, the northerlies have slowed and temperatures holding in the mid to high 40s. :)
Had an afternoon off, so did some local noodling all within 2-3 miles of home exploring little roads and tracks I never go do. This in an effort to make a map of the area and find some old route-ways.
Nice sunny afternoon:
There are a lot of these small stream falling off the forest hills before entering the main river, generally pretty clear and a good source of water for the wildlife:
Deer tracks? :
I seemed to have missed most of the forest's colour change:
I'm in a reflective mood ? :
It's information like that that makes me wish I had access to TLAM route planning and guidance systems.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 26, 2013, 01:51:44 PM
It's information like that that makes me wish I had access to TLAM route planning and guidance systems.
What's that ?
Quote from: mongers on November 26, 2013, 02:05:11 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 26, 2013, 01:51:44 PM
It's information like that that makes me wish I had access to TLAM route planning and guidance systems.
What's that ?
But don't worry, he'd target me before he'd target you.
Quote from: derspiess on November 26, 2013, 02:14:55 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 26, 2013, 02:05:11 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 26, 2013, 01:51:44 PM
It's information like that that makes me wish I had access to TLAM route planning and guidance systems.
What's that ?
But don't worry, he'd target me before he'd target you.
Yeah, plus he'd have to leave the continental USA to get tomahawks close enough to me to launch them. :D
Managed to get out and do some shopping this evening, did 13-14 miles, mainly cross country on gravel forest tracks or old railway-lines.
Bike handled ok, considering I only had some armoured 28mm tyres on and loaded it up with 19-20 lbs of groceries. :)
Maybe be doing more off-road with this bike now, even though it's more of a road hybrid than anything else, just need to take things a bit easier, at least this way I'm be encountering less 'challenged' motorists.
I'm just popping out, I may be some time. :bowler:
Finally managing to get out and about more, now the weather is springlike; popped out across the New Forest, to my old college and back on the new bike.
Somewhere along this ornamental drive are some of England tallest trees, hard to photo:
Nice early evening out and about, nearly everything bar the trees seems to be in bloom. :bowler:
Where exactly in England do you live again Mongers? :)
Quote from: Caliga on March 31, 2014, 04:20:45 PM
Where exactly in England do you live again Mongers? :)
Central Southern England (Wessex).
Yeah, it's that time of year in northern climates to start getting back outside a lot more. :)
Quote from: KRonn on April 01, 2014, 06:58:12 AM
Yeah, it's that time of year in northern climates to start getting back outside a lot more. :)
Yes, today was a nice afternoon just to be staying outdoors, even in the evening.
Late afternoon I popped out to the site of Tarrant Rushton Airfield, from where many of the D-day and Arnhem transport/gliders took off from. Including the Ox and Bucks light infantry who captured Pegasus bridge at just after midnight, 6th June.
There's a memorial to the airborne forces/glider forces who served there, it stand next to one of the remaining re-purposed hangers.
Quote from: mongers on March 31, 2014, 07:50:08 PM
Central Southern England (Wessex).
:hmm: I don't really understand how England works re: states/provinces. Do you mind explaining? For example I thought Wessex was one of the old petty kingdoms but not a modern province or county or whatever like Kent.
edit: This is actually relevant to my work for reasons I cannot get into atm. :)
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2014, 03:06:02 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 31, 2014, 07:50:08 PM
Central Southern England (Wessex).
:hmm: I don't really understand how England works re: states/provinces. Do you mind explaining? For example I thought Wessex was one of the old petty kingdoms but not a modern province or county or whatever like Kent.
edit: This is actually relevant to my work for reasons I cannot get into atm. :)
Wessex is just an affectation, re-invented in the 19th century, you might as well say I traveled across Hardy country today. It has no basis in national or local government.
England's organised into counties, unitary boroughs/cities and metropolitan areas like London and Manchester. But there's more than one model, so in my home county Hampshire, it has both single tier unitary city borough which provide all services and others like my own district council that shares responsibility with the county council.
Above this there are loose geographical areas composed of several counties, but that tends to be mostly for statistical purposes and a few odds and sods. So English regions don't carry much importance.
I live right on a county boundary, one is grouped into South-East England the other in South-West England. That's probably why the notion of Wessex is popular around here as it links counties with similar landscape and often shared history.
Hampshire (with the ancient capital of Winchester), Wiltshire, Dorset, West Sussex, Berkshire and parts of both Somerset and Oxfordshire are generally considered as Wessex.
Thank you. :hug:
If you go a bit north will people say you have entered Mercia?
Quote from: Valmy on April 01, 2014, 03:45:07 PM
If you go a bit north will people say you have entered Mercia?
There are a few government organizations and private utilities that are organized on a regional basis, so yes sometimes, you could for instance be arrested by West Mercia police:
http://www.westmercia.police.uk/about-us/ (http://www.westmercia.police.uk/about-us/)
Quote from: mongers on April 01, 2014, 03:53:22 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 01, 2014, 03:45:07 PM
If you go a bit north will people say you have entered Mercia?
There are a few government organizations and private utilities that are organized on a regional basis, so yes sometimes, you could for instance be arrested by West Mercia police:
http://www.westmercia.police.uk/about-us/ (http://www.westmercia.police.uk/about-us/)
Doesn't Schengen allow people from Wessex to legally enter Mercia? :hmm:
If I am arrested by the Mercians can I appeal to King Offa?
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on April 01, 2014, 04:48:12 PM
Doesn't Schengen allow people from Wessex to legally enter Mercia? :hmm:
No Schengen in the UK. :(
Quote from: Valmy on April 01, 2014, 04:50:27 PM
If I am arrested by the Mercians can I appeal to King Offa?
Depends if you're in league with his estranged wife.
Anyway my mom's family came over mostly from Wiltshire (also some from Kent, Essex, and West Riding of Yorkshire). :bowler:
My brother lives in Winchester. It's a beautiful place all right. The countryside around there is just what I think of when I think of England being a "green and pleasant land". :)
Quote from: Malthus on April 02, 2014, 02:04:19 PM
My brother lives in Winchester. It's a beautiful place all right. The countryside around there is just what I think of when I think of England being a "green and pleasant land". :)
Given the amount of rain we've had this winter, our region was the wettest in the UK, It'll definitely been
Green this year. Soon I'll be needing to take cutting tools with me, when I use the by-ways. :hmm:
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2014, 07:47:11 PM
Anyway my mom's family came over mostly from Wiltshire (also some from Kent, Essex, and West Riding of Yorkshire). :bowler:
My Patrilineal 8th Great Grandfather was 'John, Citizen of Wilts' according to my 6th Great Grandfather's brother. I found it strange he called him a citizen as that seems like a modern term. When did they come over? 17th Century?
Quote from: mongers on April 02, 2014, 02:13:35 PM
Given the amount of rain we've had this winter, our region was the wettest in the UK, It'll definitely been Green this year. Soon I'll be needing to take cutting tools with me, when I use the by-ways. :hmm:
Having to hack your way through the growth doesn't sound very pleasant though.
Quote from: Valmy on April 02, 2014, 02:31:51 PM
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2014, 07:47:11 PM
Anyway my mom's family came over mostly from Wiltshire (also some from Kent, Essex, and West Riding of Yorkshire). :bowler:
My Patrilineal 8th Great Grandfather was 'John, Citizen of Wilts' according to my 6th Great Grandfather's brother. I found it strange he called him a citizen as that seems like a modern term. When did they come over? 17th Century?
No idea, I'm not a genealogist, maybe it's just a term generated by the software/websites??
I agree it does sound modern, unless it's some obscure honorary term. Also Wilts to me is a modern abbreviation, I've not even heard any of my Wiltshire relatives refer to the county as that, always the full name.
Then again maybe it's some archiac use or form of words that hasn't made it down into modern or common use ?
Besides we're Subjects of the Queen here, not citizens, unless it's referring to the time of the Commonwealth?
Quote from: mongers on April 02, 2014, 03:29:30 PM
No idea, I'm not a genealogist, maybe it's just a term generated by the software/websites??
I agree it does sound modern, unless it's some obscure honorary term. Also Wilts to me is a modern abbreviation, I've not even heard any of my Wiltshire relatives refer to the county as that, always the full name.
Then again maybe it's some archiac use or form of words that hasn't made it down into modern or common use ?
Besides we're Subjects of the Queen here, not citizens, unless it's referring to the time of the Commonwealth?
It is from his writings. He was a fairly prolific author (in London of course there were no authors selling anything in Marlyand back then), though he often wrote under a pseudonym as he wrote a lot of anti-slavery tracts (or maybe not for that reason at all, 18th century people loved to write using pseudonyms for some reason). Yeah I do not get that use of the term but I bet you are right it was probably just being used in an archaic sense.
I am fairly sure the Civil War and the Restoration were a big reason for them ending up in Maryland in the first place but how and why I have no idea. Some cousins were in the MPs in the Long Parliament but were purged by that Pryde guy but were confusingly included in both Protectorate Parliaments and then the Cavalier parliament. Politicians eh? So who knows it could have been some sort of anti-monarchist statement or a reference to that era, but he wrote this in the 1740s so I doubt it.
First trees out here are weeping willows.
Most of the wildlife hereabouts look to have weathered winter well; horses, donkeys, cattle and deer seen in the forest today looked fine.
One of which might have been a white hart/albino? :bowler:
Did a little exploring in the forest this evening, ended up here, location of King William Rufus's death/murder:
Was an accident. Says so right on the stone.
Never trust the Tyrells. Not the last King they have taken out.
Anyway it is pretty badass just to run into stuff like that walking around.
When I walk around, I can run into bums peeing on themselves. Is that badass? :unsure:
Quote from: garbon on April 04, 2014, 03:58:29 PM
When I walk around, I can run into bums peeing on themselves. Is that badass? :unsure:
I guess if you consider stumbling on a place where a historic figure was killed equivalent in interest to bums peeing, then sure. :P
I don't. I just wanted to know if my not so interesting options were neat too. :(
Quote from: Valmy on April 02, 2014, 02:31:51 PM
My Patrilineal 8th Great Grandfather was 'John, Citizen of Wilts' according to my 6th Great Grandfather's brother. I found it strange he called him a citizen as that seems like a modern term. When did they come over? 17th Century?
Yes, mostly before 1700. I had an ancestor who lived in Cheverell in Wiltshire and came over in 1682.
Quote from: Caliga on April 04, 2014, 07:39:12 PM
Yes, mostly before 1700. I had an ancestor who lived in Cheverell in Wiltshire and came over in 1682.
Awesome. It is pretty common and an interesting way to see how the religious unrest, the Civil War, and all that impacted regular people. Even Cromwell was really close to leaving for America at one point.
I have ancestors who bugged out because of their loyalty to Chuck the First.
Yeah, a ton of Quakers from that same general area came over to Pennsylvania at roughly the same time. For example, the town I grew up is named Warminster, named for Warminster in Wiltshire which is only like 10 miles from Cheverell. There are also nearby towns named Bristol, Southampton, Abington, Buckingham, and Chalfont, which supplied lots of Quaker immigrants to the colony at that time. :cool:
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 04, 2014, 08:21:44 PM
I have ancestors who bugged out because of their loyalty to Chuck the First.
Ha, that's funny. One of my 12th great grandfathers was Francis Windebank, who was his Secretary of State. :)
Quote from: Caliga on April 04, 2014, 08:31:34 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 04, 2014, 08:21:44 PM
I have ancestors who bugged out because of their loyalty to Chuck the First.
Ha, that's funny. One of my 12th great grandfathers was Francis Windebank, who was his Secretary of State. :)
Francis: I liketh big boobs
Cromwell: GTFO
Shouldn't it be "Thou needeth implantes"? :hmm:
Quote from: Caliga on April 04, 2014, 08:42:12 PM
Shouldn't it be "Thou needeth implantes"? :hmm:
Don't tell an artist how to construct his vision. :mad:
Forgiveth me. :blush:
Quote from: Caliga on April 04, 2014, 08:47:33 PM
Forgiveth me. :blush:
I am more forgiving than Cromwell.
Quote from: Caliga on April 04, 2014, 08:42:12 PM
Shouldn't it be "Thou needeth implantes"? :hmm:
Not when addressing Oliver Cromwell. :x
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on April 04, 2014, 11:08:11 PM
Quote from: Caliga on April 04, 2014, 08:42:12 PM
Shouldn't it be "Thou needeth implantes"? :hmm:
Not when addressing Oliver Cromwell. :x
He was famously busty?
This evening picked a spot on the map I've not been to before, cycled there, did some exploring and then came home the long way, just got in before last light.
This mound on the horizon, map marked as a tumulus is in fact a large WW2 air-raid shelter, given it's in the middle of the forest, I don't think it was actively used, but rather used as a test bed for various designs and how well they withstood explosives/bombs, it being in the middle of a special bombing range. When the war ended, rather than dismantle it, they just buried in soil.
When you get a lot closure, 30-50 yards short of the 'tumulus' you come across this large 60-100 ft wide pond and whilst it supports lots of wildlife it isn't one, but rather a large bomb crater.
I believe it's the result of the last Grand Slam 'earthquake bomb' test, before it was used in action against strategic targets in Germany. In fact it might have been the only live test of one of the 10ton devices, the others being inert and aerodynamic tests.
My understanding is as a Lancaster of 617 squadron flew over the local town, they released the bomb at 15,000 feet and it carried onto the target some 2-3 miles further east before landing close to the 'target' and moving the whole concrete structure. This would have been early spring 1945. The next night they went into action with the device over germany.
Photo of the fresh crater and target:
Well that was a little terrifying. When I left work, police cars with flashing lights were blocking all of the side streets to 6th ave. A few seconds later a massive motorcade flew by. Who was it? Friggin' Obama. <_<
Quote from: mongers on April 11, 2014, 05:33:55 PM
When you get a lot closure, 30-50 yards short of the 'tumulus' you come across this large 60-100 ft wide pond and whilst it supports lots of wildlife it isn't one, but rather a large bomb crater.
I believe it's the result of the last Grand Slam 'earthquake bomb' test, before it was used in action against strategic targets in Germany. In fact it might have been the only live test of one of the 10ton devices, the others being inert and aerodynamic tests.
My understanding is as a Lancaster of 617 squadron flew over the local town, they released the bomb at 15,000 feet and it carried onto the target some 2-3 miles further east before landing close to the 'target' and moving the whole concrete structure. This would have been early spring 1945. The next night they went into action with the device over germany.
Cool :cool: :bowler:
Today I was driving along the I-95 and saw a billboard advertising legal services for divorce *for men only*. Guess somebody's bitter. :lol:
Popped down to the sea/breach this afternoon, seems most of England has decided to spend their Easter down on the coast. :hmm:
So soon gave up and headed back into the countryside.
Lovely late afternoon to be out on the bike, ended up going further than I thought, off the map I had.
Did a bit of exploring, ended up on the downs and had one of those nice moments when you round a corner and end up someone where you've been before, but now you know where that turning you pass goes. :bowler:
Temperatures in the low 70s when I set off, 3 hours later still in the 60s when I got home. Still had plenty of light left, did about 33 miles, only took a litre of water with me, since I hardly broke a sweat, had much of it left.
Quote from: garbon on April 11, 2014, 07:29:11 PM
Well that was a little terrifying. When I left work, police cars with flashing lights were blocking all of the side streets to 6th ave. A few seconds later a massive motorcade flew by. Who was it? Friggin' Obama. <_<
Wait this was actually his fault...
Really first day of the year when you can go out in t-shirt/jeans and just spend time outside of an afternoon, not having to be bothered about the temperature or when sunset is. :bowler:
Quote from: Valmy on April 21, 2014, 03:35:44 PM
Wait this was actually his fault...
I had that same experience last time I was in Chicago. Dude was up there for a fundraiser and traffic was a nightmare due to street closures. :mad:
Quote from: garbon on April 11, 2014, 07:29:11 PM
Well that was a little terrifying. When I left work, police cars with flashing lights were blocking all of the side streets to 6th ave. A few seconds later a massive motorcade flew by. Who was it? Friggin' Obama. <_<
Terrifying. :mellow:
Quote from: grumbler on April 21, 2014, 06:35:18 PM
Quote from: garbon on April 11, 2014, 07:29:11 PM
Well that was a little terrifying. When I left work, police cars with flashing lights were blocking all of the side streets to 6th ave. A few seconds later a massive motorcade flew by. Who was it? Friggin' Obama. <_<
Terrifying. :mellow:
You might feel more comfortable when you see a bunch of cops in a small area, I don't.
We don't tend to have motorcades around here, nearest I've come was being forced into the side of the road by a motorcycle copper providing escort for presumably Maggie T.
Only motorcade I've seen was W's in Rome just after JP2 died. It was hilariously extended.
Quote from: garbon on April 21, 2014, 06:41:01 PM
You might feel more comfortable when you see a bunch of cops in a small area, I don't.
And they still didn't jack you up. Next time wear your hoodie.
Hell, even state governors here sometimes have oversized motorcades zooming them around.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 21, 2014, 07:21:50 PM
Quote from: garbon on April 21, 2014, 06:41:01 PM
You might feel more comfortable when you see a bunch of cops in a small area, I don't.
And they still didn't jack you up. Next time wear your hoodie.
I did have my hoodie on recently at work - not sure if that was the same day though.
You guys need to get out into your local countryside more. :)
Quote from: mongers on April 21, 2014, 07:37:47 PM
You guys need to get out into your local countryside more. :)
Why, we'll just come across a motorcade on the side of the road, with Joe Biden pissing in the bushes.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 21, 2014, 08:20:54 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 21, 2014, 07:37:47 PM
You guys need to get out into your local countryside more. :)
Why, we'll just come across a motorcade on the side of the road, with Joe Biden pissing in the bushes.
You're in the Ukraine!
edit:Odd, because I saw you one the news today at the White House. :)
I bunny-fucked Kathleen Sebelius. Pimps Up Watership Down, bitch.
Quote from: mongers on April 21, 2014, 07:37:47 PM
You guys need to get out into your local countryside more. :)
There is actually a huge empty field within walking distance of my house. I don't know if it's because it's considered a park and they were just too cheap to put any amenities, if it's too swampy to build on or just nobody's gotten around to utilizing it.
Quote from: mongers on April 21, 2014, 03:29:16 PM
Did a bit of exploring, ended up on the downs and had one of those nice moments when you round a corner and end up someone where you've been before, but now you know where that turning you pass goes. :bowler:
Those are nice, small discoveries and everything slots into place.
Quote from: Maladict on April 22, 2014, 03:08:04 AM
Quote from: mongers on April 21, 2014, 03:29:16 PM
Did a bit of exploring, ended up on the downs and had one of those nice moments when you round a corner and end up someone where you've been before, but now you know where that turning you pass goes. :bowler:
Those are nice, small discoveries and everything slots into place.
Yeah, but there really isn't an excuse not to know all of the roads and byways within a 20-30 radius of here given how long I've lived here.
Poped out this evening to attend a lecture on Shale Gas/Fracking by a Southampton university researcher, very interesting.
Nice little trip up the valley and back through the edge of the forest at night; beautiful night skyscape on way home, no one about save me and the occasional moggy out for a nite prowl.
Going very little at the moment, save for pottling about doing mundane domestic stuff; almost the highlight of the week so far was cycling 19-20 miles on my little folding bike to return a can of paint a couple of evenings ago! :blush:
You ran an international pedophile ring to attend a lecture? :huh:
The lecture was just his excuse.
Ended up doing more on my new bike than I'd intended yesterday.
Got over taken by a bunch of roadies, after a while, but then they slowed and ended up slowing me down, as I couldn't realistically overtake a dozen riders strung out on winding roads with horses and cattle in the way. :hmm:
Quote from: Valmy on April 02, 2014, 02:31:51 PM
My Patrilineal 8th Great Grandfather was 'John, Citizen of Wilts' according to my 6th Great Grandfather's brother. I found it strange he called him a citizen as that seems like a modern term. When did they come over? 17th Century?
I thought citizen was used in medieval Britain to refer to the inhabitant of a city.
Quote from: Maximus on May 11, 2014, 04:57:04 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 02, 2014, 02:31:51 PM
My Patrilineal 8th Great Grandfather was 'John, Citizen of Wilts' according to my 6th Great Grandfather's brother. I found it strange he called him a citizen as that seems like a modern term. When did they come over? 17th Century?
I thought citizen was used in medieval Britain to refer to the inhabitant of a city.
What I've never understood about genealogy is how do you choose with paths/branches to follow?
Because it doesn't take going back too many generations to have a theoretically massive number of ancestors to choose from.
At what point does it become an exercise in betraying your own tastes rather than an inquiry into the past?
Quote from: mongers on May 11, 2014, 05:45:51 PM
What I've never understood about genealogy is how do you choose with paths/branches to follow?
Because it doesn't take going back too many generations to have a theoretically massive number of ancestors to choose from.
At what point does it become an exercise in betraying your own tastes rather than an inquiry into the past?
I think most of those branches disappear into the fog due to lack of records.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on May 11, 2014, 06:06:21 PM
Quote from: mongers on May 11, 2014, 05:45:51 PM
What I've never understood about genealogy is how do you choose with paths/branches to follow?
Because it doesn't take going back too many generations to have a theoretically massive number of ancestors to choose from.
At what point does it become an exercise in betraying your own tastes rather than an inquiry into the past?
I think most of those branches disappear into the fog due to lack of records.
Well I saw on 'Who Do You Think You Are' that Cindy Crawford could trace her heritage all the way back to Charlemagne. :cool: :hmm:
Quote from: mongers on May 11, 2014, 05:45:51 PM
What I've never understood about genealogy is how do you choose with paths/branches to follow?
Because it doesn't take going back too many generations to have a theoretically massive number of ancestors to choose from.
At what point does it become an exercise in betraying your own tastes rather than an inquiry into the past?
My dad tried a few. Generations of tenant farmers, smallholders and milkmaids enlivened by the odd reputed gangster or All-Ireland boxing champion (who I think still holds the record of the quickest loss in a world championship fight - stopped in 88 seconds).
Quote from: mongers on May 11, 2014, 07:12:54 PM
Well I saw on 'Who Do You Think You Are' that Cindy Crawford could trace her heritage all the way back to Charlemagne. :cool: :hmm:
From Charlemagne sure. But can anyone trace their lineage to his number four stableboy from 792-796?
Quote from: mongers on May 11, 2014, 07:12:54 PM
Well I saw on 'Who Do You Think You Are' that Cindy Crawford could trace her heritage all the way back to Charlemagne. :cool: :hmm:
From what I understand, it isn't so special. Basically all people of western european origin are descended from him in some way, it is just a matter of finding the connection.
Quote from: mongers on May 11, 2014, 05:45:51 PM
Quote from: Maximus on May 11, 2014, 04:57:04 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 02, 2014, 02:31:51 PM
My Patrilineal 8th Great Grandfather was 'John, Citizen of Wilts' according to my 6th Great Grandfather's brother. I found it strange he called him a citizen as that seems like a modern term. When did they come over? 17th Century?
I thought citizen was used in medieval Britain to refer to the inhabitant of a city.
What I've never understood about genealogy is how do you choose with paths/branches to follow?
Because it doesn't take going back too many generations to have a theoretically massive number of ancestors to choose from.
At what point does it become an exercise in betraying your own tastes rather than an inquiry into the past?
However you want. It's your family.
Rather nice evening here, picked up a load of shopping on the way home and came back off-road.
Lots of solitary young deer about. Lovely evening light after the rain, but I forgot to take a camera with me. <_<
Did about 30-35 miles in the Dorset countryside this evening, half of that distance off-road.
Set off at 5ish, got home before sunset, not too many people about, countryside greening up nicely.
Not seen this before, but along the route of the roman road, some sort of surface has perhaps been exposed by the winter rains:
And further along it, my path was 'blocked' by crows, surely that must be an omen? :hmm:
Off to the beach! :w00t:
Quote from: garbon on May 26, 2014, 08:00:49 AM
Off to the beach! :w00t:
Off into the drizzle. :D :bowler:
Did a nice two day hike through the Black Forest. About 35k and 1800 meter up, 1700 down. Awesome weather and a slight sunburn too. :)
Lovely beach day. Got a fair bit of tan even with my sunblock. Saw a lot of very red people - I hope their sunburns don't hurt too much tomorrow. Always nice to get a chance to escape the city for a bit.
Unlike you two lucky guys, it was a grey day here and the drizzle persisted for most of it .
However if I had gone out in the wet, I'd not have had the chance to stand on a old disused railway bridge over the river here and have swallows diving up and down alone the river's surface.
At one point some were flying below where I was standing whilst other were wheeling 5-6ft around my head as they turned to go back down the river. :cool:
Long summer evenings are here, need to make better use of them.
Because we have barely 5 hours of darkness at the moment, I was out at near 10pm and could still see where I was going and it felt odd, light lingering and lingering, not wanting to go, knowing it would have to get active again at around 3.45am tomorrow.
Think I'll stay up till dawn 'this evening', since I got up so early today, see if I can do 24 hours without a kip, then maybe a bit more if I've got a lot on tomorrow.
Quote from: mongers on May 14, 2014, 07:30:41 PM
Not seen this before, but along the route of the roman road, some sort of surface has perhaps been exposed by the winter rains:
And further along it, my path was 'blocked' by crows, surely that must be an omen? :hmm:
Does the an old Roman road show any stones or whatever the Romans used to pave their roads? Or was it a dirt road and the new road is mostly built along the same route?
As for the crows, interesting...
Quote from: KRonn on May 28, 2014, 06:51:12 AM
Quote from: mongers on May 14, 2014, 07:30:41 PM
Not seen this before, but along the route of the roman road, some sort of surface has perhaps been exposed by the winter rains:
And further along it, my path was 'blocked' by crows, surely that must be an omen? :hmm:
Does the an old Roman road show any stones or whatever the Romans used to pave their roads? Or was it a dirt road and the new road is mostly built along the same route?
As for the crows, interesting...
The bit I photographed was in park/sheep pasture, so rarely touched since those times, though it might have been ploughed during the war?
Generally it's on well drained land, so along it's route it might vary from just bare chalk to a substantial construction, indeed further on it turns into a well preserved 30ft wide and 6ft high feature in the landscape.
There's some ancient Roman town near Basingstoke that is mostly buried but I think the ampitheater has been unearthed. You should check it out, Mongers.
Quote from: Caliga on May 28, 2014, 06:52:13 PM
There's some ancient Roman town near Basingstoke that is mostly buried but I think the ampitheater has been unearthed. You should check it out, Mongers.
Silchester, I'll be going there again later in the year, but small beer compared to the Med.
Thought there is amphitheater around here that the Romans converted a henge monument to make one.
Quote from: mongers on May 28, 2014, 06:59:21 PM
Thought there is amphitheater around here that the Romans converted a henge monument to make one.
Bastard Romans, moving shit about like that <_<
Quote from: Sheilbh on May 28, 2014, 07:02:09 PM
Quote from: mongers on May 28, 2014, 06:59:21 PM
Thought there is amphitheater around here that the Romans converted a henge monument to make one.
Bastard Romans, moving shit about like that <_<
You must have seen it ? It's about 3-4 miles from your summer residence.
You do know what that the royalists did to it? :P
Went out for an evening ride, as it'd been so sunny and hot in the day.
Left just before 6pm got home before dark at gone 9.30pm, did about 37 miles, one third of which was off road, though some of those conditions where quite challenging, never realised cycling through handlebar tall grass would be so difficult and wet. :hmm:
Ankle held up reasonably well, only saw two other cyclists in all those miles.
Headed out and did a triangular route, so I was never more than 15 miles from home; when out WNW into Dorset, stopped at an odd large henge monument with a ruined 13th century norman church in it's midst.
Then went up onto Cranborne Chase, before picking up the roman road, cycled on top of the agger for a few miles NE, before having to briefly detour onto a main road, as there was so much grass/growth blocking some of the bridleways.
Then off-road, around the edges of fields of wheat and barley, not a sole about, save for surprised deer. Couldn't see any trace of the Dorset cursus in the fields, ended up at Bockerley Dyke, an impressive defensive ditch probably re-purposed by the Romano-British to stop the Saxons penetrating further into the West country. Cycled along side that for a couple of miles before finding a village build on a old drove. Picked that up and headed SE till breaking into the river valley I live in, and then it was an easy 6-7 miles home along the river.
I have some photos, but nothing especially nice as I forgot to take a camera, only having a activity video thing.
Good times Mongers. :) Thirty-seven miles is a good long stretch. You have some interesting stuff around your area too!
Had to do a few things in one of the local cities, so whilst there I popped up to see the inside of Old Sarum 'Castle', usually I just visit the grounds.
There's a lot of historical use evident there, ignoring the stone age stuff, the hill was converted into a large flat top iron age hill fort, with double embankments/ditches. Before the romans used it because of it's strategic location, you can still see and follow the line of at least three roman roads here.
There's apparently an entirely untouched Saxon town on it's lower slopes, the Normans going on to make greater use of it, building a new motte and bailey castle with an additional deep ditch around it.
They also build a cathedral in one corner of the site. I seem to recall William I convened an important council there and some of the doomsday book was written/presented there.
This is what it might have looked like around that time.
Old Sarum is a great place to visit. Lots of interesting prehistoric sites in the area as well.
Interesting bit of ancient history there, with that Old Sarum Castle. I like the picture of what it likely looked like.
Is that William dressed like a Roman Emperor? Nice :cool:
Quote from: Maladict on June 20, 2014, 04:23:00 AM
Old Sarum is a great place to visit. Lots of interesting prehistoric sites in the area as well.
Visiting Old Sarum makes you wish you and your seven buddies got two members of Parliament to represent just you.
Quote from: Maladict on June 20, 2014, 04:23:00 AM
Old Sarum is a great place to visit. Lots of interesting prehistoric sites in the area as well.
Yeah, I'm off up to Wiltshire tomorrow to do some tramping about on the byways; I might make it up to Avebury, depending on how far the walk is.
Quote from: Valmy on June 20, 2014, 09:03:11 AM
Is that William dressed like a Roman Emperor? Nice :cool:
I looked it up, turns out it was a much more significant event than I remember reading:
William the Conqueror and the Oath of Sarum
How William I used an ancient centre of power, Old Sarum in Wiltshire, to establish a radical new framework of loyalty, which may also have been linked to the great Domesday survey.
In 1086, William I summoned all the powerful men of the realm to Old Sarum, the royal castle he had built within the massive Iron Age hillfort there.
It was to be the stage for a grand ceremony which underlined his position as the source of tenure of all land across England – a striking assertion of royal power.
William seems to have decided soon after the Conquest to build a castle in the middle of the earthworks at Old Sarum. This was to transform the site, effectively dividing the hillfort in two: an inner set of fortifications which became his castle, and a huge outer enclosure, within which a cathedral was also built.
It was the ideal ceremonial meeting place. The outer enclosure of the hilltop site could accommodate large numbers. Old Sarum also lay at a junction of six Roman roads, and the castle was second only to Winchester as a centre of royal government.
Just four years after the Conquest, in 1070, William had gathered his troops at Old Sarum to pay them off after a relentless campaign to subdue northern England, known as the Harrying of the North.
He lavished rewards on the soldiers, praising those who had shown particular prowess, before discharging them. Those who had complained about the hardships suffered during the campaign were detained for 40 days after their more stoical comrades left, as a punishment. The success of this demonstration of authority may well have encouraged William to choose Old Sarum for the ceremony held here 16 years later.
So, on 1 August 1086, William hosted a great gathering at Old Sarum. According to the royal chronicler:
"his council came to him there, and all the landholding men of any account throughout England, whosesoever men they were. And they all bowed to him and became his men, and swore oaths of fealty to him, that they would remain faithful to him against all other men.
All the landholders 'of any account' would have included not only the king's 170 tenants-in-chief, but at least some of their subtenants. Not only was this an act of homage on a scale unseen before either in William's native Normandy or in England, but it also established a direct – and strikingly novel – bond between the king and these subtenants.
1086 was a period of crisis, when the Conqueror was facing revolt and invasion. William's oath insisted that from then on, if one of the powerful men of the realm were to rebel against the Crown, the primary loyalty of his subtenants would be to the king rather than to their immediate master.
There is another reason why William may have chosen this ancient site for his ceremony. It seems unlikely to be pure coincidence that Old Sarum was where the returns from the Domesday survey were collated – the great administrative exercise which, 20 years after the Conquest, recorded who held land, be they French settlers or native Englishmen, across the vast majority of the kingdom.
By the summer of 1086 this process would have been completed and its results available to the king. This may have been deliberately timed to coincide with the ceremony on 1 August, to emphasise the fact that all land tenure depended ultimately on the king.
A dramatic demonstration of William's right to the loyalty of his subjects, the oath set a seal on the Norman Conquest of England.
http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/discover/explore/medieval-part-1/oath-of-sarum/ (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/discover/explore/medieval-part-1/oath-of-sarum/)
Didn't make it to either Avebury or Stonehenge on Saturday as both were closed to allow for the clear up following the solstice 'celebrations'. <_<
So I popped up to Stonehenge on Sunday to check out the 'redesigned' site and new facilities:
It's more clear than ever that it's branded as 'Stonehenge - World Heritage Site' tm, if you're happy with that sort of managed experience and just want to tick it off the list of those places you have to see, then you'll be fine.
Overall, I think for someone like me it's now a curate's egg; the new information/museum is good, though the multimedia presentations are somewhat hit and miss, nice small collection of artifacts, half of which seem to be on-loan from 'my museum'. Good number of maps and models.
I guess the modern toilets in the centre are to be welcomed, though the large cafe is a bit overpowering. Yes I know places like this need to have a gift shop, but does it need to be that large and have the new arrivals from the stones forced to walk through it to get to other facilities. <_<
To get to the stones you have to book a timed ticket, primarily to control parking levels in the visitor centre car-park.
Then you can either walk a 1.25 miles along the former main road or take one of the shuttle buses or 'land trains' to arrive at the stones.
The presentation of the stones hasn't changed, you can walk around them to within about 10 yard, but not amongst them. And that's it, you then have to walk 50 yards to the new tarmac space to queue for the return trip to the visitor centre over the hill.
Myself, I arrived along an old by-way, almost directly at the stones, and whilst being a member of English Heritage, this mode of arrival doesn't appear to be catered for by their system. The expectation is you arrive by coach or car, in time for a narrow alloted time slot.
Piss-poor cycle facilites (ie none) and they've now changed the bus service to a specific Stonehenge branded one, so that's another $20 on top of the $24-25 entrance fee.
I'm glad I got the 'old' treatment. :lol:
Quotethe multimedia presentations
:bleeding: Why do they insist on having these things? If you are interested, you will read the texts, if you're not interested you probably won't learn anything no matter what they throw at you.
QuoteThe presentation of the stones hasn't changed, you can walk around them to within about 10 yard, but not amongst them. And that's it, you then have to walk 50 yards to the new tarmac space to queue for the return trip to the visitor centre over the hill.
I don't mind this at all. Especially when you regularly visit the same archaeological site over a long period, it's just devastating to see the result of human 'interaction'.
I was out but not about. I spent a great deal of time over the weekend in my hammock re-reading Through the Eye of a Needle. http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9807.html
This evening's holiday:
I went down to the coast and took the ferry over to the Isle of Purbeck, had a walk along a beach and wandered amongst the dunes, before catching an open top bus home.
Quite hot at the beach at even at 7pm, still got back before sunset.
Quote from: mongers on June 23, 2014, 03:30:33 PM
This evening's holiday:
I went down to the coast and took the ferry over to the Isle of Purbeck, had a walk along a beach and wandered amongst the dunes, before catching an open top bus home.
Quite hot at the beach at even at 7pm, still got back before sunset.
Visited West Wiltshire today to do a bit of exploring and eyeballing the routes of a few old byways.
Highlight, Devizes museum, a rather decent 'county museum' good archaeological collection, lots of artifacts from Avebury, Stonehenge and surrounds. Well worth a visit is those sort of intimate, uncrowded places appeal to you.
Went to the history festival on the far side of the downs to do some voluntary promotion work:
Coolest thing - a Spitfire (MkV?) and a Hurricane preforming 'acrobatics' over the side, especially given the low cloud cover and rain. The Spitfire pilot was looping the loop and doing something like a loop-turn to come back the way he'd come and dive low over the natural arena the hills make.
There was also a Dakota, flying in the sheeting rain. And a B-17 and Mustang which I'd missed earlier.
Naffest thing - five or six re-enactors dressed as WW2 Luftwaffe paratroops carrying out a patrol/maneuvers amongst the large festival tents, literally lying down with the MG and waving the others on make the next move, at one stage he thought they were going to seize the coffee/refreshment tent and turn it into Monte Casino. :rolleyes:
I finally broke my...embargo(?) and went to NYC's pride parade. After all, it does pass through my neighborhood. :blush:
I have to say that I once again realize that I am not a parade person - though the sense of enthusiasm was heartening. :)
Quote from: mongers on June 28, 2014, 03:22:24 PM
The Spitfire pilot was looping the loop and doing something like a loop-turn to come back the way he'd come and dive low over the natural arena the hills make.
Sounds like a split-S. :messerschmidt:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on June 29, 2014, 02:13:01 PM
Quote from: mongers on June 28, 2014, 03:22:24 PM
The Spitfire pilot was looping the loop and doing something like a loop-turn to come back the way he'd come and dive low over the natural arena the hills make.
Sounds like a split-S. :messerschmidt:
It was very good, and I'm sure you're right.
Quote from: mongers on June 28, 2014, 03:22:24 PM
Went to the history festival on the far side of the downs to do some voluntary promotion work:
Coolest thing - a Spitfire (MkV?) and a Hurricane preforming 'acrobatics' over the side, especially given the low cloud cover and rain. The Spitfire pilot was looping the loop and doing something like a loop-turn to come back the way he'd come and dive low over the natural arena the hills make.
There was also a Dakota, flying in the sheeting rain. And a B-17 and Mustang which I'd missed earlier.
Naffest thing - five or six re-enactors dressed as WW2 Luftwaffe paratroops carrying out a patrol/maneuvers amongst the large festival tents, literally lying down with the MG and waving the others on make the next move, at one stage he thought they were going to seize the coffee/refreshment tent and turn it into Monte Casino. :rolleyes:
Very cool, the WW2 aircraft doing the aerobatics! I have an airport nearby and every couple of years WW2 aircraft, usually maintained by the Commemoration Air Force, stop by. Last time was a P-51 Mustang, B-17, B-24. I visited them, walked through the bombers, as I've done before when they've visited. I'm always surprised at how kind of cramped quarters inside they are. It's also great hearing them take off and land though, love the sounds of those engines. The P-51 had a second seat and they give rides for a fee. I didn't take them up on it though.
Good luck clearing the Monte Casino refreshment area of those entrenched troops! ;)
Quote from: KRonn on June 30, 2014, 07:57:31 AM
Quote from: mongers on June 28, 2014, 03:22:24 PM
Went to the history festival on the far side of the downs to do some voluntary promotion work:
Coolest thing - a Spitfire (MkV?) and a Hurricane preforming 'acrobatics' over the side, especially given the low cloud cover and rain. The Spitfire pilot was looping the loop and doing something like a loop-turn to come back the way he'd come and dive low over the natural arena the hills make.
There was also a Dakota, flying in the sheeting rain. And a B-17 and Mustang which I'd missed earlier.
Naffest thing - five or six re-enactors dressed as WW2 Luftwaffe paratroops carrying out a patrol/maneuvers amongst the large festival tents, literally lying down with the MG and waving the others on make the next move, at one stage he thought they were going to seize the coffee/refreshment tent and turn it into Monte Casino. :rolleyes:
Very cool, the WW2 aircraft doing the aerobatics! I have an airport nearby and every couple of years WW2 aircraft, usually maintained by the Commemoration Air Force, stop by. Last time was a P-51 Mustang, B-17, B-24. I visited them, walked through the bombers, as I've done before when they've visited. I'm always surprised at how kind of cramped quarters inside they are. It's also great hearing them take off and land though, love the sounds of those engines. The P-51 had a second seat and they give rides for a fee. I didn't take them up on it though.
Good luck clearing the Monte Casino refreshment area of those entrenched troops! ;)
Finally at the third attempt made it to Hurst Castle down on the Solent coast, a Henry VIII coastal fort, much expanded by the Victorians to guard the Eastern entrance to the Solent's sheltered waters.
Not a part of the region I usually go, as it involves going through part of the coastal urban sprawl, but a Sunday afternoon whilst Wimbledon was on was a good time for a nice 30-32mile ride.
The fun bit, is once you arrive there, you have to walk 1.5-2 miles along a large shingle stone spit that juts out into the sea, in order to get to the castle/fort.
Also invariable rather blowy that far out to sea opposite the Isle of Wight.
Below looking over the battlements inshore to the harbour/lagoon behind the spit.
Went to the RAF museum yesterday. A Lancaster up close is unbelievably impressive. :bowler:
After that, off to the Maritime museum & Cutty Sark. :bowler:
Quote from: Maladict on July 07, 2014, 02:47:40 PM
Went to the RAF museum yesterday. A Lancaster up close is unbelievably impressive. :bowler:
After that, off to the Maritime museum & Cutty Sark. :bowler:
Yeah, it is; did they still have the Sunderland you could walk through?
Whilst in Greenwich, make sure you check out the royal observatory. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on July 07, 2014, 03:02:45 PM
Whilst in Greenwich, make sure you check out the royal observatory. :bowler:
It had closed by the time I got there. :(
Still, the view was worth the climb.
Quote from: Maladict on July 07, 2014, 03:13:39 PM
Quote from: mongers on July 07, 2014, 03:02:45 PM
Whilst in Greenwich, make sure you check out the royal observatory. :bowler:
It had closed by the time I got there. :(
Still, the view was worth the climb.
Damn, at least it's not too far for you to make a special pilgrimage* in future :D
* in relation to the Harrison chronometers.
Quote from: mongers on July 07, 2014, 03:34:17 PM
Damn, at least it's not too far for you to make a special pilgrimage* in future :D
Certainly, I just missed out on the IWM reopening as well.
Oh, and the Sunderland is still there. The Sopwith Camel wasn't and the WW1 gallery is closed :(
Managed to see two 'castles' from different ends of the region this afternoon; this entailed 7 trains, 20 miles of cycling and around 8-9 miles of walking.
Visited Portchester castle over towards Portsmouth, a rather nice Roman Saxon shore fort, most of the walls still intact, with a large Norman keep and castle in the NE corner and a early norman abbey church in the SE corner.
Then went over to Maiden Castle nr Dorchester. Supposedly the largest iron age hill fort in Britain, a complex mix of ditches and ramparts, set on a hill amidst the rolling Dorset countryside; not the most spectacular of settings, but worth a visit if you've the time for a picnic and a serious walk around its steep defences.
Quote from: mongers on July 08, 2014, 08:18:31 PM
Visited Portchester castle over towards Portsmouth, a rather nice Roman Saxon shore fort, most of the walls still intact, with a large Norman keep and castle in the NE corner and a early norman abbey church in the SE corner.
Stop reminding me of great stuff I missed out on. :ultra:
I remember looking at the castle from Portsmouth, knowing I wouldn't have enough time to go there as the historic dockyard would likely take all day to visit. :(
I thought of Meri this afternoon, because I visited Wales. :gasp:
Didn't get done all I wanted to do, I got waylaid by the art collection in the Cardiff's National museum ; rather good, worth the trip for the Monets and Cizannes alone.
Some photos from a walk I took at lunch today. According to google - 3.5 mile round trip.
No need to ask where that is.
In contrast, the other day I got off the train early and walked 2-3 miles to this hill figure, because the hills looked nice from a previous journey. Quite big once you get up the hill and close to it, though it's of no antiquity, barely a couple of hundred years old.
Ended up walking along the top edge of the downs, around the closed military firing ranges and caught the train two stops further down the line in the town of Warminster.
Nice views from the top, despite the clouds, view looking across the Vale of Pewsey (dairy farming) towards the chalk escarpment thats crowned by a neolithic long barrow called Adam's grave. Those hills form the southern edge of the downs on which the Avebury complex is situated.
Looks almost like Northern Germany:
Quote from: mongers on July 21, 2014, 02:59:34 PM
No need to ask where that is.
Yes, I did figure the pictures spoke for themselves. :D
Some nice scenery there Mongers, farming area. I don't have anything like that near me. You got there by train - is that area a good ways from you or do you have similar areas near where you live, and where you bike ride?
Quote from: KRonn on July 22, 2014, 10:14:16 AM
Some nice scenery there Mongers, farming area. I don't have anything like that near me. You got there by train - is that area a good ways from you or do you have similar areas near where you live, and where you bike ride?
Only really in the next county, so barely 45 miles away, an area I'm planning on visiting quite a bit once summer subsides.
We have some good farming around these parts, but the general agricultural depression means my local farms do little more than make hay and rent fields out to horse breeders or beef farmers.
I've had lots of tall trailers loaded with hay going past the house over the last couple of weeks, which is nice to see the land being worked.
Other areas, particularly the downlands have a more normal level of arable farming; weirdly coming back that way last weekend I came across this, several fields of only poppies. :hmm:
Hiking trip in the Alps coming up next weekend. :)
Quote from: Zanza on July 23, 2014, 04:07:03 PM
Hiking trip in the Alps coming up next weekend. :)
:cool: :jealous:
Have fun.
At my buddy's house with 9 other people pre- gaming for the Motley Crue/Alice Cooper concert in a couple hours. :punk:
Quote from: mongers on July 23, 2014, 04:30:09 PM
Quote from: Zanza on July 23, 2014, 04:07:03 PM
Hiking trip in the Alps coming up next weekend. :)
:cool: :jealous:
Have fun.
Poor weather with lots of rainfall and low-hanging clouds made it impossible to reach the summit we had aimed for. On the way down, one of my friends sprained his ankle, so we had to skip the tour we had planned for the second day... :thumbsdown:
We still had fun in the evening drinking in a nice alpine hiking hut. :cheers:
And something for the history nerds here: Two weeks ago, I visited the Burg Hohenzollern.
Quote from: WikiThe castle is located on top of Berg (Mount) Hohenzollern, at an elevation of 855 meters (2,805 ft) above sea level; 234 m (768 ft) above the towns of Hechingen[n 2] and nearby Bisingen, to the south. Both are located at the foothills of the Schwäbische Alb. The castle was first constructed in the early 11th century.
When the Hohenzollern family split into cadet branches, the castle remained the property of the Swabian branch of the family, who were the dynastic seniors of the Franconian/Brandenburg branch that later acquired an imperial throne. The castle was completely destroyed after a 10-month siege in 1423 by the imperial cities of Swabia. A second, larger and more sturdy castle was constructed from 1454 to 1461, and served as a refuge for the Catholic Swabian Hohenzollerns during wartime; including during the Thirty Years' War. By the end of the 18th century, however, the castle was thought to have lost its strategic importance and gradually fell into disrepair, leading to the demolition of several dilapidated buildings. Today, only the chapel remains from the medieval castle.
The third version of the castle, which stands today, was constructed for King Frederick William IV of Prussia between 1846 and 1867. The castle was built under the direction of architect Friedrich August Stüler, who based his design on English Gothic Revival architecture and the Châteaux of the Loire Valley.[1] The castle was built as a family memorial, thus, no member of the Hohenzollern family was in permanent or regular residence when it was completed. In 1945 it became home to the former Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany, son of the last Hohenzollern monarch, Kaiser Wilhelm II, who is buried there with his wife, Crown Princess Cecilie.
And a gratuitous shot of the city of Tübingen:
Quote from: Zanza on July 27, 2014, 08:44:52 AM
Quote from: mongers on July 23, 2014, 04:30:09 PM
Quote from: Zanza on July 23, 2014, 04:07:03 PM
Hiking trip in the Alps coming up next weekend. :)
:cool: :jealous:
Have fun.
Poor weather with lots of rainfall and low-hanging clouds made it impossible to reach the summit we had aimed for. On the way down, one of my friends sprained his ankle, so we had to skip the tour we had planned for the second day... :thumbsdown:
We still had fun in the evening drinking in a nice alpine hiking hut. :cheers:
Which summit were you going for?
Quote from: garbon on June 29, 2014, 02:10:16 PM
I finally broke my...embargo(?) and went to NYC's pride parade. After all, it does pass through my neighborhood. :blush:
I have to say that I once again realize that I am not a parade person - though the sense of enthusiasm was heartening. :)
I once went to the Pride Parade...I went to mass at Saint Patrick's and the Pride Parade went past the church. The had a bunch of police there to keep apart the church people and the pride people. I'm not sure who they were keeping from who... :hmm:
Anyway, so I went around the block and foiled the NYPD's attempt to keep me away from the parade. More interesting than the standard Memorial Day parades I grew up watching. :)
Quote from: alfred russel on July 27, 2014, 03:35:59 PM
Which summit were you going for?
Just a random 2238m peak in the Austrian alps that doesn't even have an English wiki entry. Some minor climbing though: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellenspitze
Quote from: Zanza on July 27, 2014, 03:51:40 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on July 27, 2014, 03:35:59 PM
Which summit were you going for?
Just a random 2238m peak in the Austrian alps that doesn't even have an English wiki entry. Some minor climbing though: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellenspitze
Cool. Were you doing the via ferrara?
No, I've done simple via ferratas (grade A and B) before, but that one is a grade D which is way beyond my climbing skills. There were some parts of the normal route that could be classified as a grade A via ferrata as you had to grab a steel rope to get up or down there.
This is the via ferrata there. As you can see, lots of C and D. We passed the entry and then circled around the mountain to get up on the backside of this picture, but even that way was so slippery and hard to see in the fog that we couldn't make it.
Quote from: Zanza on July 27, 2014, 02:33:03 PM
And something for the history nerds here: Two weeks ago, I visited the Burg Hohenzollern.
Now That is a proper castle. :cool:
Too bad Cromwell trashed so many of ours. :bowler:
Actually it's a fake castle, like say Neuschwanstein and was mostly build by romantics in the 19th century.
Quote from: Zanza on July 28, 2014, 12:39:04 PM
Actually it's a fake castle, like say Neuschwanstein and was mostly build by romantics in the 19th century.
Well even our fake castles are pretty crap; here's one I recently walked past, Cardiff 'castle':
Quote from: Zanza on July 27, 2014, 02:33:03 PM
And something for the history nerds here:
Great pics, Z.
See, that's the Germany I like...not Big Meanie Germany of the late 19th/early 20th, Pure Evil on Earth Germany (jew know who) or present-day Germanweenie.
Quote from: Zanza on July 28, 2014, 10:29:59 AM
No, I've done simple via ferratas (grade A and B) before, but that one is a grade D which is way beyond my climbing skills. There were some parts of the normal route that could be classified as a grade A via ferrata as you had to grab a steel rope to get up or down there.
I did a via ferrata last year..it was rated ks 2-3. How does that convert to the grades you describe? (it must be A-B, because I have limited skills).
Visited Bovington Tank museum this afternoon, nice little trip out ( bike-train-shank's pony )
Good sized collection, well presented in relatively new buildings; I took rather a lot of photos, nearly 400. :blush:
So no point posting any, easier if you ask for an specific tank and I'll see if I have a photo of one. :)
On the way back home got suck in the traffic from the air show, which due to the low cloud, one could hear but not see. <_<
At the Vasa Museum this morning. :cool:
Even better than the Mary Rose.
Quote from: Maladict on August 29, 2014, 06:28:19 PM
At the Vasa Museum this morning. :cool:
Even better than the Mary Rose.
They're close, man. Real close.
This evening I visited the 'magical land', an area up on the downlands where three counties meet. All the roads and traffic are away in the valleys and there's no settlements up there, just farmyards and lots of byways and paths in all directs making subtle hints of history's passage.
Somewhere I can go, just a dozen miles from home, but a world away from all the distractions of home, family, media and being ever connected.
Just me, a few farm workers in the distance and the occasion crow about their business. Turned around, on the one hand an red-orange sun setting early behind low cloud and on the other the ghost of an early moon.
Took the bike out for a quick spin after reading that. :cool:
Not much chance of finding someplace deserted in this country. :(
Quote from: The Brain on August 30, 2014, 02:35:57 AM
Quote from: Maladict on August 29, 2014, 06:28:19 PM
At the Vasa Museum this morning. :cool:
Even better than the Mary Rose.
They're close, man. Real close.
Yes, they are. And it's hardly fair given the work still being done on the Mary Rose.
But it has got to top my museum ship list so far.
While stopping into a local market to get some rosemary rolls (because rosemary is awesome, that's why), I saw overweight-teenage-nerd-boy dragging behind him bookish-geek-girl-wearing-a-fuzzy-tail.
Anchorage is indeed a modern city. :)
Quote from: Tonitrus on October 14, 2014, 01:18:46 AM
While stopping into a local market to get some rosemary rolls (because rosemary is awesome, that's why), I saw overweight-teenage-nerd-boy dragging behind him bookish-geek-girl-wearing-a-fuzzy-tail.
Anchorage is indeed a modern city. :)
Not even Bernhard Goetz would survive. :(
Damn the evenings are closing in fast now, soon the clocks will go back to GMT and bike trips will be curtailed. :(
In Silesia. Kind of forgot solo traveling western males usually come to these parts for a rather specific reason.
I'm certainly getting enough attention. :blush:
The long slow drag through a British Autumn and Winter begins. :(
Off to do some foraging in the forest tomorrow, if the weather's good. :bowler:
I spent about 3 hours out enjoying the 70 degree weather in the Challenger dodging bike tards and motorcycle tards.
My horizons are shrinking, metaphorically and literally so far this Autumn/Winter. :(
Managed to get out early this evening to try out my shite single speed shopping bike on off-road terrain, now it's equipped with armoured tyres.
Took a trip out along one of my old routes to a town which I rarely seem to visit these last couple of years, but which is the 'gateway' to some nice Mid-Dorset territory beyond it.
The bike didn't perform too bad, it'll do for mud and rain of the coming few months. Odd having a notional 54-56 gear inch on a single speed, have to pedal like crazy to get anywhere. :D
Damn though, no longer too keen on coming back amidst rush our traffic on urban/urban fringe and a major A-road; I think my brave days are over, not that I'm scared, but it's a case of playing the percentages so to speak and I've ridden my luck. Hence I'll avoid that sort of traffic/situation/time and especially not in the dark for these next 3 months.
Popped out late afternoon to visit a part of the forest I never visit. Had it all to myself, mile after mile of forest track and no one about, just me, the trees and the slightly miffed horses. Ended up doing 16-17 miles, half off-road, quite minor road on the way home, nice sunset view on way back, on pasted by 2-3 cars the whole way.
Just followed my nose and ended up at a place I must have past hundreds of times, but never stopped. It's a little group of trees on a natural lawn just on the edge of a pretty wood, because it's right next to the major road in the area, most people in the region would be familiar with the site, but because there's no road access, most like me will have never stopped, until now. Here:
Weird looking tree stump:
Do you have: animistic tendencies?
On the way home this evening along a quite lane, I had the company of a barn owl for 300-400 yards, before he flew off into a barn!
Maybe this is an omen, perhaps some wisdom will finally land on my crowded shoulders? :hmm:
Or maybe it a harbinger for the flight of the last of my reason. :P
Owls are harbingers of death. :(
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on December 11, 2014, 06:24:40 PM
Owls are harbingers of death. :(
Sure. If you're a chipmunk.
I really don't know what to make of that.
Had to visit one of my local cities, managed to get out and visited a new by hill fort, had a good wander around here testing out a new camera.
Given how late it was in the day, decided not to catch a bus back into the city, but headed down in to the valley and found a stretch of my beloved river that was new to me. I followed this all the way back into the city, where for a while it's natural exuberance is curtailed by concrete and brick, it's then joined by four other rivers and leaves the city invigorated as it head to where I live and eventually the sea.
All told a nice little 5-6 mile late afternoon walk.
On the way home this evening on the bus, I think I half bumped into a woman from my past, but given my terrible memory for female faces I couldn't be sure it was her, someone I'd probably not seen for 15 or more years. So I didn't say anything, not wanting to embarrassed, if I was her, I hope she didn't think I was intentionally ignoring her.
I retrospect it would have been good to have exchanged pleasantries, seasonal greetings and wished her all the best in the future. But you know what it's like after all long tiring day, you're just wanting to get home, relax and by that time the outside world is a bit of a blur or rather distant. :(
Yeah Mongers, been there, done that. Not sure if I know someone, or it's been so long that I don't think to say anything. Sometimes they may say hello and I have to remember who they are or where I know them from.
Quote from: KRonn on December 18, 2014, 02:59:01 PM
Yeah Mongers, been there, done that. Not sure if I know someone, or it's been so long that I don't think to say anything. Sometimes they may say hello and I have to remember who they are or where I know them from.
KRoon, do you think it's in part a consequence of deafness, us not picking up all the information, maybe being able to hear a familiar voice from 4 feet away when it's not directed toward you, is quite an important part of 'recognising' someone?
You guys still build hill forts?
Quote from: mongers on December 18, 2014, 03:17:25 PM
Quote from: KRonn on December 18, 2014, 02:59:01 PM
Yeah Mongers, been there, done that. Not sure if I know someone, or it's been so long that I don't think to say anything. Sometimes they may say hello and I have to remember who they are or where I know them from.
KRoon, do you think it's in part a consequence of deafness, us not picking up all the information, maybe being able to hear a familiar voice from 4 feet away when it's not directed toward you, is quite an important part of 'recognising' someone?
For me I don't think so. I think sometimes it's seeing someone outside of a familiar context where you know them. For instance, recently in the market I ran into a women who works where I do, not in the same group but we see each other every day. It took us each a moment to recognize that we knew each other.
Other times it's not having seen someone for a long time and they've changed in appearance, as have I, so neither says anything. Also could be just that people being reserved and don't care much to say hello sometimes.
Quote from: KRonn on December 19, 2014, 09:51:21 AM
Quote from: mongers on December 18, 2014, 03:17:25 PM
Quote from: KRonn on December 18, 2014, 02:59:01 PM
Yeah Mongers, been there, done that. Not sure if I know someone, or it's been so long that I don't think to say anything. Sometimes they may say hello and I have to remember who they are or where I know them from.
KRoon, do you think it's in part a consequence of deafness, us not picking up all the information, maybe being able to hear a familiar voice from 4 feet away when it's not directed toward you, is quite an important part of 'recognising' someone?
For me I don't think so. I think sometimes it's seeing someone outside of a familiar context where you know them. For instance, recently in the market I ran into a women who works where I do, not in the same group but we see each other every day. It took us each a moment to recognize that we knew each other.
Other times it's not having seen someone for a long time and they've changed in appearance, as have I, so neither says anything. Also could be just that people being reserved and don't care much to say hello sometimes.
Yes KRonn that all sounds rather familiar, it's definitely one aspect of life that I've not sussed out even after of all these years.
Other stuff I've evolved behaviours and rules of thumbs that work well, but this thing slightly bothers me, it's like the one hang-back to my teenage years. :hmm:
It doesn't help that I reckon I'm one of the most anonymous looking people you could find, maybe I should have applied to join the security services after all. :ph34r:
You missed your calling in govt. security services, even MI6! Could have had a nice pension out of that. ;)
Quote from: KRonn on December 19, 2014, 11:16:41 AM
You missed your calling in govt. security services, even MI6! Could have had a nice pension out of that. ;)
I think you have to be talented or bright to join SIS. :(
Maybe a 'plodding' job at MI5 might have better, oddly on several occasions at protest movements/groups I've engaged with, people have suggested or said I might be some form of police or government agent; maybe 'if the glove fits'. :D :ph34r:
The seven historical church steeples of Lübeck at dusk across the Wakenitz river. I was just running the nice 6.5 km circle along its shore when I saw this and had to stop to take a picture. :)
Any flooding in Lübeck? My old home town on the Stör is Land Unter, as almost every year by now (I recall it was only once when I was a kid, and it was the first time since anyone could remember). They're saying it's the worst flood in Holstein in decades.
Used to live in the red house in the center of the picture in the 80s. It's about 150, 200 meters from the river.
More pics from the area:
Nice photo Zanza.
Not so good photos from Syt. :(
I'm in a similar position, last winter/spring, given the historic amounts of water we got here, I'd have definitely have been flooded if not for the very expensive flood defences* built here to protect just 12-15 houses.
So those scenes of flood water in flood meadows and other fields are very familar, indeed the 2nd lot of photos look almost exactly like what I see week in week out in some winters.
*these include a large pump installation on the river, 10 metres in front of the house, I think it's electric as I never here it, though apparently it was on a lot last year.
Goodness knows what the fuel bill for that was, given it basically is pumping out ground water from under the houses. Not really sustainable it is?
We used to get a bit of flooding every now and then, but it seems to have become an annual thing by now, though it also appears that additionally there were record rainfalls for this time of year up there. What's going to be problematic will be that freezing temperatures are approaching and not all water will be gone by then.
Can't say I miss all that rain here in Vienna.
But here's a fitting song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtvwvsXZg-w
Makes me a little bit homesick for the old country. :blush:
Quote from: Syt on December 26, 2014, 10:54:40 AM
Any flooding in Lübeck? My old home town on the Stör is Land Unter, as almost every year by now (I recall it was only once when I was a kid, and it was the first time since anyone could remember). They're saying it's the worst flood in Holstein in decades.
We had some pretty extreme rainfall in the last few days here. So the paths in the park and along the river were puddle after puddle and rather muddy. No serious flooding in Lübeck that I know of, but there were lots of flooded patches next to the A1 motorway to Hamburg yesterday.
This being the first snow day in Vienna, I decided to go for a digestive walk. I leisurely walked from home to the Votivkirche, past university down to the Hofburg, across to the KHM and its Christmas New Year's Market where I got a punch and people watched for a bit, then past the parliament and town hall back home. Taking it slow, it was about an hour.
It's Sunday, so there'll be plenty tourists in the Inner City. It's main tourist season (Christmas through New Year's), so there's even more tourists (some of the better known cafés had queues in front of them which doesn't happen too often, as there's plenty places to go as tourist). There's grey sludge in the street, it's freezing, and and grey, so there's few locals out and about. In short: it was more like a walk through a theme park with sightseers being underfoot all the time. :P
1252 .... number of days since I was last in a car. :hmm:
The antithesis of getting out and about? :unsure:
How many days since you took a dump in somebody's bird bath? My over/under is 4.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 08, 2015, 03:24:25 PM
How many days since you took a dump in somebody's bird bath? My over/under is 4.
Odd, since you're the only one who seems to be flinging shit today. ;)
Doing a bit of exploring today in a very dull commercial pine forest I stopped at this tree in the dusk after sunset, unusual roots for a pine tree.
When I got home I looked at the other pictures I'd taken, WTF I'd stopped right next to an Ent and didn't notice. :)
Twignose himself if I'm not mistaken.
What's his name in Entish?
Just beginning to come out of hibernation and stretch my legs a bit, got to view the sea today, first time in like two months. :blush:
I've been trying to get out of winter hibernation also with some good walks. I was able to get a walk in today as it started snowing, though it was shorter than usual because of the messy roads.
Quote from: KRonn on February 07, 2015, 03:24:16 PM
I've been trying to get out of winter hibernation also with some good walks. I was able to get a walk in today as it started snowing, though it was shorter than usual because of the messy roads.
All good, I'm hoping to do a bit of walking this year as well; soon as the campsites reopen in the national park this spring, I'm gonna load up a rucksack with a tent and overnight stuff, hike across the Forest, spend the night and return next day by a different route.
See how far I can do in 24 hours/short weekend, if I still enjoy/endure camping and find out just how badly I've let things go.
Quote from: mongers on February 07, 2015, 04:01:40 PM
Quote from: KRonn on February 07, 2015, 03:24:16 PM
I've been trying to get out of winter hibernation also with some good walks. I was able to get a walk in today as it started snowing, though it was shorter than usual because of the messy roads.
All good, I'm hoping to do a bit of walking this year as well; soon as the campsites reopen in the national park this spring, I'm gonna load up a rucksack with a tent and overnight stuff, hike across the Forest, spend the night and return next day by a different route.
See how far I can do in 24 hours/short weekend, if I still enjoy/endure camping and find out just how badly I've let things go.
That is excellent! Good workout and spending time outdoors camping, plus the scenery and serenity of being there all added in. :)
Yeah, and then I'm knackered for the next two weeks and muscles hurt that I didn't know I had. :D
Quote from: mongers on February 07, 2015, 04:32:57 PM
Yeah, and then I'm knackered for the next two weeks and muscles hurt that I didn't know I had. :D
Only the first few times. :contract:
I spent this afternoon on my "last" trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was a good trip though a few things had me wishing that I'd walked around with my headphones on (and maybe blinders?)...
- French dude who used the express kiosk to buy tickets and then came and told all of us in line that we were stupid for queuing when we could just use the machine. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the machine charges $25 whereas if you deal with a person, you can pay $1 or less.
- A girl who took several wacky selfies in front of some paintings and then discussed with her boyfriend about how they were that awful couple.
- In a period room that displayed an 18th century Ottoman reception area, a man joked about how many orgies the room must have seen.
- A girl who exclaimed that a piece of modern art was simply too good to pass up and proceeded to have her gay friend take her photo using it as a backdrop. Yay social media?
- The many Nikon SLR individuals who took photographs of every object in a room. What were they documenting it all for?
- A guy who went on and on in the coat check line about what a total douchebag he was.
I did love though the little girl who was curious about sarcophagi as well as the elderly woman who said "Who was that artist I discovered today that I love so much? Kandinsky?" :)
Quote from: garbon on February 16, 2015, 10:42:29 PM
I spent this afternoon on my "last" trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was a good trip though a few things had me wishing that I'd walked around with my headphones on (and maybe blinders?)...
- French dude who used the express kiosk to buy tickets and then came and told all of us in line that we were stupid for queuing when we could just use the machine. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the machine charges $25 whereas if you deal with a person, you can pay $1 or less.
- A girl who took several wacky selfies in front of some paintings and then discussed with her boyfriend about how they were that awful couple.
- In a period room that displayed an 18th century Ottoman reception area, a man joked about how many orgies the room must have seen.
- A girl who exclaimed that a piece of modern art was simply too good to pass up and proceeded to have her gay friend take her photo using it as a backdrop. Yay social media?
- The many Nikon SLR individuals who took photographs of every object in a room. What were they documenting it all for?
- A guy who went on and on in the coat check line about what a total douchebag he was.
I did love though the little girl who was curious about sarcophagi as well as the elderly woman who said "Who was that artist I discovered today that I love so much? Kandinsky?" :)
People in museums :bleeding:
I do take pictures of stuff I find interesting, sometimes excessively so. :blush:
I occasionally take pics in museums, but not as many as I used to (usually there'll be much better pictures available online if I want to revisit).
I have several Kandinsky repros framed on my walls. :blush:
People taking pictures of stuff have always baffled me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I get people who take artistic photographs of stuff; or people who want to have a selfie (or have someone else take picture of them in front of something famous).
But if you are just taking picture of some work of art, monument or landmark that thousands of people before you took a picture of (in a way that is much more professional, crisp and nice) and all such pictures are available online, I'm baffled.
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 04:16:38 AM
People taking pictures of stuff have always baffled me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I get people who take artistic photographs of stuff; or people who want to have a selfie (or have someone else take picture of them in front of something famous).
But if you are just taking picture of some work of art, monument or landmark that thousands of people before you took a picture of (in a way that is much more professional, crisp and nice) and all such pictures are available online, I'm baffled.
But how they see it is different from how I see it. Differnet time of the day, different weather, different people in the background, etc. I want to remember how I saw it.
Ok, The Fly. :huh:
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 04:16:38 AM
People taking pictures of stuff have always baffled me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I get people who take artistic photographs of stuff; or people who want to have a selfie (or have someone else take picture of them in front of something famous).
But if you are just taking picture of some work of art, monument or landmark that thousands of people before you took a picture of (in a way that is much more professional, crisp and nice) and all such pictures are available online, I'm baffled.
Artistic photos, sure. Sculpture especially lends itself very well to somewhat original photography.
Selfies in front of art completely baffle me. They are generally terrible, and why do you have to be in it? Your friends won't believe you otherwise? You really need your face obscuring something that is actually worth looking at? And it is incredibly annoying to other visitors.
Taking pictures of stuff is great. It helps me remember, like writing something down helps remembering it even if you never look at the writing again.
When back home the pictures will actually prompt me to learn more about the objects, without the pictures I generally don't.
And as Mono says, sometimes you want to preserve the conditions as they were when you saw it.
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 04:57:17 AM
Selfies in front of art completely baffle me. They are generally terrible, and why do you have to be in it? Your friends won't believe you otherwise? You really need your face obscuring something that is actually worth looking at? And it is incredibly annoying to other visitors.
So you remember your trip to see whatever it is you are seeing? Decades from now that will be more interesting than the thing itself. And I have no idea why I should be incredibly annoyed by people take selfies.
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
And I have no idea why I should be incredibly annoyed by people take selfies.
Well for one, I wish we could go back to the days when taking a selfie was an embarrassing thing to do. In a gallery it is also incredibly annoying as it is like get the fuck out of the way. I don't need you standing in front of a painting so that you can document how you are a narcisstic tool knowing you'll compound that by putting it up on social media.
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 09:24:56 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
And I have no idea why I should be incredibly annoyed by people take selfies.
Well for one, I wish we could go back to the days when taking a selfie was an embarrassing thing to do. In a gallery it is also incredibly annoying as it is like get the fuck out of the way. I don't need you standing in front of a painting so that you can document how you are a narcisstic tool knowing you'll compound that by putting it up on social media.
Well before then they would have their friend taking a picture of them standing in front of it. This way seems to take up less space.
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 09:26:04 AM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 09:24:56 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
And I have no idea why I should be incredibly annoyed by people take selfies.
Well for one, I wish we could go back to the days when taking a selfie was an embarrassing thing to do. In a gallery it is also incredibly annoying as it is like get the fuck out of the way. I don't need you standing in front of a painting so that you can document how you are a narcisstic tool knowing you'll compound that by putting it up on social media.
Well before then they would have their friend taking a picture of them standing in front of it. This way seems to take up less space.
Both of those are awful / I noted that I saw both.
Nice afternoon out on Sunday, this is what stopped be getting any further, about 2-3 feet of thick muddy/chalky water , sorry about the photo quality but it was dusk:
Somewhat interesting clouds, just after yesterday's sunset:
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
So you remember your trip to see whatever it is you are seeing? Decades from now that will be more interesting than the thing itself.
I should hope not. :mellow:
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 09:38:06 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 09:26:04 AM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 09:24:56 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
And I have no idea why I should be incredibly annoyed by people take selfies.
Well for one, I wish we could go back to the days when taking a selfie was an embarrassing thing to do. In a gallery it is also incredibly annoying as it is like get the fuck out of the way. I don't need you standing in front of a painting so that you can document how you are a narcisstic tool knowing you'll compound that by putting it up on social media.
Well before then they would have their friend taking a picture of them standing in front of it. This way seems to take up less space.
Both of those are awful
Also, people taking pictures with tablets. :bleeding:
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 11:26:27 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
So you remember your trip to see whatever it is you are seeing? Decades from now that will be more interesting than the thing itself.
I should hope not. :mellow:
Well I am going through boxes of pictures that my ancestors took and even though I may like what Niagara Falls looked like in 1897, it is really about getting pictures of them because it kinda still looks the same.
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 11:38:21 AM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 09:38:06 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 09:26:04 AM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 09:24:56 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
And I have no idea why I should be incredibly annoyed by people take selfies.
Well for one, I wish we could go back to the days when taking a selfie was an embarrassing thing to do. In a gallery it is also incredibly annoying as it is like get the fuck out of the way. I don't need you standing in front of a painting so that you can document how you are a narcisstic tool knowing you'll compound that by putting it up on social media.
Well before then they would have their friend taking a picture of them standing in front of it. This way seems to take up less space.
Both of those are awful
Also, people taking pictures with tablets. :bleeding:
*blood boiling*
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 11:38:40 AM
Well I am going through boxes of pictures that my ancestors took and even though I may like what Niagara Falls looked like in 1897, it is really about getting pictures of them because it kinda still looks the same.
Oh I don't have anything against pictures of people. And while I don't enjoy having my picture taken I know it's probably a good thing to have a few taken each year.
But I just don't see the point of posing in front of things. It's such a sad spectacle.
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 11:40:56 AM
*blood boiling*
Do you picture yourself become more or less tolerant of people's foibles as you grow older?
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 11:38:21 AM
Also, people taking pictures with tablets. :bleeding:
Apparently we haven't been to a elementary school choral recital/holiday pageant/graduation recently.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 17, 2015, 11:58:21 AM
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 11:38:21 AM
Also, people taking pictures with tablets. :bleeding:
Apparently we haven't been to a elementary school choral recital/holiday pageant/graduation recently.
I don't think we have any of those things. But no, I haven't been inside an elementary school since 1991. :)
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 12:08:57 PM
I don't think we have any of those things. But no, I haven't been inside an elementary school since 1991. :)
At what events would parents in your country go to the elementary school? Besides picking up and dropping of their kids of course :P
Quote from: Jacob on February 17, 2015, 11:57:26 AM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 11:40:56 AM
*blood boiling*
Do you picture yourself become more or less tolerant of people's foibles as you grow older?
:lol: That question sorta answers itself when it comes to Supercunt, doesn't it?
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 12:15:24 PM
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 12:08:57 PM
I don't think we have any of those things. But no, I haven't been inside an elementary school since 1991. :)
At what events would parents in your country go to the elementary school? Besides picking up and dropping of their kids of course :P
Parent-teacher talks I guess, and maybe one or two events. I don't really recall anything specific. Maybe I should have taken pictures :D
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 12:20:44 PM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 12:15:24 PM
Quote from: Maladict on February 17, 2015, 12:08:57 PM
I don't think we have any of those things. But no, I haven't been inside an elementary school since 1991. :)
At what events would parents in your country go to the elementary school? Besides picking up and dropping of their kids of course :P
Parent-teacher talks I guess, and maybe one or two events. I don't really recall anything specific. Maybe I should have taken pictures :D
Parents here are always filming their kid giving that speech about the assassination of Lincoln, or performing in some play, or whatever. In the old days this meant tons of bulky video cameras.
Quote from: Jacob on February 17, 2015, 11:57:26 AM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 11:40:56 AM
*blood boiling*
Do you picture yourself become more or less tolerant of people's foibles as you grow older?
How could I become less tolerant? :unsure:
On a somewhat related note, I feel like these new subway ads were created to help people like me.
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 12:39:38 PM
How could I become less tolerant? :unsure:
The intensity of your reactions could increase, and the scale of things that set them off could decrease, I suppose.
Seems wearing a backpack would be a good way to prevent strangers from brushing up against your ass.
The latest public shaming crusade against "manspreading" is annoying as balls, though.
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 12:23:39 PM
Parents here are always filming their kid giving that speech about the assassination of Lincoln, or performing in some play, or whatever. In the old days this meant tons of bulky video cameras.
You can't really blame them. It makes for excellent blackmail material.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 17, 2015, 12:53:38 PM
The latest public shaming crusade against "manspreading" is annoying as balls, though.
I like all the theories about it being something more complicated than just being comfortable.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 17, 2015, 12:53:38 PM
The latest public shaming crusade against "manspreading" is annoying as balls, though.
That's why I didn't include that image as there is a unique one for that too.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on February 17, 2015, 12:51:01 PM
Seems wearing a backpack would be a good way to prevent strangers from brushing up against your ass.
It is really just a good way for an oblivious person to whack the poor individuals who happen to be near them.
They're invading his bubble. :(
This is why I'm stuck driving.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on February 17, 2015, 01:08:59 PM
They're invading his bubble. :(
You don't get your own personal domain for $2.50 a ride. :P
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 12:58:22 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 17, 2015, 12:53:38 PM
The latest public shaming crusade against "manspreading" is annoying as balls, though.
I like all the theories about it being something more complicated than just being comfortable.
Yes, it has nothing to do with the amount of fleshy genitalia hanging between your legs, all jammed together and packed uncomfortably in layers of cloth, and everything about asserting your primal territorial dominance.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 17, 2015, 01:28:01 PM
Quote from: Valmy on February 17, 2015, 12:58:22 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 17, 2015, 12:53:38 PM
The latest public shaming crusade against "manspreading" is annoying as balls, though.
I like all the theories about it being something more complicated than just being comfortable.
Yes, it has nothing to do with the amount of fleshy genitalia hanging between your legs, all jammed together and packed uncomfortably in layers of cloth, and everything about asserting your primal territorial dominance.
I don't know about that. For the degree of leg spread that some people are doing, they must have testicles the size of grapefruits and should have that examined by a doctor.
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 01:34:52 PM
I don't know about that. For the degree of leg spread that some people are doing, they must have testicles the size of grapefruits and should have that examined by a doctor.
Once you spread a little bit, gravity takes care of the rest.
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 04:16:38 AM
People taking pictures of stuff have always baffled me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I get people who take artistic photographs of stuff; or people who want to have a selfie (or have someone else take picture of them in front of something famous).
But if you are just taking picture of some work of art, monument or landmark that thousands of people before you took a picture of (in a way that is much more professional, crisp and nice) and all such pictures are available online, I'm baffled.
I'll take the pictures to help remember to look it up on online later. :sleep:
My theory is that looking at old pictures is way to spur memories.
Whether you're taking pictures of your food, of scenic things, of people, of things in art galleries, or whatever it's a way for you and your companions to remember what you did and how you felt when you look at those pictures. They also serve as a story telling aids, when you recall those events to other people (who hopefully care rather than being bored), but again this is due to them spurring your own memories.
At least that's how it seems to me.
No one, not even you will remember if we had good food or bad, how we lunched or how we dined.
There may be something wrong with me, but I always found the experience of "sight seeing" lacking in the first place.
Sure, I like going to a foreign place to get the "feel", taste the food, smell the scents, etc. But the concept of going into a museum to see some painting (that I can very well see online), or seeing some monument has always left me wanting - I have a bit of "you've seen one, you've seen them all" attitude to them.
It's like during that one Paris meet we had a few years ago - we ended up in a pub watching rugby and it was more fun than trying to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:12:49 PM
Sure, I like going to a foreign place to get the "feel", taste the food, smell the scents, etc.
OK Cal.
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:12:49 PM
But the concept of going into a museum to see some painting (that I can very well see online), or seeing some monument has always left me wanting - I have a bit of "you've seen one, you've seen them all" attitude to them.
Well I suppose that's one opinion. Personally, I think that there is a very different experience between seeing something online and seeing it in person. There's a large measure of physicality that is missing.
I am not even presenting it as an opinion - it's just how I feel. I acknowledge that other people may feel differently about it, and for them sight-seeing is enjoyable. For me it has always felt like a chore.
My perfect vacation is a nice seaside hotel (5 star or higher standard), with good exotic food, lots of booze and several good books. I don't really need to see the Taj Mahal. Plus I hate walking.
Did I mention I have been going to exactly the same hotel for my annual vacation since at least 2008? :P
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 03:15:50 PM
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:12:49 PM
But the concept of going into a museum to see some painting (that I can very well see online), or seeing some monument has always left me wanting - I have a bit of "you've seen one, you've seen them all" attitude to them.
Well I suppose that's one opinion. Personally, I think that there is a very different experience between seeing something online and seeing it in person. There's a large measure of physicality that is missing.
Indeed, even paintings are surprisingly three-dimensional.
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:17:35 PM
I am not even presenting it as an opinion - it's just how I feel.
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 03:18:33 PM
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:17:35 PM
I am not even presenting it as an opinion - it's just how I feel.
Well, for me an opinion is a belief about reality that you hold. I am just describing my personal taste. I guess it's an opinion in the same way "I don't like artichoke" is an opinion. But I am not saying other people who have different tastes are wrong.
I'm saying you are wrong though. :blush:
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 03:22:24 PM
I'm saying you are wrong though. :blush:
Well, ok so you are wrong instead. I find people with tastes like you or mongers to be pretentious. :P
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:25:52 PM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 03:22:24 PM
I'm saying you are wrong though. :blush:
Well, ok so you are wrong instead. I find people with tastes like you or mongers to be pretentious. :P
I think you need an art appreciation class. :P
Though given that you liked that Will Smith movie, I'm not sure how much help it could provide. :D
Wait a minute, Mongers is pretentious? And this is coming from Martinus? :huh:
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 03:28:59 PM
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:25:52 PM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 03:22:24 PM
I'm saying you are wrong though. :blush:
Well, ok so you are wrong instead. I find people with tastes like you or mongers to be pretentious. :P
I think you need an art appreciation class. :P
Though given that you liked that Will Smith movie, I'm not sure how much help it could provide. :D
I appreciate art... if it hangs on my wall.
Other than that, I see a little point. :P
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on February 17, 2015, 03:31:47 PM
Wait a minute, Mongers is pretentious? And this is coming from Martinus? :huh:
Talk about damning with faint praise, given my level of art appreciation is "Ug likes picture/ Ug doesn't like picture"
Popped out late afternoon to visit a favourite hill fort in deepest Dorset, misjudged how late it was and the strenght of the cool NE wind, so only made it over the Stour to a nice medieval bridge at some place called Sturminster Newtown or is that Sturminster Marshall, before turning tail and rushing back home. :bowler:
Here's some random stuff.
Truckee river (which apparently yields platinum if you pan there).
Nevada historical markers.
This is the "road" the Donner party took.
Also where they ended up inventing the Donner kebab.
Nice photos MiM. :cool:
Spent much of the late afternoon in the company of rooks and crows, they seemed to enjoy 'playing' in the strong Westerlies, popping up from behind hedges, hanging in the air above or beside me in the country lanes. You get the odd impression there's more to their lives than just food, survival and procreation.
On the way home five near mature red deer stags run out 30-40 feet in front of me and smashed across the lane into the large fresh ploughed field on the left, waiting at the top of which were three hinds; Spring arisen. :)
Ran into what looked like a Robin single's party on my walk. About 9 birds hanging out on the same lawn.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 29, 2015, 06:45:16 PM
Ran into what looked like a Robin single's party on my walk. About 9 birds hanging out on the same lawn.
Over here many of our Robins are now Ruskies, new Putin infiltration tactic?
Lots of tits in the garden at the moment; odd as I hadn't even stepped outside. :)
Guys, stop perving on those birds' tits. :P
The doves on my patio are back. We painted the house and moved the shelves they were nesting on. A couple weeks ago, I saw them standing at the front door. Just chilling on the porch. I thought, hey maybe they want their nest back. So we put the shelves back and the rocks back on top. Two hours later they had made another nest there and there are currently two eggs.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 29, 2015, 09:53:41 PM
The doves on my patio are back. We painted the house and moved the shelves they were nesting on. A couple weeks ago, I saw them standing at the front door. Just chilling on the porch. I thought, hey maybe they want their nest back. So we put the shelves back and the rocks back on top. Two hours later they had made another nest there and there are currently two eggs.
Beautiful. :)
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 29, 2015, 09:53:41 PM
The doves on my patio are back. We painted the house and moved the shelves they were nesting on. A couple weeks ago, I saw them standing at the front door. Just chilling on the porch. I thought, hey maybe they want their nest back. So we put the shelves back and the rocks back on top. Two hours later they had made another nest there and there are currently two eggs.
Nice. This winter during all the cold and heavy snows I started feeding the birds with a couple of feeders. Figured they had to be hard up for food to survive. The feeder attracts a lot of birds! Hoping to see some more rare birds, like purple finches and some warblers, and I've already seen them at times. Two feeders were small or flimsy and succumbed to large birds or squirrel damage. The one I have now is sturdy and mostly squirrel proof as it closes down the feed ports with a squirrel's weight on it. And I've seen that works too! I may put up more of them but not sure if I want to keep feeding them year round as they can make a bit of a mess.
Quote from: Martinus on February 17, 2015, 03:25:52 PM
Quote from: garbon on February 17, 2015, 03:22:24 PM
I'm saying you are wrong though. :blush:
Well, ok so you are wrong instead. I find people with tastes like you or mongers to be pretentious. :P
Start a new project tomorrow, involves spending more hours 'out and about'; maybe be money in it too. :bowler:
The eighth hatching is complete. It's crazy these birds keep coming back. It's pretty cool though.
The second pic is taken through the glass from my living room.
Quote from: mongers on March 31, 2015, 06:25:14 PM
Start a new project tomorrow, involves spending more hours 'out and about'; maybe be money in it too. :bowler:
Cool! :cool:
I did the first part of the German Alpine Society's "Basic Course Ice" in the last three days. We learned a lot of knots, safety procedures and also how to climb up a mountain with a fixed rope and an ice axe. I am now considering to do the second part in Chamonix next month where I would learn how to use crampons on a glacier.
Quote from: Zanza on April 19, 2015, 03:07:28 PM
I did the first part of the German Alpine Society's "Basic Course Ice" in the last three days. We learned a lot of knots, safety procedures and also how to climb up a mountain with a fixed rope and an ice axe. I am now considering to do the second part in Chamonix next month where I would learn how to use crampons on a glacier.
That's quite impressive to learn and do that stuff. Congrats, and enjoy. :)
So here's something mildly interesting.
There's a small mountain not far from here that is entirely composed of quartz. It's all crystally in various colors. One part of it is a pretty cool blue-green that I like a lot. It's only about ten miles of driving from town, but it's all off-road. My sister and my mom were meeting at my house today so I figured I'd go hide in the woods.
Photo spam coming.
Henry Rollins---Excellent deer repellant. Just turn it up.
The weather was kinda crappy with a winter storm warning over 7000 feet, which was exactly where I was going. :P
Crystal hilltop.
I met two men mining for crystals. They do sometimes find some very valuable ones. You can barely see them at the top of the pic. Those guys got there in a Saturn hatchback. Mad props for that.
It got really cold and started snowing, so I went home.
Nice pictures. :)
Waiting for a rockslide to be cleared. Idaho.
The Horrible Mountainous Desert (full size for reading). (http://i.imgur.com/ecydUD3.jpg)
The Great Falls of the Missouri (And Ryan Dam.)
How to know whose cattle you're stealing. Malta, Montana.
"Antler" :yeahright:
Meeting of the Little Salmon and Salmon River. Riggins, ID.
Cool photo spam. :)
We took a company trip to Krems in Lower Austria - loads of vinyards there.
As part of the event we took a 20k trip by bike along the Danube. I was a bit apprehensive, because I hadn't sat on a bike for 15 years or more. Thanks to the sedate pace (took us 90 minutes) and the forgiving route with few climbs I actually made it all the way, out of shape as I am.
Beautiful scenic route, though, along the river, with little picture postcard towns, steep hills with vinyards on both sides of the Danube, and several castle ruins, including Dürnstein, where Richard Lionheart was held captive.
Pictured: Dürnstein, with the destroyed castle on the hill.
Fortunately, it was followed by dinner at a Heuriger (http://languish.org/forums/index.php?action=post;topic=12345.250;last_msg=881883). Wine was from the vinyard, obviously, and there was (as is tradition) bread, cheese, cold cuts - all products from small local producers, and really very delicious. And to top it off, Grandma's cakes (instead of a menu we received a small handwritten note listing the cakes available that evening, with some crossed out, and she explained all of them when we had questions). :mmm:
Beautiful. I want to hike along the upper Danube valley in the Swabian Jura region in two weeks.
It looks like a very beautiful area indeed. :)
It's the Wachau (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wachau), one of the prettier areas of Austria.
@Zanza: That sounds great. :)
Hope those nice people have flood insurance.
Parachute off of Perrine Bridge. Twin Falls. Yes, I saw Evel Knievel's jump site, but my battery was dead.
Basque church. Winnemucca.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on June 10, 2015, 08:20:38 PM
Hmmmm it is too small to see. Give me a minute.
Edit: There we go :cool:
Full size. I pulled over from a hundred miles an hour to get that just for you. :P
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on June 12, 2015, 01:32:44 PM
Full size. I pulled over from a hundred miles an hour to get that just for you. :P
:hug: :thumbsup:
Quote from: Valmy on June 12, 2015, 01:35:50 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on June 12, 2015, 01:32:44 PM
Full size. I pulled over from a hundred miles an hour to get that just for you. :P
:hug: :thumbsup:
Awesome new avatar. :D
Great pic, MIM.
Hehe... there's a town named after a Languishite. What a coincidence. ;)
Quote from: KRonn on June 12, 2015, 01:48:25 PM
Hehe... there's a town named after a Languishite. What a coincidence. ;)
I know!
Toni guessed my hotel last time. This one should be incredibly easy.
Quote from: Zanza on June 10, 2015, 12:53:48 PM
Beautiful. I want to hike along the upper Danube valley in the Swabian Jura region in two weeks.
And I did. It was gorgeous, a bit of a fairy-tale landscape with a deep valley and lots of ruins and castles.
Very nice. :)
That lawn looks like it's a bitch to mow.
You sure don't see random castles on hillsides when wandering around in the states. :P
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on June 29, 2015, 01:01:09 PM
You sure don't see random castles on hillsides when wandering around in the states. :P
Beautiful scenery!
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on June 29, 2015, 01:01:09 PM
You sure don't see random castles on hillsides when wandering around in the states. :P
Close enough...
You mean
Been doing quite a bit of outdoor stuff/trips in recent months, but ironically came back to the area and had perhaps my perfect bike ride, nothing new, long or difficult, but all the elements came together nicely.
So I may give up bike riding after that :P
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on June 12, 2015, 01:32:44 PM
Full size. I pulled over from a hundred miles an hour to get that just for you. :P
Now if someone gets the comparable sign in France, Valmy will have a stroke from joy. :)
Quote from: mongers on August 19, 2015, 05:41:33 PM
Been doing quite a bit of outdoor stuff/trips in recent months,
Anything of note that you would like to share?
Quote from: mongers on August 19, 2015, 05:41:33 PM
Been doing quite a bit of outdoor stuff/trips in recent months, but ironically came back to the area and had perhaps my perfect bike ride, nothing new, long or difficult, but all the elements came together nicely.
So I may give up bike riding after that :P
Hey glad to see you're alive...I, for one, was thinking about you the other day!
Mongers is back!!! :hug: :punk: :cheers:
Howdy Mongers. Don't be a stranger. :cheers:
Booked a trip to cross the Tatra mountains between Slovakia and Poland in September.
One of the people in my group is named Adolf :hmm:
A fine name. Clearly after one of Austria's most famous artists.
Adolf Loos. What a great architect. His little cement boxes will be treasured for centuries.
Quote from: Zanza on August 21, 2015, 12:13:03 PM
Booked a trip to cross the Tatra mountains between Slovakia and Poland in September.
One of the people in my group is named Adolf :hmm:
:unsure: Good luck.... ;)
Going to climb to the top of a 12,000 foot mountain today.
...nor really as impressive as it sounds, I live at 7200 feet, the drive up the Snowy Range takes us to 10,000 feet and there is a nice trail the rest of the way.
Still, it makes me a mountain man.
Quote from: PDH on August 23, 2015, 09:54:32 AM
Going to climb to the top of a 12,000 foot mountain today.
...nor really as impressive as it sounds, I live at 7200 feet, the drive up the Snowy Range takes us to 10,000 feet and there is a nice trail the rest of the way.
Still, it makes me a mountain man.
Good luck.
And it sound bloody impressive to someone who's is typing this at just 28 ft above sea level.
I survived. The climb was tougher than I remembered, but doable. Coming down I whacked my big toe on a rock, now half the nail is blue underneath, though not a lot of pain. Hoping I don't loose it, those take a long time to regrow. All in all about 12 miles round trip.
Quote from: PDH on August 23, 2015, 05:27:22 PM
I survived. The climb was tougher than I remembered, but doable. Coming down I whacked my big toe on a rock, now half the nail is blue underneath, though not a lot of pain. Hoping I don't loose it, those take a long time to regrow. All in all about 12 miles round trip.
You're a better man than I. :cheers:
Quote from: Zanza on August 21, 2015, 12:13:03 PM
Booked a trip to cross the Tatra mountains between Slovakia and Poland in September.
One of the people in my group is named Adolf :hmm:
Adolf was a pretty cool Swiss guy in his 50s. Not sure how he got the name, but he went by a nickname the whole time.
Here are some pics I took:
Zanza, real nice photos. :cool:
Very nice. :)
What kind of camera you using Zanza? nice pics.
A Sony compact called HX10V.
Very nice pictures :)
Out for a walk along the river this evening, in the half light I saw a tiny frog, that's the first amphibian I've seen here in five or six years. :hmm:
Popped out late this afternoon for a spin around 'my' forest, lovely day not a cloud in the sky.
Past this place which is about 10 miles from home. It's a little enclosed site with an inscription commemorating the church services help by the Canadian army on the spot in the run up to D-day.
Happy Birthday Frodo !
I could do with a similar outdoor adventure. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on September 21, 2015, 11:30:04 PM
Happy Birthday Frodo !
I could do with a similar outdoor adventure. :bowler:
Actually his birthday was a few days back, since the winter solstice lands on a different day in the Shire Calendar than to our own.
Quote from: mongers on September 20, 2015, 08:06:25 PM
Popped out late this afternoon for a spin around 'my' forest, lovely day not a cloud in the sky.
Past this place which is about 10 miles from home. It's a little enclosed site with an inscription commemorating the church services help by the Canadian army on the spot in the run up to D-day.
Interesting - here in Toronto, there is a little park dedicated to Norwegian airmen who trained here during WW2.
Another, hidden memorial I found wandering about, north of my own neighbourhood. There is an ancient-seeming roadway that leads up to a cemetary off the "main street" in my neighbourhood (Royal York Rd.), and I passed it for years before investigating - it turned out to be a Jewish cemetary, and many of the gravestones mentioned that the deceased had survived the Holocaust, and mentioned on the stone the names of various relations who had not (and presumably had no other memorial). Very moving.
A war memorial/cemetery that I found particularly moving is quite near your place mongers, Sutton Veny in Wiltshire.
A number of Australians died there of the Spanish flu, many of them after the Armistice. Their deaths must have come as a terrible blow to their families, as they had either survived the front or never had to go there at all :(
Thanks for that Tricky, yes it's about 20-25 miles over the north Dorset and South Wiltshire downs from me. I've been through the village, but not stopped to see that.
Late this afternoon I popped out into mid Dorset to visit one of my favourite hill forts, Badbury rings, nothing spectacular, but a nice place within easy reach and since it's at the intersection of three Roman roads, it's a good route way.
Also a road nearby intentionally tree-lined with some nice mature trees, though some are getting old, so two new lines of trees have been planted as a fallback.
Roman culture is alive and well. :D
That's a good plaque I think. :)
Nice photos MiM. :cool:
Still pottling about on bike in unusually mild Autumn here, had a nice ride up the valley yesterday, t-shirt weather.
Got a puncture on the way home, but since it was the first in over 6months, not a issue and swapping out a tube on a grassy verge in the New Forest, ain't exactly the worst place to do it, certainly as compared to most of the places car breakdowns have left me. :bowler:
Nice nightscape in the garden the other night, but very difficult to capture it's beauty with a digital camera:
Pannage has started in the forest, nice to come across little groups of domestic pigs on the back-roads. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on November 12, 2015, 04:41:23 PM
Nice nightscape in the garden the other night, but very difficult to capture it's beauty with a digital camera:
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2015, 07:17:46 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 12, 2015, 04:41:23 PM
Nice nightscape in the garden the other night, but very difficult to capture it's beauty with a digital camera:
I forgot the "with my skills" to capture and/or the lack of equipment.
important qualifiers dwm! :P
Here was me trying to set up a time-lapse few weeks back at night. Sadly clouds moved in right after i started.
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2015, 07:42:44 PM
Here was me trying to set up a time-lapse few weeks back at night. Sadly clouds moved in right after i started.
I've a friend who does lots of astronomical photography and he spend hours out in the long nights, me I feel the cold too much nowadays to bother. :blush:
That's not to say I don't find something to like in the nights, nice ride home this evening just watch the last of the light bleed away into nothing following the sunset.
Quote from: mongers on November 22, 2015, 07:49:52 PM
I've a friend who does lots of astronomical photography and he spend hours out in the long nights, me I feel the cold too much nowadays to bother. :blush:
That's not a problem for Katmai, his blood is as thick as his skull. :P
Mongers, I did that one down in Washington on pacific coast, temps were in high 40's.
I want to go do some aurora photos but has been too cold for me (around 0f)
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 22, 2015, 07:53:51 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 22, 2015, 07:49:52 PM
I've a friend who does lots of astronomical photography and he spend hours out in the long nights, me I feel the cold too much nowadays to bother. :blush:
That's not a problem for Katmai, his blood is as thick as his skull. :P
Minimalist. :hmm:
Got the URL wrong the first time. Fixed now
South America?
Quote from: Zanza on December 06, 2015, 10:28:23 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 06, 2015, 10:18:38 PM
South America?
Yes, Argentina.
Los Glaciares? If so, me jelly. Put out an AAR at some point please...that's on my bucket list. :)
Awesome zanza. I drove down that road and saw the same sight. I thought, "i should take a picture but im tired, ill take some another day." But weather moved in and i never saw fitzroy again.
Sorry to skip out on you, btw.
Beautiful photo Zanza. :cool:
Pic looks extremely familiar. Is that near the Chilean border, like Torres del Paine or O'Higgins area maybe?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 07, 2015, 11:57:26 PM
Pic looks extremely familiar. Is that near the Chilean border, like Torres del Paine or O'Higgins area maybe?
I believe that is the road into El Chalten--it is the access road to El Chalten from the famous Ruta Cuarenta--one of the epic roads in the world (though Zanza probably is arriving from El Calafate which has an airport nearby).
That picture is immortalized in the Patagonia logo. The future founder of Patagonia led the climb of the Fitz Roy (the main mountain in the picture) with the future founder of North Face back in the 60s. It was the third ascent of the Fitz Roy and they filmed it--which was one of the first epic mountaineering movies (you can view it on youtube). The popularity of that movie in climbing circles helped springboard the launch of the Patagonia brand which is memorialized both in the name of the company and the logo.
Quote from: Tonitrus on December 07, 2015, 01:27:25 AM
Quote from: Zanza on December 06, 2015, 10:28:23 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 06, 2015, 10:18:38 PM
South America?
Yes, Argentina.
Los Glaciares? If so, me jelly. Put out an AAR at some point please...that's on my bucket list. :)
Si, claro. I can write a short AAR after I did Torres del Paine.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 07, 2015, 01:36:05 AM
Sorry to skip out on you, btw.
You missed out...
Got a real bad sunburn today. :glare:
Quote from: Zanza on December 08, 2015, 07:46:36 PM
Si, claro. I can write a short AAR after I did Torres del Paine.
I'll be interested in that.
Be careful with the sunburn. I think you might be missing some of the ozone layer down there.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 08, 2015, 12:11:01 AM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 07, 2015, 11:57:26 PM
Pic looks extremely familiar. Is that near the Chilean border, like Torres del Paine or O'Higgins area maybe?
I believe that is the road into El Chalten--it is the access road to El Chalten from the famous Ruta Cuarenta--one of the epic roads in the world (though Zanza probably is arriving from El Calafate which has an airport nearby).
That picture is immortalized in the Patagonia logo. The future founder of Patagonia led the climb of the Fitz Roy (the main mountain in the picture) with the future founder of North Face back in the 60s. It was the third ascent of the Fitz Roy and they filmed it--which was one of the first epic mountaineering movies (you can view it on youtube). The popularity of that movie in climbing circles helped springboard the launch of the Patagonia brand which is memorialized both in the name of the company and the logo.
he just passed away yesterday in Chile
I went to the beach this afternoon, which was nice, but given I got there at 5pm and it's 50 degrees north, it was a wee bit dark. :bowler:
Quote from: katmai on December 09, 2015, 10:32:19 AM
he just passed away yesterday in Chile
If anyone wants to watch the movie I was referencing, it is on youtube:
The two lead climbers - one was the dude that just died in Chile that founded North Face, the other went on to found Patagonia. The road that Zanza was posting the pic from: well that area wasn't paved in the video, and a lot of it wasn't drivable (they got in with mules).
Considering it's really on my doorstep or should I say riverbank, I have to get to Stonehenge more often next year, this year I passed by only a couple of times. :cry:
Hippie-henge. :D
I went to see it last time I was in England. They had the henge roped off, but they allowed a bunch of self-styled "Druids" in to cavort right around the stones. I guess the word hasn't gone out that Stonehenge historically had nothing to do with the Druids or their religion. :P
I was briefly tempted to claim I was a 'Beaker People' Nobleman-Priest so that I, too, could cavort right up to the stones - away with these Druidical newcomers! Off to an Oak Tree Grove with the lot of you! - but restrained myself. ;) (Plus, I lacked a neat costume, and it was too chilly to go nude).
Quote from: Malthus on December 17, 2015, 09:21:02 AM
Hippie-henge. :D
I went to see it last time I was in England. They had the henge roped off, but they allowed a bunch of self-styled "Druids" in to cavort right around the stones. I guess the word hasn't gone out that Stonehenge historically had nothing to do with the Druids or their religion. :P
I was briefly tempted to claim I was a 'Beaker People' Nobleman-Priest so that I, too, could cavort right up to the stones - away with these Druidical newcomers! Off to an Oak Tree Grove with the lot of you! - but restrained myself. ;) (Plus, I lacked a neat costume, and it was too chilly to go nude).
Yes it is rather silly, though I guess harmless and people get a laugh out of the silly costumes.
What annoys me is the free-for-all at the stones on the solstices, were tens of thousand of people get to trample over the site and stand-on or otherwise damage the stones. By all means let the silly druids in, who'll respect the stones, but don't let yahoos overwhelm the place.
As requested a brief Patagonia AAR.
I spent some days in Buenos Aires before I flew to El Calafate. Took a bus to El Chalten and shot this picture on the way.
The next day I took a 18 km hike to Laguna Torre, which is located under the imposing Cerro Torre. Sadly, I never saw that mountain.
Started very early the next day, went up to Laguna de los Tres, from which I got a perfect view at Cerro Fitzroy.
As I had time, I hiked over to Torre again. While I did again not see it, the hike there was worth it. Probably 28 km or so that day.
Went back to El Calafate that evening and took a tour to Glaciar Perito Moreno the next day. Awesome weather and the ice hike was simply stunning. It's a world of its own. The front of the glacier is also extremely impressive.
Next day was a long dull bus ride to Puerto Natales in Chile, which is also nondescript.
Started out my Torres del Paine trek the next day, although I just drove to the park and didn't go hiking yet. I spent a total of five nights in the park. All in Refugios with three meals. That meant I didn't have to carry a tent, was not cold at night and got real food. That probably vastly enhanced my experience, but it's not cheap.
The park itself is really beautiful and I understand why it is considered to be among the best hiking areas in the world. Turquoise lakes, imposing, very steep mountains with snow caps, glaciers, raging creeks and rivers, diverse vegetation. I hiked about 95 km in five days across good paths. At Glaciar Grey I also kayaked to the glacier front and did another ice hike, both of which were beautiful.
After this I had another bus ride to Punta Arenas on the Magellan Strait. My twelve days in Patagonia ended with a flight to Santiago.
I met a lot of interesting people along the way, mostly Americans, and spent up to several days with them. It's actually rather social even if you start your trip on your own.
Which backside is yours, if any?
It is me drinking the water from the glacier.
Nice pooper.
Cool pics. Thanks. :)
Atacama and Uyuni AAR
After Patagonia I went to Northern Chile, namely the tourist village of San Pedro de Atacama. After some Sandboarding I visited the Geysirs of Tatio and the Valle de la Luna, both beautiful.
The next days were spent in Bolivia along the Andes and finally the Salar de Uyuni, the biggest salt flat in the world. This tourist drive becomes ever more popular and it's easy to see why. The landscape was spectacular.
My final day in Chile was spent climbing the active volcano Lascar.
Zanza, very cool expedition and photos.
That sucks about the Cerro Torre. I did the Laguna de los Tres trek about three years ago, and I think I know the vantage point you posted that picture from, but on that day everything was fogged in and I couldnt' see a thing. Still was a memorable day.
What a godaweful place to live.
Quote from: Razgovory on January 02, 2016, 08:16:27 PM
What a godaweful place to live.
Like a colder New Mexico with llamas.
Probably not a bad place to visit though, in the early summer.
Quote from: Razgovory on January 02, 2016, 08:16:27 PM
What a godaweful place to live.
Very few people do. Unsurprisingly.
I certainly can't beat Zanza, but here's some more stuff from the ordinance museum in Hawthorne, NV.
Death Valley borax works.
More Death Valley.
Counterstrike tournament at CES. Canada stomped the Poles.
I've been in six different national parks in the last 12 months. Yosemite, Devil's Postpile, Crater Lake, Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Death Valley. I know I've been a bit negative on them.
The only one I'm planning to return to in 2016 is going to be Death Valley. That place is way bigger than it seems, and there's a ton to do. Plus it costs 30% less than the average national park, and there's no crowds of retards in your way. Bringing the FJ, naturally. So many awesome offroad trails.
Canyonlands is another great park to take an FJ to.
Nice pics. :) Are you allowed to go off road in Death Valley?
Yeah you are in most places. There are particular roads where you need it. Like to get to that place where the rocks race across the ground (the racetrack).
HELIOS Two. AKA Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project. Tonopah.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on January 10, 2016, 12:24:37 PM
HELIOS Two. AKA Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project. Tonopah.
Check if there are some broken reflectors there. You'll need them later.
Managed to get out on Friday for a longish ride, furthest North I've been on a bike in three months. :blush:
Now I've convinced myself Spring is just around the corner, the plan is to gradually go a bit further each time to all points of the compass, well N-S-E-W and by that gradual improve my bike trips out, a bit at a time; stretching my geographical muscles if you will. :showoff:
Right I'm off out on a little 'expedition', what shall it be East or West?
I guess it depends on which direction the wind's blowing. :bowler:
Wish me luck. :P
Quote from: mongers on February 03, 2016, 09:44:46 AM
Right I'm off out on a little 'expedition', what shall it be East or West?
I guess it depends on which direction the wind's blowing. :bowler:
Wish me luck. :P
How will you come back though? I always favour head wind going out and tail wind coming back.
Quote from: Liep on February 03, 2016, 06:26:56 PM
How will you come back though? I always favour head wind going out and tail wind coming back.
Damn straight. Feel like hell until the turnaround, then it is smooth sailing for the second half.
Quote from: Liep on February 03, 2016, 06:26:56 PM
Quote from: mongers on February 03, 2016, 09:44:46 AM
Right I'm off out on a little 'expedition', what shall it be East or West?
I guess it depends on which direction the wind's blowing. :bowler:
Wish me luck. :P
How will you come back though? I always favour head wind going out and tail wind coming back.
In the end didn't go East or West, as there was a cold stiff NWesterly, just ended up going to a local used book shop in the nearby town instead. :blush:
If I'm going out for a purpose and I'll face a wind, it doesn't seem to matter to me which way, I think it's because I take ages, like 1-1 1/2 hours to get into my stride and I'm always rushing due to light, traffic or exuberance on my way home. All of which oddly means I tend to take similar times out and back, no matter what the wind is doing. :hmm:
Anyway I did manage to get out on a little expedition late this afternoon, did 52-53km on a shallow triangular route out to one of my favourite hill forts, Badbury Rings.
Glad I did it as I ended up doing more than I planned which is a nice feeling, plus I checked out the condition for a fair few off-roads bits there and back.
The not so good thing is I had to go via a couple of local towns, some main roads and I don't think those are really usable now, due to traffic levels and congestion in the early evenings.
I think in future I'll have to go there on largely rural roads and take the longest way, rather than dicing again with idiots in those two towns :(
But the good news for me at least and my little four points of the compass challenge, is that's the furthest West on a bike I've been this year; it was the village of Shapwich (viking landing place??) at 2 degrees 5 minutes West, which is a whole 18 minutes of longitude further West than here. :gasp:
Though I've not been that far West in over 4 months. :blush:
Not going far this weekend in the blustery weather. :(
Think I'll try and get out into the New Forest tomorrow, if there's a weather window. :)
Quote from: mongers on February 06, 2016, 10:53:57 AM
Not going far this weekend in the blustery weather. :(
Think I'll try and get out into the New Forest tomorrow, if there's a weather window. :)
I'm planning my first mountain bike trip of the year tomorrow. Forecast says +5 degrees and cloudy with chance of rain later in the afternoon. Best I've seen yet!
Quote from: Liep on February 06, 2016, 11:18:10 AM
Quote from: mongers on February 06, 2016, 10:53:57 AM
Not going far this weekend in the blustery weather. :(
Think I'll try and get out into the New Forest tomorrow, if there's a weather window. :)
I'm planning my first mountain bike trip of the year tomorrow. Forecast says +5 degrees and cloudy with chance of rain later in the afternoon. Best I've seen yet!
Good luck with that. :cool:
I think here we've been a bit spoilt over the last couple of weeks with the mild weather. :Embarrass:
I shall probably go out, if only to check the water levels in some of the forest fords.
Mountains stripe across the Great Basin. Flying east.
Quote from: mongers on February 06, 2016, 11:24:06 AM
Good luck with that. :cool:
I managed to get myself out there and it was a really nice day. The track was quite muddy and it was tough going, but the weather was nice and the role players were out in droves to celebrate Shrovetide so there were knights and maidens and fire camps everywhere.
Crows watching the graves at Cormac's Chapel.
I was hiking when several in our group noticed that several rocks looked like states. There was only one thing we could do at that point.
(https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fs12.postimg.org%2F3t1ttu6xp%2FCAM00172.jpg&hash=7ac16265b530f5609bf491d7549d5c2f9e84d47d) (http://postimg.org/image/s9jzob7o9/full/)
Probably not the best use of time, but God Bless America!
No Alaska and Hawaii. You fail at geography. :weep:
Quote from: Barrister on February 22, 2016, 12:03:25 AM
No Alaska and Hawaii. You fail at geography. :weep:
That is a historic map of the us from 1950?
That's pretty good.
Nice map :cool:
I don't see West Virginia. :nerd:
Check out the chasm around Arkansas. :o
Been out in the forest this evening, given it's Easter a fair few tourists were about, but as soon as I got off-road, I had the forest trail to myself.
I need to spend more time exploring, given I've got a national park all but on my doorstep, well 1.5 miles away. BST start on Sunday, so I'll be able to have weekday evenings to myself in the forest or out on the Dorset and Wiltshire downlands. :bowler:
Just got my mountain bike back from the shop - complete overhaul. Now to start riding (after it gets above freezing).
Quote from: PDH on March 25, 2016, 08:04:07 PM
Just got my mountain bike back from the shop - complete overhaul. Now to start riding (after it gets above freezing).
Yeah, I'm only just brushing off the winters' cobwebs myself.
Cycled a bit in Jutland where 5-10 houses is a town and they have at least one church each.
The hilly country side of Jutland:
Old lignite mine:
Weather was very good on the 3rd day after the 2 first drowned in rain and wind:
Liep, nice photos. :cool:
Looks like good riding conditions.
Denmark is as flat as a Filipina.
In Norway people are born uphill.
Popped out late afternoon and did a 25mile loop up onto the Downs to check the byways, which are still pretty waterlogged so another few weeks before I can use them.
On the way up there, had to stop as five fallow deer stags ran out in front of me, one of which was a white hart, never seen one of those in broad daylight, usually at dusk or night-time :cool:
Visited one of my favourite hill forts this evening, but I can't wait for the uplands to dry out so I can avoid the traffic and main roads in the valleys and more populated areas. <_<
You just need some proper tyres. On One is having a sale ;)
Quote from: Liep on April 03, 2016, 05:12:59 PM
You just need some proper tyres. On One is having a sale ;)
Damn those must weigh a ton, the ones I used on this bike are 650g each, but are 32mm, which is the maximum I can get on the frame and that's with the mudguards removed.
Found a summer holiday for mongers and Liep. :)
I think you'd love it.
Quote from: Norgy on April 04, 2016, 01:37:55 AM
Found a summer holiday for mongers and Liep. :)
I think you'd love it.
Norgy, thanks for that, it looks wondrous. :cheers:
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2016, 06:56:25 AM
Quote from: Norgy on April 04, 2016, 01:37:55 AM
Found a summer holiday for mongers and Liep. :)
I think you'd love it.
Norgy, thanks for that, it looks wondrous. :cheers:
Yes it does, Norway is wonderful but it's not bicycle friendly unless you're Froome or similar. :P
That route looks very nice though, start high end low is always fun.
It's one usually taken by bike. You start in the high mountains.
So, it's less demanding than most routes here, and very scenic.
Norway is very scenic in general, if you disregard the travesty that is Oslo. :P
It's been a while since I've been to Norway, maybe I should try that in September. :hmm:
August or September would be the best months. Remember, you start at somewhere above sea level that has snow still.
Quote from: Norgy on April 04, 2016, 08:34:18 AM
August or September would be the best months. Remember, you start at somewhere above sea level that has snow still.
Last I visited my family up there it was June, there were still meter high snow banks around their house. :uffda: It was a sunny 15 degrees though, so all good.
I learned to set up a rappel point and use it to descend over the weekend. That was cool.
A guy I climb with taught me and a friend what to do. Then I climbed a wall and set the rappel point and rappelled down, but he was watching and caught a few mistakes I was making. Then my buddy was going over the steps (on the ground) before he was to do the same thing, but he was getting stuck, so I stepped in to help him out, but then I was confused too, and our teacher saw this and said, "you know what? I don't think you guys need to rappel anymore today." And thus ended our rappelling. :)
Quote from: mongers on April 03, 2016, 05:35:40 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 03, 2016, 05:30:50 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 01, 2016, 06:33:57 AM
Looks like good riding conditions.
Flat? Yeah.
But a lot of wind up there, apparently. :cry:
I cycled the length of Jutland once, there was a stiff wind blowing against us all the way, it was a bit like cycling up a not very steep but 200-mile long hill. Every now and then we would try and get up some speed....but no.........just a long slog at maybe 10mph when you would maybe expect twice that.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on April 04, 2016, 11:11:32 AM
Quote from: mongers on April 03, 2016, 05:35:40 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 03, 2016, 05:30:50 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 01, 2016, 06:33:57 AM
Looks like good riding conditions.
Flat? Yeah.
But a lot of wind up there, apparently. :cry:
I cycled the length of Jutland once, there was a stiff wind blowing against us all the way, it was a bit like cycling up a not very steep but 200-mile long hill. Every now and then we would try and get up some speed....but no.........just a long slog at maybe 10mph when you would maybe expect twice that.
You should write copy for the Danish tourism board. :D
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on April 04, 2016, 11:11:32 AM
Quote from: mongers on April 03, 2016, 05:35:40 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 03, 2016, 05:30:50 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 01, 2016, 06:33:57 AM
Looks like good riding conditions.
Flat? Yeah.
But a lot of wind up there, apparently. :cry:
I cycled the length of Jutland once, there was a stiff wind blowing against us all the way, it was a bit like cycling up a not very steep but 200-mile long hill. Every now and then we would try and get up some speed....but no.........just a long slog at maybe 10mph when you would maybe expect twice that.
Along the west coast? A beautiful way to die.
I hear a cycling holiday in Gotland, Sweden is quite good.
But cycling in Jutland, you can go from "kro" to "kro" and get a bed and a decent meal. And your drinks.
The wilderness of Norway has some serviced but very limited cabins in the mountains.
"Rallarvegen" is rather heavy on traffic, so you'll have to interact with other people.
Quote from: Norgy on April 04, 2016, 02:39:20 PM
I hear a cycling holiday in Gotland, Sweden is quite good.
But cycling in Jutland, you can go from "kro" to "kro" and get a bed and a decent meal. And your drinks.
The wilderness of Norway has some serviced but very limited cabins in the mountains.
"Rallarvegen" is rather heavy on traffic, so you'll have to interact with other people.
Norgy thanks for the tips. :)
If I had the time this summer I might consider it, The Netherlands, German coast, Denmark and finishing in Norway is certain a route I've thought about in the past, maybe 2017/18?
No need to thank me. Just give a small hint if you're in Norway. :hug:
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2016, 02:45:22 PM
If I had the time this summer I might consider it, The Netherlands, German coast, Denmark and finishing in Norway is certain a route I've thought about in the past, maybe 2017/18?
Looks like a very good route and there's supposedly cycle paths almost all the way. You'd have to sacrifice a few goats to get at least not unfavourable winds though.
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2016, 02:45:22 PM
If I had the time this summer I might consider it, The Netherlands, German coast, Denmark and finishing in Norway is certain a route I've thought about in the past, maybe 2017/18?
Let me know when it happens.
Quote from: Liep on April 04, 2016, 03:14:20 PM
Looks like a very good route and there's supposedly cycle paths almost all the way. You'd have to sacrifice a few goats to get at least not unfavourable winds though.
Along the Dutch part you should have predominantly west or southwest winds, which is perfect.
Quote from: Maladict on April 05, 2016, 03:52:10 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2016, 02:45:22 PM
If I had the time this summer I might consider it, The Netherlands, German coast, Denmark and finishing in Norway is certain a route I've thought about in the past, maybe 2017/18?
Let me know when it happens.
At the rate I'm going about 5 years ago. :D
Seriously why can't I recover from distances like I use to? :(
Mongers, what did you think of the recent Guardian article: a lament for the changed world of cycling (http://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2016/apr/12/no-more-hippies-and-explorers-lament-for-the-changed-world-of-cycling).
Quote from: mongers on April 05, 2016, 04:32:17 PM
Quote from: Maladict on April 05, 2016, 03:52:10 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2016, 02:45:22 PM
If I had the time this summer I might consider it, The Netherlands, German coast, Denmark and finishing in Norway is certain a route I've thought about in the past, maybe 2017/18?
Let me know when it happens.
At the rate I'm going about 5 years ago. :D
Seriously why can't I recover from distances like I use to? :(
You should go bicycle down Route 66.
Quote from: PRC on April 12, 2016, 11:05:22 PM
Mongers, what did you think of the recent Guardian article: a lament for the changed world of cycling (http://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2016/apr/12/no-more-hippies-and-explorers-lament-for-the-changed-world-of-cycling).
Thanks PRC for that, very interesting read. :cheers:
Out and about on my lunchtime stroll.
Right, I'm off out.
Anyone know *coughfakealfred* much about driving in south america?
We're thinking of going one way by rental between Santiago and Puerto Montt. Looks like it's similar to driving Portland to Los Angeles. Long trip with lots to see...don't want to do it again to catch a plane.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 14, 2016, 07:47:21 PM
Anyone know *coughfakealfred* much about driving in south america?
We're thinking of going one way by rental between Santiago and Puerto Montt. Looks like it's similar to driving Portland to Los Angeles. Long trip with lots to see...don't want to do it again to catch a plane.
Yep. Never driven that route, or really in Chile at all (in a way that counts), but I don't see anything that should be so difficult about it. The Chileans in Argentina used to rave about the wonderful roads in Argentina because they suck in Chile, but I would think that route will be a good one.
Anything shouldn't skip?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 14, 2016, 08:21:29 PM
Anything shouldn't skip?
What does that mean? As in sights to see? I've never been to that part of Chile. I would advise though that one of my favorite places in the world is Patagonia, especially to drive. The roads can be really bad though, but it is so empty, so awesome, and also safe.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 14, 2016, 07:47:21 PM
Anyone know *coughfakealfred* much about driving in south america?
We're thinking of going one way by rental between Santiago and Puerto Montt. Looks like it's similar to driving Portland to Los Angeles. Long trip with lots to see...don't want to do it again to catch a plane.
For what it's worth...
For the big trip to brazil 3 years ago, my brother was adamant 'you can't rent a car in south America - the driving is horrible!'. Which caused us to feel stuck unless we could beg/borrow/steal a ride from someone.
From watching when we were driven around... traffic wasn't great. Driving wasn't tremendous fun. But compared to traffic in Rome, it was child's play. I would have gladly rented a car on the antipode.
I was on the opposite side of the continent, and never drove myself; but from my experience in Colombia I learned:
1.) Sounding the horn means, "I'm going to do something incredibly stupid, so watch out."
2.) If you're following a trucker and he turns his turn signal he's signalling that it's safe for you to pass him; not that he's turning.
3.) Random construction and gruesome accidents are inevitable so have a lot of patience.
4.) Those who can drive, do; those who can't drive, drive buses.
5.) The lines on the road aren't meant to be taken literally.
You should get the low down from the locals on military or police check points as well (and what to do if you get stopped.) We got stopped and searched on a few occasions.
Quote from: Savonarola on April 15, 2016, 07:55:01 AM
4.) Those who can drive, do; those who can't drive, drive buses.
This one's t-shirt worthy. :D
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2016, 10:54:09 AM
Quote from: mongers on April 13, 2016, 10:52:55 AM
Right, I'm off out.
Have fun!
Didn't go anywhere special, just a 30 mile spin around one of the hillier bits of the forest, though somewhere I've not been in nearly six months. :blush:
Problem is finding big enough hills to go up in these parts, at least the loop I took rises and falls a lot, so it's an OK workout.
Today I accidentally took a diversion to Lover via Bohemia. :bowler:
Forgot I took some pictures on my walk the other day :)
Quote from: Maladict on April 22, 2016, 12:46:02 PM
Forgot I took some pictures on my walk the other day :)
Lots of lambing going on hereabouts the last few days.
That looks very Dutch. :)
Just got the road bike back from the shop after its annual enema and hot waxing. I am ready to hit the road.
Quote from: PDH on April 22, 2016, 07:12:57 PM
Just got the road bike back from the shop after its annual enema and hot waxing. I am ready to hit the road.
Almost had a sad moment when I thought the zipper was broken on my small suitcase. Crisis averted as all turned out to be fine. I've had 15 years of adventure with it. :cry:
Nearly made it to Stonehenge yesterday, but had a puncture on the way and given how brutally the off-roading on the byways was attacking my tyres, thought it safer to turn around and go by road later in the week. :bowler:
Bought a new pair of hiking shoes and tried them the first time today. That's Hohenzollern Castle, the fantasy castle Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia built in the 19th century.
Nice :cool:
We should have a photography thread.
Quote from: Maladict on May 08, 2016, 02:57:31 PM
Nice :cool:
We should have a photography thread.
I would only have pictures of rocks and cow shit :(
Great Castle pics Zanza. :)
btw, too much snow here to bike. I am ready, Mother Nature is not helping...
Quote from: Zanza on May 08, 2016, 01:08:38 PM
Bought a new pair of hiking shoes and tried them the first time today. That's Hohenzollern Castle, the fantasy castle Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia built in the 19th century.
You have any cool plans for the summer?
Are you still rock climbing?
The Forest is now fully awake, the trees are cloaked in that other-worldly green of new leaf.
Out exploring the by-ways this late afternoon.
Horse chestnut trees in full bloom:
And lets not forget that classic of the English countryside, Ye olde worldy flius tipus:
The chestnuts are gorgeous.
Someone just dumped a bathtub in the middle of the road? :lol:
Quote from: Malthus on May 16, 2016, 09:55:40 AM
Someone just dumped a bathtub in the middle of the road? :lol:
If it were paved, it could be a street scene in Baltimore.
Quote from: Malthus on May 16, 2016, 09:55:40 AM
Someone just dumped a bathtub in the middle of the road? :lol:
I think it was a hot tub, big enough and it was on an ancient by-way/hollow way, but because it was within a 200 yards of a main road, some **** just dumped their refuse in the countryside. :mad:
Nice pictures mongers, apart from the last one :(
Some more from my walks. Lots of storks about, but I didn't get a good shot.
And I got a chance to see a dolmen I hadn't visited before. :cool:
See, man and dinosaurs lived together, what more proof do you need? :D
My sister bought me a dash-cam for Xmas, but I only recently started using it; that way, they'll have actual video evidence of the Vietnamese nail technician in the luxury SUV I know is out there that will eventually kill me.
I may have to post some of the Greatest Hits of Baltimore/DC Commuting it all its beauty. :lol:
Quote from: Maladict on May 16, 2016, 11:50:38 AM
Nice pictures mongers, apart from the last one :(
Some more from my walks. Lots of storks about, but I didn't get a good shot.
Nice reminds me of the heathland over in Dorset. :)
Good idea of yours going for walks in the evening, maybe I should take a camera and do that. No storks here unfortunately, though I've heard climate change is bringing their range further this way.
That was early morning actually. It hurt.
But yeah, evening walks are definitely possible, there's decent light until 9. :cool:
Back from my trip. More than 2500 km and 28000 ascending meters through 9 countries. A fantastic experience.
I'm a bit tired now. Celebratory drinks tomorrow. Pictures and stories to follow.
Quote from: Liep on May 20, 2016, 09:56:28 AM
Back from my trip. More than 2500 km and 28000 ascending meters through 9 countries. A fantastic experience.
I'm a bit tired now. Celebratory drinks tomorrow. Pictures and stories to follow.
Very nice looking adventure, looking forward to the photos and details :cheers:
A few photos from roaming about the Italian countryside last week.
Quote from: Liep on May 20, 2016, 09:56:28 AM
Back from my trip. More than 2500 km and 28000 ascending meters through 9 countries. A fantastic experience.
I'm a bit tired now. Celebratory drinks tomorrow. Pictures and stories to follow.
Oh wow. That looks awesome :cool:
Quote from: garbon on May 20, 2016, 10:26:39 AM
A few photos from roaming about the Italian countryside last week.
Nice! Spoleto, Carsulae, not sure about the castle. Assisi?
Quote from: Liep on May 20, 2016, 09:56:28 AM
Back from my trip. More than 2500 km and 28000 ascending meters through 9 countries. A fantastic experience.
I'm a bit tired now. Celebratory drinks tomorrow. Pictures and stories to follow.
Any reason for avoiding Hungary? :P Quite a detour. ;)
Boring flat land of which there is plenty in Denmark? :D
Quote from: Duque de Bragança on May 20, 2016, 10:37:36 AM
Any reason for avoiding Hungary? :P Quite a detour. ;)
Boring flat land of which there is plenty in Denmark? :D
That and I wanted to see Sarajevo and Ljubljana and I have already been in Budapest. But to be honest, after mountainous Bosnia, the Alps and the very hilly Czech Republic I've come to appreciate a flat road. :P
Quote from: Maladict on May 20, 2016, 10:35:25 AM
Quote from: garbon on May 20, 2016, 10:26:39 AM
A few photos from roaming about the Italian countryside last week.
Nice! Spoleto, Carsulae, not sure about the castle. Assisi?
Yep, Assisi, view from Orvieto, Spoleto and Carsulae. The latter was so weird as it told had the look of a place that was primed for tourists in say the 70s or 80s but then was abandoned. :(
Quote from: Liep on May 20, 2016, 09:56:28 AM
Back from my trip. More than 2500 km and 28000 ascending meters through 9 countries. A fantastic experience.
I'm a bit tired now. Celebratory drinks tomorrow. Pictures and stories to follow.
Epic stuff. Congratulations :)
@Garbon: Beautiful :) I really need to go to Italy some day. I've only ever been in Rome and South Tyrol... :(
That must have been a fantastic ride Liep, I confess to envy, looking forward to your pics and stories :cool:
Can't do a map at this time, or more probably EVER, but let us just say that the British Indian Ocean Territories is quite a place. It's the most bizarre mix of Americans, Brits, and Filipinos that I have ever seen. Needless to say, the food and drink are well-priced and fantastic. Especially when you have been underwater for 82 days and the fresh fruit and veg ran out during week two... you get the drift. BIOT rocks.
This evening's bike trip was in no way epic, but delivering a colony of earthworms to a friends* must be one of the odder reason for going on a ride.
* his garden soil is rather poor, whereas here I only have to put down a plastic waste bag on the some concrete, to find the next morning a few earthworks have made a home underneath it.
First thing seen upon crossing into Wales - sheep! :cool:
Quote from: garbon on May 29, 2016, 05:27:27 AM
First thing seen upon crossing into Wales - sheep! :cool:
2nd thing you'll find, but I warn you, you may not like this - generally the Welsh are very friendly people. :P
Lord, grant me the strength.
Walked around the entirety of Cardiff Bay earmy this afternoon. It is way smaller than it looks like on maps. :D
Quote from: garbon on May 30, 2016, 05:13:59 PM
Walked around the entirety of Cardiff Bay earmy this afternoon. It is way smaller than it looks like on maps. :D
If you've time, check out the National Museum near the castle.
Camden Town truly is a miserable place, no?
Quote from: garbon on June 05, 2016, 09:38:09 AM
Camden Town truly is a miserable place, no?
Hard to say, I've driven through it a few times and it never struck me as a special London place.
It is like Oxford Street but grungy. Apparently on weekends to prevent overcrowding, you can't get on the tube there - only off.
Quote from: garbon on June 05, 2016, 02:18:13 PM
It is like Oxford Street but grungy. Apparently on weekends to prevent overcrowding, you can't get on the tube there - only off.
I knew that, but it's not the sort of place I visit.
Talking of which, I'm in town the Sunday after next, to do a few museums; languish meet up? :whistle:
Quote from: garbon on June 05, 2016, 09:38:09 AM
Camden Town truly is a miserable place, no?
It's great if you're a teenager in a provincial town just outside London. Otherwise it's awful.
Quote from: mongers on June 05, 2016, 02:20:58 PM
Talking of which, I'm in town the Sunday after next, to do a few museums; languish meet up? :whistle:
I'll be around but you know with the rest of them it is like herding cats. ;)
I've disliked Camden Town for over 30 years, but kept quiet about it and simply never returned after a couple of tedious visits. It is immensely heartening to find that other people think it is shit as well :cool:
I don't understand the point for adults. Same shops but in shit surroundings. Hardly alternative.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on June 05, 2016, 04:13:30 PM
I've disliked Camden Town for over 30 years, but kept quiet about it and simply never returned after a couple of tedious visits. It is immensely heartening to find that other people think it is shit as well :cool:
Sunset tonight.
Very good. Where are ye?
That is here in Anchorage. At place called point woronzof. The mountain is Susitna, but known to locals as "Sleeping Lady"
Quote from: Liep on June 12, 2016, 05:44:22 AM
Very good. Where are ye?
We really should have a photography thread and have people contributing to it.
Quote from: mongers on June 12, 2016, 07:17:28 AM
Quote from: Liep on June 12, 2016, 05:44:22 AM
Very good. Where are ye?
We really should have a photography thread and have people contributing to it.
Maybe better if only animals could contribute?
Salt Lake is a beautiful town, but I haven't had a chance to take any pics. We were going to go drive up to Park City yesterday, but I wasn't in the mood. I didn't realize just how much money the Mormon church has. Their properties here are opulent.
I didn't take this one.
Went up to Town today to do some museums: National Gallery, British Museum, British Library, Welcome, Science, Natural History and V&A, probably walked about 13-14 miles, so would have turned into a bit of Languish Death March if any Languishites had been invited. :D
London is definitely on high alert, bag searches everywhere, and armed police deployed seemed ready to fire if you see what I mean.
Quote from: mongers on June 19, 2016, 05:03:23 PM
Went up to Town today to do some museums: National Gallery, British Museum, British Library, Welcome, Science, Natural History and V&A, probably walked about 13-14 miles, so would have turned into a bit of Languish Death March if any Languishites had been invited. :D
London is definitely on high alert, bag searches everywhere, and armed police deployed seemed ready to fire if you see what I mean.
You did all that in one day? :wacko:
Quote from: Maladict on June 19, 2016, 05:05:22 PM
Quote from: mongers on June 19, 2016, 05:03:23 PM
Went up to Town today to do some museums: National Gallery, British Museum, British Library, Welcome, Science, Natural History and V&A, probably walked about 13-14 miles, so would have turned into a bit of Languish Death March if any Languishites had been invited. :D
London is definitely on high alert, bag searches everywhere, and armed police deployed seemed ready to fire if you see what I mean.
You did all that in one day? :wacko:
Yeah, suffering from museum overload, about 8-9 hours worth. :wacko:
It was in part researching a work project.
Quote from: mongers on June 19, 2016, 05:09:20 PM
It was in part researching a work project.
Oh right, then it makes more sense :)
Made it out to the 'affordable' art fair this weekend that was taking place in Hampstead. If only I had a spare £2k lying about for artwork. :(
Took a walk along a bit of the heath and decided that this is the kind of wilderness that I like. Carefully constructed and just moments away from the bustle of the city. ^_^
Popped out to the beach earlier this evening, as expected traditional British summer weather. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on June 30, 2016, 09:30:33 PM
Popped out to the beach earlier this evening, as expected traditional British summer weather. :bowler:
Isn't it great? No need for that ghastly suncream and less ugly flesh on display :yeah:
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on July 01, 2016, 02:05:58 AM
Quote from: mongers on June 30, 2016, 09:30:33 PM
Popped out to the beach earlier this evening, as expected traditional British summer weather. :bowler:
Isn't it great? No need for that ghastly suncream and less ugly flesh on display :yeah:
I've been taking around a sun hat with me this June, utterly pointless. :(
A bike ride out to Stonehenge this evening, very nice weather.
When I was there last, there was a bunch of new age "Druids" prancing around the stones. The cops let them inside the fence, we mere tourists had to stay outside.
The archaeologist in me was outraged - they should be pretending to be 'Windmill Hill ' or 'Beaker' people, not goddam Druids. :mad: ;)
Quote from: Malthus on July 04, 2016, 01:54:35 PM
When I was there last, there was a bunch of new age "Druids" prancing around the stones. The cops let them inside the fence, we mere tourists had to stay outside.
The archaeologist in me was outraged - they should be pretending to be 'Windmill Hill ' or 'Beaker' people, not goddam Druids. :mad: ;)
They're not there often, weirdly when we get a crowd of several tens of thousands of new-agers / party people at the solstice, there's typically only a handful at Avebury, as important an archaeological site and back in the day, as significant, if not more than Stonehenge.
Beautiful nature and something for the history geeks here!
Remains of Hitler's bunker below his Obersalzberg alpine retreat
Ok that's it, I'm opening a picture thread.
This "artist" has evolved a bit from only drawing penises. At any rate, his art is spreading wide across the railway and I thought I'd share.
Quote from: Malthus on July 04, 2016, 01:54:35 PM
When I was there last, there was a bunch of new age "Druids" prancing around the stones. The cops let them inside the fence, we mere tourists had to stay outside.
The archaeologist in me was outraged - they should be pretending to be 'Windmill Hill ' or 'Beaker' people, not goddam Druids. :mad: ;)
No shit. If they want to be Druids at least dance around an Oak Tree while performing a human sacrifice.
Quote from: Valmy on July 07, 2016, 09:56:41 AM
Quote from: Malthus on July 04, 2016, 01:54:35 PM
When I was there last, there was a bunch of new age "Druids" prancing around the stones. The cops let them inside the fence, we mere tourists had to stay outside.
The archaeologist in me was outraged - they should be pretending to be 'Windmill Hill ' or 'Beaker' people, not goddam Druids. :mad: ;)
No shit. If they want to be Druids at least dance around an Oak Tree while performing a human sacrifice.
Find some Romans, burn them in wicker cages. :D
That'll teach them to come here and steal our beakers and cause a windmill shortage.
Quote from: Malthus on July 07, 2016, 10:04:48 AM
Quote from: Valmy on July 07, 2016, 09:56:41 AM
Quote from: Malthus on July 04, 2016, 01:54:35 PM
When I was there last, there was a bunch of new age "Druids" prancing around the stones. The cops let them inside the fence, we mere tourists had to stay outside.
The archaeologist in me was outraged - they should be pretending to be 'Windmill Hill ' or 'Beaker' people, not goddam Druids. :mad: ;)
No shit. If they want to be Druids at least dance around an Oak Tree while performing a human sacrifice.
Find some Romans, burn them in wicker cages. :D
By the by many of you guys should read The Wake. I think you'd like it:
Walking along the south bank of the Rhine west from Arnhem, came upon the evacuation site of Market Garden fame.
Picture is taken in the direction of the allied HQ, obscured by trees on the far side of the river.
The monument (out of frame) says "they were just whispers and shadows in the night", presumably referring to the engineers who saved them.
A little further up the road, a plaque dedicated to the 101st. I'm not sure what they did here in Oct/Nov 1944. :blush:
Quote from: Maladict on July 11, 2016, 01:15:03 PM
Walking along the south bank of the Rhine west from Arnhem, came upon the evacuation site of Market Garden fame.
Picture is taken in the direction of the allied HQ, obscured by trees on the far side of the river.
The monument (out of frame) says "they were just whispers and shadows in the night", presumably referring to the engineers who saved them.
A little further up the road, a plaque dedicated to the 101st. I'm not sure what they did here in Oct/Nov 1944. :blush:
Mal, that's a nice find. :)
I saw three prostitutes hanging out near Dayton Children's hospital.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 11, 2016, 01:35:05 PM
I saw three prostitutes hanging out near Dayton Children's hospital.
Need pics so we can say whether or not it's a nice find.
Quote from: Maladict on July 11, 2016, 01:38:32 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 11, 2016, 01:35:05 PM
I saw three prostitutes hanging out near Dayton Children's hospital.
Need pics before we can say whether or not it's a nice find.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 11, 2016, 01:35:05 PM
I saw three prostitutes hanging out near Dayton Children's hospital.
Ambulance chasers. :x
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 11, 2016, 01:35:05 PM
I saw three prostitutes hanging out near Dayton Children's hospital.
Business as usual?
Just took what I realise was my first visit ever to a synagogue. Spent the entire time trying to make sure my yarmulke wouldn't fall off. :blush:
Just saw two women traveling together who each had their own selfie stick. :hmm:
Quote from: The Brain on July 11, 2016, 01:48:27 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 11, 2016, 01:35:05 PM
I saw three prostitutes hanging out near Dayton Children's hospital.
Ambulance chasers. :x
Single dads with sick kids need love too. :mad:
Quote from: Liep on July 07, 2016, 09:54:18 AM
This "artist" has evolved a bit from only drawing penises. At any rate, his art is spreading wide across the railway and I thought I'd share.
We've got one on my latest project that draws mammoth ice cream cones on our Corten shelters. I'll get some pictures the next time I'm in the field.
Just was at the super detailed military history museum in Dresden. Split into two main parts with a chronological history of German warfare since middle ages to present and then another that is ordered thematically about war. Spent a little over 2 hours and only saw chronologically ordered portion. Well worth a visit and a steal at just 5 euros.
Quote from: garbon on July 19, 2016, 09:31:40 AM
Just was at the super detailed military history museum in Dresden. Split into two main parts with a chronological history of German warfare since middle ages to present and then another that is ordered thematically about war. Spent a little over 2 hours and only saw chronologically ordered portion. Well worth a visit and a steal at just 5 euros.
Nice find.
Quote from: Maladict on July 11, 2016, 01:15:03 PM
A little further up the road, a plaque dedicated to the 101st. I'm not sure what they did here in Oct/Nov 1944. :blush:
There was an episode of Band of Brothers in which the 101st covers the withdrawal of a group of Red Devils who had been left behind after the evacuation of Oosterbeek. Maybe something to do with that.
Curiously, several of the key museums in Dresden required you to scan your museum ticket to be able to use the toilets. :hmm:
Potsdamer Platz is a key place to catch pokemon. I've been walking around the street festival here and just about every 20 and 30 something is playing. :D
A pair of odd vehicles at Pride. Well one is just offensive.
Yeah, 30 euros for a Lada is outrageous.
Spent a weekend near the Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain at 2962 meters. It borders Austria and we went up from the Austrian side as the route from the German side is a bit harder. We went up from Ehrwald to the Wiener Neustädter hut. Had a brief thunderstorm on the way up, which is a bit nerve-racking at 2000m. Reached the hut though and spent a fun evening there. The next morning we went to the Via Ferrata "Stopelzieher" (about 500m up, difficulty A/B) to the summit. Took the long way down via Knorr hut and Gatterl. Saw lots of trail runners going the other way for a race. Really crazy sport.
View from the Wiener Neustädter hut over the Eibsee lake.
A chamois near the hut.
Going up the Via Ferrata.
The rests of the Zugspitz glacier.
View down the Reintal valley.
This morning we raced down a mountain with trikes. They go up to 60kph fast. Was hilarious.
Quote from: garbon on July 23, 2016, 05:48:06 AM
A pair of odd vehicles at Pride. Well one is just offensive.
Queens decided they weren't going to put up with the offensive one.
The AfD pretending to care about gays is silly. These are the same people that were against gay rights not too long ago. They just hate muslims even more than gays.
Quote from: Zanza on July 24, 2016, 11:53:55 AM
The AfD pretending to care about gays is silly. These are the same people that were against gay rights not too long ago. They just hate muslims even more than gays.
Marty'll buy it :bleeding:
Quote from: Zanza on July 24, 2016, 11:53:55 AM
The AfD pretending to care about gays is silly. These are the same people that were against gay rights not too long ago. They just hate muslims even more than gays.
Yeah, I think that's one of the particularly offensive parts of it. They don't really give a shit about gays but want us to join the hate bandwagon.
Quote from: garbon on July 24, 2016, 12:03:37 PM
Quote from: Zanza on July 24, 2016, 11:53:55 AM
The AfD pretending to care about gays is silly. These are the same people that were against gay rights not too long ago. They just hate muslims even more than gays.
Yeah, I think that's one of the particularly offensive parts of it. They don't really give a shit about gays but want us to join the hate bandwagon.
I'm not even sure they actually even want us to join. We're just a weapon for them to use against Muslims.
Yeah, that's likely.
Very cool Zanza :cool:
Wish I could do stuff like that. I like climbing but I have serious issues with descents. :(
Zanza, cool pics. Is that the mountain that has a lift going to the top?
It has three different cable cars (one from Germany, one from Austria and one from the German ski area below) going to the summit. The summit is covered by a massive building actually, very ugly, extremely touristy.
Which would make it the perfect mountain for someone like Maladict who likes to go up, but not down. You can just climb the mountain and take the cable car back to the valley.
Quote from: Zanza on July 25, 2016, 01:26:04 AM
Which would make it the perfect mountain for someone like Maladict who likes to go up, but not down. You can just climb the mountain and take the cable car back to the valley.
Indeed :thumbsup:
My lungs are doing better than my knees as well :P
Odd sighting the other day - I was walking with my wife through a cemetery not three blocks from my house, when we came across a deer grazing on the grass there. The deer eyed us warily but wasn't too fussed about our presence.
This is in a big city, just south of one of its main streets - Bloor (for those who know Toronto). True, it is reasonably close to a big ravine, but not right next to it - the cemetery is surrounded on all sides by houses, streets, cars, etc.
The cemetery also had signs warning people to avoid the coyotes. Didn't see any of those, though.
It is just surprising to me that such large wildlife is now apparently at home in such an urban setting.
Edit: this is the cemetery in question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_Lawn_Cemetery
Looking at a map, it looks like it does directly back the nearby ravine.
Quote from: Malthus on July 26, 2016, 02:36:30 PM
Odd sighting the other day - I was walking with my wife through a cemetery not three blocks from my house, when we came across a deer grazing on the grass there. The deer eyed us warily but wasn't too fussed about our presence.
This is in a big city, just south of one of its main streets - Bloor (for those who know Toronto). True, it is reasonably close to a big ravine, but not right next to it - the cemetery is surrounded on all sides by houses, streets, cars, etc.
The cemetery also had signs warning people to avoid the coyotes. Didn't see any of those, though.
It is just surprising to me that such large wildlife is now apparently at home in such an urban setting.
Edit: this is the cemetery in question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_Lawn_Cemetery
Looking at a map, it looks like it does directly back the nearby ravine.
Cool :cool:
Looking at the map, that's a stone's throw from a friend's place on Riverside Drive I visited way back.
One morning I saw a beaver scurrying along the road, I had no idea they were that big.
Quote from: Zanza on July 25, 2016, 01:26:04 AM
Which would make it the perfect mountain for someone like Maladict who likes to go up, but not down. You can just climb the mountain and take the cable car back to the valley.
What, and die when the cable snaps and you fall to your death? There's no such thing as Superman to save you. Fuck that.
Quote from: Sheilbh on July 24, 2016, 12:12:25 PM
Quote from: garbon on July 24, 2016, 12:03:37 PM
Quote from: Zanza on July 24, 2016, 11:53:55 AM
The AfD pretending to care about gays is silly. These are the same people that were against gay rights not too long ago. They just hate muslims even more than gays.
Yeah, I think that's one of the particularly offensive parts of it. They don't really give a shit about gays but want us to join the hate bandwagon.
I'm not even sure they actually even want us to join. We're just a weapon for them to use against Muslims.
They'll let you join and then sharpen their long knives once power has been achieved.
Quote from: Maladict on July 27, 2016, 03:07:15 AM
Cool :cool:
Looking at the map, that's a stone's throw from a friend's place on Riverside Drive I visited way back.
One morning I saw a beaver scurrying along the road, I had no idea they were that big.
Heh I remember how startled I was when I first saw a beaver close up, when I was a kid. They lived in a pond near my parent's cabin. One day I was walking by that pond, when a beaver came out of the water not five feet from me, gave me the evil eye, and dove back in the water - slapping the water with its tail for good measure as it went.
I nearly jumped out of my skin.
First, the damn thing was
huge. As a kid, it looked like it was a veritable monster.
Second, it was hideously ugly. In the cartoons, and even in nature specials, they look adorably cute. Not so close up. For one, they have truly massive teeth; for another, those teeth are a nasty shade of orange. It definitely looked like it could do you damage if it wanted.
All in all, a creature better seen at a distance. :D
Quote from: Malthus on July 27, 2016, 09:11:07 AM
Quote from: Maladict on July 27, 2016, 03:07:15 AM
Cool :cool:
Looking at the map, that's a stone's throw from a friend's place on Riverside Drive I visited way back.
One morning I saw a beaver scurrying along the road, I had no idea they were that big.
Heh I remember how startled I was when I first saw a beaver close up, when I was a kid. They lived in a pond near my parent's cabin. One day I was walking by that pond, when a beaver came out of the water not five feet from me, gave me the evil eye, and dove back in the water - slapping the water with its tail for good measure as it went.
I nearly jumped out of my skin.
First, the damn thing was huge. As a kid, it looked like it was a veritable monster.
Second, it was hideously ugly. In the cartoons, and even in nature specials, they look adorably cute. Not so close up. For one, they have truly massive teeth; for another, those teeth are a nasty shade of orange. It definitely looked like it could do you damage if it wanted.
All in all, a creature better seen at a distance. :D
Being scared by your first sight of beaver, hmm, do tell me more. :hmm:
Quote from: mongers on July 27, 2016, 12:25:15 PM
Being scared by your first sight of beaver, hmm, do tell me more. :hmm:
I'm talking about the kind with large teeth.
Even in the UK, that refers to the animal. :P
Best not to confuse the two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYDfwUJzYQg
Quote from: Malthus on July 27, 2016, 09:11:07 AM
All in all, a creature better seen at a distance. :D
Also true of badgers.
Surprisingly, worryingly, hench.
Quote from: Sheilbh on July 27, 2016, 01:38:15 PM
Quote from: Malthus on July 27, 2016, 09:11:07 AM
All in all, a creature better seen at a distance. :D
Also true of badgers.
Surprisingly, worryingly, hench.
Yeah the black and white *doormat look is quite unattractive.
* I've only ever seen two live badgers, despite living in a largely rural area and national park, all the other dozens of them have been dead. Though I guess that's as sign of their breeding success, perhaps. <_<
Had a collision/crash with a horse the forest this evening; no one's 'fault', I've a few cuts and bruises and quite amusing as the horse was entirely unconcerned. :bowler:
First time in 35 years of using the forest, much rather that than being hit by a car; seams like a much softer bounce off a horse than a car.
Taking slower train from Frankfurt to Cologne. All the little towns along the Rhine are so picturesque!
I am in the Ladakh Region of India right now. :)
That is some amazing terrain there. What is the story with those buildings? Some kind of fort? Local village architecture?
That's a fort and partially a monastery.
Quote from: Zanza on August 15, 2016, 09:58:31 AM
That's a fort and partially a monastery.
How old are they?
I assume that is a Buddhist Monastery.
Yes, it's Buddhist. From the 15th and 16th century although it was restored from ruins only recently.
Finally made it out to Hampton Court Palace today, really cool stuff. Best bit was there was some young guy with his parents that told us that his work gets him 6 free tickets and so he gave us 3 free tickets. Nothing better than going to a cool place, then going to a cool place for free rather than 21 pounds a head. :cool:
Quote from: garbon on September 11, 2016, 03:04:06 PM
Finally made it out to Hampton Court Palace today, really cool stuff. Best bit was there was some young guy with his parents that told us that his work gets him 6 free tickets and so he gave us 3 free tickets. Nothing better than going to a cool place, then going to a cool place for free rather than 21 pounds a head. :cool:
It's rather good there, especially nice walks down by the Thames and in the parks that surround it.
I think that's pretty much par for the course nowadays in the UK, any major heritage site is likely going to cost you in the 20-40 quid range. :bowler:
Getting out and enjoying the national park, now that the tourists have gone and I have it largely to myself. :)
Lots of evidence of last night's thunderstorms, tracks washed out or cut back to their base flint/chalk/rubble, one or two great oak struck asunder.
Also no sightings of lycra clad roadies, maybe they've migrated south for the Winter? :hmm:
Big 'cultural' event in my home town tomorrow, given the fair full number of people I want to avoid vs the few I like to meet, I think I'll be avoiding it at all costs and heading off in the opposite direction, out into the Dorset countryside, weather permitting. :bowler:
On the Dutch island of Texel last week, I visited the Georgian military cemetery. The Georgian uprising against the Germans was the last fighting in Europe and lasted until well after the surrender. The Georgians who survived were sent back to the Soviet Union and very few were seen again. Very odd to see the hammer and sickle here, and to think of the desperation of these guys, so far from home.
Went to Buckingham Palace yesterday. All rather fittingly opulent and some nice paintings on the walls (nice to finally see Charles I with M. de St Antoine). Figured the money I saved at Hampton Court could be put to that. :D
Quote from: garbon on September 18, 2016, 12:42:49 PM
Went to Buckingham Palace yesterday. All rather fittingly opulent and some nice paintings on the walls (nice to finally see Charles I with M. de St Antoine). Figured the money I saved at Hampton Court could be put to that. :D
Next time you're in that bit of Belgravia, if you haven't already, you should check out the Iron Duke's Apsley House just up at Hyde Park Corner.
It's a far more modest affair and understated as compared to High Victorian bling you saw today. :P
Nice evening out in Dorset going all around the outside of the big conurbation that some here don't like. :P
Had most of the long seafront to myself before turning off up the valley home. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on September 18, 2016, 02:52:15 PM
Quote from: garbon on September 18, 2016, 12:42:49 PM
Went to Buckingham Palace yesterday. All rather fittingly opulent and some nice paintings on the walls (nice to finally see Charles I with M. de St Antoine). Figured the money I saved at Hampton Court could be put to that. :D
Next time you're in that bit of Belgravia, if you haven't already, you should check out the Iron Duke's Apsley House just up at Hyde Park Corner.
It's a far more modest affair and understated as compared to High Victorian bling you saw today. :P
I saw that was something I could visit when I was looking last week about perhaps getting an English Heritage membership.
Quote from: garbon on September 18, 2016, 03:11:09 PM
Quote from: mongers on September 18, 2016, 02:52:15 PM
Quote from: garbon on September 18, 2016, 12:42:49 PM
Went to Buckingham Palace yesterday. All rather fittingly opulent and some nice paintings on the walls (nice to finally see Charles I with M. de St Antoine). Figured the money I saved at Hampton Court could be put to that. :D
Next time you're in that bit of Belgravia, if you haven't already, you should check out the Iron Duke's Apsley House just up at Hyde Park Corner.
It's a far more modest affair and understated as compared to High Victorian bling you saw today. :P
I saw that was something I could visit when I was looking last week about perhaps getting an English Heritage membership.
English Heritage have got a quit interesting range of houses and palaces in London, not your typical aristo's country seat which the national trust seems to concentrate on.
Quote from: mongers on September 18, 2016, 03:20:44 PM
Quote from: garbon on September 18, 2016, 03:11:09 PM
Quote from: mongers on September 18, 2016, 02:52:15 PM
Quote from: garbon on September 18, 2016, 12:42:49 PM
Went to Buckingham Palace yesterday. All rather fittingly opulent and some nice paintings on the walls (nice to finally see Charles I with M. de St Antoine). Figured the money I saved at Hampton Court could be put to that. :D
Next time you're in that bit of Belgravia, if you haven't already, you should check out the Iron Duke's Apsley House just up at Hyde Park Corner.
It's a far more modest affair and understated as compared to High Victorian bling you saw today. :P
I saw that was something I could visit when I was looking last week about perhaps getting an English Heritage membership.
English Heritage have got a quit interesting range of houses and palaces in London, not your typical aristo's country seat which the national trust seems to concentrate on.
Yeah with is places in the city and places around England that I'm likely to visit, looked like it'd make more sense for me than the National Trust.
I like the original address of Apsley House, "Number 1, London" :cool:
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on September 19, 2016, 02:24:14 AM
I like the original address of Apsley House, "Number 1, London" :cool:
I also like that the road leading straight to it is called Rotten Row. :bowler:
Interesting that there are places close to home that one's never visited; Just 10 or so miles from how are two road that both go up onto the Forest, turnings for which I've passed dozens of times on my way up to Salisbury, so this evening instead of doing some muddy off-road tracks, I crossed the valley and when up and down these little roads new to me.
Just a few extra miles I've never seen before, not on the way to anywhere for me, but still a pleasure to find somewhere new.
Popped out into Dorset to do some roman road and a hillfort, last time I'll be doing that before next spring, not an especially nice route, bit of main road to do and a noodly town to get through on the way.
Came back through Wimborne again as an couple of old gentlemen I bumped into told me about an interesting apple tree with pink fruit in a park there. Man am I getting old if I'm passing the time of day with fellow old boys and discussing apple scrumping. :bowler:
his is an approximate map of the route.
Just a picture I took in the Allgäu yesterday.
That's rather nice.
I was in St. Mary's Church in my home town. A gothic basilica from the 13th century, built by the rich Hansa patricians.
The church bells that fell down on 28th/29th March 1942 when the RAF bombed Lübeck in revenge for Coventry.
Under the roof.
St. Mary's is the church with two steeples on the right.
Edit: This is how it looked after the bombing.
Nice photos Zanza, the bells are very poignant.
The main parish church in my home town would have been rather interesting being 13th century, but in 1853 Victorian improvers got to it, entirely knocked it down and replaced it with a huge square-built cliche of a English church.
Still pretty much the ugliest church I've set eyes on. <_<
Lübeck :wub:
I need to take a tourist trip back to the old home at some point.
Woah, went somewhere I've never been before, Rockbourne, all of 10-15miles from where I live. :Embarrass:
My defence is it's not on the way to anywhere I'd go, plus I've been to the nearby Roman villa a few times down the year,just not bothered to go to what is now just another Dorset/Wiltshire/Hampshire millionaires' commuter village. <_<
Went over the downs to Salisbury this afternoon, possibly the last time before the off-road byways become impassable.
Lots of threatening clouds as I went north, but just hit by a couple of isolated showers and on the way back turned into a beautiful Autumn evening.
Is that an above ground pipe in the pictures?
Looks like a fence to me.
Quote from: Syt on October 09, 2016, 11:39:07 PM
Looks like a fence to me.
Yeah, just lots of tall wooden fencing for the horse racing training that takes place on the gallops up there.
Had to go into the conurbation today, so went home this evening via the beach.
Cool cloud pics. Looks omnious.
Trying to avoid going into hibernation what with the Winter solstice being 43 days off.
Had a nice trip the last Sunday, it encompassed using a rarely used right of way up the drive of a large country house and then through and up the length of their rather picturesque private estate. :bowler:
Mud closing the Wiltshire downs to me, checked out one of the routes and I think that it for me going that way till late March. <_<
Often just limited to short trips out at the moment, though still enjoying watching the colours melt out of the early evening skies, as I return home on the bike.
Quote from: mongers on November 07, 2016, 08:51:50 PM
Trying to avoid going into hibernation what with the Winter solstice being 43 days off.
Had a nice trip the last Sunday, it encompassed using a rarely used right of way up the drive of a large country house and then through and up the length of their rather picturesque private estate. :bowler:
Me too, I'm trying to get outside for some long, brisk walks as long as the temps aren't too crazy cold and windy. Avoiding feeling too house bound. I think the wind is worse as it just smacks me in the face with the cold air, where the cold itself isn't too bad to take otherwise.
It's now possible to buy e-bikes with ranges around 200km for not an indecent amount of money (~€3500). That would make touring Europe a pure breeze, the fun part of cycle touring was not actually riding but moving through the landscape meeting different people along the way.
Very close to buying one. I might wait for the 2018 range to come out, but I'm pretty sure this'll be what I invest in in 2017.
Quote from: Liep on December 11, 2016, 04:24:58 AM
It's now possible to buy e-bikes with ranges around 200km for not an indecent amount of money (~€3500). That would make touring Europe a pure breeze, the fun part of cycle touring was not actually riding but moving through the landscape meeting different people along the way.
Very close to buying one. I might wait for the 2018 range to come out, but I'm pretty sure this'll be what I invest in in 2017.
Interesting maturing of the technology.
I was in Sudan for a couple of days over New Years. Not your typical tourist destination, but quite interesting nonetheless. Interesting mix of old Egyptian ruins, and modern Arab-African country.
Arab nomads at a water hole in the desert.
Getting stuck in the Sahara.
The view out of a 3000 year old tomb.
A New Kingdom Egyptian temple.
Pyramids of Meroe.
The Royal Prussian Expedition had been there before me.
That is a much cooler destination than some european city with a few old churches. Well done zanza.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 14, 2017, 03:52:05 PM
That is a much cooler destination than some european city with a few old churches. Well done zanza.
And that's the exact converse of what a Sudanese migrant would say on entering Germany. :P
After the 'joy' of Vegas, I'm now taking a mini trip to SF. I'm staying at an airbnb a block from where I lived. Looks about the same as it did though I see most of the ratty stores have been replaced with local organic free range health food joints. :D
View from Jakboshorn peak in Davos:
We had lunch in the restaurant there - a place named after a ski resort in British Columbia, done up with US/Canadian license plates, sports banners, and flags. It only served burgers and fries, and was playing only contemporary country music.
The view from my balcony, at dusk:
The hotel we were at hosted a George Clooney charity lunch the week before during the WEF. I was joking that I probably had his room, because I had the suite on the top floor right across from the elevator. :P
I picked up a nasty stomach bug, though. :(
50' 58" North. - furthest north I've been solely on my bike all Winter. :Embarrass:
Syt, nice trip and photos. :cool:
Some of you will appreciate this long piece on the 900 block of North Bradford Street in East Baltimore.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 02, 2017, 10:31:30 PM
Some of you will appreciate this long piece on the 900 block of North Bradford Street in East Baltimore.
Money, thanks for that, an interesting article.
On my way to Scotland for the weekend. :w00t:
1st class on Virgin East Coast is fairly nice. 1st class lounge was clean and they were giving complimentary massages (:hmm:). There's also a separate entrance to the platforms from King's Cross so you can avoid the general rabble. -_-
Quote from: garbon on February 03, 2017, 10:28:30 AM
On my way to Scotland for the weekend. :w00t:
1st class on Virgin East Coast is fairly nice. 1st class lounge was clean and they were giving complimentary massages (:hmm:). There's also a separate entrance to the platforms from King's Cross so you can avoid the general rabble. -_-
Be Donald's unofficial ambassador whilst you're there, oh and find his trousers.
Quote from: mongers on February 03, 2017, 10:38:14 AM
Quote from: garbon on February 03, 2017, 10:28:30 AM
On my way to Scotland for the weekend. :w00t:
1st class on Virgin East Coast is fairly nice. 1st class lounge was clean and they were giving complimentary massages (:hmm:). There's also a separate entrance to the platforms from King's Cross so you can avoid the general rabble. -_-
Be Donald's unofficial ambassador whilst you're there, oh and find his trousers.
Pfft. I'm Canadian!
Donald loves the Canadians.
Made it onto the Wiltshire downlands this afternoon, though the mud eventually stopped me. With any luck warmer weather and with Spring just around the corner, the byways we open up for some more interesting treks. :bowler:
Blarney Castle, about this time last year. A fat American woman is kissing the stone. I...didn't.
Visited Cordoba yesterday. What a place :wub:
Here's something for the ladies.
It's been like springtime around here the last few days. In the 60s and close to or into the 70s in some places. Cool today but next week again 50s and 60s. Out walking yesterday, in February, and people were in shorts and short sleeves.
Quote from: KRonn on February 26, 2017, 08:06:19 PM
It's been like springtime around here the last few days. In the 60s and close to or into the 70s in some places. Cool today but next week again 50s and 60s. Out walking yesterday, in February, and people were in shorts and short sleeves.
Not that balmy here, but definitely Spring here judging by the number of things flowering in the garden and countryside. :bowler:
Certainly OK being out and about in the 50s and damp Westerlies.
This warm weather is going to be a disaster if it triggers blooming and then there are a couple of hard frosts.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on February 25, 2017, 03:56:31 AM
Here's something for the ladies.
That fish looks much happier with a bicycle than it would without it :P
Quote from: grumbler on February 26, 2017, 09:31:43 PM
This warm weather is going to be a disaster if it triggers blooming and then there are a couple of hard frosts.
Right, and there's already buds on trees around here and I've even seen some leaves of flowers starting to come up. And it's going to get colder and below freezing overnight especially, according to forecasts for the week. Same thing happened last year.
It's official, Spring has arrived, well at least according to the UK Met Office. :bowler:
The other proof it's here is the precipitation, which could be drizzle, light rain, very damp, fine mist or any variation in between from one moment to the next. <_<
Anyway with the light lasting past 6pm and BST around the corner, time for me to get out and about more. :)
Visited one of the nicer castles around here this weekend. Schloss Lichtenstein - built in its current state during the 19th century on top of historical foundations. (https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FgN69LbV.jpg&hash=e2d608be0be191034a89b9f2418bbb6119383077)
Been going to a lot of West country and Welsh cities/towns for a work project over the last week and a half, places like Cardiff, Bristol, Gloucester, Portsmouth, Dorchester, Bath, Swindon, etc. I seemed to have developed an enthusiasm for more modest cathedrals. :bowler:
Too much travelling given my age, something like 25 miles walking, 130 miles cycling, 200 miles on buses and 1,170 miles on trains. <_<
On a walk past the pyramid of Austerlitz (in Holland, built by bored French soldiers), I noticed I was walking on Waterloo road. Even after 200 years, one must be vigilant.
Quote from: Maladict on April 17, 2017, 12:49:54 PM
Quote from: Maladict on April 17, 2017, 12:49:54 PM
On a walk past the pyramid of Austerlitz (in Holland, built by bored French soldiers), I noticed I was walking on Waterloo road. Even after 200 years, one must be vigilant.
Yesterday saw my first* honey bee this year, also first duck chicks too.
This evening on my way home, first herd of red deer I seen outside the forest in a fair few years, also 3 ginger cats, no other cats, just ginger ones.
May have caught sight of a swallow, but in my peripheral vision, so may have just been a bird flying in a similar way. Besides they say something about one swallow not making a summer, so here's to the late frosts. :bowler:
*Better than last year, as I had to go to Wales to see my first one. :hmm:
Popped out to Stonehenge on the bike this evening, very nice weather. :bowler:
This evening took the long way around to get to the coast, so I could cycle the pleasant 8-9 miles of beach front, before heading home. Nice evening with very few people about, just the occasional beach-hut occupant.
Ended up cycling around the whole outside of 350,000 pop conurbation, certainly beats travelling in it or cutting across it. :D
Went for a ride around the national park this evening, the forest has just about fully woken from it's Winter slumber.
Should have it largely to myself for the next couple of months before the tourist season gets going. :bowler:
This evening I went out to Hod Hill in mid-Dorset, a large iron age hill fort with a small Roman auxiliary fort in one corner, you can still see the remains of the small murder* ditches in the grass.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hod_Hill (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hod_Hill)
*Don't know the official name for the small ditches in front of Roman fortifications that were designed to trap the feet of attackers and either trip them or break their ankles.
Probably the furthest West I've been solely on a bike so far this spring.
Awww, puppy dog. :wub:
Fosse I think.
My furtherest penetration into Dorset sofar this year on a bike, got to Shillingstone and Stourpaine, before having to turn back home, back via Blandford, one of the dullest of Dorset towns. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on May 14, 2017, 09:12:55 PM
My furtherest penetration into Dorset sofar this year on a bike, got to Shillingstone and Stourpaine, before having to turn back home, back via Blandford, one of the dullest of Dorset towns. :bowler:
Hence the name :cool:
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on May 15, 2017, 01:38:10 AM
Quote from: mongers on May 14, 2017, 09:12:55 PM
My furtherest penetration into Dorset sofar this year on a bike, got to Shillingstone and Stourpaine, before having to turn back home, back via Blandford, one of the dullest of Dorset towns. :bowler:
Hence the name :cool:
Visited the South East corner of the national park this evening, nice little 40 mile ride, got home at 10 to 10 will still some light lingering in the sky. :bowler:
Had a choice between going to a folk festival this weekend or going out onto the Wessex downlands, no surprise I choose the later. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on June 12, 2017, 07:49:09 AM
Had a choice between going to a folk festival this weekend or going out onto the Wessex downlands, no surprise I choose the later. :bowler:
A wise decision :cool:
Southern Bavaria is just a beautiful place:
Yes, that is rather nice. :cool:
This evening I just had to make do with a ride around the local national park. :(
And at little more than 500 km2, our Americans friends would think it barley bigger than a city park.
That is quite large for a city park.
Evening ride to a bit of Dorset I don't visit much, seems I found one of the hillier bits of NE Dorset, rather up hill and down dale.
Went the long way around to Knowlton Church, an abandoned Norman parish church.
Interestingly it sits right in the middle of a large henge, noticeably bigger than Stonehenge. Several other henges around, hence the name 'Knowlton circles.
https://goo.gl/photos/F2MKTWHbpMHg4WX66 (https://goo.gl/photos/F2MKTWHbpMHg4WX66)
Partial map:
Wow, impressive :cool:
I need to bump Dorset up The List.
Did one of my very favourite things, went for a walk on a rainy Summer's evening. :bowler:
Just limiting myself to evening trips out at the moment.
Though I'm thinking of doing a few Tolkien inspired journeys in the 'wild', maybe go and find Balin in 'Moria' ? :bowler:
Don't you have a job?
We don't need any boring old jobs in Brexit Britain :yeah:
Had an evening walk around the Wiltshire countryside and then back along the river into the city of Salisbury, a favourite summer stroll of mine. :bowler:
Thank goodness we've no had some rain and the countryside is looking less parched.
I like this thread but never contribute. So I thought I'd nick someone else's writing about one of our local events - the Lambeth Country Show. It's a strange event - with genuine country fair type offerings (sheepdog trials, petting animals, folk singers) mixed with the kind of festival (music, funfair, people getting pissed and stoned) you'd expect at a park in a multi-ethnic inner suburban London neighbourhood.
Anyway, here's the blog entry and the intro
QuoteThere's something about Herne Hill on Lambeth Country Show weekend. Something unhinged, as if locals remove their reserve, like a fine cloak, fold it neatly and then douse it in kerosene, set it alight and snort the ashes.
I should have known something was up early doors on the Saturday when I was making my way down Milkwood Road towards Brockwell Park. A woman on the other side of the road waved and called over, 'Can I touch your beard?'
I smiled and nodded my assent, before she added, 'With my vagina?'
It was 11am.
Quote from: Gups on August 09, 2017, 10:56:44 AM
I like this thread but never contribute. So I thought I'd nick someone else's writing about one of our local events - the Lambeth Country Show. It's a strange event - with genuine country fair type offerings (sheepdog trials, petting animals, folk singers) mixed with the kind of festival (music, funfair, people getting pissed and stoned) you'd expect at a park in a multi-ethnic inner suburban London neighbourhood.
Anyway, here's the blog entry and the intro
QuoteThere's something about Herne Hill on Lambeth Country Show weekend. Something unhinged, as if locals remove their reserve, like a fine cloak, fold it neatly and then douse it in kerosene, set it alight and snort the ashes.
I should have known something was up early doors on the Saturday when I was making my way down Milkwood Road towards Brockwell Park. A woman on the other side of the road waved and called over, 'Can I touch your beard?'
I smiled and nodded my assent, before she added, 'With my vagina?'
It was 11am.
We get that quite a bit here as well, Ellingham show, is a similarly urban influenced show; truth be told the number of people involve in the rural economy hereabouts is vanishingly small.
Productive land is often given over to pony paddocks, mile after mile up the valley, as I saw this evening.
Part of the Museum's Quarter in Vienna is covered in scaffolding. It's been decorated:
I'm pretty sure while late to work that I saw Ian McKellen!
Did you pass him?
Pass him?
Off on an English beach trip tomorrow.
Optimistically: sunscreen, beach towel, bathing suit(!)
Realistically: umbrella, rain jacket
Quote from: garbon on August 18, 2017, 02:33:19 PM
Off on an English beach trip tomorrow.
Optimistically: sunscreen, beach towel, bathing suit(!)
Realistically: umbrella, rain jacket
Which one was it?
PS never go to Bournemouth/Poole/S Dorset conurbation, you'll not like that.
Probably not Brighton either because of the stones.
I was at Bournemouth(Studland)! Was happy to finally see a beach with sand!
Was alright, a bit cool. As we stayed late was ultimately glad I'd brought my coat. :cool:
Quote from: garbon on August 19, 2017, 06:17:19 PM
I was at Bournemouth(Studland)! Was happy to finally see a beach with sand!
Was alright, a bit cool. As we stayed late was ultimately glad I'd brought my coat. :cool:
You chose well, Studland isn't really Bournemouth anyway, it's overseas (chain ferry crossing). :D
Whilst you were there if you'd looked over your shoulder you'd have seen the permanent drilling rig for the oilfield I helped to build.
And underneath the your feet and the beach are some of the longest direction drilled oil wells in the world, fanning out under the waters of the bay. :cool:
Yes the tiniest ferry I've ever been on. Like 5 minutes long. :D
Quote from: garbon on August 20, 2017, 02:24:42 AM
Yes the tiniest ferry I've ever been on. Like 5 minutes long. :D
It's been a very wet and cloudy weekend, so on Sunday late afternoon I went down to the coast, guess what it was beautifully sunny, warm and calm down at the beach. :cool:
If I'd know this I'd have set out an couple of hours earlier so I could have an enjoyed a bike ride along the coast to the beaches were you were; there won't be many more days like that here until the Spring. :hmm:
Quote from: garbon on August 19, 2017, 06:17:19 PM
I was at Bournemouth(Studland)! Was happy to finally see a beach with sand!
Was alright, a bit cool. As we stayed late was ultimately glad I'd brought my coat. :cool:
My favourite beaches are probably those on the Northumberland coast; lots of sand and dunes, very few people. Pretty cold of course :D
The beaches on the southern coast are generally quite poor, but there is the trade off that the Channel is warm enough to swim in.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on September 19, 2017, 12:44:41 AM
Quote from: garbon on August 19, 2017, 06:17:19 PM
I was at Bournemouth(Studland)! Was happy to finally see a beach with sand!
Was alright, a bit cool. As we stayed late was ultimately glad I'd brought my coat. :cool:
My favourite beaches are probably those on the Northumberland coast; lots of sand and dunes, very few people. Pretty cold of course :D
The beaches on the southern coast are generally quite poor, but there is the trade off that the Channel is warm enough to swim in.
South-eastern beaches are generally pretty crap but they get better the further west you go. The north Devon/north Cornwall coast is my favourite though I've not been to many up north
Delayed on my way home by someone's right of pannage. :bowler:
Acorns for pigs iirc?
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on September 19, 2017, 04:11:09 PM
Acorns for pigs iirc?
Though weirdly here, it's supposedly called something else that I've not heard used in the New Forest. :hmm:
edit:Looked it up on wiki, for what is worth:
Pannage is no longer carried out in most areas, but is still observed in the New Forest of Southern England, where it is also known as common of mast. It is still an important part of the forest ecology, and helps the husbandry of the other New Forest livestock – pigs can safely eat acorns as a large part of their diet, whereas excessive amounts may be poisonous to ponies and cattle.
The New forest is one of the Conqueror's forests I think. That bastard (literally :lol: ) probably wouldn't have allowed pannage unless it helped him out in some way.
September 22nd, Happy birthday Frodo Baggins, maybe I should follow his lead and seek out an adventure or two? :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on September 21, 2017, 07:14:55 PM
September 22nd, Happy birthday Frodo Baggins, maybe I should follow his lead and seek out an adventure or two? :bowler:
Maybe just smoke some pipeweed and imagine an adventure or two.
Quote from: mongers on September 21, 2017, 07:14:55 PM
September 22nd, Happy birthday Frodo Baggins, maybe I should follow his lead and seek out an adventure or two? :bowler:
Pay a visit to Tom Bombadil.
Granada is amazing. The views of Alhambra are simply stunning and the old town is a joy to stroll around in, also free tapas.
A lot of the people here seem to share celed's doomsday mood. Several people just quietly walking around with Spanish flags and one lady had a giant doomsday clock in the colours of the EU, it was close to midnight.
Quote from: Valmy on September 22, 2017, 10:21:14 AM
Quote from: mongers on September 21, 2017, 07:14:55 PM
September 22nd, Happy birthday Frodo Baggins, maybe I should follow his lead and seek out an adventure or two? :bowler:
Pay a visit to Tom Bombadil.
This was a good idea, but haven't found him yet; though maybe I'm slowly taking on some of his aspects? :unsure:
Anyway, no trips or adventures now planned until the Spring. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on October 23, 2017, 05:06:32 AM
Anyway, no trips or adventures now planned until the Spring. :bowler:
Small adventures? I just fitted my commuter with mud tyres. The gravel road along the harbour feels like a small adventure every day with the record downfall we've had this summer/fall.
Quote from: Liep on October 23, 2017, 06:55:44 AM
Quote from: mongers on October 23, 2017, 05:06:32 AM
Anyway, no trips or adventures now planned until the Spring. :bowler:
Small adventures? I just fitted my commuter with mud tyres. The gravel road along the harbour feels like a small adventure every day with the record downfall we've had this summer/fall.
Yes, small adventures are realistic aim for the next few months. :)
I too have just put some winter tyres on the bike to deal with the mud, oh glorious mud.
I'm lucky if I can get out for an hour a day/evening, because of the cold, lack of light and other commitments.
The plan for Winter is, come what may, to spend an hour each day outdoors, even if it's just an evening walk to the shops and into the next county.
21 days till the Winter solstice, come on Spring.
Got a map book and roughly marking out some trips for next year; not doing anywhere on my own steam until March. <_<
Quote from: mongers on December 12, 2017, 06:31:22 PM
Got a map book and roughly marking out some trips for next year; not doing anywhere on my own steam until March. <_<
Planning trips is often the best part.
Quote from: Maladict on December 13, 2017, 07:01:57 AM
Quote from: mongers on December 12, 2017, 06:31:22 PM
Got a map book and roughly marking out some trips for next year; not doing anywhere on my own steam until March. <_<
Planning trips is often the best part.
Indeed. :D
Popped out earlier this evening to check on an elderly friend; had a nice moonlight ride back home up the valley, even turned my lights off a couple of times, just using the light of a full moon. :somewhatmagical: :bowler:
On my way home from an errand yesterday, I stopped on a bridge and spied a heron fishing on the opposite river bank.
Only had to wait 30 seconds before it dived into the river and grabbed a large fish, back on the bank it looked like a nice brown trout as heron manoeuvred it down it's gullet. :bowler:
Popped into London this afternoon, to do some work market research and visit a couple of museums.
What surprised me is some up-scale areas, like Knightsbridge, Belgravia and Plimlico have manage to go even more upmarket, in the year since I was last passing through those boroughs. :blink:
Just exactly how many more Merc, Ferraris and multi-million pound maisonette can these places take? :hmm:
Quote from: mongers on January 14, 2018, 03:20:23 PM
Popped into London this afternoon, to do some work market research and visit a couple of museums.
What surprised me is some up-scale areas, like Knightsbridge, Belgravia and Plimlico have manage to go even more upmarket, in the year since I was last passing through those boroughs. :blink:
Just exactly how many more Merc, Ferraris and multi-million pound maisonette can these places take? :hmm:
Same is happening in Boston in many areas, and certainly other cities as well. South Boston seems to be one significant example. It used to be neighborhoods of two and three story houses, people identifying as Southie's, families having lived there for generations. Now it's changed so much, become more and more upscale - expensive condos, town houses and shops.
Quote from: KRonn on January 14, 2018, 06:39:56 PM
Quote from: mongers on January 14, 2018, 03:20:23 PM
Popped into London this afternoon, to do some work market research and visit a couple of museums.
What surprised me is some up-scale areas, like Knightsbridge, Belgravia and Plimlico have manage to go even more upmarket, in the year since I was last passing through those boroughs. :blink:
Just exactly how many more Merc, Ferraris and multi-million pound maisonette can these places take? :hmm:
Same is happening in Boston in many areas, and certainly other cities as well. South Boston seems to be one significant example. It used to be neighborhoods of two and three story houses, people identifying as Southie's, families having lived there for generations. Now it's changed so much, become more and more upscale - expensive condos, town houses and shops.
And I walked past this cupcake shop, which on a winter's late afternoon had a queue of people outside waiting to get in and take photos of their purchases and then post it on Instagram, details here:
https://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/peggy-porschen-cakes-london (https://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/peggy-porschen-cakes-london)
Heh, that's quite a façade for a bakery. No wonder people are taking pics with it. :)
There's an excellent bakery in my town. Nothing fancy with the building or anything but some really great bread, cookies, cakes and more. During holidays the place is packed, does a great business.
Off on a plane tomorrow to my first proper Southern state. :o
Where you off to g? :)
Quote from: garbon on January 19, 2018, 02:19:25 PM
Off on a plane tomorrow to my first proper Southern state. :o
If it is Florida I am going to be disappointed in you.
No, I've been sent to Florida before and don't think it counts. I'll be in South Carolina.
Nice, hope you get some warm weather in SC.
I never knew this thread existed. :D
Quote from: garbon on January 19, 2018, 02:46:33 PM
No, I've been sent to Florida before and don't think it counts. I'll be in South Carolina.
Oh garbon did you hear about the secession movement to create a new Republican state in California? Your former people are starting to rival mine in their lettowism.
Technically both states are too big for their own good.
Quote from: Eddie Teach on January 19, 2018, 08:52:58 PM
Technically both states are too big for their own good.
Too small to be republics, too large to be insane asylums.
Facebook informed me that 5 years ago I was slipping on the snow in Paris. In hotlanta waiting for my flight to Charleston. 15 hours since I left home this morning. -_-
Quote from: garbon on January 20, 2018, 04:43:53 PM
Facebook informed me that 5 years ago I was slipping on the snow in Paris. In hotlanta waiting for my flight to Charleston. 15 hours since I left home this morning. -_-
Pfft quitter, you should have stayed in Blighty where you could now be basking in the rain, wind and mud* instead. :bowler:
*local detail, for the London aspect substitute pollution.
I don't think he's leaving for good. :huh:
Also it was raining when I got to Heathrow so got that in.
Quote from: Eddie Teach on January 20, 2018, 07:16:45 PM
I don't think he's leaving for good. :huh:
I know he's not; he's just deserting the field of weather combat for a coupla weeks.
Quote from: Valmy on January 19, 2018, 08:58:04 PM
Quote from: Eddie Teach on January 19, 2018, 08:52:58 PM
Technically both states are too big for their own good.
Too small to be republics, too large to be insane asylums.
Also nearly impossible, as all potential political sides in such an effort would have to agree.
Well it took me basically no time to be confronted with racism in the South. There's a monument to the confederacy at the southern tip of Charleston and a group of about 10 people have gathered with a host of confederate flags and signs about patriotism. There's a counter demo of two people with one sign that says 'Racism sucks'.
Actually I was wrong the counter demo is about as large. Both sides...all white people. ^_^
Quote from: garbon on January 21, 2018, 10:07:56 AM
Well it took me basically no time to be confronted with racism in the South. There's a monument to the confederacy at the southern tip of Charleston and a group of about 10 people have gathered with a host of confederate flags and signs about patriotism. There's a counter demo of two people with one sign that says 'Racism sucks'.
Welcome to the New Old South.
Caught the bus up the valley to the city to do some work stuff, all the way I was looking at the hills and downs, thinking "it'll be another couple of months before I can get up there and beyond." <_<
Ah well roll on spring and 61 days till BST begins. :bowler:
What do you do for work, mongers?
I wish I was in Charleston. :(
Quote from: Eddie Teach on January 22, 2018, 08:26:11 PM
What do you do for work, mongers?
Pizza delivery guy, is my guess.
Quote from: mongers on January 22, 2018, 07:04:52 PM
Caught the bus up the valley to the city to do some work stuff, all the way I was looking at the hills and downs, thinking "it'll be another couple of months before I can get up there and beyond." <_<
Ah well roll on spring and 61 days till BST begins. :bowler:
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Spring and Summer. Already planning my garden, have ordered seeds and supplies. Also it's just so nice to be able to get out a lot more. :)
Quote from: KRonn on January 23, 2018, 10:20:50 PM
Quote from: mongers on January 22, 2018, 07:04:52 PM
Caught the bus up the valley to the city to do some work stuff, all the way I was looking at the hills and downs, thinking "it'll be another couple of months before I can get up there and beyond." <_<
Ah well roll on spring and 61 days till BST begins. :bowler:
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Spring and Summer. Already planning my garden, have ordered seeds and supplies. Also it's just so nice to be able to get out a lot more. :)
I notice things are picking up here, were are getting nearly two extra minutes of evening light each and every day; now 34 days past Winter solstice, just 60 days till British summer time. :bowler:
Spring is sort of in the air here, still rather cold, but a lot of plants are putting out new growth. Lots of snowdrops and some daffodils spotted on my Sunday afternoon ride. :bowler:
Also we're now at the half-way point, 47 days on from the winter solstice, 47 days till the start of BST, we're now getting usable light after 5pm. :cool:
We've had some almost Spring like days. Today wasn't too cold and was sunny but quite windy which made it feel a lot colder. Still I think I've gotten more accustomed to the cold weather as I don't always get bundled up when going outside. I've noticed that same thing in past winters. Seems by about mid January I'm not feeling the cold as much.
Quote from: KRonn on February 05, 2018, 08:43:57 PM
We've had some almost Spring like days. Today wasn't too cold and was sunny but quite windy which made it feel a lot colder. Still I think I've gotten more accustomed to the cold weather as I don't always get bundled up when going outside. I've noticed that same thing in past winters. Seems by about mid January I'm not feeling the cold as much.
Then KRonn, you're more of a spring chicken than me, I definitely now feel winter in my bones. :D
Quote from: mongers on February 05, 2018, 08:51:09 PM
Quote from: KRonn on February 05, 2018, 08:43:57 PM
We've had some almost Spring like days. Today wasn't too cold and was sunny but quite windy which made it feel a lot colder. Still I think I've gotten more accustomed to the cold weather as I don't always get bundled up when going outside. I've noticed that same thing in past winters. Seems by about mid January I'm not feeling the cold as much.
Then KRonn, you're more of a spring chicken than me, I definitely now feel winter in my bones. :D
Oh I feel the cold, especially when winter cold weather starts. I seem to have a lower tolerance for cold than, say, ten years ago, as I'm bundled in several layers even in the house. Just that as winter goes on I tend to get more accustomed to it and I don't feel it as much.
Quote from: mongers on February 05, 2018, 08:00:16 PM
Spring is sort of in the air here, still rather cold, but a lot of plants are putting out new growth. Lots of snowdrops and some daffodils spotted on my Sunday afternoon ride. :bowler:
Also we're now at the half-way point, 47 days on from the winter solstice, 47 days till the start of BST, we're now getting usable light after 5pm. :cool:
It's still dark when I arrive at work and still dark when I leave. :(
1st March - Met Office's official start of Spring. :hmm:
Twenty-three days to the start of British Summer Time. :P
Well here in the city today is the last supposed day of drek. By the start of the next week, we should be at the low double digits in celsius.
I can't decide which is more tiring, walking miles in the snow or spending hours talking about the weather. :bowler:
There's potentially a reason to walk miles in the snow.
Quote from: Eddie Teach on March 03, 2018, 09:35:53 AM
There's potentially a reason to walk miles in the snow.
Snow is enough reason to walk miles in it.
Walked to the American war cemetery, a beautiful sight all covered in fresh snow. And even more quiet and peaceful.
Quote from: Maladict on March 03, 2018, 09:52:34 AM
Quote from: Eddie Teach on March 03, 2018, 09:35:53 AM
There's potentially a reason to walk miles in the snow.
Snow is enough reason to walk miles in it.
Walked to the American war cemetery, a beautiful sight all covered in fresh snow. And even more quiet and peaceful.
Back in 1978 we had a huge blizzard (known locally as the Blizzard of '78) which paralyzed the region for a week, especially all of eastern/central Massachusetts and probably Connecticut and Rhode Island. After nearly a week of being snow bound, no cars allowed on the roads, I walked to the next town over to go to a club where my friends and I frequented in normal times. It was at least a five mile walk, on snowy roads. Nice to be young and strong. A few friends who lived a lot closer were there, most of them walked. One friend had driven his car there and fortunately he gave me a ride home, hoping not to get stopped by police on the way. We made it ok as the main roads were mostly clear but many side roads and residential streets took days to clear.
Now that Spring is finally here, time to get out and about more on the bike in the evenings and weekend. :bowler:
Got up at 5am this morning so I could catch a flight to Frankfurt for a meeting near Mainz. Now just back at Heathrow. I'm tired. :blush:
Quote from: garbon on March 06, 2018, 01:59:57 PM
Got up at 5am this morning so I could catch a flight to Frankfurt for a meeting near Mainz. Now just back at Heathrow. I'm tired. :blush:
How was the weather? I saw on the news last week that parts of Europe had huge snowfall, and I think Germany was included.
Quote from: KRonn on March 06, 2018, 08:16:19 PM
Quote from: garbon on March 06, 2018, 01:59:57 PM
Got up at 5am this morning so I could catch a flight to Frankfurt for a meeting near Mainz. Now just back at Heathrow. I'm tired. :blush:
How was the weather? I saw on the news last week that parts of Europe had huge snowfall, and I think Germany was included.
Completely recovered. Weather was basically same as UK. Got a bit warm in my coat and suit. :D
Quote from: garbon on March 06, 2018, 11:51:59 PM
Quote from: KRonn on March 06, 2018, 08:16:19 PM
Quote from: garbon on March 06, 2018, 01:59:57 PM
Got up at 5am this morning so I could catch a flight to Frankfurt for a meeting near Mainz. Now just back at Heathrow. I'm tired. :blush:
How was the weather? I saw on the news last week that parts of Europe had huge snowfall, and I think Germany was included.
Completely recovered. Weather was basically same as UK. Got a bit warm in my coat and suit. :D
Sounds like Spring time is on the way.
Yeah definitely. Today one of my employees also remarked how today was the first time in a while that it was actually still fairly light out when we were thinking of leaving the office.
Florida just voted to stay on daylight savings time year round. No more turning clocks back/ahead one hour. I endorse that. Massachusetts advocates where I live were talking about doing the same but the idea was for all of New England states to do it since all are so close to each other. Maybe include New York state in it. I'd really rather that clocks stay at one point or another, either daylight saving time or the other way.
I don't know why they can't just start school/work an hour later if that's what everyone wants.
Vacation (holiday) :cool:
It is going to be sunny with temperatures in the teens on the weekend - spring is here :)
loads of yard work to do :(
Spring isn't here yet, had two big storms in a week. First one was rain, next was snow. But temps above freezing so snow is melting pretty fast. Now looking at a storm Sunday/Monday so we'll see what that brings.
Waiting for Springtime! I have most of my garden veggie seeds already picked out!
Hawthorns blossom is out in full here, birds are beginning to build nests, I'm getting out and about more in the lighter evenings and to cap it all l've had a haircut, so Spring MUST be in a real thing? :bowler:
Quote from: KRonn on March 07, 2018, 02:09:44 PM
Florida just voted to stay on daylight savings time year round. No more turning clocks back/ahead one hour. I endorse that. Massachusetts advocates where I live were talking about doing the same but the idea was for all of New England states to do it since all are so close to each other. Maybe include New York state in it. I'd really rather that clocks stay at one point or another, either daylight saving time or the other way.
Great Idea. I also advocate that we remain at DST all year round. Sure, here, in the winter means the sun will be up by 9, 9:30am but who cares? Construction workers will probably cry but the traffic they cause can really use for them to start later in the day.
When I was in Lisbon, I saw this jar on display and excitedly(?) told my that I knew of the person that the mug had been created for...as well as mentioned how it was connected to the only wikipedia page I had tried to change (and failed) as it had an inaccurate flag. My mother's take - you are a dork!
I've been feeding the birds the last few years, especially in winter. I started during the winter of 2015 when we got the record snows over nine feet. Glaciers everywhere it seemed.... ;) I figured the birds must be suffering trying to get food.
I put up several different types feeders which attract an interesting array of birds. I get the usual sparrows and juncos and also cardinals and blue jays. Also downy woodpeckers, gold finches and house or red finches. I have a feeder with seed that finches like and I've seen up to a dozen gold finches at once. Squirrels can't get into the finch feeder because of the small ports and the other feeders are squirrel proof in that they close up under a squirrel's weight. Damn squirrels are a bit of a nuisance otherwise.
Now that it's getting close to spring (by the calendar, certainly not by the cold, wind and snow) there are hordes of grackles, starlings and red wing blackbirds that have migrated back. They descend on the feeders in packs, and empty the feeders in less than a day being larger birds and so many. So I'm taking some time off before filling the feeders again, hoping that the newer arrivals get more settled in and not ins large ravenous packs.
Quote from: KRonn on March 18, 2018, 02:20:55 PM
I've been feeding the birds the last few years, especially in winter. I started during the winter of 2015 when we got the record snows over nine feet. Glaciers everywhere it seemed.... ;) I figured the birds must be suffering trying to get food.
I put up several different types feeders which attract an interesting array of birds. I get the usual sparrows and juncos and also cardinals and blue jays. Also downy woodpeckers, gold finches and house or red finches. I have a feeder with seed that finches like and I've seen up to a dozen gold finches at once. Squirrels can't get into the finch feeder because of the small ports and the other feeders are squirrel proof in that they close up under a squirrel's weight. Damn squirrels are a bit of a nuisance otherwise.
Now that it's getting close to spring (by the calendar, certainly not by the cold, wind and snow) there are hordes of grackles, starlings and red wing blackbirds that have migrated back. They descend on the feeders in packs, and empty the feeders in less than a day being larger birds and so many. So I'm taking some time off before filling the feeders again, hoping that the newer arrivals get more settled in and not ins large ravenous packs.
Good man, giving nature a little help when it needs it.
Most of my garden birds seemed to have weathered it. :bowler:
I went and got my first library card in the UK today. Feels a bit weird that each borough has their own system of libraries but I guess that means you can just seek out the best branches. :D
Quote from: garbon on March 24, 2018, 02:37:35 PM
I went and got my first library card in the UK today. Feels a bit weird that each borough has their own system of libraries but I guess that means you can just seek out the best branches. :D
Don't forget to check out the library service's website, probably gives you full access to things like OED online.
Quote from: mongers on March 24, 2018, 03:01:03 PM
Quote from: garbon on March 24, 2018, 02:37:35 PM
I went and got my first library card in the UK today. Feels a bit weird that each borough has their own system of libraries but I guess that means you can just seek out the best branches. :D
Don't forget to check out the library service's website, probably gives you full access to things like OED online.
Ah good call, that's correct from what I can see.
I had several wild turkeys in my back yard, milling around the bird feeder. They were probably trying to pick up seeds that other birds knock out of the feeder as they feed. This isn't the first time I've seen turkeys but it's been a while. They're huge birds too!
I've also seen deer and deer tracks in my yard. Last time the deer I saw were quite large, five of them. I see the deer at night - they trip my motion activated lights so I know they're roaming around. I'm not near large wooded areas but there are smaller wooded places not too far off, which is where some of these critters come from.
Went to the beach yesterday evening, nice weather. :bowler:
Quote from: KRonn on March 24, 2018, 06:54:29 PM
I had several wild turkeys in my back yard, milling around the bird feeder. They were probably trying to pick up seeds that other birds knock out of the feeder as they feed. This isn't the first time I've seen turkeys but it's been a while. They're huge birds too!
I've also seen deer and deer tracks in my yard. Last time the deer I saw were quite large, five of them. I see the deer at night - they trip my motion activated lights so I know they're roaming around. I'm not near large wooded areas but there are smaller wooded places not too far off, which is where some of these critters come from.
Truly, deer get everywhere ... we have a herd of them living in the local cemetery, a couple of blocks from my house - even though I'm living in a pretty major city.
Quote from: Malthus on March 26, 2018, 05:27:51 PM
Quote from: KRonn on March 24, 2018, 06:54:29 PM
I had several wild turkeys in my back yard, milling around the bird feeder. They were probably trying to pick up seeds that other birds knock out of the feeder as they feed. This isn't the first time I've seen turkeys but it's been a while. They're huge birds too!
I've also seen deer and deer tracks in my yard. Last time the deer I saw were quite large, five of them. I see the deer at night - they trip my motion activated lights so I know they're roaming around. I'm not near large wooded areas but there are smaller wooded places not too far off, which is where some of these critters come from.
Truly, deer get everywhere ... we have a herd of them living in the local cemetery, a couple of blocks from my house - even though I'm living in a pretty major city.
Yeah, deer don't need too much space apparently, and seem to adapt to human places nearby. I and my neighbors also see occasional coyotes, but that's also not so unique anymore.
Quote from: KRonn on March 26, 2018, 07:11:25 PM
Quote from: Malthus on March 26, 2018, 05:27:51 PM
Quote from: KRonn on March 24, 2018, 06:54:29 PM
I had several wild turkeys in my back yard, milling around the bird feeder. They were probably trying to pick up seeds that other birds knock out of the feeder as they feed. This isn't the first time I've seen turkeys but it's been a while. They're huge birds too!
I've also seen deer and deer tracks in my yard. Last time the deer I saw were quite large, five of them. I see the deer at night - they trip my motion activated lights so I know they're roaming around. I'm not near large wooded areas but there are smaller wooded places not too far off, which is where some of these critters come from.
Truly, deer get everywhere ... we have a herd of them living in the local cemetery, a couple of blocks from my house - even though I'm living in a pretty major city.
Yeah, deer don't need too much space apparently, and seem to adapt to human places nearby. I and my neighbors also see occasional coyotes, but that's also not so unique anymore.
Many field seem to have invasive species of deer in them around these parts.
On my way home last night, came across a single fallow deer in the road, it wasn't so much startled as annoyed, and then it did this weird thing, it pranced off springing up and down on it's four hooves in unison, like you see depicted in kids cartoons. Never seen that behaviour before ever.
Walked home for the 2nd night in a row from work. Have seen now a fair bit of the UCL campus. Pretty large for how centrally located it is in the city.
Quote from: garbon on March 27, 2018, 01:52:48 PM
Walked home for the 2nd night in a row from work. Have seen now a fair bit of the UCL campus. Pretty large for how centrally located it is in the city.
IIRC a bit of an organisational mess too; or at least that's my impression from an interview I had there.
Quote from: mongers on March 26, 2018, 09:27:30 PM
Many field seem to have invasive species of deer in them around these parts.
On my way home last night, came across a single fallow deer in the road, it wasn't so much startled as annoyed, and then it did this weird thing, it pranced off springing up and down on it's four hooves in unison, like you see depicted in kids cartoons. Never seen that behaviour before ever.
Each year I have a large garden in my back yard and a few other neighbors also have gardens. One year a woodchuck lived under my next door neighbor's shed and raised havoc with my garden and that of another neighbor. We finally trapped that chuck but it had caused a real hassle, ate a lot of my corn. I had a few years of good corn growing before and after that chuck, until the squirrels then discovered they liked corn. I was able to keep them under control for a couple years but finally gave up growing corn. And I loved growing corn! It was fun to grow and tasted so damn good fresh out of the garden. :) In my garden I could fit over 100 corn plants, along with growing beans, squash and whatever else. :)
After the woodchuck episode I closed up any entry ways for a critter to get under my shed. Over the last few years though a couple neighbors have had skunks living under their sheds. They feared getting surprised and sprayed, which fortunately never happened. One guy works nights and would too often come home and be facing the skunk in his driveway or yard. :ph34r: They finally got rid of the skunks by closing up entry to the undersides of their sheds. I helped my 85 year old neighbor close off her shed and get rid of the skunk. Of course, while it was there it left the nasty smell around her shed all the time.
Quote from: mongers on March 27, 2018, 04:28:42 PM
Quote from: garbon on March 27, 2018, 01:52:48 PM
Walked home for the 2nd night in a row from work. Have seen now a fair bit of the UCL campus. Pretty large for how centrally located it is in the city.
IIRC a bit of an organisational mess too; or at least that's my impression from an interview I had there.
Yeah, I saw two very far apart divisions of the school of hygiene and tropical medicine which seemed a bit odd.
I'm thinking of taking a day trip to Cambridge on Saturday. While looking up the Cambridge bookshop, I saw they had this on as a special. Oh joy! :D
Quote from: garbon on March 28, 2018, 03:57:31 AM
Quote from: mongers on March 27, 2018, 04:28:42 PM
Quote from: garbon on March 27, 2018, 01:52:48 PM
Walked home for the 2nd night in a row from work. Have seen now a fair bit of the UCL campus. Pretty large for how centrally located it is in the city.
IIRC a bit of an organisational mess too; or at least that's my impression from an interview I had there.
Yeah, I saw two very far apart divisions of the school of hygiene and tropical medicine which seemed a bit odd.
I'm thinking of taking a day trip to Cambridge on Saturday. While looking up the Cambridge bookshop, I saw they had this on as a special. Oh joy! :D
Nice idea, I should have a day trip to Oxford shortly.
Though it's going to be hard to find a bookshop specialising in bibles. :(
Quote from: KRonn on March 27, 2018, 08:24:13 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 26, 2018, 09:27:30 PM
Many field seem to have invasive species of deer in them around these parts.
On my way home last night, came across a single fallow deer in the road, it wasn't so much startled as annoyed, and then it did this weird thing, it pranced off springing up and down on it's four hooves in unison, like you see depicted in kids cartoons. Never seen that behaviour before ever.
Each year I have a large garden in my back yard and a few other neighbors also have gardens. One year a woodchuck lived under my next door neighbor's shed and raised havoc with my garden and that of another neighbor. We finally trapped that chuck but it had caused a real hassle, ate a lot of my corn. I had a few years of good corn growing before and after that chuck, until the squirrels then discovered they liked corn. I was able to keep them under control for a couple years but finally gave up growing corn. And I loved growing corn! It was fun to grow and tasted so damn good fresh out of the garden. :) In my garden I could fit over 100 corn plants, along with growing beans, squash and whatever else. :)
After the woodchuck episode I closed up any entry ways for a critter to get under my shed. Over the last few years though a couple neighbors have had skunks living under their sheds. They feared getting surprised and sprayed, which fortunately never happened. One guy works nights and would too often come home and be facing the skunk in his driveway or yard. :ph34r: They finally got rid of the skunks by closing up entry to the undersides of their sheds. I helped my 85 year old neighbor close off her shed and get rid of the skunk. Of course, while it was there it left the nasty smell around her shed all the time.
My dad had a skunk living under stuff problem.
The solution on how to get them out without risking being sprayed?
Play talk radio at their holes . Skunks can't stand the sound of the human voice always yammering, aren't smart enough to figure out how to disable a radio, and so will simply move on. Then you can seal up the hole.
My dad's pro tip: use American Conservative Talk Radio for this purpose (reason: lots of loud, abrasive, angry ranting).
Walked down to see the new art piece on the fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square: "The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist"
A lamassu made of date syrup cans.
Details here: https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/arts-and-culture/current-culture-projects/fourth-plinth-trafalgar-square/invisible-enemy-should-not-exist-michael-rakowitz
Quote from: garbon on March 28, 2018, 01:30:10 PM
Walked down to see the new art piece on the fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square: "The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist"
A lamassu made of date syrup cans.
That's pretty awesome. :)
Quote from: Malthus on March 28, 2018, 01:38:25 PM
Quote from: garbon on March 28, 2018, 01:30:10 PM
Walked down to see the new art piece on the fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square: "The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist"
A lamassu made of date syrup cans.
That's pretty awesome. :)
Indeed and much better than what I last saw there.
Quote from: Malthus on March 28, 2018, 12:39:58 PM
My dad had a skunk living under stuff problem.
The solution on how to get them out without risking being sprayed?
Play talk radio at their holes . Skunks can't stand the sound of the human voice always yammering, aren't smart enough to figure out how to disable a radio, and so will simply move on. Then you can seal up the hole.
Hmm, next time someone has the problem I'll suggest that. :)
Quote from: KRonn on March 28, 2018, 07:04:43 PM
Quote from: Malthus on March 28, 2018, 12:39:58 PM
My dad had a skunk living under stuff problem.
The solution on how to get them out without risking being sprayed?
Play talk radio at their holes . Skunks can't stand the sound of the human voice always yammering, aren't smart enough to figure out how to disable a radio, and so will simply move on. Then you can seal up the hole.
Hmm, next time someone has the problem I'll suggest that. :)
Yeah that's a pretty good one.
But good grief don't you North Americans have some problematic wildlife, skunks for goodness sake, if we had those over here, the place would grind to a halt. :P
I don't think they're all that common, I've never seen one in the wild.
I've smelled a few.
Quote from: Malthus on March 28, 2018, 01:38:25 PM
Quote from: garbon on March 28, 2018, 01:30:10 PM
Walked down to see the new art piece on the fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square: "The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist"
A lamassu made of date syrup cans.
That's pretty awesome. :)
Probably my favourite of the 4th plinth exhibits so far :cool:
This Guardian opinion piece agreed: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/mar/28/fourth-plinth-review-my-heart-is-in-my-mouth
Quote from: Eddie Teach on March 28, 2018, 08:57:57 PM
I don't think they're all that common, I've never seen one in the wild.
They are common in Toronto. I see (and smell) them a lot.
Even more common here are raccoons, which are an even bigger problem in a way, because they are very intelligent and have what amount to hands ... it is difficult to keep them out of stuff (like the garbage, or your garage).
In the country, a major menace here are porcupines, particularly if you have dogs not trained to avoid them (they can maim or kill dogs with their spines). Porcupines are a problem because they like to gnaw stuff that tastes good to them - like plywood, the handles of tools (salty!) and car engine parts (they like the taste of some chemicals). They used to gnaw at the flooring of my dad's cabin, until he built a fence to keep them out.
Also, bears are becoming increasingly common. You never saw them when I was a kid, now they are everywhere in Simcoe County.
Quote from: Malthus on March 29, 2018, 08:39:55 AM
Quote from: Eddie Teach on March 28, 2018, 08:57:57 PM
I don't think they're all that common, I've never seen one in the wild.
They are common in Toronto. I see (and smell) them a lot.
Even more common here are raccoons, which are an even bigger problem in a way, because they are very intelligent and have what amount to hands ... it is difficult to keep them out of stuff (like the garbage, or your garage).
In the country, a major menace here are porcupines, particularly if you have dogs not trained to avoid them (they can maim or kill dogs with their spines). Porcupines are a problem because they like to gnaw stuff that tastes good to them - like plywood, the handles of tools (salty!) and car engine parts (they like the taste of some chemicals). They used to gnaw at the flooring of my dad's cabin, until he built a fence to keep them out.
Also, bears are becoming increasingly common. You never saw them when I was a kid, now they are everywhere in Simcoe County.
Nature often finds a way, despite how invasive a species we become. :D
Quote from: mongers on March 29, 2018, 09:30:23 AM
Nature often finds a way, despite how invasive a species we become. :D
Heh, modern folks often have the impression nature is delicate and fragile. That's because they haven't experienced much of it. :D
Fact is, nature isn't delicate and fragile at all - as a whole - it is just *changeable*, often into things we don't like. Human actions can't easily kill off "nature", but they can just kill off those parts of it that give us pleasure, leaving the hardy weeds, rats, and roaches to survive ... or, slightly better, squirrels, raccoons, and skunks. ;)
Quote from: Malthus on March 29, 2018, 09:36:35 AM
Quote from: mongers on March 29, 2018, 09:30:23 AM
Nature often finds a way, despite how invasive a species we become. :D
Heh, modern folks often have the impression nature is delicate and fragile. That's because they haven't experienced much of it. :D
Fact is, nature isn't delicate and fragile at all - as a whole - it is just *changeable*, often into things we don't like. Human actions can't easily kill off "nature", but they can just kill off those parts of it that give us pleasure, leaving the hardy weeds, rats, and roaches to survive ... or, slightly better, squirrels, raccoons, and skunks. ;)
Yep, lets see, we have weeds like japanese knotweed taking over the rivers in these parts, rats are an issue here and anywhere else in the West where food is wasted. Squirrels too, the N.American grey has all but taken over from our reds natives.
But we do seem to be missing the raccoons, and skunks, so far. :D
And as Kronn has mentioned the deer are becoming an issue, at least in terms of road accidents, both for drivers and the animals, I see quite a few dead deers by the roadside or in nearby ditches.
Quote from: mongers on March 16, 2018, 08:15:06 AM
Hawthorns blossom is out in full here, birds are beginning to build nests, I'm getting out and about more in the lighter evenings and to cap it all l've had a haircut, so Spring MUST be in a real thing? :bowler:
It's cherry blossom season here. I'm in three different photography clubs, and each of them are converging in the same places at dawn to take pictures of all of the trees. Nothing like a park with two dozen photographers, tripods in hand, traipsing around and getting in one another's way.
It got to the point that I ended up taking pictures of the photographers instead of the blossoms.
This weekend, I'm taking the camera and the puppy out for some hiking. It's supposed to be really nice out on Saturday.
Quote from: merithyn on March 29, 2018, 04:15:01 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 16, 2018, 08:15:06 AM
Hawthorns blossom is out in full here, birds are beginning to build nests, I'm getting out and about more in the lighter evenings and to cap it all l've had a haircut, so Spring MUST be in a real thing? :bowler:
It's cherry blossom season here. I'm in three different photography clubs, and each of them are converging in the same places at dawn to take pictures of all of the trees. Nothing like a park with two dozen photographers, tripods in hand, traipsing around and getting in one another's way.
It got to the point that I ended up taking pictures of the photographers instead of the blossoms.
This weekend, I'm taking the camera and the puppy out for some hiking. It's supposed to be really nice out on Saturday.
Odd coincidence this exact time last year I was in Cardiff, and I took some photos of the lovely cherry blossom in the parks there.
Thinking on your feet, a hallmark of a good creative photographer.
Oh and thanks Meri for the reminder to get myself in gear, check the weather forecast and plan the weekend. :cheers:
In effect a four-day national holiday here starting tomorrow, time to get out and about amidst the tradition English rain and mud. :bowler:
Quote from: merithyn on March 29, 2018, 04:15:01 PM
Quote from: mongers on March 16, 2018, 08:15:06 AM
Hawthorns blossom is out in full here, birds are beginning to build nests, I'm getting out and about more in the lighter evenings and to cap it all l've had a haircut, so Spring MUST be in a real thing? :bowler:
It's cherry blossom season here. I'm in three different photography clubs, and each of them are converging in the same places at dawn to take pictures of all of the trees. Nothing like a park with two dozen photographers, tripods in hand, traipsing around and getting in one another's way.
It got to the point that I ended up taking pictures of the photographers instead of the blossoms.
This weekend, I'm taking the camera and the puppy out for some hiking. It's supposed to be really nice out on Saturday.
Hehe, sounds like you had some amusing scenery for photos. :)
Of course I picked day of Stephen Hawking's funeral to visit Cambridge so barricades and 'funeral tourists(?)' :blush:
Quote from: Eddie Teach on March 28, 2018, 08:57:57 PM
I don't think they're all that common, I've never seen one in the wild.
Huh. They are fairly common here and you are not that far away from me.
Quote from: Valmy on April 01, 2018, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: Eddie Teach on March 28, 2018, 08:57:57 PM
I don't think they're all that common, I've never seen one in the wild.
Huh. They are fairly common here and you are not that far away from me.
I have spent virtually all of my time in Texas in cities.
Last night after dinner I went out with the family to look at the cherry blossoms in Queen Elizabeth park. Well... the kid and I went off with his push bike to the fountain.
There was a couple walking together. The guy asked if I'd take a picture of them by the fountain. I said sure. Then he got down on his knee and presented a diamond ring to the girl. I didn't hear her answer, but I'm pretty sure she said yes. I took a bunch of pictures, they said thanks, I said congratulations, and we parted ways. They looked very happy.
Quote from: Jacob on April 07, 2018, 11:26:06 PM
Last night after dinner I went out with the family to look at the cherry blossoms in Queen Elizabeth park. Well... the kid and I went off with his push bike to the fountain.
There was a couple walking together. The guy asked if I'd take a picture of them by the fountain. I said sure. Then he got down on his knee and presented a diamond ring to the girl. I didn't hear her answer, but I'm pretty sure she said yes. I took a bunch of pictures, they said thanks, I said congratulations, and we parted ways. They looked very happy.
That's very cool, serendipitous; in the right place at the right moment. :)
Cherry blossoms seem very far away today. :( Our city is covered in slush and ice.
A trip out to Durrington walls, Woodhenge and Stonehenge this evening, the Wiltshire countryside is greening up nicely now, fields full of new born lambs up on the downs. :bowler:
No far I know, but it's a start.
Quote from: mongers on April 19, 2018, 06:14:47 PM
A trip out to Durrington walls, Woodhenge and Stonehenge this evening, the Wiltshire countryside is greening up nicely now, fields full of new born lambs up on the downs. :bowler:
No far I know, but it's a start.
You all sure have a lot of Henges! :) Are you pretty close to them, so the trips out to them are short?
I bet he's never been to Carhenge.
Quote from: KRonn on April 19, 2018, 07:59:40 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 19, 2018, 06:14:47 PM
A trip out to Durrington walls, Woodhenge and Stonehenge this evening, the Wiltshire countryside is greening up nicely now, fields full of new born lambs up on the downs. :bowler:
No far I know, but it's a start.
You all sure have a lot of Henges! :) Are you pretty close to them, so the trips out to them are short?
Just a couple of bus journeys and some use of a folding bike, so fairly local.
Yeah henges are common in Wessex, a local farmer even dug one up on his farm.
Quote from: mongers on April 19, 2018, 06:14:47 PM
A trip out to Durrington walls, Woodhenge and Stonehenge this evening, the Wiltshire countryside is greening up nicely now, fields full of new born lambs up on the downs. :bowler:
No far I know, but it's a start.
I once had a girlfriend from Durrington. Lovely part of the country
Quote from: mongers on April 19, 2018, 06:14:47 PM
A trip out to Durrington walls, Woodhenge and Stonehenge this evening, the Wiltshire countryside is greening up nicely now, fields full of new born lambs up on the downs. :bowler:
No far I know, but it's a start.
Damn, I must admit to being very envious. A short journey to so many amazing places!
I used to work in Lexington Mass., scene of the first battle between Colonists and British army. In Spring time before the actual re-enactment of the battle we'd walk to the common and watch the re-enactments rehearsals. Pretty cool. Some of the original buildings are there, as I recall. I was there as a kid in boy scouts. We camped at a camp ground about a town away and hiked to Lexington then to the Concord Bridge for that battle re-enactment. Good stuff. Those events draw big crowds.
Quote from: Gups on April 20, 2018, 10:25:08 AM
I once had a girlfriend from Durrington.
You had me all primed for a limerick.
Quote from: KRonn on April 20, 2018, 07:36:07 PM
I used to work in Lexington Mass., scene of the first battle between Colonists and British army. In Spring time before the actual re-enactment of the battle we'd walk to the common and watch the re-enactments rehearsals. Pretty cool. Some of the original buildings are there, as I recall. I was there as a kid in boy scouts. We camped at a camp ground about a town away and hiked to Lexington then to the Concord Bridge for that battle re-enactment. Good stuff. Those events draw big crowds.
The closest I get to that sort of thing is Niagara on the Lake; lots of neat War of 1812 battlefields there, plus historical reinactors at Fort St. George ... I got this neat shot there, of a guy firing a tiny mortar.
Took a walk at the park today. Too many plebs on the path. :mad:
That's why you need to buy your own park.
Back in Shenzhen for the first time in 4 years. Nice to be back in a decent climate. Traffic is horrific.
Went to the Ħal-Saflieni Hypogeum. Glad I waited to go to Malta till it was open again. Well worth it! Also glad that booked ahead as they had sign it was fully booked until 3 of July.
Quote from: garbon on May 11, 2018, 08:14:13 AM
Went to the Ħal-Saflieni Hypogeum. Glad I waited to go to Malta till it was open again. Well worth it! Also glad that booked ahead as they had sign it was fully booked until 3 of July.
It's awesome :yes:
Cycling back from Salisbury yesterday evening, the valley and forest trees are looking beautiful with their new foliage, especially the horse chestnut in magnificent full bloom.
It's just nice to now be out in the countryside most evenings. :bowler:
Real happy to be able to get out and about more.
It's been a cool couple of days, yesterday especially cool and rainy. Today was warmer as skies cleared and I went out for a walk, felt like just keeping going for a bit, a lot longer than usual. I walk a fast pace so it's decent exercise for me.
The Beast is back, found this around the back of the shed and with various salvaged bits, including 40 year old brakes and the addition of a $6 chain I have a fun, usable, leave anywhere bike:
Done a couple of hundred miles on it over that last fortnight, I'll see how it goes over then next weeks taking it on the trains. May have to hacksaw the handle bars down a bit.
Nice bike, and somewhat of a "rescue" bike, eh? It should serve you well. ;)
You sure wear out your bikes fast.
Quote from: Eddie Teach on June 01, 2018, 07:29:46 AM
You sure wear out your bikes fast.
Much like ourselves. :(
Anyway, now I've bodged up two usable bikes, time to get out and about more in the countryside. :bowler:
On my way back from Wales yesterday, the train out of Cardiff hit some cattle near the Severn, I think they'd swam across the river. So the train was delayed for 2.5 hours whilst they figured out how to remove the body of a large bull out from under the front carriage!
So I missed my connections and the last two buses home from the local station would be long gone once I got there, so bit of timetable juggling had me riding on the last train to Soton, hence the last train into Bournemouth. The intention being to get a taxi home* or if none available then walk out of the conurbation and home.
On route I had an idea, got off in the middle of the national park and walked the 12 miles home across half the forest, mainly using the roads, no traffic gone well past midnight and taking a few cross country short cuts. Navigation was fun as it was near moonless, heavily clouded, so the only available light was that reflected off the low clouds from the oil refinery and distance towns. Had to resort to using my video recorders screen as an emergency light in some of the really dark places under the trees.
Turned out to be great fun, no one around, saw two cars in 3 hours, far better than having to risk roads out of a major conurbation after dark.
Plenty of ponies about, unfazed by my passing; maybe they thought I was a local hobbit? :D
Icing on the cake was the varied light show put on by the different species of firefly out and about that night.
Surprising amount of light about at 2.45 am.
Got home just before dawn, well the meadow dawn chorus here had just started, but our lazy garden birds didn't chirp in for another 30 minutes.
* wouldn't have been too happy with the 40-50 quid cost if available.
Awesome :cool:
That's great mongers, but now your'e a werewolf. :console:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on June 19, 2018, 04:58:07 PM
That's great mongers, but now your'e a werewolf. :console:
I'll take those dealt cards if it means I get to meet Jennifer Agutter. :D
Quote from: mongers on June 19, 2018, 05:15:54 PM
I'll take those dealt cards if it means I get to meet Jennifer Agutter. :D
Point. :hmm:
Mongers, your interrupted rail journey seems to have turned into quite a pleasant walk-about! Long walk but the quiet, solitude, sights and sounds appear to have been well worth it. :)
Quote from: KRonn on June 19, 2018, 05:32:59 PM
Mongers, your interrupted rail journey seems to have turned into quite a pleasant walk-about! Long walk but the quiet, solitude, sights and sounds appear to have been well worth it. :)
Yeah, I think I plan another night walk, see if I can rope in a few friends.
Mongers, can you name the other notable movie in which Jenny had a part?
The Avengers
Captain America: Winter Soldier
[spoiler]Logan's Run?[/spoiler]
I'd completely forgotten she was in Logan's Run (or never made the connection) and haven't seen The Avengers.
I was thinking of another, earlier movie, but that kind of scotches my trivia question.
[spoiler]The Eagle Has Landed[/spoiler] is what I was thinking of.
Winter Soldier I saw. What part did she play in that?
Councilwoman Hawley.
I don't remember the character either.
Had a spare 2.5-3 hours in Oxford today, good grief I'd forgotten how much of a tourist magnet the city is.
First time I'd seen the newish extension to the Ashmolean musuem, rather impressive.
I'd also failed to remember just how bonkers the Pitt Rivers collection is. :bowler:
More fun times Mongers. :)
Yesterday in Bristol I had a couple of spare hours, so I took the train to Weston Super Mare, a typical Victorian small sea side resort. :bowler:
Not been there before, not likely to again as it's not on the way to anywhere for me, out on the Somerset coast. Still a nicely pleasant place on a late afternoon in Summer.
Done over 1,200 miles on trains in the last couple of working weeks for a works project, plus 150 miles on buses and 170 miles on bike to get to and from the stations; I think I've had enough of train interiors for a while. <_<
Quote from: mongers on July 01, 2018, 06:24:42 AM
Done over 1,200 miles on trains in the last couple of working weeks for a works project, plus 150 miles on buses and 170 miles on bike to get to and from the stations; I think I've had enough of train interiors for a while. <_<
That's a lot of miles! Do you get frequent rider miles?? ;)
Mongers are you a government agent of some sort?
"Remains of the Weekend"
Still life in wood, plastic, metal.
Normally the cleaning crews take care of stuff like that in the touristy areas of town early in the day. Guess they were running late today.
Quote from: Syt on July 09, 2018, 02:25:54 AM
"Remains of the Weekend"
Still life in wood, plastic, metal.
Normally the cleaning crews take care of stuff like that in the touristy areas of town early in the day. Guess they were running late today.
Not Japanese tourists I am guessing :D
Went to an exhibition of Henry Lamb paintings at the museum yesterday afternoon.
I particularly like these two:
Irish Soldiers surprised by a Turkish bombardment in the Judean hills, WW1
I think it was called an evening in the village, from the 1930s
I've not seen any horses, ponies, cattle or deer on this edge of the forest over the weekend, so yesterday evening I cycled across half of the national park to find some and sort out a quick morning route to a different railway station.
Lovely evening ride and it turns out most four hoofed animals are over that way because there's been noticeably more rain there, so better grazing, though still an odd thing to see. :bowler:
Also I think a fair number of horses might have been brought in by their owners to avoid when the stallions are let loose onto the forest for a month per year.
Friday evening I went out for a ride across the forest, usually I come across two or three cars coming the other way that time of day, this time once I got onto the mainly single width road I encountered at least 200. :bleeding:
The main road across the forest was congested and probably the southerly one too, so I guess googlemaps/applething was sending these drones on multi-dozen mile detours down entirely unsuitable forest roads, just so they could all get to the same uber crowded beaches. :rolleyes:
I decided not to go back that way, didn't fancy dozens of cars trying to overtake me on a narrow road, so I had to ride up north and take an off-road route back across the forest. Nice contrast with absolutely no one about, but not ideal on a road bike. :bowler:
In Oxford today, had some spare time so went to the Tolkien exhibition at the Bodleian:
https://tolkien.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/about-the-exhibition/ (https://tolkien.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/about-the-exhibition/)
I'm not a die-hard Tolkien fan, but found it well done and surprisingly interesting;definitely worth catching if you're down from 'town' for the day.
Ooh, that's open long enough, I might fold that into my weekend trip idea to go to Blenheim to see the Yves Klein exhibit. I'd been thinking I'd to the overnight stay in Oxford. :cool:
Quote from: garbon on September 06, 2018, 05:27:03 PM
Ooh, that's open long enough, I might fold that into my weekend trip idea to go to Blenheim to see the Yves Klein exhibit. I'd been thinking I'd to the overnight stay in Oxford. :cool:
A jolly nice trip. :cool:
A guy at the exhibit said they've been crazy busy, but it's suddenly quietened down the last few days.
T'other day golfing I saw a big water bird, like an egret or a crane flapping around the course. What the hell is it doing here?
Also a while back I saw a vulture by the side of the road. Never seen one before.
Global warming fucking up the fowl?
Quote from: Admiral Yi on September 06, 2018, 05:59:39 PM
T'other day golfing I saw a big water bird, like an egret or a crane flapping around the course. What the hell is it doing here?
Also a while back I saw a vulture by the side of the road. Never seen one before.
Global warming fucking up the fowl?
There are definite signs that global warming is changing the ranges of some animals.
Example: in Toronto, over the past few years, Opossums have made an appearance. They were never seen this far north when my dad was a kid. Then, in the 60s through 80s, the rare occasional sighting, gradually increasing in numbers through the 80s and 90s, and now they are relatively common. They aren't well adapted to cold, so even a small change in temperature is important to them.
Edit: an article:
So the same forces that are fucking the polar bears is helping the possums out? I have to say I think that is a poor trade.
Well ok while polar bears are much more awesome than possums, I would rather live next to possums than polar bears. And I have for most of my life :P
My close encounters with possums have always been weird. Damn things have freaky beady eyes.
This image does not properly show how disturbing they are up close:
But hey I try to be kind to my neighbors.
Quote from: Valmy on September 07, 2018, 08:28:07 AM
So the same forces that are fucking the polar bears is helping the possums out? I have to say I think that is a poor trade.
Well ok while polar bears are much more awesome than possums, I would rather live next to possums than polar bears. And I have for most of my life :P
My close encounters with possums have always been weird. Damn things have freaky beady eyes.
People here are still not really used to them, and sometimes confuse them with gigantic rats. :lol:
Marsupial version of a rat so it fits.
Quote from: Malthus on September 07, 2018, 08:04:59 AM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on September 06, 2018, 05:59:39 PM
T'other day golfing I saw a big water bird, like an egret or a crane flapping around the course. What the hell is it doing here?
Also a while back I saw a vulture by the side of the road. Never seen one before.
Global warming fucking up the fowl?
There are definite signs that global warming is changing the ranges of some animals.
Example: in Toronto, over the past few years, Opossums have made an appearance. They were never seen this far north when my dad was a kid. Then, in the 60s through 80s, the rare occasional sighting, gradually increasing in numbers through the 80s and 90s, and now they are relatively common. They aren't well adapted to cold, so even a small change in temperature is important to them.
Edit: an article:
I've been seeing possums here in Massachusetts since I was a kid. Haven't seen any for a while. I read that they don't grow heavier fur pelts in the winter so the cold is tough on them, so I figured that eventually most died out from the winters around here. But if they're moving north then that's interesting too.
Going to hike from Oberstdorf, Bavaria to Senalis, South Tyrol, starting tomorrow. :cool:
Quote from: Zanza on September 08, 2018, 08:02:06 AM
Going to hike from Oberstdorf, Bavaria to Senalis, South Tyrol, starting tomorrow. :cool:
Sounds lovely. :thumbsup:
Do beware getting trapped in a glacier for thousands of years though. :o
Quote from: Barrister on September 08, 2018, 09:17:27 AM
Do beware getting trapped in a glacier for thousands of years though. :o
But if you do, make sure you mummify properly. And maybe strike a funny pose.
Quote from: Maladict on September 08, 2018, 09:25:56 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 08, 2018, 09:17:27 AM
Do beware getting trapped in a glacier for thousands of years though. :o
But if you do, make sure you mummify properly. And maybe strike a funny pose.
Also please remember to scrawl FU Jaron in the mud with the last of your strength so that the message can be fossilised and past on down the ages.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on September 08, 2018, 09:33:28 AM
Quote from: Maladict on September 08, 2018, 09:25:56 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 08, 2018, 09:17:27 AM
Do beware getting trapped in a glacier for thousands of years though. :o
But if you do, make sure you mummify properly. And maybe strike a funny pose.
Also please remember to scrawl FU Jaron in the mud with the last of your strength so that the message can be fossilised and past on down the ages.
:lol: :thumbsup:
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on September 08, 2018, 09:33:28 AM
Quote from: Maladict on September 08, 2018, 09:25:56 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 08, 2018, 09:17:27 AM
Do beware getting trapped in a glacier for thousands of years though. :o
But if you do, make sure you mummify properly. And maybe strike a funny pose.
Also please remember to scrawl FU Jaron in the mud with the last of your strength so that the message can be fossilised and past on down the ages.
And before you freeze, try and send a post from your cell phone to let us know your location. :D
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 07, 2018, 09:51:45 AM
Marsupial version of a rat so it fits.
What's surprising is that they can compete with our already established enormous population of racoons and skunks.
Also, for some reason I've been seeing a lot of rabbits about this year, way more than other years. There is one that repeatedly visits our back yard.
Your population of Racoons is truly staggering.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 10, 2018, 09:49:46 AM
Your population of Racoons is truly staggering.
One piece of trivia I always thought funny: they filmed the movie series "Resident Evil" in Toronto. The name of the fictional city in that series: "Raccoon City". :lol:
A glorious day on the heath yesterday. Only two more legs left on my 800km cross-country hike, I'll have to seek lebensraum abroad soon :menace:
Quote from: Maladict on September 10, 2018, 01:47:22 PM
A glorious day on the heath yesterday. Only two more legs left on my 800km cross-country hike, I'll have to seek lebensraum abroad soon :menace:
That's some series walking, maybe we should nickname you Strider? :)
Quote from: Malthus on September 10, 2018, 09:42:00 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 07, 2018, 09:51:45 AM
Marsupial version of a rat so it fits.
What's surprising is that they can compete with our already established enormous population of racoons and skunks.
Also, for some reason I've been seeing a lot of rabbits about this year, way more than other years. There is one that repeatedly visits our back yard.
I've also seen quite a few rabbits in my neighborhood the last couple of years. I used to see, or more likely smell, skunks most every night in the summer. Had to run around and shut windows all the time. Seems they became more scarce for a while and maybe coyotes got some. We do have coyotes around and I've seen them a couple of times. Skunks took up residence under sheds of two of my neighbors but eventually moved out or I guess were gotten by coyotes, as I haven't seen nor smelled skunks for a while.
One of my neighbors works nights and later at night he'd be confronted in his yard by a skunk that lived under his shed. That's gone, not sure how. Another neighbor had one under her shed but her son blocked up most of where the skunk could get in, just left a place for it to get out. When it seemed it was gone that opening was plugged up and no sign of the skunk. When that was living under there I could smell it in my yard if the wind was blowing right.
In winter we regularly get deer runnning through the yards at night. And I live in a somewhat built up town, though I guess there's enough wooded space for the critters to hang out, find food, etc.
Quote from: Maladict on September 10, 2018, 01:47:22 PM
A glorious day on the heath yesterday. Only two more legs left on my 800km cross-country hike, I'll have to seek lebensraum abroad soon :menace:
That looks like an area I would imagine a "walk about" to be done in Australia. :)
Kronn, you seem to spend quite a bit of time talking to your neighbors. :wacko:
Quote from: Eddie Teach on September 10, 2018, 06:12:16 PM
Kronn, you seem to spend quite a bit of time talking to your neighbors. :wacko:
Hehe, all my neighbors know each other, it's a very friendly street. Partly because several families have kids who play together, and the parents are often out talking while watching the kids. I've also been here for many years and so the older neighbors and I have known each other for a long time. :)
Quote from: KRonn on September 10, 2018, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: Malthus on September 10, 2018, 09:42:00 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 07, 2018, 09:51:45 AM
Marsupial version of a rat so it fits.
What's surprising is that they can compete with our already established enormous population of racoons and skunks.
Also, for some reason I've been seeing a lot of rabbits about this year, way more than other years. There is one that repeatedly visits our back yard.
I've also seen quite a few rabbits in my neighborhood the last couple of years. I used to see, or more likely smell, skunks most every night in the summer. Had to run around and shut windows all the time. Seems they became more scarce for a while and maybe coyotes got some. We do have coyotes around and I've seen them a couple of times. Skunks took up residence under sheds of two of my neighbors but eventually moved out or I guess were gotten by coyotes, as I haven't seen nor smelled skunks for a while.
One of my neighbors works nights and later at night he'd be confronted in his yard by a skunk that lived under his shed. That's gone, not sure how. Another neighbor had one under her shed but her son blocked up most of where the skunk could get in, just left a place for it to get out. When it seemed it was gone that opening was plugged up and no sign of the skunk. When that was living under there I could smell it in my yard if the wind was blowing right.
In winter we regularly get deer runnning through the yards at night. And I live in a somewhat built up town, though I guess there's enough wooded space for the critters to hang out, find food, etc.
My dad had a great way of getting rid of burrowing skunks under garages and sheds: play talk radio at them. Makes skunks uneasy (but not enough to actually spray) and they move out.
Right-wing talk radio works best - lots of angry ranting. :D
We have deer in the cemetery a few blocks from our house (it connects with a major ravine), but they rarely venture outside that ... and we are deep inside Toronto.
Hell, a very confused bear was found in Scarborough ...
People have tried moth balls but I don't think that worked very well for them. I blocked up the spaces around my sheds, preventing critters from being able to get in.
Probably radio seems it may work as I'd think the would critters become rattled after a while hearing human voices.
"Right-wing talk radio works best - lots of angry ranting. :D" - the only problem is that the good professor's liberal neighbours may think that he has turned to the Dark Side :lol:
Quote from: KRonn on September 12, 2018, 08:15:12 PM
People have tried moth balls but I don't think that worked very well for them. I blocked up the spaces around my sheds, preventing critters from being able to get in.
Probably radio seems it may work as I'd think the would critters become rattled after a while hearing human voices.
Blocked is best - prevents the problem before it happens.
Yeah, the critters hate human voices. Skunks get all hyped up to spray, but have no-one to shoot at. ;)
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on September 13, 2018, 02:38:54 AM
"Right-wing talk radio works best - lots of angry ranting. :D" - the only problem is that the good professor's liberal neighbours may think that he has turned to the Dark Side :lol:
Oh but he has. He's driving a skunk out, knowing it will likely take up quarters - with those neighbours. ;)
Quote from: Zanza on September 08, 2018, 08:02:06 AM
Going to hike from Oberstdorf, Bavaria to Senalis, South Tyrol, starting tomorrow. :cool:
Made it. Some tough stretches to cover with distances of 25+ km and up to 1900 meters up or down per day. Very scenic, awesome weather, some blisters and my feet just ache now.
Did not go the place where the Ötzi iceman was found.
Quote from: Zanza on September 14, 2018, 06:29:28 AM
Quote from: Zanza on September 08, 2018, 08:02:06 AM
Going to hike from Oberstdorf, Bavaria to Senalis, South Tyrol, starting tomorrow. :cool:
Made it. Some tough stretches to cover with distances of 25+ km and up to 1900 meters up or down per day. Very scenic, awesome weather, some blisters and my feet just ache now.
Did not go the place where the Ötzi iceman was found.
Damn, I'm jealous.
Quote from: Malthus on September 14, 2018, 08:11:10 AM
Quote from: Zanza on September 14, 2018, 06:29:28 AM
Quote from: Zanza on September 08, 2018, 08:02:06 AM
Going to hike from Oberstdorf, Bavaria to Senalis, South Tyrol, starting tomorrow. :cool:
Made it. Some tough stretches to cover with distances of 25+ km and up to 1900 meters up or down per day. Very scenic, awesome weather, some blisters and my feet just ache now.
Did not go the place where the Ötzi iceman was found.
Damn, I'm jealous.
Yes that's a rather epic hike.
Quote from: Zanza on September 14, 2018, 06:29:28 AM
Made it. Some tough stretches to cover with distances of 25+ km and up to 1900 meters up or down per day. Very scenic, awesome weather, some blisters and my feet just ache now.
Did not go the place where the Ötzi iceman was found.
Awesome :cool:
Route map please
It was a pretty common variant of the E5 hike with six days and one bus trip through the Pitztal valley.
1st day was from Oberstdorf to Kemptner Hütte, about 12km, 1000m up
2nd day was from Kemptner Hütte to Memminger Hütte, about 26km, 1500 up, 1100 down
3rd day was from Memminger Hütte to Zamser Schihütte, about 20km, 2000 down, 1500 up --- brutal
4th day I "cheated" to recuperate from the previous day and instead of walking from Zams to Wenns and then taking the bus through the Pitz valley, I went around and only went up to the Braunschweiger Hütte, about 5km, 1000 up
5th day from Braunschweiger to Martin-Busch-Hütte, 1100 up, 1400 down, 25km
6th day from Martin-Busch to Senalis, 13km, 600 up, 1600 down
That's the Inglourious Basterds valley, jah?
Quote from: Zanza on September 14, 2018, 03:06:19 PM
It was a pretty common variant of the E5 hike with six days and one bus trip through the Pitztal valley.
1st day was from Oberstdorf to Kemptner Hütte, about 12km, 1000m up
2nd day was from Kemptner Hütte to Memminger Hütte, about 26km, 1500 up, 1100 down
3rd day was from Memminger Hütte to Zamser Schihütte, about 20km, 2000 down, 1500 up --- brutal
4th day I "cheated" to recuperate from the previous day and instead of walking from Zams to Wenns and then taking the bus through the Pitz valley, I went around and only went up to the Braunschweiger Hütte, about 5km, 1000 up
5th day from Braunschweiger to Martin-Busch-Hütte, 1100 up, 1400 down, 25km
6th day from Martin-Busch to Senalis, 13km, 600 up, 1600 down
Nice :cool:
I'm thinking of incorporating some of the E5 into my long terms plans.
Does it get crowded? By hiking standards of course.
Quote from: Maladict on September 15, 2018, 10:36:21 AM
I'm thinking of incorporating some of the E5 into my long terms plans.
Does it get crowded? By hiking standards of course.
Yes, very crowded for an alpine hike. Several big tourist groups with guides on the path together with us. That was actually rather annoying, e.g. we had to wait at the Seescharte for slow-moving groups ahead and the huts were all rather crowded with annoying people.
In contrast to the above epic yomps, I only managed to get out to a favourite hill fort yesterday evening, all of 30-35 mile trip. :blush:
45km hike today turned into 52km due to several navigation errors.
Quite the slog in the end, but the weather was fantastic again.
And a costly one too, as I managed to crack my phone screen throwing it across a ditch. :bleeding:
Quote from: Maladict on September 16, 2018, 11:10:48 AM
45km hike today turned into 52km due to several navigation errors.
Quite the slog in the end, but the weather was fantastic again.
And a costly one too, as I managed to crack my phone screen throwing it across a ditch. :bleeding:
That's some going. :cool:
Do you carry much in your backpack?
Sorry about your phone.
Quote from: mongers on September 16, 2018, 11:33:22 AM
Quote from: Maladict on September 16, 2018, 11:10:48 AM
45km hike today turned into 52km due to several navigation errors.
Quite the slog in the end, but the weather was fantastic again.
And a costly one too, as I managed to crack my phone screen throwing it across a ditch. :bleeding:
That's some going. :cool:
Do you carry much in your backpack?
Sorry about your phone.
I usually plan my routes so there's a place I can have lunch about midway.
In that case I only take a couple of sandwiches, bananas and energy bars.
Two 1.5 L bottles of water, a fleece jacket, rain gear and a battery pack for my phone.
If the scenery is particularly promising I bring my DSLR camera as well.
Quote from: Maladict on September 16, 2018, 11:10:48 AM
45km hike today turned into 52km due to several navigation errors.
Quite the slog in the end, but the weather was fantastic again.
And a costly one too, as I managed to crack my phone screen throwing it across a ditch. :bleeding:
That is quite a nice, long hike. That's serious stuff and great exercise.
Quote from: Zanza on September 16, 2018, 08:42:42 AM
Quote from: Maladict on September 15, 2018, 10:36:21 AM
I'm thinking of incorporating some of the E5 into my long terms plans.
Does it get crowded? By hiking standards of course.
Yes, very crowded for an alpine hike. Several big tourist groups with guides on the path together with us. That was actually rather annoying, e.g. we had to wait at the Seescharte for slow-moving groups ahead and the huts were all rather crowded with annoying people.
Yeah I thought it might be. All the well known paths are becoming mass tourism magnets. :(
Quote from: mongers on September 06, 2018, 05:32:45 PM
Quote from: garbon on September 06, 2018, 05:27:03 PM
Ooh, that's open long enough, I might fold that into my weekend trip idea to go to Blenheim to see the Yves Klein exhibit. I'd been thinking I'd to the overnight stay in Oxford. :cool:
A jolly nice trip. :cool:
A guy at the exhibit said they've been crazy busy, but it's suddenly quietened down the last few days.
Gorgeous, sunny day to be tromping around Blenheim Palace and its gardens. Definitely overpacked on layers of clothing. :D
Now to overnight in Oxford and will see the Tolkien exhibit tomorrow.
Quote from: garbon on September 29, 2018, 11:10:58 AM
Quote from: mongers on September 06, 2018, 05:32:45 PM
Quote from: garbon on September 06, 2018, 05:27:03 PM
Ooh, that's open long enough, I might fold that into my weekend trip idea to go to Blenheim to see the Yves Klein exhibit. I'd been thinking I'd to the overnight stay in Oxford. :cool:
A jolly nice trip. :cool:
A guy at the exhibit said they've been crazy busy, but it's suddenly quietened down the last few days.
Gorgeous, sunny day to be tromping around Blenheim Palace and its gardens. Definitely overpacked on layers of clothing. :D
Now to overnight in Oxford and will see the Tolkien exhibit tomorrow.
Glad you had a nice time.
I too over packed on clothing, ended up taking a thick heavy jumper and hat I didn't need on a 30 mile bike ride, a t-shirt was more than adequate. <_<
All the Tolkien illustrations were very interesting to see. Exhibit was super packed though. At one point was in a queue to see the display of drawings for The Hobbit. :D
Quote from: garbon on September 30, 2018, 10:00:10 AM
All the Tolkien illustrations were very interesting to see. Exhibit was super packed though. At one point was in a queue to see the display of drawings for The Hobbit. :D
I guess the students going up to uni made it worse, good you enjoyed it.
Heard a snippet of Philip Larkin's 'The Trees' on the radio today, so taking inspiration from it, I went on a ride across the forest this evening to see the trees. :bowler:
Beautiful evening, warm, sunny, little wind; aren't to many of these sort of evenings left in a life.
You should round the experience out with a read of The Lorax.
Time for birds to migrate. Today I first noticed flocks of birds gathering, mostly starlings and grackles. Sometime in November I can start to fill my bird feeders for the winter birds, since migrating birds descend on them and empty them. Even in summer starlings and grackles are too numerous around the feeders so I stopped filing most of them. The summer ones I do fill are for finches which attract finches and sometimes sparrows but other birds leave them alone. I also put out a hummingbird feeder this summer and caught quick glimpses of them feeding a couple of times.
Quote from: KRonn on October 06, 2018, 02:02:23 PM
Time for birds to migrate. Today I first noticed flocks of birds gathering, mostly starlings and grackles. Sometime in November I can start to fill my bird feeders for the winter birds, since migrating birds descend on them and empty them. Even in summer starlings and grackles are too numerous around the feeders so I stopped filing most of them. The summer ones I do fill are for finches which attract finches and sometimes sparrows but other birds leave them alone. I also put out a hummingbird feeder this summer and caught quick glimpses of them feeding a couple of times.
That'a pretty cool, wish I could see those in my garden.
Good work there KRonn, on the feeding.
Quote from: mongers on October 05, 2018, 03:58:33 PM
Heard a snippet of Philip Larkin's 'The Trees' on the radio today, so taking inspiration from it, I went on a ride across the forest this evening to see the trees. :bowler:
Beautiful evening, warm, sunny, little wind; aren't to many of these sort of evenings left in a life.
Inspired I took a trip along the sea to the forest, warm, sunny, little wind and trees that just started turning yellow. Forecast says we'll get half a dozen more of these days within just 10 days. :cool:
Quote from: mongers on October 06, 2018, 02:28:17 PM
Quote from: KRonn on October 06, 2018, 02:02:23 PM
Time for birds to migrate. Today I first noticed flocks of birds gathering, mostly starlings and grackles. Sometime in November I can start to fill my bird feeders for the winter birds, since migrating birds descend on them and empty them. Even in summer starlings and grackles are too numerous around the feeders so I stopped filing most of them. The summer ones I do fill are for finches which attract finches and sometimes sparrows but other birds leave them alone. I also put out a hummingbird feeder this summer and caught quick glimpses of them feeding a couple of times.
That'a pretty cool, wish I could see those in my garden.
Good work there KRonn, on the feeding.
Thanks. When I first put out the finch feeder I didn't know what to expect. But the first winter I had two of them and I'd get up to ten or twelve goldfinches at one time. I still get them but not in those numbers. I also see red or house finches (they look so alike I can't tell which is which). When I put out suet for woodpecker type critters I get various types, at least until the squirrels figure out how to get at the feeders. Then I have to take them down. My other seed feeders get the more common birds - chicadees, various sparrows, cardinals, blue jays, mourning doves and an occasional red headed woodpecker. Those feeders are spring loaded so when a squirrel-a-saurus gets onto them they close up. So squirrels stop trying.
Hey, it's winter and I'm partially retired - it adds to the interest and I've always like birds. I even had a hawk take birds a couple of times. One of those times I saw the hawk on the ground before it took off with its kill.
Getting my shorts out again as it's nearing 20 degrees here, very rare in October. To the forest trails!
Quote from: Liep on October 10, 2018, 06:55:10 AM
Getting my shorts out again as it's nearing 20 degrees here, very rare in October. To the forest trails!
Yeah, it's somewhat weird, isn't it. Could reach 23 C here!
I'm off to the seafront/beach this evening.
Quote from: mongers on October 10, 2018, 07:12:28 AM
Quote from: Liep on October 10, 2018, 06:55:10 AM
Getting my shorts out again as it's nearing 20 degrees here, very rare in October. To the forest trails!
Yeah, it's somewhat weird, isn't it. Could reach 23 C here!
I'm off to the seafront/beach this evening.
It was so lovely out I took a detour there as well.
Liep, that looks nice and I notice that the trees are in pretty full Fall foliage. In contrast, trees here in eastern Massachusetts are just starting to turn. It seems a later foliage season than usual as we've had some warmer September/October temps at times.
Quote from: KRonn on October 10, 2018, 09:58:19 AM
Liep, that looks nice and I notice that the trees are in pretty full Fall foliage. In contrast, trees here in eastern Massachusetts are just starting to turn. It seems a later foliage season than usual as we've had some warmer September/October temps at times.
Yeah, I was in Boston in early September and it was a boiling 30-35C all week :hmm:. After a great summer here it turned cooler quite rapidly to normal fall temperatures of 10-15C with 5C at night but this week has been very warm.
Liep, rather lovely photos there.
Very sunny and warm down at the beach this evening, it's still 17C at midnight! :hmm:
Completed my 800km cross-country hike yesterday :cool:
Oh my. :D
Big pub-crawl in the Nijmegen area :cool:
Would you walk 800 more(just to be the man who walked 1600 km to fall down at her door)?
Quote from: Eddie Teach on October 14, 2018, 05:40:53 AM
Would you walk 800 more(just to be the man who walked 1600 km to fall down at her door)?
The place I ended at in the extreme south happened to be intersecting one of the long-distance E-routes. Only 2500 more kilometres to Nice :hmm:
Quote from: Maladict on October 14, 2018, 05:26:58 AM
Completed my 800km cross-country hike yesterday :cool:
Mal, damn that's rather cool. :cheers:
Quote from: Eddie Teach on October 14, 2018, 05:40:53 AM
Would you walk 800 more(just to be the man who walked 1600 km to fall down at her door)?
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da
Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da
Do you have outstanding warrants in Germany and Belgium? :P
Very cool.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 14, 2018, 08:57:53 PM
Do you have outstanding warrants in Germany and Belgium? :P
Very cool.
Actually, when walking on an overpass I could see both Belgium and Germany on opposite sides. At the narrowest point the country is only 5 km wide.
But yeah, best to stay clear of those scary foreign places. Even though the southernmost province of Limburg is basically a retarded version of Germany.
Quote from: Maladict on October 14, 2018, 05:26:58 AM
Completed my 800km cross-country hike yesterday :cool:
Congrats! :)
One day till time change to GMT and Winter trail off /survival mode here. :bowler:
Off to Florence for final excursion of the year. :cool:
Quote from: garbon on November 02, 2018, 08:47:12 AM
Off to Florence for final excursion of the year. :cool:
No Christmas in Palm Springs?
Oh, I don't count that anymore as that's always been the case since I was 10. :blush:
Quote from: garbon on November 02, 2018, 08:47:12 AM
Off to Florence for final excursion of the year. :cool:
Nice, hope you have a good time and aren't too affected by the storm after-effects.
PS say hello to Florence for me if you bump into her.
Quote from: garbon on November 02, 2018, 08:47:12 AM
Off to Florence for final excursion of the year. :cool:
Nice, enjoy!
Quote from: mongers on November 02, 2018, 09:49:00 AM
Quote from: garbon on November 02, 2018, 08:47:12 AM
Off to Florence for final excursion of the year. :cool:
Nice, hope you have a good time and aren't too affected by the storm after-effects.
PS say hello to Florence for me if you bump into her.
As per usual, caught a flight delay but that is alright. :D
And thanks, both.
Only spotted one other cyclist in the forest earlier this evening; no MAMILs so it must now be properly Autumn. :bowler:
You're a good sport mongers.
Doing vey little of any outdoors stuff at the moment; next week's 'highlight' looks to be limited to a train journey to Warminster in Wiltshire. :lol:
My outdoor stuff lately is pretty mundane. Lots of yard work raking leaves or more often mowing them up this time of year but I've been getting a good deal of exercise doing that. I also walk some, which I enjoy.
In the spirit of my newfound englishness...took a ramble around the English countryside on a nice, sunny afternoon. Lots of nice public footpaths within range of the house.
Quote from: Tonitrus on November 17, 2018, 12:22:27 PM
In the spirit of my newfound englishness...took a ramble around the English countryside on a nice, sunny afternoon. Lots of nice public footpaths within range of the house.
Welcome to our quaint country, that's in the precess of breaking apart.
Oh and you'll need one of these :bowler: when you go fully native like Garbon has. :P
Delayed coming home yesterday by a 'herd' of donkeys walking calmly over a ford. :bowler:
Unusual to see ten of them together, normally I only see solitary or small family groups of two to four.
Wild donkeys? in England?
What a country.
What's a ford? (Googling only talks about the car company).
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 23, 2018, 10:33:44 AM
What's a ford? (Googling only talks about the car company).
a shallow part of a river suitable for crossing on foot.
I woke up at 4:30 this morning so I could fly to Germany to present a report to two people. I'm at the airport and likely won't be home till at least 9.
I think my body is too old for this. :weep:
Why no video conference?
I don't know. This brand team always has us fly, while for other projects for this company, we are allowed said virtual meetings.
Herd of donkeys, that's original. I often see flocks of wild turkeys around my area, on several occasions a group have walked through my yard. Turkeys have made a big comeback even in eastern Massachusetts. I've also seen coyotes locally and will often see deer or their tracks in my yard at night.
Well I'm glad this Winter is nearly over, because I've hardly gone anywhere on the bike these last three months.
Yesterday I went up onto the downs to the Wiltshire border to see what condition were like and when the byways would be dry enough to use.
Turns out that trip of just 9 minutes of latitude was the furthest north I've been by bike this season. :rolleyes:
Probably still another month or so before I can get up and beyond Stonehenge on the byways, but when I was on the downs Spring was definitely in the air and pleasant to be in the countryside breathing fresh mild air with some light around 6pm. :bowler:
Mongers, isn't it nice though to start thinking of nicer weather pursuits ! :)
Quote from: KRonn on February 24, 2019, 08:49:04 PM
Mongers, isn't it nice though to start thinking of nicer weather pursuits ! :)
Indeed and I'm going to make a start on the garden next weekend.
Quote from: mongers on February 24, 2019, 09:07:28 PM
Quote from: KRonn on February 24, 2019, 08:49:04 PM
Mongers, isn't it nice though to start thinking of nicer weather pursuits ! :)
Indeed and I'm going to make a start on the garden next weekend.
*Looks out the window at sleet falling from the sky*
Dammit. :(
Happy St David's day to one and all. :)
And it's the official start of Spring in the UK today. The daffs and many of the flowering bushes are putting out new growth and some flowers. :cool:
At least now I can get out and about in the evenings on the bike, once I've gotten home.
Going to be a wet and windy weekend here, but that's typical of Spring here, but next weekend I'll go out into Dorset to visit a favourite hill fort, Badbury Rings and Wimborne minster, I'll not have been that far West in several months. Anyway time to stretch one's legs a bit. :bowler:
Took a stroll today outside the office while at lunch.
Saw the view in St. James Park
Then meandered over to Westminster Abbey, before stopping to look at the current state of Big Ben.
Outside of parliament a mixed demo was happening. Primarily of people supporting Brexit but a few counter-protesters(?) too.
Also, saw the site of a previous London Meet (http://languish.org/forums/index.php/topic,12697.msg881530.html#msg881530), now nearly 4 years past. Perhaps time for a reunion?
St James looks lovely. :)
In Toronto, this is the ugliest time of the year - the snow and ice is melting, revealing a whole winter's worth of hidden dogshit and cigarette butts in the mud.
Yeah, London lucks out with not really having a snowy period. Prevents what you describe, which I recall too well from NYC. :x
On Sunday I managed to bike down to the coast, possibly the first time in 3 or 4 months. :Embarrass:
At least I did do a bit of exploring and found a rather good beach, one I've not been to before; should make a nice destination for a spring or summer's evening ride once the BST starts. :bowler:
Quote from: garbon on March 13, 2019, 12:45:16 PM
Took a stroll today outside the office while at lunch.
Saw the view in St. James Park
Then meandered over to Westminster Abbey, before stopping to look at the current state of Big Ben.
Outside of parliament a mixed demo was happening. Primarily of people supporting Brexit but a few counter-protesters(?) too.
Also, saw the site of a previous London Meet (http://languish.org/forums/index.php/topic,12697.msg881530.html#msg881530), now nearly 4 years past. Perhaps time for a reunion?
Garbon, good photos, that's what I miss about not living in London, having that on one's doorstep.
Indeed to the bold part.
Languish meet in April?
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on March 15, 2019, 02:13:48 AM
Languish meet in April?
I'm free inclusive of the 8th to the 25th.
I'm going down to Sussex for a long weekend on the 12th-15th April; but could make a meet either side of those dates as I also have things to do in London anyway.
I'll be around on both sides of that. Maybe we could locate B and Tamas. :D
I used to see Tamas every five minutes back when he lived in Hungary :P
Going to hit about 60F, 15C, today. :)
Kinda sunny & 10c in Montreal.
Spring's here, mofos.
It's going to snow tonight.
Winter's back, mofos.
Quote from: KRonn on March 15, 2019, 10:35:44 AM
Going to hit about 60F, 15C, today. :)
Been around that here for a week or so. Nearly everything is blooming now, some trees just waking up. :bowler:
Got delayed on my way home a couple of evenings ago by something obstructing a back road, it was a swan, probably missed the lakes on both sides and landed in the lane instead.
Luckily there was a nice lady from the RSPCA to pick it up put it somewhere safer. :bowler:
I think mongers might be a Hobbit.
Quote from: mongers on March 17, 2019, 02:16:20 PM
Got delayed on my way home a couple of evenings ago by something obstructing a back road, it was a swan, probably missed the lakes on both sides and landed in the lane instead.
Luckily there was a nice lady from the RSPCA to pick it up put it somewhere safer. :bowler:
Last year a swan decided to build a nest on a road near where I live. They closed down a lane and put fences around the nest :)
There's going to be a big thunderstorm this evening, which will keep me from walking home as planned. I don't have a view of the sky from my office window, but I see sunlight filtering through the trees--it's so strange to this Californian that a thunderstorm could start within a half hour.
Landed in Faro, there was a bike assembly station at the airport, it's a clear blue sky and about 20C.
I'm quite pleased.
Quote from: Liep on March 19, 2019, 06:58:29 AM
Landed in Faro, there was a bike assembly station at the airport, it's a clear blue sky and about 20C.
I'm quite pleased.
Liep have a lovely trip.
Cycled to Salisbury and back this evening, first time in 5-6 months. :blush:
Just nice to be out and about in the English countryside for 3 or 4 hours, taking in Spring and not having to bother about getting home early due to the cold and darkness. :bowler:
Quote from: Liep on March 19, 2019, 06:58:29 AM
Landed in Faro, there was a bike assembly station at the airport, it's a clear blue sky and about 20C.
I'm quite pleased.
20°C? For the Al-Gharb natives, that's still winter. :P
Did a 12 mile hike in the Peak District today.
Everything hurts.
Quote from: Tonitrus on March 24, 2019, 03:39:38 PM
Did a 12 mile hike in the Peak District today.
Everything hurts.
Like they say, no pain, no gain. :D
I need to get around to going there again.
Quote from: mongers on March 24, 2019, 05:38:03 PM
Quote from: Tonitrus on March 24, 2019, 03:39:38 PM
Did a 12 mile hike in the Peak District today.
Everything hurts.
Like they say, no pain, no gain. :D
I need to get around to going there again.
It was mostly this hike, with some variations:
Over the last 5 evenings I've managed to get out on the bike for an hour or two, nice to be back in countryside.
But still gets cold quick, coming back across the national park this evening, as soon as it hit 7pm, with the sun gone, it suddenly felt rather cold, had to stop and put a jumper and gillet on. :bowler:
Ok, a jumper is a sweater, but what's a gillet?
Quote from: Eddie Teach on March 27, 2019, 08:57:04 PM
Ok, a jumper is a sweater, but what's a gillet?
IOW a vest
Is there some connection in England between wearing sweaters and jumping?
First golf balls of the year have been hit.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 31, 2019, 08:07:04 PM
First golf balls of the year have been hit.
Spring is in the air, warm earlier this week then a bit cooler, but I think this weekend I may start my garden. Plant some peas as they thrive in cooler temps and get wilty as it gets warmer.
I planted peas in my garden a couple days ago. Even though early, peas do well in cooler weather so making sure I get an early start. Usually I won't plant other stuff until about mid May or later so the soil warms up along with the temps.
Quote from: KRonn on April 07, 2019, 06:24:54 PM
I planted peas in my garden a couple days ago. Even though early, peas do well in cooler weather so making sure I get an early start. Usually I won't plant other stuff until about mid May or later so the soil warms up along with the temps.
Good work there, KRonn, makes me feel guilty.
Yesterday evening I cycled around the SE Dorset conurbation of 400,000 people. A nice 38 mile ride embracing off-road, cycle track, old railway lines, country lanes and miles of seafront promenade.
SO much better than actually going into the urban area itself. :D
Quote from: mongers on April 08, 2019, 07:31:02 AM
Yesterday evening I cycled around the SE Dorset conurbation of 400,000 people. A nice 38 mile ride embracing off-road, cycle track, old railway lines, country lanes and miles of seafront promenade.
SO much better than actually going into the urban area itself. :D
You do take some long bike rides. I used to ride with a couple friends and was a good workout, but didn't go that distance. You probably ride further than that too so keep up the good work. I walk these days, at a fast pace which gets my heart rate going up a bit, so that works for me. :)
Quote from: KRonn on April 08, 2019, 07:56:24 AM
Quote from: mongers on April 08, 2019, 07:31:02 AM
Yesterday evening I cycled around the SE Dorset conurbation of 400,000 people. A nice 38 mile ride embracing off-road, cycle track, old railway lines, country lanes and miles of seafront promenade.
SO much better than actually going into the urban area itself. :D
You do take some long bike rides. I used to ride with a couple friends and was a good workout, but didn't go that distance. You probably ride further than that too so keep up the good work. I walk these days, at a fast pace which gets my heart rate going up a bit, so that works for me. :)
I did some fast walking, about 3 miles in 40 minutes and it buggered me up for about a week; too much like hard work. :D
First time I'd heard this reason for a flight delay: plane was struck by my lightning on inbound flight.
Also, fun as we wait for update on engineers to check plane: "Ladies and gentleman, as an update for you, unfortunately I do not have an update at this time." :hmm:
It's the beginning of sailing season! I've been going to help get the boat ready for launch. Today we (re: The Captain) checked the rigging atop the mast. I held his safety line, and helped with directing him to check certain pins/rigging lines on the mast.
It was chilly on the water (~ 57F), but the sun was shining, just a handful of fluffy clouds in the sky, and I was on the water again. So worth it!
Quote from: mongers on April 09, 2019, 07:31:32 AM
Quote from: KRonn on April 08, 2019, 07:56:24 AM
Quote from: mongers on April 08, 2019, 07:31:02 AM
Yesterday evening I cycled around the SE Dorset conurbation of 400,000 people. A nice 38 mile ride embracing off-road, cycle track, old railway lines, country lanes and miles of seafront promenade.
SO much better than actually going into the urban area itself. :D
You do take some long bike rides. I used to ride with a couple friends and was a good workout, but didn't go that distance. You probably ride further than that too so keep up the good work. I walk these days, at a fast pace which gets my heart rate going up a bit, so that works for me. :)
I did some fast walking, about 3 miles in 40 minutes and it buggered me up for about a week; too much like hard work. :D
Hehe, I walk fast, a couple/few miles or so, depending how I feel. I get a good workout, get the heart rate and breathing up a bit, which is good and what I aim for.
Cardiff and Bristol today.
I can't quite put my finger on what makes Cardiff one of my most favourite UK cities, perhaps the modest size, about 1/2 million in the metropolitan area, but as a capital city it has much of the associated state and cultural institutions.
Oxford today.
Had enough spare time to 'do' one whole floor of the the Ashmolean.
Also popped into the Pitt-River's as I was passing, it has to be one of the more bonkers museums in the country; exploring the top floor, it's a vast array of ethnographic weapons, but where else would a full cabinet of Polynesia war clubs have, 6 feet opposite it, a display showing the development of automatic weapons in the 20th century. :hmm:
Yesterday was Gloucester, nice cathedral containing nearly as nice toilets. And Cardiff, nicer parks, but the temple of peace was closed when I got there. :(
1450 miles on the trains over the last two working weeks; no cancellations and only one major train delay of 10 minutes. :blink:
Though the getting to the stations via 160-170 miles buses and 160 miles on the bike was a bit more tiring. <_<
Quote from: mongers on May 15, 2019, 06:12:51 AM
1450 miles on the trains over the last two working weeks; no cancellations and only one major train delay of 10 minutes. :blink:
I am sorry but this goes straight against Tyr and The Guardian's opinion of non-state ran railroad being pure hell.
Nice reminder about Oxford though, we made a slingshot around it once on our way back from Blenheim Palace (and my wife did visit it once), it is high time we did a roadtrip there, it ain't particularly far.
Quote from: Tamas on May 15, 2019, 06:27:47 AM
Nice reminder about Oxford though, we made a slingshot around it once on our way back from Blenheim Palace (and my wife did visit it once), it is high time we did a roadtrip there, it ain't particularly far.
Yes, it really isn't far from anywhere in the Home counties.
More museums than you could throw a free audio guide at. :)
Quote from: Tamas on May 15, 2019, 06:26:45 AM
Quote from: mongers on May 15, 2019, 06:12:51 AM
1450 miles on the trains over the last two working weeks; no cancellations and only one major train delay of 10 minutes. :blink:
I am sorry but this goes straight against Tyr and The Guardian's opinion of non-state ran railroad being pure hell.
The fact that Mongers got lucky is no reason to doubt all the other evidence of people who are not so lucky.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 15, 2019, 10:32:11 AM
Quote from: Tamas on May 15, 2019, 06:26:45 AM
Quote from: mongers on May 15, 2019, 06:12:51 AM
1450 miles on the trains over the last two working weeks; no cancellations and only one major train delay of 10 minutes. :blink:
I am sorry but this goes straight against Tyr and The Guardian's opinion of non-state ran railroad being pure hell.
The fact that Mongers got lucky is no reason to doubt all the other evidence of people who are not so lucky.
Well I had delays on occassions when I was commuting by train of course. But IIRC the biggest problems lately in and around London have been caused by strikes (mostly justified I think - some companies want to remove guards from the trains, and I don't think the engineers themselves should be expected to manage such a mass of people).
My issue with the overblown complaints is seeing the massive infrastructure around train travel around London, and how good a general state it is in, the trains are mostly clean etc. I find it impressive, so I am slightly annoyed by the doomsayers.
The swallows arrived a few days ago and this evening I saw several dozen new born foals in the forest
Also numerous MAMIL out in the fine evening weather, so that confirms Summer is here :D
Beautiful evening ride in the national park, left at 6.40, after the local traffic had gone, back by 9.15 with still some light left. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on May 21, 2019, 06:28:37 PM
The swallows arrived a few days ago and this evening I saw several dozen new born foals in the forest
Also numerous MAMIL out in the fine evening weather, so that confirms Summer is here :D
Beautiful evening ride in the national park, left at 6.40, after the local traffic had gone, back by 9.15 with still some light left. :bowler:
Excellent! The swallows must be fun to see. I used to see lots of gold finches but lately not so much. I have put out a hummingbird feeder and have seen the birds a couple times. Just for a few seconds as they go in and out so fast.
I've mainly been out walking, did a good brisk walk for a few miles today. Mostly just around my own and the nearby neighborhood streets but quiet, nice areas of mostly modest, well kept homes. There's a good sized area that I can walk while avoiding busy streets.
Quote from: KRonn on May 22, 2019, 07:24:03 PM
Quote from: mongers on May 21, 2019, 06:28:37 PM
The swallows arrived a few days ago and this evening I saw several dozen new born foals in the forest
Also numerous MAMIL out in the fine evening weather, so that confirms Summer is here :D
Beautiful evening ride in the national park, left at 6.40, after the local traffic had gone, back by 9.15 with still some light left. :bowler:
Excellent! The swallows must be fun to see. I used to see lots of gold finches but lately not so much. I have put out a hummingbird feeder and have seen the birds a couple times. Just for a few seconds as they go in and out so fast.
I've mainly been out walking, did a good brisk walk for a few miles today. Mostly just around my own and the nearby neighborhood streets but quiet, nice areas of mostly modest, well kept homes. There's a good sized area that I can walk while avoiding busy streets.
KRonn, sounds like a real nice location for impromptu evening walks.
Went on an evening bike ride to Stonehenge today, first time I've been there solely by bike for more than two years. :blush:
Quote from: mongers on May 27, 2019, 07:33:23 PM
Went on an evening bike ride to Stonehenge today, first time I've been there solely by bike for more than two years. :blush:
Presumably this was the soundtrack to your voyage:
Quote from: Malthus on May 28, 2019, 08:11:08 AM
Quote from: mongers on May 27, 2019, 07:33:23 PM
Went on an evening bike ride to Stonehenge today, first time I've been there solely by bike for more than two years. :blush:
Presumably this was the soundtrack to your voyage:
Quote from: mongers on May 27, 2019, 07:33:23 PM
Went on an evening bike ride to Stonehenge today, first time I've been there solely by bike for more than two years. :blush:
Nice, good ride, nice view. Sadly, I don't think we have any 'Henges' in the US. Someone should get some big boulders, Easter Island look alikes, and make a few. :cool:
Quote from: KRonn on May 29, 2019, 07:30:15 PM
Quote from: mongers on May 27, 2019, 07:33:23 PM
Went on an evening bike ride to Stonehenge today, first time I've been there solely by bike for more than two years. :blush:
Nice, good ride, nice view. Sadly, I don't think we have any 'Henges' in the US. Someone should get some big boulders, Easter Island look alikes, and make a few. :cool:
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carhenge (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carhenge)
Quote from: Eddie Teach on May 29, 2019, 07:53:51 PM
Quote from: KRonn on May 29, 2019, 07:30:15 PM
Quote from: mongers on May 27, 2019, 07:33:23 PM
Went on an evening bike ride to Stonehenge today, first time I've been there solely by bike for more than two years. :blush:
Nice, good ride, nice view. Sadly, I don't think we have any 'Henges' in the US. Someone should get some big boulders, Easter Island look alikes, and make a few. :cool:
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carhenge (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carhenge)
Hehe, very cool! We do have Henges! Given how enamored we Americans are to our cars, it seems so appropriate to use cars in a US Henge. :)
Quote from: KRonn on May 29, 2019, 07:30:15 PM
Quote from: mongers on May 27, 2019, 07:33:23 PM
Went on an evening bike ride to Stonehenge today, first time I've been there solely by bike for more than two years. :blush:
Nice, good ride, nice view. Sadly, I don't think we have any 'Henges' in the US. Someone should get some big boulders, Easter Island look alikes, and make a few. :cool:
Thanks, 63 mile in 5 hours, felt fine the next day too, so maybe there's hope.
We have a lot of not so cool henges around here, a farmer on the downs found one on his land, all of 50 ft across ! Though it is cool you can find archeaology like that starting within the first foot of soil, been there waiting for 4-5,000 years to be redisovered.
He also found and exacated an ancient flint mine, so now he's got a ruddy great big 60 ft close to his farmhouse.
Wow, a 63 mile ride is a long haul, good for you. Great exercise. :bowler: I sure couldn't do it. :blush:
Went for a ride into the heart of the forest earlier this evening, no one around just me, a few horses and a herd of fallow deer too close for me to stop for a photo.
Odd a national park with around 6-700,000 people within 15 miles of it's borders and abandoned to the wildlife and me. :hmm:
Maybe they're too wedded to the TV, screens and social media?
Quote from: mongers on June 16, 2019, 06:05:59 PM
Maybe they're too wedded to the TV, screens and social media?
he posts on the internet...
On my way back from the beach yesterday evening, I encountered a weasel in the road, brown foot long cute little thing, never seen one before. :cool:
Might have been a stoat but I think those are noticeably bigger, often hard to judge the size of things cycling by on a large bike.
Quote from: mongers on June 24, 2019, 08:21:17 PM
On my way back from the beach yesterday evening, I encountered a weasel in the road, brown foot long cute little thing, never seen one before. :cool:
Might have been a stoat but I think those are noticeably bigger, often hard to judge the size of things cycling by on a large bike.
If you saw a stoat or a weasel "cycling by on a large bike", you may have inadvertently slipped into the world of the Wind in the Willows ... ;)
Quote from: Malthus on June 25, 2019, 07:30:31 AM
Quote from: mongers on June 24, 2019, 08:21:17 PM
On my way back from the beach yesterday evening, I encountered a weasel in the road, brown foot long cute little thing, never seen one before. :cool:
Might have been a stoat but I think those are noticeably bigger, often hard to judge the size of things cycling by on a large bike.
If you saw a stoat or a weasel "cycling by on a large bike", you may have inadvertently slipped into the world of the Wind in the Willows ... ;)
Quite possibly so.
Quote from: mongers on June 25, 2019, 07:36:57 AM
Quote from: Malthus on June 25, 2019, 07:30:31 AM
Quote from: mongers on June 24, 2019, 08:21:17 PM
On my way back from the beach yesterday evening, I encountered a weasel in the road, brown foot long cute little thing, never seen one before. :cool:
Might have been a stoat but I think those are noticeably bigger, often hard to judge the size of things cycling by on a large bike.
If you saw a stoat or a weasel "cycling by on a large bike", you may have inadvertently slipped into the world of the Wind in the Willows ... ;)
Quite possibly so.
Protip: no matter how much he begs, do
not let the Toad take your bike for a spin.
Quote from: Malthus on June 25, 2019, 07:30:31 AM
Quote from: mongers on June 24, 2019, 08:21:17 PM
On my way back from the beach yesterday evening, I encountered a weasel in the road, brown foot long cute little thing, never seen one before. :cool:
Might have been a stoat but I think those are noticeably bigger, often hard to judge the size of things cycling by on a large bike.
If you saw a stoat or a weasel "cycling by on a large bike", you may have inadvertently slipped into the world of the Wind in the Willows ... ;)
Once on one of my runs along nearby farm roads, I slipped into the world of Watership Down. :(
Quote from: Tonitrus on June 25, 2019, 04:06:00 PM
Once on one of my runs along nearby farm roads, I slipped into the world of Watership Down. :(
Were you:
- Kidnapped for breeding stock by fascist rabbits?
- Invited to stay by kindly strangers, who it turned out were merely hoping you would be eaten first by the farmer?
- Told enigmatic prophecies of impending doom?
Hmm, well, I spotted one desiccated hare corpse, and then a half mile later a dismembered hare head.
Quote from: Tonitrus on June 25, 2019, 04:43:29 PM
Hmm, well, I spotted one desiccated hare corpse, and then a half mile later a dismembered hare head.
That counts. :D
Was downtown yesterday for the Iowa City Jazz Festival. Some good people watching. Weather was perfect, 75 F at night. I at my first Cubano. Saw a deer running down one of the main drags!! Went to an after hours party with 12 dudes. :(
Quote from: Admiral Yi on July 07, 2019, 05:03:16 PM
Was downtown yesterday for the Iowa City Jazz Festival. Some good people watching. Weather was perfect, 75 F at night. I at my first Cubano. Saw a deer running down one of the main drags!! Went to an after hours party with 12 dudes. :(
Nice play it by ear, see what happens evening. :)
Quote from: Admiral Yi on July 07, 2019, 05:03:16 PM
Was downtown yesterday for the Iowa City Jazz Festival. Some good people watching. Weather was perfect, 75 F at night. I at my first Cubano. Saw a deer running down one of the main drags!! Went to an after hours party with 12 dudes. :(
That's too many dicks on the dance floor.
Yesterday evening I finally managed to get over the downs and onto Salisbury and Old Sarum, a much nicer route than usual one.
Though I had to contend with a bit of this, the chalk by-ways dug out by off-road nuts:
But it was worth it as wild flowers were out in abundance, especially the lavender, like here in the 'moat' at old Sarum:
Also came across the very unusual New Forest 'pony' one evening a couple of weeks ago, never seen one anything like this skewball:
Is he part cow? :hmm:
Quote from: Eddie Teach on July 08, 2019, 08:06:07 PM
Is he part cow? :hmm:
He certainly is a bit odd, the 'standard' for this pony breed is that there aren't any skewballs and if the few pieballs are very simply patterned, the vast majority of the breed being one colour or another.
Mongers, you do indeed get some mileage and interesting scenery out of your "walk abouts". :)
Had a nice ride out last night into Hampshire countryside, no one about.
This afternoon had to go to Salisbury hospital, family medical emergency, the Wiltshire scenery is looking green and healthy with all the recent rain we've had; pity I couldn't get out into it. <_<
I hope your family emergency turns out ok.
Quote from: KRonn on August 19, 2019, 08:43:10 PM
I hope your family emergency turns out ok.
Thanks KRonn, finally light at the end of the tunnel, got her out of hospitals after 33 long trying days; looks like I might be a full time carer for a fair while now.
On my way home this evening stop on the main bridge over the river hereabouts, watched the last of the swallows busying themselves catching insects, probably in earnest preparation for the migration to Africa.
Good to pass a few minutes seeing the swans come into view as they glided towards their mid-river night rests, passing a herd of british white cattle in the far meadow. And bats about my ears heralded dusk as a solitary frog hopped past my feet. Just nice to stop and pretend for a while, all is well with the world.
European swallows or African swallows?
What's up with someone in a car flashing their lights and waving at me, don't they realise I can view the inside of the car to work out who it is, especially so at dusk. *
Guess that's another friend/acquaintance I've inadvertently snubbed, they think I'm stand-offish not to subsequently have contacted them etc. :hmm:
* I should point out I know nearly nothing about the cars friends/acquaintances as I very rarely see them.
Quote from: mongers on October 25, 2019, 03:38:56 PM
What's up with someone in a car flashing their lights and waving at me, don't they realise I can view the inside of the car to work out who it is, especially so at dusk. *
Guess that's another friend/acquaintance I've inadvertently snubbed, they think I'm stand-offish not to subsequently have contacted them etc. :hmm:
* I should point out I know nearly nothing about the cars friends/acquaintances as I very rarely see them.
Perhaps they are trying to warn you of the frightful fiend sneaking up behind you. ;)
Yeah, drivers do that, as if I know what coloured box they drive around in :P
The dark evenings here, their only use making plans for next year. :hmm:
Christmas market at Karlsplatz.
Quote from: Syt on December 03, 2019, 04:23:50 PM
Christmas market at Karlsplatz.
Syt, lovely and tastefully done too.
Syt, that's a beauty! :)
Thanks. :) It's one of the nicer markets in Vienna. It has a lot of stands (I'm standing roughly in the middle there), and is not as cheap-ish as some other ones who basically serve mulled wine that comes from Tetrapaks ;)
The largest market is at city hall, but it's also the most generic one in terms of stands. Schönbrunn has the best backdrop, but it's clearly geared towards tourists. The one at Belvedere Castle is much cozier. Personally, I like the one at Spittelberg and its little 18th century alleys - it's usually crowded, but the arts/crafts sales stands are pretty cool. The one in the courtyard of the Altes AKH (the old 19th century hospital, now part of the university campus) is also very nice, and is popular among locals. For food I like the one at Freyung which has stands of producers of e.g. organic meats and cheeses from the Austrian countryside. The one at Kunsthistorisches has nice flair but, again, is primarily aimed at tourists. Hoher Markt is again one mostly for crafts sales stands, but also has some antiques stands.
Those are the main Christmas markets, but there's a couple more throughout the city.
I can now read my digital watch at 5.43pm, gaining 13 minutes of evening light each week now; the long climb out of the dark depressing winter has begun. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on February 04, 2020, 01:37:08 PM
I can now read my digital watch at 5.43pm, gaining 13 minutes of evening light each week now; the long climb out of the dark depressing winter has begun. :bowler:
Oh yeah, it's light a lot longer in the evening. Still dark in early morning, I guess until about 6:45.
Worst ever Winter for me, hardly gone anywhere due to atrocious weather and other responsibilities. <_<
February has been awful. Other than getting soaked twice a day going to work, I haven't been out at all :(
Quote from: Maladict on March 01, 2020, 06:36:42 AM
February has been awful. Other than getting soaked twice a day going to work, I haven't been out at all :(
Now that Spring is here, things can only get better; this afternoon I managed to get out on the bike and go visit the sea, first time in four months. :Embarrass:
Damn never imagined that the horizons of so many Languishites would shrink down towards mine. :(
And to think a few weeks ago I nearly booked a train journey to the Highlands for this coming weekend. <_<
I've got my hike planned in the last week of May. Might as well cancel it now :(
Quote from: Maladict on March 24, 2020, 12:33:11 PM
I've got my hike planned in the last week of May. Might as well cancel it now :(
Yes none of us are going anywhere till high summer, most likely.
Unless that is one becomes a refugee.
Needless to say, I've canceled my visit to the Tank Museum (Tankfest is postponed at this point, anyways). :(
Quote from: Syt on March 24, 2020, 12:49:27 PM
Needless to say, I've canceled my visit to the Tank Museum (Tankfest is postponed at this point, anyways). :(
Damn, that's depressing. :(
Maybe in the post virus wasteland, we can eventually have a ;anguish meet up?
I am still furious that before social distancing/stay at home last Monday the UK got battered by a new Atlantic storm every weekend - Ciara, Dennis, Jorge etc. Since social distancing, the weather has been made up of basically idyllic spring days we have to watch. Through our windows <_<
Quote from: Sheilbh on March 24, 2020, 01:26:07 PM
I am still furious that before social distancing/stay at home last Monday the UK got battered by a new Atlantic storm every weekend - Ciara, Dennis, Jorge etc. Since social distancing, the weather has been made up of basically idyllic spring days we have to watch. Through our windows <_<
Yeah it's highly annoying.
I'm limiting myself to one trip out a day and I'm combining that with food shopping. And I'm aiming to only got out late in the day.
Yesterday before the lock-down, travelled through the edge of the New Forest and it's surprising how much more confident the wildlife is getting, had to stop and turn around as I didn't want to disturb a big herd of fallow deer in the road. And on the way back got 'waylaid' by 15 donkeys in one big group. :D
Even the rookeries seemed more vocal and confident flapping all over the place bringing back lots of twigs for the nests in the tree tops. :bowler:
Happy British Summer Time (BST) everyone, let's all go out and enjoy the extra light and fresh air.....
Ah bugger. :(
Quote from: mongers on March 29, 2020, 08:40:30 AM
Happy British Summer Time (BST) everyone, let's all go out and enjoy the extra light and fresh air.....
Ah bugger. :(
I love these long evenings when you can sit out all night in a beer garden or a park with some drinks :(
It's still pretty cold.
Quote from: garbon on March 29, 2020, 08:53:05 AM
It's still pretty cold.
Sort of my favourite time of year - it's sunny so I can be outside, but still need knitwear :ph34r:
Quote from: garbon on March 29, 2020, 08:53:05 AM
It's still pretty cold.
Surprisingly cold in the garden earlier, think it's about 8C here.
I thinks I should lock or even delete this thread, because most of us aren't likely to be going very far, any time soon. <_<
Your obsession with tinkering with threads, their titles, poll choices, etc. does border on the obsessive. Just let it slide onto the second page and revive it when we get to the other side.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on April 03, 2020, 09:52:00 PM
Your obsession with tinkering with threads, their titles, poll choices, etc. does border on the obsessive. Just let it slide onto the second page and revive it if when we get to the other side.
Your obsession borders on the obsessive? :wacko:
s/b borders on the manic.
I took the trash out yesterday. That was a nice little walk in the sunshine, for all of 8 seconds.
Quote from: Maladict on April 04, 2020, 03:51:00 AM
I took the trash out yesterday. That was a nice little walk in the sunshine, for all of 8 seconds.
But enough of your trash talk, Mal are you able to get to the sea easily?
I'm going to miss going to the coast. :(
I'm going for short walks. There's not much greenery around my district, especially since the federal gardens are closed (city managed parks are open, though). The general advice is to stay close to your home and avoid public transport unless absolutely necessary.
1/3 of sidewalks in Vienna is under 2 meters wide, so even just going around a few blocks means constant weaving, changing sides of the roads etc. to keep your distance from others.
So usually I just walk to the Rathaus where there's two small parks there, or to the Schönbornpark, which is also tiny and half of it locked off playgrounds and football/basketball cages.
I'd normally head to Volks- or Burggarten but as I mentioned they're shut at the moment.
Quote from: Syt on April 04, 2020, 07:03:20 AM
I'm going for short walks. There's not much greenery around my district, especially since the federal gardens are closed (city managed parks are open, though). The general advice is to stay close to your home and avoid public transport unless absolutely necessary.
1/3 of sidewalks in Vienna is under 2 meters wide, so even just going around a few blocks means constant weaving, changing sides of the roads etc. to keep your distance from others.
So usually I just walk to the Rathaus where there's two small parks there, or to the Schönbornpark, which is also tiny and half of it locked off playgrounds and football/basketball cages.
I'd normally head to Volks- or Burggarten but as I mentioned they're shut at the moment.
This closing of public parks seems counter-productive in some ways, can't small one's be opened but with strict direction controls, say something like traffic management and one-way streets, but for pedestrians? :hmm:
The city government says parks should be open, and have done so for the ones they have control over. The federal government hasn't really said much about it, but they've closed their areas in Vienna (most parks attached to castles like Hofburg, Schönbrunn, Belvedere and others - significant amount of real estate), arguing that it would lead to more people going out and clustering and shooting down any demand to open them.
The Greens in city government have brought up closing some streets for car traffic to give people more room, but their Social Democrat coalition partner aren't having that, instead demanding the federal gardens to open.
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2020, 07:25:37 AM
Quote from: Syt on April 04, 2020, 07:03:20 AM
I'm going for short walks. There's not much greenery around my district, especially since the federal gardens are closed (city managed parks are open, though). The general advice is to stay close to your home and avoid public transport unless absolutely necessary.
1/3 of sidewalks in Vienna is under 2 meters wide, so even just going around a few blocks means constant weaving, changing sides of the roads etc. to keep your distance from others.
So usually I just walk to the Rathaus where there's two small parks there, or to the Schönbornpark, which is also tiny and half of it locked off playgrounds and football/basketball cages.
I'd normally head to Volks- or Burggarten but as I mentioned they're shut at the moment.
This closing of public parks seems counter-productive in some ways, can't small one's be opened but with strict direction controls, say something like traffic management and one-way streets, but for pedestrians? :hmm:
Yeah it strikes me as stupid. Policy making on this needs to remember that not everyone lives in a nice-ish house with a garden. We need the parks to be open. I don't know how we regulate them mind - I think in Southwark they're thinking of instituting a rota system so each block of streets/estate is given a slot in local parks.
Quote from: Sheilbh on April 04, 2020, 08:52:57 AM
Yeah it strikes me as stupid. Policy making on this needs to remember that not everyone lives in a nice-ish house with a garden. We need the parks to be open. I don't know how we regulate them mind - I think in Southwark they're thinking of instituting a rota system so each block of streets/estate is given a slot in local parks.
And that's a good idea; we need new thinking for the new problems this virus crisis brings.
Yeah I quite like the rota idea because I think it could also help reduce loneliness for the socially distancing/increase community because you'll see the same people every week/day. But I'm not sure that it's being implemented. I think it's still just an idea at this point.
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2020, 06:57:33 AM
But enough of your trash talk, Mal are you able to get to the sea easily?
I'm going to miss going to the coast. :(
About 45 minutes by train. But trains are limited to essential workers, and the more accessible beaches are closed anyway.
I went for a long walk last week, created a route taking me nowhere near populated places or parks. Still found too many cyclists and runners passing me too close for comfort.
The weather is just too good now, I'm going to stay inside until it's crap again.
Quote from: Maladict on April 04, 2020, 12:23:40 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 04, 2020, 06:57:33 AM
But enough of your trash talk, Mal are you able to get to the sea easily?
I'm going to miss going to the coast. :(
About 45 minutes by train. But trains are limited to essential workers, and the more accessible beaches are closed anyway.
I went for a long walk last week, created a route taking me nowhere near populated places or parks. Still found too many cyclists and runners passing me too close for comfort.
The weather is just too good now, I'm going to stay inside until it's crap again.
I see the runners and cyclists can be a pain, where I am I go through a small park to get to the town, but in good weather I'll be 'populated' and the nearby old railway-line I use for East-West trips is getting full and so unusable in the evenings.
We've got a wet/damp day, so as you say can't let that go to waste. :D
Out for a short stroll on a glorious day. Yep, definitely too many people out, even if they're mostly behaving.
We have figured out various routes using side streets, cemeteries, and disused parts of parks - so we can walk for a long time without coming within ten feet of anyone.
It's like a weird sort of zombie movie. :lol:
Quote from: Malthus on April 05, 2020, 08:52:27 AM
We have figured out various routes using side streets, cemeteries, and disused parts of parks - so we can walk for a long time without coming within ten feet of anyone.
It's like a weird sort of zombie movie. :lol:
I've got 300 sq.miles of a national park on my doorstep, which no doubt by the end of the week we'll be banned from using, because clickbait newpapers ran 'stories' about people crowding in one London park. :rolleyes:
Pass-by chat with one of my neighbors (who I haven't talked to before) while coming back from a run.
Him: "Ya ow' 'tin"?
Me: *confused Yank look* I'm sorry, what was that again?
Him: *a bit slower, and with more syllables* You out training?
Separated by a common language indeed. He was also saying something, I think about one of our fellow neighbors and their ability to park. But still, I couldn't understand about 60-70% of anything he said.
Quote from: Tonitrus on April 16, 2020, 08:50:00 AM
Pass-by chat with one of my neighbors (who I haven't talked to before) while coming back from a run.
Him: "Ya ow' 'tin"?
Me: *confused Yank look* I'm sorry, what was that again?
Him: *a bit slower, and with more syllables* You out training?
Separated by a common language indeed. He was also saying something, I think about one of our fellow neighbors and their ability to park. But still, I couldn't understand about 60-70% of anything he said.
Quote from: Tonitrus on April 16, 2020, 08:50:00 AM
Pass-by chat with one of my neighbors (who I haven't talked to before) while coming back from a run.
Him: "Ya ow' 'tin"?
Me: *confused Yank look* I'm sorry, what was that again?
Him: *a bit slower, and with more syllables* You out training?
Separated by a common language indeed. He was also saying something, I think about one of our fellow neighbors and their ability to park. But still, I couldn't understand about 60-70% of anything he said.
Now you know how us Brits feel here on Languish. :P
Walked 18 holes today, first round of the year. Weather was glorious late spring day. Cramped up a bit at the very end. All things considered it went pretty well, exercise wise and playing wise. I've been pretty sedate this plague. Already got a bit of color. :smoke:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on April 30, 2020, 07:38:48 PM
Walked 18 holes today, first round of the year. Weather was glorious late spring day. Cramped up a bit at the very end. All things considered it went pretty well, exercise wise and playing wise. I've been pretty sedate this plague. Already got a bit of color. :smoke:
More outside than I've had in recent days.
IIRC golf courses in the UK are all still closed.
Today I was doing my accounts for last year, one of the first train tickets I found was for today, April 30th last year; I recalled a productive day and also managed to get in two museums in Cardiff and Bristol, a lovely spring day with easy travel and a nice ride home against the setting sun.
What a difference a year makes.
Beautiful weather and temps the last two days, with more in early week. Then cooling a bit mid and late week but still decent temps 50sF/10-14C.
Mowed the lawn for the second time. Put down insect killer around the house foundation to help keep ants/bugs out of the house. Cleaned weeds and leaves from my garden, but not planting most of it this year. Letting it rest, will put down fertilizer and look to plant next year.
In my earth boxes at one end of my garden, broccoli and cauliflower are coming up. :) In a week or two I'll plant a couple rows of more heat tolerant of the same veggies in the main garden.
Quote from: KRonn on May 03, 2020, 09:29:21 AM
Beautiful weather and temps the last two days, with more in early week. Then cooling a bit mid and late week but still decent temps 50sF/10-14C.
Mowed the lawn for the second time. Put down insect killer around the house foundation to help keep ants/bugs out of the house. Cleaned weeds and leaves from my garden, but not planting most of it this year. Letting it rest, will put down fertilizer and look to plant next year.
In my earth boxes at one end of my garden, broccoli and cauliflower are coming up. :) In a week or two I'll plant a couple rows of more heat tolerant of the same veggies in the main garden.
KRonn, that's well impressive.
Especially in comparison with my efforts this weekend .... in total 'thinking about' painting the garden furniture. :D
Heheh, yeah it was a lot. I felt pretty good and once I got going I kept doing and fixing things. I also put up a new bird feeder and fixed another one to keep squirrels out. :) Many neighbors were out and I spent time talking with them. Two of my neighbors are nurses and they've been really busy treating patients with Covid.
Damn, in normal times if I left home on my bike now, I could get to Stonehenge and back before full nightfall, but I'm guessing a 5 1/2 bike ride contravenes the lockdown.
Instead, I'll get out a map, draw a 10km radius around home, and see what little places I could explore within 5-6 miles of here. :(
The rules are that you can have daily exercise there's no distance or time limit on that.
Quote from: Sheilbh on May 03, 2020, 10:46:39 AM
The rules are that you can have daily exercise there's no distance or time limit on that.
Yeah I know, but I think if I got stopped in the middle of another county, 25miles from home they'd think I was taking the piss.
Plus I'm trying to keep to the spirit of the lockdown and it's a case of social solidiarity with all those people, like yourself in cities who only have parks or tow paths as recreational spaces.
Why would you get stopped?
Ended up doing some plane spotting by accident this evening, took a ride out past the local airport, turns out British Airways are now parking a chunk of their fleet at there, 5 or 6 747s and 40+ other twin jet boeings.
I guess they'll be parked there for a while.
Quote from: mongers on May 05, 2020, 07:22:43 PM
Ended up doing some plane spotting by accident this evening, took a ride out past the local airport, turns out British Airways are now parking a chunk of their fleet at there, 5 or 6 747s and 40+ other twin jet boeings.
I guess they'll be parked there for a while.
Yep, like many other airlines will do for a while yet.
A few weeks back during the lockdown I was out looking for small, convenience or petrol station shops I could do some late night shopping at. Ended up in the next town, Wimborne Minster, not somewhere I go more than two or three times a year, usual just pass through it on my way deeper into Dorset.
Any way the place as deserted, I ended up just take a turn around the one way system, I only saw two or three other people. Very odd to experience somewhere very familiar, so devoid of people. I'm now regretting not having visited some other nearby towns, just to get a different appreciation of the places.
But I guess the moment has now based, what with us exiting lockdown at a rapid pace. :(
The Sunday before last I managed to cycle over the downs to Salisbury, first visit in months. :blush:
Nice evening in the city and the downland was majestic.
But on my way back, via a slightly different route, right on the Wiltshire/Hampshire border around the corner I came across this:
Around here that's a quite remote place, well at least for SE England it is, not another house for more than a mile and of an evening I'm often the only person in the landscape.They must have driven more than a mile off-road, just to trash it there. <_<
I've notice a lot of this sort of rural vandalism going on over the last 2-3 weeks as lockdown ends and the feckless but still paid seem to be treating the countryside as an extension of their over-decked backyards. :rolleyes:
End of a joy ride & they burned it down.
Nice countryside Mongers, until you got to the burnt out auto. :) I'm all neighborhoods here, but it's a well kept, nice looking middle class area.
In the German Alps
Awesome :cool:
I'm on vacation, but it's also the day my leaning lady comes, so I went for the longest walk since lockdown began. I gained a few kilos during quarantine. After two and a half hours of walking down to the shopping street, hitting some book and electronic stores, then heading back home, with a stop for at a supermarket to buy groceries I'm exhausted. -_-
However, when passing the back side of the Palace of Justice, I saw a prisoner transfer. The car on the right is blocking car traffic on those lanes.
No idea who they transported, couldn't find anything online. The building houses the Vienna appellate courts for civil and criminal cases, as well as the supreme court. My guess for this instance is: criminal court. :P
One for mongers - I saw this story:
QuoteHambledon murder stone found destroyed
The memorial before and after it was damaged
A memorial which commemorates an 18th Century murder has been destroyed.
The Grade-II listed murder stone near Hambledon, Hampshire, was found in pieces on Friday.
Pieces of the memorial, which was erected in 1782, have been collected by the parish council while Historic England is consulted about repairs.
The cause of the damage is unknown, although social media posts claim a tractor-driven hedge cutter was being operated near the stone last week.
Hampshire County Council, which is responsible for highways, has been approached for comment.
The 3ft (0.9m)-high roadside monument marks the spot where labourer James Stares died in a violent robbery 238 years ago.
The stone's Historic England listing says the "plain stone pillar... commemorates an early conviction on purely circumstantial evidence".
Members of the Stares family regularly gather to retrace their ancestor's final steps from Hambledon to the monument site in Cams Hill.
David Stares, from Horndean, said "up to a third of the stone was broken off" and "I hope it can be repaired".
Mr Stares said the family had previously made an unsuccessful request to the county council to erect a sign to mark the stone, which is often submerged in undergrowth.
He said Hambledon Parish Council had collected broken pieces of the monument for safekeeping.
Murder stones were erected by local communities around the UK, mostly in the 18th and 19th Centuries, to commemorate violent deaths.
I've never heard of "murder stones" before. Is this something you've ever come across in your countryside perambulations mongers?
Quote from: Sheilbh on June 16, 2020, 03:28:14 PM
One for mongers - I saw this story:
I've never heard of "murder stones" before. Is this something you've ever come across in your countryside perambulations mongers?
Thanks, interesting piece, I was aware of them, but have never come across one.
One murder connection we and I guess much of the country does have are execution sites from the Saxon/medieval period.
If you're passing a notice able clump of, or a single tree on a ridge or prominent on the skyline, then it's likely people we killed and displayed there in the past! Often associated with parish boundaries.
I passed by one in the forest the evening before last, it's called The Naked Man, though now just a largely dead old tree. :bowler:
Walked about 6.7 miles roundtrip to Greenwich park today (2nd excursion since lockdown). I shudder to think how I'll feel tomorrow. -_-
Quote from: garbon on June 21, 2020, 11:51:44 AM
Walked about 6.7 miles roundtrip to Greenwich park today (2nd excursion since lockdown). I shudder to think how I'll feel tomorrow. -_-
I was about to post something similar :lol:
Lockdown has not been kind.
Quote from: garbon on June 21, 2020, 11:51:44 AM
Walked about 6.7 miles roundtrip to Greenwich park today (2nd excursion since lockdown). I shudder to think how I'll feel tomorrow. -_-
I'd really like to take a stroll around Greenwich, especially without the tourist hordes, but can't justify the Train and tube corona risk for an afternoon out and about.
Buy a car. :contract:
Make it a Tesla!
Don't buy a car :x
Quote from: Sheilbh on June 22, 2020, 12:35:42 PM
I want a car right now but then I also need a British license...which had been in the plans for 2020 -_-
Quote from: garbon on June 21, 2020, 11:51:44 AM
Walked about 6.7 miles roundtrip to Greenwich park today (2nd excursion since lockdown). I shudder to think how I'll feel tomorrow. -_-
Week and a half ago my 10 year old went to his first hockey practice in 3 months.
The next day he complained about how much his legs hurt and he didn't know why. :lol:
Last week he commented about how much better his legs felt now.
Quote from: garbon on June 22, 2020, 12:38:00 PM
Quote from: Sheilbh on June 22, 2020, 12:35:42 PM
I want a car right now but then I also need a British license...which had been in the plans for 2020 -_-
Fortunately they just trust us official visitors with our US license. :sleep:
We do have to take a test on UK road rules, but that's it.
Quote from: Tonitrus on June 22, 2020, 08:25:50 PM
Quote from: garbon on June 22, 2020, 12:38:00 PM
Quote from: Sheilbh on June 22, 2020, 12:35:42 PM
I want a car right now but then I also need a British license...which had been in the plans for 2020 -_-
Fortunately they just trust us official visitors with our US license. :sleep:
We do have to take a test on UK road rules, but that's it.
I don't think it is a lack of trust rather than a money making scheme. After all, I was allowed to drive for one year and then they want you to pay for tests and UK licensing fees.
Quote from: Sheilbh on June 22, 2020, 12:33:21 PM
Don't buy a car :x
Don't worry, though I am thinking of buying or renting a motorbike. :ph34r:
Not going whole lot of places at the moment, what with public transport not being usable.
Have been trying to use the national park more and use more of the hillier parts of the forest, good exercise, but the lay off means I'm stuggling to even think about some of my old routes around and about.
So far this Spring/Summer I've been to the beach once (though mainly due to avoiding crowds, Wiltshire (Salisbury) once and only deep into the Forest once. Not seriously been into Dorset at all, just a few miles at most. <_<
I made it to Venice after all. :) Not by air, but by car, as the airline cancelled the flight. There were plenty of other tourists, mostly Italians. But it was not over crowded. Really nice experience.
Pff, could have just gone to Vienna instead for that Venice feeling. ;)
Meanwhile, a picture from Karlsplatz last week on my way to work.
Quote from: Zanza on July 06, 2020, 01:14:41 AM
I made it to Venice after all. :) Not by air, but by car, as the airline cancelled the flight. There were plenty of other tourists, mostly Italians. But it was not over crowded. Really nice experience.
So jealous
I went kayaking with friends in a local reservoir last saturday night, under the full moon. We don't really realize how bright it can be on those nights.
Spotted a nice car yesterday.
Quote from: Tonitrus on April 16, 2020, 08:50:00 AM
Pass-by chat with one of my neighbors (who I haven't talked to before) while coming back from a run.
Him: "Ya ow' 'tin"?
Me: *confused Yank look* I'm sorry, what was that again?
Him: *a bit slower, and with more syllables* You out training?
Separated by a common language indeed. He was also saying something, I think about one of our fellow neighbors and their ability to park. But still, I couldn't understand about 60-70% of anything he said.
On my way home through the edge of the forest I spied a white hart attended by a dozen other stags, a majestic sight even at dusk. :bowler:
Such sightings tend to lead to adventure :cool:
mongers gains 200 prestige. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on July 16, 2020, 07:17:47 PM
On my way home through the edge of the forest I spied a white hart attended by a dozen other stags, a majestic sight even at dusk. :bowler:
Very cool :cool:
Quote from: Syt on July 17, 2020, 01:51:10 AM
mongers gains 200 prestige. :bowler:
Went back with a camera at this evening, best photo I could get in the dusk:
I did get some photos of the white hart seperately, but the camera, my skills and the light makes them not worth posting.
Not being able to use public transport is a bind, the furthest I've been on my bike this Spring/Summer is North to Salisbury, South to the coast, East across the forest to Brockenhurst and West to Badbury Rings hillfort in deeper Dorset.
That's the exact of my travels this year, so far and only once on each occasion. :(
On Wednesday I had a nice walk around the perimeter of Berwick's Elizabethan town walls.
They've a number of plaques about the place now about Lowry's connection with the town. Quite interesting how he took some aspects you can clearly see unchanged today then added fictional elements around them.
Also interestingly I discovered you can climb right up on the castle. I wasn't feeling up to it so didn't repeat my treck of the walls of Constantinople, but will go back to do it someday I think.
Quote from: Tyr on August 09, 2020, 12:47:09 PM
On Wednesday I had a nice walk around the perimeter of Berwick's Edwardian town walls.
They've a number of plaques about the place now about Lowry's connection with the town. Quite interesting how he took some aspects you can clearly see unchanged today then added fictional elements around them.
Also interestingly I discovered you can climb right up on the castle. I wasn't feeling up to it so didn't repeat my treck of the walls of Constantinople, but will go back to do it someday I think.
Sounds like a great place to walk, lots of unique history. :)
Beginning to run out of unexplored tangential road to where I live. :hmm:
Quote from: Tyr on August 09, 2020, 12:47:09 PM
On Wednesday I had a nice walk around the perimeter of Berwick's Elizabethan town walls.
They've a number of plaques about the place now about Lowry's connection with the town. Quite interesting how he took some aspects you can clearly see unchanged today then added fictional elements around them.
Also interestingly I discovered you can climb right up on the castle. I wasn't feeling up to it so didn't repeat my treck of the walls of Constantinople, but will go back to do it someday I think.
This is why I want to move to Europe, at least for part of every year. Rambles here net me an old drainage pond and a community garden that's been overgrown all summer. :(
Mind, if I drive a good few miles first, I'll end up in a thousand year old forest, but no castles or ancient stone walls. :(
The Wienfluss today:
It usually runs this low; it serves mostly as a valve in case of heavy rain.
Very nice photo Syt. :cool:
That's next to that kitschy Strauss statue, right?
I stayed in the Hilton there...just near 2 years ago!
Quote from: Maladict on August 21, 2020, 07:26:20 AM
That's next to that kitschy Strauss statue, right?
In the Stadtpark, yes.
Quote from: garbon on August 21, 2020, 07:38:22 AM
I stayed in the Hilton there...just near 2 years ago!
Has it been that long already? :o
Quote from: Syt on August 21, 2020, 08:09:41 AM
Quote from: garbon on August 21, 2020, 07:38:22 AM
I stayed in the Hilton there...just near 2 years ago!
Has it been that long already? :o
Right? Time flies! To think when you and I met up for dinner and beer, I'd just been on two dates with my now husband. :wacko:
Viennese storm drains are a lot sexier than LA storm drains.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on August 23, 2020, 09:26:02 AM
Viennese storm drains are a lot sexier than LA storm drains.
It's basically what it is. It used to be unregulated, but it caused flooding in the city on a regular basis. Only the bit at Stadtpark is pretty, though. Much of it looks more like this:
QuoteThe Wien is subject to huge variations in flow. In its headwaters in the Vienna Woods, the soil is underlain by sandstone. Because of this, during heavy rain the soil quickly saturates, resulting in substantial runoff. Thus, the flow of the Wien can quickly increase from a creek-like 200 litres per second (2,600 imp gal/min) to 450,000 litres per second (5,900,000 imp gal/min) in the heaviest rains or during the spring snowmelt in the Vienna Woods, a ratio of over 1:2000.
It used to look something like this:
This section is underground under what is now the Karlsplatz:
Popped out this evening on the bike, made it to Old Sarum, though no ravens about, as 8 pm is probably already passed their bed time.
Definite autumnal feel to the countryside, though a lovely mild evening. :bowler:
Lovely evening on the chalk downlands South of Salisbury, on the way back I scrumped some apples. :bowler:
Cool evening ride to church today.
Nice watching the light bleed out of the sky as I headed homeward back down the valley.
Pigs out pannaging, must be Autumn.
Quote from: mongers on October 11, 2020, 05:50:29 PM
Cool evening ride to church today.
Nice watching the light bleed out of the sky as I headed homeward back down.
Pigs out pannaging, must be Autumn.
Sounds lovely.
It's been raining non-stop for a week here, I'm only going out for groceries. :(
Quote from: Maladict on October 11, 2020, 05:59:23 PM
Quote from: mongers on October 11, 2020, 05:50:29 PM
Cool evening ride to church today.
Nice watching the light bleed out of the sky as I headed homeward back down the valley.
Pigs out pannaging, must be Autumn.
Sounds lovely.
It's been raining non-stop for a week here, I'm only going out for groceries. :(
Though I think you can deservedly rest on your laurels for a while, given your earlier epic trek. :)
Took a walk up the Humber valley, not far from where I live - the salmon run is has been on for a while. It is hard to imagine the fish can jump the weirs across the river, some of them are pretty high - but evidently they do. You usually see them fail to make it, though. But some must make it, because there are always a bunch of fish trying to jump the next one upriver.
It's an incredible feat of endurance, many don't make it (and birds are eating their corpses). On our relatively short walking route, there are six weirs!
It's also pretty startling to see such large fish in the city. They can get around three feet long, so pretty big.
Quote from: Malthus on October 13, 2020, 11:06:13 AM
Took a walk up the Humber valley, not far from where I live - the salmon run is has been on for a while. It is hard to imagine the fish can jump the weirs across the river, some of them are pretty high - but evidently they do. You usually see them fail to make it, though. But some must make it, because there are always a bunch of fish trying to jump the next one upriver.
It's an incredible feat of endurance, many don't make it (and birds are eating their corpses). On our relatively short walking route, there are six weirs!
It's also pretty startling to see such large fish in the city. They can get around three feet long, so pretty big.
More to a cityscape than meets the eye, so to speak.
Quote from: mongers on October 13, 2020, 11:19:33 AM
Quote from: Malthus on October 13, 2020, 11:06:13 AM
Took a walk up the Humber valley, not far from where I live - the salmon run is has been on for a while. It is hard to imagine the fish can jump the weirs across the river, some of them are pretty high - but evidently they do. You usually see them fail to make it, though. But some must make it, because there are always a bunch of fish trying to jump the next one upriver.
It's an incredible feat of endurance, many don't make it (and birds are eating their corpses). On our relatively short walking route, there are six weirs!
It's also pretty startling to see such large fish in the city. They can get around three feet long, so pretty big.
More to a cityscape than meets the eye, so to speak.
Went back today, the fish were really jumping. This time, we saw some make it over the weir.
Here's a pic of the salmon jumping the weir - this one made it:
The bridge at Old Mill (complete with hopeful fishermen)
Quote from: Malthus on October 14, 2020, 05:31:36 PM
Went back today, the fish were really jumping. This time, we saw some make it over the weir.
Here's a pic of the salmon jumping the weir - this one made it:
The bridge at Old Mill (complete with hopeful fishermen)
Impressive. It's a really nice area, I remember walking near there and this massive beaver appeared out of nowhere.
I didn't know they got that big
Quote from: Maladict on October 15, 2020, 01:13:14 AM
Quote from: Malthus on October 14, 2020, 05:31:36 PM
Went back today, the fish were really jumping. This time, we saw some make it over the weir.
Here's a pic of the salmon jumping the weir - this one made it:
The bridge at Old Mill (complete with hopeful fishermen)
Impressive. It's a really nice area, I remember walking near there and this massive beaver appeared out of nowhere.
I didn't know they got that big
There is a lot of wildlife in the valley - I see deer there sometimes, there is a flock that basically lives in the nearby park lawn cemetery. I see lots of beaver activity in the valley, but I haven't seen one up close there - though I have seen them elsewhere.
The three impressions I got from seeing a beaver up close in the wild are: they are much, much bigger than I thought; up close, they aren't nearly as cute as they are usually depicted; and their teeth are a weird bright orange colour.
Beavers also have a cloaca, a single lower body opening for all the various functions :x
I'm glad I'm a hominid if only for that :lol:
The New forest is looking beautiful these last couple of weeks, need to get out into it more before Winter closes in.
Quote from: mongers on October 26, 2020, 09:03:28 AM
The New forest is looking beautiful these last couple of weeks, need to get out into it more before Winter closes in.
And post a few pictures :cool:
Quote from: mongers on October 26, 2020, 09:03:28 AM
The New forest is looking beautiful these last couple of weeks, need to get out into it more before Winter closes in.
New? I bet it is actually 1,000 years old or something :P
Quote from: Maladict on October 26, 2020, 03:52:59 PM
Quote from: mongers on October 26, 2020, 09:03:28 AM
The New forest is looking beautiful these last couple of weeks, need to get out into it more before Winter closes in.
And post a few pictures :cool:
Nothing much, though I did spot this behind one of my favourite trees when I stopped here:
and there was quite a nice sunset the other day:
Quote from: mongers on October 27, 2020, 10:02:10 AM
Nothing much, though I did spot this behind one of my favourite trees when I stopped here:
Wow, I don't want to know what's underneath that.
Quoteand there was quite a nice sunset the other day:
very nice :cool:
Pigs still out in force pannaging over the last few days, had a little heard of them running along crass lawn beside me on the road. :)
2020 was my worst ever year for going places. <_<
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 08:53:48 AM
2020 was my worst ever year for going places. <_<
That's bad. I'd say I still beat at least my first five or so years.
That said, I went on my first hike of the year yesterday. Cold, crisp, and apart from a single downpour very enjoyable.
I do need a lot more exercise, 2020's last quarter has not been kind on my physical condition.
Quote from: Maladict on January 10, 2021, 09:14:55 AM
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 08:53:48 AM
2020 was my worst ever year for going places. <_<
That's bad. I'd say I still beat at least my first five or so years.
That said, I went on my first hike of the year yesterday. Cold, crisp, and apart from a single downpour very enjoyable.
I do need a lot more exercise, 2020's last quarter has not been kind on my physical condition.
Mal as you're one of the few doing anything, maybe you should start the 2021 fitness thread? :)
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 10:09:40 AM
Quote from: Maladict on January 10, 2021, 09:14:55 AM
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 08:53:48 AM
2020 was my worst ever year for going places. <_<
That's bad. I'd say I still beat at least my first five or so years.
That said, I went on my first hike of the year yesterday. Cold, crisp, and apart from a single downpour very enjoyable.
I do need a lot more exercise, 2020's last quarter has not been kind on my physical condition.
Mal as you're one of the few doing anything, maybe you should start the 2021 fitness thread? :)
Yes, good idea
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 12:58:07 PM
Quote from: garbon on January 10, 2021, 09:05:38 AM
garbon has had a great year........abseiling to the bathroom.....a detailed anthropological study of his living room....the ascent of the north-facing back steps when they had a slight covering of frost :P
You are just a gloomster and doomster mongers :lol:
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on January 10, 2021, 04:52:57 PM
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 12:58:07 PM
Quote from: garbon on January 10, 2021, 09:05:38 AM
garbon has had a great year........abseiling to the bathroom.....a detailed anthropological study of his living room....the ascent of the north-facing back steps when they had a slight covering of frost :P
You are just a gloomster and doomster mongers :lol:
Good one.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on January 10, 2021, 04:52:57 PM
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 12:58:07 PM
Quote from: garbon on January 10, 2021, 09:05:38 AM
garbon has had a great year........abseiling to the bathroom.....a detailed anthropological study of his living room....the ascent of the north-facing back steps when they had a slight covering of frost :P
You are just a gloomster and doomster mongers :lol:
I've actually been doing more walking than ever before - in back streets and parks, away from people.
Today, I discovered a back road that leads down to the Humber River, to a boat launch, down near the lake. The interesting thing is that this isolated and hard to find spot (I have driven past it hundreds of times without knowing it) is actually the very origin of my city!
The word "Toronto" comes from the term "Toronto carrying place", which is what the local Iroquoians called the portage trail up the Humber River valley - and this hidden little boat landing was more or less on the site of the head of that trail (evidenced by a plaque).
This was a fun little find. I sorta suspected that there was a boat landing there, as last summer I saw someone unloading a boat from across the River.
Toronto is a great city for obscure paths, ravines and parks, which has been a godsend for me during the pandemic.
Quote from: Malthus on January 10, 2021, 06:33:05 PM
I've actually been doing more walking than ever before - in back streets and parks, away from people.
Today, I discovered a back road that leads down to the Humber River, to a boat launch, down near the lake. The interesting thing is that this isolated and hard to find spot (I have driven past it hundreds of times without knowing it) is actually the very origin of my city!
The word "Toronto" comes from the term "Toronto carrying place", which is what the local Iroquoians called the portage trail up the Humber River valley - and this hidden little boat landing was more or less on the site of the head of that trail (evidenced by a plaque).
This was a fun little find. I sorta suspected that there was a boat landing there, as last summer I saw someone unloading a boat from across the River.
Toronto is a great city for obscure paths, ravines and parks, which has been a godsend for me during the pandemic.
Sounds a bit like the spot in Lord of the Rings were there force back to find and use, after having accidentally entered the rapids.
Actually managed to get out into the forest for an hour earlier this evening, usable light at 5.15pm, this week we gain a whole extra ten minutes of evening light, next week it's a whole 12 minutes.
And at 50N here, we continue to gain 12 or 13 additional minutes every week till the spring equinox. :cool:
British Summer Time in 11 Sundays time. :bowler:
Quote from: mongers on January 13, 2021, 02:21:14 PM
British Summer Time in 11 Sundays time. :bowler:
It's the worst day of the year because I lose an hour's sleep. But I absolutely love long British summer evenings (I have a friend who's spent the last few years living near the equator who always says that's the thing he misses most - as opposed to it's always dark at 6pm).
Quote from: mongers on January 13, 2021, 02:21:14 PM
Actually managed to get out into the forest for an hour earlier this evening, usable light at 5.15pm, this week we gain a whole extra ten minutes of evening light, next week it's a whole 12 minutes.
And at 50N here, we continue to gain 12 or 13 additional minutes every week till the spring equinox. :cool:
British Summer Time in 11 Sundays time. :bowler:
I've been keeping track of that religiously. A whole 4 seconds on the first day after the solstice, but it's speeding up now. One odd thing I noticed is that the sun kept coming up later each day until about two weeks after the solstice,only to go down later still at night.
Quote from: Sheilbh on January 13, 2021, 02:26:47 PM
Quote from: mongers on January 13, 2021, 02:21:14 PM
British Summer Time in 11 Sundays time. :bowler:
It's the worst day of the year because I lose an hour's sleep. But I absolutely love long British summer evenings (I have a friend who's spent the last few years living near the equator who always says that's the thing he misses most - as opposed to it's always dark at 6pm).
I agree. I loved it in Alaska too.
I've said it before. Need a summer home up at this latitude, and a winter(summer) home in some place like southern Chile or New Zealand. :P
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 08:57:31 PM
Sounds a bit like the spot in Lord of the Rings were there force back to find and use, after having accidentally entered the rapids.
Sadly, wandering Toronto is nowhere near as cool as wandering around in the UK countryside
- where you can stumble across Iron Age hill forts or Georgian manor houses!
One of my dreams is of someday travelling there again for a ramble, when this damned plague is over with.
I think the travel industry is going to get a lot of business post-plague.
Quote from: Malthus on January 13, 2021, 03:01:31 PM
Quote from: mongers on January 10, 2021, 08:57:31 PM
Sounds a bit like the spot in Lord of the Rings were there force back to find and use, after having accidentally entered the rapids.
Sadly, wandering Toronto is nowhere near as cool as wandering around in the UK countryside
- where you can stumble across Iron Age hill forts or Georgian manor houses!
One of my dreams is of someday travelling there again for a ramble, when this damned plague is over with.
That's exactly my intention come the Spring/Summer.
Avebury's / Mid-West Wiltshire is a good area to stumble upon a lot of stuff from different ages, bump into you there? :)
Hadrian's Wall its a good ramble, but given advancing age, it'll probably seem like a route march to me now. :D
Post-plague languish ramble :cool: ?
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on January 14, 2021, 01:58:46 AM
Post-plague languish ramble :cool: ?
Or a non-urban death march would be equally cool. :P
A couple impressions from the Switzerland trip (in the area where the cantons Zürich, Zug, and Schwyz meet):
(not our car)
Interesting how high you can pile snow on things.
The way back
very nice :cool:
Fridays is when my cleaning lady comes and I leave the house for a couple of hours. Today is a proper early spring day. I took a walk through Volksgarten and First District (the pedestrian area is crazy busy with deliveries before 9 am :o ) and to Stadtpark where I lounged in the sun (after wiping down a dewy bench) while listening to a podcast. Then slowly made my way back home, but not without more sun lounging in the park between Kunsthistorisches and Naturhistorisches Museum under the gaze of Maria Theresia. :cool:
Volksgarten early in the morning.
Swans and gulls at the Stadtpark.
Crows hanging out like hoodlums.
Quote from: Syt on February 26, 2021, 05:42:33 AM
under the gaze of Maria Theresia. :cool:
I liked how it seems she's stuck up on that high pedestal, and signalling for help by pointing to Daun.
That doesn't work at all in German, but still.
Quote from: Syt on February 26, 2021, 05:44:18 AM
Crows hanging out like hoodlums.
Very nice Syt, Spring has definitely arrived, daffodils and snowdrops out here.
I like you two tone crows, the grey makes them look like they're wearing morning suits.
Quote from: Maladict on February 26, 2021, 06:23:24 AM
Quote from: Syt on February 26, 2021, 05:42:33 AM
under the gaze of Maria Theresia. :cool:
I liked how it seems she's stuck up on that high pedestal, and signalling for help by pointing to Daun.
That doesn't work at all in German, but still.
Btw, saw this sign mounted on the Künstlerhaus. Not sure what they were thinking mounting the transparent sign over the gold letters like this.
Cold again here for a few days, but it won't deter the arrival of Spring, daffodils, snowdrops and many scrub/bushes already flowering.
Had a nice early evening ride, nearly lost all sensation in my fingers, but there's usable light at 6.45 GMT.:bowler:
And British Summer Time is in three Sundays time. :wub:
Quote from: mongers on March 07, 2021, 08:32:33 PM
Cold again here for a few days, but it won't deter the arrival of Spring, daffodils, snowdrops and many scrub/bushes already flowering.
Had a nice early evening ride, nearly lost all sensation in my fingers, but there's usable light at 6.45 GMT.:bowler:
And British Summer Time is in three Sundays time. :wub:
It's cold but dry, I've been enjoying the crisp spring air. And yes, summer time is around the corner :cool:
Chilling in the park with podcasts while my cleaning lady was in today.
Nice and warm in the sun, but the wind ... yikes.
Have not seen that variety of plant before. Bagbush? Sackbush?
Beautiful warm weather here the last two days, especially yesterday (Thursday) when it was in the 70s (over 21c). Going to cool off a lot for tomorrow, about the 30s (2c) tomorrow.
Quote from: KRonn on March 12, 2021, 04:47:01 PM
Beautiful warm weather here the last two days, especially yesterday (Thursday) when it was in the 70s (over 21c). Going to cool off a lot for tomorrow, about the 30s (2c) tomorrow.
Good grief KRonn, that's going some, is it quite normal for the time of year where you are?
No, this is exceptionally cold for mid-March. Colorado and surrounding states got several feet of snow and that's headed our way though it'll most likely be rain. March is usually a wild weather month.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 12, 2021, 04:12:28 PM
Have not seen that variety of plant before. Bagbush? Sackbush?
I've noticed that putting up burlap over bushes to protect them over winter has gotten much more common here in Toronto over the past few years.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 12, 2021, 04:12:28 PM
Have not seen that variety of plant before. Bagbush? Sackbush?
Coffee sack tree.
I my most recent grocery trip to Sainsburys, I had a small mission...a with some uncertain hope.
Would the grocers of Blighty have what I desired?
A quick scan of the canned veg aisle told me know...but a potential savior remained! Rounding about to the "international foods" section, on the small, 2-foot wide section of shelf marked "American", above the Skippy peanut butter, past the Butterfinger bars, and next to the jars of hot dogs in water (really UK? WTF)...there they were...of the only couple dozen or so items that come from the US imagination...dozens and dozens of tins of canned pumpkin.
Don't mock sausage from the glass. :angry:
Couple of evenings ago, I made a southerly ride, saw the sea for the first time in probably 6 months. :blush:
Not so much 'Five Go Mad In Dorset' as 'One Languishite makes a rare foray in Dorset', popped out into said county yesterday evening to see how far I could get and hopefully ride off the map, as it was I only had 3 hours of usable light and mis-remembered the old map, so thought going a little way past the village of Shapwich would be enough, which it wasn't. <_<
Still the furthest West I've been under my own steam for nearly a year, a massive 18.3 minutes of longitude traveled westwards!
Quote from: mongers on April 21, 2021, 11:48:22 AM
Couple of evenings ago, I made a southerly ride, saw the sea for the first time in probably 6 months. :blush:
Nice. :) Reminds me that I haven't been to the sea shore in quite some time! I'm not far from it either.
Quote from: KRonn on April 28, 2021, 06:39:09 AM
Quote from: mongers on April 21, 2021, 11:48:22 AM
Couple of evenings ago, I made a southerly ride, saw the sea for the first time in probably 6 months. :blush:
Nice. :) Reminds me that I haven't been to the sea shore in quite some time! I'm not far from it either.
Yeah, crazy on my part, I'm all of 10 miles from the coast, a 50 minute evening bike ride. :hmm:
I may have been here too long...I was down at one of the US bases the other day, and responded to a fellow 'Merican with a "cheers" instead of a "thank you". :(
Quote from: Tonitrus on April 28, 2021, 05:26:02 PM
I may have been here too long...I was down at one of the US bases the other day, and responded to a fellow 'Merican with a "cheers" instead of a "thank you". :(
Quote from: Tonitrus on April 28, 2021, 05:26:02 PM
I may have been here too long...I was down at one of the US bases the other day, and responded to a fellow 'Merican with a "cheers" instead of a "thank you". :(
Yep, you've gone fully native.
Had a nice walk around Greenwich Park and Blackheath. Good timing between yesterday's rain and this evening's showers.
Quote from: garbon on May 09, 2021, 10:21:33 AM
Had a nice walk around Greenwich Park and Blackheath. Good timing between yesterday's rain and this evening's showers.
But so jealous, one of the things I love about London is getting on the Victoria(?) line or cycling to Greenwich, seeing the museums and going for a wander in the Park and around the observatory.
Also like taking a break on the first bench I find there that's on the other side of the Meridian; almost feels like one is in the Orient. :bowler:
Cycling back through the forest edge I saw my first foal of the year, it was a beautiful silvery pewter / gunmetal grey, not much more than 2-3 days old :wub:
Saw my first baby donkey of the year. :wub:
Got delayed on my way out, had to wait for a couple of dozen horses trotting down the lane.
Once I was on the Wiltshire/Hampshire downs it was a glorious day, no tourists up there, even saw a skylark for the first time!
I hear them often when they're singing on the wing, but first time I've seen one sitting on a fence post, just looked like a typical nondescript small brown bird.
Yesterday evening I inadvertently attended the Summer solstice at Stonehenge:
mongers = crypto-pagan :tinfoil:
Nice, mongers. :)
Quote from: Duque de Bragança on June 21, 2021, 09:00:38 AM
mongers = crypto-pagan :tinfoil:
I notice one coach-load worth of well-off pagans travelling there on foot, another dozen in very nice travellers vans, some young women waiting at woodhenge and when I was at the heel stone one proper hippy did turn up.
I didn't hang around for 'King Arthur' to turn up in his druidic garb, as is his want. :bowler:
I haven't been out and about to see it now, but based on when I did see it before (/my class got lost trying to see it), feels more appropriate for this thread vs. the Brexit one.
QuoteCampaign hopes to shore up Offa's Dyke against future threats
The 1,200-year-old earthwork on Welsh-English border is suffering serious damage from lack of upkeep
Steven Morris
Mon 5 Jul 2021 13.17 BST
It is Britain's longest monument and one of the most extraordinary: a 1,200-year-old earthwork that snakes through moor, mountain, field and back garden, crisscrossing the modern incarnation of the Welsh and English border.
But concerns are being raised that Offa's Dyke is suffering serious damage through a combination of neglect, carelessness or, in some cases, land grabs and vandalism.
This month, to mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of the 177-mile Offa's Dyke path, a campaign is being launched to highlight the jeopardy the earthwork faces and to raise money to begin repairing sections of it, a task that will take years.
Dan Llywelyn Hall, an artist who is leading the campaign, said that while the path – which links Sedbury Cliffs near Chepstow on the banks of the Severn estuary in the south with the coastal town of Prestatyn on the shores of the Irish Sea in the north – was much loved, the dyke itself was less cherished despite being hugely important for the history and culture it represents and as one of the UK's largest nature corridors.
The dyke had something of an image problem, he said. "It's not the most glamorous of monuments, to be honest." Built in the late eighth century by the Anglo-Saxon king Offa, probably to divide his kingdom of Mercia from rivals in what is now Wales, about 80 miles survived but it is broken and gap-toothed. "Not a single coin and virtually zero archaeological findings have been discovered in it," said Hall.
He admits it took him a while to come to admire and then love the structure but it gradually drew him in. "It doesn't have the spectacle of the bigger monuments. But it's more than a pile of displaced earth; it's the physical incarnation of border culture. I think a lot of people, even those who live very close to it, don't know much about it. The upkeep and duty of care to Offa's Dyke is now of critical importance."
Hall showed the Guardian around a section in mid-Wales where a 25-metre-long strip was bulldozed by a landowner keen to extend a field. Police investigated but no action was taken because it could not be proved the man knew he was knocking down part of a scheduled monument. "It's so sad to see," said Hall as he pointed out the gap that can never be replaced.
Quote from: garbon on July 05, 2021, 08:39:43 AM
I haven't been out and about to see it now, but based on when I did see it before (/my class got lost trying to see it), feels more appropriate for this thread vs. the Brexit one.
Thanks for that Garbon.
I Also managed to not see it or walk along a bit of it a couple of Saturdays ago when I was in Wales for the afternoon.
Instead I went to the Roman town of Caerleon and stopped off at the Roman fort of Caerwent, which is an idyllic spot not far from Chepstow and Offa's dyke.
Also 'discovered' Caldicot castle, which was surprisingly complete.
If you don't maintain Offa's dyke, you will let the Welsh just walk in! :ph34r:
Marc Morris has almost a full chapter on Offa's Dyke and why it was built.
Good stuff.
In a small tidbit from the local news...
Copper finds seal in village garden (about an hours drive from the coast)...
https://thelincolnite.co.uk/2021/07/you-look-lost-policeman-finds-stray-seal-in-lincolnshire-village-garden/ (https://thelincolnite.co.uk/2021/07/you-look-lost-policeman-finds-stray-seal-in-lincolnshire-village-garden/)
On Fridays my cleaning woman comes around, so I usually go out and chill somewhere or run errands during that time. I was chilling in a park today listening to podcasts when I noticed this ominous message:
Not sure what I should beware of, though. :unsure:
Went for a walk around Hofburg and KHM/NHM.
I was thinking, perhaps Hungarians should demand the removal of some of those statues to de-colonise Austrian history. :P
Slowly cycling through a herd of cattle on a back-road never gets old; for some reason I find cows amusing. :bowler:
Vienna in the morning, Vienna in the early evening.
Lovely :)
Out and about: my wife and I go for walks along the local street every night, usually pretty late, and we have noticed that there is this second-floor orthodontist's office that is quite often lit up and with some people moving around in it at night, way past the time everything else is long closed down.
We call this place "the Midnight Orthodontist". They aren't always open late, but often they are.
What procedures could they be doing that late, and why? :ph34r:
they kind doctors do with their secretaries late at night :P
Quote from: HVC on October 21, 2021, 11:55:13 AM
they kind doctors do with their secretaries late at night :P
Wrong profession: it is dentists that fill cavities, not orthodontists. :P
Quote from: Malthus on October 21, 2021, 11:35:05 AM
What procedures could they be doing that late, and why? :ph34r:
They could have longer work hours some days of the week and finish sooner or be closed on Fridays.
The staff could be staying a little later after their last appointment to fill paper work.
Quote from: Malthus on October 21, 2021, 12:00:48 PM
Quote from: HVC on October 21, 2021, 11:55:13 AM
they kind doctors do with their secretaries late at night :P
Wrong profession: it is dentists that fill cavities, not orthodontists. :P
I used to go out with a dental hygienist. :hmm:
Yep. Sounds right.
Quote from: viper37 on October 21, 2021, 12:11:58 PM
Quote from: Malthus on October 21, 2021, 11:35:05 AM
What procedures could they be doing that late, and why? :ph34r:
They could have longer work hours some days of the week and finish sooner or be closed on Fridays.
The staff could be staying a little later after their last appointment to fill paper work.
Probably (or having the cleaning staff in), but that is boring. :P I was thinking more along the lines of teeth straightening for vampires. Or Lovecraftian horrors.
Quote from: Malthus on October 21, 2021, 11:35:05 AM
Out and about: my wife and I go for walks along the local street every night, usually pretty late, and we have noticed that there is this second-floor orthodontist's office that is quite often lit up and with some people moving around in it at night, way past the time everything else is long closed down.
We call this place "the Midnight Orthodontist". They aren't always open late, but often they are.
What procedures could they be doing that late, and why? :ph34r:
[insert moth joke]
Damn Dartmoor was wet this morning, I did consider sprinting up a couple of the high tors, but I knew I'd get soaked and didn't fancy travelling back on public transport for 140 miles in wet boots and clothes.
Quote from: mongers on November 10, 2021, 03:51:02 PM
Damn Dartmoor was wet this morning, I did consider sprinting up a couple of the high tors, but I knew I'd get soaked and didn't fancy travelling back on public transport for 140 miles in wet boots and clothes.
Can't blame ya there. Getting soaked makes for a miserable walk about.
Quote from: KRonn on November 10, 2021, 08:55:17 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 10, 2021, 03:51:02 PM
Damn Dartmoor was wet this morning, I did consider sprinting up a couple of the high tors, but I knew I'd get soaked and didn't fancy travelling back on public transport for 140 miles in wet boots and clothes.
Can't blame ya there. Getting soaked makes for a miserable walk about.
Indeed, KRonn, how are you doing?
Heya, I'm doing ok. Doing a lot of raking leaves, mostly taking them up with my lawn mower. It's that time of year. :)
Quote from: KRonn on November 11, 2021, 09:37:13 PM
Heya, I'm doing ok. Doing a lot of raking leaves, mostly taking them up with my lawn mower. It's that time of year. :)
Good to know, KRonn.
But damn, now you're reminded my I've shed-load of things to do in the garden. :D
Spending most of my spare time traveling down to the Devon/Cornwall border to visit my rather ill, very old mother; not ideal. :(
Quote from: mongers on December 04, 2021, 04:21:55 PM
Spending most of my spare time traveling down to the Devon/Cornwall border to visit my rather ill, very old mother; not ideal. :(
Sorry to hear that mongers. It may not be ideal, but good for you doing it nonetheless.
Quote from: mongers on December 04, 2021, 04:21:55 PM
Spending most of my spare time traveling down to the Devon/Cornwall border to visit my rather ill, very old mother; not ideal. :(
Quote from: Maladict on December 05, 2021, 07:06:56 AM
Quote from: mongers on December 04, 2021, 04:21:55 PM
Spending most of my spare time traveling down to the Devon/Cornwall border to visit my rather ill, very old mother; not ideal. :(
Sorry to hear that mongers. It may not be ideal, but good for you doing it nonetheless.
Thanks Mal and Syt, it's just one of those things one has to do.
A plus is I'm seeing a lot of Dartmoor that I'd like to do some walking over, say when it's not wet, cold or dark, so say early summer 2025.
This morning
Quote from: Syt on December 14, 2021, 06:36:54 AM
This morning
.. snip
edit:such an atmospheric shot I saved it to MyDocoments, maybe I should start saving a few representative photos by different posters to get a wider sense of the geographical breath 'we' occupy?
I recently caught myself missing that Central European style of architecture around me.
Would be nicer with trees instead of all those cars, though. :P
Quote from: Syt on December 14, 2021, 10:25:23 AM
Would be nicer with trees instead of all those cars, though. :P
I do not disagree, it looks to be a miserable street having to find parking space every evening on. :P But I don't think the solution to inner-city car overuse is to force a car-less society. :P
:transitRobespierre: :menace:
At the airport. Feel like I'm having flashbacks to a lifetime ago, well apart from all the face masks. :blush:
Quote from: garbon on December 18, 2021, 03:24:48 AM
At the airport. Feel like I'm having flashbacks to a lifetime ago, well apart from all the face masks. :blush:
Same. There are people travelling in full hazmat suits. :lol:
I did get a better face mask at the airport, should slightly increase my chances of coming home again.
Quote from: Maladict on December 18, 2021, 05:13:45 AM
Quote from: garbon on December 18, 2021, 03:24:48 AM
At the airport. Feel like I'm having flashbacks to a lifetime ago, well apart from all the face masks. :blush:
Same. There are people travelling in full hazmat suits. :lol:
I did get a better face mask at the airport, should slightly increase my chances of coming home again.
Have a safe journey, Mal.
Oh this being the UK, we've some masks under noses and a few masks under chins. <_<
Quote from: garbon on December 18, 2021, 05:58:56 AM
Oh this being the UK, we've some masks under noses and a few masks under chins. <_<
I find it difficult to not suggest to them, 'maybe/have you consider wearing it over your nose to better protect yourself?' un- :bowler:
I am not back in the UK as my flight last night was cancelled due to engine troubles. I'm rebooked on same flight today but can't check-in as I'm no longer verified via the VeriFly app and it won't let you create a same day trip. -_-
Quote from: garbon on December 31, 2021, 11:10:57 AM
I am not back in the UK as my flight last night was cancelled due to engine troubles. I'm rebooked on same flight today but can't check-in as I'm no longer verified via the VeriFly app and it won't let you create a same day trip. -_-
:( Hope you can get back on track with your arrangements.
Quote from: garbon on December 31, 2021, 11:10:57 AM
I am not back in the UK as my flight last night was cancelled due to engine troubles. I'm rebooked on same flight today but can't check-in as I'm no longer verified via the VeriFly app and it won't let you create a same day trip. -_-
Man that flight back from the US was even more stressful than getting there. Didn't help that the restrictions for returning were upped twice in the two weeks I was there.
And then the weather and all the delays and cancellations on top of that.
Hope you get back soon, spending New Year's on a plane must suck though.
Paid a visit to Breamore church this afternoon, lovely mild weather, first time I've been able to get out and about on my own steam for quite a while. Said a prayer for my elderly mother who passed away a few days before Christmas.
Thanks, both. I've a new covid test and will be at airport early in case they accidentally overbooked.
Quote from: mongers on December 31, 2021, 04:42:39 PM
Paid a visit to Breamore church this afternoon, lovely mild weather, first time I've been able to get out and about on my own steam for quite a while. Said a prayer for my elderly mother who passed away a few days before Christmas.
Oh no :( So sorry to hear that mongers.
Quote from: mongers on December 31, 2021, 04:42:39 PM
Paid a visit to Breamore church this afternoon, lovely mild weather, first time I've been able to get out and about on my own steam for quite a while. Said a prayer for my elderly mother who passed away a few days before Christmas.
My condolences, mongers. :(
:( Sorry, Mongers.
My condolences Mongers
Very sorry to hear that Mongers.
It looks like a lovely church - going in for a quick prayer reminds me of Larkin's Church Going "a serious house on serious earth".
Quote from: mongers on December 31, 2021, 04:42:39 PM
Paid a visit to Breamore church this afternoon, lovely mild weather, first time I've been able to get out and about on my own steam for quite a while. Said a prayer for my elderly mother who passed away a few days before Christmas.
Very sorry to hear this Mongers. My condolences. :(
Quote from: KRonn on January 01, 2022, 06:43:07 PM
Quote from: mongers on December 31, 2021, 04:42:39 PM
Paid a visit to Breamore church this afternoon, lovely mild weather, first time I've been able to get out and about on my own steam for quite a while. Said a prayer for my elderly mother who passed away a few days before Christmas.
Very sorry to hear this Mongers. My condolences. :(
Thank you guys for the thoughts, I'm glad she's a peace now, especially as sudden onset dementia isn't a nice way to go.
Maybe nearly 93 years old is to long to live, I'd certainly settle for a lot less, but relatively healthy years.
I'm now only really worried about my sister, as she was her main carer for a decade or more and it's really messed up her health as a result, I need to save her. :hmm:
Quote from: mongers on January 02, 2022, 08:56:24 AM
Thank you guys for the thoughts, I'm glad she's a peace now, especially as sudden onset dementia isn't a nice way to go.
Maybe nearly 93 years old is to long to live, I'd certainly settle for a lot less, but relatively healthy years.
I'm now only really worried about my sister, as she was her main carer for a decade or more and it's really messed up her health as a result, I need to save her. :hmm:
Make sure you take care of yourself, too.
And yeah, you wouldn't wish dementia on your worst enemy. Or rather, on whoever your enemy cares about.
Quote from: mongers on January 02, 2022, 08:56:24 AM
Quote from: KRonn on January 01, 2022, 06:43:07 PM
Quote from: mongers on December 31, 2021, 04:42:39 PM
Paid a visit to Breamore church this afternoon, lovely mild weather, first time I've been able to get out and about on my own steam for quite a while. Said a prayer for my elderly mother who passed away a few days before Christmas.
Very sorry to hear this Mongers. My condolences. :(
Thank you guys for the thoughts, I'm glad she's a peace now, especially as sudden onset dementia isn't a nice way to go.
Maybe nearly 93 years old is to long to live, I'd certainly settle for a lot less, but relatively healthy years.
I'm now only really worried about my sister, as she was her main carer for a decade or more and it's really messed up her health as a result, I need to save her. :hmm:
I've had a couple of elder relatives with dementia, one of them being my father. It's a very difficult illness to see in someone, to see them waste away like that. :(
Too bad to hear of your sister's health. I hope she can recover ok.
I am sorry for your loss, Mongers.
Oh no. That sucks mongers. Hope you're alright.
Mongers, go see the photo exhibit at the Salisbury museum and report back please. Thanks!
Quote from: Maladict on February 02, 2022, 10:07:37 AM
Mongers, go see the photo exhibit at the Salisbury museum and report back please. Thanks!
I'm only doing some research for a few display objects at the moment, so won't be going in for two or three weeks, but I will check out the aerial photo exhibit and report back, cheers. :)
Edit:Oh I like the photo they've chosen for the webpage to illustrate the event:
For others interest that's Badbury Rings in Mid-Dorset.
I have the day off and seeing the tail end of an exhibit at the British Library. I didn't realize my ticket was for exact time library opens so waiting for it to open. Naturally, the British public has formed a queue nearly the length of the courtyard as we wait to get in.
Passed this on my way home tonight.
Walked through a field of sheep to see ruins of Camber Castle yesterday. Felt like mongers walking along country trails.
Quote from: garbon on March 07, 2022, 02:41:53 PMWalked through a field of sheep to see ruins of Camber Castle yesterday. Felt like mongers walking along country trails.
Quote from: garbon on March 07, 2022, 02:41:53 PMWalked through a field of sheep to see ruins of Camber Castle yesterday. Felt like mongers walking along country trails.
That surely had to be a fun walk to a cool location! :)
I didn't know this castle existed. Looks really interesting though; will have to visit on my next trip to that area :cool:
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on March 08, 2022, 06:36:57 AMI didn't know this castle existed. Looks really interesting though; will have to visit on my next trip to that area :cool:
I'd not heard of it either, I could probably include it in a visit to Battle abbey and hastings battlefield.
I think they have tours in summer time that take you inside the ruin.
The Catkins are out and saw my first humble/bumble bee today, Spring is well and truly here, time to get out and about more. :cool:
Nice late afternoon Spring bike ride out into the national park, my first significant ride in the New Forest in months.
Definitely time to pull my finger out and get out and about more. :-)
A nice day - walked through the local cemetery and down to the Humber river. Lots of people fishing there, though it looks pretty cold to be standing in the river - there are still big blocks of ice lining the riverbank.
Nothing odd happened in the cemetery today, which is in itself notable - there is usually something strange going on. Nothing supernatural, just ... odd. One of the oddest cemetery encounters was with the old man in search of his own grave.
I was walking with my wife when I encountered this fellow. He was reasonably well dressed, but very thin and hunched over, peering nearsightedly at each gravestone in turn ... he greeted us, then asked us if we had seen any with the last name of "Vick". We hadn't.
We got to talking, and his story emerged ... he had a rich great-uncle who bought a big set of grave plots for himself and his whole extended family. Gradually, each family member had duly died, and was buried in one of the plots ... however, our narrator was somewhat estranged from his family, was living overseas, and never went to any of these funerals.
Apparently, no-one in his extended family had any kids (and nor did he), and so there were fewer Vicks with each passing death - and he was the last one.
Only problem: while he knew the grave plot existed, he did not know where. He tried calling the cemetery office, but this was at the height of the pandemic, and there was no answer. So he went to the cemetery to see if he could find it.
This was a matter of urgency, because our narrator was not well. So he needed to know if his grave was ready for him - but to do so, he had to find it. He was a man anxiously searching for his own grave.
That is a great story :cool:
I love cemeteries and graveyards.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on April 11, 2022, 02:29:56 AMThat is a great story :cool:
I love cemeteries and graveyards.
Another strange encounter in this cemetery: the man in the bowler hat, who was always walking away.
Late one afternoon, we were on a walk through the cemetery, and we see in front of us what looks like an older man wearing a long trench coat and, of all things, a bowler hat. His back is to us, and he seemed like an older fellow because he was walking hunched over - but he was going at a good clip. Faster than us, anyway.
As we walked the various winding paths, we kept spotting this fellow, but we never saw his face - whenever we came across him, he was always walking away. Almost scurrying away.
After a while, this became increasingly odd. It did not help that his walk - hunched over and scuttling - looked kinda unnatural. How was it that wherever we went, he was always walking away?
Finally, it was getting dark, and everyone had to leave the cemetery. We took a short cut across country to go to the gate. As we reached the main path leading to the exit, we hear a sound in the gathering gloom ... it's the man in the bowler hat, hurrying away down the main path with his unnatural gait from the entrance deeper into the cemetery. We just missed being able to see his face.
I saw Mont Blanc today.
White it is.
But otherwise unimpressive.
Perhaps because its far away. But I feel it suffers from proximity to other large mountains.
Quote from: Malthus on April 10, 2022, 05:25:18 PMA nice day - walked through the local cemetery and down to the Humber river. Lots of people fishing there, though it looks pretty cold to be standing in the river - there are still big blocks of ice lining the riverbank.
Nothing odd happened in the cemetery today, which is in itself notable - there is usually something strange going on. Nothing supernatural, just ... odd. One of the oddest cemetery encounters was with the old man in search of his own grave.
I was walking with my wife when I encountered this fellow. He was reasonably well dressed, but very thin and hunched over, peering nearsightedly at each gravestone in turn ... he greeted us, then asked us if we had seen any with the last name of "Vick". We hadn't.
We got to talking, and his story emerged ... he had a rich great-uncle who bought a big set of grave plots for himself and his whole extended family. Gradually, each family member had duly died, and was buried in one of the plots ... however, our narrator was somewhat estranged from his family, was living overseas, and never went to any of these funerals.
Apparently, no-one in his extended family had any kids (and nor did he), and so there were fewer Vicks with each passing death - and he was the last one.
Only problem: while he knew the grave plot existed, he did not know where. He tried calling the cemetery office, but this was at the height of the pandemic, and there was no answer. So he went to the cemetery to see if he could find it.
This was a matter of urgency, because our narrator was not well. So he needed to know if his grave was ready for him - but to do so, he had to find it. He was a man anxiously searching for his own grave.
Great story, Malthus
First round of golf of the year (nine holes). Played miserably, weather was sublime.
Went to Oxford yesterday to do a few of the museums
This is the mound on which much of the castle used to rest:
I like this old bank at the top of the high street:
International tourists are now back in force, clustering as they do around the touristy bits:
The Scientific Instruments museum has lots of 'nifty' exhibits like this portable sundial thingy:
The natural history museum has a new attraction, once inside you're allowed to stroke/pet some of the exhibits:
The Pitt-Rivers museum remans as bonkers as ever:
Whereas the Ashmolean, is still the haven of classical stuff etc:
What is so bonkers about North American pottery?
Sometimes easy to get lost in negativity. But today I used my home office lunch break to pick up my prescription from my doc. It's a lovely day of 26°C and blue skies, and my path takes me down the street between city hall and parliament, through the Volksgarten park, in between Hofburg and chancellery to Michaelerplatz, and back. Would have loved to sit down and just chill for an hour, but those process docs don't write themselves yet, unfortunately. :P
Had some time this morning and it was lovely outside, so took a slightly more scenic route to the office.
This month's new metric was to visit more museum and heritage sites than trips to shops or appointment inside etc.
Currently 27 museums vs 26 shops, 1 day to go, can I make it?
Quote from: mongers on May 30, 2022, 03:01:33 PMThis month's new metric was to visit more museum and heritage sites than trips to shops or appointment inside etc.
Currently 27 museums vs 26 shops, 1 day to go, can I make it?
sure, just stay home.
But 27 museums in a month, I'd be happy to get that in a year :(
Looking around a US airport shop, I am really missing the UK's abundance of ready-made sandwiches right now.
I went to a concert of Clap Hands Say Yeah last night. Apparently they fucked up their booking and thought they were travelling to Stoke so have a weird schedule.
Interesting to see how the part of town where it is has changed. Really seems quite nice now.
On the way home up Byker High Street another guy walking home came up to me saying something I didn't catch. When I told him so he said woops, sorry, thought you were my probation officer, you're the spit.
Got to mcdonald's for hangover prevention to find though it's 24 hour only the drive through is 24 hour.
Same ex con guy from earlier had found his way there and was arguing at the drive in booth about getting served despite not having a car. So I just went home. I was :hung over.
Went to a farm-zoo thing today and puked via a mix of the hang over and motion sickness on the way.
Good day on the links today. Walked 18, didn't feel tired at all. Sore feet though. Played OK, 93, hardly any cheating. I caught up with two dudes at a tee box and one dude said I could play through or join up, so joined up. Pleasant guys. Not a "natural" age pairing for two guys (18ish and 35ish) so I guessed sugar daddy and sugar baby.
Planning a few trips out in Wales next weekend and week, but three days of still threatened national rail strikes has put the kibosh on that. :grr:
Randomly came across a Ferrari 488(?) yesterday.
Since it's open top, I think it should be a 488 Spider.
I just saw Ralphe Fiennes in a strange place. Getting on the Elizabeth line in my neighborhood.
So I'm golfing, and a see a turtle making its way across the course. A little context. Last year I saw a much larger turtle moving very slowly across the course. There are a couple man made ponds on the course and it seemed to be heading from one to another. A day or two later I saw that turtle dead, about halfway between one pond and another. I wonder why the turtles make the walk. Is there something bad about that one pond? It would have been awesome if both turtles could tell me where they wanted to go. I would have been happy to give them a lift.
Quote from: Josquius on June 02, 2022, 02:53:45 PMGot to mcdonald's for hangover prevention to find though it's 24 hour only the drive through is 24 hour.
Same ex con guy from earlier had found his way there and was arguing at the drive in booth about getting served despite not having a car. So I just went home. I was :hung over.
Went to a farm-zoo thing today and puked via a mix of the hang over and motion sickness on the way.
Just saw this. In my younger days walking up to the drive-in booth after a Saturday night was standard. I wonder if they would care nowadays.
Also, for hangover prevention, drink a lot of water. :P
I tried that once at a drive through and they said they can't for liability reasons.
Seen in a shop window on Ringstraße boulevard this morning:
Glorious day on the links today. Excellent weather, walked 9 holes in the early afternoon and shot a respectable 10 over. Then I subbed in for the Thursday golf league and shot a blistering 6 over. I've been playing like pure shyte for the last few weeks so doubly enjoyable.
Got my second lifetime eagle today. :)
Quote from: Admiral Yi on July 31, 2022, 12:57:38 AMGot my second lifetime eagle today. :)
That's a lot of effort to hit a ball that far.
It's a very short hole.
There's not many functional phone booths in Vienna any more, but one of the more interesting ones is around the corner from me, looking like something from a post-human/post-apocalyptic future:
Quote from: Syt on August 10, 2022, 03:44:23 AMThere's not many functional phone booths in Vienna any more, but one of the more interesting ones is around the corner from me, looking like something from a post-human/post-apocalyptic future:
Does it smell as bad as the ones in the Viennese metro around, say, 2012? :P
Quote from: Duque de Bragança on August 10, 2022, 06:43:55 AMQuote from: Syt on August 10, 2022, 03:44:23 AMThere's not many functional phone booths in Vienna any more, but one of the more interesting ones is around the corner from me, looking like something from a post-human/post-apocalyptic future:
Does it smell as bad as the ones in the Viennese metro around, say, 2012? :P
Duque, I think the green stain running out of the booth tells us all we need to know. :P
Quote from: mongers on August 10, 2022, 07:34:40 AMQuote from: Duque de Bragança on August 10, 2022, 06:43:55 AMQuote from: Syt on August 10, 2022, 03:44:23 AMThere's not many functional phone booths in Vienna any more, but one of the more interesting ones is around the corner from me, looking like something from a post-human/post-apocalyptic future:
Does it smell as bad as the ones in the Viennese metro around, say, 2012? :P
Duque, I think the green stain running out of the booth tells us all we need to know. :P
Rhetorical question for the eagle-eyed viewers? :P
It's an open air phone booth remember, unlike those in the Viennese U-Bahn/tube. :D
Quote from: Duque de Bragança on August 10, 2022, 06:43:55 AMDoes it smell as bad as the ones in the Viennese metro around, say, 2012? :P
Considering the location, surprisingly no. There's areas around Schwedenplatz (the main "Bermuda triangle" of nightlife) that are pretty bad, though. Overall it's better than it used to be, however.
Due to the heat, I went for an evening ride yesterday, saw this odd phenomenon, a sunset; not had one impinge on my exercise for months, but the nights are now noticably on the reutrn.
Bike trip to the physio, in the rain! :yeah:
In the afternoon, did some shopping in town, time it perfectly, got soaked in a heavy shower. :cool:
Man have I MISEED the rain.
Yeah, I stood outside in a brief rain shower we had over the weekend. It was luxurious. But in a few months I will go back to hating the constant rain. :D
Yeah ran an errand during lunchtime, got soaked in the rain, was a nice change of pace.
Quote from: crazy canuck on August 16, 2022, 01:52:05 PMYeah, I stood outside in a brief rain shower we had over the weekend. It was luxurious. But in a few months I will go back to hating the constant rain. :D
Off to see the Vuelta in a few hours, just two blocks from my house. My city becomes the first to host the big three, after the Giro and TdF. :cool:
Quote from: Maladict on August 19, 2022, 04:42:55 AMOff to see the Vuelta in a few hours, just two blocks from my house. My city becomes the first to host the big three, after the Giro and TdF. :cool:
Mal, more than a bit jealous. :-)
Quote from: mongers on August 19, 2022, 06:15:57 AMQuote from: Maladict on August 19, 2022, 04:42:55 AMOff to see the Vuelta in a few hours, just two blocks from my house. My city becomes the first to host the big three, after the Giro and TdF. :cool:
Mal, more than a bit jealous. :-)
It's good fun out here, half a million people turned up to watch.
Two fine looking stags crossed my path as I went down a lane coming off of a hill fort in the forest.
Nice encounter, they were fallow deer, young adults and their reason for crossing the lane was to consort with a female or two under the tree cover.
Nice to see the pigs out in the New Forest pannaging over the last couple of days, some very nice (tasty looking) porkers. :bowler:
Well, this is concerning. A block from my house:
Nice evening ride out along the trails and tracks to the centre of the New Forest national park, no one around, largely had the place to myself; I'm very lucky to live where I do.
Red letter day yesterday:
Had my first ride without gloves and a hat in months, also didn't need to take bike lights with me.
First chance to do some bike maintenance without the fingers turning cold and semi-numb; probably clean off 2-3 months worth of accumulated mud and debris.
Spring is most definitely in the air; I feel the need for a journey to Wales. :D
Nice now to just being outside of an evening and enjoying nature as it awakens. :bowler:
BST begins. :wub:
If the rain could just stop with it....
:w00t: Yes. Love the long evenings.
Quote from: mongers on March 26, 2023, 07:12:58 PMQuote from: Maladict on March 26, 2023, 01:17:48 PMQuote from: mongers on March 26, 2023, 10:03:08 AMBST begins. :wub:
Cool isn't it, usable light at 8.09pm on my ride home this evening.
Would be more enjoyable without the daily downpours and hail storms. :glare:
Got thoroughly wet in our April showers. :bowler:
I love doing utility cycling in the rain. :D
Now that the weathers has gotten better, I feel one really should try and go a bit further afield. :D
Quote from: mongers on April 29, 2023, 06:49:21 AMNow that the weathers has gotten better, I feel one really should try and go a bit further afield. :D
But then again the fields, forests and downlands of Wessex are a quiet consolation compared to the hustle and bustle of modern urban life or travel. :)
Went for an afternoon walk in Wales this afternoon, ended up doing a 10 mile hike to see the roman legion fort ruins at Caerleon.
Had some spare time so went into Cardiff to buy some welsh cakes. :bowler:
I think I've done enough travelling on the trains for a while.
On my way home this evening I saw 4 or 5 young New Forest pony foals, one just a few hours old. :wub:
Say what you will, but our company trips go to nice places. :cool:
Nearby we came by a castle that looked familiar (took no pic, unfortunately):
It was featured in Where Eagles Dare. :o
Also, my sunscreen failed and I got a sunburn on Thursday. Stepping into sunlight yesterday felt like
Quote from: Syt on July 01, 2023, 01:38:46 AMSay what you will, but our company trips go to nice places. :cool:
Nearby we came by a castle that looked familiar (took no pic, unfortunately):
It was featured in Where Eagles Dare. :o
Also, my sunscreen failed and I got a sunburn on Thursday. Stepping into sunlight yesterday felt like
Verynice trip Syt, save for ODing on the sunlight. :D
Two museums this afternoon in Northern Hampshire, Andover's museum of the Iron Age which is excellent for connections to the famous Danebury hillfort excavations and Basingstoke's Milestones museum, which is new to me.
Basically a huge aircraft type hanger with a couple of streets worth of Victorian/early 20th century shops and workshops built out of bricks inside it.
Cool :bowler:
That's pretty neat. :)
In that vein if anyone is ever near Newcastle in the North-east of England this place is a must visit https://www.beamish.org.uk/
There are working trams and steam trains you can use to get around the site and even a small drift mine you can go into :cool:
That was my thoughts too, looks like an indoor Beamish.
I remember taking the university international society there and having to translate Geordie to English for them in the mine :lol:
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on August 10, 2023, 01:58:11 AMIn that vein if anyone is ever near Newcastle in the North-east of England this place is a must visit https://www.beamish.org.uk/
There are working trams and steam trains you can use to get around the site and even a small drift mine you can go into :cool:
Yeah, want to go there, but to pull a 'reverse-Josq'. it a hell of a way for me, I think Bordeaux might be nearer?
Quote from: mongers on August 10, 2023, 09:05:38 AMQuote from: Richard Hakluyt on August 10, 2023, 01:58:11 AMIn that vein if anyone is ever near Newcastle in the North-east of England this place is a must visit https://www.beamish.org.uk/
There are working trams and steam trains you can use to get around the site and even a small drift mine you can go into :cool:
Yeah, want to go there, but to pull a 'reverse-Josq'. it a hell of a way for me, I think Bordeaux might be nearer?
Yeah, Bordeaux is like 2 hours away from Paris only, centre to centre, though not by steam train. :P
Quote from: mongers on August 09, 2023, 05:34:02 PMTwo museums this afternoon in Northern Hampshire, Andover's museum of the Iron Age which is excellent for connections to the famous Danebury hillfort excavations and Basingstoke's Milestones museum, which is new to me.
Basically a huge aircraft type hanger with a couple of streets worth of Victorian/early 20th century shops and workshops built out of bricks inside it.
Cool, if you ever get to Calgary, they have something similar at the City's Heritage Park. :)
Thanks Mongers, Basingstoke is quite close to us and I didn't know that thing existed, looks cool. :)
Passing through Portsmouth yesteday, I stopped off to visit HMS Victory and HMS Warrior. :bowler:
Lovely evening in the New Forest, pigs out foraging for acorns, a deer herd 'chilling' in the meadows, donkeys and horses looking resplendent in their new coats.
Best of all a red kite flew 20-30ft above me as I cycled down a lane, only ever seen them in the far distance before. :)
I lot like this one, but more of a juvenile with a buff underbody:
Having a drink in Frankfurt, watching a small Palestine demonstration across the street. About 20 people, chanting about peace and ending the war. More than half are women and kids. Within 15 minutes dozens of police vans turn up, there must be at least a hundred police in riot gear. Cordoning of streets and stopping public transport. It looks utterly ridiculous.
Quote from: Maladict on November 11, 2023, 10:54:37 AMHaving a drink in Frankfurt, watching a small Palestine demonstration across the street. About 20 people, chanting about peace and ending the war. More than half are women and kids. Within 15 minutes dozens of police vans turn up, there must be at least a hundred police in riot gear. Cordoning of streets and stopping public transport. It looks utterly ridiculous.
Sounds like your average demonstration in Frankfurt. :P
Did they attempt to demonstrate on the Ziel or Konstabler/Hauptwache or what? :D
My favourite is anarchists demonstrating and being protected/isolated by the state police. :P
Quote from: Duque de Bragança on November 14, 2023, 08:39:06 AMQuote from: Maladict on November 11, 2023, 10:54:37 AMHaving a drink in Frankfurt, watching a small Palestine demonstration across the street. About 20 people, chanting about peace and ending the war. More than half are women and kids. Within 15 minutes dozens of police vans turn up, there must be at least a hundred police in riot gear. Cordoning of streets and stopping public transport. It looks utterly ridiculous.
Sounds like your average demonstration in Frankfurt. :P
Did they attempt to demonstrate on the Ziel or Konstabler/Hauptwache or what? :D
My favourite is anarchists demonstrating and being protected/isolated by the state police. :P
It was near the big Euro sign. On the pavement, well away from traffic. Still, all the trams had to be stopped :lol:
Quote from: Maladict on November 14, 2023, 11:13:53 AMQuote from: Duque de Bragança on November 14, 2023, 08:39:06 AMQuote from: Maladict on November 11, 2023, 10:54:37 AMHaving a drink in Frankfurt, watching a small Palestine demonstration across the street. About 20 people, chanting about peace and ending the war. More than half are women and kids. Within 15 minutes dozens of police vans turn up, there must be at least a hundred police in riot gear. Cordoning of streets and stopping public transport. It looks utterly ridiculous.
Sounds like your average demonstration in Frankfurt. :P
Did they attempt to demonstrate on the Ziel or Konstabler/Hauptwache or what? :D
My favourite is anarchists demonstrating and being protected/isolated by the state police. :P
It was near the big Euro sign. On the pavement, well away from traffic. Still, all the trams had to be stopped :lol:
Willy-Brandt Platz then, the former ECB HQ. Not far from the local red light district by the Central Station (Bahnhof Viertel), just in case. :lol:
Looking forward to the first hints of Spring next month, at least the evening light is returning at it's fastest rate now, something like one minute and 45 seconds each and every day. :bowler:
Lots of deer about on the forest lanes the last few days I've been coming home, that way, life becoming more active by the day?
Time to get out and about more, it could hardly be less my current semi-hibernating state. :D
Snowdrops are at their max round here, have not seen a crocus yet though.
Quote from: mongers on January 30, 2025, 03:42:47 PMLooking forward to the first hints of Spring next month, at least the evening light is returning at it's fastest rate now, something like one minute and 45 seconds each and every day.
February started with a cold wave, and with three feet of snow on the ground, I am not expecting to see as much a flowerbud until April.
But I do enjoy the sun not setting at 3 pm anymore.
Still plenty to do outdoors, though, apart from shovelling snow. With the cold weather, the sun also comes out and with clear blue skies the light is just amazing and a walk along paths in the woods a sort of therapy. It is even worth the frozen feet and cold arse.
I've been sitting on the roof, enjoying the (finally) clear sky at night.
Got a small telescope, nothing like seeing Saturn or Jupiter with their moons, just hanging there in the sky.
Yeah, the planets are set up really well for us right now :cool:
Quote from: Maladict on February 02, 2025, 04:02:25 AMI've been sitting on the roof, enjoying the (finally) clear sky at night.
Got a small telescope, nothing like seeing Saturn or Jupiter with their moons, just hanging there in the sky.
That sounds really nice. :)
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on January 31, 2025, 03:13:27 AMSnowdrops are at their max round here, have not seen a crocus yet though.
Only saw the first few snowdrops yesterday, the day before the 1st crocus and today I noticed some daffs in a shltered lane.
I think we might have had colder weather here over the last few weeks than you in North-West! :bowler:
Well going by the 'fact' Bournemuth airport has been the coldest place in England a couple of times recently.
There are some daffs in the park that may be out by tomorrow, they have a SE exposure and are close to the river which keeps things just a little bit warmer. I will check them.
Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on February 07, 2025, 05:46:06 PMThere are some daffs in the park that may be out by tomorrow, they have a SE exposure and are close to the river which keeps things just a little bit warmer. I will check them.
It was -32c this morning. :(
Ah yes, very bracing :lol:
The English winter is never about the cold, I have worn a coat just once this winter, its the darkness though, blooming miserable at 54N.
An especially rare encounter yesterday evening, out in the meadows, a ghostly pair of wings, a barn owl out on the hunt, first I've seen in 7-8 years, odd because I live amongst river meadows.
This evening I spied 3-4 dozen falow dear, all female bedding down for the night in some small fields in the forest, getting towards the time they give birth?
anyway definitely time to get out and about, as Spring gets a hold of this slumbering landscape. :bowler:
Yesterday my wife and I went to Boca Raton where they had an exhibition on Baroque Spain and the Spanish Empire. Typical for south and central Florida (but not something I recall encountering in Europe) they'll provide both works from Spain as well as those from the new world in the same exhibition. It was (I thought) an impressive exhibit (Boca Raton is quite wealthy) including works from El Greco and Murillo. The high point, though, was this painting of Saint Lucy by Zurbarán:
In most Catholic iconography martyrs have their instrument of martyrdom as their attribute. Lucy is said to have been strangled, so it should be a garrot; but in her case her attribute is what she's patroness of, ocular diseases. She's carrying a pair of eyes on a platter. That amused me.
Quote from: Savonarola on March 02, 2025, 06:40:46 PMYesterday my wife and I went to Boca Raton where they had an exhibition on Baroque Spain and the Spanish Empire. Typical for south and central Florida (but not something I recall encountering in Europe) they'll provide both works from Spain as well as those from the new world in the same exhibition. It was (I thought) an impressive exhibit (Boca Raton is quite wealthy) including works from El Greco and Murillo. The high point, though, was this painting of Saint Lucy by Zurbarán:
In most Catholic iconography martyrs have their instrument of martyrdom as their attribute. Lucy is said to have been strangled, so it should be a garrot; but in her case her attribute is what she's patroness of, ocular diseases. She's carrying a pair of eyes on a platter. That amused me.
Very nice Sav, I intending to see a few national collections this summer.
Quote from: mongers on March 03, 2025, 07:33:40 PMVery nice Sav, I intending to see a few national collections this summer.
I hope you post pictures here.