General Category => Off the Record => Gaming HQ => Topic started by: Tamas on November 05, 2012, 03:46:00 PM

Title: The drama
Post by: Tamas on November 05, 2012, 03:46:00 PM
Check the letter out here:

Altough it was posted by Szmania (that Curtis guy) on other pages as well, after Wargamer removed it.

Here is my take on the full story. I think Syt from here frequents the Wargamer as well so he can confirm or deny it.

The Wargamer forums were going down the drain. There was like 5 guys always dominating every discussion, mostly with whining about the same goddamn thing like "OMG DRM". Plus they have been up Matrix's ass so deep it wasn't funny at all.
When this guy Curtis became admin of the forum he started to take actions against the trolling. So these regulars went out and founded, a direct competitor. The only guy from the grogheads who I recall to respect just a little bit was the Jarhead031 (or whatever number) guy.

I first became aware of the grogheads site by some new users at the wargamer doing infant trolling along the "grogheads is cool, wargamer sucks" lines.
And in general, they regularly kept attacking the admin guy.

Whom I believe that tried desperately to breath new life into the site. And come to think of it, it did work a bit, as non-Matrix news appeared, articles from all kinds of relevant topics etc. And the forum discussions, altough less active, were not dominated by the same old arguments over and over again (no, it was far less fun than here).

But looks like the owners/leaders of the were to believe the Grogheads exiles more than their employee. I can totally understand the guy bailing after failing to get support from his bosses.

It was awfully stupid from him to cry throughout the Internet, but I can certainly understand his feeling of injustice.
Title: Re: The drama
Post by: Tamas on November 05, 2012, 03:53:34 PM
Also, according to a fellow on the wargamer forums, one of the previous mods (Azzuri maybe?) even went as far as debating on an other username and then banning the guy he argued with, using his original handle.

Some class acts all around.

Interesting as well. What happens when you have a bunch of anit-social nerds found their own society?
Title: Re: The drama
Post by: Habbaku on November 05, 2012, 05:44:40 PM
Quote from: Tamas on November 05, 2012, 03:53:34 PM
Interesting as well. What happens when you have a bunch of anit-social nerds found their own society?

Title: Re: The drama
Post by: Kleves on November 05, 2012, 06:11:41 PM
QuoteIt was an honor for me to serve as your Editor-in-Chief, against insurmountable odds and the envious. I had stood with you on the field of battle, to honor and defend a community nearly two decades old, against those whose interests were only to destroy it. Because of this, it's not me I am worried about; it is you. And it will always be you. Without you, there would have been no reason for me to have done what I have done here over these last six months. This is why I can never return, nor will I remain a part of this community. The pain and the sadness are just too great for me to continue to be a part of something that I have worked so hard to improve.

So I ask, at this very moment, not for you to inquire about where I'm going, reply or even bid me farewell. I only ask for your silence and your remembrance in the following weeks of what I've been able to give you.

Take up the sword from where I have left off, and defend The Wargamer to the last; because if The Wargamer falls, a part of each and every one of us will also perish.
This guy sounds like a cross between BiB (was that his name?) and Lettow.
Title: Re: The drama
Post by: Ed Anger on November 05, 2012, 06:36:53 PM
A bunch from Quartertothree split off to form their own little forum island.
Title: Re: The drama
Post by: Syt on November 06, 2012, 12:17:39 AM
Yeah, I got an invitation to the Grogheads forums some months ago. I've had the occasional look, but nothing there really pulled me in. has pretty much died, on the other hand.

Yes, it was always the same discussions about the same issues (mostly: games today suck, everything is dumbed down for console kiddies, and I especially loved the one kinda homeless guy who was supposedly working on a strategy/rpg/sci-fi game complaining that many games suck because of the programming environment they erroneously choose), but there was the occasional bit of interesting news or opinion in there if you tuned out the static.

Random titbit: I was assistant news editor on Wargamer for two or three months in 2003 or 2004, but the time commitment was too high at the time what with having a full time job on the side.