QuoteThe Creative Assembly appears to be cooking up a sequel to Rome: Total War, based on a teaser image pointing to an upcoming issue of PC PowerPlay (via NeoGAF). Sure, there's no specific mention of "Rome 2: Total War," but the image features a vast field of red legions facing off against blue legions, with the series' iconic unit flags jutting out from amidst the masses. You do the math.
There may even be news on the Rome sequel prior to the magazine's July 18, 2012 on sale date, as next month's Rezzed show in the UK (focusing on PC and indie games) will include a presentation called "25 Years of The Creative Assembly." The studio's James Russell recently told Rock Paper Shotgun that fans can expect "a sneak peak of what we're doing next" during the talk. That presentation is happening on July 6, so look for more on this at the end of next week.
The Creative Assembly continues to deliver some of the most elaborate and historically accurate real-time strategy gaming available. After the success of Shogun 2: Total War, I think it's fair to say that fans have plenty to look forward to from another Rome game.
They better get the cursus honorum right this time.
I'm tired of Creative Assembly's games.
"Historically accurate"? Yeah, about that...
Quote from: The Brain on June 27, 2012, 02:19:02 PM
"Historically accurate"? Yeah, about that...
Their historical accuracy is about on the same level as the historical accuracy of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. I'm not sure that CA counts as a hate group, though, unless you're Orthodox.
Quote from: Scipio on June 27, 2012, 07:33:03 PM
Quote from: The Brain on June 27, 2012, 02:19:02 PM
"Historically accurate"? Yeah, about that...
I'm not sure that CA counts as a hate group, though, unless you're Orthodox.
Looks like I'm not the only one pissed that Orthodox Churches never showed up on tactical maps in MTW2.
I wonder if they'll redo the fall of Rome expansion, or chose something different?
Quote from: Scipio on June 27, 2012, 07:33:03 PM
Quote from: The Brain on June 27, 2012, 02:19:02 PM
"Historically accurate"? Yeah, about that...
Their historical accuracy is about on the same level as the historical accuracy of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. I'm not sure that CA counts as a hate group, though, unless you're Orthodox.
I thought of them as historically accurate as the History channel.
Rome is the only Total War game I have played; enjoyed it immensely! :)
And an interview on Rock Paper Shotgun:
The fact that the games are getting less moddable bodes poorly. EB handled Celts wonderfully, but remembering the original treatment makes me cringe. It may be a bit better since they are intending non-romans to be playable from the start.
I am optimistic, but my main hope is on the capacity to play celts in multiplayer.
These games just aren't strategically deep enough, and the tactical AI is shitty.
Did that change in Shogun II?
The games are not harder to mod, if anything, they are easier to mod now than they were on release.
Shogun II is no more difficult to mod than any other game of the series.
You need the Darthmod for the appropriate game:
Otherwise, yes, the tactical AI is shitty.
Quote from: viper37 on July 23, 2012, 09:44:19 AM
The games are not harder to mod, if anything, they are easier to mod now than they were on release.
Shogun II is no more difficult to mod than any other game of the series.
You need the Darthmod for the appropriate game:
Otherwise, yes, the tactical AI is shitty.
Empire still doesn' thave a new map though.
Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on July 24, 2012, 11:13:25 AM
Quote from: viper37 on July 23, 2012, 09:44:19 AM
The games are not harder to mod, if anything, they are easier to mod now than they were on release.
Shogun II is no more difficult to mod than any other game of the series.
You need the Darthmod for the appropriate game:
Otherwise, yes, the tactical AI is shitty.
Empire still doesn' thave a new map though.
My understanding from intermittantly following the Empire modding community is that the map is not mod-able. I'm not sure how that squares with it being as easily moddded as the earlier games where the map
could be modified.
It can be modded:
And it has been modded:
It's just that these mods are not really compatible with one another, and in the case of DarthMod, wich is mostly and AI mod, it may not work at all. And I haven't tried any mod beside Darth Mod and the seemingly abandonned American Revolution.
Which Empire mods have modified the map, like carving France so that it's not one big province anymore?
Call me skeptical.
Quote from: viper37 on July 24, 2012, 07:11:51 PM
It can be modded:
And it has been modded:
It's just that these mods are not really compatible with one another, and in the case of DarthMod, wich is mostly and AI mod, it may not work at all. And I haven't tried any mod beside Darth Mod and the seemingly abandonned American Revolution.
Those are just new battle maps. The game map cannot, insofar as I know, be modded. Map modding has been at the heart of the great mods in the earlier games, as far as I am concerned.
Quote from: Drakken on July 24, 2012, 08:42:35 PM
Which Empire mods have modified the map, like carving France so that it's not one big province anymore?
Call me skeptical.
In Rome, it should be divided into three parts.
My biggest problem with Total War games is that a lot of their great potential is wasted by poor execution, and unlike Paradox, Creative Assembly never really bothers to do much about it.
I got burned pretty bad by Empire, so I didn't buy any of the DLC or expansions. Then I stupidly bought Shogun 2 (thankfully for half off) and played it for only a short while before getting bored. I won't buy R2TW unless it's $5, and even then it might not be worth it. I was a CA fanboy from when I first got Shogun way back a few months after it came out and bought all the expansions up until Empire. Never again.
I still enjoy Medieval 2, and Shogun 2 was fun. Empire and Napoleon are good with the Darth mods too.
I just hope with this Rome they actually have the barbarian tribes seem to be beyond the pale and not just another country. Its way too easy in standard Rome to just conquer up into Germany, just as easy as taking over more civilized and actually easier to conquer lands.
Empire sucked though Shogun 2 was quite cool.
I hope flaming pigs and shrieking women come back, only to see the Rome historitards throw a tantrum.
Looks fun, but I never enjoy these games as much as I expect.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on May 09, 2013, 05:42:53 AM
Looks fun, but I never enjoy these games as much as I expect.
I do. :(
Wonder how the Europa Barbarorum 2 people are reacting.
Quote from: Phillip V on July 01, 2012, 03:41:10 AM
Rome is the only Total War game I have played; enjoyed it immensely! :)
Me too. I'd be very interested in a Rome: 2.
I'm with some of the other folks in the thread: no more CA games for me. I loved them up to M:TW II, then downhill from there. Shogun II seemed ok, but I just had no real interest in the same old formula anymore.
That said, the campaign where you conquer Mexico in M:TW II is one of my favorite computer wargames of all time. I only wish you could have started as far back as Columbus and been able to go into South America too.
Quote from: The Brain on May 09, 2013, 05:45:25 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on May 09, 2013, 05:42:53 AM
Looks fun, but I never enjoy these games as much as I expect.
I do. :(
Some gameplay videos:
Looks good. Apparently it'll be out september 3rd.
I preordered :Embarrass:
Preview from RockPaperShotgun:
I used to dig these total war games. Now, not so much. I blame the switch from province strategic maps to the more tedious strategic maps.
Seriously, I don't want to chck the mountain passes.
Also, I want MOAR vikings.
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 08, 2013, 09:20:18 AM
I used to dig these total war games. Now, not so much. I blame the switch from province strategic maps to the more tedious strategic maps.
Seriously, I don't want to chck the mountain passes.
Also, I want MOAR vikings.
In feudal Japan or ancient Europe? OK, Tim.
I made you a map, but I ate it.
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 08, 2013, 03:30:18 PM
I made you a map, but I ate it.
Do you want Brain to treat you like a Billy Goat?
He doesn't treat them, sugar.
Campaign map overview with the 100+ factions
Such a limited amount of playable factions? How old school.
Seleucids? Bactrians?
Its not so much that there are limited factions. Its that this is just an elevated game of risk with real time combat resolution.
Quote from: Queequeg on August 09, 2013, 12:02:14 PM
Seleucids? Bactrians?
Not playable at the moment. The Parthians are.
I suspect DLC's wil increase the number of playable factions. Or mods.
Quote from: crazy canuck on August 09, 2013, 12:14:10 PM
Its not so much that there are limited factions. Its that this is just an elevated game of risk with real time combat resolution.
Well that too, but that's a more fundamental issue. :D
Seleucids as a free DLC in october:
QuoteDon't worry, you can unclench your buttocks. As a video game made in 2013, Total War: Rome 2 will have paid-for DLC, but today Creative Assembly have confirmed that their cavalcade of post-release content isn't all destined to end life as a line on your bank statement. Alongside the additional purchases, the developers are planning to sprinkle in some free content updates and support.
"Rome II will be the biggest game we've ever released, in terms of scope, gameplay features and sheer weight of content," says its clearly boastful lead designer James Russell. "Even then we're just scratching the surface of the Roman period, an era so rich in diversity that it's easy to foresee releasing relevant content for years after ROME II has shipped."
"As with Shogun 2, we will continually improve the game's compatibility, optimisation and integral features such as AI and gameplay balancing post-release, and plan to add to that with new control schemes and additional free formats on other operating systems," Russell says. He also announces the plan for modding support, saying they hope that Rome 2 will follow Shogun 2 onto the Steam Workshop.
The already announced Pontus faction will be added to the game, for free, on launch day, and now Creative Assembly have announced the Seleucid faction, planned as a free update in October.
"In addition to free content, gamers can expect to see Culture Packs that add more playable factions and unique units, Feature Packs that add gameplay or wide-ranging aesthetic changes, and Campaign Packs that add entirely new story-based campaign expansions," Russell finished.
Total War: Rome 2 will be available on September 3rd.
Glad to see that a faction that was playable in the original will be able to be October.
The I'm-not-buying-that-cause-you're-milking-it-DLC is available now though
So what will be the deal with the Seleucids until October? They will have generic stuff when you fight them or what?
Carthage's own Canute raged against the tide
Vexing no ocean's currents, but history's flow
Raised to resent it at his father's side
The rash family presumed to find in fate a foe
Plucking out his eye in offering,
He sought to see Rome's demise
But destiny does not deal in bartering,
preferring to make ruin of all men devise
Empty achievements he ably accrued,
Putting men upon the altar of his ambition
But all across italy, he could only brood
upon his vain and hopeless mission
A brother beheaded, a nation destroyed
thus the fruit of the talent he so ably employed
Anyone have this game yet? Im on the fence - should I buy it or not?
I have it but haven't played it yet. Heh.
I don't think I'm interested. Certainly not before some gold release with all the features.
Quote from: Syt on September 03, 2013, 06:41:54 AM
Why exactly is being descended from a loser civilization that may have sacrificed children something that would give blacks moral and self-respect? I would think the fact black ancestors lived in relative peace, bothering nobody, in Africa for thousands of years before Arab and European douchebags ruined it would be more points in that area.
I had it pre-loaded. Now it decided to download an extra 9.9 GB. :lol:
Quote from: Syt on September 03, 2013, 06:41:54 AM
:lol: Hannibal was black? I think he's thinking of Cleopatra.
Quote from: Syt on September 03, 2013, 11:45:23 AM
I had it pre-loaded. Now it decided to download an extra 9.9 GB. :lol:
They said it had to unpack to full size, then there's apparently some sort of 2gb patch. I forgot to turn on my computer this morning so it would be done with all that stupid shit this afternoon.
No Bactrians, no money.
Quote from: DGuller on September 03, 2013, 12:00:21 PM
Quote from: Syt on September 03, 2013, 06:41:54 AM
:lol: Hannibal was black? I think he's thinking of Cleopatra.
Who was not black either, of course, her ancestors being Macedonian in the main - heavily inbred Macedonians at that.
I think there may have been a Caucasian-Armenian admixture in there as well, but the main part was Macedonian.
Anyway, what's wrong with just using the old descriptions of "Meditteranean" or "Olive skin" for the peoples who live around the sea down there? It fits much better than black or white, and ignores the frothings of the "African-American" fringe and the whole race/language argument. People who live around that sea tend to have brownish skin due to the climate...
As for the game, having skipped Shogun 2, I'm feeling my way into it. My first impressions are that the interface is cluttered and ugly (those unit cards!!!) and that the cities take up too much room on the campaign map (they seem to crowd out everything else in some areas.)
Also, as usual, there's some very iffy naming/design decisions on the campaign map...
The battles seem to be alright though, and I'm pleasantly surprised by the level of graphic detail my computer can handle (with maximum unit size.)
Okay, that's to good. I have to respond to that one.
Quote from: Valmy on September 03, 2013, 10:18:20 AM
Why exactly is being descended from a loser civilization that may have sacrificed children something that would give blacks moral and self-respect? I would think the fact black ancestors lived in relative peace, bothering nobody, in Africa for thousands of years before Arab and European douchebags ruined it would be more points in that area.
Doubtful. Human beings don't work that way.
I posted a response to that. Now you can all laugh at my ignorance and correct me.
Nothing seems to be loading for me, at least as far as the thread is concerned. There is a link to " 20 of the Hottest Daughters in Sports," which is where I'm going now.
Raz's link is weird:
Man, I can't buy a new game now. I'm still bloated on the Steam Sale.
Didn`t play much, I have mixed feelings. I think my major trouble is my 15-16 inch laptop screen is just too small for the campaign map`s scale. :P
So I haven`t made up my mind yet. The faction system definitely seems like a good idea, but just like in EU Rome, right now it means I am getting messages about people I have no idea about. Haven`t done the tutorial though. :P
I like the provinces. Which reminds me, Rockpapershotgun seems to be dropping the ball more and more recently. I mean, yes, they may very well end up being right for being disappointed, but you have one of the guys there QQing because he started as some Celts and he didn`t have much to do at start, and that the game made the world map into a "series of nodes". Well, duh, how this is any different from previous TW titles? And the province system makes it easier to manage the shitload of cities, and also to keep in mind how you specialize them in relation to each other.
Quote from: Razgovory on September 03, 2013, 06:11:58 PM
I posted a response to that. Now you can all laugh at my ignorance and correct me.
Good post Raz; better than the original poster deserved.
I have it. I like it so far. Started as Egypt. Currently being raped by the Seleucids and their many numerous satrapies (clients). Have lost Jerusalem and Petra.
Quote from: Tamas on September 04, 2013, 04:06:26 AM
I like the provinces. Which reminds me, Rockpapershotgun seems to be dropping the ball more and more recently. I mean, yes, they may very well end up being right for being disappointed, but you have one of the guys there QQing because he started as some Celts and he didn`t have much to do at start, and that the game made the world map into a "series of nodes". Well, duh, how this is any different from previous TW titles? And the province system makes it easier to manage the shitload of cities, and also to keep in mind how you specialize them in relation to each other.
It would be nice if rps spent more time reviewing the game and less on navel gazing.
I agree that the quality of RPS has seriously dropped over the past few months. I keep checking them mostly for news on interesting indie titles.
For MB - I saw wardogs.
Quote from: PDH on September 04, 2013, 11:53:17 AM
For MB - I saw wardogs.
Not that I was planning on buying it at full price. Hello, Steam Winter Sale.
Quote from: Agelastus on September 04, 2013, 04:07:21 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on September 03, 2013, 06:11:58 PM
I posted a response to that. Now you can all laugh at my ignorance and correct me.
Good post Raz; better than the original poster deserved.
I agree with that sentiment. Excellent post
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 04, 2013, 12:41:00 PM
Quote from: PDH on September 04, 2013, 11:53:17 AM
For MB - I saw wardogs.
Not that I was planning on buying it at full price. Hello, Steam Winter Sale.
I think I'll wait until development for the title is over, then get the whole shabang. Surely they won't add another expansionpack with Brian blessed voicing the conquests of Alexander again.
I'd buy a game with Brian Blessed attacking the War Rocket Ajax.
Funnily enough several of my ancestors did in fact build the Great Wall of China.
It's...ok. Not worth full price in my opinion.
I may wait for a few patches.
I heard it was a great dissapointment. The 90%+ ratings factories (the review sites which give any competent game 80 or 90 ratings) are all in agreement, it is not as good as it should have been. Which I think is code for "map looks fantastic but gameplay is crap".
I think it is more a case of too big expectations. Lots of factions causing slow turn times, and battles being a bit too fast are my major gripes. Rest of the game is the regular total war game with some additions, and pretty graphics. So yeah, it's a matter of too high expectations.
I'm seeing a lot of comparisons to Empire being thrown about around different forums. I think I'll wait at least six months for the necessary patches and mods.
So, its a big no on the "buy new computer to be able to pay TWR2" then?
Quote from: Viking on September 05, 2013, 02:16:31 AM
So, its a big no on the "buy new computer to be able to pay TWR2" then?
If you could play Shogun 2, you could play this one for sure.
I am not saying you should buy it now, if you can live without it. It most certainly did not blow my mind away like Rome 1 did.
That said, my minimal expectation was to see Rome 1 with updated graphics, and despite all the world-wide QQ they delivered THAT, and some more. By some more I mean a huge map, a faction count to put Europa Barbarorum (sp?) to shame, inner politics mechanic, and a city management system and interface that makes more sense with the map`s size.
I guess a reason for the disappointment by many people is that this is precisely the kind of sequel you hear fans demand for other games (and then throw a hissy fit when they don`t receive, eg. Master of Orion 3`s development): an update of the original with all core gameplay unchanged. But Rome 1 is quite old, and that same gameplay core has been repeated in what, 4 other TW games since then? People expected the wow-factor of Rome 1 but you can`t be that blown-away by the same game twice.
That also mean that I may get bored with it fairly quickly, but I am enjoying it now for what it is.
Quote from: Viking on September 04, 2013, 08:25:16 PM
I heard it was a great dissapointment. The 90%+ ratings factories (the review sites which give any competent game 80 or 90 ratings) are all in agreement, it is not as good as it should have been. Which I think is code for "map looks fantastic but gameplay is crap".
They all like the map, eh?
It's pretty, but that's it. Visually it's distorted enough from true to be annoying and graphically the enormous footprint of the settlements make it look cramped for all its size.
Quote from: Viking on September 05, 2013, 02:16:31 AM
So, its a big no on the "buy new computer to be able to pay TWR2" then?
From the noise of my fans its straining my computer about as badly as Empire did (it makes less noise than Napoleon and I've never bought Shogun 2.)
Admittedly I'm playing with a graphics quality two steps lower than I normally would (before I've always played maxing out just about everything), but that's still not bad for a game three generations on from Empire.
Quote from: FunkMonk on September 05, 2013, 02:00:01 AM
I'm seeing a lot of comparisons to Empire being thrown about around different forums. I think I'll wait at least six months for the necessary patches and mods.
I rather liked Empire, but never actually played Shogun II.
I've had some fun with it in the relatively short amount of time I've been playing it. I don't have any real performance problems so far, even on my really old hardware, so that's good.
I had the chance to snag it for like $40 preordered (so including the Greek States thing, which is apparently $8 by itself now), so I went ahead and pulled the trigger on it, but I'd say if you didn't preorder and are on the fence, you might as well wait till some Steam sale or another.
Quote from: Agelastus on September 05, 2013, 04:12:44 AM
Quote from: Viking on September 04, 2013, 08:25:16 PM
I heard it was a great dissapointment. The 90%+ ratings factories (the review sites which give any competent game 80 or 90 ratings) are all in agreement, it is not as good as it should have been. Which I think is code for "map looks fantastic but gameplay is crap".
They all like the map, eh?
It's pretty, but that's it. Visually it's distorted enough from true to be annoying and graphically the enormous footprint of the settlements make it look cramped for all its size.
As the joker said, if I have to explain the joke it isn't funny.
Quote from: Viking on September 05, 2013, 11:26:31 AM
Quote from: Agelastus on September 05, 2013, 04:12:44 AM
Quote from: Viking on September 04, 2013, 08:25:16 PM
I heard it was a great dissapointment. The 90%+ ratings factories (the review sites which give any competent game 80 or 90 ratings) are all in agreement, it is not as good as it should have been. Which I think is code for "map looks fantastic but gameplay is crap".
They all like the map, eh?
It's pretty, but that's it. Visually it's distorted enough from true to be annoying and graphically the enormous footprint of the settlements make it look cramped for all its size.
As the joker said, if I have to explain the joke it isn't funny.
It aint a joke if the map's crap, 'cause then it's just nonsense. Oh, and the map's crap...
OK, OK I'd just been out in the hot sun doing the mowing and misread your post slightly...:Embarrass:
I bought the game and fiddled with it for 20 minutes, then I lost interest and went back to my EUIV game as Austria.
I think I'll wait till I beat Skyrim. And Amnesia: Machine for Pigs is coming out in a few days. Also I want to play those Metro games I got.
He might be a bit annoying, but the bugs are still hilarious. :lol:
Definitely waiting six months to see if they can salvage something from this mess.
On reflection, I may have been overenthusiastic about this game...
I'm getting tired of seeing ships I've sunk sail away from a battle... :ultra:
[I don't know if it's a bug from launch or from the beta patch, but at the moment I can't sink/kill Admirals in battle - even if their ship sinks it sails away happily on the campaign map, every time - even remanning itself to pre-battle levels at times. They do die in autoresolved fights though.]
Quote from: Agelastus on September 07, 2013, 09:12:40 AM
I can't sink/kill Admirals in battle - even if their ship sinks it sails away happily on the campaign map, every time
"Row well, and live."
Quote from: Syt on September 07, 2013, 09:30:54 AM
Quote from: Agelastus on September 07, 2013, 09:12:40 AM
I can't sink/kill Admirals in battle - even if their ship sinks it sails away happily on the campaign map, every time
"Row well, and live."
I'm starting to feel an urge get this game. I am developing an irrational desire to see the spectacle thousands of Italian men wearing skirts getting killed.
I haven't found my favorite faction to play yet. I really like the Baktria unit lineup, but damn they're way far out there. I guess I could just try to go from one map edge to the other.
The latest patch does some good things btw. My turn times are down to being Shogun2-ish. I've never had a performance problem, but I think they addressed that some more too.
E: Heh Raz and I bumped this thread at the same time.
Bactria is in it?
It has been opened up by a mod (every faction in the game is available).
Have they fixed the AI-issues?
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 17, 2013, 09:21:11 PM
I've never had a performance problem, but I think they addressed that some more too.
Since I installed the latest patch every battle I go down to fight in person warns me that I'm running out of memory and being "stepped down" graphically; battles between two near-full size armies are stuttering every few seconds.
This was not happening before - I was running battles with twice the number of units involved with barely a hint of difficulty. So whatever they addressed has actually made my performance worse. :glare:
People should just stop buying ATI cards, the world would be a simpler place.
Age, that's strange and something I haven't encountered so far. Did you check that unlimited memory box/did it come unchecked when the patch hit?
Quote from: Tamas on September 18, 2013, 07:54:29 AM
People should just stop buying ATI cards, the world would be a simpler place.
:lol: One of the big problems was supercomputers running some nvidia card or another were getting low teens FPS.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 18, 2013, 12:09:02 PM
Age, that's strange and something I haven't encountered so far. Did you check that unlimited memory box/did it come unchecked when the patch hit?
Quote from: Tamas on September 18, 2013, 07:54:29 AM
People should just stop buying ATI cards, the world would be a simpler place.
:lol: One of the big problems was supercomputers running some nvidia card or another were getting low teens FPS.
If you think my disdain for ATI cards can be weakened by facts, you are seriously mistaken.
:hug: Well supposedly they fixed it anyway.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 18, 2013, 12:09:02 PM
Age, that's strange and something I haven't encountered so far. Did you check that unlimited memory box/did it come unchecked when the patch hit?
I wasn't using unlimited memory before the patch; now I am to solve the issues the patch caused. :lol:
It would be nice to obtain unlimited memory simply by marking a box.
It would be, but that one is for when the game has issues detecting how much memory your card has available or when you don't have enough for certain things. Check it and it won't downgrade your settings when it thinks/you have run out of video memory. It'll start using RAM or HDD space to make up for it.
E: Here:
I might have to buy this if I can be the Bactrians.
I like em, but (obviously) they're on the east edge of the map in kind of a bad spot if you're looking to expand. You can move out a little, but you're going to run into the Seleucids pretty soon. They're powerful and they don't like you from the beginning. The other option is to go north and fight the nomads.
They've got a spear/pike heavy army with some eastern units mixed in (shitty eastern spearmen, Persian archers, horse archers). They also get Hellenic cataphracts. And elephants.
Dude who made the mod that made them available to use was also nice enough to include a faction description for them. They've also got faction bonus stuff like a regular usable nation (Persian trade heritage, Classical heritage, Multiculturalism) and are in the Successor Kingdoms category with Macedon, Selecuid, and Egypt. I don't know if they came with that stuff or if dude also put that in there.
E: Unit roster:
I kinda wonder if this is going to be one of the DLC factions in the future. The roster is more fleshed out than most of the random factions dotted around the map, and they start with 4 settlements (two entire provinces). The roster images here are from the custom battle mode. The top ones are units available to be generals, sorry for cutting that off. There aren't that many general units in the campaign, so I don't know whats going on there. Might be something for the AI.
Any word on how mods able the game is?
It's like Shogun 2 as far as I can tell. Modable, but not as easily or as extensively as Rome/M2TW. You've got to unpack it and use editors and repack the edited stuff or some such, but there are quite a few mods out already:
CA has said they'll be releasing official tools or something of that nature, but I'm not holding my breath.
E: The all factions mod is here:
Broke down, and bought it.
Beta patch 3 is available, with a couple of known issues:
QuoteDisclaimer: There are one or two known issues with the beta that we are looking to resolve before rolling this out further, with ALT-Tabbing and changing game resolution. We are aware of these issues and there is no need to report them in our patch feedback threads.
QuoteTechnical and Performance Issues
Significant improvements to multiplayer campaign speed, which is now limited by the slowest players machine.
Frame Rate improvements on Campaign map on low spec Core2 Duo cpu's in windowed mode.
Fix for lock-ups reported on loading into battle in DirectX9.
Frame Rate improvements on Campaign map across all configurations when setting Effects Quality to Low or High.
Fix for minor stutters & terrain rendering glitches on some gpu's when rendering the terrain.
Fixed a bug in the Graphics Benchmark frame rate display that reported the wrong per-frame time.
LAN multiplayer modes are now accessible when Steam is in Offline mode.
Fix for graphics crash caused by changing the games screen resolution shortly after loading a new Campaign.
Fix for a crash when performing an agent action on a wounded/assassinated unit in Campaign modes.
Further campaign map optimisations.
Optimised fire and smoke effects on the campaign map (improving the frames per second on all graphics setting, especially during the late gameplay where all faction territories are revealed)
Fix in Multiplayer Campaign, after Player 1 offers diplomacy to Player 2, Player 2 made a counter offer, then cancelled the offer, which caused the game to lock up for Player 1.
Fix to prevent the games user interface from flickering when SLI is enabled.
Improved culling on the campaign map to prevent props (e.g. the pyramids) from disappearing when the camera was set to certain angles.
Improved the desktop icon for Total War: ROME II to support multiple resolutions.
Gameplay Improvements
When the player is attacked whilst in a minor settlement (not provincial capital), a new "Sally Forth" button is available on the pre-battle panel to fight the attackers in an open field battle.
All armies that are forced to retreat, and then are attacked, no longer have a *Baggage Train battle. It is a normal open field battle with any campaign generated penalties applied as before.
When an army in forced march is attacked on the Campaign Map, an ambush battle is now triggered, rather than a baggage train Victory Point battle .
Combined battles where there is no navy in the defending alliance do not have *Victory Points/Baggage Trains.
Combined battles where the defender has a navy will retain their Victory Point.
Victory Points have had their capture time increased by 3x their previous length.
Attacking AI is now more likely to prioritise taking Victory Points in Siege Battles / City Assault Battles.
AI controlled Agents are now more likely to act upon the player's settlements instead of standing around outside of them.
Fixed issue in battle AI which prevented siege assault groups from responding to nearby threats.
Fixed timing issue in battle AI which could cause the attacking AI in port sieges to stop updating.
Substantially reduced free hits from enemies in battles, when moving a unit through enemy units (without attacking them), so units can disengage with less penalty.
Smaller and depleted AI controlled forces are now less likely to survive auto-resolved battles in Campaign modes.
Cavalry can no longer capture Victory Points in battles while mounted. They can still neutralise the Victory Points if they were previously in enemy control, and capture Victory Points when dismounted.
The size / radius of capture points has been increased in Coastal battles.
Fix for some instances of passive AI during River Crossing battles, when the AI is defending.
Fixed issue which prevented reinforcement artillery ships deploying.
Fixed issue in Siege Battles where the AI attempted to use breaches and gates which they could not reach.
In Battles, the number of ranks now factor into bracing mass bonus for collision system, i.e. thin lines will make you lose your bracing bonus against cavalry charges from the front
Fixed chasing down of routers at the end of battles, so they engage in combat more often and can be killed more easily.
Satrapies can no longer sign peace treaties with the enemies of their overlord (but still able to automatically make peace if their overlord signs a peace treaty with the enemy) in Campaign modes.
Snow ground type now replaces grass in snow attrition areas of the battle map.
Units in Testudo formation will now respond to an order to attack city gates in a City Assault battles.
Men throwing torches to ignite gates in battles, now have less chance of failing to throw their torches and hit the gate, if ordered more than once to ignite the same gate.
AI houses can no longer secure promotions without first meeting the required age and rank in Campaign modes.
Removed old concealed by distance logic, that was incompatible with the newer visibility system. For example, units that are visible at range could look like they were hidden on their user interface, when they could be seen.
Pikemen can move out of melee when pike phalanx is active in battles. For example, If only one of the pikeman is attacked, the entire unit will no longer start to be unresponsive to orders.
Improved responsiveness of Siege Equipment when dropped and picked back up multiple times.
In Campaign modes, the number of siege equipment entries is now capped to be the length of the siege - 1
Further improvements to AI collision detection with Deployables in battle.
Units that charge while in formation (e.g. block formation) stop sooner on contact with the enemy, to reduce "blobbing" where units converge into a disorganised brawl.
Fixed bug with missile units on ships not firing on enemies reliably during battles.
Fixed bug with ship artillery not firing on buildings reliably in battles.
Fix for ships surviving on the campaign map after sinking on the battle map.
Fix missile ships getting stuck when targeting land units just outside of their range.
Reduced the chance of AI (enemy) reinforcements and the players reinforcements joining a battle from the same location and therefore engaging in combat instantly in battles from Campaign modes.
Balancing Changes
Hit points for all units have been increased in combat.
Melee defence has been reduced for most melee cavalry units and for some elite infantry units.
Reduced melee weapon damage in battles, and increased melee defence from shields.
Various trait effects are now working as intended.
Improved pike weapon damage balancing in battles.
Fatigue for running and being in combat has been increased in battles.
Further tweaks and rebalancing has been made to unit morale in battles.
Elite infantry morale has been reduced slightly during battles.
Experience level thresholds have been increased for units.
Special ability cool down times have been re-balanced in battles.
Building costs have been updated to reflect the changes in building effects in Campaign modes.
Morale bonuses from training and religious building chains have been reduced in Campaign modes. Instead, these buildings now give more varied bonuses to the units.
Cost of experience bonuses for Custom and Multiplayer battles have been reduced.
Squalor and food consumption have been rebalanced (reduction for higher-level buildings) in Campaign modes.
The Headhunt ability has been re-balanced in battles.
The charge bonus for Celtic, Briton and Germanic units have been reduced.
The masses of horses and men on the battlefield have been made more reasonable.
Reduced the mass of camel units in battle.
Usability Improvements
The Balance Of Power bar on the Diplomacy screen now shows the correct ratio, rather than just 50/50.
Improved the desynchronisation detection in Multiplayer Campaign mode, and players are now given a popup message when a desynchronisation has occurred, with the options to resynchronise the game to continue, or quit the game.
When the host leaves the team lobby in Quick Battle multiplayer mode, a new host is found.
Improved multiplayer compatibility between players who own the Greek States DLC and those who don't.
In Multiplayer Ambush Battles, if Player 1 clicks the "Start Battle" button, and the Player 2 waits for the timer to run out for the battle to start, Player 2 will no longer be locked into Cinematic Mode with limited user interface controls.
All battles now end 5 seconds after the victory is decided (This used to be 10 seconds).
In Multiplayer Land Battles, when deployment is over, enemy armies will no longer be visible, when they are supposed to be hidden, for a couple of seconds before fading out.
In Multiplayer battles, a player who has conceded defeat will now turn into a spectator. They can then exit the battle if they want to.
Fix for battle music getting paused while in slow battle speed.
When on the campaign map, if an agent is placed close to the edge of an enemy settlement as it expands (builds a building in a construction slot) the agent is now teleported out of the way of the expansion, so they do not become stuck within the settlement. If the agent was already stuck in an expanded settlement before this update, they will remain stuck, and have to be disbanded. This update will prevent this situation from happening in the future.
Slightly improve combat responsiveness and animations for formation attacks in battles.
Fixed bug with ship artillery not firing at all after using first-person mode in battles.
The Attacking Testudo can no longer be activated in melee during battles.
Battering rams moves out the way correctly after battering a gate down in battles.
The Tortoise battering ram animation has been tweaked slightly so it collides with walls better, at the point of impact when a wall is destroyed.
Multiple waypoints displayed for units in siege equipment, as previously only 1 was displayed.
Selecting Dismount on mounted units continuously during deployment in battles will move the units towards their last ordered position less after dismounting.
During battles, if a cavalry unit is ordered to move to a location, and then ordered to dismount, the men will now dismount but not continue to move to the previously ordered location.
The number of arrows is now correctly depleted when units fire whilst moving during battles.
Correct bonuses are now being applied to units from Workshop buildings.
Fixed bug with pike phalanx not getting back into pike stance after running.
Charge bonuses are now correctly applied to units recruited in certain provinces.
Projectile impact effects hitting units and buildings are now positioned more accurately.
Improved fire effects for buildings, siege vehicles and deployables during battles.
Improved some visual effects for during battles. Better burnt version of buildings with burning embers, and running water down roofs and vertical surfaces in rain.
Damaged visual effects have been improved on the campaign.
Fixed Briton Chariot unit attributes.
Fix for Scythian horse unit variation.
The achievements "Noble Master", "Spymaster" and "Champion of the Gods" now unlock sooner after their requirements have been met.
Fix for the Campaign map terrain disappearing when repeatedly toggling between the Campaign Map and Campaign Tactical Map.
Province level bonuses (such as edicts with food bonuses) are now taken into account in the food level displayed in a province overview in Campaign modes.
Settlement labels on the campaign map are now positioned more accurately and no longer get offset from the settlements.
In the Province panel in Campaign modes, provinces can now be sorted by their level of food production.
Several Eastern buildings now correctly consume food (instead of either not consuming anything or giving contradicting public order effects) in Campaign modes.
The Qanat building (in the Eastern agricultural chain) now produces a small amount of food in campaign mode.
The warning message that informs the player that they are not researching any technology when they press the "End Turn" button in Single Player Campaigns is now also displayed in Multiplayer Campaigns.
The players armies in Ambush stance will no longer move by themselves in Campaign modes, which happened on rare occasions.
Fix for user interface bug showing the wrong tax level on the Province Details panel when the "Tax province" button was ticked in Campaign modes.
Culture conversion coming from some characters now correctly shows up as "character" in the culture tooltip, no longer as "building".
In Campaign modes, the culture that Consecrated Grounds belong to is now displayed in their title, to make it clearer why they need to be converted.
The "Reduces slave population decline" icon in the information panel when placing the mouse over the "Slave Trader" in the Commons buildings section in Campaign modes is now displayed as green instead of red (as it's a positive affect).
The first building in the equipment chain (E.g. Workshop for Hellenic, Quartermaster for Eastern etc.) can no longer be bypassed by converting from another faction's equipment chain without researching.
Technologies are now required to create the Level 4 Jewelsmith building, to prevent an exploit.
Improved ship melee/ramming target selection in battles.
Fixed boarding mode button state issues when attempting to board a ship in battle.
In battles, men who have already boarded an enemy ship no longer jump into the sea once their ship has started to sink or back onto their sinking ship. (Men who remain on the sinking ship still jump into the water.)
Improved Advisor lip sync in various pieces of advice in Campaign modes.
Clicking the "Square" special ability as a unit is attempting to man a siege tower will no longer stick the siege tower to that unit in battles.
When an agent is selected in Campaign mode, and the player right clicks on a settlement to sabotage the enemy, the menu will no longer act erratically.
When the player had a subject to deal with in the politics screen and the subject had an infamy effect, this effect once seen persisted in being shown for all other characters even if the subject is dismissed. This has been fixed.
Fix for some misaligned text on a tooltip displayed when a settlement with a port is blockaded by an enemy, and the player selects the enemy and places the mouse over the settlement.
Improved small glitches with Campaign selection markers and Forced March visual effects sometimes being displayed in the wrong positions when units move.
Fixed some inconsistent ability names for General Skill Types.
In Campaign mode, Roman "Basilica of X" temples have now been renamed to "Precinct of X".
Tooltip regarding the "Armoured Siege Units" technology bonus effects on pre-siege vehicles (all variants of Galleries, Siege Towers, Ladders and Battering Rams) is now clearer.
Fixed the tooltip when placing the mouse over the Columns I, II and III for War Exercises, Warrior Code, Tribal Economy and Druidic Council technology trees in the Technology Panel in Campaign modes.
Two pieces of advice from the Battlefield Advisor relating to flanking were mixed up in Italian and Spanish. These have now been corrected.
Fixed a couple of instances where what the Battlefield Advisors was saying did not match the text displayed in Spanish.
Some steep terrain in a Greek Minor Port battle map has been levelled out, to stop ships from going under the beach when they disembark.
Improvements to the wall connectivity in a Greek Port battle map.
Boiling oil poured from gate houses in battles will look better where it intersects with the ground.
Improved impact animations when pig carcasses hit the ground when fired as poison rounds form artillery in battles.
While crossing rivers in battles, units footsteps now default to mud sounds instead of water sounds.
Fix for a small hole in the terrain in a Greek Minor Port battle map.
When the player is defending in a siege battle from Campaign mode, and the enemy partially capture a Victory Point on the battle map, then the player re-gains control of the Victory Point, the Battlefield Advisor will no longer say "Our enemy have lost a victory point".
Fix for the Battlefield Advisor sometimes referring to the players own reinforcements as "Enemy Reinforcements" during battles.
Added some localisation text and audio fixes for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish and Turkish.
Added Stonehenge back to the custom battle map at these coordinates 0.137, 0238 (Iska).
Fixed typo on 'Conscription' edict in English.
Improved culling of certain rocks on the battlefield.
Added French, Italian, German and Spanish localisation to the word "Settlement" in the Agent Action Panel in Campaign modes.
Various text and grammar fixes for the Campaign user interface.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 20, 2013, 03:17:18 PM
QuoteFix for ships surviving on the campaign map after sinking on the battle map.
Now I won't be forced to autoresolve to kill the enemy fleet instead of fighting it out on the battlemap - I've lost too many ships too autoresolve victories that I'd have kept at the back in an actual battle.
According to the patch notes, everyone who bought the game at launch paid full price for the privilege of playing an early beta. :wacko:
It was a pretty standard TW launch, it seemed like. Better than Empire, worse than Shogun. All of them come fairly fucked up though. M2TW still had probably the best launch bug with the two handed animation thing IMO: Dudes with two handed swords or axes would swing so slow they would miss every time, so peasants could kick their asses. :D They took a really really long time to fix that one too, for some reason.
E: I can't really remember a "fun" bug from Rome 1. The real big one I can think of off the top of my head was the passive siege AI where they'd just stand there and take it from your towers until they were all dead, giving you victories you had no business winning. I know there were more, but that was a while ago. Empire had that thing where the AI couldn't use boats to invade your country, so the UK, for example, was invincible except if the player were to invade.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 21, 2013, 09:45:49 AM
It was a pretty standard TW launch, it seemed like. Better than Empire, worse than Shogun. All of them come fairly fucked up though. M2TW still had probably the best launch bug with the two handed animation thing IMO: Dudes with two handed swords or axes would swing so slow they would miss every time, so peasants could kick their asses. :D They took a really really long time to fix that one too, for some reason.
E: I can't really remember a "fun" bug from Rome 1. The real big one I can think of off the top of my head was the passive siege AI where they'd just stand there and take it from your towers until they were all dead, giving you victories you had no business winning. I know there were more, but that was a while ago. Empire had that thing where the AI couldn't use boats to invade your country, so the UK, for example, was invincible except if the player were to invade.
Empire had (and to the best of my knowledge still has) that interesting bug where forts do not heal nor have the option to be repaired...which is pretty darned annoying.
As for the latest beta for Rome 2...I'm not certain that ambush battles are working as they're supposed to.
Player Carthage with client state Carnutes controlling Burdigala as their sole province. A full stack Carthaginian army is sitting in that forest gap north-east of Burdigala. The Suebi march four armies past this force, presumably in "Forced March" mode (the Carnutes are at war with the Suebi but I, their recently accepted master, am not.)
I mutter "damn"; declare war on the Suebi, turn my army round, use up about a third of its movement points to attack the trailing Suebi army...AMBUSH BATTLE.
I think WTF, what's the rationalisation here? I shrug, fight it, win it, attack the next Suebi army in line...AMBUSH BATTLE.
I think WTF even louder - I am chasing these armies after all, not the other way round! Fight it, win it, attack the next Suebi army...AMBUSH BATTLE.
Which freezes after I've broken them and crashes the game.
I've rerun the end of turn that set this up using the autosave a few times to get the same situation again; I'm going to see what happens tomorrow when I try to fight this sequence of battles for the second time. :hmm:
That's with beta 3? Damn, I might just roll that back without using it. Although.....heh....I've never had an ambush battle before, so I might fire it up just to check one of those out.
I was playing the prologue and lost a battle because my leader decided not to show up for it. He just wasn't there, and when the battle ended it said he died.
Quote from: Razgovory on September 21, 2013, 05:19:19 PM
I was playing the prologue and lost a battle because my leader decided not to show up for it. He just wasn't there, and when the battle ended it said he died.
Well, shit, I'ma buy that RIGHT NOW.
Quote from: Scipio on September 21, 2013, 08:39:39 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on September 21, 2013, 05:19:19 PM
I was playing the prologue and lost a battle because my leader decided not to show up for it. He just wasn't there, and when the battle ended it said he died.
Well, shit, I'ma buy that RIGHT NOW.
I noted a really weird bug. The battle of Zama is listed in the historical battles, but for some reason when I played it Scipio Africanus's army was composed entirely of war dogs.
Quote from: Razgovory on September 21, 2013, 05:19:19 PM
I was playing the prologue and lost a battle because my leader decided not to show up for it. He just wasn't there, and when the battle ended it said he died.
:hmm: Death would explain the absence.
Yeah, definitely waiting for at least -50% Steam sale, and reviews stating that stuff has been successfully patched.
Fought those battles against the Suebi successfully (the ones that I crashed on yesterday)...
,,,despite following them up a road, four out of four AMBUSH BATTLES.
Even with the Suebi armies that were not involved in the battles (due to them being AMBUSH BATTLES) retreating after combat as if they'd been defeated as well.
"Hey dude, like, we've retreated here because we heard that our fellows were killed back there over the hills, should we, like, pay attention to what's around us?"
"Nah, dude...we'll just keep pretending to be marching instead of camping and everything will be fine."
That's just about as funny as the Pictones army (back with beta 1 or 2, I forget which) that spent a long time creating a three section wide breach in the wall of Athenian Brundisium...and then attacked the gates as if the breach wasn't there.
Was watching the "Angry Review" linked above where he was talking about a passive campaign AI...something that was apparently affecting a lot of people.
The Athenians of my first campaign peaked at being at war with 56 nations at the same time (99% of whom had declared war themselves) with the original release. I was quite impressed with the strategic acumen of some of the AI powers as well; both the Siraces and the Getai ripped into Northern Anatolia (the soft underbelly of the Athenian-Pontine alliance) in quite impressive fashion at different times.
What did I do wrong? :huh:
Or, more importantly, what am I still doing wrong - half the AI armies I fight are 15-20 unit death-stacks, not little bitty things.
Battle AI really is as braindead as he says, though.
Quote from: Solmyr on September 22, 2013, 09:26:22 AM
Yeah, definitely waiting for at least -50% Steam sale, and reviews stating that stuff has been successfully patched.
I watched like a minute of that and didn't understand why one would sit through all 43 minutes. :blush:
I like Angry Joe. He sometimes gets carried away when he really likes a game, but I find him fun when he slams something.
I think the game is getting into shape rapidly, I am having some fun with the beta 3 update.
Age, I played a few battles last night, but didn't get any ambush action. I wonder if you just found some weird glitch in a certain location.
I found something that might be a game breaker for me until it's fixed. Something is causing every battle I try to fight in Genoa to a weird slideshow kind of deal. It's hard to describe. The camera moves around smoothly like normal, but the dudes move in a strange frame by frame fashion. I was looking forward to killing Gauls with my shiny new artillery too. Anyway, it makes that battle unplayable, and with the way the computer counts peasants and other trash units, my awesome Principe/Triarii/Arty/Cavalry stack will lose an autoresolve every time.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 22, 2013, 02:52:55 PM
Age, I played a few battles last night, but didn't get any ambush action. I wonder if you just found some weird glitch in a certain location.
I found something that might be a game breaker for me until it's fixed. Something is causing every battle I try to fight in Genoa to a weird slideshow kind of deal. It's hard to describe. The camera moves around smoothly like normal, but the dudes move in a strange frame by frame fashion. I was looking forward to killing Gauls with my shiny new artillery too. Anyway, it makes that battle unplayable, and with the way the computer counts peasants and other trash units, my awesome Principe/Triarii/Arty/Cavalry stack will lose an autoresolve every time.
There's some kind of bug with one of the Gallic settlement models, I think; I've had a similar problem myself (in two different settlements, one with beta 2, one with beta 3.) Normally though it kicks in after the battle's been going a couple of minutes on my computer. It may be something to do with the number of buildings external to the settlement (I seem to recall them being pretty cluttered maps) or to do with the ships (both battles I can recall this happening to had a naval element.)
As for the Ambush battles, I agree it could be a weird glitch; on the other hand their patch notes did say something about meddling with ambush battles and increasing the chance of them for an army in forced march so I'm thinking it's probably more along the line of "unintended consequences".
This is the village right here:
I fired up the game just now, turned the gfx settings down and everything and it's still doing it.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 22, 2013, 03:50:09 PM
This is the village right here:
I fired up the game just now, turned the gfx settings down and everything and it's still doing it.
Yep, that's the one; did your battle involve a fleet? I've fought a number of battles in that settlement plan (including one in Genoa) and only twice had difficulties, both times with fleets involved IIRC. Have you noticed that that map has a point that three AI ships normally head towards but that can't be used to land when they get there, for example? Well, Barbarian faction ships do that anyway. That's one reason that I think the map is bugged and that it has something to do with Fleet/Land interaction.
As I said though, with me it kicks in a couple of minutes into the battle, not straight away, so I can fight them through.
Yeah, there are two fleets out there (the dots out there in the water). I haven't been able to get far enough into it to see if it's freaking out because they're trying to land. It just goes all weird immediately after starting the battle, and is just...well it's just too slow.
I have no idea how to fight naval battles.
Quote from: Razgovory on September 23, 2013, 05:50:19 PM
I have no idea how to fight naval battles.
It's a steeper learning curve than it was for the Eighteenth century type battles of Empire, I agree.
I think -
(1) Anything smaller than a trireme is basically useless.
(2) Ram, don't board.
(3) Never fight if outnumbered by more than 3 or so ships if you want to avoid embarassing losses (such as an Admiral sunk or a bunch of ships ganged up on by lousy transports before you can support them.)
(4) The ramming bonus technologies are a must.
(5) As a corollary to (2) Missile ships are thus much better value than assault ships (other than the Hexeres.)
(6) Trying to send a fast ship or two in to break up their line and draw the enemy towards you fails 4 times out of 5.
(7) Ignore the formations; a simple line is best, tight enough that the enemy can't avoid being engaged by the corresponding ship in your line.
Of course, since drowned soldiers don't seem to count as kills by concentrating on ramming at the moment your ships will probably never gain experience unless you autoresolve every battle instead of fighting them in person. Still, fleets are just about the only things that make the army limits and the lack of walls bearable. A decent fleet substitutes nicely for a garrison army; in some places (such as the Brundisium-Appolonia axis) one fleet can do the work of two armies.
Beta 3 patch also appears to have fucked up naval assaults on settlements where the AI has more ships available to enter the map than can beach. The AI does not bring in more ships than can beach; however, it seems to me that as of beta 3 the "off-map" ships are counted as being there against the AI's army strength whereas this was not the case before.
The evidence being two different battles at Ariminum (about 3 turns apart) where the Daorsi attacked with three fleets both times. There's only 43 or so beaching points on the map, two of which are used by the defending fleet.
In the first battle one of the AI ships carrying a regiment of slingers failed to find a place to beach, and just sat there. I couldn't attack it (my army had no missile troops apart from some elephants) and my ally Etruscans, whose settlement it was, just sat guarding the capture point after the troops who had landed had been crushed. Normally if there's just one unit left it'll break automatically due to "army losses"...this one didn't. It sat there. And sat there.
In the second battle the AI brought and managed to beach 41 ships (leaving, as above, some off the field of battle.) All these regiments were crushed. The battle didn't end. I marched my entire army across the map a couple of times to flush hidden units. Nothing happened. The battle simply didn't end.
As I said above, the only explanation for this behaviour that I can think of is that the undeployed units are being treated as "live" against the invading army's rout levels etc. when they weren't before Beta 3.
I've never, ever played with time-limited battles in Total War (or, at least, as far back as the original Rome.) Maybe I should start now... :hmm:
Hey, here's a link to the encyclopedia so you don't have to try to use it in game:
I think I'm going to trash that Rome game and see what Egypt is all about. Shouldn't run into that particular barbarian village for a really long time, if ever.
Egypt is pretty fun so far. I'm currently down in Ethiopia subjugating the little city states down there.
These guys really want their shitty little village back, but are totally screwed. They charged their spearmen straight into the phalanx there and are getting slaughtered (the ones that made it through the massed javelins; theres a nice pile of bodies off to the left). The other option for them was to get trampled by the elephants that are behind the building and are about to annihilate their archers.
E: Way later edit: Forgot to mention it, but last night I found another village that fucks up. An "eastern" village this time. I didn't bother taking a screenshot (it was a night battle anyway), but it involved multiple reinforcement fleets again. It didn't seem as bad though, and I was able to get all the way through the battle this time. All the ships came ashore and unloaded all their dudes, etc.
Is this or Atilla worth it?
Meh. Not really.
Quote from: Queequeg on July 19, 2016, 12:29:57 PM
Is this or Atilla worth it?
I am tempted try Attila and the Justinian/Belisarius DLC.
I found Attila ultimately annoying. The Huns burn through Europe, and you have to keep fighting them until Atilla comes of ages and you kill him. In practice it means nearly everything outside your empire is wasteland and you need to destroy wave after wave of stacks of Huns.
Quote from: Queequeg on July 19, 2016, 12:29:57 PM
Is this or Atilla worth it?
Never bought Atilla, but I had a pretty good time with Rome 2 after it got all patched up. I still fire it up now and then and binge for a couple days.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 23, 2016, 12:45:23 PM
Quote from: Queequeg on July 19, 2016, 12:29:57 PM
Is this or Atilla worth it?
Never bought Atilla, but I had a pretty good time with Rome 2 after it got all patched up. I still fire it up now and then and binge for a couple days.
Rome2 with Divide et Impera mod...
Have barely played Atilla so can't commont
Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on July 23, 2016, 01:33:24 PM
Rome2 with Divide et Impera mod...
Haven't tried that one. Might have to look at it this weekend.
Talking about it made me want to play this game again. Picked the Galatians for the GC. Love these guys. Lots of crazy people screaming charges and dead enemies.
Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on July 23, 2016, 01:33:24 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 23, 2016, 12:45:23 PM
Quote from: Queequeg on July 19, 2016, 12:29:57 PM
Is this or Atilla worth it?
Never bought Atilla, but I had a pretty good time with Rome 2 after it got all patched up. I still fire it up now and then and binge for a couple days.
Rome2 with Divide et Impera mod...
Have barely played Atilla so can't commont
Do I need to have the expansions to play DEI well or does it work the same with vanilla?
Quote from: Alcibiades on July 25, 2016, 10:23:05 PM
Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on July 23, 2016, 01:33:24 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 23, 2016, 12:45:23 PM
Quote from: Queequeg on July 19, 2016, 12:29:57 PM
Is this or Atilla worth it?
Never bought Atilla, but I had a pretty good time with Rome 2 after it got all patched up. I still fire it up now and then and binge for a couple days.
Rome2 with Divide et Impera mod...
Have barely played Atilla so can't commont
Do I need to have the expansions to play DEI well or does it work the same with vanilla?
no expansions required. I started playing DEI when I only had the Augustus edition (and none of the expansions or tribal packs).
Everyone and their mothers declares war on me pretty quickly....which is pretty annoying.
Quote from: Alcibiades on July 28, 2016, 11:54:54 PM
Everyone and their mothers declares war on me pretty quickly....which is pretty annoying.
mh, not my experience. Though it's been a while since I played. Often enough I'm the one to initiate hostilities with my Romans, and depending on the game I'm quite able to keep a few allies (even a bloated Syracuse that managed to take over half of Carthage)
Quote from: Alcibiades on July 28, 2016, 11:54:54 PM
Everyone and their mothers declares war on me pretty quickly....which is pretty annoying.
As a major empire I think you have a penalty.
Quote from: Alcibiades on July 28, 2016, 11:54:54 PM
Everyone and their mothers declares war on me pretty quickly....which is pretty annoying.
Are you playing Rome? If I recall the faction of Romans you play has an influence on foreign relations.