Since so many services are running weekly and weekend game discounts these days, I figured we could use this thread as a repository for anything you find and think is worth pointing out. I'll try to drop what I see as the best deals of a given weekend in here for your consideration, everyone else should feel free to do the same.
Original Post follows:
Gamersgate is having a massive 50% off sale on their Ubisoft catalogue. Anyone that missed the equivalent event on Steam (or passed because Steam's kind of a pain) might want to have a look.
Should I pick up World in Conflict?
And if you really want it, Vin, I'll sell you my hard copy for $5.
Quote from: Habbaku on April 28, 2009, 02:51:43 PM
And if you really want it, Vin, I'll sell you my hard copy for $5.
That bad, huh? Care to give me some specifics?
It struck me as another overly-generic RTS with too little emphasis on long-term planning. Many of the features (separate weapon branches for air/land, resource growth, nukes, the "tech" tree) were certainly interesting at the time, but the longevity of it all quickly proved non-existent for me as first one thing, then another would prove over-powered--artillery, then tanks, etc. If I picked it up again right now, I'd probably enjoy a few skirmish maps, but I'd see no reason to continue to come back to it as opposed to, say, Company of Heroes.
Keep in mind that my impression is based upon the release and the post-release period of about two months. The expansion and the patches may very well have made the game more fun, but I certainly didn't get my money's worth.
OK, thanks for the summary Hab. I'll probably just pass on it, I've got too many unplayed games in the pile as it is.
L4D Freaky Free Friday Coming on Steam
April 29, 2009, 4:25 pm - Valve - General Announcement
Beginning Friday at 12:01 am GMT, the PC version of Left 4 Dead will be available for a free 24-hour trial via Steam. The free trial will include access to the recently released Survival Pack DLC, which introduces a new multiplayer game mode and two additional Versus campaigns. Those who wish to give L4D and the Survival Pack a try may now pre-load everything needed to play with no obligation to purchase.
In case any of you hadn't played the game yet and are looking to try the game before you pull the trigger.
Gamersgate has the truly excellent 1701 A.D. Gold edition for 50% off (that's $15 in the US) this weekend if anyone's interested.
Oh, and Defense Grid: The Awakening is $5 on Steam, which is pretty damn tempting IMO.
Quote from: vinraith on May 07, 2009, 11:26:05 AM
Gamersgate has the truly excellent 1701 A.D. Gold edition for 50% off (that's $15 in the US) this weekend if anyone's interested.
How is this? I've been tempted to buy it on several occasions. $15 sounds reasonable.
It's a fun city builder. Emphasis on build. You'll spend most of your time optimizing your logistics of delivering resources to manufacturers.
Combat is largely optional - you can run custom games without any fighting, or you can run a live and let die one (don't expect combat itself to be deep, though - build units, protect convoiys, attack enemies).
I found Anno 1701 great fun sandbox game. If I didn't already own it I would go for this deal. Especially since its the gold edition which will save you the crap of their lousy support.
Quote from: FunkMonk on May 07, 2009, 11:55:45 AM
Quote from: vinraith on May 07, 2009, 11:26:05 AM
Gamersgate has the truly excellent 1701 A.D. Gold edition for 50% off (that's $15 in the US) this weekend if anyone's interested.
How is this? I've been tempted to buy it on several occasions. $15 sounds reasonable.
I adore it. It's basically a colony simulator in roughly the same vein as the Impressions city building series or the like (Caesar 3 and so on) with supply lines and resources and whatnot. It has several additional kinks, though. First, it's island based, so you have to establish shipping lanes (and protect them) to supply your colony with the things it needs. There are AI opponents with whom you can cooperate or war to secure resources. There are natural disasters ala Sim City as well, though you can adjust or deactivate them if you like.
The game is remarkably customizable. In addition to two campaigns worth of scenarios, the real game is in the sandbox mode where you can set up a world to your liking and try to become a dominant economic force.
There's a demo out there if you want to give it a whirl for free, but if you're a fan of city builders it's a pretty safe bet you'd get $15 worth out of it.
Anno 1701 is an excellent game.
I'll get the gold, been wanting to get the expension for a while now.
Gawd, I have way too many games.
I just bought Battle Forge!
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2009, 12:26:17 PM
Gawd, I have way too many games.
I know the feeling. All these good sales lately have left me with a giant (mostly digital) stack of games I got for $5 or $10 that I really need to get around to playing.
Quote from: vinraith on May 07, 2009, 01:05:54 PM
I know the feeling. All these good sales lately have left me with a giant (mostly digital) stack of games I got for $5 or $10 that I really need to get around to playing.
Same here. And with books. :(
Sounds good. I'll probably pick it up this weekend. :)
Steam's weekend deal is Universe at War for $5, anyone played that one? I know it's by Petroglyph, of "Empire at War" Star Wars RTS fame.
I really really thought it sucked. Generic and boring. But then again, I didn't play it for more than 15 minutes before I uninstalled it so.... :unsure:
It isn't one of the games on sale, but I noticed Pacific Storm and the expansion were available via Steam (I'm trying to get it to where I'm using Steam for more than one goddamn game) for $15. Worth it?
Edit: Wait...the "expansion" seems to be a sequel. Heh.
I bought 1701. Thanks, Vinnie. <_<:P
Quote from: garbon on May 08, 2009, 11:06:51 PM
I bought 1701. Thanks, Vinnie. <_<:P
:lol: I've actually been playing it again, simply because that sale reminded me I hadn't done much with Sunken Dragon yet. It's really just a great little game, I hope you enjoy it. :)
Quote from: Alcibiades on May 08, 2009, 05:13:28 PM
I really really thought it sucked. Generic and boring. But then again, I didn't play it for more than 15 minutes before I uninstalled it so.... :unsure:
Thanks for the feedback. I also just realized/remembered that the multiplayer requires Games for Windows Live, which is further reason to pass. I think I'll let that one slide past, god knows I've got enough games as it is.
Quote from: vinraith on May 09, 2009, 01:17:50 AM
:lol: I've actually been playing it again, simply because that sale reminded me I hadn't done much with Sunken Dragon yet. It's really just a great little game, I hope you enjoy it. :)
I did like the demo when I played it ages ago.
Elven Legacy is 14.99 on GamersGate. Has anyone played it yet, it looks interesting.
I like that Anno 1701 required me to put in 3 serial codes. :rolleyes:
Quote from: sbr on May 14, 2009, 11:32:48 AM
Elven Legacy is 14.99 on GamersGate. Has anyone played it yet, it looks interesting.
I think i'm going to pick it up, the demo was pretty cool.
Quote from: garbon on May 14, 2009, 11:53:07 AM
I like that Anno 1701 required me to put in 3 serial codes. :rolleyes:
:huh: I have a boxed copy, so it may be different, but I only have the one.
Quote from: vinraith on May 14, 2009, 02:15:20 PM
Quote from: garbon on May 14, 2009, 11:53:07 AM
I like that Anno 1701 required me to put in 3 serial codes. :rolleyes:
:huh: I have a boxed copy, so it may be different, but I only have the one.
Yeah, freaking gamersgate gave us 3 serial key. (I only need to use 2, I'm still wondering wth the 3rd is for)
Quote from: vinraith on May 14, 2009, 02:15:20 PM
:huh: I have a boxed copy, so it may be different, but I only have the one.
There was one I had to input so that it could send data to someone(when I first clicked on the application), then a different one was needed once the program had opened. The third was for Sunken Dragon, but it still strikes me that three are ridiculous when serial codes are the silliest protection ever. Also, damn there are a lot of intro videos to this game. I think I hit escape about 5 times till I got to the main menu.
That sucks garb, sorry the GG version is so clunky.
Discounts this weekend (5/15 to 5/17):
Elven Legacy $15
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance $10
Lost Empires (:bleeding:) $2
Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People $17.50
Sam and Max Season 1 $15
Sam and Max Season 2 $17.50
No word on the Steam weekend deal yet, I'll update this when it comes in.
Edit: Steam Deal is Call of Duty: World at War $25
GOG also has the original HOMM for $6 this weekend, and a pile of old adventure games on sale for 25% off.
Quote from: vinraith on May 14, 2009, 03:07:15 PM
Lost Empires (:bleeding:) $2
I guess it must have been horrible?
Quote from: garbon on May 14, 2009, 03:44:27 PM
Quote from: vinraith on May 14, 2009, 03:07:15 PM
Lost Empires (:bleeding:) $2
I guess it must have been horrible?
According to everything I've read, it's a buggy broken mess.
Quote from: vinraith on May 14, 2009, 02:14:40 PM
Quote from: sbr on May 14, 2009, 11:32:48 AM
Elven Legacy is 14.99 on GamersGate. Has anyone played it yet, it looks interesting.
I think i'm going to pick it up, the demo was pretty cool.
I liked the demo but the reviews I read were a pretty mixed bag and the forum over at P'dox is nothing but Bug Reports. :(
Get it soon and play the hell of of it before the sale ends so you can report back. :)
Sam and Max Season 1 is pretty good. Not $15.00 good, though.
Quote from: Scipio on May 14, 2009, 05:41:03 PM
Sam and Max Season 1 is pretty good. Not $15.00 good, though.
How long is it?
I'm most tempted by the Strongbad one, but Sam and Max looks potentially interesting.
Well, I beat the first episode of season 1 in about four hours. YMMV.
Quote from: vinraith on May 14, 2009, 03:03:47 PM
That sucks garb, sorry the GG version is so clunky.
Just loaded Sunken Dragon. 5 videos as well. :lol:
Steam's Weekend Deal is Call of Duty: World at War for 50% off (that's $25 in the US). Based on the reported length of the SP campaign (~6 hours, generously) and the lack of multiplayer bots I think I'll pass, but it's probably a good deal if you want an adversarial online WW2 shooter.
Instead, I bought Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, Elven Legacy, and ended up picking up Plants vs. Zombies.
Damn sales and hypnotic flowers. <_<
It's a good game. I didn't like the MP tho, I had enough of WWII weapons.
I just got Neverwinter Nights 2 vanilla for 5 euros: is the game any good?
Quote from: Pedrito on May 18, 2009, 04:29:30 AM
I just got Neverwinter Nights 2 vanilla for 5 euros: is the game any good?
It's worth 5euro, especially if you were interested in NWN1. I haven't checked out the modding community at all, but if it's anything like the first game's, you should be able to extend your value.
Free TF2 weekend in conjunction with the Sniper/Spy update release on Thursday.
http://cdn.store.steampowered.com/message/19285217737055161/?l=english&cc=US (http://cdn.store.steampowered.com/message/19285217737055161/?l=english&cc=US)
Quote from: FunkMonk on May 20, 2009, 06:23:00 PM
Free TF2 weekend in conjunction with the Sniper/Spy update release on Thursday.
http://cdn.store.steampowered.com/message/19285217737055161/?l=english&cc=US (http://cdn.store.steampowered.com/message/19285217737055161/?l=english&cc=US)
In case you enjoy the free weekend of play, it's now only $10 if you purchase it over the holiday weekend.
World in conflict complete 50% off today, Sword of the Stars complete 50% off tomorrow at Gamersgate.
And of course, when Gamersgate has something interesting, their site loads like it is being served by a Vic-20.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 29, 2009, 08:03:04 AM
And of course, when Gamersgate has something interesting, their site loads like it is being served by a Vic-20.
And after I posted that, the vic-20 worked and fed me the page. :blush:
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 28, 2009, 09:14:24 AM
Sword of the Stars complete
What's this game like...worth buying?
Assuming anyone else here besides me is playing console games, a lot of Blockbuster locations got in shipments of used, disc-only games for Xbox 360, PS2, and original Xbox. The games seem to be in good condition, and are priced as follows:
Xbox 360: $6.99
Xbox: $1.99
PS2: $2.99
Most stores who got the shipments got them a week ago, but there are still a few decent games left. I've seen Halo 3, GTAIV, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War, and several others.
If someone comes across a The Warriors for PS2 copy, do buy it & get in touch with me. I'll be gratefull.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 29, 2009, 09:50:00 AM
If someone comes across a The Warriors for PS2 copy, do buy it & get in touch with me. I'll be gratefull.
"Warriors, come out to plaay-aay!"
Bought Men of War and SotS complete, but they don't show up in my purchased games. :mad:
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 29, 2009, 09:55:59 AM
Quote from: ulmont on May 29, 2009, 09:09:53 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 28, 2009, 09:14:24 AM
Sword of the Stars complete
What's this game like...worth buying?
I'm downloading it now.
Okay, got about 20 turns in. Each race seems to have its own way of travelling in space. Also, the map sucks big green donkey dick.
That is it so far.
SoTS:ultimate whatever is now 8 bucks at Gamersgate. After spending 15 on it, I have one thing to say:
Your stock profits. :weep:
Quote from: Habbaku on June 12, 2009, 10:22:25 AM
Your stock profits. :weep:
The funny thing is, I really don't care for the game. The 3D map is a royal pain in the ass.
If I actually liked the game, I wouldn't care.
Anyone know anything about these Alien/Zombie Shooter games (http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-ASG/alien-shooter-gold-pack)?
Hey Sweetass, Matrix has that baseball game of theirs now for free.
Don't buy Sword of the Stars. I got it in 07 or something and it sucks really bad. The only thing vaguely interesting about the game is the cinematic space battles, which wear you out in about 10 seconds anyways. :grr:
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 12, 2009, 10:38:16 AM
Hey Sweetass, Matrix has that baseball game of theirs now for free.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Shattered Union
CivCity: Rome
Civilization IV: Warlords
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
X-COM: Terror From the Deep
X-COM: Apocalypse
X-COM: Interceptor
X-COM: UFO Defense
X-COM: Enforcer
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization
All this for 54$ on Steam
Classic LucasArts adventure games coming to Steam, including Loom!
Got a heads up from GoG. Coming soon: Lords of Magic: Special Edition. :)
All Paradox games 50% off on Gamersgate.
This is board but GMT is having a big sale - up to 50% if you buy 4 or more and 2 P500 orders.
Quote from: sbr on July 20, 2009, 03:23:04 PM
All Paradox games 50% off on Gamersgate.
For $14 I couldn't pass up EU3 Incomplete. Dunno when I will get around to playing it, though.
Quote from: grumbler on July 23, 2009, 08:09:08 PM
Quote from: sbr on July 20, 2009, 03:23:04 PM
All Paradox games 50% off on Gamersgate.
For $14 I couldn't pass up EU3 Incomplete. Dunno when I will get around to playing it, though.
I can.
Quote from: grumbler on July 23, 2009, 08:09:08 PM
Quote from: sbr on July 20, 2009, 03:23:04 PM
All Paradox games 50% off on Gamersgate.
For $14 I couldn't pass up EU3 Incomplete. Dunno when I will get around to playing it, though.
Same here - that price is just too good. There are a few deals there that I am tempted by, for games I normally would not even consider.
Quote from: sbr on July 20, 2009, 03:23:04 PM
All Paradox games 50% off on Gamersgate.
For how long? I was thinking of picking up Deus Vult or something.
Quote from: Caliga on July 24, 2009, 09:42:39 AM
Quote from: sbr on July 20, 2009, 03:23:04 PM
All Paradox games 50% off on Gamersgate.
For how long? I was thinking of picking up Deus Vult or something.
Through the Sunday the 26th, IIRC.
Quote from: Jaron on July 23, 2009, 08:11:28 PM
I can.
I thought about it and then thought when would I ever play that?
Quote from: garbon on July 24, 2009, 03:19:27 PM
Quote from: Jaron on July 23, 2009, 08:11:28 PM
I can.
I thought about it and then thought when would I ever play that?
What does that have to do with the actual buying of the game?
Quote from: Berkut on July 24, 2009, 09:32:48 AM
Same here - that price is just too good. There are a few deals there that I am tempted by, for games I normally would not even consider.
What do you recommend, outside of the Paradox-developed ones (I think I have everything up there but EU:Rome - Vae Victis, and I'm tempted to get it)?
Quote from: sbr on July 24, 2009, 03:32:37 PM
What does that have to do with the actual buying of the game?
Unlike some fools, I don't buy things that I don't intend to play. Especially not digital copies of games.
So I bought DV from GamersGate and the stupid thing charged me three times for it :ultra:
Downloaded my new copy of EU3 Complete, installed, patched, started it up!
And it crashed. Immediately. Didn't even get to a loading screen.
That is quality right there.
:nelson: to all those who didn't heed the word of the anti Paradox prophet Jaron.
Quote from: Berkut on July 25, 2009, 01:29:02 AM
Downloaded my new copy of EU3 Complete, installed, patched, started it up!
And it crashed. Immediately. Didn't even get to a loading screen.
That is quality right there.
Mine worked fine. No mods or anything, though.
Glad to see Paradox finally realized that people don't want to resign and go to the endgame screen every time they leave the game. That used to drive me crazy.
Nope, no mods here. Just crashes when you hit the play button from the loader.
They suck.
My copy of EU3 Complete works just fine. :huh:
You know, it doesn't even seem to be starting the program - the instant I click the button the error panel pops up.
Quote from: Berkut on July 25, 2009, 05:10:35 PM
You know, it doesn't even seem to be starting the program - the instant I click the button the error panel pops up.
Sounds like the old "eye dee ten tee" problem. :cool:
Quote from: Caliga on July 24, 2009, 08:21:25 PM
So I bought DV from GamersGate and the stupid thing charged me three times for it :ultra:
Of course no response yet from GamersGate regarding this issue. :mad:
Quote from: Caliga on July 28, 2009, 12:51:47 PM
Quote from: Caliga on July 24, 2009, 08:21:25 PM
So I bought DV from GamersGate and the stupid thing charged me three times for it :ultra:
Of course no response yet from GamersGate regarding this issue. :mad:
I guess they hate rednecks. I was charged twice once and was refunded next day.
:rolleyes: So this isn't an isolated thing, eh?
AGEOD charged me once for Great Invasions but gave me two different serial keys. When I wrote them (as a good samaritan does), they told me I was mistaken...and yet, I still had two functioning keys. :mellow:
Syt, did you email or call and do you remember what the phone/email was that you contacted?
They've now responded to my initial email and said I was refunded, but I don't see the reverse charge yet.
Quote from: Caliga on July 29, 2009, 08:12:39 AM
They've now responded to my initial email and said I was refunded, but I don't see the reverse charge yet.
Give it a day. I did it via email. :)
I see Dawn of War II is 25 bucks at Steam.
If anyone wants Madden 10 cheap for the 360, Microcenter has an in-store deal for this weekend only where if you put $5 down on a pre-order, you get a coupon for $25 off when it releases. Bottom line, you end up getting the game for $35 plus tax.
I already have the game on pre-order with Amazon, but I might do this Microcenter deal so I have the game the day it releases, & then flip my Amazon copy whenever it gets to me.
Well, still haven't played much Madden 09
Quote from: Syt on August 07, 2009, 12:05:59 PM
Well, still haven't played much Madden 09
I never played 09 at all. One thing I like about 10 is that they've slowed the game down a bit, so that the players run at more realistic speeds. I've always had a hard time adjusting from NCAA to Madden since in Madden everything just seems to happen way too fast.
Why is it that gamersgate price for eu3 complete is 28 bucks, but i can get it for 13 including shipping, from ebay?
Retail box, not used or anything from one of those ebay store thingies, not just a dude selling his copy.
This is dumb.
Fallout is now available on Steam if gog.com was too hard for you.
Quote from: Zoupa on August 16, 2009, 12:35:31 AM
Why is it that gamersgate price for eu3 complete is 28 bucks, but i can get it for 13 including shipping, from ebay?
Retail box, not used or anything from one of those ebay store thingies, not just a dude selling his copy.
This is dumb.
Amazon has low prices like that too.
Direct2Drive is turning 5. To celebrate games are/will be on sales for 5$ ea.
The only games I'd be interested in (MLB 2K9 and Call of Juarez) aren't available outside North America.
Quote from: derspiess on August 07, 2009, 12:56:21 PM
Quote from: Syt on August 07, 2009, 12:05:59 PM
Well, still haven't played much Madden 09
I never played 09 at all. One thing I like about 10 is that they've slowed the game down a bit, so that the players run at more realistic speeds. I've always had a hard time adjusting from NCAA to Madden since in Madden everything just seems to happen way too fast.
Everything is that much faster in the pro game. :P
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 15, 2009, 01:14:16 PM
Direct2Drive is turning 5. To celebrate games are/will be on sales for 5$ ea.
Gonna try to get the X-Com bundle.
It's kinda annoying how I have to always contact tech support when buying games online, since my billing address is in the States, while my ISP is Korean. Steam and Stardock fixed the problem pretty quickly, and Gamersgate never had a problem, so hopefully Direct2Drive will sort things out quickly.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 15, 2009, 01:14:16 PM
Direct2Drive is turning 5. To celebrate games are/will be on sales for 5$ ea.
I got Bioshock and STALKER Chernobyl. Bioshock seems fun; this is my first time playing it.
Fable II: Episode 1 is currently free for X360. Downloading it now.
Quote from: Caliga on October 03, 2009, 05:28:17 AM
Fable II: Episode 1 is currently free for X360. Downloading it now.
Does it require Fable II?
How do you download it?
Quote from: Barrister on October 03, 2009, 03:11:54 PM
Quote from: Caliga on October 03, 2009, 05:28:17 AM
Fable II: Episode 1 is currently free for X360. Downloading it now.
Does it require Fable II?
How do you download it?
No, it
is Fable II (or at least episode 1 of it). :P
You just connect to the XBox360 network thingy (whatever it's called) and browse games, and it'll be listed as costing 0 Gamer Points.
Toys 'R Us is holding its annual buy 2 videogames, get 1 free sale starting the 11th thru the 17th..
Quote from: Caliga on October 03, 2009, 05:28:17 AM
Fable II: Episode 1 is currently free for X360. Downloading it now.
Downloaded it for the hell of it, but haven't played it yet.
I finished the Terminator game for the 360-- I really feel sad for anyone who paid full MSRP for that game.
If you have a Best Buy Rewards Zone card (free), you can get Warhammer Online & Neverwinter Nights expansion pack free with a coupon. I also picked up the newer Call of Juarez game (PC) for $10 with the coupon.
Any of these games worth $5 on the Direct2Drive sale?
Battlestations Pacific looks really cool. I'll try the demo, though, since I'm not sure it can run on my computer.
Quote from: sbr on October 10, 2009, 02:53:34 AM
Any of these games worth $5 on the Direct2Drive sale?
X-Com complete. Runs very well in Vista.
Also, Railroads! (although far more simplistic than RRT3), COH Gold, TItan Quest Bundle, Chronicles of Riddick, and WIC, IMHO.
You can get Civ IV Complete for $20 on Steam.
And Company of Heroes for $10, and CoH complete for $30. Is the last one worth it? I haven't played any of them yet, kind of inclned to either get just the first for $10.
It figures.
1 week after I get my new XBox, we have houseguests again (or the same houseguests from last year are back). So I've suddenly lost my basement where the XBox is.
So while I've had a couple of good moments playing Rock Band / GHWT with a group of 3 (I seem to be the only one that can play the drums), I haven't been able to play a single bit of NCAA 10. :angry:
Quote from: Berkut on October 13, 2009, 06:10:43 PM
And Company of Heroes for $10, and CoH complete for $30. Is the last one worth it? I haven't played any of them yet, kind of inclned to either get just the first for $10.
CoH is fast paced. There isn't time to turtle.
Quote from: Barrister on October 13, 2009, 06:21:15 PM
It figures.
1 week after I get my new XBox, we have houseguests again (or the same houseguests from last year are back).
:bleeding: :bleeding: :bleeding:
Quote from: Berkut on October 13, 2009, 06:09:51 PM
You can get Civ IV Complete for $20 on Steam.
Thanks, picking it up now. :hug:
Quote from: Berkut on October 13, 2009, 06:10:43 PM
And Company of Heroes for $10, and CoH complete for $30. Is the last one worth it? I haven't played any of them yet, kind of inclned to either get just the first for $10.
Get the complete. The first expension is worth the money. The 2nd one is crap apparently but I haven't played it.
Question re: Civ4. How do I play on an actual map of the Earth? The 'Terra' option seems to generate an "Earthlike" planet but it still looks lame and unrealistic to me. Rainforests right next to taiga... yay! :mellow:
Load a scenario
Probably not I can't remember but the name is also misleading.
It'll be a proper civ game just on a set map of earth (there's a couple size of them + you can download tons of them).
Rhye's and Fall!
Quote from: garbon on October 14, 2009, 02:48:37 PM
Rhye's and Fall!
Yeah, I saw that one. One thing I was wondering is why it starts in 3000 BC rather than 4000 BC.
Amazon.com as a buy 2 get 1 free deal going on, just like Toys R Us
@ Beeb
why are they back and why did wife let them come back :P
Quote from: katmai on October 14, 2009, 04:40:13 PM
@ Beeb
why are they back and why did wife let them come back :P
My wife let them come back because she is my wife's good friend.
They're back because my wife's friend got a job up here as a youth probation officer.
I don't like this new intro music that comes with Civ IV: Beyond the Sword. I want Babu Yatu back :mad:
One of my friends sang Baba Yetu.
Quote from: garbon on October 15, 2009, 09:46:38 AM
One of my friends sang Baba Yetu.
Cool, they did a great job. :)
She wasn't very happy about the decision of her group to record for Civ IV as she wasn't sure that they should help represent a war game. To help her feel better, I would inform her about my games where as a theocratic, free-speech banning state, I was nuking India. :)
Quote from: garbon on October 15, 2009, 09:53:24 AM
She wasn't very happy about the decision of her group to record for Civ IV as she wasn't sure that they should help represent a war game.
:lol: Kids these days.
Man, I used to think I was good at CivIV, but I just keep getting my ass kicked.
Quote from: Caliga on October 15, 2009, 08:55:16 AM
I don't like this new intro music that comes with Civ IV: Beyond the Sword. I want Babu Yatu back :mad:
There was an option off of the Steam version I just bought to set it back to the original CIV 4 main menu with Babu Yatu. :contract:
From CheapAssGamer.com:
GameFly is having and under $20 PS3/Xbox 360/Wii used game sale with free shipping. GameFly's games come complete with manual and case, are guaranteed and are usually in excellent condition. Sale ends 10/26, but I expect quite a few sellouts before then.
http://www.cheapassgamer.com/?f=1550?utm_campaign=blog&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=micro-blog (http://www.cheapassgamer.com/?f=1550?utm_campaign=blog&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=micro-blog)
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2009, 01:02:10 PM
Man, I used to think I was good at CivIV, but I just keep getting my ass kicked.
What level are you playing at? You're probably just playing at a level too high while rusty. I'm playing it for the first time in at least a year (with Beyond the Sword) and I'm playing as a Chieftan to relearn the game. Needless to say, I'm doing well.
This just in: Interplay holding company is re-releasing Planescape: Torment.
UK only, of course.
I bought that game for ~$5 years ago. It came with some game called "Soulbinder" or something in a doublepack.
I haven't been able to get into it, despite trying twice. Maybe because it just dumps too much new info on you at the beginning. Or maybe because I just don't play games much anymore...
Team Fortress 2 is now $2.50 on Steam until the end of the Halloween weekend I think. If you still don't have it for some reason, buy now.
Quote from: FunkMonk on October 30, 2009, 08:01:17 PM
Team Fortress 2 is now $2.50 on Steam until the end of the Halloween weekend I think. If you still don't have it for some reason, buy now.
Thanks! That 87% discount isn't bad.
I have it as part of the Orange Box set. I haven't played it once. :blush:
Matrix, Steam, Direct2Drive and impulse have thanksgiving sales up.
You can find the goddamn links on your own, you lazy fucks.
HoI3 is $7.50 on Direct2Drive. I just can't say now. :Embarrass:
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on November 25, 2009, 08:34:28 PM
HoI3 is $7.50 on Direct2Drive. I just can't say now. :Embarrass:
Actually, I just remembered Arsenal of Democracy, the fan-made expansion to HoI2, will be coming out early Dec for ~$20. Maybe I'll pass on HoI3 until it's bundled with its first expansion.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 25, 2009, 04:33:00 PM
Matrix, Steam, Direct2Drive and impulse have thanksgiving sales up.
You can find the goddamn links on your own, you lazy fucks.
This one is pretty good. All THQ games for $50. All Warhammer 40k, Company of Heroes, Titan Quest, and a bunch of shooters I don't know much about.
Quote from: DisturbedPervert on November 25, 2009, 11:03:37 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 25, 2009, 04:33:00 PM
Matrix, Steam, Direct2Drive and impulse have thanksgiving sales up.
You can find the goddamn links on your own, you lazy fucks.
This one is pretty good. All THQ games for $50. All Warhammer 40k, Company of Heroes, Titan Quest, and a bunch of shooters I don't know much about.
Yeah I think I might get that. There's a few games that I've been meaning to get for a while.
Only thing that annoys me about it is the usual crap Euro conversion rate on steam.
Do you know if that deal is on any of the other sites?
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on November 25, 2009, 08:34:28 PM
HoI3 is $7.50 on Direct2Drive. I just can't say now. :Embarrass:
That there speaks volumes about the quality and reception of the game.
Even Gamersgate has HoI3 for as low as 30 EUR.
I guess something went a bit wrong. Or they made so much money within the first months of it that they can now be generous towards fence sitters.
Quote from: Cerr on November 26, 2009, 07:53:28 AM
Yeah I think I might get that. There's a few games that I've been meaning to get for a while.
Only thing that annoys me about it is the usual crap Euro conversion rate on steam.
Do you know if that deal is on any of the other sites?
I might buy this too. :blush:
Direct2drive is having a 24 days of Christmas sale. One game a day at reduced price. Link (http://www.direct2drive.com/holiday/)
From Dealnews:
QuoteEA Store cuts 30% off its video games for PC, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 3, and more via coupon code "EAPARTNERS2009".
Red Orchestra on Steam for 5 bucks.
Finally bought it to spray Krauts and the kids that play krauts with an entire SMG magazine.
It's not really a special, but IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 is $9.99 on Steam (and UbiSoft, and probably everywhere else). Certainly worth $10 for all that if you're interested in combat flight sims, or just flight sims in general.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 12, 2009, 04:30:18 PM
It's not really a special, but IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 is $9.99 on Steam (and UbiSoft, and probably everywhere else). Certainly worth $10 for all that if you're interested in combat flight sims, or just flight sims in general.
www.gog.com has much better terms on how you can install it, and doesn't need an internet connection to verify it.
(Get Sacrifice in the cheap from there, as well)
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 12, 2009, 01:37:22 PM
Red Orchestra on Steam for 5 bucks.
Finally bought it to spray Krauts and the kids that play krauts with an entire SMG magazine.
I suck at this game.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 13, 2009, 11:31:20 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 12, 2009, 01:37:22 PM
Red Orchestra on Steam for 5 bucks.
Finally bought it to spray Krauts and the kids that play krauts with an entire SMG magazine.
I suck at this game.
me too :(
Civ IV Complete for $16.00 (60% off) on Direct2Drive
Torchlight for 50% ($9.95) off on D2D.
Steam is having sales on most titles till Jan 3rd it seems.
The Shivah (http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-SHIVAH/the-shivah) is down to 2.97€ on Gamersgate.
QuoteIn this graphical adventure game, Russell Stone works as a Jewish Rabbi at a poor synagogue in New York City. He is a devout man with a problem. Membership is way down and he lacks the funds to keep his synagogue open. Things are looking very bleak, and he has grown progressively more cynical and bitter with the passage of time.
Just as he is on the verge of packing it all in, he receives some interesting news. A former member of his congregation has died and left the Rabbi a significant amount of money.
A blessing? Or the start of something far more sinister? Can Rabbi Stone just accept the money and move on? His conscience says no. Step into his shoes as he travels all over Manhattan in his attempt to uncover the truth.
Features rabbinical conversation methods, a unique method of fighting, an original score, and three different endings!
With the Steam sale, I have bought Company of Heroes together with Opposing Fronts (was like half of the price of the full package with both expansions) and Silent Hunter IV. For the latter, I have a link for a supposedly very good mod for manual targeting, which made me buy it.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 13, 2009, 11:31:20 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 12, 2009, 01:37:22 PM
Red Orchestra on Steam for 5 bucks.
Finally bought it to spray Krauts and the kids that play krauts with an entire SMG magazine.
I suck at this game.
I wish I had my 5 dollars back.
Also, the old Tex Murphy games are free at Gog.com for a few more days.
Lots of stuff on Steam for sale. Got GTA4, Braid and Defense Grid for $12.50 total.
If you are a fan of P'Dox on Facebook, they're doing some thing where if you 'like' their current post, you get two free games (no idea which). :huh:
Quote from: Lucidor on December 13, 2009, 04:29:01 AM
www.gog.com has much better terms on how you can install it, and doesn't need an internet connection to verify it.
(Get Sacrifice in the cheap from there, as well)
I just feel like I should use Steam, since it's on my computer already because of ETW. :P
Picked up Far Cry 2 and Arma (er...2? I'm on my laptop, so no Steam or anything) for $16 from Steam today. Haven't played them yet, but I wanted a couple shooters.
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut is on sale for $13.59 @ Steam. Think I may pick this up, as I've heard great things about it. :hmm:
Steam is having all sort of crazy deals on games.
Torchlight is 5$ If you don't already own it. Buy it now.
Is Stalker any good?
Quote from: Caliga on December 25, 2009, 03:42:52 PM
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut is on sale for $13.59 @ Steam. Think I may pick this up, as I've heard great things about it. :hmm:
Big boobies. I had fun with it, though I got mad at it occasionally.
I might have to break down and get some games from Steam.
Quote from: sbr on December 26, 2009, 06:03:32 PM
I might have to break down and get some games from Steam.
Yeah I'm tempted by the Eidos Pack (mainly for Batman and the Hitman games).
Got the THQ one a month ago so I'm really not short of games to play. Will probably hold out this time.
Hey Dragon Age is $37.49 on Steam. The Deluxe edition is $48.74.
Torchlight is 5 bucks. All the kids seem to like it.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 26, 2009, 07:10:21 PM
Torchlight is 5 bucks. All the kids seem to like it.
Do tell me how it plays
I bought it but haven't played it yet.
so many games. Yet nothing really tickles my fancy.
Gawd, I hate Infinity Ward to have let PC gamers down
Speaking of Steam, is HOI III worth $7.50?
Quote from: katmai on December 27, 2009, 02:30:48 PM
Speaking of Steam, is HOI III worth $7.50?
Maybe, but I wouldn't buy it from Steam myself. Paradox and Steam don't play well together at all. There are constant delays and problems with patches, registration keys, and IIRC you would HAVE to buy any future expansion packs from Steam as well.
Not sure how much any of those matter to you. I would think someone else will sell it for the same price before it is a must have game.
Quote from: Razgovory on December 26, 2009, 05:58:06 PM
Big boobies. I had fun with it, though I got mad at it occasionally.
I really like it so far, but it's extremely strange. You can tell it's an import... even with the 'enhanced director's cut edition' some of the dialogue has an odd feel to it.
The oddest thing about it, thematically, is that Geralt is some brooding legacy of kain-type dude, yet goes out of his way to bang every chick he can find. I especially liked the cut scene involving him drilling the barmaid.
Day of Defeat: Source for 2.50? bingo.
Time to annoy some 'tards.
Quote from: Caliga on December 27, 2009, 02:47:52 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on December 26, 2009, 05:58:06 PM
Big boobies. I had fun with it, though I got mad at it occasionally.
I really like it so far, but it's extremely strange. You can tell it's an import... even with the 'enhanced director's cut edition' some of the dialogue has an odd feel to it.
The oddest thing about it, thematically, is that Geralt is some brooding legacy of kain-type dude, yet goes out of his way to bang every chick he can find. I especially liked the cut scene involving him drilling the barmaid.
The game is Polish. Just be glads Gerald the Witchy does suck on people's toes. But the biggest flaw in the game is the main character really isn't that likable. He's sort of a monotone Orkin man who can cause women to go into heat. Also he seems ripped off Moorcocks books.
Today's question
Orange Box on steam worth $14.99?
Portal alone is worth $15.
Quote from: Berkut on December 28, 2009, 04:27:52 PM
Portal alone is worth $15.
Then my miserly ways are paying off as i picked up Dead Space and Hoi III yesterday, oblivion on x-mas eve and will grab this today.
Yeah, Portal is worth it, so is TF2 & you get tons of Half Life mod too.
Any of you played Borderlands?
I've read that multiplayer is awesome but I don't know any gamers other then you guys.
Quote from: katmai on December 28, 2009, 04:29:30 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 28, 2009, 04:27:52 PM
Portal alone is worth $15.
Then my miserly ways are paying off as i picked up Dead Space and Hoi III yesterday, oblivion on x-mas eve and will grab this today.
Okay Fahdiz. :rolleyes:
For anyone who owns a 360 & still doesn't have Modern Warfare 2, Target & Amazon have it this week for $39.99.
Quote from: derspiess on December 29, 2009, 11:47:06 AM
For anyone who owns a 360 & still doesn't have Modern Warfare 2, Target & Amazon have it this week for $39.99.
The King Arthur Role Playing War Game is 19.99 on Steam.
Jade Empire for 4 euros? :unsure:
Quote from: Tamas on December 30, 2009, 05:07:39 AM
Jade Empire for 4 euros? :unsure:
Indeed. It is most definitely worth it if you like Bioware RPGs. It isn't there best but it is absolutely enough fun to be worth that price.
Quote from: sbr on December 30, 2009, 11:42:32 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 30, 2009, 05:07:39 AM
Jade Empire for 4 euros? :unsure:
Indeed. It is most definitely worth it if you like Bioware RPGs. It isn't there best but it is absolutely enough fun to be worth that price.
It's not really like other Bioware rpgs though. More of an action rpg. But for 4 euros worth giving a try I suppose. Quite easily my least favorite Bioware game though.
Quote from: Tamas on December 30, 2009, 05:07:39 AM
Jade Empire for 4 euros? :unsure:
Where's it available for 4 Euros?
Quote from: Cerr on December 30, 2009, 12:08:10 PM
Quote from: Tamas on December 30, 2009, 05:07:39 AM
Jade Empire for 4 euros? :unsure:
Where's it available for 4 Euros?
It was yesterday's Steam deal, so its not that cheap anymore.
So how does Steam work? If I log in on an other computer, can I basically install and play the same stuff on both?
Quote from: Tamas on January 01, 2010, 07:14:59 AM
So how does Steam work? If I log in on an other computer, can I basically install and play the same stuff on both?
Yes basically. You can install steam on any number of computer with you games. You can only be logged in one at a time.
Today's Steam deals include Mass Effect for 4.99 & Portal for 4.99
When I first tried Mass Effect, the legality of my copy could had been under debate from a particular point of view, and my comp could not handle it, crashed all the time.
So I am considering buying it now. :unsure:
Quote from: Tamas on January 01, 2010, 12:13:37 PM
When I first tried Mass Effect, the legality of my copy could had been under debate from a particular point of view, and my comp could not handle it, crashed all the time.
So I am considering buying it now. :unsure:
Typical gypsy. :rolleyes:
Is Empire TW worth $24.99?
Quote from: katmai on January 01, 2010, 09:18:34 PM
Is Empire TW worth $24.99?
IMO no. It's probably worth $10.
Mass Effect though is *so* worth $5. That is an absolute must-have at that price if you've never played it before.
Quote from: Caliga on January 01, 2010, 09:24:07 PM
Quote from: katmai on January 01, 2010, 09:18:34 PM
Is Empire TW worth $24.99?
IMO no. It's probably worth $10.
Mass Effect though is *so* worth $5. That is an absolute must-have at that price if you've never played it before.
I've played it a few times through on Sexbox. :)
I have never played Mass Effect or Portal. I guess I have to get those two now too.
Mass Effect or Champions Online?
Damn, 10GB install.
Anyone know how to change where Steams install games?
Is Red Alert 3 worth EUR 8:50?
Quote from: Caliga on January 01, 2010, 09:24:07 PM
Mass Effect though is *so* worth $5. That is an absolute must-have at that price if you've never played it before.
Wow, what a game. I've done some tasks for various people on the first station, shot at them a little, and must say it is wonderful.
Quote from: Lucidor on January 04, 2010, 03:00:55 PM
Wow, what a game. I've done some tasks for various people on the first station, shot at them a little, and must say it is wonderful.
The side quests mostly stink, but the main quest is good enough that you won't care.
For anyone who needs it, Amazon has their 12 month Xbox Live Gold subscriptions marked down to $35 shipped.
This was on P'dox's Facebook fan page this morning:
"Welcoming Ageod to the Paradox family - 50% off all Ageod games this weekend. If you haven't tried any of their games before now is the time!"
Quote from: Caliga on January 15, 2010, 06:22:04 AM
This was on P'dox's Facebook fan page this morning:
"Welcoming Ageod to the Paradox family - 50% off all Ageod games this weekend. If you haven't tried any of their games before now is the time!"
Why do you know this? And where can I order?
Because I am a "fan" of Paradox on Facebook. I assume you order from Gamersgate.
Quote from: Caliga on January 15, 2010, 08:04:40 AM
Because I am a "fan" of Paradox on Facebook. I assume you order from Gamersgate.
What does AGEOD have worth purchasing?
Quote from: garbon on January 15, 2010, 01:39:03 PM
What does AGEOD have worth purchasing?
Buy Birth of America 2. It is a neat little game, and if you really like the interface and graphics, buy the ACW and the Napoleonics game too while the discount lasts.
Do not buy WW1, a gold version is coming out in a few months.
Quote from: Tamas on January 15, 2010, 04:55:20 PM
Buy Birth of America 2.
I've long been on the fence about that one. I've played the demo and it seems like a game I'd like to get into, but for some reason I couldn't make sense of it.
Many Matrixgames games are on sale for some reason. War in the Pacific is $20 off, War Plan Orange is $30 after discount, but WitP: Admiral's Edition isn't discounted and thus is still priced ungodly high. :yuk:
Tempted by WPO though. I'm been on the fence regarding WitP for so long, and with WPO cheap, I figure it won't hurt too much if I can't get into it.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on January 18, 2010, 07:28:17 AM
Many Matrixgames games are on sale for some reason. War in the Pacific is $20 off, War Plan Orange is $30 after discount, but WitP: Admiral's Edition isn't discounted and thus is still priced ungodly high. :yuk:
Tempted by WPO though. I'm been on the fence regarding WitP for so long, and with WPO cheap, I figure it won't hurt too much if I can't get into it.
WPO is seriously broken by the inability if fleets to chase down a weaker, slower fleet and engage it. Without that, and given that fleets have to end a turn in the same hex to fight a battle, i would say the model fails to capture the situation in any meaningful way. I'd steer clear of it.
GOG teams up with Activsion:
Jan 28, 2010
In a landmark deal for the DRM-free digital distribution movement, Activision Publishing Inc. is bringing a wide range of classic games to GOG.com!
It's now official, we're bringing you the biggest announcement in GOG.com's history - Activision with it's wealth of PC gaming gems has joined our DRM-free family. With the announcement we're revealing first two classics which should be instantly recognizable to any fan of good, old games: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura and Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers. Other games from the Activision catalogue will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks, so expect more from this publisher during Month of Activision on GOG.com!
First games available are Gabriel Knight and Arcanum.
Arcanum ($ 6):
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers ($ 6):
Quote from: Syt on January 28, 2010, 12:30:35 PM
GOG teams up with Activsion:
Jan 28, 2010
In a landmark deal for the DRM-free digital distribution movement, Activision Publishing Inc. is bringing a wide range of classic games to GOG.com!
It's now official, we're bringing you the biggest announcement in GOG.com's history - Activision with it's wealth of PC gaming gems has joined our DRM-free family. With the announcement we're revealing first two classics which should be instantly recognizable to any fan of good, old games: Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura and Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers. Other games from the Activision catalogue will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks, so expect more from this publisher during Month of Activision on GOG.com!
First games available are Gabriel Knight and Arcanum.
Arcanum ($ 6):
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers ($ 6):
I am going to reverse a Custer decision and say Arcanum is worth this price.
GOG now has Phantasmagoria (10$) and Space Quest 4/5/6 (as bundle for 10$).
Direct2Drive is having a valentine's sale:
Fallout 3 GOTY, EU3 Complete, Assassin's Creed II among others are 75% off.
EDIT: FO3 is 50% off, still good though.
SBR you ass that is not Assassin's Creed II, but first one's DC.
Quote from: katmai on February 13, 2010, 01:12:56 AM
SBR you ass that is not Assassin's Creed II, but first one's DC.
Gotcha. :p
Shows how much I care about Assassin's Creed games.
Mount and Blade - 5 euros from Steam
Complete Total War series - 20 euros
Heir to the Throne, EU3 expansion is 50% off at GG
The first Command &Conquer, Red Alert and Tiberian Sun are up for free on the EA website to ceòebrate the release of C&C4:
http://www.commandandconquer.com/classic (http://www.commandandconquer.com/classic)
Majesty 2 75% off
Batman Arkham Asylum 60% off
King Aurthur Role-Playing War Game + all DLC is $28.80 (US)
Mount and Blade $5
Tropico Reloaded 50% off
Quote from: Pedrito on February 15, 2010, 04:27:24 AM
The first Command &Conquer, Red Alert and Tiberian Sun are up for free on the EA website to ceòebrate the release of C&C4:
http://www.commandandconquer.com/classic (http://www.commandandconquer.com/classic)
Cool. I'll actually get that.
Quote from: sbr on February 26, 2010, 05:32:21 PM
Mount and Blade $5
Finally caved on this. It was either that, or try to force myself to finish DA:O, and it was worth $5 to avoid the latter.
Quote from: grumbler on February 27, 2010, 05:24:06 PM
Quote from: sbr on February 26, 2010, 05:32:21 PM
Mount and Blade $5
Finally caved on this. It was either that, or try to force myself to finish DA:O, and it was worth $5 to avoid the latter.
Purchased it as well. :cool:
Looks like a lot of AGEOD's games, except Rise of Prussia, are $19.99 (US).
GalCon Fusion is 2 bucks on steam.
Quote from: Pedrito on February 15, 2010, 04:27:24 AM
The first Command &Conquer, Red Alert and Tiberian Sun are up for free on the EA website to ceòebrate the release of C&C4:
http://www.commandandconquer.com/classic (http://www.commandandconquer.com/classic)
Couldn't get them to work.
Spore is $29.96 on Impulse right now.
Is that worth it? :hmm:
Quote from: Caliga on March 06, 2010, 09:14:45 AM
Spore is $29.96 on Impulse right now.
Is that worth it? :hmm:
Tim tainted it.
Quote from: Caliga on March 06, 2010, 09:14:45 AM
Spore is $29.96 on Impulse right now.
Is that worth it? :hmm:
Atari.com is having everything 50% off. If there is anything there that is worth it.
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 06, 2010, 10:46:33 AM
Atari.com is having everything 50% off.
But what about their prices?
Steam is having a deal on all of the Hitman and Deus Ex games. The Hitman games (Blood Money, Silent Assasin and Agent 47) and both Deus Ex games are $4.99 (US) each; there are also bundles including one with all three Hitman and both Deus Ex games for $16.98 (US).
The Hitman games are fun but get old quick, I have never played Deus Ex, even though it is supposed to be one of the BEST GAMEZ EVAH!
The first Hitman sucked. It was essentially remade with with Hitman: Contracts. Remade much better. I did like that a lumbering, bald, white guy can steal a triad members clothes and pass as Chinese. It's a good thing that he never has to assassinate someone with female bodyguards.
Quote from: sbr on March 08, 2010, 06:10:00 PM
The Hitman games are fun but get old quick, I have never played Deus Ex, even though it is supposed to be one of the BEST GAMEZ EVAH!
I never played the second Deus Ex, but the first one is probably my all-time favorite shooter. Dunno how the graphics would hold up today.
First Deus Ex is some tired shit. Seriously.
Dragon Age:Origins is 33% off on Steam.
Aliens vs. Predator is 33% off on Steam
Mass Effect is 40% off ($29.95 US) on GamersGate
Steam announced they are coming out with a Mac client. I am cautiously optimistic about what that might bring.
It was more than a bit bizarre that when I purchased a Mac game on D2D I had to download it on a Windows partition because they had no Mac client. :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on March 19, 2010, 06:02:38 PM
It was more than a bit bizarre that when I purchased a Mac game on D2D I had to download it on a Windows partition because they had no Mac client. :rolleyes:
Why waste time developing a client that five people are going to end up using? :)
Impulse, this weekend:
Port Royale 2, $9.99
Imperium Romanum: Gold, $9.99
Quote from: Scipio on March 13, 2010, 11:23:38 AM
First Deus Ex is some tired shit. Seriously.
Best game ever. :huh:
You just can't stand like something a lot of other people like. You always have to be different. Punk.
No clue... never played it. But I figured it might interest people given the subject matter.
L4D2 is 50% off on Steam today only (for what's left of it)
EDIT: Actually until 4 PDT Thursday
Over at the online EA store, Bad Company 2 is 10$ off.
End until the end of today, the code PAXEAST842 gives 20$ off any 39.95$ games.
Effectively making the game 19.95$
Paradox is offering 50% off of any games they developed of published, that was released before the Heir to the Throne expansion(early December?). The game has to be purchased on GG.
QuoteHi everyone,
We're offering everyone a 50% Discount on all Paradox titles released prior to Heir to the Throne via Gamersgate.
Those who choose to utilize the special deal will be entitled to the 200k Medal that we've made to celebrate this momentous occasion.
1. Select yourself any paradox game (PC only) released prior to Heir to the Throne (Full list: http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/release)
2. Proceed to check out
3. There you'll see a field called: Add a Redeem Code
4. Enter the code there and hit "add"
5. Presto! you should have the discount
6. repeat steps 1-4 for additional games.
NOTE: Unfortunately Mac-version of the games are not a part of the promotion.
Note: You have to place separate orders if you want discount for multiple copies of the games.
How to get your Medal:
Once you've completed the purchase you should receive 2 serials, one for the game and another marked "Serial 3". Check your My Games tab. That is the one you use redeem your new 200k club medal here: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/mygames.php
Let us know if you need help or have any questions
There are some problems with some games that should qualify for the discount for aren't getting it but they seem to be working on those rather quickly.
The discount last another 7 days.
Quote from: sbr on April 01, 2010, 10:21:37 AM
Paradox is offering 50% off of any games they developed of published, that was released before the Heir to the Throne expansion(early December?). The game has to be purchased on GG.
With this discount, Tamas has finally won. I have: purchased the AGEOD WW1 game (also HOI3, which I expect I will regret).
Quote from: ulmont on April 01, 2010, 10:56:49 AM
Quote from: sbr on April 01, 2010, 10:21:37 AM
Paradox is offering 50% off of any games they developed of published, that was released before the Heir to the Throne expansion(early December?). The game has to be purchased on GG.
With this discount, Tamas has finally won. I have: purchased the AGEOD WW1 game (also HOI3, which I expect I will regret).
Just don't play HOI3 before the expansion pack comes out and you should be fine.
Quote from: ulmont on April 01, 2010, 10:56:49 AM
Quote from: sbr on April 01, 2010, 10:21:37 AM
Paradox is offering 50% off of any games they developed of published, that was released before the Heir to the Throne expansion(early December?). The game has to be purchased on GG.
With this discount, Tamas has finally won. I have: purchased the AGEOD WW1 game (also HOI3, which I expect I will regret).
NOOOOO! Gold version of WW1 is like a month away WTF. You will have to pay an upgrade fee for the gold patch :P
Quote from: ulmont on April 01, 2010, 10:56:49 AM
Quote from: sbr on April 01, 2010, 10:21:37 AM
Paradox is offering 50% off of any games they developed of published, that was released before the Heir to the Throne expansion(early December?). The game has to be purchased on GG.
With this discount, Tamas has finally won. I have: purchased the AGEOD WW1 game (also HOI3, which I expect I will regret).
Still, make sure to apply the latest patch, then you can have fun, altough the interface will take some battling before you learn it.
Quote from: Tamas on April 01, 2010, 11:05:59 AM
NOOOOO! Gold version of WW1 is like a month away WTF. You will have to pay an upgrade fee for the gold patch :P
This version was $10. For that, it can suck.
Intriguing. So is HOI3 worth $15, boys? :hmm:
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2010, 08:41:01 PM
Intriguing. So is HOI3 worth $15, boys? :hmm:
I don't know I only payed $5 for it :P
Quote from: katmai on April 01, 2010, 08:55:55 PM
I don't know I only payed $5 for it :P
So as you played it were you like "wow this game is worth three times as much as I paid for it?" :)
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2010, 09:06:20 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 01, 2010, 08:55:55 PM
I don't know I only payed $5 for it :P
So as you played it were you like "wow this game is worth three times as much as I paid for it?" :)
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2010, 08:41:01 PM
Intriguing. So is HOI3 worth $15, boys? :hmm:
I payed $7.50 but hardly played it and uninstalled it. I may reinstall around patch 1.05, or wait till the expansion.
Instead you might want to check out Arsenal of Democracy, based on HoI2. It's way more playable than HoI3, IMO, although naval warfare is screwy as usual - ships don't cause enough damage, and the AI will keep its whole fleet in port if at least one ship is below 98% strength. The former can be fixed with a bit of modding, both will be fixed in the soon to be released patch.
And I should get a commission for shilling for AoD.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on April 01, 2010, 10:01:25 PM
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2010, 08:41:01 PM
Intriguing. So is HOI3 worth $15, boys? :hmm:
I payed $7.50 but hardly played it and uninstalled it. I may reinstall around patch 1.05, or wait till the expansion.
Instead you might want to check out Arsenal of Democracy, based on HoI2. It's way more playable than HoI3, IMO, although naval warfare is screwy as usual - ships don't cause enough damage, and the AI will keep its whole fleet in port if at least one ship is below 98% strength. The former can be fixed with a bit of modding, both will be fixed in the soon to be released patch.
And I should get a commission for shilling for AoD.
FWIW AoD is too new for the discount though.
Quote from: Caliga on April 01, 2010, 09:06:20 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 01, 2010, 08:55:55 PM
I don't know I only payed $5 for it :P
So as you played it were you like "wow this game is worth three times as much as I paid for it?" :)
Nope, started it once just to peek at it, but haven't played at all really.
it's set aside for time down the road.
Borderlands is 50% off this weekend on Steam.
Quote from: The Brain on April 02, 2010, 01:16:00 AM
Borderlands is 50% off this weekend on Steam.
Another option for me might be Victoria Complete, which is like $7 with the discount.
So.... Victoria Complete or EUIII? :contract:
Eu3 up to HTTT is worth it....without heir to the throne....not so much.
Oops, I meant Victoria Complete or HOI3. I already have EU3 + all expansions. :blush:
Quote from: Caliga on April 02, 2010, 06:23:25 PM
Oops, I meant Victoria Complete or HOI3. I already have EU3 + all expansions. :blush:
And yet you do not play MP with us, which is the only proper way to play the game.
I will play MP with you.
I got a free copy of Crusader Kings, but I already have it. If there's someone out there with a Gamersgate account that would like to try it - post your Gamersgate username here and I'll have it transfered.
I would not mind giving it a try, if you haven't given it away already.
My username is: Berkut
Gamespot is offering MLB 2k10 for 2.99$ Not a typo. 3$.
Quote from: Caliga on April 02, 2010, 06:23:25 PM
Oops, I meant Victoria Complete or HOI3. I already have EU3 + all expansions. :blush:
They are both pretty crappy games, but the latter has a much higher chance of being fixed in future patches while the former has a sequel coming out that doesn't look all that bad (I will be buying it ASAP, I think).
I vote HOI 3.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 05, 2010, 01:40:17 PM
Gamespot is offering MLB 2k10 for 2.99$ Not a typo. 3$.
:huh: So is $2.99 the "not a typo" price or is the game really $3?
Quote from: Habbaku on April 05, 2010, 01:54:19 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 05, 2010, 01:40:17 PM
Gamespot is offering MLB 2k10 for 2.99$ Not a typo. 3$.
:huh: So is $2.99 the "not a typo" price or is the game really $3?
:huh: Obviously, the answer is "yes."
Quote from: Berkut on April 03, 2010, 02:09:01 PM
I would not mind giving it a try, if you haven't given it away already.
My username is: Berkut
Steam is having a MW2 free weekend. It can be preloaded now and starts Thursday at 4PM PDT (11PM GMT?).
Alien v Predator Classic 2000 for $2
Commandos Collection for $5
Direct2Drive is having their week long Spring Sale too, some decent things
GOG has Master of Orion 1+2 combined for 5.99, plus Outcast for 5.99.
Also, Master of Magic should be out soon.
GTA: Vice City is 75% off ($2.50 US) on Steam for the next 50 minutes.
Master of Magic is available at GoG for 5.99:
GTA IV for 75% off ($7.50 US) on Steam for 2 and a half hours.
Quote from: Syt on April 20, 2010, 10:01:23 AM
Outcast for 5.99.
Decided to get this one. I remember great reviews, but my machine was too feeble to play this... until it became too powerful to play this. Now, apparently, the bugs are worked out.
Quote from: Syt on April 27, 2010, 11:04:31 AM
Master of Magic is available at GoG for 5.99:
Still as awesome as ever.
Quote from: Scipio on April 28, 2010, 03:04:36 PM
Quote from: Syt on April 27, 2010, 11:04:31 AM
Master of Magic is available at GoG for 5.99:
Still as awesome as ever.
I don't recall, even though I still have my hard-copy of this floating around somewhere; does the game have any form of MP? I'm still going to buy the new version even if it doesn't, mind.
Quote from: Habbaku on April 28, 2010, 03:20:34 PM
Quote from: Scipio on April 28, 2010, 03:04:36 PM
Quote from: Syt on April 27, 2010, 11:04:31 AM
Master of Magic is available at GoG for 5.99:
Still as awesome as ever.
I don't recall, even though I still have my hard-copy of this floating around somewhere; does the game have any form of MP? I'm still going to buy the new version even if it doesn't, mind.
I still have my original copy as well, but got the new one to take advantage of their work making it operate on XP, which I couldn't do.
R:TW on Steam for $2.50
Still too much.
Quote from: Habbaku on March 11, 2011, 11:52:58 PM
Still too much.
Rome is a cool game.
In other Total War news, the Napoleon:TW "Imperial Edition" (10 extra units) is $7.50 on Steam. Seems about right.
Also something called Homefront, where you apparently get to kill Koreans who have invaded the US, comes out tomorrow.
Victoria II is on sale for ~$12 on Gamersgate.
Is a NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT good enough to run it?
The "Can You Run It?" site says I need an 8800. I meet the requirements for video card memory (614mb vs 256mb) and I have the versions of PixelShader and Vertex shader needed. :unsure:
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on March 15, 2011, 09:21:03 AM
Victoria II is on sale for ~$12 on Gamersgate.
Is a NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT good enough to run it?
The "Can You Run It?" site says I need an 8800. I meet the requirements for video card memory (614mb vs 256mb) and I have the versions of PixelShader and Vertex shader needed. :unsure:
My 8600GT ran it just fine. Why you'd want the game is another question.
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 15, 2011, 11:09:12 AM
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on March 15, 2011, 09:21:03 AM
Victoria II is on sale for ~$12 on Gamersgate.
Is a NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT good enough to run it?
The "Can You Run It?" site says I need an 8800. I meet the requirements for video card memory (614mb vs 256mb) and I have the versions of PixelShader and Vertex shader needed. :unsure:
My 8600GT ran it just fine. Why you'd want the game is another question.
Yeah, I'm still on the fence about it. Even at $10 :lol:
It's a trap. Don't buy it until the first expansion.
Stardock has 6 classic Atari games on sale for $7.49
Neverwinter Nights Diamond
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate 2
Icewind Dale
Icewind Dale 2
Master of Orion Collection (ok, this one is $11.49)
Tamas' favorite game, World War One is on Gamergate for 9 bucks. But I still ain't buying a turd.
Divine Wind 50% discount for those who don't have it yet. http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-EU3DW/europa-universalis-iii-divine-wind
:hmm: If I'll never play as some Asian country (which I won't), is this worth even $1 to me?
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 17, 2011, 05:51:34 PM
Tamas' favorite game, World War One is on Gamergate for 9 bucks. But I still ain't buying a turd.
Your loss, pops :P
Quote from: Tamas on March 18, 2011, 02:50:38 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 17, 2011, 05:51:34 PM
Tamas' favorite game, World War One is on Gamergate for 9 bucks. But I still ain't buying a turd.
Your loss, pops :P
I have nine dollars to jingle in my pocket.
King Arthur the Role Playing War GAme is 85% off ($2.99US)
On Impulse by the way. :blush:
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 13, 2011, 02:16:04 PM
Also something called Homefront, where you apparently get to kill Koreans who have invaded the US, comes out tomorrow.
I almost pre-ordered this since just about anything touched by John Milius kicks serious ass. Was also intrigued by the deal Playon had where you got their console-thingie for for free-- though their legal disclaimers scared me off. But I held off since my game backlog is still pretty ridiculous. I rented the 360 version from Blockbuster yesterday using a free game rental coupon & found some parts of it to be good & others to be quite lame.
The intro starts with Hillary's actual press conference from last year regarding the North Korean sinking of the South Korean ship, ties that in with Kim Jong Il dying in 2013 & his son somehow taking over all of Korea, the collapse of the US dollar & economy (which was probably the creepiest part), and United Korea developing their own version of the East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere, eventually even incorporating Japan (which according to a newspaper you find in the game, has been crippled by their largest nuclear plant failing). Several other doomsday-type events happen which reduce the US's power & aid Korea's rise. Eventually Korea blasts the US with an EMP & invades the western portion, irradiating the Mississippi as a barrier so they can consolidate their gains in the west. And then a lot of historical invasion/occupation/oppression cliches ensue.
You have to turn a blind eye to some holes in that plot (where is China in all this, how does North Korea successfully take the South in the first place & then keep its other extraterritorial gains in order) and you have to buy into several worst case scenarios, but in an odd way, the story works. And IMO the story is the strongest part of the game. Milius weaves actual events, commonly held (or at least frequently-voiced) speculations, and historical examples into the storyline to give it a certain feeling of reality.
Gameplay is pretty vanilla FPS, which would be okay were it not so glitchy, if friendly AI's weren't so retarded, and if they made it less of a controlled experience. And the single player campaign is short. I finished 6 of the 7 chapters yesterday evening, only expecting to get through a couple. I haven't played online multiplayer yet.
Anyway, unless multiplayer ends up being really good, I say this is a rental or bargain bin purchase. It really feels like a game adaptation that was rushed out to capitalize on a decent movie. I guess if there were a movie to begin with, I wouldn't recommend it at all.
Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition is 50% off ($24.95US) on Impulse.
I haven't played it yet so I got it though that is more than I like to spend on games.
Something called "The Entente - World War One Battlefields" is on sale on Impulse for 5 bucks. It is an older (2005 or so I think) WW1 RTS.
It says it may not work on Vista though, dunno if that applies to 7 as well.
Quote from: derspiess<Homefront Review>
It's too bad, really, about the single player campaign, AI, etc. While the story is maybe a bit weird and certainly unbelievable and all that, at least it's something
different. If you haven't seem them yet, there are some reviews that say the MP is pretty fun (and pretty much agree with everything else you said), so there's that. Definitely not a "full price" type game.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 31, 2011, 01:22:45 PM
Something called "The Entente - World War One Battlefields" is on sale on Impulse for 5 bucks. It is an older (2005 or so I think) WW1 RTS.
I remember the reviews for that one. It was basically your typical RTS but, since it was about WW1, you had to produce and manage about ten times more units than it was humanly possible to produce and manage... so the human player always, always lost. Something about ten or twenty thousand little soldier-dudes organized into 100-man-max units. One of those games that came out when the Russians were popping out games by the score.
I picked up Battlestations Pacific during a recent Gamersgate sale.
Have to clear up hard drive space before I can install it though.
Quote from: grumbler on April 01, 2011, 06:06:42 AM
I remember the reviews for that one. It was basically your typical RTS but, since it was about WW1, you had to produce and manage about ten times more units than it was humanly possible to produce and manage... so the human player always, always lost. Something about ten or twenty thousand little soldier-dudes organized into 100-man-max units. One of those games that came out when the Russians were popping out games by the score.
:lol: That sounds awful.
Crysis is $7.50 on Impulse. Worth it?
I've never played Crysis, but heard really good things about it when it first came out... also that (at the time) it was extremely demanding on vid cards.
The demo made my quad core cry.
Dragon Age 2 in your games library? Download Mass Effect 2 for free (http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/04/06/dragon-age-2-in-your-games-library-download-mass-effect-2-for-free/)
On Steam (not sure for how long):
Magicka 50% off ($5US)
Magicka Complete Pack 50% off ($8US)
Borderlands GOTY Edition 75% off ($7.50US)
Other assorted 2K Games on sale this week.
I bought Borderlands. I had been waiting for a cheap ass price for months now.l
Hopefully there is still some MP to have.
Mount and Blade:Warband is 80% off ($6US) on Impulse.
Quote from: sbr on April 16, 2011, 11:58:14 AM
Mount and Blade:Warband is 80% off ($6US) on Impulse.
If they made that 90% off, I might consider it.
Quote from: grumbler on April 16, 2011, 01:10:57 PM
Quote from: sbr on April 16, 2011, 11:58:14 AM
Mount and Blade:Warband is 80% off ($6US) on Impulse.
If they made that 90% off, I might consider it.
It was surprisingly fun when I played the unfinished version a few years ago. I bought the newer version, but I've barely played it. All these game sales give me a glut of games. Sometimes, I check steam and am surprised that I already own a game.
ARMA 2 is $8 on Steam.
Steam has Dragon Age origins with all expansions for 15 euros. What's to like about it? What's to dislike?
Portal 2 (Mac/PC) is only $30 on Amazon right now. $35 for PS3/XBOX. Great game for $30, I say.
Quote from: Lucidor on May 02, 2011, 01:41:24 PM
Steam has Dragon Age origins with all expansions for 15 euros. What's to like about it? What's to dislike?
I enjoyed it. It was an attempt to make an RPG similar to Baldur's Gate. It succeeded for the most part. The expansions vary in quality. I didn't get all of them, but heard some were bad. Be warned, there is some very heavy combat. I liked the fighting in the game, but others did get bored of it after a while. Good voice acting and writing. The expansion was weaker.
There's a game called Dwarfs on Steam for 10$ Looks a little like DF.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 05, 2011, 06:43:08 AM
There's a game called Dwarfs on Steam for 10$ Looks a little like DF.
Graphics look like butt.
Gog.com is giving away Dragonsphere.
Dead Space on Steam for 4 dollars. Might be a good price, the demo was allright.
Quote from: Lucidor on May 07, 2011, 05:40:01 PM
Dead Space on Steam for 4 dollars. Might be a good price, the demo was allright.
I found the game dull and boring.
Men of War: Assault Squad is the best WW2 RTS around, and is going for just $12 at the moment.
Quote from: Razgovory on May 07, 2011, 08:12:16 PM
Quote from: Lucidor on May 07, 2011, 05:40:01 PM
Dead Space on Steam for 4 dollars. Might be a good price, the demo was allright.
I found the game dull and boring.
Nice graphics, some innovative interface choices, but a lot of wash, rinse, repeat in the gameplay.
Hey Duke Nukem Forever is 10% off with a pre-order on Steam.
Quote from: Scipio on May 08, 2011, 08:49:50 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on May 07, 2011, 08:12:16 PM
Quote from: Lucidor on May 07, 2011, 05:40:01 PM
Dead Space on Steam for 4 dollars. Might be a good price, the demo was allright.
I found the game dull and boring.
Nice graphics, some innovative interface choices, but a lot of wash, rinse, repeat in the gameplay.
I liked the game for the same reasons, plus it creeped the hell out of me. But yeah, I stopped playing about 1/3 the way through partly because it was getting a little repetitive. I want to finish it sometime, but it's a little ways back in my backlog.
Well worth $4 though.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 10, 2011, 07:55:19 AM
Hey Duke Nukem Forever is 10% off with a pre-order on Steam.
Estimated date of delivery at this point is what?
Quote from: Caliga on May 10, 2011, 10:08:39 AM
Estimated date of delivery at this point is what?
It says it will unlock on June 13.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 10, 2011, 10:16:21 AM
Quote from: Caliga on May 10, 2011, 10:08:39 AM
Estimated date of delivery at this point is what?
It says it will unlock on June 13.
Why would anyone assume that the game will be anything special at all?
How could anything that took that long possibly not be shit in the world of gaming? Even if it is not shit, why would anyone think it has any chance of being anything better than any of the other 400 FPS games that have been churned out in the last decade plus?
Quote from: Berkut on May 10, 2011, 01:55:53 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 10, 2011, 10:16:21 AM
Quote from: Caliga on May 10, 2011, 10:08:39 AM
Estimated date of delivery at this point is what?
It says it will unlock on June 13.
Why would anyone assume that the game will be anything special at all?
How could anything that took that long possibly not be shit in the world of gaming? Even if it is not shit, why would anyone think it has any chance of being anything better than any of the other 400 FPS games that have been churned out in the last decade plus?
Do you remember Duke Nukem? It's going to be that but with High Def Graphic.
Quote from: Berkut on May 10, 2011, 01:55:53 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 10, 2011, 10:16:21 AM
Quote from: Caliga on May 10, 2011, 10:08:39 AM
Estimated date of delivery at this point is what?
It says it will unlock on June 13.
Why would anyone assume that the game will be anything special at all?
How could anything that took that long possibly not be shit in the world of gaming? Even if it is not shit, why would anyone think it has any chance of being anything better than any of the other 400 FPS games that have been churned out in the last decade plus?
I think you can safely assume there will be nothing innovative in terms of gameplay - but then when was the last time there was an innovative FPS?
Here's why I think it could be worth a purchase: the Duke Nuke'em formula is extremely simple - mix a FPS withsome sophomoric humour. BUt nobody is doing a FPS like that these days. All they have to do is follow the formula and it should be amusing.
On Steam now are deals on Kalypsos games. Tropico 3, Imperium Romanum, Patrician IV and Grand Ages: Rome are going for a couple bucks each. Are those games any good?
I tried the demo for either Imperium Romanum or Grand Ages: Rome and it was pretty boring... wish I could remember which one it was, though. :hmm:
Tropic 3 and Patrician IV don't appear to be that much better than Tropico and Patrician III, respectively, so I'll pass on them.
I'm intrigued by Imperium Romanum, though, so I hope you can recall which one was boring Cal :P
EDIT: Reviews of both Imperium Romanum and Grand Ages: Rome are less than inspiring. I shall pass. :thumbsdown:
Quote from: Caliga on May 10, 2011, 04:12:40 PM
I tried the demo for either Imperium Romanum or Grand Ages: Rome and it was pretty boring... wish I could remember which one it was, though. :hmm:
they are both boring. I bought them both during that blow out sale around last Xmas for cheap and still didnt get my monies worth.
Tropico Reloaded is definitely worth $2, if you haven't played it before. The Paradise Island expansion adds some nice things to the original, and it's a lot of fun. Well, unless your island gets hit by a hurricane and sees over half of it's buildings destroyed and the population reduced from 250 to 200. That kind of sucks.
But as long as my military is strong, I shall survive. :showoff:
I dunno, I think the era of those kinds of games is pretty much over. EA/Maxis doesn't even bother to make new SimCity games anymore.
I liked Tropico and experimenting with all forms of socialism. :D
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on May 10, 2011, 04:45:24 PM
Tropic 3 and Patrician IV don't appear to be that much better than Tropico and Patrician III, respectively, so I'll pass on them.
I'm intrigued by Imperium Romanum, though, so I hope you can recall which one was boring Cal :P
EDIT: Reviews of both Imperium Romanum and Grand Ages: Rome are less than inspiring. I shall pass. :thumbsdown:
Is Patrician III worth $1.24 for someone who has never played any games in the series?
I found it to be fun and well-made, but it's only worth bothering with if you like business, finance, and trading games. Yeah, there's pirate combat, but it's a very small part of the game, and can be avoided entirely (I suck at it, so I avoid it as much as possible).
GoG is having a sale on old Activision RPGs including Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption, and a couple of Krondor games
Dunno how widespread these are, but I got an email from Gamestop last week with a coupon for $100 off a PS3. So I gathered up some 360 games I either never got around to playing or won't play again & traded those in. After the trade-in credit I got a 160GB PS3 for just over $100. My intent was just to use it as a Blu-ray player to replace my slow 2nd generation Samsung, but I'll probably try out a few of the PS3-only titles.
All Tom Clancy games are 66% off today on Steam. Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Rainbow 6, etc.
Shogun 2 is $33 on sale on Steam right now. I got it. Darth Mod apparently makes the game megabadass.
Vegas 3 on Steam doesn't work. Save your money.
I bought Far Cry 1 for $2.50 on steam. First time I booted it up it didn't seem to work right, but I'll give it another shot now that I've restarted after installing.
I might end up boycotting FPS games in general. For some reason they're most likely to not work on my computer even when I far surpass the system reqs.
Stop buying Ubisoft PC games, that would help.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 29, 2011, 01:14:58 PM
Stop buying Ubisoft PC games, that would help.
I'm generally against it but I might break down and get one or two of the older Splinter Cells games for $3. They don't have the newer draconian DRM and were released before that so I feel it is justified. :homestar:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 29, 2011, 01:14:58 PM
Stop buying Ubisoft PC games, that would help.
But they're so tempting! :cry:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 29, 2011, 01:14:58 PM
Stop buying Ubisoft PC games, that would help.
Indeed. Buying PC games from major studios is usually pretty unwise, since they're all designing for consoles, usually with the retarded architecture of the PS3 in mind, since the 360 can handle pretty much anything.
Good news: after a restart, Far Cry seems to be working fine :)
I guess I just needed to restart after running it for the first time through Steam, since it installed additional MS C++ stuff.
Quote from: Caliga on May 10, 2011, 06:18:34 PM
I dunno, I think the era of those kinds of games is pretty much over. EA/Maxis doesn't even bother to make new SimCity games anymore.
Indeed. From SimCity, SimEarth, etc....to just churning out news versions of the Sims.
How the mighty have wallowed into the muck.
There's a new era of those games coming. Sadly it'll be on Facebook.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 30, 2011, 06:04:00 AM
There's a new era of those games coming. Sadly it'll be on Facebook.
they are for the casual gamer of 2010s, which make the casual gamer of the 1990s look like a rocket engineer.
Why would anyone play a game on Facebook? Eww.
Quote from: Neil on May 30, 2011, 08:01:30 AM
Why would anyone play a game on Facebook? Eww.
Because it's there. It's a simplified version of having a Console. Almost no fiddling, plus it (starts) free.
Zynga probably knows why.
Yeah, but you'd need to be on Facebook to do it. Facebook is for 'tards.
Quote from: Neil on May 30, 2011, 09:50:42 AM
Yeah, but you'd need to be on Facebook to do it. Facebook is for 'tards.
Join us. There is no escaping the hive.
Quote from: Tonitrus on May 30, 2011, 04:08:45 AM
Quote from: Caliga on May 10, 2011, 06:18:34 PM
I dunno, I think the era of those kinds of games is pretty much over. EA/Maxis doesn't even bother to make new SimCity games anymore.
Indeed. From SimCity, SimEarth, etc....to just churning out news versions of the Sims.
How the mighty have wallowed into the muck.
EA ruins everything :(
For anyone who has an Android phone, Plants vs. Zombies is free today on the Amazon App Store. I would recommend installing it to the SD card if your phone has the ability. Otherwise the app will take up 75MB of precious onboard storage.
Is Cities XL 2011 worth $10? It's in Steam's midweek madness sale from today through Thursday.
Reviews say it sucks.
GOG.com just scored the motherload: EA's classic catalog, including Origin's games.
Privateer and UU 1&2 available NOW.
One of their next releases will be Alpha Centauri. In the unlikely case that any of you haven't played, make sure to use that chance to play it.
Dungeon Keeper? 6 bucks? Sold.
Quote from: Scipio on June 02, 2011, 03:21:09 PM
GOG.com just scored the motherload: EA's classic catalog, including Origin's games.
Privateer and UU 1&2 available NOW.
Oooh, UU1&2? I got the Ultima Collection a long time ago, but it didn't have those.
Happy day! :)
SMAC in easy-to-use Win7 friendly format? Score!
Quote from: Scipio on June 02, 2011, 07:59:19 PM
SMAC in easy-to-use Win7 friendly format? Score!
Is it just me, or do some of these games not seem so old?
Quote from: Razgovory on June 02, 2011, 11:07:19 PM
Quote from: Scipio on June 02, 2011, 07:59:19 PM
SMAC in easy-to-use Win7 friendly format? Score!
Is it just me, or do some of these games not seem so old?
SMAC can never get old!
(They sell a Win7 compatible version on Amazon for 4 pounds. If you can stomach having to use DVDs. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sid-Meiers-Alpha-Centauri-Complete/dp/B001RIYNF2/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1307077861&sr=1-1 - should be available in the US too.)
:bowler: :lmfao:
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 31, 2011, 07:19:51 PM
Is Cities XL 2011 worth $10? It's in Steam's midweek madness sale from today through Thursday.
I bought it because of this deal and I had a craving for some city building. It's not bad, the city building aspect is pretty much the same as SimCity and the graphics are pretty. There are some minor annoyances with the way the roads snap when building them and though i think the game is good, it feels like it is missing something, not enough soul or something.
I got an earlier iteration of Cities XL and I agree... it just seemed very boring and kind of pointless. For modern city-building games I much prefer Tropico.
Oh, it says on amazon it's non DRM, so prhaps you don't have to have the DVD in the drive.
Quote from: PRC on June 03, 2011, 12:54:18 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 31, 2011, 07:19:51 PM
Is Cities XL 2011 worth $10? It's in Steam's midweek madness sale from today through Thursday.
I bought it because of this deal and I had a craving for some city building. It's not bad, the city building aspect is pretty much the same as SimCity and the graphics are pretty. There are some minor annoyances with the way the roads snap when building them and though i think the game is good, it feels like it is missing something, not enough soul or something.
Yeah that's what I'm getting out of it too. I picked it up because eh $10, but it just seems so.........lifeless.
Quote from: Caliga on June 03, 2011, 01:04:38 PM
I got an earlier iteration of Cities XL and I agree... it just seemed very boring and kind of pointless. For modern city-building games I much prefer Tropico.
I haven't played one since the Pharaoh. I really liked that game.
For those that love steam sales, apparently a big one is coming June 24th. So, hold off buying that My Little Pony game until then.
On Steam, half off of Dead Rising 2 and Resident Evil 5. Why?
On Gog.com, all Strat First games 50% off. Also, Crusader: No Remorse and SMAC are released.
I've found a bundle with Empire: and Napoleon: Total war for about 40 euros: I've never played a game of theseries, should I get them and give them a try?
Quote from: Pedrito on June 17, 2011, 12:00:54 PM
I've found a bundle with Empire: and Napoleon: Total war for about 40 euros: I've never played a game of theseries, should I get them and give them a try?
Empire is very meh but by now has some major mods out so you should look around for those.
Napoleon is actually quite decent. The scale of the battles can be annoying, but they look awesome.
Quote from: Tamas on June 17, 2011, 12:11:08 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on June 17, 2011, 12:00:54 PM
I've found a bundle with Empire: and Napoleon: Total war for about 40 euros: I've never played a game of theseries, should I get them and give them a try?
Empire is very meh but by now has some major mods out so you should look around for those.
Napoleon is actually quite decent. The scale of the battles can be annoying, but they look awesome.
Except you have to play as the Tyrant.
Quote from: Scipio on June 17, 2011, 09:45:25 PM
Quote from: Tamas on June 17, 2011, 12:11:08 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on June 17, 2011, 12:00:54 PM
I've found a bundle with Empire: and Napoleon: Total war for about 40 euros: I've never played a game of theseries, should I get them and give them a try?
Empire is very meh but by now has some major mods out so you should look around for those.
Napoleon is actually quite decent. The scale of the battles can be annoying, but they look awesome.
Except you have to play as the Tyrant.
George III?
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on June 17, 2011, 11:01:19 PM
Quote from: Scipio on June 17, 2011, 09:45:25 PM
Quote from: Tamas on June 17, 2011, 12:11:08 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on June 17, 2011, 12:00:54 PM
I've found a bundle with Empire: and Napoleon: Total war for about 40 euros: I've never played a game of theseries, should I get them and give them a try?
Empire is very meh but by now has some major mods out so you should look around for those.
Napoleon is actually quite decent. The scale of the battles can be annoying, but they look awesome.
Except you have to play as the Tyrant.
George III?
Buonaparte. But you knew that already. You fucking mo.
Quote from: Scipio on June 18, 2011, 12:04:38 AM
Buonaparte. But you knew that already. You fucking mo.
"The Tyrant" isn't very specific in an age when you have Alexander I and Napoleon I on thrones at the same time. :lol:
Quote from: grumbler on June 18, 2011, 10:56:27 AM
Quote from: Scipio on June 18, 2011, 12:04:38 AM
Buonaparte. But you knew that already. You fucking mo.
"The Tyrant" isn't very specific in an age when you have Alexander I and Napoleon I on thrones at the same time. :lol:
The Tyrant was common British parlance for Nappy.
Quote from: Scipio on June 18, 2011, 10:22:15 PM
The Tyrant was common British parlance for Nappy.
Ah. Well, not being British... It seems that google.com is unaware that "The Tyrant" is common British parlance for Napoleon. In the fist six pages of results for the term, I already have Abraham Lincoln and Stalin, but no Napoleon.
As an American, I (and google) have seen the phrase "The Corsican Tyrant" used by Brits many, many times, but never just "The Tyrant" to the best of my memory. Still, I am no expert on common British parlance, and could just have missed it, like google.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 10, 2011, 08:42:31 AM
For those that love steam sales, apparently a big one is coming June 24th. So, hold off buying that My Little Pony game until then.
Star Ruler for 3.75. Worth it?
For the six people left in the world who haven't bought it, Team Fortress 2 is now free-to-play.
Quote from: sbr on June 24, 2011, 08:37:12 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 10, 2011, 08:42:31 AM
For those that love steam sales, apparently a big one is coming June 24th. So, hold off buying that My Little Pony game until then.
I was off by a week. Sue me.
For your Challenger i will!
Quote from: katmai on June 30, 2011, 04:26:06 PM
For your Challenger i will!
You think you can defeat my tame jew lawyer? Pshaw.
And frankly, the sale sorta sucks this year.
yeah underwhelmed atm by sale, guess i'll have to check the daily deals.
Hows Medal of Honor?
I got a free Birth of America II in my Paradox newsletter. Check your spam folders!
It wasn't in spam folder, but thanks for heads up Luci.
Day 2 deals are also boring. :zzz:
Supreme Ruler 2020 gold is on sale for only $74.99. Down from $732.45. Possibly the 90% off sale is because they ran out of CD keys.
What about these Ironclads games? Anyone got an opinion on those?
Quote from: Razgovory on July 01, 2011, 03:52:30 PM
Supreme Ruler 2020 gold is on sale for only $74.99. Down from $732.45. Possibly the 90% off sale is because they ran out of CD keys.
For some reason they list the price for the complete Paradox package.
Quote from: Syt on July 01, 2011, 10:57:11 PM
For some reason they list the price for the complete Paradox package.
On Steam? I can't even get to the store page for that one right now. It's just redirecting me to their main sale page.
I forgot to tell you guys, that was $2.50 a couple days ago. :P Picked it up, but haven't played it.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 01, 2011, 11:00:55 PM
Quote from: Syt on July 01, 2011, 10:57:11 PM
For some reason they list the price for the complete Paradox package.
On Steam? I can't even get to the store page for that one right now. It's just redirecting me to their main sale page.
I got to it by adding it to my cart then clicking on it:
Quote from: Lucidor on June 30, 2011, 11:49:52 PM
I got a free Birth of America II in my Paradox newsletter. Check your spam folders!
Hey, I got that too. They just giving it to everyone?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on July 01, 2011, 11:46:30 PM
Quote from: Lucidor on June 30, 2011, 11:49:52 PM
I got a free Birth of America II in my Paradox newsletter. Check your spam folders!
Hey, I got that too. They just giving it to everyone?
Quote from: Syt on July 01, 2011, 10:57:11 PM
For some reason they list the price for the complete Paradox package.
Oh okay. I thought maybe the game actually made you supreme ruler of the Earth.
Quote from: katmai on July 02, 2011, 12:03:05 AM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on July 01, 2011, 11:46:30 PM
Quote from: Lucidor on June 30, 2011, 11:49:52 PM
I got a free Birth of America II in my Paradox newsletter. Check your spam folders!
Hey, I got that too. They just giving it to everyone?
:( I don't think I got that e-mail. Dammit. I wanted to play that game too. Is it any good?
Oh thanks, I had just deleted the email, but it was still in the trash can. Thanks :)
Day 3 : Still sucks.
I'm enjoying Just Cause 2 for 5 bucks. Shooting browns and asians = fun.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 02, 2011, 05:28:04 PM
I'm enjoying Just Cause 2 for 5 bucks. Shooting browns and asians = fun.
That is one badass game.
I got HOMM V yesterday, but the game I've been toying around with mostly is Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, a fun little Oblivion clone (without all that silly RPG)
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 02, 2011, 05:28:04 PM
I'm enjoying Just Cause 2 for 5 bucks. Shooting browns and asians = fun.
Oh yeah, I got a big kick out of that game. Shoot a guy your grappling hook, Shoot the other end into the back of car and drag him around town for a while.
COD: Modern Warfare 2 is not worth 20 euros, right?
Quote from: Lucidor on July 04, 2011, 03:37:32 AM
COD: Modern Warfare 2 is not worth 20 euros, right?
The MP part does
Quote from: Tamas on July 04, 2011, 03:38:27 AM
Quote from: Lucidor on July 04, 2011, 03:37:32 AM
COD: Modern Warfare 2 is not worth 20 euros, right?
The MP part does
But I'm not in the mood for MP. I want good storytelling and explosions. Crashing helicopters! Russian terrorists! :-D
Quote from: Lucidor on July 04, 2011, 03:40:05 AM
Quote from: Tamas on July 04, 2011, 03:38:27 AM
Quote from: Lucidor on July 04, 2011, 03:37:32 AM
COD: Modern Warfare 2 is not worth 20 euros, right?
The MP part does
But I'm not in the mood for MP. I want good storytelling and explosions. Crashing helicopters! Russian terrorists! :-D
lol ok stay clear of it then. I have never even launched SP, but I hear it's about rampaging in 60s Cuba with modern weapons and gear.
COD modern warfare 2 in Cuba? are you fucking high tamas?
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 04:01:36 AM
COD modern warfare 2 in Cuba? are you fucking high tamas?
oh, is that Black Ops? Sorry then :P I haven't played the SP of either, so sue me :P
You should play MW2 SP, you get to kill Russians. All kinds of Russians.
It also had a plot that came from the twilight zone.
Fallout New Vegas is 70% off ($15US)
All Mount and Blade titles are 75% off too.
On Steam of course.
Is the King Arthur game with all expansions and dlc worth $4.50?
I bought SpaceChem on the cheap on Steam, and it's a fun little puzzle game.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 04, 2011, 11:05:50 AM
You should play MW2 SP, you get to kill Russians. All kinds of Russians.
No Russian?
Quote from: Tamas on July 04, 2011, 04:03:26 AM
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 04:01:36 AM
COD modern warfare 2 in Cuba? are you fucking high tamas?
oh, is that Black Ops? Sorry then :P I haven't played the SP of either, so sue me :P
Yeah. They pretty much imported modern day weaponry, tactics and jargon into the 1960s. Annoying as hell. They manage to keep the weapons somewhat close to what was historically used on the Khe Sanh mission, but they blew it by having the grunts refer to the enemy as "tangos" & whatnot. You never hear the term "Charlie" or "gook". Sheesh.
Quote from: JonasSalk on July 05, 2011, 09:19:39 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 04, 2011, 11:05:50 AM
You should play MW2 SP, you get to kill Russians. All kinds of Russians.
No Russian?
I want to play MW2 just for that mission.
Quote from: katmai on July 05, 2011, 06:47:08 PM
Is the King Arthur game with all expansions and dlc worth $4.50?
If you like a Total War sort of game then yes.
God sakes you people are too slow in responding.
Quote from: derspiess on July 06, 2011, 12:55:29 PM
Quote from: Tamas on July 04, 2011, 04:03:26 AM
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 04:01:36 AM
COD modern warfare 2 in Cuba? are you fucking high tamas?
oh, is that Black Ops? Sorry then :P I haven't played the SP of either, so sue me :P
Yeah. They pretty much imported modern day weaponry, tactics and jargon into the 1960s. Annoying as hell. They manage to keep the weapons somewhat close to what was historically used on the Khe Sanh mission, but they blew it by having the grunts refer to the enemy as "tangos" & whatnot. You never hear the term "Charlie" or "gook". Sheesh.
Never played past the first level. The M16 in early 1960's cuba kind of threw me off. Not only is it a M16, but it has fucking grenade launcher attached! C'mon, why not just give me a laser gun? That's not even trying. It's not like the 1960's had some derth of interesting weapons.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on July 06, 2011, 12:56:54 PM
Quote from: JonasSalk on July 05, 2011, 09:19:39 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 04, 2011, 11:05:50 AM
You should play MW2 SP, you get to kill Russians. All kinds of Russians.
No Russian?
I want to play MW2 just for that mission.
MW3 should just let you nuke a city.
Some interesting sales today:
Portal 2 50% off
All X3 games 75% off
NWN2 Platinum 66% off
Terraria 75% off
All Hitman games 75% off
Duke Nuke'em Forever 50% off
The X3 games look interesting. Any pros in getting the bundle, or should I just opt to get Terran Conflict?
Quote from: Lucidor on July 10, 2011, 05:33:22 AM
The X3 games look interesting. Any pros in getting the bundle, or should I just opt to get Terran Conflict?
I think that, at that price, getting them all makes the most sense. That's what I did, anyway! :smarty:
I got the bundle too, though "people" say there isn't much need for the earlier games if you have TC. Oh well, they were cheap if they are good I may poke around at all of them.
Quote from: Razgovory on July 06, 2011, 08:16:12 PM
Never played past the first level. The M16 in early 1960's cuba kind of threw me off. Not only is it a M16, but it has fucking grenade launcher attached! C'mon, why not just give me a laser gun? That's not even trying. It's not like the 1960's had some derth of interesting weapons.
Be glad you didn't play further. Later on you see AK
74's, AK47's with grenade launchers, Steyr AUG's, and several other non-period weapons. Not to mention ACOG sights & modern day night vision equipment. I could look the other way if they sneaked one or two ahistorical weapons in there with the explanation that it was a prototype being developed, but it was so ridiculous it distracted me from the rest of the game, which I guess was already ridiculous enough.
Black Ops was supposed to be a continuation from World at War, but they obviously took MW2 weapons & technology & imported it into the 1960s. I guess they felt they had to do it in order to keep up the online multiplayer momentum from MW2 (14 year olds aren't going to give up their tricked out M4 with 20 attachments for an SKS), but it was still damned retarded.
I finished the campaign as soon as I could & then sold my copy to Gamestop to get back $40-something of what I paid for it. It had a lot of cool stuff, but I got my 'honest' Vietnam-era FPS fix from Bad Company 2: Vietnam.
The game Vietcong (released a long time ago), was a pretty good Vietnam game. Used a lot of historical weapons including a lot from WWII (you are playing a special forces type who is up in the mountains training local tribe. I guess they got a lot of surplus weaponry). The sequel sucked though.
Now that the Steam sell is over we can reflect on it. Gawd was it a piss poor year. In the end I got Sanctum & Just Cause 2. Not enough games were under 10$.
Quote from: derspiess on July 11, 2011, 03:30:36 PM
Be glad you didn't play further. Later on you see AK74's, AK47's with grenade launchers, Steyr AUG's, and several other non-period weapons. Not to mention ACOG sights & modern day night vision equipment. I could look the other way if they sneaked one or two ahistorical weapons in there with the explanation that it was a prototype being developed, but it was so ridiculous it distracted me from the rest of the game, which I guess was already ridiculous enough.
Black Ops was supposed to be a continuation from World at War, but they obviously took MW2 weapons & technology & imported it into the 1960s. I guess they felt they had to do it in order to keep up the online multiplayer momentum from MW2 (14 year olds aren't going to give up their tricked out M4 with 20 attachments for an SKS), but it was still damned retarded.
I finished the campaign as soon as I could & then sold my copy to Gamestop to get back $40-something of what I paid for it. It had a lot of cool stuff, but I got my 'honest' Vietnam-era FPS fix from Bad Company 2: Vietnam.
Eh, I bought a copy of Steam. I should probably finish it sometime.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 12, 2011, 06:33:45 AM
Now that the Steam sell is over we can reflect on it. Gawd was it a piss poor year. In the end I got Sanctum & Just Cause 2. Not enough games were under 10$.
Wasnt the good sale around Xmas last time or am I misremembering.
:) :hug:
What is that? A Swedish K?
Quote from: crazy canuck on July 12, 2011, 03:11:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 12, 2011, 06:33:45 AM
Now that the Steam sell is over we can reflect on it. Gawd was it a piss poor year. In the end I got Sanctum & Just Cause 2. Not enough games were under 10$.
Wasnt the good sale around Xmas last time or am I misremembering.
They have two each year, one at the end of the year around Xmas and the summer sale just ended, it is usually the last week in June/first week in July.
Victoria 2 and Pride of Nations are on sale on Gamersgate now.
$10 for the latter.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on July 25, 2011, 10:09:51 AM
Victoria 2 and Pride of Nations are on sale on Gamersgate now.
$10 for the latter.
For The Glory is also $5 till the 31st. :D
Quote from: garbon on July 26, 2011, 05:58:43 PM
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on July 25, 2011, 10:09:51 AM
Victoria 2 and Pride of Nations are on sale on Gamersgate now.
$10 for the latter.
For The Glory is also $5 till the 31st. :D
Sweet :cool:
But I already have it :(
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines is 75% off on Steam ($5US).
The Witcher 2 is 40% off ($29.99US) on gog.com.
So my bro and I decided we wanted something other than WoW to play online together, and I got COD:MW2 (he already had it). Since this game came out like 2 years ago I kinda forgot all about it, etc.
I boot up the SP campaign and there's a warning window: "There is an extremely disturbing scene in this game. You can skip it if you want." I'm like WOTS ALL THIS THEN and select "No" and I get an "Are you really sure?" window, after which I click "No" again.
So an hour or so ago I played through this 'extremely disturbing' scene. I'm supposed to be disturbed by killing Slavs? :blink: I guess that's mildly more disturbing than killing Afghans. :)
Quote from: Caliga on August 21, 2011, 07:52:34 PM
So my bro and I decided we wanted something other than WoW to play online together, and I got COD:MW2 (he already had it). Since this game came out like 2 years ago I kinda forgot all about it, etc.
I boot up the SP campaign and there's a warning window: "There is an extremely disturbing scene in this game. You can skip it if you want." I'm like WOTS ALL THIS THEN and select "No" and I get an "Are you really sure?" window, after which I click "No" again.
So an hour or so ago I played through this 'extremely disturbing' scene. I'm supposed to be disturbed by killing Slavs? :blink: I guess that's mildly more disturbing than killing Afghans. :)
'No Russian'? Hilarious. My nephews loved that level.
I really don't understand what the fuck is going on in this game. Maybe that's because I never played the first one, either.
The plot was rather stupid. At least the newer Medal of Honor game let you kill towelheads.
Quote from: Caliga on August 21, 2011, 08:02:05 PM
I really don't understand what the fuck is going on in this game. Maybe that's because I never played the first one, either.
Plot doesn't make any goddamn sense. I played the previous game and it still doesn't make any sense.
Quote from: Razgovory on August 21, 2011, 08:51:57 PM
Quote from: Caliga on August 21, 2011, 08:02:05 PM
I really don't understand what the fuck is going on in this game. Maybe that's because I never played the first one, either.
Plot doesn't make any goddamn sense. I played the previous game and it still doesn't make any sense.
Really? US General wants a real enemy to fight, can't find one. Creates one. That's basically the plot.
It's a first-person shooter. The plot is always shit anyways, as the whole point of the game is online multiplayer.
Quoteas the whole point of the game is online multiplayer.
.....and teamkilling your entire team.
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 22, 2011, 07:39:45 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on August 21, 2011, 08:51:57 PM
Quote from: Caliga on August 21, 2011, 08:02:05 PM
I really don't understand what the fuck is going on in this game. Maybe that's because I never played the first one, either.
Plot doesn't make any goddamn sense. I played the previous game and it still doesn't make any sense.
Really? US General wants a real enemy to fight, can't find one. Creates one. That's basically the plot.
He said he was doing it because he wanted enlistment to increase. Besides, they already had a real enemy to fight. They were fighting them in the fist game. The ones that nuked the US army.
Civ V for sale on Stema this weekend @ $12.50. Is it worth that much? :hmm:
Quote from: Caliga on September 09, 2011, 06:14:23 AM
Civ V for sale on Stema this weekend @ $12.50. Is it worth that much? :hmm:
yes, easily. Buy it.
Yeah, you will get a number of hours of play out of it before you put it away for good.
Lots of Paradox stuff on sale on Steam at the moment. All the knock-off games (For the Glory, etc.) are $2.49.
Portal appears to be free again on Steam. If you haven't tried it before do it now.
Shogun Total War 2 for 20 euros on steam. Worth it?
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 22, 2011, 08:44:26 AM
Quoteas the whole point of the game is online multiplayer.
.....and teamkilling your entire team.
I wouldn't know. Console Battlefield doesn't allow such tactics. Even so, there have been times when I was tempted by the idiocy of my teammates.
It's Sega and Company of Heroes weekend on Steam
All CoH games are 80% off.
All Sega games have a large discount including Alpha Protocol for 90% off ($2 US). Most Total War games including Shogun 2 are 50% off.
Portal 2 for sale for half off, 20 hours left.
Should I get Fable 3 for 16 bucks on Steam?
Quote from: Razgovory on October 09, 2011, 11:01:36 AM
Should I get Fable 3 for 16 bucks on Steam?
It depends if you like pseudo-sandbox RPGs. It's pretty, and it runs okay. I like the combat and the story- the quests and questing are poorly managed, like any Molyneux game.
I bought it, it was cheap, and I'll eventually get around to playing it.
Metro 2033, a great story oriented shooter for cheap off Steam. 9/10 radiation sick mutants.
I hate Russians.
Duke Nuke'em Forever is already 9 bucks on Steam. That was quick.
I've heard it isn't worth it.
I wasn't planning to buy it.
Is Red Faction Armageddon worth 12.50? (Steam deal of the day, 75% off)
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 12, 2011, 02:52:22 PM
Is Red Faction Armageddon worth 12.50? (Steam deal of the day, 75% off)
I tried to like the last game, which I got off a Steam sale, but no... :(
For the Motherland, the most recent HOI3 expansion is 66% off on Gamersgate
* War Goals and enforced peace, each member of the faction can demand their own slice and claim it when it is taken
* New Partisan system, build Partisan undergrounds to organize your resistance movements and battle not just the occupier but also other ideologies for control of the country
* Seize strategic resources to fuel your war machine
* New Theatre Interface giving greater strategic information
* Improved Internal politics and a new coup system
* The return of the battle scenario system to offer new mini campaigns
Performance is
supposed to be greatly improved as well.
I am sure I will end up getting this but I am just as sure it will piss me off.
EDIT: Offer expires in 3 days
Since I have got HOI3 for free due to Sengoku, I might actually get this. Do I need the first expansion for it as well?
Quote from: sbr on October 17, 2011, 01:34:21 AM
For the Motherland, the most recent HOI3 expansion is 66% off on Gamersgate
* War Goals and enforced peace, each member of the faction can demand their own slice and claim it when it is taken
* New Partisan system, build Partisan undergrounds to organize your resistance movements and battle not just the occupier but also other ideologies for control of the country
* Seize strategic resources to fuel your war machine
* New Theatre Interface giving greater strategic information
* Improved Internal politics and a new coup system
* The return of the battle scenario system to offer new mini campaigns
Performance is supposed to be greatly improved as well.
I am sure I will end up getting this but I am just as sure it will piss me off.
EDIT: Offer expires in 3 days
What do you mean by "Performance"? Can I still read a book in the time it takes to load?
Looks like sword of the stars complete is only $4.99 unless im reading it wrong....while all of the expansions are $15 a piece. :huh:
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 19, 2011, 07:28:04 PM
Looks like sword of the stars complete is only $4.99 unless im reading it wrong....while all of the expansions are $15 a piece. :huh:
I think some of those prices and sails are done by algorithms. So they don't always make sense. Remember this from a few months ago http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110425/03522114026/infinite-loop-algorithmic-pricing-amazon-how-book-flies-cost-2369865593.shtml
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is on sale till tomorrow... 25% off.
Complete Sword of the Stars Collection for $5 on Steam?
Just checked, there too.
Quote from: Berkut on October 19, 2011, 09:59:10 PM
Complete Sword of the Stars Collection for $5 on Steam?
thank you
That was a question - is it worth it? I never actually played the game...
Never played it but I always wanted to try it. 5 Bucks is the price of coffee so it is worth trying now whatever the result.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2011, 10:09:43 AM
That was a question - is it worth it? I never actually played the game...
part two is out in a week
Quote from: Tamas on October 20, 2011, 11:01:35 AM
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2011, 10:09:43 AM
That was a question - is it worth it? I never actually played the game...
part two is out in a week
Since everyone is avoiding saying that it is worth it (other than to note that wasting $5 isn't a big deal), I feel safe in assuming that no, the game isn't really worth $5.
If the best one can say about the game is that there is another part coming out in the future, my suspicions are confirmed.
Thanks, all. I almost wasted $5.
Darklands (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/darklands) is now available for 6 bucks at GOG. I still have my box of the game (traded it many moons ago against my copy of Daggerfall). One of the best written manuals ever, IMO, with plenty of background info about life in 1400s Germany. :)
Quote from: Syt on October 21, 2011, 12:56:57 AM
Darklands (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/darklands) is now available for 6 bucks at GOG. I still have my box of the game (traded it many moons ago against my copy of Daggerfall). One of the best written manuals ever, IMO, with plenty of background info about life in 1400s Germany. :)
WOOT! I have missed this game.....ever since my 3.5" floppies with it failed, and I couldn't re-install :)
One of my all time favourite games.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2011, 10:09:43 AM
That was a question - is it worth it? I never actually played the game...
I wasn't impressed with the demo. You could try it and see if it works for you.
I found it oversimplified, but it does seem to be popular.
Berkut bought it.
Now you need to tell us about it, Berk.
Picked up Airstrike WWII (http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-ASEWW2/airstrike-eagles-of-world-war-ii), an aircady WWII fighter game. Very easy and fun to play with the mouse, only $5 for the next 40 min.
One complaint that I have is that after each mission, time advances by a month, whether you win or lose. So if you screw up and crash into a hill right after takeoff ( :blush: ), you might not get to replay the mission with that save.
Solium Infernum, Armageddon Empires, and Six Gun Saga all half price from Cryptic Comet with code NEVERONSTEAM. Apparently, the games got rejected by Valve for Steam.
Great sale on great games with card mechanic.
Quote from: Scipio on October 31, 2011, 08:29:14 AM
Solium Infernum, Armageddon Empires, and Six Gun Saga all half price from Cryptic Comet with code NEVERONSTEAM. Apparently, the games got rejected by Valve for Steam.
Great sale on great games with card mechanic.
He's also working on Something new (http://www.crypticcomet.com/blog/?p=739).
Quote from: Scipio on October 31, 2011, 08:29:14 AM
Solium Infernum, Armageddon Empires, and Six Gun Saga all half price from Cryptic Comet with code NEVERONSTEAM. Apparently, the games got rejected by Valve for Steam.
Great sale on great games with card mechanic.
:hmm: Solium Infernum looked interesting when I read an AAR a while back, I think it was at Paradox.
Populous 2 is available on GOG for 6 bucks:
Magicka is free this weekend on steam (until 1:pm pst) 75% off till Monday.
*Also has anyone have any clue about Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades? It is 10% off if you per-purchase. I was wondering if it is just a TW rip off or if it actually adds something to the genera.
Quote from: Shade on November 18, 2011, 09:15:12 AM
Magicka is free this weekend on steam (until 1:pm pst) 75% off till Monday.
Nice. I had been meaning to try that one, so this works out nicely.
Just picked it up with ten DLC things for $6.24.
Dungeons & Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection on sale at GamersGate 45% off ($19.95US)
Bundle includes:
Bundle Includes:
Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 + Expansions
Icewind Dale 1 & 2 + Expansions
Planescape: Torment
The Temple of Elemental Evil
EU3 Chronicles is 70% ($9US) off on Impulse. This is the Complete-ist EU3 Complete, includes Divine Wind.
Actually it seems to be a sale on all Paradox related games on Impulse.
Temple of Elemental Evil :x
Quote from: Caliga on November 19, 2011, 02:21:18 PM
Temple of Elemental Evil :x
I actually finished that one. Took me forever to get used to the controls. It was probably the most accurate depiction of D&D rules ever put on a PC game. That's not necessarily a good thing. Torment played fast and furious with the rules and was a better game for it. Things that work on the tabletop don't always work on a PC. Even with all the bug fixes and such the game was extremely hard and buggy. The game was such a faithful reproduction of the original module that some of the
typos made it through. It was a pretty game though. I'll give them that.
Matrix is doing their Christmas sale. War in the East is down to a slightly more tolerable 54 bucks.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
Matrix is doing their Christmas sale. War in the East is down to a slightly more tolerable 54 bucks.
Quote from: Tamas on November 22, 2011, 10:39:21 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
Matrix is doing their Christmas sale. War in the East is down to a slightly more tolerable 54 bucks.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
Matrix is doing their Christmas sale. War in the East is down to a slightly more tolerable 54 bucks.
Other than War in the East, is there anything here worth getting?
In particular, I am considering Decisive Battles, Frozen Synapse, Panzer Command: ostfront, and/or Panzer Corps.
I rather enjoyed Decisive Battles, even if Berkut didn't prove to have the attention-span for the French Campaign.
I have ordered twice from Matrix games. Both times I got charged double. Fuck Matrix.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
Matrix is doing their Christmas sale. War in the East is down to a slightly more tolerable 54 bucks.
I just can't pull the trigger on it. Grisby games are too much of a time sink.
I shouldn't because I am almost certain I would never play a full game but I have a feeling I will end up buying it anyways , just in case, and I might as well get it cheap.
I went ahead and bought War in the East. :blush:
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 07:26:43 PM
I went ahead and bought War in the East. :blush:
you are weak!
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2011, 07:36:49 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 07:26:43 PM
I went ahead and bought War in the East. :blush:
you are weak!
Killing Russians by the bucketful? I think I win in that scenario.
I might get that one that lets me assrape Poland over and over.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 07:40:20 PM
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2011, 07:36:49 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2011, 07:26:43 PM
I went ahead and bought War in the East. :blush:
you are weak!
Killing Russians by the bucketful? I think I win in that scenario.
I might get that one that lets me assrape Poland over and over.
I got a total murder boner playing the 'Road to Minsk". LOL, stupid Russians.
Woohoo, Steam sale.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 23, 2011, 02:30:06 PM
Woohoo, Steam sale.
Steam Sales kill me. I look and see "Oh, that game looks like I might want it, it's only five bucks". The result is now I have something like a hundred games on Steam, half of which I never played. Admittedly a lot of them are from on of those huge bundle sales.
Impulse has Civ 5 @ 75% off on Thursday
Fallout New Vegas (and all DLCs) is 75% off
A bunch of Total War games (and DLCs) are 75% off too
LA Noire Complete version is 50% off
Is there any reason to not get Fallout New Vegas from Steam? Is the Steam version still moddable?
Quote from: Berkut on November 25, 2011, 12:54:31 AM
Is there any reason to not get Fallout New Vegas from Steam? Is the Steam version still moddable?
The game requires Steam to run so there really isn't a non-Steam version, even if you get it in a box at the store it will have to activate through Steam. There are tons of mods out there so I assume it isn't a problem. Based on my limited experience, as long as the developer/publisher allow modding Steam doesn't affect that at all.
I've bought Fallout NV + DLC's and Oblivion goty ed. I have them both for my XBOX but didn't really like playing Oblivion on that. With mods I suspect both games should be more enjoyable
Goddammit I fell for Steam sales, again :frusty:
I just bought
GTA Complete collection (from I to Episodes of Liberty City)
Mass Effect I & II
and I've yet to play the vast majority of what I bought the last time :Embarrass:
Quote from: Pedrito on November 25, 2011, 04:14:09 PM
Goddammit I fell for Steam sales, again :frusty:
I just bought
GTA Complete collection (from I to Vice City)
Mass Effect I & II
and I've yet to play the vast majority of what I bought the last time :Embarrass:
I hear you. That shit can be addictive.
I picked up PC versions of ME1+2 and Fallout: NV as I'm going to sell my XBox. That thing's nifty, but the games are starting to look rather dated. And most stuff on XBox I like makes its way to PC eventually and looks better on my PC.
I also just purchased Supreme Ruler: Cold War. 12€ is a price where I don't mind if the game still has kinks.
Nothing terribly interesting on Steam for me today, though others might see something.
Rage 50% off
The Witcher 2 40% off
All Splinter Cell games 75% off
Civ V 66% off
LIMBO 75% off
Is Overlord complete (I, Expansion, II) worth 5 bucks?
II is awesome.
I didn't play the second one but I really liked the first and its expansion, easily worth $5,
Nice, I didnt notice that. Now I have it.
I have heard good things about LIMBO any one else concur?
Quote from: Shade on November 27, 2011, 12:53:35 PM
I have heard good things about LIMBO any one else concur?
It is a 2-3 hour long puzzle platformer. I bought it yesterday and it is pretty good, but I'm not a huge fan of the genre. I wouldn;t pay more than the $2.50 it is at now for it myself.
I wouldn't think a platformer would work well on a keyboard and mouse. I haven't played a platformer since the 1990's though. Like SNES days.
Not even a mouse, just arrow keys and the Ctrl key.
DEFCON is right up languish's alley.
Quote from: Lettow77 on November 30, 2011, 03:26:20 AM
DEFCON is right up languish's alley.
except for fahdiz
Can't stop nuking new york
I mean no really as what world power will I not go to comical lengths to nuke new york
(The answer isn't america)
Quote from: Syt on November 26, 2011, 03:28:34 AM
I picked up PC versions of ME1+2
Word of warning: if you have a Realtek HD Audio card, stay away from this game. The sound stutters, dialogue skips, and the action can "freeze" for a bit during a fight because of the sound issues.
It seems to be a very common issue, and though some claim to have tweaked the engine's ini to play nicely with their card, I've had no such success, leaving the game near unplayable for me.
Steam is selling Bastion for 5 bucks for a limited time. Someone said it's essentially a remake of Secret of Mana, and if so that sounds fine. I had a lot of fun with Secret of Mana back last century.
GOG's holiday sale has almost everything half priced:
Quote from: Syt on December 12, 2011, 12:32:06 PM
GOG's holiday sale has almost everything half priced:
Shut up Syt!
... too late, I clicked on the link.
Freespace 2 for three bucks :mmm: :mmm:
Quote from: Tamas on November 30, 2011, 03:37:10 AM
except for fahdiz
I'll have you know I nuke and oppress with impunity these days.
Quote from: fahdiz on December 12, 2011, 03:21:42 PM
Quote from: Tamas on November 30, 2011, 03:37:10 AM
except for fahdiz
I'll have you know I nuke and oppress with impunity these days.
That's funny because I haven't played this game since I watched Threads :P
Oh thanks for the heads up....
Witcher and Witcher 2 for 23.99$....so tempted.... :mmm:
And this old game some of you may have played back in the day....worth it?
Quote from: Syt on December 12, 2011, 12:32:06 PM
GOG's holiday sale has almost everything half priced:
And they're giving away Empire Earth Gold for free. :)
If you haven't done so already, follow the link :
Steam is giving away some freebies just for peeking at it. Most likely, you'll get a cheap game and a lump of coal. I got Portal 2 and gifted it to a friend. The lump of coal is good for their January 2nd drawing which may net you everything in Steam's catalog and the tax-money paid for it all.
Pride of Nations is just over $1 at Gamersgate.
Worth it?
EDIT: Not anymore. I think someone fucked up with the discounts, because the list price was $5, now it's back to $20. Should have gotten it :(
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on December 20, 2011, 06:17:05 AM
Pride of Nations is just over $1 at Gamersgate.
Worth it?
EDIT: Not anymore. I think someone fucked up with the discounts, because the list price was $5, now it's back to $20. Should have gotten it :(
You're not missing a whole lot, and the game will be heavily discounted again fairly soon.
Having said that, I think I got my money's worth at retail.
So Steam has some sort of Christmas dealie thing, and I got a free game! :w00t:
It's Space Empires V :weep:
Deus Ex: HR for 80% off (~$10) on Gamersgate; also DLC is 80% off. Looks like the sale lasts 4 days.
Fahdiz's favorite game is on sale for $2.49 today on Steam.
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2011, 02:24:20 PM
Deus Ex: HR for 80% off (~$10) on Gamersgate; also DLC is 80% off. Looks like the sale lasts 4 days.
What's the consensus on this game? If I am going to have to deal with Gamersgate, it has to be really, really worth it.
Quote from: grumbler on December 22, 2011, 08:11:14 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2011, 02:24:20 PM
Deus Ex: HR for 80% off (~$10) on Gamersgate; also DLC is 80% off. Looks like the sale lasts 4 days.
What's the consensus on this game? If I am going to have to deal with Gamersgate, it has to be really, really worth it.
I liked it very much. And Gamersgate is not a hussle since, IDK, a year?
Sale didn't last 4 days. :(
Next time, I'll get this. Thanks for the heads up.
Quote from: grumbler on December 25, 2011, 04:09:31 PM
Sale didn't last 4 days. :(
Next time, I'll get this. Thanks for the heads up.
Sorry. How do you feel about downloading from Amazon?
One of the Steam holiday contest objectives today is to put 10 items on your wishlist. Do it and get free shit.
I just got another piece of coal. :(
That's 2 pieces of coal and a 33% off coupon for Valve games, but I already own most of the ones worth having.
And I got Space Empires V earlier. :(
Quote from: grumbler on December 25, 2011, 04:09:31 PM
Sale didn't last 4 days. :(
Next time, I'll get this. Thanks for the heads up.
It's still 66% down on GG.
Quote from: Syt on December 26, 2011, 05:01:23 AM
It's still 66% down on GG.
Not cheap enough! :lol:
Can't blame you. I liked the game on XBox, but I like Skyrim a whole lot better.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on December 26, 2011, 01:33:46 AM
I just got another piece of coal. :(
That's 2 pieces of coal and a 33% off coupon for Valve games, but I already own most of the ones worth having.
And I got Space Empires V earlier. :(
50% off a Rockstar game, :w00t:
Any of you guys wanna trade Coal for the achievement?
I'd be interested in exchanging this abominable 50% off Orcs Must Die for sweet, delicious coal.
Sure, hit me up.
Alright- your steam name is?
Edit: that wasn't difficult to verify, but steam is being racist.
I'm totally open to trading any of my stuff.
That's 33% off Valve games, and two pieces of coal.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on December 26, 2011, 10:04:38 PM
I'm totally open to trading any of my stuff.
That's 33% off Valve games, and two pieces of coal.
Steam name?
I've got 2 3 day guest passes for Killing Floor. I would trade one of them for a piece of coal.
I have a 50% off coupon for Lost Horizon if anyone wants.
Quote from: Habbaku on December 26, 2011, 10:54:58 PM
I have a 50% off coupon for Lost Horizon if anyone wants.
I'll take it for a piece of coal, just for giggles. Oh or for a 50% Grotesque Tactics coupon, it's on your wishlist.
Coal is welcome, though sbr32 appears to be offline. :hmm:
I'll trade coal for Grotesque tactics coupon.
Not very keen on a Killing Floor guest pass. I probably wouldn't play it much.
Hey Habbs, did you message me on Steam? My PC locked up loading a TF2 map and I heard the message chime right as I powered down. Now my main PC, the one with Steam, is doing a bootscan and it may be a while before I can get back online.
If it wasn't you it was my weird European stalker again. <_<
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on December 26, 2011, 11:49:22 PM
I'll trade coal for Grotesque tactics coupon.
Not very keen on a Killing Floor guest pass. I probably wouldn't play it much.
What's your Steam ID? I am sbr32 if you want to add me while my PC figures itself out.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on December 27, 2011, 12:22:25 AM
Oh yeah, I thought we were friends already but I couldn't find you earlier. :blush:
I'm back online, feel free to message me if you are ready for a trade.
Stronghold 3 is 33% off on Steam. Worth it?
Quote from: Solmyr on December 28, 2011, 07:20:29 AM
Stronghold 3 is 33% off on Steam. Worth it?
I've heard bad things, man. Bad things.
Write a recommendation for a game you own on Steam, and you get another present.
I got yet another piece of coal, so if anyone wants to trade some of that or 33% off Valve games in exchange for a coupon, free game, or buying something cheap off my wishlist, that's cool.
Yay 50% off of a game that is currently 90% that I don't want. Damn it.
I might finally buy Homefront. It's only $7.49 right now.
Grabbed Space Pirates and Zombies for $2.49. :cool:
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 28, 2011, 10:08:10 PM
Yay 50% off of a game that is currently 90% that I don't want. Damn it.
Yeah, and a lot of the other 50% coupons are for games already discounted that much. Plus the coupons don't take effect until after the sale ends, so all they really do is prolong the current sale.
Maybe it's just me, but the sales on Steam and similar sites don't seem as good as they were last Christmas.
I see people say that every sale. I know for me I already own most of the games I would buy already so the sales aren't as interesting as they were when I owned no games.
I have found that the games are just so blah nowadays I can't even be arsed to spend 3 bucks on one.
Goodness flows from all directions. So far i've gotten DOTA 2, some worms game, frozen synapse, serious sam, and the crown of it, gotham city.
steam sales are easymodo.
Same here. I got the games I wanted last sale. Still 10 euros for Shogun 2 TW today... I'll pass. If I find the time for more gaming, I'll get the GOTY.
Quote from: Lucidor on December 29, 2011, 04:32:08 PM
Same here. I got the games I wanted last sale.
Yeah, I think that's what it is for me, I took advantage of everything I wanted last year and no new games since then have gone down in price enough to get me interested.
The sale is for Indie games for me nowadays too.
Dungeon Siege III is on sale, I'm thinking about it.
-75% on all Total War titles today, actually. I think I'll get Shogun 2 and the Empire+Nappy pack. (https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Ffc06.deviantart.net%2Ffs38%2Ff%2F2008%2F360%2F7%2F5%2FSamurai_Smiley_by_yoshin2501.png&hash=6162b3cb0064268cfc207ff7187b2261732f7618)
Quote from: Solmyr on December 30, 2011, 06:53:46 AM
-75% on all Total War titles today, actually. I think I'll get Shogun 2 and the Empire+Nappy pack. (https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Ffc06.deviantart.net%2Ffs38%2Ff%2F2008%2F360%2F7%2F5%2FSamurai_Smiley_by_yoshin2501.png&hash=6162b3cb0064268cfc207ff7187b2261732f7618)
Especially great since earlier they had Shogun2 on sale for 50% off.
Quote from: grumbler on December 26, 2011, 09:08:57 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 26, 2011, 05:01:23 AM
It's still 66% down on GG.
Not cheap enough! :lol:
How about 66% off on Steam? That is one of today's daily offers.
Anyone want half life 2 episode 2? Never going to play it...
Sure. Trade you a copy of The Ship!
Though now I struggle to remember what your handle is on Steam. :hmm:
Quote from: Solmyr on December 30, 2011, 06:53:46 AM
-75% on all Total War titles today, actually. I think I'll get Shogun 2 and the Empire+Nappy pack. (https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Ffc06.deviantart.net%2Ffs38%2Ff%2F2008%2F360%2F7%2F5%2FSamurai_Smiley_by_yoshin2501.png&hash=6162b3cb0064268cfc207ff7187b2261732f7618)
Don't see that one. Must have missed it.
Maybe next time
Is the Civilization V GOTY edition worth $17?
I'd say worth more around $10. It's good for a couple of campaign plays, but not much else unless you plan on playing MP. Even then...
Okay, thanks Habbaku
I got a -50% for Valve titles coupon, anyone want to trade for it?
Quote from: Habbaku on December 30, 2011, 03:02:45 PM
Though now I struggle to remember what your handle is on Steam. :hmm:
Sent you it a few days ago. ( The game)
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 31, 2011, 06:32:43 PM
Quote from: Habbaku on December 30, 2011, 03:02:45 PM
Though now I struggle to remember what your handle is on Steam. :hmm:
Sent you it a few days ago.
You're vonlutt aren't you?
Si senor
I have a 33% off Valve games and a 50% off Valve games coupon. Anyone who wants to trade these, let me know. I'm pretty open to any offers.
And if you're very generous, you could buy me a cheap game off my wishlist and gift it to me in exchange for the coupon. I already own most Valve games worth owning, so these coupons aren't worth much to me.
Total War -75% discount again today, for those who missed the previous one.
Quote from: Solmyr on January 01, 2012, 02:50:28 PM
Total War -75% discount again today, for those who missed the previous one.
I got it and all the DLC that was available for $13.65, so pretty good deal there, but......it's a 21gb download? :blink:
Hmm nap and shogun II are only ones im missing.
Gonna grab Arkham and Skyrim for sure.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on January 01, 2012, 07:22:25 PM
Quote from: Solmyr on January 01, 2012, 02:50:28 PM
Total War -75% discount again today, for those who missed the previous one.
I got it and all the DLC that was available for $13.65, so pretty good deal there, but......it's a 21gb download? :blink:
And slow as fuck! 33 hours until my Empire: Total War finishes downloading! :lol:
Then I get to download Napoleon TW.
But thanks for the heads-up, Solmyr.
Quote from: grumbler on January 01, 2012, 07:58:52 PM
And slow as fuck! 33 hours until my Empire: Total War finishes downloading! :lol:
Mine isn't going that slow, but it's not exactly blazing either. It has been downloading since 4 (it's 7 here now), and it's at 45%. 33 hours. :lol: That's ridiculous.
It's always like that during the big sales. It should clear up in a day or two.
I bit down hard on LA Noire. But for 12.95, how could I not? Also, Orcs Must Die.
Over the course of Steam's sale, I've bought SpaceChem, Universal Sandbox, Space Empires V (for free!), Fate of the World: Tipping Point (DLC included), and The Best of Tilted Mill pack (Hinterland, Mosby's Confederacy, Children of the Nile + its expansion). Nothing spectacular, but its enough to last me for months, and it was all under $20.
Those last two are still on sale for about 75% off, by the way.
I bought Solar 2 & Puzzler World 1&2 for my girlfriend.
Fuck me, I wanted to buy LA Noire half-price but forgot and it expired :P Oh well. Thing is, I have games piled up to be played for a year.
Still waiting on you habs. :contract:
:lol: Only reason I didn't send initially was because I wasn't sure you actually wanted it. Sent.
Sorry, yeah figured I'd try it out why not. Thanks. :cheers:
I have another copy of it and a coupon for 50% off Psychonauts if anyone wants.
Finally got around to playing Napoleon Total War, and found out I like it quite a bit. Totally worth it at 75% off.
I think I like the concept behind Empire Total War better, though. Still waiting for that to update to the final version via Steeeeeaaaammmmmmzzzzzzzz.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on January 02, 2012, 12:35:23 AM
Over the course of Steam's sale, I've bought SpaceChem, Universal Sandbox, Space Empires V (for free!), Fate of the World: Tipping Point (DLC included), and The Best of Tilted Mill pack (Hinterland, Mosby's Confederacy, Children of the Nile + its expansion). Nothing spectacular, but its enough to last me for months, and it was all under $20.
Those last two are still on sale for about 75% off, by the way.
I haven't been able to make much sense of Universal sandbox. It says I blew up the Earth but I still see it floating around.
It's not really living up to my expectations. Either that, or I'm doing it wrong.
For example, load up the Jupiter + Moons or Saturn + Moons. Let it run a while, and watch a bunch of moons fly off into the void. This indicates something's wonky with how it's calculating orbits, and it's making them more unstable than they should be, which in turn makes this worthless for toying with extrasolar planets around binary stars.
There is a program called Celestia that does something similar. Haven't tried it though.
The newest Medal of Honor is 75% off on Steam on a 24 hour sale.
GOG has Empire Earth @ 50% off (and II & III) this weekend, plus other deals.
GOG has Victoria 2 for $6.78...is it worth even that much?
Quote from: ulmont on January 25, 2012, 08:02:01 PM
GOG has Victoria 2 for $6.78...is it worth even that much?
Fyi, GOG is Good old Games, a site which is considerably different than Gamersgate.
And as for the value, I havent played it since the first few weeks after buying it.
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 26, 2012, 10:18:44 AM
Fyi, GOG is Good old Games, a site which is considerably different than Gamersgate.
You're right...I must have been looking at GOG and snuck in the O when I meant to type GG. :Embarrass:
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 26, 2012, 10:18:44 AM
And as for the value, I havent played it since the first few weeks after buying it.
Oh well, too late. I guess I'll hope the expansion will fix a thingy or two.
It appears to be 'Warhammer Weekend' on GamersGate. All WH games are 50-75% off.
Space Parrots and Zombies is 3.99 at Steam and Amazon until tomorrow.
Now is the time to get into Europa. Europa Chronicles that has all the games that have been made thus far is on impulse for $7.49 Has base game Heir and Divine Wind
Quote from: Shade on February 01, 2012, 09:21:03 AM
Now is the time to get into Europa. Europa Chronicles that has all the games that have been made thus far is on impulse for $7.49 Has base game Heir and Divine Wind
Hmmm, so basically it is $7.50 to grab the expansion...
I don't have any of that.
The Elder Scrolls sale on Steam
Skyrim is 33% off ($40).
Oblivion and Morrowind are 50% off($10 each).
There is a Collection that gives you all three for $50.
You can get 15% discount from GamersGate for life by doing this:
IGN are offering a range of freebies to entice users to sign up for their paid subscription service, IGN Prime. Included in said range of freebies are some free games or beta keys (including a Steam key for Rochard) and, far more excitingly, a code for GamersGate that lets you get 15% off any and all purchases from GamersGate, for life, including special offers.
You can register for a 7 day trial for IGN prime (and you'll need to give them payment details) redeem the code on GamersGate, and then immediately cancel your IGN Prime membership (turn off autorenew here, and you'll never get charged), and GamersGate will still honour the 15% discount. It's a bit of a steal, hop to it. I'm not sure how long this offer will be available for.
Register for an IGN prime trial here: http://login.ign.com/prime/landing
Considering the abortion that IGN has fostered on people in German speaking countries (you have to manually enter ign.co.uk - anything else will revert you to the anemic and very limited German content, and even then you get pop ups urging you to go to the German site - the German site itself has no links to the English content; subscribers have complained on the German forums for months without any comment from IGN . . . and the site doesn't even work properly in my Firefox), so I'll gladly pass.
Quote from: Phillip V on February 10, 2012, 12:07:04 PM
You can get 15% discount from GamersGate for life
Just saved me six bucks on my CK2 preorder. :cool:
Quote from: FunkMonk on February 10, 2012, 01:01:54 PM
Quote from: Phillip V on February 10, 2012, 12:07:04 PM
You can get 15% discount from GamersGate for life
Just saved me six bucks on my CK2 preorder. :cool:
Don't forget you also got $2 back in blue coins, so your net expense was actually $32.
Except that the blue coins expire. :rolleyes:
No idea when, exactly, though I think it might be 2 years. I had a large batch expire on me not too long ago.
Quote from: Habbaku on February 10, 2012, 01:50:05 PM
No idea when, exactly, though I think it might be 2 years. I had a large batch expire on me not too long ago.
Punishment for being a Blue Coin hoarder.(https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.backupot.com%2FSmileys%2Fclassic%2Fhitler.gif&hash=c9c983ac6c1ac878b29a3027f85804e90513dd94)
:cry: I was going to get a free game.
That site won't accept my login. Screw IGN anyway, they've always been a headache to deal with
I would rather pay full price on anything I might buy at Gamersgate then give any info to IGN. Sure, they're diversifying their revenue streams from ads to selling suckers content (which is extra ridiculous, given that the price for news and info has been set at zero), but their profit margin still depends on them sharing your info with whatever 'partners' they might have at any given moment.
Oh noes, I might have to hit my spam button a couple of times. :(
Have fun getting identity thefted.
I never thought IGN had that good of information anyway. I remembered they bought Gamespy a few years ago, and they run both sites for some reason. I didn't consider gamespy that good either, except for a few of the funnier articles way back when the Penny-Arcade guys worked for them. I think IGN is part of News Corps now. So Habbaku will probably get his phone hacked.
Sengoku is 50% off on impulse worth buying?
Edit: $30 to $15
:hmm: At least blue coins can be used to purchase DLC.
Sengoku was 75% off on gamersgate last night.
Quote from: sbr on February 14, 2012, 04:01:51 PM
Sengoku was 75% off on gamersgate last night.
Not helpful.
Quote from: Neil on February 14, 2012, 08:26:22 PM
Quote from: sbr on February 14, 2012, 04:01:51 PM
Sengoku was 75% off on gamersgate last night.
Not helpful.
:lol: Sorry I should have finished my thought, but I was on my phone and lazy.
Sengoku was on a better sale last night, but I don't know how long it lasts. You might check there before you buy it elsewhere.
EDIT: It appears to be over.
Dues Ex is 66% off this weekend so for the extended version and all DL content it is around $20 or %17ish if you want normal game and DLs.
On steam....
GOG.com is selling its D&D games buy one, get one free, with free ToEE thrown in.
Do this survey for Paradox and get a GamersGate copy of Cities in Motion for free
Thanks. :cool:
No problemo, though it looks like you don't get the game immediately but in a couple of weeks.
Quote from: sbr on March 03, 2012, 05:43:36 PM
Do this survey for Paradox and get a GamersGate copy of Cities in Motion for free
I wanted to get the game at some point, because it allows you to play in Vienna. In fact the tram #6 on the cover is three corners from here. :P
Is it actually a good game? :hmm:
Amazon is selling Football Manager 2012 for $6 (six) dollars. Even better than the Steam sale (which just ended).
... and Bioshock 2 for $5 on Steam for 24 hours.
Skyrim was a bit cheaper over Impulse right now. Payed about 40 dollars. Just payed so I got the game in the list, then copied the key to Steam and downloaded it there. Neat game!
Quote from: FunkMonk on March 10, 2012, 01:26:43 PM
... and Bioshock 2 for $5 on Steam for 24 hours.
Which is longer then I played it.
Shogun 2 is 75% off ($7.50) on steam till 4pm PDT Thursday. Couldn't pass it up
GG has "THQ Complete" for €55
Includes all their Warhamer games (Dawn of War 1&2+expansions, Space Marine), their Company of Heroes things, Saints Row 2, Titan Quest complete, STALKER, Red Faction 1+2+Guerilla, Supreme Commander+Expansion, Darksiders, Metro 2033, MX vs ATV, Homefront and Frontlines - Fuel of War.
Looks like a pretty decent deal.
Quote from: katmai on March 20, 2012, 11:41:25 PM
Shogun 2 is 75% off ($7.50) on steam till 4pm PDT Thursday. Couldn't pass it up
Yeah, I saw that. Gonna go pick it up now. Japanese history isn't my favorite but the original Shogun was so damn good, and supposedly this one is a big leap forward for the series too.
Not only it is good, but a standalone expansion is coming out in two days, where one will be able to Gatling down hordes of Japanese samurais. What more could you want from a game?
Flaming pigs.
Got an extra 50% off steam coupon for AssCreedRev, if anyone wants it.
Dragon Age games are on sale over at gamersgate.
Quote from: sbr on March 03, 2012, 05:43:36 PM
Do this survey for Paradox and get a GamersGate copy of Cities in Motion for free
Has anyone heard anything from them, again? It's been almost one month...
Quote from the survey
QuoteThe survey deadline is March 31st and codes will be sent out to all participants a few weeks after that.
Quote from: Arvoreen on March 29, 2012, 07:11:27 AM
Quote from the survey
QuoteThe survey deadline is March 31st and codes will be sent out to all participants a few weeks after that.
Code arrived today in the mail. :yeah:
Mine too.
Must have been a mass mailing...got mine too :)
Hey Wing Commander IV just showed up on gog for $6 within the last couple days.
The first fallout is free on Gog.com. For 48 hours or so.
Amazon is having a big sale on PC download games, including LA Noire for $5.
I have never used their download service, has anyone else?
Quote from: sbr on April 05, 2012, 06:11:19 PM
Amazon is having a big sale on PC download games, including LA Noire for $5.
I have never used their download service, has anyone else?
I have. It works. Of course the most I spent on it was 4 bucks.
The game sits in your 'Your Games and Software Library' and you can redownload it again if you want.
Nice, thanks.
There is all sorts of cheap trash (most of it published by Paradox) I could by over there.
It is less of a pain in the ass than GamersGate. I don't trust Swedes with my credit card.
I went ahead and got Space Marine since Crusader Kings 2 is boring the snot out of me now. :)
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 05, 2012, 06:22:36 PM
It is less of a pain in the ass than GamersGate. I don't trust Swedes with my credit card.
Gog.com is giving away Fallout.
On my gog account I have 4 games, 3 were free promotions.
Credits to Habs, who linked it on Facebook.
Anyone try Stronghold 3? I like the game concept and the screenshots look great but some of the reviews I read when it first came out were a little offputting.
Heard it was atrocious.
Quote from: Razgovory on April 06, 2012, 09:15:33 PM
Heard it was atrocious.
Me too, though I don't kow how much of that is based on the reviewer not finding a reskinned Stronghold 2.
A lot of it was due to bugs I think. I do recall a video where a wolf climbed a ladder on a wooden tower to kill the archer standing on the top. That seemed kinda of silly. Good thing about Bugs is after a few years many of them may be fixed.
Quote from: Razgovory on April 07, 2012, 02:34:45 PM
A lot of it was due to bugs I think. I do recall a video where a wolf climbed a ladder on a wooden tower to kill the archer standing on the top. That seemed kinda of silly. Good thing about Bugs is after a few years many of them may be fixed.
All Mount & Blade games and expansions are 75% off on Steam for the weekend.
Quote from: Razgovory on April 07, 2012, 02:34:45 PM
A lot of it was due to bugs I think. I do recall a video where a wolf climbed a ladder on a wooden tower to kill the archer standing on the top. That seemed kinda of silly. Good thing about Bugs is after a few years many of them may be fixed.
I wonder if swordsmen can still bring down walls by banging on them with their swords.
Quote from: Solmyr on April 21, 2012, 08:02:53 AM
All Mount & Blade games and expansions are 75% off on Steam for the weekend.
Son of a BITCH! I bought Warband and I can't play it because they ran out of keys. <_<
Gamestop doing a huge sale.
Arkham city for 14.99 and arkham asylum for 4.99...... Are these games honestly good? Price seems good...... (arkham city is 49.99 on steam), just wondering if they're worth grabbing.
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 23, 2012, 04:23:17 PM
Gamestop doing a huge sale.
Arkham city for 14.99 and arkham asylum for 4.99...... Are these games honestly good? Price seems good...... (arkham city is 49.99 on steam), just wondering if they're worth grabbing.
They are both supposed to be really good. I have Asylum on Steam but haven't played it very much, just haven't gotten around to it. I have heard that it is better with a gamepad controlled than keyboard/mouse.
Yeah, that's really my only concern is whether I should just wait a couple of years and grab it on the ps3 and not bother with the console port.
Both are wicked hardcore. Great games.
Scips is correct, both are great.
How do they play with a mouse/keyboard? Anyone do that?
Quote from: sbr on April 23, 2012, 08:42:31 PM
How do they play with a mouse/keyboard? Anyone do that?
Arkham City the sequel i bought for PC. Plays fine with keyboard, though I can see having controller during melee could be desired by some folks.
Mass Effect 3 in Amazon gold box right now for $29.99
Anybody else pickup the Walking Dead game that had 10% if pre-purchased and chance to have yourself a character in future installments that gets killed and re-animated? :lol:
Quote from: katmai on April 24, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Anybody else pickup the Walking Dead game that had 10% if pre-purchased and chance to have yourself a character in future installments that gets killed and re-animated? :lol:
I just bought it. It's shaping up to be the best Telltale Game since their remakes.
I liked it. Never played a telltale game before this.
Bastion is for sale at 60% off again until May 3rd. Only $5.99 via Steam.
Just picked up DCS:A-10C warthog from steam....this ain't no drop in and fly sim, but looks fun.
Quote from: katmai on May 02, 2012, 04:48:50 PM
Just picked up DCS:A-10C warthog from steam....this ain't no drop in and fly sim, but looks fun.
It's traditional to give the sale price and the end of the sale...
The game's discounted at 66% off. Currently $13.59 for another 18 hours.
Pfft, you guys are smart enough to look it up yourself. :rolleyes:
Nuh Uh :mad:
You met me, you know I ain't smart enough.
Ok, i promise to never over estimate you people again.
That seems unlikely.
Portal 2 is 66% off on Steam ($6.79US) for the next 45 hours. Anyone who doesn't have this needs to get it, it is a great game.
Thanks. $7. Bargain.
Skyrim 33% off on Steam.
Alan Wake is now available for PC on gog.com. It is 50% off($14.99US) until May 15th and the gog version is always DRM free.
Company of Heroes is $1.99 on Steam today. Is this game good.
Its entertaining.
If you never played it it is 1.99 good
Quote from: Caliga on May 13, 2012, 07:19:59 AM
Company of Heroes is $1.99 on Steam today. Is this game good.
Yep. It's a barrel of fun. One of the best RTS games ever released. Hilarious historical accuracy. I actually liked playing the British the best since they gets lots of artillery.
Picked up Arkham City on Gamersgate. Was like 12 bucks.
Dear Remedy: you would think you fuckers could sync your lip movements. You've had three triple-A titles, and you still can't get it right. Alan Wake: unplayable due to .25 second sync delay. What a bunch of annoying shit.
Is Company of Heroes good even if you normally hate RTS games? :hmm:
I normally hate RTS games (not to mention WW2 games) and I thought CoH was lots of fun.
Quote from: Caliga on May 13, 2012, 05:23:06 PM
Is Company of Heroes good even if you normally hate RTS games? :hmm:
It is harder to turtle in CoH. You can, but the AI likes to go around your strongpoints.
Quote from: Caliga on May 13, 2012, 05:23:06 PM
Is Company of Heroes good even if you normally hate RTS games? :hmm:
If you have the moves like Patton, CoH is for you.
I don't like rts games and CoH is definitely an rts game. That said it is good enough that you should get $5 worth of fun out of it but don't expect a miracle.
Quote from: Caliga on May 13, 2012, 05:23:06 PM
Is Company of Heroes good even if you normally hate RTS games? :hmm:
Shit I must have been drunker than I thought last night, that barely makes sense to me. :D
Patrician IV Gold on GamersGate for $6 today. Is it worth it?
GOG has Alpha Centauri, Populous & Dungeon Keeper 50% off this weekend: http://www.gog.com/news/weekend_promo_rule_the_ea_worlds
Arma II is $15US from Amazon download for anyone looking to play DayZ.
GOG has an EA sale going on:
Dungeon Keeper™
Dungeon Keeper™ 2
Populous™ 2:
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™
SimCity 2000™ Special Edition
For $2.99 each.
Steam is having Ubisoft franchise sale all weekend.
Today's deal is Assassin's Creed franchise 50-75% off (http://store.steampowered.com/)
I have AC2 on xbox, but curious if the next two in franchise are worth it?
Quote from: katmai on May 19, 2012, 09:51:30 PM
Steam is having Ubisoft franchise sale all weekend.
Today's deal is Assassin's Creed franchise 50-75% off (http://store.steampowered.com/)
I have AC2 on xbox, but curious if the next two in franchise are worth it?
Brohood yes, but Revelations is hit or miss. If it's cheap enough, get it. Brotherhood is fucking great, though. Absolute keeper.
Quote from: Scipio on May 19, 2012, 10:10:40 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 19, 2012, 09:51:30 PM
Steam is having Ubisoft franchise sale all weekend.
Today's deal is Assassin's Creed franchise 50-75% off (http://store.steampowered.com/)
I have AC2 on xbox, but curious if the next two in franchise are worth it?
Brohood yes, but Revelations is hit or miss. If it's cheap enough, get it. Brotherhood is fucking great, though. Absolute keeper.
Thanks Scips, yeah Brotherhood is $7.49, Revelations $19.99. Will pick up brotherhood and thinking i'll get AC2 as never finished it on SexBox and sale it is only $4.99
I just picked up AC2... have had it on my Steam wishlist for a couple of years now. :cool:
Thanks for reminding me, i had forgot to buy them :lol:
Civ V appears to be $7.49 on Steam until Monday. Worth it?
E: Oh and Red Orchestra 2 is $9.99.
Free Weekend for Red Orchestra 2. Try it before you buy it. There is a HUGE update/patch coming out today, hopefully they don't go the Paradox route and the patch actually works.
Also on Steam:
Dungeons of Dredmore and the DLC is 50% off. This game is way too cheap to start with so 50% off is an absolute steal. I highly recommend everyone who doesn't own it get it.
Avadon The Black Fortress is a good old school party based RPG if anyone is looking. It is 50% OFF TOO.
XCom Collection for $3.99US on Amazon. No idea how they treat the Euroweens.
http://www.amazon.com/X-COM-Collection-Online-Game-Code/dp/B00846E6X4/ref=sr_1_1_title_0?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1337718054&sr=1-1 (http://www.amazon.com/X-COM-Collection-Online-Game-Code/dp/B00846E6X4/ref=sr_1_1_title_0?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1337718054&sr=1-1)
Got 5 of those ironclads games for 4 bucks through that Indie Gala thingy. I figured I might get a few minutes of confederate smashing in one of these days.
Amazon is running a pretty sweet games deal: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=pe_120290_23913270_pe_button/?docId=1000800391&ie=UTF8
Things I'm contemplating downloading/purchasing are:
CK2 for 9.99, or more likely a Paradox bundle with CK2, Victoria 2, Sword of the Star Complete and Sword II, Magicka Collection, and Magicka: The Are Left for only 12.49 total. The Stronghold collection with Stronghold, Stronghold 2, Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Crusader Extreme, and Stronghold Legends for 4.99.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 27, 2012, 08:40:05 PM
Amazon is running a pretty sweet games deal: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=pe_120290_23913270_pe_button/?docId=1000800391&ie=UTF8
Things I'm contemplating downloading/purchasing are:
CK2 for 9.99, or more likely a Paradox bundle with CK2, Victoria 2, Sword of the Star Complete and Sword II, Magicka Collection, and Magicka: The Are Left for only 12.49 total. The Stronghold collection with Stronghold, Stronghold 2, Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Crusader Extreme, and Stronghold Legends for 4.99.
Thanks for the tip, mang. THat Paradox Bundle has three games I don't have, so even though the Magicka and Sword I are dupes, it's worth it.
GOG has all the old Ultimas and Wing Commanders on sale. I couldn't resist, because Origin was awesome back when they were a game studio and not EA's pathetic attempt to be Steam.
I picked up the Ultimas today. I've only ever played U4, to my shame (on C64). :blush:
For me and Ultima, III wast the first (and even a Tamas-like cracked/pirate copy to boot), and holds a special place in my heart. I especially remember leaving dropped creature loot/chests all over the landscape to herd monsters like livestock around Britannia. :lol:
After III, I and II were kinda weird (especially I)...but I thought II was the more interesting of them.
IV was ok.
I've always thought Ultima V was the deepest (as far as story), and certainly the pinnacle of the old, classic Ultima map system. Still miss it.
VI's new IBM PC/graphic realignment was hard to adapt to back in the day, but I thought the story was quite good.
VII was the beginning of the end...I remember it being a bitch to get to work system-wise (ah, the glory days of my old-school IBM computer expertise...now long forgotten and obsolete)...and the story ultimately(hah) unfullfilling. Probably due to Richard Garriot selling out and becoming more of a seemingly pompous and self-absorbed tard.
Ultima VIII? Ultima meets Super Mario Bros. Complete waste of time.
I also fondly remember an Ultima-clone from the time known as Questron.
Matrix games is having a sale on some of their WWII shit until the 12th.
Humble bundle is a bargain thingy for indie games where you pay what you like. You can also determine the split of your payment (how much to devs, how much to distributor, and how much to charity).
The current Humble Bundle includes:
- Limbo
- Amnesia - The Dark Descent
- Psychonauts
- Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery
If you pay more than the current average of what people paid (at the moment $7.88) you also get:
- Bastion
- Lone Survivor
- Braid
- Super Meat Boy
Very good deal if you like indie games.
Braid, Lone Survivor and Bastion alone are individually worth the price of entry. You're cheating yourself if you don't hit that bundle up.
I have Bastion for XBox, but this deal is too good to pass. All games activate on Steam, btw (or you can download them DRM free after purchase. Soundtracks for Bastion, Amnesia, Limbo, Psychonauts and Superbrothers are part of the deal, btw (love the Bastion tracks).
If I didn't already own half of the games listed, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. That's one of the best deals ever.
Sengoku is 4 fiddy at Gamersgate.
All things Deus Ex (old and new games) is 75% off at Steam this weekend. €15 EUR for all games/DLCs.
Steam summer sale this week.
Anything you guys are looking for?
I'm hoping for some rebate on the Civ V dlc other then that I am a opportunistic buyer.
gog.com has been having a great sale.
LA Noire complete for about $8 on steam or $5 for base game
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 26, 2012, 12:19:04 PM
Steam summer sale this week.
Really? I don't think so.
Rumor says it is going to start today.
Quote from: katmai on June 28, 2012, 10:06:56 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 26, 2012, 12:19:04 PM
Steam summer sale this week.
Really? I don't think so.
Last 2 years have been last Thursday of June but the latest rumors are that you are right No Steam sale this week.
Quote from: sbr on June 28, 2012, 10:09:48 AM
Rumor says it is going to start today.
If that is true I'll buy Grey Wolfe game of his choice.
Quote from: katmai on June 28, 2012, 10:14:35 AM
Quote from: sbr on June 28, 2012, 10:09:48 AM
Rumor says it is going to start today.
If that is true I'll buy Grey Wolfe game of his choice.
:w00t: :(
quick: should I buy L.A. Noire?
Quote from: Tamas on June 28, 2012, 10:35:16 AM
quick: should I buy L.A. Noire?
It is $7? yeah, it is worth that much :P
I enjoyed it, though more linear than GTA and Red Dead Redemption.
Yeah buy it. Short but fun. :)
thanks guys, bought it :thumbsup:
Fuck you GabeN. Fuucck you.
Valve is releasing their movie maker. The same one they use to make this: http://www.teamfortress.com/pyromania/
Quote from: FunkMonk on June 28, 2012, 01:17:29 PM
Valve is releasing their movie maker. The same one they use to make this: http://www.teamfortress.com/pyromania/
That is fucking funny.
Ripped off QT3:
Amazon on Jul 1st:
Quote1. Max Payne 3 - $29.99 (50% off) – This is the Steam version. 50% runs 7/1-7/4 (end of day 7/4) and will then be 33% off through 7/14
2. Spec Ops: The Line - $24.99 (50% off) – Steam activate-able – this will run from 7/1-7/14
3. Syndicate - $14.99 – Origin activate-able – this will run from 7/1-7/14
4. Bioshock Dual Pack (Bioshock 1 + 2) – $7.49 Steam activate-able – this will run from 7/1-7/14
5. X-Com Complete Pack – $2.99 - Steam activate-able – this will run from 7/1-7/14
6. The Darkness II - $12.49 – Steam activate-able – this will run from 7/1-7/14
7. Rockstar Classics Pack - $14.99 – Steam activate-able – this will run from 7/1-7/14
8. Crusader Kings II - $9.99 – Steam activate-able – this will run from 7/1-7/14
9.Plethora of Paradox Games - $19.99 containing (all Steam activateable) runs 7/1-7/7 still building page: a. Crusader Kings II [Download] b. Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields DLC Pack c. Crusader Kings II: Mongols DLC Pack d. Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer DLC e. Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion DLC f. Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith DLC g. Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land DLC h. Magicka Collection [Download] i. Magicka: The Stars Are Left DLC [Online Game Code] j. Majesty Gold [Online Game Code] k. Majesty 2 Collection l. Victoria II [Online Game Code] m.Warlock: Master of the Arcane [Download]
10. Plentiful Paradox Package - $12.49 (all are Steam activate-able) runs 7/1-7/7 contains: a. Crusader Kings II [Download] b. Magicka Collection [Download] c. Magicka: The Stars Are Left DLC [Online Game Code] d. Sword of the Stars - Complete Collection e. Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter [Download] f. Victoria II [Online Game Code]
11.Pint Sized Paradox bundle $7.49 (all steam activate-able) runs 7/1-7/7: a. Crusader Kings II: Dynasty Shields DLC Pack b. Crusader Kings II: Mongols DLC Pack c. Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer DLC d. Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion DLC e. Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith DLC f. Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land DLC g. Majesty Gold [Online Game Code] h. Warlock: Master of the Arcane [Download] i. Majesty 2 Collection
12.Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - $7.49 (Steam activate-able) runs 7/1-7/14
13.Duke Nukem Complete Pack $7.99 (Steam activate-able) runs 7/1-7/14: a.The base game - Duke Nukem Forever b.The DLC Pack - Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons Parody Pack DLC c.And the DLC Pack - The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC Pack
14. 2K Strategy Pack - $19.99 – runs 7/1-7/14 a. Sid Meier's Civilization V: Game of the Year Edition b.Sid Meiers Civilization IV: The Complete Edition c.The Stronghold Collection [Download]
15.2K Shooter Pack - $19.99 – runs 7/1-7/14 a.BioShock 2 [Download] b.BioShock [Download] c.Borderlands Game of the Year Edition [Download] d.Duke Nukem Forever Complete Pack [Download]
16.2K Mega Pack - $39.99 – runs 7/1-7/14 a.BioShock 2 [Download] b.BioShock [Download] c.Borderlands Game of the Year Edition [Download] d.CivCity: Rome [Download] e.Duke Nukem Forever Complete Pack [Download] f.Mafia II [Download] g.Sid Meier's Civilization V: Game of the Year Edition [Download] h.Sid Meiers Civilization IV: The Complete Edition [Download] i. The Stronghold Collection [Download]
17.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - $29.99 (50% off Steam activate-able) – runs 7/1-7/14
Little note about Pint Sized Paradox bundle - it was just really for those that got the paradox plentiful bundle early, and want the DLC and extra games, that why its just DLC and no crusader 2"]
Cool thanks el jefe.
For anyone who bought telltale games The Walking Dead...Episode 2 released today.
I've never paid more than $10 for a Max Payne game, and I'm damned if I'll start now.
Thanks, Ed. Based on this review (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/06/29/spec-ops-review-pc/) I may go for Spec Ops (it just came out, why already on sale?).
Quote from: katmai on June 29, 2012, 12:53:29 PM
Cool thanks el jefe.
For anyone who bought telltale games The Walking Dead...Episode 2 released today.
About freaking time.
Would that Paradox bundle work for Europeans too?
Yes, but you must provide a U.S. billing address (it will work with a Euro credit card).
Still no Steam sale....I blame Grey Fox
Quote from: katmai on July 03, 2012, 04:28:11 PM
Still no Steam sale....I blame Grey Fox
I have failed the GabeN, I did not serve him properly. :(
Hey Seedy, and any others who are interested in NCAA 13, I figured I should post this in case you hadn't seen it yet:
$45 until the release date (10 July).
Legend of Grimrock is 50% off at gog.com. until July 11 5:59 a.m. EDT.
Gog.com is selling Panzer General 2 and Panzer General 3d for 4.99 each for the next day.
Quote from: Scipio on July 10, 2012, 07:19:39 AM
Legend of Grimrock is 50% off at gog.com. until July 11 5:59 a.m. EDT.
The Steam Sale has it for $5.99 at the moment (60% off).
Quote from: Habbaku on July 15, 2012, 01:45:12 PM
Quote from: Scipio on July 10, 2012, 07:19:39 AM
Legend of Grimrock is 50% off at gog.com. until July 11 5:59 a.m. EDT.
The Steam Sale has it for $5.99 at the moment (60% off).
Yeah, I wanted to buy it from GOG, but the steam sales are outrageous.
Grimrock is fun. It's probably next on my list of games I own but haven't finished yet.
I like Grimrock so far too.
Grimrock is great.
Grimrock is great. Skyrim is a lot of fun. Sticking with my regular jack of all trades Breton character.
Victoria 2 and it's expansion AHD is 75% off on Gamersgate for today only. GG is based in Sweden and I don't know when "today" started.
A lot of other PDS games are on sale as well.
I see EU3:cronicles is on sale for a couple of bucks. Have they fixed the city view and ugly maps yet?
Quote from: Vricklund on July 29, 2012, 12:48:46 PM
I see EU3:cronicles is on sale for a couple of bucks. Have they fixed the city view and ugly maps yet?
Probably not to your liking. Please let that be the reason you don't buy a great game.
Just bought Elven Legacy Collection for $3.75 (75% off). Less than an hour remaining now for the sale: http://www.gamersgate.com/DDB-ELC/elven-legacy-collection
Quote from: Vricklund on July 29, 2012, 12:48:46 PM
Have they fixed the city view and ugly maps yet?
No to city view but who cares and yes to maps if you get Divine Wind.
I have been bullied into trying the Secret World free weekend.
Quote from: The Brain on August 03, 2012, 08:46:39 AM
I have been bullied into trying the Secret World free weekend.
it gets better.
Damn, new PC doesn't arrive until monday.
Enjoying Rage, which I bought for 50% off yesterday.
Damn, that thing is a fucking system hogging beast. I've got a 9 month old card, the game's the same age, and my card plays it on medium settings. Ouch.
Quote from: Scipio on August 04, 2012, 08:06:28 PM
Enjoying Rage, which I bought for 50% off yesterday.
Damn, that thing is a fucking system hogging beast. I've got a 9 month old card, the game's the same age, and my card plays it on medium settings. Ouch.
It said it would run on my current computer, but haven't tried yet. My new PC comes on Monday. I'll fire it up then. I doubt it'll do much better then medium setting either though.
Quote from: Vricklund on July 29, 2012, 12:48:46 PM
Have they fixed the city view and ugly maps yet?
Quote from: sbr on July 29, 2012, 12:59:20 PM
Probably not to your liking. Please let that be the reason you don't buy a great game.
Sucks to be a stickler sometimes. I picked up Vic2 complete instead. This means I have a spare copy of Vic1:Revolutions if anyone's interested - post your gamersgate account and I'll gift it.
Quote from: Octavian on July 31, 2012, 02:54:46 AM
No to city view but who cares and yes to maps if you get Divine Wind.
It's useless fluff that takes up half my low res screen while playing. I remember playing the EU3 demo when it came out and all I could think of was that god-awful city view. I returned to play For the glory and never looked back.
NCAA 2013 is 41 bucks from a marketplace seller on buy.com.
I will lead Ohio State to the promised land from either sacred Ohio or from space.
Do a Wyoming one and see if a rise above mediocre is possible :)
I just might. A screenshot less AAR. :)
Quote from: PDH on August 11, 2012, 07:58:06 PM
Do a Wyoming one and see if a rise above mediocre is possible :)
Ask for him to turn water into wine why don't ya?
I will open a recruiting pipeline to sacred Ohio. Or space.
Bestbuy is having a summer sale on games. Crysis 2 for sex box for 10 smackers for example.
Free to play weekend for Saints Row the Third, then if you want to buy it, it's 66% off.
I have a 50% off Anno 2070 coupon on Steam, good until the 28th, if anyone is interested. I think it's the best of the Anno series so far. But if you didn't like the Anno games at all, this one will not change your mind, despite the fancy graphics and near-future setting.
Dragon Age bundle for $9.99 at gamestop
Wargame: European Escalation is on sale for $13.60 on Steam. I think Funkmonk was big on that game.
Quote from: Tamas on September 24, 2012, 03:17:52 PM
I have a 50% off Anno 2070 coupon on Steam, good until the 28th, if anyone is interested. I think it's the best of the Anno series so far. But if you didn't like the Anno games at all, this one will not change your mind, despite the fancy graphics and near-future setting.
:hmm: I never played the series, is it good?
Quote from: Pedrito on September 26, 2012, 04:07:47 AM
Quote from: Tamas on September 24, 2012, 03:17:52 PM
I have a 50% off Anno 2070 coupon on Steam, good until the 28th, if anyone is interested. I think it's the best of the Anno series so far. But if you didn't like the Anno games at all, this one will not change your mind, despite the fancy graphics and near-future setting.
:hmm: I never played the series, is it good?
It does seem more like a bit of a puzzle game than a city builder at times, but I did enjoy it for a while and started playing again until newer games came around again :P
Quote from: Razgovory on September 26, 2012, 01:53:20 AM
Wargame: European Escalation is on sale for $13.60 on Steam. I think Funkmonk was big on that game.
It's an RTS that doesn't play like a typical RTS. I enjoyed it a lot, particularly the multiplayer. Haven't played it in a couple months but I'm always tempted to go back to it. The devs have repeatedly patched in new, free content as well.
Goddamn you Steam! Syrim is 50% off. Why must you do this to me?
Yeah, I was reading yesterday about the new release of the Morrowind enhancement pack (V3.0) and Morroblivion (which lets you play Morrowind in the Oblivion engine), looked at the prices for the games on Steam (because I can't find my disks) and thought, "Naaaah".
Then, in the evening, the games are on sale. :hmm:
GOG.com has a weekend Activision sale that includes the Police/Space/King's Quest games, the Krondor games, Arcanum etc.
and more importantly Call to Power 2.
That's the game that introduced me to Civilization.
Also: the Vampire games and Gabriel Knight series is available in the deal.
I used to own Gabriel Knight III. God that was an awful game. I did inspire this article though. http://www.oldmanmurray.com/features/77.html Interesting fact about that article. One of the writers created a lame character named "Francis the talking France". Over a decade later the character reappears in Team Fortress 2.
Anyone wants a Planetside 2 beta key?
Received an excellent gift of Darksiders II. So I treated myself to all the DLC on sale at Steam. Cannot wait to play.
Loved the first part on the 360 but never finished it. With the current sale I'm waiting whether it's gonna be the daily deal today. At any rate, I'm gonna buy.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 06, 2012, 03:21:37 PM
Anyone wants a Planetside 2 beta key?
Well, I'm already in the beta but my brother would like a key. Still available?
Quote from: FunkMonk on October 07, 2012, 09:22:56 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 06, 2012, 03:21:37 PM
Anyone wants a Planetside 2 beta key?
Well, I'm already in the beta but my brother would like a key. Still available?
Yes, if you were in the beta, didn't you get a recruitment key too?
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 07, 2012, 10:39:41 AM
Quote from: FunkMonk on October 07, 2012, 09:22:56 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 06, 2012, 03:21:37 PM
Anyone wants a Planetside 2 beta key?
Well, I'm already in the beta but my brother would like a key. Still available?
Yes, if you were in the beta, didn't you get a recruitment key too?
I never got a recruitment key. :(
I got in the beta back in late August, though.
Stupid Sony, now that I want to try the Planetside 2 beta, it won't let me log in, even tho I just finish resetting my password.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2012, 12:40:20 PM
Stupid Sony, now that I want to try the Planetside 2 beta, it won't let me log in, even tho I just finish resetting my password.
That happened to me once. I just quit trying and the next day it worked. SOE is full of shit.
Anyone want a copy of Civ 5 on Steam?
I don't think I've played a Civ game since III. Is it hardware intensive?
Quote from: Kleves on October 08, 2012, 09:02:44 PM
Anyone want a copy of Civ 5 on Steam?
someone else preordered xcom :lol:
Great, now we have glut of extra Civ 5s. I preordered as well.
GOG sale this weekend: Ubisoft.
Everything 60% off:
Might & Magic/Heroes of Might & Magic
Panzer General II
Far Cry 1+2
Prince of Persia
Ass. Creed 1
Il-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Battle Isle
A couple Tom Clancy games
and some more
Wargame: European Escalation is 75% off on Steam ($9.99). Everything they have(E: It isn't everything) Several games by that company, Focus, is on sale this weekend.
GOG sale on EA games including Ultima games, Wing Commander, Populous, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri for 60%. Brings Alpha Centauri down to $2.36 Damn. I might need to get a couple games. :o
Nice finally tome to try SMAC
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on November 02, 2012, 11:58:16 PM
GOG sale on EA games including Ultima games, Wing Commander, Populous, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri for 60%. Brings Alpha Centauri down to $2.36 Damn. I might need to get a couple games. :o
Nox is an underrated gauntlet style rpg:
http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/nox (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/nox)
How do these games install/configure, go you need to use dosbox etc or is it streamlined to work with modern OSs, which is what I'm really wanting to pay for.
Quote from: mongers on November 03, 2012, 02:20:58 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on November 02, 2012, 11:58:16 PM
GOG sale on EA games including Ultima games, Wing Commander, Populous, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri for 60%. Brings Alpha Centauri down to $2.36 Damn. I might need to get a couple games. :o
Nox is an underrated gauntlet style rpg:
http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/nox (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/nox)
How do these games install/configure, go you need to use dosbox etc or is it streamlined to work with modern OSs, which is what I'm really wanting to pay for.
dosbox is integrated, I mean that it launches via dosbox and sets it up when you launch it with the desktop shortcut
Quote from: Tamas on November 03, 2012, 02:31:01 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 03, 2012, 02:20:58 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on November 02, 2012, 11:58:16 PM
GOG sale on EA games including Ultima games, Wing Commander, Populous, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri for 60%. Brings Alpha Centauri down to $2.36 Damn. I might need to get a couple games. :o
Nox is an underrated gauntlet style rpg:
http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/nox (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/nox)
How do these games install/configure, go you need to use dosbox etc or is it streamlined to work with modern OSs, which is what I'm really wanting to pay for.
dosbox is integrated, I mean that it launches via dosbox and sets it up when you launch it with the desktop shortcut
Excellent, I'll give it ago. :cheers:
edit:tried it out, got populous 2, just as I remembered. :cool:
The website, download, install and play works very smoothly; I shall have to buy some more, dragon pass looks good.
I bought theme hospital. I forgot how mind numbing boring it was. :blush:
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 04, 2012, 05:59:50 PM
I bought theme hospital. I forgot how mind numbing boring it was. :blush:
Thanks for that, I was about to buy it, now I won't. :)
I wish they had Theme Park on there.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 04, 2012, 06:18:16 PM
I wish they had Theme Park on there.
You can't wait to see kids barfing everywhere, do you? :P
Quote from: Pedrito on November 05, 2012, 02:22:02 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 04, 2012, 06:18:16 PM
I wish they had Theme Park on there.
You can't wait to see kids barfing everywhere, do you? :P
The barfing was fantastic in that game.
GameFly is giving away Bioshock today.
Not worth it.
Green Man Gaming 35% off code:
Xcom for 32.50? yes please.
Steam Sale
GOG has "pick 5, pay 10". http://www.gog.com/pick_5_pay_10
Nothing too awesome, but I used it to snag up some of the adventure games.
Matrix is having its usual sale. So instead of wildly overpriced, they go down to sorta overpriced.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 21, 2012, 05:20:57 PM
Matrix is having its usual sale. So instead of wildly overpriced, they go down to sorta overpriced.
Fuck Matrix games. They've charged me double every time I tried to buy them. I don't want to have to call up their collecting agency and my bank every time I buy a computer game.
I've never heard of someone double charged as much as you.
Bought Knights of the Old Republic 2 for $2.50 and The Walking Dead series for $12.50. Those are the two I've been waiting for. That's it for me this steam sale.
Quote from: sbr on November 21, 2012, 06:34:29 PM
I've never heard of someone double charged as much as you.
People see my fat ass, and become confused. This does have an upside. A man refused to fight me believing he was outnumbered 3-1.
I got KoToR II also. If the Civ5 expansion gets better than 50% off I will grab that too. I don't think I am interested in much else at the moment.
I'm thinking of picking up X-Com. The original was one of my favorite games of all time. Given that fact, will I like the remake or be disappointed? Languish: YOU DECIDE!
It has the Raz seal of approval.
Quote from: Caliga on November 21, 2012, 11:22:36 PM
I'm thinking of picking up X-Com. The original was one of my favorite games of all time. Given that fact, will I like the remake or be disappointed? Languish: YOU DECIDE!
I've never played Original X-COM just read Tonitrus's AARs but it's XCOM in a modern form. Pick it up it's well worth it.
Max Payne 3 complete on Amazon (game + season pass) for$20.00
I went ahead and bought XCOM and Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition. The latter was only five bucks.
There is a new HumbleBundle available: The THQ Humble Bundle : http://www.humblebundle.com/?thqbundle
Poor THQ.
1$ all to the Humble Tip.
These bundles lately have bloated my steam games list. :lol:
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 29, 2012, 02:52:26 PM
Poor THQ.
1$ all to the Humble Tip.
Not a dick move at all.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 29, 2012, 02:52:26 PM
Poor THQ.
1$ all to the Humble Tip.
Nice work. After they pay the fees on that transaction they will end up losing money on the deal.
Quote from: sbr on December 01, 2012, 09:24:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 29, 2012, 02:52:26 PM
Poor THQ.
1$ all to the Humble Tip.
Nice work. After they pay the fees on that transaction they will end up losing money on the deal.
A donation is a donation.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 01, 2012, 09:26:48 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 01, 2012, 09:24:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 29, 2012, 02:52:26 PM
Poor THQ.
1$ all to the Humble Tip.
Nice work. After they pay the fees on that transaction they will end up losing money on the deal.
A donation is a donation.
Not when it's less than processing fees.
Free copy of Metro 2033 if you "like" their Facebook page. (http://www.facebook.com/MetroVideoGame?sk=app_395840630491782&app_data=us&code=AQAY1b4nVjedV3OWlyA5BUCAtnbLXXweDrZRUqfXOBhj5Xi_mAUvzPs6iW-I5Vx6mWgcmfeOtJCGLOcItRNzfBPagcLmcdATAORUdfr35M3H7nLe2NaDx7GSNo-ar1BRue_nbpo6N-VYQ3FEc5YMMrsDrSvJAm8oUIyF-TTlbA275A0OybyAnTs2wqoNZXoFGs6qgXWoOinf-jY8u6RDrkPd#_=_)
Thanks. :cool:
It seems that GOG is having a big sale, which strikes me as weird. When you are selling PC games for five or ten bucks having a special deal where it is half price doesn't seem all that important. I mean, Steam sells a fairly new game for about 60 bucks and for a weekend it is sold for half price that seems fairly substantial. I save thirty bucks. I can get a decent meal at a restaurant for that money. I save two and half bucks on a game, that's like what? The price of two candy bars? I guess my point is, they are already really cheap.
That doesn't matter. I'm not buying game if it's not atleast 50% off of it's regular price.
When is the Skyrimg GOTY edition coming? I am looking for a discount on the game.
Witcher 2 is 75% off ($7.49US) and DRM free on GOG.com
Is the first Port Royale any good ?
It was great 'til it fell into the sea.
I can't believe I'm thinking of buying the Command and Conquer uber set for 25 bucks.
Command and Conquer: Renegade :mmm:
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 17, 2012, 07:38:00 PM
I can't believe I'm thinking of buying the Command and Conquer uber set for 25 bucks.
Command and Conquer: Renegade :mmm:
I bought the 10 year anniversary pack. The first game fucking rocked, though the best was in the series was Red Alert 2.
You could be a real jerk and be playing in character in Renegade. I liked camping the GDI bases.online fuckers tended not to defend their own bases well.
Everyone's wallet ready for Steam's Christmas Sale?
i'm planning on getting CivV expansion, CK2 DLCs, FM13 and maybe X-COM.
Tamas, IIRC you played Anno 2070: How's the game?
Amazon has a bucket full on sale right now. Or was last night.
Quote from: Pedrito on December 18, 2012, 09:32:24 AM
Everyone's wallet ready for Steam's Christmas Sale?
i'm planning on getting CivV expansion, CK2 DLCs, FM13 and maybe X-COM.
Tamas, IIRC you played Anno 2070: How's the game?
I quite liked it. Good graphics and "feel". But apart from the deep sea stuff there is no difference in gameplay from 1701. If you liked that one, you will love 2070 for the unique-ish setting and such. If you quickly found an earlier Anno game repetative (like I did), you might still like this one (like I did), but the general concept and gameplay is the same as previous games.
Quote from: Tamas on December 18, 2012, 10:21:57 AM
Quote from: Pedrito on December 18, 2012, 09:32:24 AM
Everyone's wallet ready for Steam's Christmas Sale?
i'm planning on getting CivV expansion, CK2 DLCs, FM13 and maybe X-COM.
Tamas, IIRC you played Anno 2070: How's the game?
I quite liked it. Good graphics and "feel". But apart from the deep sea stuff there is no difference in gameplay from 1701. If you liked that one, you will love 2070 for the unique-ish setting and such. If you quickly found an earlier Anno game repetative (like I did), you might still like this one (like I did), but the general concept and gameplay is the same as previous games.
Quote from: Pedrito on December 18, 2012, 09:32:24 AM
Everyone's wallet ready for Steam's Christmas Sale?
i'm planning on getting CivV expansion, CK2 DLCs, FM13 and maybe X-COM.
Tamas, IIRC you played Anno 2070: How's the game?
The CK2 DLC is 75% down for the next 48 hours...
Are any of them worth getting? Also is there a "Remove Factions" DLC? :ph34r:
SMAC is $2.99 on gog.com.
Quote from: sbr on December 18, 2012, 06:48:40 PM
SMAC is $2.99 on gog.com.
Yes, lots of neat retro gaming at this price at the memont; seems like all of the strategy section is on half price. :cool:
I went ahead and bought Legacy of Rome. I've never been a big fan of the Byzantines in any of the Pdox games, but for the sale price figured it'd be worth trying at least one game as them. I may still pick up the Sword of Islam one, too. I AM interested in the LOL OTTOMON EMPIRE but it's a bit early to have much fun as them. :hmm:
I also didn't see that retarded Aztec shit available on Steam. :unsure:
GOG.com has an "end of the world" sale with dozens of games 75% off.
Hmmmm, MOH:allied assault for 5 bucks. That would be a blast from the past. Plenty of servers still up too.....
Might be time for Gestapo Cindy Brady to return to action.
First FPS I played online...... Man I was good at that game. :blush:
Quote from: Caliga on December 18, 2012, 10:04:23 PM
I went ahead and bought Legacy of Rome. I've never been a big fan of the Byzantines in any of the Pdox games, but for the sale price figured it'd be worth trying at least one game as them. I may still pick up the Sword of Islam one, too. I AM interested in the LOL OTTOMON EMPIRE but it's a bit early to have much fun as them. :hmm:
Ottomans don't appear before 1309 IIRC, and they are surrounded by beastly neighbors.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 19, 2012, 12:38:49 PM
Hmmmm, MOH:allied assault for 5 bucks. That would be a blast from the past. Plenty of servers still up too.....
Might be time for Gestapo Cindy Brady to return to action.
Good thing I read the page.
QuoteMultiplayer notice: The game's multiplayer servers are no longer supported by the publisher and the only option available is LAN (no CD-key required).
Steam Sale is up:
Borderlands -75% , 5 yuros,
Borderlands 2 -50% 25 yuros
for the next two days;
Other games on "flash sale",
Arkham city -75% for 10 hours,
publisher packs:
Sega, THQ, Valve, Squeenix, Bethesda, et al.
Is Dishonored worth 25 bucks?
Quote from: Syt on December 21, 2012, 01:13:46 PM
Is Dishonored worth 25 bucks?
Depends. Do you like stabbing people, or not stabbing people, and sneaking and being betrayed by everyone over and over again in a style of art sublimely creepier than the most uncanny of uncanny valleys? Because, if your answer is yes, then yes.
I guess I'll wait for the 10 buck sale, then. ;)
XCOM is $33.50 on Steam for the next 6 1/2 hours. :hmm:
It's easily the best game of 2012.
Quote from: Razgovory on December 22, 2012, 10:45:55 PM
It's easily the best game of 2012.
I'm having a pretty good time with it. Either this one or Far Cry 3 would be my choice for game of the year.
What is so great about FC3?
Quote from: Berkut on December 24, 2012, 01:41:08 AM
What is so great about FC3?
Haven't played it, but the RPS review was rather glowing:
I tend to trust their reviews - usually, if they recommend a game, I tend to enjoy it, too. Also, they're pretty good at pointing out game flaws, even if they enjoy the title (the pop up messages he rants about have supposedly been patched away).
I spotted the 50% off FM2013 deal on GG two minutes before it expired.
Facing the need for a lightning-quick decision on "spend money or not spend money", I made my usual choice.
Installing now.
Quote from: Tamas on December 24, 2012, 03:35:32 AM
Facing the need for a lightning-quick decision on "spend money or not spend money", I made my usual choice.
:pirate :P
Quote from: Syt on December 24, 2012, 03:36:11 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 24, 2012, 03:35:32 AM
Facing the need for a lightning-quick decision on "spend money or not spend money", I made my usual choice.
:pirate :P
But, oddly enough, now it shows as Deal of the Day for 24 more hours.
Sacred 2 Gold has appeared on Steam, for an introductory price of 9.99 (down from 19.99).
I liked the original Sacred quite a bit (it had a weird sense of humor that suited me fine), so this seemed like a good deal.
Quote from: Berkut on December 24, 2012, 01:41:08 AM
What is so great about FC3?
It's fun. vOv
QuoteHaven't played it, but the RPS review was rather glowing:
I tend to trust their reviews - usually, if they recommend a game, I tend to enjoy it, too. Also, they're pretty good at pointing out game flaws, even if they enjoy the title (the pop up messages he rants about have supposedly been patched away).
I haven't played it since that patch (beat it already and am waiting for mods now heh), but from the screenshots I've seen, it appears you can turn everything except the minimap off now, including the extremely annoying popup reminder things. There was a prepatch mod that made that appear only every 900 seconds though, which helped a lot (default is apparently 90 seconds, accompanied by...noise with lots of bass. It sucked).
I just wish the map was like the one in Far Cry 2, where it's pretty much just you looking down at it while the game isn't paused or anything, including when you're driving.
It has implied gay rape in it, too, so Grallon should be down.
I'm waiting to see if Far Cry 3 gets a price cut on the Steam Sale.
Spec Ops The Line is 66% off on Steam for 5 more hours. I remember reading good things about it, and Syt endorsed it as well, so going to buy it at that price.
X-COM for $25:
Also, LEGO Lord of the Rings on Amazon for $7.49 (product key can be entered in Steam).
I am eyeing the Deep Ocean expansion for Anno 2070 so let me know if you guys see it for cheap somewhere.
Quote from: Tamas on December 25, 2012, 07:35:02 AM
I am eyeing the Deep Ocean expansion for Anno 2070 so let me know if you guys see it for cheap somewhere.
You mean like half off on Steam for a couple more hours?
Quote from: Syt on December 25, 2012, 07:46:44 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 25, 2012, 07:35:02 AM
I am eyeing the Deep Ocean expansion for Anno 2070 so let me know if you guys see it for cheap somewhere.
You mean like half off on Steam for a couple more hours?
like that, yes. :P I bought the base game on GG though :(
Quote from: Tamas on December 25, 2012, 08:56:56 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 25, 2012, 07:46:44 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 25, 2012, 07:35:02 AM
I am eyeing the Deep Ocean expansion for Anno 2070 so let me know if you guys see it for cheap somewhere.
You mean like half off on Steam for a couple more hours?
like that, yes. :P I bought the base game on GG though :(
Try registering your serial no. on Steam-
Quote from: Syt on December 25, 2012, 09:15:29 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 25, 2012, 08:56:56 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 25, 2012, 07:46:44 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 25, 2012, 07:35:02 AM
I am eyeing the Deep Ocean expansion for Anno 2070 so let me know if you guys see it for cheap somewhere.
You mean like half off on Steam for a couple more hours?
like that, yes. :P I bought the base game on GG though :(
Try registering your serial no. on Steam-
Thanks, I tried, but it didn't accept it
BTW, this is a site I used several times already. A shop selling activation keys for Steam and Origin, rather cheaply:
As a matter of fact they have the Anno expansion 50% off for "UBISoft activation" I'll have to figure out if that is fine with my version
footie manager half off on Steam.
Quote from: Josephus on December 25, 2012, 11:56:21 AM
footie manager half off on Steam.
Well I guess now is as good a time as any. I have no classes until mid-January so I have plenty of time to waste. Goodbye, life. :lol:
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition on Amazon for $15.00; redeem the code on Steam.
Quote from: FunkMonk on December 25, 2012, 02:59:15 PM
Quote from: Josephus on December 25, 2012, 11:56:21 AM
footie manager half off on Steam.
Well I guess now is as good a time as any. I have no classes until mid-January so I have plenty of time to waste. Goodbye, life. :lol:
It is horrible. I bought it yesterday morning because the 50% thing was ticking off, figuring I'd play it when I'll feel like it, just firing it up to check it out. I am already like half a season in on my first game :P
You fuckers <_< :P
You made me buy it, and where I am I don'teven have a connection fast enough to download it.
LOL...Sorry. I'm still enjoying 2012. Might wait till spring when they're practically giving it away :D
I picked up the D&D anthology (BG1, BG2, ID1, ID2, PS:T, ToEE, plus all expansions) for EUR 9.99 from Gamersgate.
Quote from: Syt on December 27, 2012, 01:57:56 AM
I picked up the D&D anthology (BG1, BG2, ID1, ID2, PS:T, ToEE, plus all expansions) for EUR 9.99 from Gamersgate.
I know people hated on ToEE, but I really liked it back in the day. Good graphics, atmosphere... the whole AD&D dungeon crawl experience captured rather nicely.
I have to admit I've only played BG1 and PS:T of the games and finished none of them.
I sunk countless hours into BG1 when it was originally released. I was in the city when I was near the level cap. I knew the add on was out in a couple of weeks, raising the cap, so I waited with playing. When I finally had the expansion I loaded up my old save and was totally lost. What was the quest? Where do I have to go? WHAT'S GOING ON?? I restarted the game a few times, but never managed to get far. :blush:
And I didn't want to play BG2 without having finished BG1 first.
PS:T had me stumped at some point (dunno where anymore), and something other caught my attention, so I never finished that, either.
Quote from: Tamas on December 27, 2012, 03:08:27 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 27, 2012, 01:57:56 AM
I picked up the D&D anthology (BG1, BG2, ID1, ID2, PS:T, ToEE, plus all expansions) for EUR 9.99 from Gamersgate.
I know people hated on ToEE, but I really liked it back in the day. Good graphics, atmosphere... the whole AD&D dungeon crawl experience captured rather nicely.
I played it after several of the fan patches. That did keep it bit more stable. It was a weird game. The developers were extremely true to the original module. For instance there was one room with a hydra in it. Nothing that special, just a mid-level monster in one room. It's common to see all sorts of monsters in a Pen and Paper module thrown in for color. Still it was only one. One Hydra in the whole module. That Hydra shows up in the game. It's not difficult to fight, and it only shows up in that one room. This is uncommon in PC games, as developers don't often spend the resources to create a whole monster for one minor encounter. This struck me as very strange.
Quote from: Razgovory on December 27, 2012, 05:18:36 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 27, 2012, 03:08:27 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 27, 2012, 01:57:56 AM
I picked up the D&D anthology (BG1, BG2, ID1, ID2, PS:T, ToEE, plus all expansions) for EUR 9.99 from Gamersgate.
I know people hated on ToEE, but I really liked it back in the day. Good graphics, atmosphere... the whole AD&D dungeon crawl experience captured rather nicely.
I played it after several of the fan patches. That did keep it bit more stable. It was a weird game. The developers were extremely true to the original module. For instance there was one room with a hydra in it. Nothing that special, just a mid-level monster in one room. It's common to see all sorts of monsters in a Pen and Paper module thrown in for color. Still it was only one. One Hydra in the whole module. That Hydra shows up in the game. It's not difficult to fight, and it only shows up in that one room. This is uncommon in PC games, as developers don't often spend the resources to create a whole monster for one minor encounter. This struck me as very strange.
I only read all the shit the game received years after I first played it, and I was sad to read it. The devs deserved better.
Spec Ops: The Line was welll worth the 66%-off price. A very regular on-rails shooter, but with a great story.
Quote from: Tamas on December 27, 2012, 08:11:12 AM
Spec Ops: The Line was welll worth the 66%-off price. A very regular on-rails shooter, but with a great story.
I made an extra thread here somewhere. Comment on it i you like. :)
Quote from: Tamas on December 27, 2012, 08:10:33 AM
I only read all the shit the game received years after I first played it, and I was sad to read it. The devs deserved better.
It wasn't a terrible game, and let's be honest, Single player RPGs weren't exactly plentiful when it came out (they aren't now either). The biggest problem was the many bugs in the game. This was fairly typical of Troika, and is probably why they aren't around anymore. Still, it was like a labor of love rather then a commercial product. It was turn based (not that I think this is a negative, it's just that this was so uncommon at the time), and the the meticulous reconstruction of the original adventure just made the game seem weird to me.
Just noticed Civilization 5/game of the year version + The Gods and Kings expansion are all 75% off on steam.
So in the UK that would be £12.50 for Game of the Year plus expansion. :cool:
I enjoyed ToEE.
Quote from: mongers on December 28, 2012, 03:52:46 PM
Just noticed Civilization 5/game of the year version + The Gods and Kings expansion are all 75% off on steam.
So in the UK that would be £12.50 for Game of the Year plus expansion. :cool:
Yeah I got G&K today. Will play it if I can get over the fact that Gustavus Adolphus looks just like Erik XIV and that they say that Caroleans weren't in the Great Northern War. :tracksuit:
So is Stronghold 3 (Gold edition) worth $7.50? I really just kind of want it for castle building.
Er. Has anyone even played Stronghold 3?
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 28, 2012, 07:12:19 PM
So is Stronghold 3 (Gold edition) worth $7.50? I really just kind of want it for castle building.
Er. Has anyone even played Stronghold 3?
Nope, the reviews I read about it are split between 'it's a dumbing down of the play mechanics' and it's a different take/innovation on the old system.
Quote from: mongers on December 28, 2012, 07:47:12 PM
Nope, the reviews I read about it are split between 'it's a dumbing down of the play mechanics' and it's a different take/innovation on the old system.
I waffled about it for so long that the timer expired. I guess I don't really want it that much.
Is the entire Assassins Creed franchise, except something called a "season pass," worth $65? Is it something you should play through the whole way, instead of just jumping in for the latest game?
Dawnguard (Skyrim expansion) is on sale for 10 yuros until tomorrow evening, is it worth getting? Anyone played it?
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 29, 2012, 11:05:02 PM
Quote from: mongers on December 28, 2012, 07:47:12 PM
Nope, the reviews I read about it are split between 'it's a dumbing down of the play mechanics' and it's a different take/innovation on the old system.
I waffled about it for so long that the timer expired. I guess I don't really want it that much.
Is the entire Assassins Creed franchise, except something called a "season pass," worth $65? Is it something you should play through the whole way, instead of just jumping in for the latest game?
That's a good question. It depends on whether you like the gameplay. The series evolves significantly from the I through III. The Ezio Auditore Trilogy (II, Brotherhood, Revelations) is really the standard. III is very interesting, but gameplay is taking a seat to narrative.
You can skip I, IMHO. Season Pass for AssCreed III would be essential.
It would appear that Far Cry 3 is 25% off. I may get it now.
Quote from: Scipio on December 30, 2012, 09:13:19 AM
That's a good question. It depends on whether you like the gameplay. The series evolves significantly from the I through III. The Ezio Auditore Trilogy (II, Brotherhood, Revelations) is really the standard. III is very interesting, but gameplay is taking a seat to narrative.
You can skip I, IMHO. Season Pass for AssCreed III would be essential.
Ah okay. I went ahead and got the pack before I left last night so it could download. Playing the first one now, I think I need to find an Xbox controller for this game. I don't know where I put them though. :hmm:
What all does the Season Pass thing involve? Since I'm playing them in order, I can just pick it up in a couple months or whenever I get to III.
I miss Vinny
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 30, 2012, 05:42:05 PM
Quote from: Scipio on December 30, 2012, 09:13:19 AM
That's a good question. It depends on whether you like the gameplay. The series evolves significantly from the I through III. The Ezio Auditore Trilogy (II, Brotherhood, Revelations) is really the standard. III is very interesting, but gameplay is taking a seat to narrative.
You can skip I, IMHO. Season Pass for AssCreed III would be essential.
Ah okay. I went ahead and got the pack before I left last night so it could download. Playing the first one now, I think I need to find an Xbox controller for this game. I don't know where I put them though. :hmm:
What all does the Season Pass thing involve? Since I'm playing them in order, I can just pick it up in a couple months or whenever I get to III.
Season Pass is all planned DLC at a discount.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is $5 on Steam.
Quote from: Scipio on December 31, 2012, 05:21:44 PM
Season Pass is all planned DLC at a discount.
Ah okay. Thanks.
Colonization for Sid Meier's Civilization IV is on 75% for another 26 hours.
2.50 GBP over here, not sure the dollar or euro price, but cheap as chips.
Quote from: mongers on January 04, 2013, 10:27:07 AM
Colonization for Sid Meier's Civilization IV is on 75% for another 26 hours.
2.50 GBP over here, not sure the dollar or euro price, but cheap as chips.
You want that mod with it. Do not even try vanilla
Quote from: Tamas on January 04, 2013, 10:33:47 AM
Quote from: mongers on January 04, 2013, 10:27:07 AM
Colonization for Sid Meier's Civilization IV is on 75% for another 26 hours.
2.50 GBP over here, not sure the dollar or euro price, but cheap as chips.
You want that mod with it. Do not even try vanilla
Witcher enhanced $2.49 and witcher 2 enhanced for $7.49 on steam today.
For anyone who still hasn't pulled the trigger (pun intended) on Spec Ops the Line, it is on Steam Midweek madness sale at 75% off ($7.49) till 4pm Thursday PST
FTL is on sale again for $4.99. It's worth it.
Quote from: Habbaku on January 10, 2013, 02:27:21 PM
FTL is on sale again for $4.99. It's worth it.
Quote from: Tamas on January 04, 2013, 10:33:47 AM
Quote from: mongers on January 04, 2013, 10:27:07 AM
Colonization for Sid Meier's Civilization IV is on 75% for another 26 hours.
2.50 GBP over here, not sure the dollar or euro price, but cheap as chips.
You want that mod with it. Do not even try vanilla
I download the mod, though I did try the vanilla just for 10 minutes, then the mod; excellent a major improvement. :cheers:
I look forward to playing this. :)
yeah I just played the mod again, waiting for the CK2 patch. Amazing job the Germans did there. They made the game Col2 supposed to be.
CK2 + all DLC including the Republic for $10: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B7UK2I2
LA Noire 75 % off at Steam
Bought the complete edition for 10 euros
Quote from: Tamas on December 25, 2012, 11:33:32 AM
BTW, this is a site I used several times already. A shop selling activation keys for Steam and Origin, rather cheaply:
Wanted to buy a Tomb Raider key from them.
First they take my money (PayPal),
then they ask for a picture ID . . . I don't think so. Of course that means I now have to go through PayPals conflict resolution to get my money back. <_<
Thanks Tamas! :mad:
Well, I told them I'm not gonna play that game and had an instant refund at least. Guess I'll wait for the inevitable Steam or Amazon Sale.
Dead Rising 2 is 4.99 on steam till tomorrow.
Far Cry 3 is 40% off on Steam.
Everything HoI3 is 75% off on Steam for another 10 hours. I thought I'd chance it. How bad can it be for 15 or so EUR?
Buying the DLC was a pain in the ass, though. A lot of add ons require Semper Fi - which doesn't automatically show up in the DLC for HoI3. So if I added all DLC to cart or want to buy the "HoI3 Collection" it gave me the error that I didn't own a required program to buy the items.
Quote from: Syt on March 22, 2013, 03:14:40 AM
Everything HoI3 is 75% off on Steam for another 10 hours. I thought I'd chance it. How bad can it be for 15 or so EUR?
Buying the DLC was a pain in the ass, though. A lot of add ons require Semper Fi - which doesn't automatically show up in the DLC for HoI3. So if I added all DLC to cart or want to buy the "HoI3 Collection" it gave me the error that I didn't own a required program to buy the items.
Yeah I saw that and was tempted.
But like you I saw the latest DLC/version and then notice you had to have the previous mod/expansion, which then had me following the track back several times to the required precursor, till eventually it said I need the original HO3.
At which point the basket looked so congested I gave up. <_<
I'm still trying to get myself through understanding Vicky 2. :blush:
Quote from: garbon on March 22, 2013, 09:24:26 PM
I'm still trying to get myself through understanding Vicky 2. :blush:
I think it sounds like it's worth it as compared to HOI3.
I'll probably get around to buying once Languish has cooled on it, it seems to be my way.
Quote from: garbon on March 22, 2013, 09:24:26 PM
I'm still trying to get myself through understanding Vicky 2. :blush:
I swear, I played 5 games in a row, and every game I learned some new basic thing about the interface...
Yeah it's the one p'dox game that I can understand when people say it has a steep learning curve.
Ok, started HoI3, started a game as Germany. Looked at research and production, felt my eyes glazing over and shut down the game. Some other time. :P
Don.t build IC as Germany. You'll be stealing everybody else's. :)
Quote from: Syt on March 24, 2013, 08:57:51 AM
Ok, started HoI3, started a game as Germany. Looked at research and production, felt my eyes glazing over and shut down the game. Some other time. :P
That was my impression. I'm getting to old for this kinda thing.
The New Hitman game is only 10 bucks on Steam. If for some reason you want to buy that.
Weekend promo - get all things D&D for $21:
Quote from: Syt on April 05, 2013, 02:01:35 PM
Weekend promo - get all things D&D for $21:
Where would one find the all the time to just play a large fragment of that ?
If anyoe here still doesn't have Alpha Centauri (or is too lazy to dig out their CDs, patch them etc.), GOG has a sale:
Alpha Centauri PLUS EXPANSION for a measly $2.39. There''s no excuse for you now.
Also, the EA promotion:
Includes all the Ultimas, Dungeon Keepers, Wing Commanders etc. for 60% off.
Starflight 1+2!
Gamersgate is having a Bethesda weekend.
Skyrim and Dishonored are both 50% off ($15US) right now. I heard a rumor that a European friends was able to buy from the UK portal (.co.uk) for £7.49 = €8.9.
Both have to activate through Steam, but that is still a good price. I don't know if you will see it lower, even at the Steam Summer sale.
Dungeon Siege III free on AMazon right now. WTF?
NEvermind it's just the demo.
Torchlight 2 is 66% off on Steam.
My list of unplayed games is growing, but IIRC someone here liked TL2 a lot: is it worth 6,50 yuros?
TL2 is good. Played it a lot. Used it as a "music game", ie game that I can play mindlessly while listening to music. A bit too cartoony graphics I thought but I learned to live with it.
TL2 is great.
Starflight is a good game, but I prefer the Sega Genesis version.
Anyone know any good Roman-themed games?
X-COM is on sale on Steam for $13.59.
I have two -75% Shogun 2 coupons on Steam. Who wants them?
I got two of those also the other day. :)
I have DOTA 2 key to give away.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 14, 2013, 11:42:32 AM
I have DOTA 2 key to give away.
Yes, you keep saying that, and I keep asking you what DOTA 2 is.... <_<
Quote from: Caliga on May 14, 2013, 11:51:52 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 14, 2013, 11:42:32 AM
I have DOTA 2 key to give away.
Yes, you keep saying that, and I keep asking you what DOTA 2 is.... <_<
It's a MOBA, like League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth & that Blizzard version.
QuoteMultiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), also known as action real-time strategy (ARTS), is a sub-genre of the real-time strategy (RTS) genre, in which often two teams of players compete with each other in discrete games, with each player controlling a single character through an RTS-style interface. It differs from traditional RTS games in that there is no unit construction and players control just one character. In this sense, it is a fusion of action games and real-time strategy games. The genre emphasizes cooperative team-play; players select and control one "hero", a powerful unit with various abilities and advantages to form a team's overall strategy. The objective is to destroy the opponents' main structure with the assistance of periodically spawned computer-controlled units that march towards the enemy's main structure via paths referred to as "lanes".
Also more info on it's steam page.
Mass Effect 3 is 66% off ($6.78US) on GamersGate. It still installs through Origin.
Imperialism I and II is on sale at GoG. I wish people still made games like that.
I was mad at Imperialism 1 when it came out because it failed to model the worker's movement or things like the American Civil War. I may want to give it a try again, but IIRC the game AI would inevitably gang up on you.
Quote from: Queequeg on May 12, 2013, 07:50:26 PM
Anyone know any good Roman-themed games?
Alea Jacta Est (AJE) covers mostly Romans vs Romans fighting, with the key Roman Civil Wars between the 1st century BC and the 3rd century AD: http://www.ageod.com/en/ageod-games/35-pre-order-alea-jacta-est-base-version.html
BIRTH OF ROME is the story of those epic wars that allowed the young Roman Republic to unify Italy and defeat Carthage over Sicily: http://www.ageod.com/en/45-birth-of-rome.html
The latest Humble Bundle has Hotline Miami and a bunch of other games for $5.68. HM alone is worth it for that price.
Proteus and Awesomenauts are really good as well.
FTL is on sale for $4.99 on Steam.
GOG's summer sale has begun:
Torchlight is FREE till the 20th: http://www.gog.com/news/nodrm_summer_get_torchlight_free_for_48_hours
The bundle of all things D&D (BG1+2, ID1+2, ToEE, PS:T, NWN1+2, Dragonshard, Demon Stone) is 80% off today ($21.10), or 50% for any single title in the bundle: http://www.gog.com/promo/definitive_dungeons_and_dragons
More sales on their webpage (Might & Magic, Freespace 2, System Shock 2 and other 50% off).
Got Torchlight, because you can never have that game too often.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 18, 2013, 01:34:51 PM
Got Torchlight, because you can never have that game too often.
Yeah, picked that one up. May never play it, but who knows.
The HoMM3 bundle is tempting...
As is the M&M 6-pack.
Steam is having a Paradox sale this weekend. 50% off everything, with daily sales (Cities in Motion today).
Picked up FTL as well.
Quote from: Razgovory on June 20, 2013, 07:21:10 PM
Picked up FTL as well.
Prepare to punch your monitor in frustration.
I'm not good at. I just want something that doesn't take a energy to play to pass the time.
Fuck the RNG.
Just about any possible bundle (and a lot of indie games) are 70+% off on GOG today.
Way, way, WAY too much to list here.
Endless Space is -66% on Steam until July 1st
Is that any good?
No idea. I got it reminded because it's on my wish list since, I'd say, at least one year.
I like it a lot, civvy, good developers, graphic presentation pretty good, i.e. you find the stats you are looking for. I even sit back and watch the missile trails.
Last day of the GOG sale - everything on sale.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 20, 2013, 07:30:55 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on June 20, 2013, 07:21:10 PM
Picked up FTL as well.
Prepare to punch your monitor in frustration.
I discovered another way. I cheated.
The Steam Store is down due to heavy traffic. Does the summer sale start today?
I believe it does.
I feel my steam sale addiction flaring up. Must be about that time of year.
Nothing on it for me today.
The Humble Bundle currently offers all Spiderweb RPG games:
If you beat the average of $2.92, you get all 15 games (including Avernum: Escape from the Pit and Nethergate)
It's a site which should be more well known so here it goes: http://www.gamingdragons.com/summer-sale#nltr
Not sure about the exact deals right now, but usually you can save on preordering stuff or buying new games as well. They sell you just the steam code, but they are legit, I have bought some things from them and they always delivered the key, and it always worked.
Oh, yeah, the guys who wanted me to send them a scanned copy of my passport. Yeah, no.
Quote from: Syt on July 16, 2013, 01:06:36 PM
Oh, yeah, the guys who wanted me to send them a scanned copy of my passport. Yeah, no.
they did? Never bothered me with anything like that.
Anyways, do vote on them having the Civ5 Gold+Civ5 New World bundle on sale, please, so my sister can buy it :P
For armchair baseball owners, OOTP14 is on sale through the All-Star break until tomorrow, July 17.
The Old Gods CK2 DLC is 75% off on Steam until jul 29.
3, 74 euros.
The Humble Bundle weekly sale has three King's Bounty games (The Legend, Armored Princess, and Crossworlds), which I guess get pretty good reviews, and three Men of War games (the first one, Red Tide, and Assault Squad), which I've been thinking about getting for a long time but just never did. Average price right now is $3.35, sooo I gave them $5 and felt all smug and good about myself.
Humble Bundle by Paradox this week: https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly
Looks like you get a big chunk of their catalog for $125.
Walking Dead sale: http://www.gamersgate.com/DDB-WDP/the-walking-dead-pack-bundle
Mass Effect 1 and 2 are 75% off on Steam.
Quote from: Solmyr on October 25, 2013, 05:52:47 AM
Mass Effect 1 and 2 are 75% off on Steam.
Totally worth it if you've never played them.
Quote from: Caliga on October 25, 2013, 06:56:48 AM
Quote from: Solmyr on October 25, 2013, 05:52:47 AM
Mass Effect 1 and 2 are 75% off on Steam.
Totally worth it if you've never played them.
Sold, my buxom-loving colleague. ;)
I could never get into Mass Effect 1.
The sequels are way better, I admit. But I'm not sure you can fully understand what's happening in ME2/3 unless you've played 1.
Quote from: Caliga on October 25, 2013, 07:47:33 PM
The sequels are way better, I admit. But I'm not sure you can fully understand what's happening in ME2/3 unless you've played 1.
I think ME2 is my favorite. ME3 is kind of draining. You just have to get lucky so many times.
I agree, though I did love the extended ME3 ending that I ended up choosing.
I miss Vinny
It took me a while to get into, but I really liked me1, more than #2 but that was good too. I own 3 but haven't played it yet.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 25, 2013, 06:11:05 PM
I could never get into Mass Effect 1.
Me neither. I don't like it when I start a game not knowing what the controls are.
King's Bounty + exp for 8.74 on steam.
Last week I bought the latest Humble Bundle, today they added new games to it. Some of them I have no interest in. I will leave the links to their steam keys for the Languish crowd.
Guardians of Middle Earth - A MOBA, like Dota 2 & LoL.
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit
Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC
I too bought the Humble Bundle. I've got keys for: Mortal Kombat Kollection, Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC, Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit, F.E.A.R., Batman™: Arkham City GOTY, Scribblenauts Unlimited, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, F.E.A.R. 3, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, and Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY. Let me know if you're interested in any of them.
I got Gunpoint for $8 this morning on Steam. From all the gushing reviews, and with the fact that it includes a level editor so smarties can make more puzzles for me, I'm really looking forward to it.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on November 17, 2013, 04:57:34 AM
I too bought the Humble Bundle. I've got keys for: Mortal Kombat Kollection, Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC, Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit, F.E.A.R., Batman™: Arkham City GOTY, Scribblenauts Unlimited, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, F.E.A.R. 3, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, and Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY. Let me know if you're interested in any of them.
You should try Scribblenauts, it's a pretty fun puzzle game.
My only issue is that my computer is pretty old at this point, so I fear that I won't be able to run much. I pretty much just got the bundle for the charity aspect and for the LotRO set. Also, I wanted to try Guardians of Middle Earth.
How is guardians of middle earth?
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on November 17, 2013, 04:49:37 PM
My only issue is that my computer is pretty old at this point, so I fear that I won't be able to run much. I pretty much just got the bundle for the charity aspect and for the LotRO set. Also, I wanted to try Guardians of Middle Earth.
Scribblenauts unlimited can probably run on an old 486.
Eu4 50% off
I might grab that. Thanks Alci.
I was waiting on EU4 myself (Never buy a Paradox game on the day of release).
This might be as good a reason as any to finally pull the pin.
:hmm: Never bought a Paradox game for Mac.
Any reason not to?
Quote from: Barrister on November 21, 2013, 08:17:39 PM
:hmm: Never bought a Paradox game for Mac.
Any reason not to?
It just encourages the bastards.
Quote from: Barrister on November 21, 2013, 05:50:41 PM
I was waiting on EU4 myself (Never buy a Paradox game on the day of release).
This might be as good a reason as any to finally pull the pin.
CK was pretty fun on day 1. EU4 wasn't too bad either.
Quote from: garbon on November 21, 2013, 11:18:56 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 21, 2013, 05:50:41 PM
I was waiting on EU4 myself (Never buy a Paradox game on the day of release).
This might be as good a reason as any to finally pull the pin.
CK was pretty fun on day 1. EU4 wasn't too bad either.
I remember ordering the original CK back in the day. It was fun, but pretty fundamentally broken.
CK2 on the other hand... I was following the "never buy on the day of release" rule at that point.
Anyways... I pulled the trigger and am downloading now. Actually I realized there was no compromise - on Steam I can download either version.
Sorry, yeah meant CK2 on the fun on day 1 bit. :)
Quote from: Barrister on November 21, 2013, 08:17:39 PM
:hmm: Never bought a Paradox game for Mac.
Any reason not to?
Other than the fact you own a Mac, no.
Over on HumbleBundle you can get all of Zen's excellent Pinball FX2 tables for under 10 bucks.
are you playing this on a mac, beeb? What are your specs?
Matrix has begun its sale. So make Tamas happy and fill his house with beets.
Quote from: Josephus on November 24, 2013, 10:46:33 AM
are you playing this on a mac, beeb? What are your specs?
Yes, playing EU4 on a Mac.
2008 Mac Pro w/ quad core Xeon, 6GB RAM, ATI 5770 graphics card. Runs flawlessly so far.
I've got a pretty decent Mac, but it's only got 512mb video ram. Minimum specs are 1000.
Decided to buy it anyways at $20 can't go wrong. haven't had an issue at all so far. Running smoothly, 20 years in. Optimistic.
An "Autumn Sale" seems to have just started on Steam. Nov 27 - Dec 3. Sleeping Dogs, Skyrim, L4D2, and Walking Dead are some the first daily deals.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on November 27, 2013, 08:05:59 PM
An "Autumn Sale" seems to have just started on Steam. Nov 27 - Dec 3. Sleeping Dogs, Skyrim, L4D2, and Walking Dead are some the first daily deals.
I now bought Skyrim: Legendary Edition. :)
Gone Home is on flash sale on Steam for 75% off. Not so much a game as it is an interactive story telling experience (based on exploration of your family house), so might not be for everyone. I do enjoy the format, however (if you liked Dear Esther and/or The Stanley Parable you may enjoy this one, too). The sale price point (€4.74) seems about right. Duration for my playthrough was a good two hours and I don't think I found everything.
Thanks for the heads-up, Syt. :)
I had it on my wishlist, but didn't get an e-mail about it for some reason.
Should I get Rome 2 now for -25% or wait until -50%? :unsure:
Quote from: Solmyr on November 28, 2013, 07:35:55 AM
Should I get Rome 2 now for -25% or wait until -50%? :unsure:
It's on the Autumn sale on Steam, -25% until December 3rd.
Quote from: Solmyr on November 28, 2013, 09:34:11 AM
It's on the Autumn sale on Steam, -25% until December 3rd.
Is it the daily & flash sale? No, then you wait for the last day.
Respect the Rules, honor the Gaben.
Quote from: Solmyr on November 28, 2013, 07:35:55 AM
Should I get Rome 2 now for -25% or wait until -50%? :unsure:
It is still a whopping $62 with all the DLC. :thumbsdown:
If a non-obscure title is discounted, there's a pretty good chance it will be eventually included in a daily or flash sale with a greater discount.
If not, purchase in the last day.
Quote from: Phillip V on November 28, 2013, 12:26:22 PM
It is still a whopping $62 with all the DLC. :thumbsdown:
Fuck that. Get it during the Xmas sale when it's cheaper. The DLC stuff, except the blood pack, can be replicated pretty well with mods (they were giving away the Steppe Nomads stuff for free when they first released it though). Baktria is going to be future DLC at some point too.
I didn't find Rome Total war to be that great.
On account of the Steam sale, I picked up Skyrim and Dark Souls. :swoon:
The Gothic games are 50% off. I picked up the "universe" bundle for a tenner. It's Gothic 1, 2 with expansion and 3.
I got 1 & 2 for old times' sake. I especially like 2's little cosmos, that makes more sense than most fantasy settings. A small island, under threat of ork invasion. The king sends Paladins who pretty much declare martial law in the little harbor town. The farmers who supply the city with food are pressured into delivering more and more supplies till the largest land owner says "Enough!" and hires ex-cons as mercenaries to ward off the king's men.
There is actually a logic to the whole setting. The special ore on the island is (or rather: was) mined by convicts behind a magical one way barrier. A small harbor town is built to ship out the ore. And there's a bunch of farms to sustain the whole operation. I wish more fantasy settings were making that much sense.
I tried G3 again (without its India-made expansion), with the latest community patch that fixes 700+ issues that remained after official patching stopped. I was very butthurt by G3 on release - it was an unfinished, horribly buggy mess. It was encapsulated by two things for me:
1. The killer pigs of doom: wild boars are early enemies in the game. They (and some other beasts) come with an attack that knocks you over. Originally they had such a quick attack rate that once you were knocked over you could never get up again and were slowly mauled to death.
2. Running with a ranged combat companion into a herd of animals. The ranged character would not defend himself until he was attacked in melee by a beast. Which meant he was a) useless and b) quickly dead.
The opening of the game didn't help to endear it to me. Replaying it, despite fixes and a fan made rebalancing of combat/skills didn't change it. You're thrown into a combat against a horde of orks who outnumber you and your allies about 2:1. This is interrupted by the tutorial messages. You only need a few hits to be down on your ground. You can't die in this section, and are only kicked to the ground when your health runs out. You regenerate about 5% of your health, but as soon as you get up another ork comes over and knocks you back on your ass before you can get a new sword. The only way I could make it past this section right now was to run out of the little village to drink a health potion (the animation takes a few seconds and is interrupted when taking damage) and get a new weapon. Twice.
I played a bit, and there's lots of critters everywhere - which isn't unusual for a Gothic game. The game world was always very open from the start, but there were a lot of areas where you had to expect to get your ass kicked if you hadn't leveled high enough. Evasion was crucial in the early stages, and it also gave you a certain satisfaction when you could finally go and clear an area.
Assassin's Creed 4 is only $35 on Amazon, unless you pick it up for one of those new-fangled next-gen console gaming devices, in which case it's the full $60.
From what I've seen it's more Sid Meier's Pirates than Assassin's Creed, but it looks like fun and $35 seems like a good price for a brand new AAA release.
Dishonored 92% off on Steam.
And now it's 75% off. You snooze you lose.
Bioshock Infinite is 75% off.
On my extended lunch break I swung by Gamestop and picked up (all for 360) Battlefield 4, Dishonored GOTY Edition, Lego Marvel Super Heroes (for Tommy) and Rayman Legends (also for Tommy) for $25 each. Also picked up a used Kinect sensor for $20 for the hell of it.
Master of Magic is $1.79 on Gog.com;
http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic (http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic)
[fhdz] Shall I pull the trigger on this one? [/fhdz]
Fallen Enchantress for less than 5 yuros, on steam: Do, or Do Not?
Quote from: Pedrito on November 30, 2013, 10:03:11 AM
Fallen Enchantress for less than 5 yuros, on steam: Do, or Do Not?
I've played it a bit recently. It's fun but the graphics still aren't that great, the game itself does a lousy job of telling you what you can do and it has some clunky interface elements. Still, I like it.
I'm think that a lot of the replay value is in the DLC (booo!) but definitely try it with bigger maps and higher than the easiest settings. The smaller maps mean that not all the content will show up and on the easy settings monsters don't attack you.
Quote from: mongers on November 29, 2013, 04:09:09 PM
Master of Magic is $1.79 on Gog.com;
http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic (http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic)
[fhdz] Shall I pull the trigger on this one? [/fhdz]
Pull it. Pull it with extreme prejudice. MoM is a classic among classics.
Quote from: fhdz on November 30, 2013, 05:30:13 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 29, 2013, 04:09:09 PM
Master of Magic is $1.79 on Gog.com;
http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic (http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic)
[fhdz] Shall I pull the trigger on this one? [/fhdz]
Pull it. Pull it with extreme prejudice. MoM is a classic among classics.
Yeah, what a neatly designed and balanced game; I'd forgotten all about it.
Loving rediscovering all of the gameplay. :cheers:
Quote from: mongers on November 30, 2013, 05:36:35 PM
Quote from: fhdz on November 30, 2013, 05:30:13 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 29, 2013, 04:09:09 PM
Master of Magic is $1.79 on Gog.com;
http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic (http://www.gog.com/game/master_of_magic)
[fhdz] Shall I pull the trigger on this one? [/fhdz]
Pull it. Pull it with extreme prejudice. MoM is a classic among classics.
Yeah, what a neatly designed and balanced game; I'd forgotten all about it.
Loving rediscovering all of the gameplay. :cheers:
And now Rome 2 is at -50%.
Quote from: Solmyr on December 01, 2013, 10:47:46 AM
And now Rome 2 is at -50%.
$45 with all current DLC. :hmm:
What expansion/DLC will be released next?
Brave New World DLC is -66% for the next two days. I'm very tempted.
Baktria, I think.
E: In response to this:
QuoteWhat expansion/DLC will be released next?
E2: http://wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War:_Rome_II_-_Baktria_Faction
Also will be free. I don't know what the next "real" DLC for $$ is going to be.
Monaco is ~$3 for the next three hours on Steam. The 4-pack (which I bought) is $9. :yeah:
Picked up Far Cry 3 this morning. I have a feeling the save system in that game is going to irritate me.... but whatever, it was only $7.
Quote from: Caliga on December 02, 2013, 11:01:31 AM
Picked up Far Cry 3 this morning. I have a feeling the save system in that game is going to irritate me.... but whatever, it was only $7.
yeah i grabbed it yesterday.
SteamWorld Dig was finally released on Steam; is on sale currently. Is awesome.
Strangely, the majority of the feeling I have playing it is that I cannot wait for Super Motherload to be ported to PC.
Samurai Gunn :wub: On sale on Steam.
Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics are FREE at the moment on GOG:
I was waiting for a sale, but this is even better. :D
Explanation courtesy of RPS:
QuoteAs the headline says, three Fallout games for free. GO AND GET THEM. These isometric beauties will vanish from GOG at the end of the year. The DRM-free store doesn't reckon it'll be allowed to peddle them after year's end as the current deal with Interplay will expire. After December 31st, the rights belong to Bethesda/ZeniMax. However, the magic of GOG means that if you add the free versions to your account in the next 47 hours (I'm an hour late with this post – SORRY), you'll be able to keep a copy forever. Go go go.
It's worth noting that the Fallouts aren't definitely for the chop, although GOD certainly seem to think that's the case – "Please note that all three classic Fallout titles are pending right holder change. Sadly, to the best of our knowledge, we'll be forced to remove Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics from our offer." This all makes me think of Doom 3′s weird (reversible) vanishing act.
I decided to put the Fallout Tactics intro here because it's the one that nobody remembers. There's a reason for that.
Bought that the day it came out and regretted it almost immediately. Now you can download it for free. I didn't only have to spend money, I had to catch a bus and go to a shop.
Will anyone step up to defend Tactics? I didn't spend a great deal of time with it and that felt like too much. The first two are, as you most likely know, absolutely superb. I think I prefer the second, although it's a tough call and I pretend that the opening half hour or so doesn't exist.
This is all part of GOG's winter sale and it'll be worth checking back for more freebies over the coming days. Or maybe even spending some money if you have any left after your sacrifices to the altar of Sanity Claws.
Free games are free games.
And the site is down. :lol:
Not for me. :)
Anyways, they have all kinds of other winter sales going on.
Amazon.com's digital deal Holiday Sale has started:
I was hoping for a much better deals on SRIV.
Steam Holiday sale started today.
75% of Dishonored, Bioshock Infinite, 50% of Batman Arkham Origins.
I see Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is out, and at discount. Worth it? The console reviews didn't look too bad, but I've never played a Metal Gear game. :blush:
EDIT: Oh, it unlocks in 3 sodding weeks. <_<
Anyway, do the guards still do that in Metal Gear games, with the noise and the exclamation and all that? The last one I played was Metal Gear Solid.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 19, 2013, 02:40:57 PM
Anyway, do the guards still do that in Metal Gear games, with the noise and the exclamation and all that? The last one I played was Metal Gear Solid.
Anyway, just picked up Spore and both EPs as part of the flash sales.
Well, that's going to leave a sour aftertaste for a while. Brand new Steam copy of Spore: invalid key message. Thanks, EA. I love how you're so committed to avoiding piracy that you're going to break the game for paying customers. <_<
That occasionally happens on all download sites when they still more copies than they expected. That said you get what you deserve when buying a game like that. :P
It's doing you a favor. Spore sucks.
You know, there are those of us that actually think generic FPSes like Call of Duty are shit. Shocking, I know.
I don't know
a) what that has to do with Spore sucking
b) why you assume I like CoD?
Quote from: Syt on December 19, 2013, 01:39:40 PM
I see Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is out, and at discount. Worth it? The console reviews didn't look too bad, but I've never played a Metal Gear game. :blush:
It's more actiony and less stealthy, from what I understand, than the mainstay MGS titles.
And the protagonist is Raiden rather than Solid Snake.
So it might be a cool game - my guess is that it is - but I don't know if comparing it vs. the rest of the series is going to be really helpful.
Since I'm only vaguely aware of the other Metal Gear games, the question would be: is it a fun game in and of itself, and is the story digestable if you haven't played the earlier entries?
Quote from: Syt on December 20, 2013, 09:50:33 AM
Since I'm only vaguely aware of the other Metal Gear games, the question would be: is it a fun game in and of itself, and is the story digestable if you haven't played the earlier entries?
I wish I knew. Can't answer that one for you.
That is a whole lot
right there.
KOTOR2 for five bucks on Steam.
Quote from: Berkut on December 20, 2013, 04:34:00 PM
That is a whole lot
right there.
What is? Metal Gear?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 21, 2013, 06:33:54 PM
KOTOR2 for five bucks on Steam.
The new XCOM is ten bucks today, too.
I'm trying not to buy anything on the Steam sale.
Quote from: fhdz on December 21, 2013, 07:24:38 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 21, 2013, 06:33:54 PM
KOTOR2 for five bucks on Steam.
The new XCOM is ten bucks today, too.
More importantly, the expansion is 50% off for the next 18 minutes.
Quote from: Scipio on December 21, 2013, 08:43:52 PM
Quote from: fhdz on December 21, 2013, 07:24:38 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 21, 2013, 06:33:54 PM
KOTOR2 for five bucks on Steam.
The new XCOM is ten bucks today, too.
More importantly, the expansion is 50% off for the next 18 minutes.
yeah i swooped in on that flash deal.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 21, 2013, 06:33:54 PM
KOTOR2 for five bucks on Steam.
Please tell me that's a daily deal and not a flash sale that I missed.
Quote from: DontSayBanana on December 21, 2013, 10:50:10 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 21, 2013, 06:33:54 PM
KOTOR2 for five bucks on Steam.
Please tell me that's a daily deal and not a flash sale that I missed.
In the time it took you to post that, you could have checked. :huh:
Quote from: Habbaku on December 21, 2013, 10:57:53 PM
In the time it took you to post that, you could have checked. :huh:
Checked and pulled the trigger already, actually. :blush:
Also, not really- Steam takes forever to load on my computer.
Quote from: katmai on December 21, 2013, 09:02:01 PM
Quote from: Scipio on December 21, 2013, 08:43:52 PM
Quote from: fhdz on December 21, 2013, 07:24:38 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 21, 2013, 06:33:54 PM
KOTOR2 for five bucks on Steam.
The new XCOM is ten bucks today, too.
More importantly, the expansion is 50% off for the next 18 minutes.
yeah i swooped in on that flash deal.
I did too.
Is Chivalry Medieval Warfare a cool game? It keeps popping up in various Steam sales. $6.24 right now for the community choice thing.
anyone have hands on opinion of F1 2013?
My Christmas gift to myself this year was Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition, Dirt 3, and Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection, bought off Amazon for like $25 total. Holiday sales are cool. :cool:
Left 4 Dead 2 is free on Steam until sometime tomorrow. If you can log in that is.
I failed. I bought EUIV. :(
Quote from: sbr on December 25, 2013, 06:27:54 PM
Left 4 Dead 2 is free on Steam until sometime tomorrow. If you can log in that is.
Thanks, got it :cool:
Quote from: Caliga on December 25, 2013, 08:30:32 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 25, 2013, 06:27:54 PM
Left 4 Dead 2 is free on Steam until sometime tomorrow. If you can log in that is.
Thanks, got it :cool:
Thanks from me, as well. I'm not a fan of the genre, but, for that price, I will check it out. :cool:
I missed the XCOM expansion sale earlier but it's now 50% off over at Green Man Gaming. At $15 discounted, plus the $12 in-store credit I had, I nabbed the thing for only $3 total.
I am King of Sales. :showoff:
Just picked up Saint's Row IV, which is on sale for $20. I never beat the last one, but it was fun as hell so I figured what the heck.
Long Live the Queen! is on sale, and a quite fun game. Short though.
Anyone want a copy of Civ 4, Civ 5, or CK 2 via Steam?
I actually could use a copy of Civ 4, I keep meaning to get into the series...
Just let me know your name on Steam, and I'll send you the game. :)
How did you come those un wanted games, Kleves?
I'm not entirely sure, but they may have been pre-order bonuses for various games.
Cool. My handle on Steam is "sevarab."
Sephardi Arab? Well well well.
Quote from: DontSayBanana on December 30, 2013, 11:34:59 PM
Cool. My handle on Steam is "sevarab."
:hmm: Not seeing that. Do you mean 'severa'?
Humble Bundle has EU IV for 9.99 for the next 21 hours or so.
Is the Civ V Brave New World xpac worth $10? :hmm:
Trade routes are awesome.
Dominions 4 is 12 bucks at GamersGate.
I was interested in it a few months ago....is it any good? Worth getting?
Dominions 3 is good. I haven't played Dominions 4 or looked at a changelog for it versus 3, but from the screenshots it looks exactly the same as 3.
Picked it up for $12, had been looking at it since it came out but definitely wasnt going to throw $40 at it.
Thanks for the heads up
There's an MP thread over on Paradox if you're looking for opponents. http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?719041-Dominions-4/page33
New Humble Bundle is everything Civilization. Get V + 2 expansions for 15$
Wish they had thrown in Pirates! as well. I own all Civs already.
Seeing Railroads! there makes me wish somebody went and made a decent Railroad Tycoon game again.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 04, 2014, 05:28:00 PM
New Humble Bundle is everything Civilization. Get V + 2 expansions for 15$
How does this work with Steam? I already own CivV and G&K on Steam, can I add BNW to my account?
Based on previous bundles I'd guess you will get a product code for each item.
Quote from: Syt on February 05, 2014, 06:25:01 AM
Based on previous bundles I'd guess you will get a product code for each item.
Yeah that's how it works. Just bought it.
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 06:08:12 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 04, 2014, 05:28:00 PM
New Humble Bundle is everything Civilization. Get V + 2 expansions for 15$
How does this work with Steam? I already own CivV and G&K on Steam, can I add BNW to my account?
Yes & gift the other games away!
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 08:01:31 AM
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 06:08:12 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 04, 2014, 05:28:00 PM
New Humble Bundle is everything Civilization. Get V + 2 expansions for 15$
How does this work with Steam? I already own CivV and G&K on Steam, can I add BNW to my account?
Yes & gift the other games away!
I have no friends on Steam.
I am: teh lonely :cry:
I was totally going to go for this until I noticed that you couldn't get the SM Plane games on your iPad, it was only for the Steam versions.
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 12:26:02 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 08:01:31 AM
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 06:08:12 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 04, 2014, 05:28:00 PM
New Humble Bundle is everything Civilization. Get V + 2 expansions for 15$
How does this work with Steam? I already own CivV and G&K on Steam, can I add BNW to my account?
Yes & gift the other games away!
I have no friends on Steam.
I am: teh lonely :cry:
We can be friends. Name is Arthois.
Don't need Civ. Own all of them.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 02:04:19 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 12:26:02 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 08:01:31 AM
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 06:08:12 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 04, 2014, 05:28:00 PM
New Humble Bundle is everything Civilization. Get V + 2 expansions for 15$
How does this work with Steam? I already own CivV and G&K on Steam, can I add BNW to my account?
Yes & gift the other games away!
I have no friends on Steam.
I am: teh lonely :cry:
We can be friends. Name is Arthois.
Don't need Civ. Own all of them.
Oh, friend! :hug:
Ok, bought it. Now I have one code for CivV and one for G&K available as gifts, if anyone wants.
I'll take g&k if available.
Katmai73 on steam.
Quote from: katmai on February 05, 2014, 06:26:11 PM
I'll take g&k if available.
Katmai73 on steam.
Yours. I'll pm you the link. :)
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 03:01:39 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 02:04:19 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 12:26:02 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 08:01:31 AM
Quote from: Pedrito on February 05, 2014, 06:08:12 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 04, 2014, 05:28:00 PM
New Humble Bundle is everything Civilization. Get V + 2 expansions for 15$
How does this work with Steam? I already own CivV and G&K on Steam, can I add BNW to my account?
Yes & gift the other games away!
I have no friends on Steam.
I am: teh lonely :cry:
We can be friends. Name is Arthois.
Don't need Civ. Own all of them.
Oh, friend! :hug:
I've invited you to the Languish group too.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 07:53:03 PM
I've invited you to the Languish group too.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 07:53:03 PM
I've invited you to the Languish group too.
So... what about me? I just added you. :(
There's a Languish group?
Add me. I'm: Xter.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on February 06, 2014, 05:02:58 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 07:53:03 PM
I've invited you to the Languish group too.
So... what about me? I just added you. :(
Don't know how to do that from the phone app. I'll add you when I get home.
Quote from: Iormlund on February 06, 2014, 05:03:43 AM
There's a Languish group?
Add me. I'm: Xter.
There is, not very active tho.
me PLZ. Caliga.
Please add me as well!
Can SevaraB has invite?
Quote from: Iormlund on February 06, 2014, 05:03:43 AM
There's a Languish group?
Add me. I'm: Xter.
Yeah, there's a pretty large languish group actually now that I look at it. :hmm:
I are Syt.
I is Frank Starman! :moon:
I am being garbose.
I am the one who goes by "Berkut".
Wait, I'm in a languish group? who knew?
Quote from: Maximus on February 06, 2014, 04:38:51 PM
Wait, I'm in a languish group? who knew?
You, 8 years ago.
I'm Centius on Steam :)
I am DGuller.
I'm not giving out my username
Is it Chris?
I'm the owner? :huh:
Thanks. :cool:
Also you should invite me. My name is simply Razgovory.
That was quick!
Now, you gotta cheer for ALL canadian athletes.
Apparently, I have been shunned by the Languish group. Still no invite for me. :weep:
You're not the only one. :console:
Quote from: Iormlund on February 09, 2014, 02:34:40 AM
You're not the only one. :console:
Too many Xter, add me first : Arthois.
Quote from: celedhring on February 05, 2014, 04:31:05 AM
Wish they had thrown in Pirates! as well. I own all Civs already.
Seeing Railroads! there makes me wish somebody went and made a decent Railroad Tycoon game again.
Pirates was just added to the Bundle. Average is currently 9.21$
Quote from: DontSayBanana on February 08, 2014, 11:10:20 PM
Apparently, I have been shunned by the Languish group. Still no invite for me. :weep:
The name you gave didn't come up with anything.
I either come up as celedhring or Village Idiot - I'm not too sure how this works.
I only have two friends :(
Quote from: Razgovory on February 11, 2014, 04:46:46 PM
The name you gave didn't come up with anything.
Kleves had issues with this, too. Some wonkiness going on there, methinks.
Quote from: DontSayBanana on February 11, 2014, 07:41:04 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on February 11, 2014, 04:46:46 PM
The name you gave didn't come up with anything.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sevara/ (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sevara/)
Kleves had issues with this, too. Some wonkiness going on there, methinks.
Ahh, your original post has a "b" in it.
Quote from: DontSayBanana on February 11, 2014, 07:41:04 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on February 11, 2014, 04:46:46 PM
The name you gave didn't come up with anything.
Kleves had issues with this, too. Some wonkiness going on there, methinks.
You're in the group?
GOG has the original Dungeon Keeper free for a couple of days, and the various D&D games 80% off.
Gamersgate: http://www.gamersgate.com/offers has a Crusader Kings II sale going on. For those of you who just got CK II gifted to you i'd recommend you pick up all the big DLC packs (other than Aztec Invasion).
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (base game only) is 75% off on Gamersgate.
It still requires Steam to install and run.
Quote from: Solmyr on February 14, 2014, 02:16:51 PM
GOG has the original Dungeon Keeper free for a couple of days, and the various D&D games 80% off.
I had a hell of lot of fun with Dungeon Keeper back in the 1990's. Very creative game.
EA fucked up and sent me two one extra beta access codes for Titanfall, one for PC and one for XBone. It's a pretty fun game. The movement is Tribes-like with sprinting, double jumping, wall running and wall hanging and such. Gunplay is standard Cod fair though.
Anyway, if anyone here wants either the code, lemme know.
I could use the Xbox One code, if you still have it.
Check yer PMs.
Thanks, Funk. :thumbsup:
gog.com has a couple of interesting Strategy and Action titles on sale this weekend (http://www.gog.com/promo/strategy_first_weekend_promo_210214), including Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord and both Full Spectrum Warrior games (http://www.gog.com/promo/full_spectrum_series_launch_promo_200214).
Sleeping Dogs now on sale for $4.99 (75% off) on Steam, so I finally bought it.
Is it any good?
Ask Jake.
Quote from: Alcibiades on February 24, 2014, 10:26:55 PM
Is it any good?
It's pretty good. The net result is a very "GTA Hong Kong" feel that isn't exactly groundbreaking, but the storyline's a lot more satisfying than GTA IV, in my opinion. Also, Hong Kong as a setting makes for some more interesting free roam experiences.
If the sale is still going on, it's definitely worth $5 (and then some).
I enjoyed it, even if I have problems with the writing :ultra:
Quote from: katmai on February 25, 2014, 08:16:21 PM
I enjoyed it, even if I have problems with the writing :ultra:
Like that stereotypical black guy.
Steam has a Square Enix sale going on. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut is available for 4.99. Comes with all DLC, and the boss fights (a major critique point of the original release) have been reworked in this, though I don't know if they are actually good now.
Also: Sleeping Dogs, Hitman franchises 75% off. Dunegon Siege 60%.
Deus Ex: HR is a great game. I think it is the only game in it's genre that I have actually replayed after completing it, and I am planning to do so again.
For some reason I never finished it. I didn't quit at a boss fight, either. Maybe I just found the plot to be too ridiculous... can't remember now. :hmm:
I would have liked it better if it was just straight cyberpunk. I did really like the atmosphere. Ending really sucked, though.
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 11:14:39 AM
I would have liked it better if it was just straight cyberpunk. I did really like the atmosphere. Ending really sucked, though.
Which one? I went with the pro-civilization one first time around, and felt good by it. :showoff:
Quote from: Tamas on March 28, 2014, 11:32:05 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 11:14:39 AM
I would have liked it better if it was just straight cyberpunk. I did really like the atmosphere. Ending really sucked, though.
Which one? I went with the pro-civilization one first time around, and felt good by it. :showoff:
The last level was weird, and the boss fight sucked. I remember there were a bunch of buttons to push and they each gave you a different ending. All the endings were just stock footage.
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 11:53:28 AM
Quote from: Tamas on March 28, 2014, 11:32:05 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 11:14:39 AM
I would have liked it better if it was just straight cyberpunk. I did really like the atmosphere. Ending really sucked, though.
Which one? I went with the pro-civilization one first time around, and felt good by it. :showoff:
The last level was weird, and the boss fight sucked. I remember there were a bunch of buttons to push and they each gave you a different ending. All the endings were just stock footage.
Well, endings usually are.
Most endings are not made of stock footage.
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 05:25:23 PM
Most endings are not made of stock footage.
They are made of beets.
Origin is giving away Dead Space for free until May.
Quote from: sbr on March 30, 2014, 03:49:08 PM
Origin is giving away Dead Space for free until May.
https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/on-the-house-ANW.html (https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/on-the-house-ANW.html)
I played that a few years back. Well the first 30 minutes of it. Free isn't good enough!
My cousin and I played that when he visited me one summer. We alternated playing the levels. Blast in the dark. :ph34r:
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 05:25:23 PM
Most endings are not made of stock footage.
examples please, as I really don't know which ones you mean.
Quote from: Tamas on March 31, 2014, 03:37:53 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 05:25:23 PM
Most endings are not made of stock footage.
examples please, as I really don't know which ones you mean.
Examples of what? Game endings that don't have stock footage?
Quote from: Razgovory on March 31, 2014, 06:03:14 AM
Quote from: Tamas on March 31, 2014, 03:37:53 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on March 28, 2014, 05:25:23 PM
Most endings are not made of stock footage.
examples please, as I really don't know which ones you mean.
Examples of what? Game endings that don't have stock footage?
My problem is you apparently differentiating stock footage and what basically amounts to footage made in-game. Plus Deus Ex made use of "stock footages" throughout the game so you really shouldn't have been surprised by the endings being the same.
Origin has the PC version of Dead Space for free right now.
Quote from: Tamas on March 31, 2014, 06:19:50 AM
My problem is you apparently differentiating stock footage and what basically amounts to footage made in-game. Plus Deus Ex made use of "stock footages" throughout the game so you really shouldn't have been surprised by the endings being the same.
Huh? The game endings used actual film footage of events, not things rendered in the engine. Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkj4b7-r4MA
Quote from: DontSayBanana on April 05, 2014, 08:53:14 AM
Origin has the PC version of Dead Space for free right now.
Man I wish I had noticed that 6 posts ago.
Is 'Imperium Romanum' any good?
Quote from: mongers on April 06, 2014, 08:22:35 PM
Is 'Imperium Romanum' any good?
If you're looking that way, you should rather get the sequel, Grand Ages: Rome. An acceptable if unspectacular city builder.
Quote from: Ancient Demon on April 06, 2014, 09:25:15 PM
Quote from: mongers on April 06, 2014, 08:22:35 PM
Is 'Imperium Romanum' any good?
If you're looking that way, you should rather get the sequel, Grand Ages: Rome. An acceptable if unspectacular city builder.
Thanks for that, though I'm not sure the hardware I'll put it on will support it.
Quote from: DontSayBanana on April 05, 2014, 08:53:14 AM
Origin has the PC version of Dead Space for free right now.
That's just a trick to try and get people to install Origin.
Heroes of Might and Magic 1-3 are 80% off on GOG.com today, at $2.49 apiece. I'm sure everyone here already has them, but in case you don't...
Quote from: Solmyr on April 14, 2014, 06:06:10 AM
Heroes of Might and Magic 1-3 are 80% off on GOG.com today, at $2.49 apiece. I'm sure everyone here already has them, but in case you don't...
Never played them, probably don't have the time to, but are they worth checking out?
They are, especially for this price. If you don't have too much time, just pick up number 2.
Btw, I have the following Steam coupons to give away and/or trade:
- Frozen Synapse (they gave you a free copy when you bought it)
- Football Manager 2014 -75%
- Endless Space -50%, Disharmony Expansion -50%
- Pixel Piracy -25%
Both Kotor and Kotor 2 are 66% off on Steam until May 5th. I'm tempted.
Quote from: Pedrito on May 02, 2014, 04:41:47 PM
Both Kotor and Kotor 2 are 66% off on Steam until May 5th. I'm tempted.
Do it. Think that's actually how I ended up with both in my Steam library, in fact.
Quote from: Syt on April 21, 2014, 04:13:25 AM
Btw, I have the following Steam coupons to give away and/or trade:
- Frozen Synapse (they gave you a free copy when you bought it)
- Football Manager 2014 -75%
- Endless Space -50%, Disharmony Expansion -50%
- Pixel Piracy -25%
I don't have anything to trade, but I keep meaning to pick up FM14.
I have that same coupon for FM 14 if want it Josephus.
Quote from: Josephus on May 03, 2014, 06:38:07 PM
Quote from: Syt on April 21, 2014, 04:13:25 AM
Btw, I have the following Steam coupons to give away and/or trade:
- Frozen Synapse (they gave you a free copy when you bought it)
- Football Manager 2014 -75%
- Endless Space -50%, Disharmony Expansion -50%
- Pixel Piracy -25%
I don't have anything to trade, but I keep meaning to pick up FM14.
I've sent you the coupon (if you're JosephusI). :)
Quote from: katmai on May 04, 2014, 12:46:33 AM
I have that same coupon for FM 14 if want it Josephus.
Oh I'd love this too, but I've nothing to trade...
No worries. Will send in morning.
I also have an FM 14 75% off steam code, valid until May 13th. Anyone want it?
Incidentally, I've played about 17 hours of FM 14 in two days. :blush:
Thanks Syt. Downloading now.
Not sure how one gets coupons and stuff, but if I ever get one I'll offer it up.
Quote from: Josephus on May 04, 2014, 09:19:13 AM
Thanks Syt. Downloading now.
Not sure how one gets coupons and stuff, but if I ever get one I'll offer it up.
I just looked and apparently I have 2 25% off coupons for Pixel Piracy(?) and a free copy of CK2.
Quote from: katmai on May 04, 2014, 04:03:17 AM
No worries. Will send in morning.
Thank you :hug:
Big sale over at the Humble Bundle Store, including a Flash sale for the next 4 hours of CKII Collection for $12US instead of $80US. I have no idea what all is in the Collection, but even $12 for the base game is good.
I believe all games are redeemable on Steam.
Banner Saga is currently 14.99
Dark Souls is cheap on Steam, is it worth getting?
Its the opposite of D3, a very poor PC game that is very hard.
X-Com expansion, Enemy Within, is50%off on Steam: is it Worth 13 yuros?
I liked the original game a lot, although I found it a bit repetitive in the end.
When I purchased for $15, I thought it worth it - though really much of the same. Just sort of integrates into the play of a new game. I did like the base invasion missions.
It will be tougher in the beginning but easier in the end.
Some tough new missions are included which can break an Ironman playthrough.
The Long War mod for XCOM is pretty good too.
EA's got Battlefield 3 free through Origin today.
EUIV and expansion are 75% off until June 2nd, on Steam.
Quote from: Pedrito on May 30, 2014, 02:20:16 AM
EUIV and expansion are 75% off until June 2nd, on Steam.
It's only 40 % off on Conquest of Paradise for me.
PS : It's 75 % off by Games Rocket.
Rise of Nations is now up for pre-purchase on Steam, at 20% off introductory price (15.99).
For Americans - Conquest of Paradise DLC is available for $3.74 on Amazon.
Quote from: Syt on May 31, 2014, 12:29:35 AM
Rise of Nations is now up for pre-purchase on Steam, at 20% off introductory price (15.99).
Holy fucking shit. I thought this day would never come. RON is one of the best RTSs of all time.
Quote from: Habbaku on May 31, 2014, 04:36:28 PM
Quote from: Syt on May 31, 2014, 12:29:35 AM
Rise of Nations is now up for pre-purchase on Steam, at 20% off introductory price (15.99).
Holy fucking shit. I thought this day would never come. RON is one of the best RTSs of all time.
Is this going to be any different than what I got from GoG?
Quote from: Habbaku on May 31, 2014, 04:36:28 PM
Quote from: Syt on May 31, 2014, 12:29:35 AM
Rise of Nations is now up for pre-purchase on Steam, at 20% off introductory price (15.99).
Holy fucking shit. I thought this day would never come. RON is one of the best RTSs of all time.
God grief, eventually. :cool:
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 31, 2014, 05:28:20 PM
Quote from: Habbaku on May 31, 2014, 04:36:28 PM
Quote from: Syt on May 31, 2014, 12:29:35 AM
Rise of Nations is now up for pre-purchase on Steam, at 20% off introductory price (15.99).
Holy fucking shit. I thought this day would never come. RON is one of the best RTSs of all time.
Is this going to be any different than what I got from GoG?
When did you get it from GOG?
Rise of Nations was good in its time, but I don't really get this recent trend to just rehash old games and not making new, better ones. Why can't they make Age of Empires 4?
Cause it's cheaper.
Quote from: Habbaku on May 31, 2014, 06:42:52 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 31, 2014, 05:28:20 PM
Quote from: Habbaku on May 31, 2014, 04:36:28 PM
Quote from: Syt on May 31, 2014, 12:29:35 AM
Rise of Nations is now up for pre-purchase on Steam, at 20% off introductory price (15.99).
Holy fucking shit. I thought this day would never come. RON is one of the best RTSs of all time.
Is this going to be any different than what I got from GoG?
When did you get it from GOG?
A couple years ago iirc
I think you recall incorrectly, since no digital distribution of RoN has ever been done before now.
Maybe confusing it with Empire Earth (GOG has all three parts)?
Quote from: Syt on June 02, 2014, 12:11:56 PM
Maybe confusing it with Empire Earth (GOG has all three parts)?
Ah yes. That is exactly what I have done.
All things CK2 are on sale today on steam for 67% off.
Quote from: garbon on June 03, 2014, 12:44:09 PM
All things CK2 are on sale today on steam for 67% off.
Been waiting for something like this. Just going to re-purchase off of Steam, rather than monkey around with trying to figure out how to transfer my Gamersgate copy (plus I'm several xpacs behind anyways).
Quote from: garbon on June 03, 2014, 12:44:09 PM
All things CK2 are on sale today on steam for 67% off.
Damn. I just bought EUIV, and yet I feel the urge to complete My edition of CKII. No, must resist at least until the Zimmer sale.
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2014, 12:48:44 PM
Quote from: garbon on June 03, 2014, 12:44:09 PM
All things CK2 are on sale today on steam for 67% off.
Been waiting for something like this. Just going to re-purchase off of Steam, rather than monkey around with trying to figure out how to transfer my Gamersgate copy (plus I'm several xpacs behind anyways).
I'm sure I could have saved myself some money, but that wasn't too bad. I was three pacs behind, so for the full price of those pacs I got everything.
So, I only ever skimmed CK2 (though I played the shit out of CK1) - any suggestions where I should start tonight?
They seem to be giving away Sniper Elite V2 for free today at Steam. Just go to the game page and download it. Don't know if it's any good.
Quote from: Lucidor on June 05, 2014, 04:00:08 AM
They seem to be giving away Sniper Elite V2 for free today at Steam. Just go to the game page and download it. Don't know if it's any good.
The game would have to be infinitely bad to not be worth that price.
Matrix released a new Close Combat game: Gateway to Caen. It's currently on sale! $5 off!
Looks just like the previous Close Combat (WW2, I don't know about that modern one) games.
GOG is having a summer sale. So buy games you'll never play.
Why do you hate me Ed? Why?
I bought Medal of Honor:Allied Assault. A game I played a lot of back in college. I had a room mate who could speak German so he told me what all the Nazis were saying.
Quote from: Razgovory on June 14, 2014, 11:52:42 PM
I bought Medal of Honor:Allied Assault. A game I played a lot of back in college. I had a room mate who could speak German so he told me what all the Nazis were saying.
I was a rocket and shotgun whore in that game in multiplayer. And before servers cut the number of grenades, a grenade spammer too.
I looked at the multiplayer. There are still people playing in the servers apparently.
I bet most of them are Euros. Have fun with them.
Nah. God knows what sort of mess that would be. You'd probably have to download a bunch of mods that add dubstep music or something. Besides, my ability to endure being called a "faggot" by 15 year old kids has waned over time.
"I'm not kid! I'm 14!"
"Yeah, I got shit in my freezer older then you".
I play on the My Little Pony servers in Team Fortress 2.
It seems I have an unredeemed copy of Fallout 1 (the original) on GOG.com, which I can send to someone as a gift. So if you are interested, post here and PM me your e-mail to which I can send the redeem code.
Quote from: Razgovory on June 15, 2014, 09:56:20 PM
Nah. God knows what sort of mess that would be. You'd probably have to download a bunch of mods that add dubstep music or something. Besides, my ability to endure being called a "faggot" by 15 year old kids has waned over time.
"I'm not kid! I'm 14!"
"Yeah, I got shit in my freezer older then you".
You put shit in your freezer? :yuk:
Also that freezer sounds very gross if it has several items that haven't been removed before 15 years are up. Probably has never been cleaned. :(
Gog.com is going apeshit with the sale right now. All kinds of stuff at very good prices.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 18, 2014, 10:53:06 AM
It's a play on the line from Happy Gilmore:
"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast."
"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"
I remember that one.
Quote from: garbon on June 18, 2014, 10:54:07 AM
Also that freezer sounds very gross if it has several items that haven't been removed before 15 years are up. Probably has never been cleaned. :(
It's not even on. It's been sitting in the garage for years. A few years back I opened it up to see what was in it. :x It took a whole day before I could get the smell out of my nose.
Why are you so lazy? Throw it to the garbage or start using it.
Rumor on Paradox has it that the Steam Sale might start today:
Quote from: Syt on June 19, 2014, 12:59:43 AM
Rumor on Paradox has it that the Steam Sale might start today:
That has been a confirmed fact for a while now. :)
Fuck. I lost all my progress in MOH. :( Fortuantly I know how it ends.
Just checked my phone and indeed the Summer Sale has started.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - $7.49
Far Cry 3 - $7.49
Don't Starve - $3.74
etc. etc. etc. ...
Divinity is apparently very interesting but 32$ is over budget.
As usual I already have the games I want. But I'll pick up the odd meh game I'm sure.
Got in-house streaming working between my chromebook and my pc last night. I only tried Lego Marvel but it was fairly lagless.
Dynasty Warrior 8 Subtitle Overload is on sale 50% off. Worth it? :hmm:
So far nothing has seemed that great in the sale so far. I'll probably pick up Season 2 of the Walking Dead tho. Did all of the episodes come out for it already?
Quote from: Caliga on June 20, 2014, 12:43:52 PM
So far nothing has seemed that great in the sale so far. I'll probably pick up Season 2 of the Walking Dead tho. Did all of the episodes come out for it already?
No. At part 3 currently.
If you buy 'the game', do you get each episode free as it's released or what? I don't really understand how this episodic shit works. I bought Season 1 after all of the episodes had already come out.
If you buy the game, you're buying a season pass. You don't have to pay for the new episodes.
Yeah I'm gonna grab walking dead 2 also. It is one of the few games I am planning on getting this sale.
Quote from: Habbaku on June 20, 2014, 01:04:02 PM
If you buy the game, you're buying a season pass. You don't have to pay for the new episodes.
Thanks for clarifying. Buying now. :cool:
I'll finally get New Vegas and Skyrim.
Quote from: Iormlund on June 21, 2014, 05:03:29 AM
I'll finally get New Vegas and Skyrim.
I enjoyed both. I'd play New Vegas first because otherwise you'll see a big decrease in graphic quality.
I bought Payday 2. It has a Swedish K.
Steam has jumped the shark. They let "early access games" stink up the sale. Thanks but no thanks.
Quote from: The Brain on June 21, 2014, 12:26:06 PM
Steam has jumped the shark. They let "early access games" stink up the sale. Thanks but no thanks.
I'm not happy to see it, either, but in some cases I find it acceptable - Prison Architect is very playable by now, and they keep adding new features every month. I also picked up Divinity - Original Sin because its official release will be the 30th. Project Zomboid is also pretty playable.
Stuff like DayZ that's still VERY early in development ... not so much.
What's worse is when you have a game like Nosgoth on flash sale, think, "What's that?" and then have to scroll through half a dozen pre-order tiers and boni, to find near the bottom what the game is all about, and that it's in a genre you don't care for.
Tales of Maj'Eyal (ex-TOME) is on sale for 2.99: "Includes 1306 Steam Achievements" :blink:
Tried Payday 2 but the getaway car just took off and left me to fight scores of SWAT. My other "buddies" were about as helpful as two holes in the head. Quit.
And the mask use is completely retarded.
I tried the Payday 2 demo awhile back. I quit after about 50 dead cops.
I agree with Brain - I'm done with purchasing early access games. I have Prison Archtiect and Starbound; that's enough for me.
Quote from: Iormlund on June 21, 2014, 05:03:29 AM
I'll finally get New Vegas and Skyrim.
Objective: complete.
I was going to get Borderlands 2 but I think I can cope with waiting until the Winter sale.
I've like for Enslaved to go down under 5$ and I'll get that. I think I might get it even at 5$.
Quote from: Syt on June 21, 2014, 12:43:17 PM
Quote from: The Brain on June 21, 2014, 12:26:06 PM
Steam has jumped the shark. They let "early access games" stink up the sale. Thanks but no thanks.
I'm not happy to see it, either, but in some cases I find it acceptable - Prison Architect is very playable by now, and they keep adding new features every month. I also picked up Divinity - Original Sin because its official release will be the 30th. Project Zomboid is also pretty playable.
Stuff like DayZ that's still VERY early in development ... not so much.
Not a fan of early access games. I remember when Betas were free.
Omerta - City of Gangsters (plus 4 DLCs) is FREE on GOG at the moment till the end of this hour, but only if you check on their front page among the flash sales.
Went ahead and picked it up. Can't beat free. :thumbsup:
I seem to recall comments that the strategy part was weak, but that the tactical combat was some fun.
AoW3 now 20 bucks on steam.
I picked up Kentucky Route 0 and Blackguards.
Quote from: Caliga on June 24, 2014, 01:24:41 PM
Quote from: Syt on June 24, 2014, 12:34:00 PM
I picked up Kentucky Route 0
Hey, the game features a Civil War battleship infested with cats. It's a Languish meme-athon.
I hope there's gas station food. :P
The original Torchlight is free on gog.com for 20 minutes. Of for some reason you don't have it, get it.
One of the steam daily deals is now a game without even a discount? :huh:
Quote from: garbon on June 25, 2014, 12:08:43 PM
One of the steam daily deals is now a game without even a discount? :huh:
Refresh your page. Sometimes it glitches when it switches.
Oh it came back with a -25%. :D
Oh but yeah it looks like it was pulling non daily deal discounts at initial switch (as I see Banner Saga is now 50% off).
Team Red is about to win again. :hmm:
I sold my summer cards and managed to craft the Blackguards badge, so that I have a tiny fraction of a % chance of winning 3 games off my wishlist.
The title from Blackguards? "Lonely Couch Potato". :blush: <_<
Rome: Total War II now $20 on Steam. :)
Train Simulator 2014 is also on sale. 6.29 gets you the base game, a few additional routes (Hamburg-Hannover, Donner Pass, London-Faversham High Speed Route, Sheerness Branch Extension Route), and an additional locomotive.
The add ons are also on sale, between 40% and 75% off, for a total of 1,100+ :lol:
Though the game is not recommended by people who have 900 or 1100 hours put into it. :hmm:
Quote from: Caliga on June 26, 2014, 12:11:31 PM
Rome: Total War II now $20 on Steam. :)
P.S. Is this game good.
Quote from: Syt on June 26, 2014, 12:19:40 PM
Train Simulator 2014 is also on sale. 6.29 gets you the base game, a few additional routes (Hamburg-Hannover, Donner Pass, London-Faversham High Speed Route, Sheerness Branch Extension Route), and an additional locomotive.
The add ons are also on sale, between 40% and 75% off, for a total of 1,100+ :lol:
Though the game is not recommended by people who have 900 or 1100 hours put into it. :hmm:
What do you do in this game other than hit the throttle and brakes? :hmm:
I think we should wait for Liep to weigh in on this.
Quote from: Caliga on June 26, 2014, 12:11:31 PM
Rome: Total War II now $20 on Steam. :)
Still too expensive.
If you haven't got it already Civilization V complete is 2/3 off.
Also the Brave New World expansion and most download content is 75% for the next 45 hours. :cool:
Quote from: Habbaku on June 26, 2014, 01:00:07 PM
Still too expensive.
In you opinion at what price point is it a good buy?
Is Pandora any good?
Quote from: Caliga on June 27, 2014, 09:17:15 AM
Quote from: Habbaku on June 26, 2014, 01:00:07 PM
Still too expensive.
In you opinion at what price point is it a good buy?
I would pay $10 for it and all DLC.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement. :lol: Thanks.
It is much better now than it was, but I mainly can't recommend paying much for it because I don't enjoy rewarding Creative Assembly for their failures. Its release was a giant mess.
How's Hegemony: Rome these days?
Quote from: Berkut on June 27, 2014, 09:24:26 AM
Is Pandora any good?
Haven't tried it myself, because the reviews mostly said that while it's not too bad, it's basically Alpha Centauri without the flavor, but with a better interface.
Quote from: Syt on June 27, 2014, 11:31:34 AM
How's Hegemony: Rome these days?
I havent played it since the early release days. Havent had the time but I will get to it over the summer. I liked it then even though parts of the game handnt been added in yet. But I am a real fan of the series.
Quote from: Caliga on June 27, 2014, 11:20:34 AM
Not exactly a ringing endorsement. :lol: Thanks.
At release it was crap and not worth it but with patches and mods it's their best game yet imo.
Wolfenstein: New Order is on sale for 50% off.
It's a good game if you enjoy FPS, 1960s pulp sci-fi and killing nazis.
I just beat that one. Steam sales make fools of us all. :(
I missed the How to Survive Flash sale, damn it.
I fell for Tropico 4. It was only 4 euros, less than a pack of cigarettes. How is the game?
Quote from: Pedrito on June 28, 2014, 03:11:03 PM
I fell for Tropico 4. It was only 4 euros, less than a pack of cigarettes. How is the game?
I've enjoyed it, though once you know what to do it's fairly easy to succeed. Planning to get Tropico 5 before the end of the summer sale, just waiting to see if it gets more than -25%.
Quote from: Habbaku on June 27, 2014, 11:26:51 AM
It is much better now than it was, but I mainly can't recommend paying much for it because I don't enjoy rewarding Creative Assembly for their failures. Its release was a giant mess.
Rome 2 is at -66% now. I'm tempted, though there seems to be way too much DLC...
Quote from: Solmyr on June 29, 2014, 12:19:50 PM
Quote from: Habbaku on June 27, 2014, 11:26:51 AM
It is much better now than it was, but I mainly can't recommend paying much for it because I don't enjoy rewarding Creative Assembly for their failures. Its release was a giant mess.
Rome 2 is at -66% now. I'm tempted, though there seems to be way too much DLC...
It was at that earlier. Hence the $20 that Cal mentioned.
edit: I guess today is just the best of the prior sales for the last day. Prices look the same.
I bought nothing in the sale. :smarty:
I bought 3 games; The Walking Dead Season 2 and The Wolf Among Us, which I planned on getting if the price was decent and Space Empires IV because it was like $2.
I nabbed The Banner Saga and The Wolf Among Us. Now to find time to play them...
I didn't buy anything either. I was going to buy Borderlands 2 but I got Titanfall on Origin instead.
I bought way too much from Steam and GOG. RPGs, mostly, a few action games, and a bunch of point & click adventures.
GOG has Seven Cities of Gold: Commemorative Edition (the 1993 remake): http://www.gog.com/game/seven_cities_of_gold_ce
Sleeping Dogs and Assassin's Creed 2.
None of the games I had on watch were discounted enough to my liking, but I sold a bunch of cards during the event and picked those two for "free". Enjoying Sleeping Dogs so far, love Honk Kong gunplay flicks.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 29, 2014, 11:19:47 PM
I nabbed The Banner Saga and The Wolf Among Us. Now to find time to play them...
I picked up both of these and State of Decay.
I'd say Brotherhood.
Quote from: DontSayBanana on July 01, 2014, 09:15:05 PM
Quote from: celedhring on June 30, 2014, 10:19:24 AM
Assassin's Creed 2.
Best in the series, IMO.
I got the first one on PS3 when it came out and I was disappointed by it, so I never got the others. But a few people enthusiastically recommended #2 to me so I'm going to give it a go.
I picked up the "Wargame" franchise from Steam. I have to say it's simple but fun. A (really) dumbed-down Combat Mission.
Quote from: Norgy on July 02, 2014, 12:22:18 PM
I picked up the "Wargame" franchise from Steam. I have to say it's simple but fun. A (really) dumbed-down Combat Mission.
They're superb games, particularly in multiplayer 10 v 10 matches.
I'm about to finish Sleeping Dogs (clocking at 25 hours, it's a bit short if you don't go around picking up every collectible and finishing every side mission), and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Now, as a game is probably pretty average, but the setting and the story are pretty well done. Plus I love Honk Kong mafia flicks.
Quote from: celedhring on July 03, 2014, 11:26:17 AM
I'm about to finish Sleeping Dogs (clocking at 25 hours, it's a bit short if you don't go around picking up every collectible and finishing every side mission), and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Now, as a game is probably pretty average, but the setting and the story are pretty well done. Plus I love Honk Kong mafia flicks.
So when are you going to thank Jacob for his efforts?
Quote from: garbon on July 03, 2014, 12:01:23 PM
Quote from: celedhring on July 03, 2014, 11:26:17 AM
I'm about to finish Sleeping Dogs (clocking at 25 hours, it's a bit short if you don't go around picking up every collectible and finishing every side mission), and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Now, as a game is probably pretty average, but the setting and the story are pretty well done. Plus I love Honk Kong mafia flicks.
So when are you going to thank Jacob for his efforts?
:huh: Why would he want to do that? Didn't Jacob get paid for his work?
Current Humble Bundle has all three Bioshock games, XCOM and The Bureau, Mafia II, and The Darkness II for a minimum of $20. I'm sorely tempted.
Car Mechanic Simulator is 66 per cent off on Steam.
Quote from: Josephus on July 09, 2014, 06:26:49 PM
Car Mechanic Simulator is 66 per cent off on Steam.
You know who would never play that? Dguller.
Quote from: Josephus on July 09, 2014, 06:26:49 PM
Car Mechanic Simulator is 66 per cent off on Steam.
Paging DGuller...
edit: I suck at reading through entire threads before posting. :blush:
There's also Goat Simulator. :huh:
Quote from: Josephus on July 10, 2014, 07:56:59 PM
There's also Goat Simulator. :huh:
Tamas "bought" 4 copies of goat simulator.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 10, 2014, 08:28:57 PM
Tamas "bought" 4 copies of goat simulator.
Brain has the full nudity mod
Tamas modded his to collect his virtual beet harvest.
Goatsim is the #4 seller right now. :lol:
Well for most of those listed in top sellers, it just shows that people will buy whatever is on the steam main page.
Quote from: garbon on July 11, 2014, 03:56:19 PM
Well for most of those listed in top sellers, it just shows that people will buy whatever is on the steam main page.
People are too lazy to use the search function.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 10, 2014, 08:28:57 PM
Tamas "bought" 4 copies of goat simulator.
Odd coincidence; this afternoon I walked past 'The Goat Major' pub:
http://www.cardiffpubs.co.uk/Live/Pub.php?Pub=GoatMajor (http://www.cardiffpubs.co.uk/Live/Pub.php?Pub=GoatMajor)
QuoteTake responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.
:yuk: :cry:
I don't need a simulator to go off-roading. :P
Although a trans-Siberian run would be cool as balls.
Quote from: Norgy on July 11, 2014, 05:27:16 PM
QuoteTake responsibility of operating large all-terrain Soviet vehicles and venture across the rugged landscapes with only a map and compass to guide you. Explore the levels and unlock portions of the map whilst discovering new trucks, fuelling stations, garages and lumber mills.
:yuk: :cry:
Excuse me while I clean up after my Oshkosh-gasm. :blush:
:lol: @ Tamas/Goats/"bought" :D
Quote from: Jaron on July 16, 2014, 10:43:12 PM
:lol: @ Tamas/Goats/"bought" :D
You'd think some people might grow up and become a bit more polite/mature. <_<
OOTP 14 is in the latest Humble weekly Bundle. Basic package, so 1$.
Elder Scrolls Online is half off on Steam. :lol:
Quote from: Syt on July 17, 2014, 10:58:18 PM
Elder Scrolls Online is half off on Steam. :lol:
And I'm still not going to buy a game that requires an additional paid subscription. Not happening.
Wolfenstein - The New Order is 50% off on Steam.
The Sims 2 including every expansion is now free on Origin: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/07/24/the-sims-2-free-ultimate-edition/
East India Company is on sale at Gamers Gate... anyone play this?
Quote from: Solmyr on July 24, 2014, 09:24:08 AM
The Sims 2 including every expansion is now free on Origin: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/07/24/the-sims-2-free-ultimate-edition/ (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/07/24/the-sims-2-free-ultimate-edition/)
I seriously considered downloading Origin and getting that. Then I stopped and asked myself.
"Why would you do this thing"
"Because it's free!"
"So is a swift kick in the balls"
"Yeah, but a swift kick in the balls has no intrinsic value"
"And the Sims 2 does?"
"Well it's not actively painful"
"You do have to load Origins"
"Good point."
If you're feeling nostalgic, Leisure Suit Larry 1-6 (which is 5 games) is available on GOG for 2.99:
1-6 is five games? With the remake of 1 isn't that seven games?
Quote from: Valmy on August 08, 2014, 10:06:33 AM
1-6 is five games? With the remake of 1 isn't that seven games?
Then it's 6 games. There is no Larry 4. Al Lowe famously promised, after release of Larry 3, that he would never make Larry 4. So when he returned to the series, he continued with Larry 5. It's referred to as "The Missing Disks".
Strange the last LL game I played was 5 so I am rather embarrassed I didn't know that :blush:
Got an email from Amazon.com for the SEGA Fun Pack:
Total Individual Price: $76.42
Bundle Price: $81.42
Yeah, no thanks. :lol:
Humble Store has all Total War games 67% off.
You can get in GavCiv3 early access beta, only forty bucks! <_<
Hegemony Rome is 80% off on Steam.
Quote from: Ancient Demon on August 15, 2014, 07:40:45 PM
Hegemony Rome is 80% off on Steam.
Thanks. At $6 I couldn't pass it up as I've been waiting for a good sale on this one.
I need a Reaper of Souls sale, ffs.
Unity of Command is 75% off on Steam.
Hegemony Rome is good?
I 'recall reading a bad review and then forgetting about it
Soem site called Bundle Stars has a Victoria pack for $4.99.
Victoria I Complete, Vic II, both expansions and all DLC.
I am pretty sure you get Steam codes for the games, but not 100% sure.
It does say lower on that page about giving them your email to hear about more of their Steam bundles so I think so.
That's a really good price!
I've been playing through Wargame European Escalation. God that game is hard.
Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by that one. It manages to be so (usually) without resulting to Zerg rush shit so popular with many other RTS games.
There is one WP scenario though that is an absolute nightmare, but only because of the way the victory conditions were designed. You'll know it when you hit it.
I always feel I have way to many plates spinning. I have to to keep moving, often to meet timed objectives, facing ambushes from every which way, and keeping an eye on supplies. It seems as soon as I focus on one thing like say scouting with helicopters some asshole starts firing wire guided missiles at my tanks or enemy helicopters come out of nowhere and shoot up my infantry. Or I face another rush of goddamn T-62s.
Quote from: sbr on August 27, 2014, 03:31:51 PM
Soem site called Bundle Stars has a Victoria pack for $4.99.
Victoria I Complete, Vic II, both expansions and all DLC.
I am pretty sure you get Steam codes for the games, but not 100% sure.
I just bought this bundle from this site.
You get one Steam key sent to your email for the entire collection. Vicky I and II can be downloaded separately but there is no way to separate the DLC and expansions out, you install everything or nothing for each game.
The other thing worth mentioning is that the only way to pay (that I could see) is Paypal or something called Google Wallet. My Paypal goes directly to the credit card I would have used anyway, but it seems worth mentioning for the weirdos out there that have hang-ups with buying stuff online.
Hey, I used to be one of those weirdos.
At least you got over it. Unlike some of your other hangups .... :glare:
All of the Call of Doody games are for sale this weekend on Steam. :contract:
GOG are taking a bunch of games out of their catalog, so they have a "Last Chance" sale with up to 80% off:
If you buy now, the game will remain in your collection even after it's taken off their store.
Also, Activision sale (Vampire: The Masquerade, Kings/Space Quest, Krondor, Caesar III/Pharaoh) etc:
Quote from: Caliga on August 29, 2014, 07:04:12 AM
All of the Call of Doody games are for sale this weekend on Steam. :contract:
lol Activision and it's 50% off (down to 30$) for 3 year old games.
Quote from: Syt on August 29, 2014, 07:10:30 AM
GOG are taking a bunch of games out of their catalog, so they have a "Last Chance" sale with up to 80% off:
If you buy now, the game will remain in your collection even after it's taken off their store.
Most of this stuff is pretty esoteric, but just so you know, Red Faction 1 and 2 are in there along with Full Spectrum Warrior and FSW: Ten Hammers.
I'm definitely getting the RF games and trying to decide if I want to get both FSW games or just the original.
Are the Gothic games in this offer worth it? Heard mixed opinions of them.
Syt liked them, I did not.
Earlier I bought Supreme Ruler 1936 - there must be a manual somewhere yes?
Quote from: Grallon on August 29, 2014, 07:36:44 PM
Earlier I bought Supreme Ruler 1936 - there must be a manual somewhere yes?
Steam Store page for the game
Quote from: celedhring on August 29, 2014, 01:35:56 PM
Are the Gothic games in this offer worth it? Heard mixed opinions of them.
Gothic II is. Gothic III is unbelievably bad.
G3 is horrid. It's better than the clusterfuck that was originally released, but still not very good. Play Morrowind or Skyrim instead.
G1 was pretty good, if a bit stupid hard towards the end.
G2 was very good for its time, and it's one of the better designed fantasy worlds in that it makes sense (a small trade city, bunch of farms around to supply them and the mine valley, friction because the soldiers arriving need more food so the farmers hire mercenaries etc.).
It doesn't do a lot of hand holding, and in the beginning it's very easy to die because you took a wrong turn on a path or picked the wrong fight. The combat is a bit wonky.
Not sure how good the localization from German to English is, both in text and word. German voice acting tended towards the cheesy.
While knowing what happened in G1 and knowing some of the characters you meet again, playing it is not required. You get a bit of a primer at the beginning, and you could always check the wiki page.
Will probably get Gothic 2, then. I fancy a decent RPG.
I liked the Gothic one concept, but I hated the combat, the voice acting, and many of the characters. The second was slightly better but still had crap combat. I played about 10 minutes of the third one.
Quote from: celedhring on August 30, 2014, 04:06:38 AM
Will probably get Gothic 2, then. I fancy a decent RPG.
IIRC, Gothic 2 has no mouse support. Be forewarned; it's a great concept that is a PITA to play.
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 05:41:37 PM
Quote from: celedhring on August 30, 2014, 04:06:38 AM
Will probably get Gothic 2, then. I fancy a decent RPG.
IIRC, Gothic 2 has no mouse support. Be forewarned; it's a great concept that is a PITA to play.
Uhm, yes it does. The menu system is a bit of a pain, but the normal gameplay is standard mouse-look with WASD movement.
Quote from: sbr on August 27, 2014, 03:31:51 PM
Soem site called Bundle Stars has a Victoria pack for $4.99.
Victoria I Complete, Vic II, both expansions and all DLC.
I am pretty sure you get Steam codes for the games, but not 100% sure.
I never played these games, but I'm tempted by the price. I assume I'll never touch VIctoria, but is the II good, with the expansions?
Steam has the Wargame franchise on sale. Buy all three for 20.00 or Red Dragon for 19.99.
The first game alone (European Escalation) is at 2.49, and the second (Airland Battle) is at 4.99 if bought separately.
Quote from: sbr on August 27, 2014, 03:31:51 PM
Soem site called Bundle Stars has a Victoria pack for $4.99.
Victoria I Complete, Vic II, both expansions and all DLC.
I am pretty sure you get Steam codes for the games, but not 100% sure.
I forgot to thank you for this heads-up. Nice price for a good bundle. Thanks for the heads-up.
I just pass along stuff I see elsewhere, very little of my info is orginal, but I am glad you (and others) got to take advantage and hope the game doesn't suck too much.
Yeah, got that one too. :)
I also took advantage of the Victoria II.
Humble Bundle now has HoI3 + everything for 4.50 euros. Should I get it or wait for HoI4? I recall talk about 3 being pretty bad.
Quote from: Solmyr on September 11, 2014, 02:25:57 PM
Humble Bundle now has HoI3 + everything for 4.50 euros. Should I get it or wait for HoI4? I recall talk about 3 being pretty bad.
Can you really go wrong for 4.50? Even if it is crap - if it's something you're curious about why not get it?
On a related note, Humble Bundle store currently has March of the Eagles for 99 cents...
Quote from: Solmyr on September 11, 2014, 02:25:57 PM
Humble Bundle now has HoI3 + everything for 4.50 euros. Should I get it or wait for HoI4? I recall talk about 3 being pretty bad.
It has the standard HoI problem of the naval and air functionality sucking. In HoI 3 it's easy to automate both as long as you don't care about doing anything interesting with them. That means playing Germany, Russia, France or some minor.
I think I've said it before, but it would seem that the answer to both of those things should just be some serious abstraction of both naval and air combat instead of trying to model every little nuance. I think I recall that they are heading at least a little in that direction with 4.
Quote from: Habbaku on September 11, 2014, 05:15:54 PM
I think I've said it before, but it would seem that the answer to both of those things should just be some serious abstraction of both naval and air combat instead of trying to model every little nuance. I think I recall that they are heading at least a little in that direction with 4.
Yeah. The Air Combat Dev Diary I saw had some interesting things, I haven't seen anything about the Navy but I haven't really looked either. I stumbled across the Air DD on accident.
Quote from: Habbaku on September 11, 2014, 05:15:54 PM
I think I've said it before, but it would seem that the answer to both of those things should just be some serious abstraction of both naval and air combat instead of trying to model every little nuance.
I agree. I don't get any jollies out of dictating hour by hour (in game time) the orders for several dozen aircraft units, and I'm not sure why anybody would.
Grabbed the Vicky II bundle that was mentioned, but the game hangs and crashes every time I try to run it. :(
Quote from: frunk on September 11, 2014, 10:18:46 PM
Quote from: Habbaku on September 11, 2014, 05:15:54 PM
I think I've said it before, but it would seem that the answer to both of those things should just be some serious abstraction of both naval and air combat instead of trying to model every little nuance.
I agree. I don't get any jollies out of dictating hour by hour (in game time) the orders for several dozen aircraft units, and I'm not sure why anybody would.
I doubt anyone does. I should have some control over what my air force likes and maybe be able to attach certain elements to certain armies (X amount of fighter wings to this sector of air defense, Y amount to assist this army), etc. But constantly fiddling with the hour and minute and time of day and composition and which air general is in charge and paying attention to yet another unit's strength and AUGH. Why?
Quote from: Barrister on September 11, 2014, 10:42:43 PM
Grabbed the Vicky II bundle that was mentioned, but the game hangs and crashes every time I try to run it. :(
Hey Beeb, if it crashes at the "initializing maplogic" step, try this fix, it worked for me:
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2676735 (http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2676735)
Yeah, I had the same problem. A lot of Pdox games have that map cache problem.
Quote from: Pedrito on September 12, 2014, 02:10:20 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 11, 2014, 10:42:43 PM
Grabbed the Vicky II bundle that was mentioned, but the game hangs and crashes every time I try to run it. :(
Hey Beeb, if it crashes at the "initializing maplogic" step, try this fix, it worked for me:
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2676735 (http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2676735)
Grazie. That's exactly the problem I was having. I'll try tonight.
Skyrim is five bucks on Steam.
The whole bundle for 14.
Anyone know if Stronghold Crusader 2 is any good? I got a -10% Steam coupon on it, the subject in general seems interesting (never played the previous games though).
New steam layout. By default I have to hate any changes to a layout until I can't remember the previous layout. -_-
Quote from: garbon on September 24, 2014, 10:29:33 PM
New steam layout. By default I have to hate any changes to a layout until I can't remember the previous layout. -_-
For some reason the bluish tint throws me off, gonna get used to it I guess.
They are recommending me games that I already own, so the new store engine needs some tweaking.
You can tweak some of the stuff it shows you - look for "customize" buttons in some of the windows.
I like that if you look at a game's DLC list it will grey out stuff you already own. Also, if you browse/search games in lists it will often show you a quick thumbs up/down button based on user reviews.
Oh, they've added a music player too. Interesting.
If you don't like Steam's color sheme, it supports skin modding.
Total War weekend on Steam. 75% off all Total War titles except Rome II.
Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations Wargame of the Year Edition is on Steam, at a 25% discount (down to €55.49).
Quote from: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on September 25, 2014, 08:13:01 PM
Total War weekend on Steam. 75% off all Total War titles except Rome II.
Wouldn't get Rome II for free, frankly.
That bad, huh? I picked up Rome I, and I am thinking about Napoleon and Empire. I also grabbed the rest of the clan packs for Shogun II.
Most of Paradox stuff is between 50-85% off on Steam.
If anyone doesn't already have it, Torchlight II is cheap on Steam right now.
Quote from: Zanza on October 02, 2014, 01:28:42 PM
Most of Paradox stuff is between 50-85% off on Steam.
With that sale, my game is down to 1.99. :D
edit: And oddly enough, people are still reviewing it on Steam. :hmm:
Quote from: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on September 26, 2014, 03:46:32 PM
That bad, huh? I picked up Rome I, and I am thinking about Napoleon and Empire. I also grabbed the rest of the clan packs for Shogun II.
the emperor edition is actually quite good. No Rome I /Mediëval II but then again nothing is.
Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on October 02, 2014, 02:21:21 PM
the emperor edition is actually quite good. No Rome I /Mediëval II but then again nothing is.
I find it just more of the same. The battles go a bit quicker, the Civil War mechanism sucks, strategy game is same as it ever was, the graphics are great but overall it's nothing we haven't seen before.
RTW II is probably worth getting cheap for the mods that will come out, but there's no reason to pull the trigger now. It will be cheap again by the time you need it.
I see P'dox games are on sale on Steam.
Tempted to get HOI III.
Is it really shit?
I'll save my three bucks then. Thanks.
All the Assassin's Creed's are on sale on steam.
Quote from: Razgovory on October 08, 2014, 10:00:36 PM
2 and Brotherhood are well worth it. 1's a little simplistic, but fun, and (IMO) the later ones overcomplicated the gameplay. (Not including 5 in this, since I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet- didn't want to pick it up until I made some headway through 4, which I haven't turned on in months)
I thought AC1 was pretty meh and uninvolving, but I loved AC2 - will pick up Brotherhood now, thanks for the headsup.
5? If you are talking Unity (or Rogue) - that hasn't been released yet. :unsure:
Quote from: celedhring on October 09, 2014, 10:07:14 AM
I thought AC1 was pretty meh and uninvolving, but I loved AC2 - will pick up Brotherhood now, thanks for the headsup.
1 was lame. 2 and Brotherhood pretty good (Brotherhood is probably my favorite). 3 and 4 are also pretty fun if you like those settings (colonial america and pirates respectively).
Revelations is the one I'd skip (in Instanbul) as that one added an unnecessary bomb making thinking. I never bothered to finish it.
Quote from: celedhring on October 09, 2014, 10:07:14 AM
I thought AC1 was pretty meh and uninvolving, but I loved AC2 - will pick up Brotherhood now, thanks for the headsup.
Brotherhood's definitely worth it. It's not so much a sequel as a companion to 2, and it does clean up a *lot* of the ends left dangling at the end of 2.
I played 1 with on the PC with a keyboard and mouse and found it exceptionally annoying.
Xenonauts (clone of original X-Com, but set in 1979) is on sale at GOG:
Alea Jacta (sic) Est is on Steam, 60% off.
Also, two DLCs: Cantabrian Wars and "Sparatcus" (Tamas, is anyone proofreading over there? :P )
The Spartacus scenario isn't that fun.
Combat mission Black Sea has finally been officially announced. Release date is unknown put probably December. Box art has released though
I might buy that for a dollar.
Shame I put it in the wrong damned thread.
Metro 2033 is free from Humble Store for the next day.
GOG is having its fall sale. Mount and Blade free for a bit.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 12, 2014, 06:47:47 PM
GOG is having its fall sale. Mount and Blade free for a bit.
steam has Rise of Nations on for really cheap. Gonna pick it up. It's an oldie, but imo the best in the" start off in the ice age and create an empire series of games."
If anyone's interested, I have an extra Steam key for Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Quote from: mongers on November 23, 2014, 02:46:10 PM
Gog.com have all of their recent discounted bundles on sale at the same time for the next 48 hours.
Found out I already owned Dungeon Keeper. Damn that game looks like shit.
Quote from: Razgovory on November 23, 2014, 06:09:24 PM
Quote from: mongers on November 23, 2014, 02:46:10 PM
Gog.com have all of their recent discounted bundles on sale at the same time for the next 48 hours.
Found out I already owned Dungeon Keeper. Damn that game looks like shit.
It was OK in it's original DOS release, not sure what I thought of the sequel.
But the gog.com does look bad, is super sluggish and largely unplayable.
Steam sale on Wednesday.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 23, 2014, 08:52:16 PM
Steam sale on Wednesday.
You bastards! Can't you let me live in peace? :(
No Justice, No peace.
Civ: Beyond Earth is already -30% on Steam :frusty:
Quote from: Pedrito on November 26, 2014, 01:42:21 PM
Civ: Beyond Earth is already -30% on Steam :frusty:
Saw that, too. But I got 25 hours out of it after it released, so I'm not grumpy. Waiting for the first patch, actually.
Alien Isolation is also 25% off, but as it's not on the front page, it might get a bigger discount yet.
Almost every EU4 DLC except AoW is at -50% now, too.
For those who spent recent years under a rock, Mass Effect 1 & 2 are available as bundle for 6.99 on Steam. Not 100% sure if ME2 includes all the DLC, though.
Quote from: Syt on November 26, 2014, 02:31:48 PM
For those who spent recent years under a rock, Mass Effect 1 & 2 are available as bundle for 6.99 on Steam. Not 100% sure if ME2 includes all the DLC, though.
It doesn't on Steam. You have to buy the DLCs via Origin. Same for ME1, although its main DLC is a free download anyway.
Quote from: Syt on November 26, 2014, 02:01:39 PM
Alien Isolation is also 25% off, but as it's not on the front page, it might get a bigger discount yet.
I've been watching Gopher's playthrough of it, and the game seems to be horribly railroady. You only have one direction to go in and just get hunted along the way.
Old but golden SimCity 4 deluxe can be had for pennies- 75% off.
For those who still haven't got it Civ5 complete, all the expansions and DLC is 75% so around 10 bucks. :)
Victoria II, 2 expansions and all DLC (plus Victoria I Complete) is on Steam for $9.99 until Dec. 2nd.
Quote from: Pedrito on November 26, 2014, 01:42:21 PM
Civ: Beyond Earth is already -30% on Steam :frusty:
I think I'll hold out until it's come down a bit.
Meh, I wouldnt recommend it unless you are willing to play it just a few times at that price. Its one of those games that is probably going to get a lot better with more DLC.
Quote from: crazy canuck on November 27, 2014, 03:54:48 PM
Meh, I wouldnt recommend it unless you are willing to play it just a few times at that price. Its one of those games that is probably going to get a lot better with more DLC.
This. After reading the comments here and on other sites, I've decided to wait for at least one DLC, if not two. CivV was a very good game, but with the big DLCs it's become exceptionally good. Let's hope for Beyond Earth to follow the same route.
This is why game developers have to hire Hungarians. :(
They probably did hire Hungarians, which is why the game is just a reskin of Civ V. I paid substantially more than $10 for Civ V, because it looked like there was some gameplay coolness to back up the pretty looks.
ooh, fa-la-la-lan is one of the additional EU4 music packs I picked up :)
The Banner Saga is 75% off for 24 hours.
I bought 'Arsenal Of Democracy', it was about two bucks. :blush:
Quote from: mongers on November 28, 2014, 03:15:41 PM
I bought 'Arsenal Of Democracy', it was about two bucks. :blush:
Is it any good?
Quote from: Solmyr on November 29, 2014, 11:00:02 AM
Quote from: mongers on November 28, 2014, 03:15:41 PM
I bought 'Arsenal Of Democracy', it was about two bucks. :blush:
Is it any good?
I've only played half an hour so not sure, there's a few differences with HOI2.
I really ought it because it saved me the hassle of finding cds for HOI2 and al the expansions. :blush:
Quote from: Pedrito on November 28, 2014, 01:59:51 PM
The Banner Saga is 75% off for 24 hours.
On gog.com too now for 5 hours for those who prefer GOG.com over Steam, among their many Winter sales promotions.
The new Wolfenstein game is $20 on Steam for anyone looking to kill Nazis.
Free Age of Wonders at GOG right now.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 05, 2014, 08:16:30 PM
The new Wolfenstein game is $20 on Steam for anyone looking to kill Nazis.
Still the best classical FPS of 2014.
Tron 2.0 on steam for $5.00 due to Disney sale.
Didn't realize it was even available. Fuck yeah.
Quote from: Syt on December 06, 2014, 02:06:00 AM
Still the best classical FPS of 2014.
Yeah I'm having a good time with this one. The "nightmare" was a pretty cool little easter egg. :)
Breach & Clear is 75% off on Steam:
Turn based WEGO. 89% positive out of over 500 reviews. And now available under $5. Might be worth checking out.
QuoteBreach & Clear brings deep tactical strategy simulation to PC, Mac and Linux! Build your Special Operations team, plan and execute advanced missions, and own every angle.
Choose your real-world squad -- US Army Rangers, Germany's KSK, Canada's JTF2, UK SAS, and more -- and take on a variety of foes with different skill-sets and abilities. Learn to approach, engage, and dominate your opponents through superior tactics and training. The Steam version of Breach & Clear includes all the premium content from the original mobile game at no additional cost.
Build your arsenal with thousands of gun combinations, and specialize each soldier with a combination of perks, tactics, camo, armor, and inventory all tailored by you. Tune your load-out with consumables like UAV Drones and Breaching Charges that can change the course of battle!
Each soldier matters, every decision counts. Plan your mission step-by-step: split up your team and assault the map from multiple entrance points, set routes and fields of fire, use cover and outflank your foe.
Developed with help from members of the Special Operations Forces community, Breach & Clear features actual close-quarters combat tactics and a variety of door-breaching techniques. Soldiers equip real-world weapons and gear. Firefights take place in real time.
Flight Simulator X has been re-released on Steam and right now it's on sale for $5. It's been optimized for Windows 8.1 and includes the Acceleration Expansion Pack, too.
That company who makes the railroad sim with a billion DLCs bought the rights to FSX, I guess. I look forward to spending $4,000 on DLC for it. :)
I was looking into the train sim. Supposedly worth it if you're into trains, but a lot of the DLC seems to be badly designed/optimized/tested, so it'd be better to check user reviews on those.
Quote from: Caliga on December 19, 2014, 10:06:00 AM
Flight Simulator X has been re-released on Steam and right now it's on sale for $5. It's been optimized for Windows 8.1 and includes the Acceleration Expansion Pack, too.
That company who makes the railroad sim with a billion DLCs bought the rights to FSX, I guess. I look forward to spending $4,000 on DLC for it. :)
My recent Thrustmaster flight stick purchase just popped a major boner. Currently with a high risk of priapism. :P
Quote from: mongers on December 20, 2014, 06:13:11 PM
On Steam sale now:
Buy Rise of Nations: Extended Edition - 75% Off
Defcon - 90% Off
Age Of Empires 2 - 66%
:hmm: I need a nice diversion. It has good reviews. I have a hankering to target a MIRV on Missouri.
QuoteOffice mode
In office mode, the game runs in real time and cannot be sped up. The game can be quickly forced to the background making the computer available for other use. While the game continues to run in the background, a system tray icon will notify the gamer of certain events as they occur. The office mode hotkey, sometimes referred to as the boss key, is activated by striking the escape key twice in rapid succession. A game in office mode lasts no more than six hours. The boss key is available in all game modes, but it is designed for this mode in particular.
I guess you figured out who I was talking about when I was discussing unnamed posters who are belligerently ignorant.
Quote from: Razgovory on December 20, 2014, 06:49:07 PM
I guess you figured out who I was talking about when I was discussing unnamed posters who are belligerently ignorant.
??? ex-wife lives in Missouri. Your not that important in the scheme of things.
Quote from: 11B4V on December 20, 2014, 06:26:35 PM
QuoteOffice mode
In office mode, the game runs in real time and cannot be sped up. The game can be quickly forced to the background making the computer available for other use. While the game continues to run in the background, a system tray icon will notify the gamer of certain events as they occur. The office mode hotkey, sometimes referred to as the boss key, is activated by striking the escape key twice in rapid succession. A game in office mode lasts no more than six hours. The boss key is available in all game modes, but it is designed for this mode in particular.
It's nice to see Boss Mode, once so popular with so many games back in the late '80s and '90s, come back. M1 Tank Platoon and Red Storm Rising had a Boss Key that would bring up the C:> prompt, and let you type away. :lol:
P'dox sent out, in its newsletter, free Steam code for Cities in Motion.
Is it worth it?
I've no idea. :D
One of those things one downloads but really never plays, I think.
Quote from: Syt on December 06, 2014, 02:06:00 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 05, 2014, 08:16:30 PM
The new Wolfenstein game is $20 on Steam for anyone looking to kill Nazis.
Still the best classical FPS of 2014.
Classical as in the engine, or classical as in a WW2 shooter?
LOL, Fahdiz bought "Prison Architect"
He must be incredibly bored at work, or started watching "Orange Is The New Black".
And don't laugh: Wildlife Park 2 Domestic Animals is looking pretty good. I could raise Yorkies. :wub:
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 23, 2014, 08:15:32 PM
Quote from: Syt on December 06, 2014, 02:06:00 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 05, 2014, 08:16:30 PM
The new Wolfenstein game is $20 on Steam for anyone looking to kill Nazis.
Still the best classical FPS of 2014.
Classical as in the engine, or classical as in a WW2 shooter?
Unironic single player shooter mit focus on gunplay (and some optional stealth). It's completely silly alt- hist over the top action, but takes itself serious at the same time. Kind of like an 80s action flick. And it has some of the best world building with many little details (even more so if you speak German). There's a thread about it here, I think. If you can get it for 15 to 20 bucks: buy it. The campaign is 12 hours, IIRC.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 23, 2014, 08:17:13 PM
LOL, Fahdiz bought "Prison Architect"
It's actually a really neat game.
So Syt, how's Starpoint Gemini 2?
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 28, 2014, 05:33:09 PM
So Syt, how's Starpoint Gemini 2?
Do I look like I play games? I buy them, I don't play them. I'm the CdM of Steam. :P
I have 351 games according to my library (or 359 according to my profile :hmm: ), and only 6 titles have more than 50 hours playtime: Sims 3 (130 hours :blush: ), Civ5 (84 hours), CK2 (82 hours), Bejeweled 3 (73 hours :blush: ), Dragon Age Origins (71 hours), Skyrim (51) hours. Over 300 with less than 5 hours. Not to mention about 200 titles with less than an hour in it.
It's why the Steam sales have become rather unexciting for me - a lot of the discounted titles that I'd be interested have the "in Library" tag by now. :blush:
TBF, some games I've finished are short, i.e. under 20 hours (Batman, Wolfenstein, SpecOps: The Line and others).
I've got 14 games in my Steam library, but three of them have more than 100 hours of playtime: EU4, CK2, Civ V.
I am weak. :weep:
Humble bundle has boosted the amount of games I haven't even installed by a significant amount.
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
Sitting down and playing through DA:O recently was a big thing for me, because I rarely finish games that size (last ones to come anywhere near that would have been ME1&2 back to back), and it took some serious effort in the end to stay focused.
Quote from: Zanza on December 29, 2014, 03:58:45 AM
I've got 14 games in my Steam library, but three of them have more than 100 hours of playtime: EU4, CK2, Civ V.
I've got like 180. :(
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 04:14:14 AM
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
That is fucking bizarre.
I know.
Quote from: Berkut on December 29, 2014, 08:04:44 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 04:14:14 AM
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
That is fucking bizarre.
I've a theory, the way people approach gaming is similar to how they go about having sex. :)
I tend to play a few games (mostly modded) for very long stretches. I have a handful over 100 hours: Xcom (100 hours), DoW II (104), DA:O (111), Fallout 3 (169), Mount&Blade (434) and Dota2 (a whopping 1111 hours, though likely <300 actually played). I don't have statitics on MTW2 (I played TA a lot), DoW:DK or HL mods.
F:NV, Skyrim and Civ V will likely surpass 100 hours as well eventually.
Quote from: mongers on December 29, 2014, 08:40:32 AM
Quote from: Berkut on December 29, 2014, 08:04:44 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 04:14:14 AM
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
That is fucking bizarre.
I've a theory that the way people approach gaming is similar to how they go about having sex. :)
How would I even...? :unsure:
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 08:26:55 AM
I know.
If it makes you feel better I have watched several hundred matches of Dota 2. :P
Quote from: Berkut on December 29, 2014, 08:04:44 AM
That is fucking bizarre.
Some people just like to watch.
Quote from: The Brain on December 29, 2014, 09:10:33 AM
Quote from: mongers on December 29, 2014, 08:40:32 AM
Quote from: Berkut on December 29, 2014, 08:04:44 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 04:14:14 AM
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
That is fucking bizarre.
I've a theory that the way people approach gaming is similar to how they go about having sex. :)
How would I even...? :unsure:
Watch Goat Simulator Let's Plays?
Well played.
Quote from: Solmyr on December 29, 2014, 03:22:15 PM
Quote from: The Brain on December 29, 2014, 09:10:33 AM
Quote from: mongers on December 29, 2014, 08:40:32 AM
Quote from: Berkut on December 29, 2014, 08:04:44 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 04:14:14 AM
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
That is fucking bizarre.
I've a theory that the way people approach gaming is similar to how they go about having sex. :)
How would I even...? :unsure:
Watch Goat Simulator Let's Plays?
Quote from: celedhring on December 29, 2014, 04:04:34 AM
Humble bundle has boosted the amount of games I haven't even installed by a significant amount.
That's the boat I'm in, as well. $60 will get me one AAA PC or console title, but usually about 50 games via Humble Bundle. Guess which way I prefer to go?
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 01:53:54 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 28, 2014, 05:33:09 PM
So Syt, how's Starpoint Gemini 2?
Do I look like I play games? I buy them, I don't play them. I'm the CdM of Steam. :P
I have 351 games according to my library (or 359 according to my profile :hmm: ), and only 6 titles have more than 50 hours playtime: Sims 3 (130 hours :blush: ), Civ5 (84 hours), CK2 (82 hours), Bejeweled 3 (73 hours :blush: ), Dragon Age Origins (71 hours), Skyrim (51) hours. Over 300 with less than 5 hours. Not to mention about 200 titles with less than an hour in it.
It's why the Steam sales have become rather unexciting for me - a lot of the discounted titles that I'd be interested have the "in Library" tag by now. :blush:
TBF, some games I've finished are short, i.e. under 20 hours (Batman, Wolfenstein, SpecOps: The Line and others).
I don't play games, I don't even buy most of them. I just talk about them on video game forums. We all have our sins mate ;)
Quote from: Berkut on December 29, 2014, 08:04:44 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 04:14:14 AM
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
That is fucking bizarre.
I never got the appeal of watching others play computer games, but isn't it a bit like watching sports without playing them yourself? I do that and it seems a rather popular pastime for many people.
It also depends on the commenter itself. Before buying games I might check out let's plays of the game in question. Or I watch it to see how someone else plays a game, maybe to learn something new or see a new spin (usually with strategy titles). Or if there's multiple endings to a game I might check those out.
But it all stands and falls with the one playing it. A silent playthrough can be good if you just want gameplay. Normal gameplay commentary can be interesting if it explains mechanics. Beyond that it'll be personal tastes, and even with the same commenter it can vary from game to game. I find Jesse Cox obnoxious in one game, amusing and hilarious in another. I like SplatterCat when he explains the mechanics of an indie game, but some of his jokes in his playthroughs can be really annoying and boring. I generally like quill18 and Arumba. quill is a nice enough guy and does gameplay in a way I find entertaining. Arumba focuses more on gameplay (he's usually playing to min/max), and he did a pretty decent CK2 tutorial a few months ago.
SF Debris occasionally does some game commentary, but his is heavily edited into a story review format (because that's what he normally does), covering ME2, KotOR and DA:O so far. Actually, his doing DA:O prompted me to finally make it through DA:O myself, because I wanted to watch his commentary and story analysis, but I didn't want to have the game story spoiled for me (at least not huge spoilers).
The only LPs I watch are Gopher's. He tends to go for a lot of immersion and roleplaying his in-game characters, which I enjoy.
Hm, I find him a bit too heavy on the technical side of mods for my tastes. I did like his S.T.A.L.K.E.R. playing though.
Quote from: Syt on December 30, 2014, 04:30:47 AM
It also depends on the commenter itself. Before buying games I might check out let's plays of the game in question. Or I watch it to see how someone else plays a game, maybe to learn something new or see a new spin (usually with strategy titles). Or if there's multiple endings to a game I might check those out.
But it all stands and falls with the one playing it. A silent playthrough can be good if you just want gameplay. Normal gameplay commentary can be interesting if it explains mechanics. Beyond that it'll be personal tastes, and even with the same commenter it can vary from game to game. I find Jesse Cox obnoxious in one game, amusing and hilarious in another. I like SplatterCat when he explains the mechanics of an indie game, but some of his jokes in his playthroughs can be really annoying and boring. I generally like quill18 and Arumba. quill is a nice enough guy and does gameplay in a way I find entertaining. Arumba focuses more on gameplay (he's usually playing to min/max), and he did a pretty decent CK2 tutorial a few months ago.
SF Debris occasionally does some game commentary, but his is heavily edited into a story review format (because that's what he normally does), covering ME2, KotOR and DA:O so far. Actually, his doing DA:O prompted me to finally make it through DA:O myself, because I wanted to watch his commentary and story analysis, but I didn't want to have the game story spoiled for me (at least not huge spoilers).
Also, when you get heavily into a game, you'll typically find some community member who doesn't have the general name recognition, but is really, really good at coverage of the game in question. For Space Engineers, for example, I tend to follow SAGE's mod spotlight videos.
As far as the appeal of commenters, there is also a class of games that I'm just too cheap/poor to buy, or where I won't/can't play it for various other reasons (survival horror games come to mind, as well as most grand strategy games). I'm interested in them, I appreciate the design, but I gotta see it from somebody else.
Quote from: Zanza on December 30, 2014, 04:09:22 AM
Quote from: Berkut on December 29, 2014, 08:04:44 AM
Quote from: Syt on December 29, 2014, 04:14:14 AM
It's weird with me, though. It's not that I don't want to play the games, or lack the time to do so. But for some reason I instead end up watching someone else play a game I enjoy on Twitch or YouTube. Sometimes for hours.
That is fucking bizarre.
I never got the appeal of watching others play computer games, but isn't it a bit like watching sports without playing them yourself? I do that and it seems a rather popular pastime for many people.
Good question.
I love watching sports, but I love playing them as well.
I like watchning college basketball, but I am pretty sure I would love PLAYING college basketball even more. Sadly, for some reason my slowness, weight, 2.6 inch vertical leap, inability to shoot and poor dribbling skills are unfairly held against me, so watching is the only option.
I've certainly gone through times where I am burned out on video games and mostly stop playing - but I don't replace it with watching other people play video games!
I mean, no big deal, we all do what we want to do to amuse ourselves. Lord knows most people probably think my choices of hobbies is pretty fucking bizarre as well.
I picked up Banner Saga and Wasteland 2 in Steam sales over the past week. :cool:
That Ultimate General: Gettysburg is on sale right now for 50% off. If I recall some posters were unhappy with it because they couldn't dismount their cavalry? Not sure if that spoiled the game or if it is worth getting... any assessments?
Endless Space for $4.99???
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 02:59:02 PM
Endless Space for $4.99???
Depends. It's a solid game, but if you have played lots of 4x games it will probably feel very basic.
Horatio. :wub:
Quote from: celedhring on December 31, 2014, 03:03:34 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 02:59:02 PM
Endless Space for $4.99???
Depends. It's a solid game, but if you have played lots of 4x games it will probably feel very basic.
Oh. I thought it was one of the more complex ones....
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 04:08:51 PM
Quote from: celedhring on December 31, 2014, 03:03:34 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 02:59:02 PM
Endless Space for $4.99???
Depends. It's a solid game, but if you have played lots of 4x games it will probably feel very basic.
Oh. I thought it was one of the more complex ones....
I admit that I haven't played the DLCs, which may add depth to it. Imho the "basicness" was sort of a strength; the game was very robust, clean, and easy to get its hands on.
It is worth 5 bucks easy.
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 04:08:51 PM
Quote from: celedhring on December 31, 2014, 03:03:34 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 02:59:02 PM
Endless Space for $4.99???
Depends. It's a solid game, but if you have played lots of 4x games it will probably feel very basic.
Oh. I thought it was one of the more complex ones....
I think Distant Worlds is the current reigning super-complex-space-4x champ.
Graviteam Tactics (former "Achtung Panzer") Operation Star and most expansions are 75% off on Steam:
Some of the add ons are a bit "out there": Operation Hooper (Namibia), Zhalanashkol 1969 between USSR and PRC, or Shield of the Prophet (Afghanistan 1979).
I liked Operation Star well enough. Kind of what Combat Mission Campaigns was supposed to do (operational map that generates the encounters in tactical). Unit density in tactical could be a bit sparse, but repeatedly fighting over a piece of estate and coming back to the burnt out vehicles of the last engagement was pretty neat.
However: UI sucks big time.
I was looking at that. How does it play?
I haven't spent quite as much time with it as I would like, but here's two reviews of the Original Achtung Panzer and AP: Operation Star, one looking more at the tactical side, the other at the operational side:
We also had a (brief) thread on it:
Origin has Theme Hospital for free.
QuoteStar Wars! Nothing but Star Wars! Give me more Star Wars—videogaaaaaames! Yes, if you're still sleeping in your Caravan of Courage jim-jams, then this would be a good time to turn your attention to the Humble Bundle, which has assembled a collection of nine fine Star Wars games, with more to come, for just 12 bucks.
For any price you care to pay (down to a minimum of $1), you get Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and Star Wars: Dark Forces. Beat the average and you'll also get Star Wars Battlefront II (and I'm going to stop saying Star Wars now), Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, and Republic Commando. Pay $12 or more and you can tack on Empire at War: Gold Pack, The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition, the The Force Unleashed II.
As has become the way with Humble Bundles, more games are promised for anyone who beats the average. What could they be? Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Dark Forces II are good bets, and I suppose the Lego Star Wars games might go over well, too. Personally, I'd love to see X-Wing and TIE Fighter added, but I'm enough of a realist about such things that I won't hold my breath.
The Star Wars Humble Bundle supports the US Fund for Unicef through Star Wars: Force For Change, a charitable initiative founded by Disney and LucasFilm. You can find out more about that at forceforchange.starwars.com, but don't get too excited about the contest: It actually ended last summer.
Speaking of endings, the Star Wars Humble Bundle will come to one in two weeks: That's 1 pm EST on February 17.
Finally I can replace my Dark Forces floppy disks :lol:
Is Empire at War any good? It's the only Star Wars game on that list that I down't own already (in CD format).
Some people like EaW, some hate it. I keep poking it, but can't fully get into it (and it doesn't help that Forces of Corruption introduces a bit of an overpowered faction, but I believe there's mods that deal with it).
In general, people seem to hate the ground battles the most, and find the combat on the whole rather repetitive.
I'd recommend checking out some let's plays on YouTube. If interested in mods, the Republic at War mod that turns it into a Clone Wars game seems to be the best/most polished one. Check out TheXPGamers' long play of it on YouTube, maybe.
Ah, ended up buying it all. I have finished most of these games but it will be convenient to have them on steam for nostalgia replays, plus I will give EaW a go. It's fucking Star Wars.
One common advice on EaW is: don't use auto resolve for battles, because it will lead to retarded results.
Sniper Elite III is 70% off on Steam this weekend. Reviews were pretty decent, so might be worth checking out if you're looking for a stealth shooter in North Africa.
Seven kingdoms 2 is 50% on steam - this is a remastered version. Only 5 bucks.
Never played that game is it worth it?
Sleeping Dogs Definitive is on sale (66% off, I think), and Valkyria Chronicles, and Deus Ex: HR Remastered, all on Steam.
A lot of EU4 shit (including EU4 itself) just went on sale @ Steam. Picked up Conquest of Paradise and Wealth of Nations myself for like 6 bucks total.
Quote from: Scipio on February 08, 2015, 08:38:43 AM
Sleeping Dogs Definitive is on sale (66% off, I think), and Valkyria Chronicles, and Deus Ex: HR Remastered, all on Steam.
You can get Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex HR Director's Cut, Startopia, the new crappy Hitman, and other stuff for $15.- from Humble Bundle.
Well, good thing that P'dox always does a sale on the base game/previous expansions when a new expansion comes out. Turns out I hadn't bought a single expansion for EU4 yet (and I haven't exactly played the game much, compared to CK2).
Quote from: Syt on February 27, 2015, 02:19:37 AM
Well, good thing that P'dox always does a sale on the base game/previous expansions when a new expansion comes out. Turns out I hadn't bought a single expansion for EU4 yet (and I haven't exactly played the game much, compared to CK2).
Same here. But I think I'm going to start a new EU4 game this weekend now that I have all these expansions.
Does the random New World still look like complete crap or did they address that?
Galactic Civilizations 3 is 50% off. It hasn't been released yet. I don't think that's a good sign.
It's not but its also an indication that the original price point was crazy.
42 EA classics are 60% off at GOG this weekend. (http://www.gog.com/promo/weekend_promo_electronic_arts_130315?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=game_subject&utm_campaign=yayea)
Beyond Earth just went on sale for 50% off on Steam.
Is it: worth that.
Discounts on Steam:
Alien Isolation: -75%
Valkyria Chronicles: -66%
Most stuff Total War: -75%
Dawn of War II -75%
And lots of other SEGA stuff heavily discounted.
Aint nobody from round here want to touch no Valkyria Chronicles
Quote from: Lettow77 on March 30, 2015, 11:28:05 AM
Aint nobody from round here want to touch no Valkyria Chronicles
I sure wasn't worked up, Cal- I just wanted to forestall any misguided purchases. Valkyria Chronicles is way out of Languish's comfort zone, and is also bretty bad.
Why is it so bad?
Problems within Valkyria Chronicles
Gameplay- The first and most obvious area, Valkyria Chronicles gameplay is a semi-turnbased "tactical" game with very repetitive gameplay. Ostensibly a 1930s-esque tactical wargame, it can be hard to accept an infantrymen taking 30+ shots because the person holding the gun was a "scout" or so on. Features are introduced in a trickle-feed, and gameplay is heavily interspersed with long, extensive cutscenes. Just about everything has input for grinding, but it's just numbers going higher rather than interesting new features- your tank's damage output gets higher while the enemies you are fighting get tougher HP and so on, making it all a wash. The game was a lazy port to PC, and even as a console game had outmoded ideas about interface, making saving, loading or quitting very time-consuming affairs. Where most games can be exited by tapping escape twice, Valkyria Chronicles makes a chore of maneuvering multiple screens.
Setting- Overt anime setting; this hardened military force is of course over half girls, as young as twelve. Dialogue is insufferable, and suffers from hideously off-base subtitles or a terrible dub in either case. While shooting for an anime military appeal would turn off most languish users, it doesn't even do it very successfully- the girls simply aren't cute, by and large. All the tropes are there, though- of course you live with a subservient quite little sister, and of course she isn't blood related and has romantic interest in you. Japanese takes on an alternate 1930s European military engagement are a bewilderingly large genre, and this is about the worst.
Quote from: Lettow77 on March 30, 2015, 12:04:34 PM
Japanese takes on an alternate 1930s European military engagement are a bewilderingly large genre
Well I guess that is sure better than 1930s Japanese military engagement being a bewilderingly large genre.
"94% of the 2,663 user reviews for this game are positive."
Quote from: Lettow77 on March 30, 2015, 12:04:34 PM
All the tropes are there, though- of course you live with a subservient quite little sister, and of course she isn't blood related and has romantic interest in you.
Is that a big fantasy in Japan? Here, that's creepy.
Quote from: Razgovory on March 30, 2015, 08:30:12 PM
Quote from: Lettow77 on March 30, 2015, 12:04:34 PM
All the tropes are there, though- of course you live with a subservient quite little sister, and of course she isn't blood related and has romantic interest in you.
Is that a big fantasy in Japan? Here, that's creepy.
I would imagine there's a fair section of their shut-in or near-shut-in culture that craves the love of a harmless, innocent supportive girl. Real girls would be a bit too scary. It's kind of an evolution of the 'fall in love with your childhood friend' trope, tailored for a generation that never had any childhood friends of the opposite sex.
Quote from: Lettow77 on March 30, 2015, 11:28:05 AM
Aint nobody from round here want to touch no Valkyria Chronicles
Too late. Bought for my PS3 back in the day. Liked it a lot.
Matrix Games has an Esater coupon 'HappyEaster15' which wacks 30% off one game. So War in the West got more tolerable at 56 smackers instead of 80.
Total War: Attila is -25%. Worth it?
Humble Bundle is currently offering a Paradox bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/ pick your price, redeem on steam
Last day of the Humble Store Spring Sale, with many games being discounted again:
:hmm: I don't understand how this thing works... can I use it to get CK II and EU IV DLC?
They have DLC collections:
However, for CK2, it doesn't seem to include Way of Life or Charlemagne. You'll get Steam codes if you buy any of this.
I see. Anyway I saw P'dox offered a sale on EU4: AoW directly via their website, which I've wanted for a while, so I bought it from there for the Steam activation code. I figure maybe that way they get more money anyhow.
I may do a new game as the Turks during the 30YW. I always have wanted to do that ever since the GMT consim about that topic came out. I actually haven't played the Turks since EU2, I don't think. I used to always play either Russia or the Turks back then, but now it's always Spain or Portugal. :hmm:
Distant Worlds : Universe at half-price on Steam.
GOG summer sale is go:
Humble bundle has some Slitherine stuff in it. Like that chariot game and a Close Combat game.
I have Qvadriga and Battle Academy, and I'm not interested in Conquest, but Close Combat and Rise of Prussia might be worth it. :hmm:
I am not specifically interested in any of those games, but for $10 for all of them? Hard to say no.
I'd be interested in Rise of Prussia Gold, but not the rest.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 05, 2015, 07:57:19 AM
Humble bundle has some Slitherine stuff in it. Like that chariot game and a Close Combat game.
Bought this just for Close Combat. I'm such a sucker.
How is Close Combat these days? I played it...a long time ago, and very much liked it...
It's pretty much exactly the same. Still using that same engine and everything. If you never played Invasion Normandy (I think that was the first one with this feature), there's a strategic map where you can move units around, etc.
E: And hey my goddamn Panthers still get tracked trying to bust through hedgerows. :Embarrass:
For those looking for a more old school XCOM experience, Xenonauts is 50% off on GOG:
Oh speaking of Close Combat and discounts, I don't know if you guys were aware of this, but Closecombat.org has CC1-5 plus Marines and something called RAF Regiment available to DL for free. They're the actual originals, not the slightly upgraded ones from Matrix, but hey: free.
Tried the CC: Caen game. Seemed slower paced than the old days. So slow in fact that I got bored.
Fucking Monty. :mad:
Steam sale must be imminent. Only 25 games in the weekly sale (normally ca. 100), and no familiar names on the list.
Yeah, it will starts Thurdays. Nvidia, iirc, basically spoiled it a month ago.
Steam sale meh.
Every single thing on my Steam wishlist is on sale right now. LOLlercoasters.
Also, pretty much every CK2 DLC is on sale right now.
I haven't bought anything.
I finally got the portrait pack that makes the blacks look correct. :)
Quote from: Caliga on June 11, 2015, 08:06:31 PM
I finally got the portrait pack that makes the blacks look correct. :)
Every portrait looks the same.
I also got Way of Life. Now I can have a dog lololol.
Quote from: Caliga on June 11, 2015, 07:25:38 PM
Every single thing on my Steam wishlist is on sale right now. LOLlercoasters.
Yeah, I stocked up on point & click titles, though I only pulled the trigger on things discounted more than 50%. :blush:
I'm waiting on Atilla.
I wanted Styx, I still want Styx but not until I see a 75% off tag.
Quote from: Caliga on June 11, 2015, 07:25:38 PM
Every single thing on my Steam wishlist is on sale right now. LOLlercoasters.
I had not check but it is the same for me, the games that are out atleast.
Farm Simulator is on sale. :D
I'm tempted by Unity of Command, that's -85% now.
And Homeworld Remastered.
And many others....
Pillars of Eternity, Darkest Dungeon or wait for bigger discount (25% off both right now)?
If you must get one now get PoE. Darkest Dungeon is not actually out yet.
I hope Space Beast Terror Fright goes on sale. You're a marine, sent aboard a (procedurally generated) ship that's infested with xenomorphs, have to download vital data, overload the reactor and make it back to the airlock.
Final days of GOG sale ... ALL sales are back, so it's well worth checking if there's anything you want.
For The Glory is in the steam sale again. :lol:
Oh and El Dorado content is now at half price.
Quote from: garbon on June 19, 2015, 12:28:59 PM
Oh and El Dorado content is now at half price.
Worth it?
I don't have it yet. I think it is the one that takes away manual control on exploring and makes it automated instead?
Glad I didn't pull trigger yesterday, steam now has El Dorado for 75% off. :cool:
Quote from: garbon on June 20, 2015, 08:53:10 AM
Glad I didn't pull trigger yesterday, steam now has El Dorado for 75% off. :cool:
Got it. :)
I've gotten my $2.50 worth out of Chivalry. Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure stabbing that archer scumbag in the throat with a spear and listening to him gurgle while he died was worth $2.50 all by itself.
:lol: I have had fun every time I have played Chivalry but I don't ever get around to playing it.
Good Shadowrun:Dragonfall during the sales. Greatly enjoying it.
Big Quakecon sale on Steam. All iD games, all the Fallout games, TES: Morrowind and newer.
HoI3 is released on GoG.
Basegame: 3.33 (later 9.99)
All DLC: 9.99 (later 29.99)
Quote from: Syt on July 30, 2015, 12:24:12 PM
Holy Fucking DLC Batman! :bleeding:
It's ike Wallet in Flames for the computer...
Quote from: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on July 30, 2015, 12:27:06 PM
Quote from: Syt on July 30, 2015, 12:24:12 PM
Holy Fucking DLC Batman! :bleeding:
It's ike Wallet in Flames for the computer...
MOst of it is cosmetic, though.
Yeah definitely not worse than say what the list looks like now for CK2.
Quote from: garbon on June 30, 2014, 10:24:30 AM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 29, 2014, 11:19:47 PM
I nabbed The Banner Saga and The Wolf Among Us. Now to find time to play them...
I picked up both of these and State of Decay.
Just picked this up on a whim for cheap. Good decision?
Yeah, it's pretty fun for a little while.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 19, 2015, 07:36:08 PM
Yeah, it's pretty fun for a little while.
Cool, got any tips I should know?
Its been a while since I played, so I can't give you any real specifics, but I do remember a couple of mods I used to ease some frustration: Zombie standard time and one where you can put backpacks into trucks. ZST made it so the game wouldn't "play" (or wouldn't play as much, depending on your settings) while your weren't actually playing it, so your survivor buddies wont go off and get themselves killed while you're sleeping or at work or whatever.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 20, 2015, 01:25:00 AM
Its been a while since I played, so I can't give you any real specifics, but I do remember a couple of mods I used to ease some frustration: Zombie standard time and one where you can put backpacks into trucks. ZST made it so the game wouldn't "play" (or wouldn't play as much, depending on your settings) while your weren't actually playing it, so your survivor buddies wont go off and get themselves killed while you're sleeping or at work or whatever.
Thanks, ZST sounds like a must have.
Yes, I would say it is fun (who doesn't want to play as a group of survivors) but that yes ZST is necessary. Such a stupid design decision.
If you want 10+ Tom Clancy games for $10.- then Humble Bundle is for you:
QuoteGet ready for R6S with Tom Clancy classics! Rainbow Six® Siege's release is right around the corner, so we've got plenty of games to play while you wait. Pay $1 or more for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six®, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3 Gold, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory®, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon®, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Multiplayer Beta. Pay more than the average price and also receive Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas 2, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition, and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®. Pay $10 or more, and get all of that plus Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier™ and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™. Want even more? Pay $75 to get all of the games in the bundle and receive Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege when it's released, an exclusive Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege t-shirt, and a coupon for 66% off up to any three Ubisoft titles in the Humble Store (excludes pre-orders).
http://www.wingamestore.com/ has a labor day sale that has a bunch of CK titles on sale, including Horse Lords, Charlemagne and the newer DLC.
Also bought Door Kickers in the sale which is a hell of a lot of fun.
A bunch of Paradox shit includings DLCs is on sale this weekend.
QUESTION: Are either of Common Sense or Horse Lords worth getting at around a $10 price point?
Legends of Eisenwald worth getting for 12,59 €?
If you like JRPGs and wish there were more for your Android device, then this Humble Bundle might be for you: https://www.humblebundle.com/mobile
Bethesda sale on Humble Store:
Fallouts, Elder Scrollses, Dishnored, Doom, Quake, Rage, etc.
Anno 2070 for $9.99 on steam. I got maybe seventeen hours of enjoyment out of that if it helps.
This is not REALLY a game discount in the sense that we've been using here, but I just ordered a new GTX 970 4GB gfx card from Amazon, and they sent me an email for a choice between that new AssCreed Syndicate game and Rainbow 6 Siege (which doesn't come out until December, apparently) fo free. So if you're thinking of a new graphics card, hey a free game comes with at least one.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on October 31, 2015, 03:10:47 PM
This is not REALLY a game discount in the sense that we've been using here, but I just ordered a new GTX 970 4GB gfx card from Amazon, and they sent me an email for a choice between that new AssCreed Syndicate game and Rainbow 6 Siege (which doesn't come out until December, apparently) fo free. So if you're thinking of a new graphics card, hey a free game comes with at least one.
Which game are you choosing? Rainbow 6 Siege looks rad.
Too fat, too old.
Quote from: PRC on October 31, 2015, 06:11:41 PM
Which game are you choosing? Rainbow 6 Siege looks rad.
Probably Rainbow 6, but I haven't decided yet.
Syndicate is yet another iteration of the series. If you like the series and want more, have at it, though so far I've seen nothing truly original in this latest one. I also generally stay away from ubisoft on pc as u play is annoying.
Yeah that's the impression I've been getting from the gameplay videos I've seen after getting that email.
GOG just started their autumn sale.
I've unlocked the code for System Shock 2 but I already have it on Steam, so if anyone wants it on GOG just PM me.
looks like steam sale is starting
God Help us!
Witcher III is 50% off on GOG (plus there's some other discounts).
Pretty much everything is on sale @ Steam right now... I think every single item in my wishlist is marked down.
I'm thinking of picking up Witcher 3 or Pillars of Eternity, even though I'm sure I won't get to either of them for a while due to FO4.
I bought a .99$ game, not very interested in any of the other 75%+ sale that are going on.
What's languish consensus on Elite: Dangerous? I loved the original and it's gone down to a tempting price (12€).
I was also looking at elite and Witcher 3.
Comments or suggestions are most welcome.
Quote from: celedhring on November 26, 2015, 02:00:51 PM
What's languish consensus on Elite: Dangerous? I loved the original and it's gone down to a tempting price (12€).
I liked it. In fact I mean to get back to it at some point.
Elite is a good game, although when I stopped playing it was a bit shallow. The developers kept adding content, so probably it's a very good game by now. There's a big expansion due out in a month or so.
Picked up Banner saga for cheap
It's a fun narrative & the art's very cool.
TB's Steam sale recommendations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwiDckgAQVk
Games on the Steam sale for a dollar or less: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBi7r-ROhV8
Quote from: Syt on November 29, 2015, 02:09:41 PM
Games on the Steam sale for a dollar or less: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBi7r-ROhV8
Steam really does sell some shit, doesn't it? :D
Quote from: garbon on November 29, 2015, 02:17:02 PM
Quote from: Syt on November 29, 2015, 02:09:41 PM
Games on the Steam sale for a dollar or less: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBi7r-ROhV8
Steam really does sell some shit, doesn't it? :D
If you think the titles mentioned are bad, watch Jim Sterling's "Best of Steam Greenlight Trailers" and many of his "Squirty Plays" to get a good view of Steam's rancid, dank underbelly. :P
speaking of shit, they're selling HOI3 for less than $5
I decided to buy pillars of eternity in the steam sale. Only thing I ended up picking up.
Quote from: Caliga on November 30, 2015, 10:12:45 PM
I decided to buy pillars of eternity in the steam sale. Only thing I ended up picking up.
Won't regret it, imho, I really enjoyed the game.
I'm still waiting for the second part of the Death March DLC to come out, and buy both parts at the same time.
Picked up Witcher III and Elite Dangerous
I picked up a number of cheapened indie titles from my wishlist, plus the Dawn of War complete package. Also: Shadow Run Hong Kong.
I only picked up Pixel Boy & the Endless dungeon.
Dungeons of the Endless you mean? That's a fun but frustrating game. It's the prequel to Endless Legend and Endless Space.
Actually, it's Pixel Boy & the ever expanding dungeon.
I made it.
GOG Winter Sale is on: http://www.gog.com/
The Star Wars games are bundled and available for 60% and 77% off, respectively. Pillars of Eternity, Divine Divinity, the Shadowrun games, Ultimate General and other current games are also on sale.
At last, Fantasy General discounted! :) Also Pacific General.
Website that lets you follow game sales from many different sellers. You can log in with your Steam id, import wishlists from Steam, GOG, and Gamersgate, and set up what sale prices/percentages you want to be notified of.
Quote from: Solmyr on December 04, 2015, 11:02:21 AM
Website that lets you follow game sales from many different sellers. You can log in with your Steam id, import wishlists from Steam, GOG, and Gamersgate, and set up what sale prices/percentages you want to be notified of.
Been using it for a while now. It's great.
Ooh Seduce me and Three Fourths Home are on sale!
I feel like I should be buying some of these games, even for future use, but I just don't seem to get around to games much nowadays, maybe 2-3 hours of Civ5 or RoN once or twice a month. :(
Picked up Shadowrun Hong Kong in the recent Steam sale. Generally pretty good, except what the hell were they thinking with the hacking changes? Real time content with crappy pathing? A simon says minigame that isn't well explained, combined with a memory minigame. Bleh. Before you figure it out it's frustrating, once you figure it out it's boring. Never lands on fun.
Humble Bundle have a 25 Years Neo Geo bundle, with many fighting games: https://www.humblebundle.com/
Samurai Showdown II - I spent quite some money on the arcade machine during my military time. :lol:
Steam Christmas sale is set up to start tomorrow.
Keep your credit cards ready, gentlemen. :bowler:
Quote from: Pedrito on December 21, 2015, 01:30:29 PM
Steam Christmas sale is set up to start tomorrow.
Keep your credit cards ready, gentlemen. :bowler:
Those motherfuckers!
Got myself the Borderlands and Game of Thrones games from Telltale. Looking forward playing them both these holidays :)
The lack of daily and flash sales is very disappointing.
Quote from: Pedrito on December 23, 2015, 05:23:02 AM
The lack of daily and flash sales is very disappointing.
I thought I had read that Steam isn't going to do those anymore. :hmm:
Yes, any price reduction you see will be the same until the end of the sale. Which is nice, because now you know that the price won't drop even more the day after you buy something.
Quote from: Solmyr on December 23, 2015, 09:48:12 AM
Yes, any price reduction you see will be the same until the end of the sale. Which is nice, because now you know that the price won't drop even more the day after you buy something.
Yeah, I signed in yesterday, made my purchases, and now I'm done. No longer need to check every 8 hours to check flash sales. I'm happy with that setup.
God Help me, I may end up buying that AGEOD WWI game. Not the one that can't tell North from East, the other one.
Picked up Grim Dawn in the steam sale. The early access is coming to an end early in the new year. The last build finished the content for the game so they are close to going live. Good time to get it if you are interested in the game.
I got 203h in Grim Dawn so far.
What makes it different/better than your regular ARPG?
Quote from: Razgovory on December 23, 2015, 07:39:14 PM
God Help me, I may end up buying that AGEOD WWI game. Not the one that can't tell North from East, the other one.
http://store.steampowered.com/app/312360/ (http://store.steampowered.com/app/312360/) ?
Quote from: celedhring on December 26, 2015, 02:23:13 PM
What makes it different/better than your regular ARPG?
Sunk costs.
Quote from: celedhring on December 26, 2015, 02:23:13 PM
What makes it different/better than your regular ARPG?
Nothing much. I find it soothing.
Quote from: celedhring on December 26, 2015, 02:23:13 PM
What makes it different/better than your regular ARPG?
It's Titan Quest with a grim setting.
A fair amount of big titles on sale too.
Well. Looks like I might give myself a gift. Or three.
So far I've got Tales of Borderlands, Game of Thrones, and Wolfenstein: New Order. Might stop here just because that's enough to last me a while.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 26, 2015, 07:51:11 PM
Quote from: celedhring on December 26, 2015, 02:23:13 PM
What makes it different/better than your regular ARPG?
It's Titan Quest with a grim setting.
Sort of. The character design options are more complex. It makes PoE look fairly simple. The itemization is excellent and the game itself is very well designed. My initial impression after playing around with a few classes yesterday is this is the best ARPG available.
Quote from: Norgy on December 27, 2015, 06:24:05 AM
A fair amount of big titles on sale too.
Well. Looks like I might give myself a gift. Or three.
What has caught your attention?
A friend has sent me South Park - the Stick of Truth as Christmas Gift. Picked up to be a Jew. Having a lot of fun with that game. I loled so hard when I entered into Cartman's Mom's room and rummaged through her stuff. :lol:
Also purchased the full Company of Heroes package.
Quote from: crazy canuck on December 27, 2015, 10:25:48 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 26, 2015, 07:51:11 PM
Quote from: celedhring on December 26, 2015, 02:23:13 PM
What makes it different/better than your regular ARPG?
It's Titan Quest with a grim setting.
Sort of. The character design options are more complex. It makes PoE look fairly simple. The itemization is excellent and the game itself is very well designed. My initial impression after playing around with a few classes yesterday is this is the best ARPG available.
Quote from: Norgy on December 27, 2015, 06:24:05 AM
A fair amount of big titles on sale too.
Well. Looks like I might give myself a gift. Or three.
What has caught your attention?
More complex than PoE eh? Even with the new gem system? :hmm:
May give this a try if so.
PoE doesn't need to be more complex, it needs a better interface on the complexity it has. How well is the information about items/skills conveyed?
Quote from: frunk on December 27, 2015, 04:05:32 PM
PoE doesn't need to be more complex, it needs a better interface on the complexity it has. How well is the information about items/skills conveyed?
I agree. At core it is a good system. I like it a lot but they could do a better job explaining what modifies what and more important what does not.
The new Assassin's Creed (which got decent reviews) is 40% off during the sale.
Picked up Sunless Sea and Pillars of Eternity, though I probably won't play them for a while. Still on a Fallout 4 binge.
Quote from: crazy canuck on December 27, 2015, 10:25:48 AM
What has caught your attention?
The whole Star Wars collection is on sale. I never tried KOTR II, so I bought it.
Also bought Metal Gear Solid V, as I tend to like open world games.
And three smaller titles for change; Door Kickers (which seems nice in a very difficult way), Frozen State (Early access, top-down game, find out what the hell happened in a Siberian town), and Bioshock 2. Well, that's not a small title, but it was almost free.
There's been a common theme to many early access games or releases the past 2 years or so; craft, fight, survive in first-person view. One that I found interesting, was the zombie-free The Longest Dark. You're all alone in a cold world, and the dangers are not so much from other creatures but from nature itself. Freezing, falling, starving.
I picked up a bunch of indie games. I also got the Ultimate Edition of The Secret World. I've been interested in its setting for a while and supposedly it's quite lore rich. It requires no subscription anymore, but the "Issues" (content updates) cost over €20 each. The Ultimate Edition is €22 at the moment and includes all issues up to 11, so I would only need to buy 12 and 13 if I feel like I might play this some more.
Duke Nukem 1, 2, 3D, and Manhattan Project are heavily discounted on GOG.com. The game rights will change hands on January 1st, and GOG.com haven't come to an agreement with the new owners yet.
It's similar to when they lost the rights to Fallout 1 & 2, only then they gave them away for free before taking them off (the games have since returned to the store).
If you buy the games now, they will stay in your account after 01/01/2016.
Tales from the Borderlands is awesome. Best Telltale Games game yet. Superb. Just excellent.
Quote from: Scipio on December 29, 2015, 11:16:13 PM
Tales from the Borderlands is awesome. Best Telltale Games game yet. Superb. Just excellent.
Indeed, I bought it in these sales and I'm absolutely in awe. It's amazing.
I guess that - like my other favorite Telltalle game, Fables - it won't get a season 2. <_<
Anybody tried Franchise Hockey Manager 2? It looks interesting.
Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations is 50% off on Steam:
Not a game for me, but some peeps here might like it. :P
I bought Empire TV Tycoon off steam. The game may not look like much, but it's a remake/knockoff of Mad TV, one of my favorite games from the 90s. They are still adding features, but the game is pretty much complete, and pretty addictive.
Wow, it's 50% off and still 40 bucks?
I picked up a few older games on the cheap including Wasteland 2: Directors Cut, FTL, Shadowrun Returns and Legend of Grimrock II.
The only one i've played so far is FTL and it's damn fun!
FTL is great.
I heartily recommend Shadowrun: Dragonfall, which is far superior to vanilla Shadowrun.
The game Syt introduces is suitably self-punishingly Nordic.
"Hah! Gotcha!"
"No, you did not, prepare to be entered from the rear by mighty Soviet Navy"
So are we sure that the steam sale is actually flat prices throughout the sale these days? Far Cry 4 was definitely on sale yesterday but isn't today. :hmm:
Quote from: celedhring on December 30, 2015, 05:53:23 AM
Quote from: Scipio on December 29, 2015, 11:16:13 PM
Tales from the Borderlands is awesome. Best Telltale Games game yet. Superb. Just excellent.
Indeed, I bought it in these sales and I'm absolutely in awe. It's amazing.
I guess that - like my other favorite Telltalle game, Fables - it won't get a season 2. <_<
I would not have bought it if it word for these favorables from Languish and it is indeed great. :thumbsup: Perhaps it needs better PR. :D
I suppose that a game based on a shooter isn't really going to appeal to Telltale's usual crowd, nor shooter fans are going to buy a Telltale game. But it's a gem.
I hadn't planned initially to get it, as yeah, I don't really care for Borderlands as a shooter.
It is by far the best Telltale Game that is not Fables related.
QuoteSomething strange is happening in the Steam Winter Sale
On the surface, the 2015 Steam Winter Sale seems fairly mundane as these things go: Good deals, cute comic, but nothing we haven't seen before. But maybe—just maybe—there's more to it than meets the eye. The Steam Sale Detectives on Reddit have discovered a rabbit hole, and at this point there's no telling how deep it goes.
The "rabbit hole" is actually a hidden password prompt that can be reached by going to any Steam store page and typing "search" (without the quotes) and pressing enter. The prompt is apparently handled by this bit of "nothing to see here" javascript, which includes a link to store.steampowered.com/actions/clues. Entering the correct password will presumably lead to a different page, but there's no hint as to what it might be.
Or is there? Of course there is! The first page of the Northpole Noir comic originally featured a barcode, which closely—but not perfectly—matched the barcode tattooed on Agent 47 of Hitman fame. Entering that code on the Steam store page for Hitman: Codename 47 results in another code, and that, appended to the Winter Comic URL, leads to an audio file:
"I was on the right track. I could feel it. Tomorrow, I was going to search again."
That's not all: The "incorrect" Hitman bar code replaces three numbers—6, 0, and 4—with three 9s, which also happen to figure prominently and in a similar sequence in a string of text hidden in the Northpole Noir "Sending a Message" trading card: 794E2CEA991. There are other potential clues as well, like the "nesse" printed very faintly in the bottom-left of the first page of the Northpole Noir comic, which just happens to be under the part of the cover that was torn away. Some or all of them may be red herrings, but one thing's for sure: There's a mystery here, and we need to solve it.
After 23423423 steps and clues it will all lead to a free copy of Left 4 Dead 2. People rejoice.
With things like that, no wonder there is a bias against people who play videogames. :weep:
Appears to be a sizable sale on Humblebundle for the next week with daily deals.
Steam has a limited time 33 per cent off FM2016
https://www.imperialgames.com/ has EU4 and CK2 DLCs for sale at various discounts. Including Conclave at -27%.
Another Steam Sale is happening right now.
Quote from: Syt on February 06, 2016, 02:17:00 AM
Another Steam Sale is happening right now.
Prices seem to be at around the same level as these Christmas sales, which is understandable I guess. Think I'll pass.
Endless Pack that has all three Endless games for $35. They seem to be very well received...
Fallout 4 is now 33% off in this steam sale. It wasnt at the beginning of the sale.
Bought EU4 and every dlc for it.
It better be good. Even with the massive discounts still 75euro.
Quote from: barkdreg on February 08, 2016, 07:23:50 PM
Bought EU4 and every dlc for it.
It better be good. Even with the massive discounts still 75euro.
Well, it's pretty fun without most of the dlc. I only have three and didn't pick up any new ones because I couldn't see paying 7 bucks to have one or two more actions/sliders/whatever.
I did pick up Civ4 + expansions for $7.50 because my version from cd stopped working. <_<
Slitherine games are on sale at Steam
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 23, 2016, 08:15:50 PM
Slitherine games are on sale at Steam
I'd like to point you toward Heroes of Normandie. We have added the boardgame's cards (in public beta on Steam now). It changes up the game quite a bit, and I think the developers have made a pretty good job adoptin their use to asynchronous play (most important for MP).
Quote from: Tamas on February 24, 2016, 04:19:20 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 23, 2016, 08:15:50 PM
Slitherine games are on sale at Steam
I'd like to point you toward Heroes of Normandie. We have added the boardgame's cards (in public beta on Steam now). It changes up the game quite a bit, and I think the developers have made a pretty good job adoptin their use to asynchronous play (most important for MP).
It's not on sale here. Did you guys forget Canada?!
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 24, 2016, 08:25:35 AM
Quote from: Tamas on February 24, 2016, 04:19:20 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 23, 2016, 08:15:50 PM
Slitherine games are on sale at Steam
I'd like to point you toward Heroes of Normandie. We have added the boardgame's cards (in public beta on Steam now). It changes up the game quite a bit, and I think the developers have made a pretty good job adoptin their use to asynchronous play (most important for MP).
It's not on sale here. Did you guys forget Canada?!
:o R you sure? That's not supposed to happen.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 24, 2016, 08:25:35 AM
Quote from: Tamas on February 24, 2016, 04:19:20 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 23, 2016, 08:15:50 PM
Slitherine games are on sale at Steam
I'd like to point you toward Heroes of Normandie. We have added the boardgame's cards (in public beta on Steam now). It changes up the game quite a bit, and I think the developers have made a pretty good job adoptin their use to asynchronous play (most important for MP).
It's not on sale here. Did you guys forget Canada?!
Look again. It is on sale.
Quote from: Tamas on February 24, 2016, 09:01:48 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 24, 2016, 08:25:35 AM
Quote from: Tamas on February 24, 2016, 04:19:20 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 23, 2016, 08:15:50 PM
Slitherine games are on sale at Steam
I'd like to point you toward Heroes of Normandie. We have added the boardgame's cards (in public beta on Steam now). It changes up the game quite a bit, and I think the developers have made a pretty good job adoptin their use to asynchronous play (most important for MP).
It's not on sale here. Did you guys forget Canada?!
:o R you sure? That's not supposed to happen.
It was that way last night, yes.
CC says it's fine now. :)
Hey SBR is Blood Bowl II with it at 50% off from steam?
Well, that depends.
It is NOT worth it for Single Player; I never thought they could make a worse AI but they managed to do so.
I don't play in the open public match-maker league, so I can't comment much on that, but I have heard that at high Team Values there is nothing but killer Chaos teams who don't even bother to play the ball as long as you have players to hurt/kill. With no real consequence for games (no playoff, ladder never resets) it seems that very few games actually make it very far before one player or the other concedes. AFAICT the open public league is a mess.
Most of my BB2 experience is with people I play BB1 with in private leagues, and in that regard BB2 is pretty good, though still not better than BB:Chaos Edition, mostly due to lack of teams. There are only 10 teams available in BB2 at the moment, the rest are supposed to come along and be released as DLC.
The wildcard in all of this is, is that they will be releasing 4 new teams (Norse, Necromantic :wub:, Undead, Nurgle) sometime soon and if you own the game when the first (Norse) is released you will get all 4 for free. Norse was supposed to be released at the end of February but is now delayed until first part of March.
So if you were going to buy the game at some point, and just wondering if this is the right time then yes buy it. If you would be getting it to play SP or screw around in the open MM league I would say pass.
"Insomnia Sale" on GOG.com. Games on sale are in constant rotation (e.g. 60 copies of X-Wing - when they're gone, next game goes on sale). Games go on sale more than once.
Matrix has a 30% off coupon on their site. Gonna get that ASL type game.
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 24, 2016, 06:23:24 PM
Matrix has a 30% off coupon on their site. Gonna get that ASL type game.
There's a Humble Telltale Bundle on sale now: https://www.humblebundle.com/telltale-bundle
Quote from: Solmyr on April 12, 2016, 04:08:21 PM
There's a Humble Telltale Bundle on sale now: https://www.humblebundle.com/telltale-bundle
Already have Walking Dead and GoT.....but think I will buy for Back to the Future and Wolf Among Us
Wolf Among Us is brilliant. It's a great bundle, pity I have most of those games already.
Quote from: celedhring on April 16, 2016, 02:24:34 PM
Wolf Among Us is brilliant. It's a great bundle, pity I have most of those games already.
Yeah having GoT, WD and WAU already means it's meh.
Banner Saga is very cheap on steam.
It's good.
Shadow of Mordor 75% off on Steam. Should I get it?
It was interesting and enjoyable, but I got bored with it and never finished it so ymmv.
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 26, 2016, 11:35:09 AM
It was interesting and enjoyable, but I got bored with it and never finished it so ymmv.
$8 for all of them, but I am not sure I want any of them!
Still, I like getting this kind of thing in my library, because I imagine that some day I will retire and have time to try stuff like this out...
Quote from: Berkut on May 06, 2016, 02:56:51 PM
$8 for all of them, but I am not sure I want any of them!
Still, I like getting this kind of thing in my library, because I imagine that some day I will retire and have time to try stuff like this out...
These games will be the shit in 30 years!
Indeed, those games will still be shit in 30 years.
They might age like fine wine!
Besides, I will likely be dead, not retired, in 30 years.
Quote from: Habbaku on May 06, 2016, 03:09:00 PM
Indeed, those games will still be shit in 30 years.
Pride of nations is shit now. We don't have to wait!
Never heard of this bundle stars site before.
Any others like humble bundle out there?
The Humble Bundle Spring Sale is in effect, including a lot of Paradox titles/dlc's.
Quote from: Tyr on May 08, 2016, 05:10:26 AM
Never heard of this bundle stars site before.
Any others like humble bundle out there?
Tyr, try this: www.isthereanydeal.com
it's a site that keeps you updated on game discounts on many different sites. It's very useful esp. if you have a humongous wishlist on Steam.
Does anyone not have Walking Dead/400 Days?
I have a unused key.
I've realised Humble Bundle is the place to buy games. I can pay US prices ($39 is a lot less than £35) and 10% goes to helping doggies. :)
I actually don't have those :ph34r:
Civilization: Beyond Earth is €10.79 on Wingamestore:
What's the Languish consensus on this game?
From what I've heard it's a solid 'avoid'.
Quote from: Alcibiades on May 29, 2016, 09:29:52 PM
From what I've heard it's a solid 'avoid'.
I agree with that. I played two games and deleted it from my hard drive. Probably won't try it again.
P'dox store is having a sale. 50% off on Cossacks. Higher % off older things for EUIV and CK2.
Quote from: garbon on June 08, 2016, 07:54:05 AM
P'dox store is having a sale. 50% off on Cossacks. Higher % off older things for EUIV and CK2.
Nice, thanks. :cool:
Steam sale. Meh.
Steam has a sale, and Pike and Shot never decreases in price. :mad:
Quote from: Razgovory on June 23, 2016, 11:06:21 PM
Steam has a sale, and Pike and Shot never decreases in price. :mad:
Nothing on sale that really entices me... I guess I'll bite the bullet and just pack up on CK2 DLCs.
Quote from: celedhring on June 24, 2016, 03:10:45 AM
Nothing on sale that really entices me... I guess I'll bite the bullet and just pack up on CK2 DLCs.
Mass Effect 2 for €5!
Quote from: Razgovory on June 23, 2016, 11:06:21 PM
Steam has a sale, and Pike and Shot never decreases in price. :mad:
It is 50% off. :huh:
Quote from: Tamas on June 25, 2016, 03:40:45 AM
Quote from: Razgovory on June 23, 2016, 11:06:21 PM
Steam has a sale, and Pike and Shot never decreases in price. :mad:
It is 50% off. :huh:
Really, when I looked at it, it was full price.
Quote from: celedhring on June 24, 2016, 03:10:45 AM
Nothing on sale that really entices me... I guess I'll bite the bullet and just pack up on CK2 DLCs.
Without flash sales and special timed offers, Steam Sale has become rather dull, and useless to be up for 15 days. I mean, once I've evaluated the discounts on the games I'm interested in the first time I log on, for the following days I won't need to check prices anymore.
The sense of discovery is totally gone & now there is no chance the deal is ever going to get better.
If I were to choose one of Pillars of Eternity or Divinity Original Sin which should I choose and why?
Only played Pillars. Had a lot of fun.
Quote from: sbr on June 25, 2016, 08:53:14 AM
If I were to choose one of Pillars of Eternity or Divinity Original Sin which should I choose and why?
Tough choice, I enjoyed both greatly. Pillars has much better writing, Divinity has better gameplay.
Got Pike and Shot for half off on Steam. Really quite fun :bowler:
Got Super Mega Baseball : Extra Innings Edition.
Simple yet very deep arcade baseball game.
I bought rogue state in steam sale. Stil have to try it.
Also ckII conclave and some small DLC for ETS2
:hmm: The sale ended already.
Time works differently here.
Quote from: Habbaku on July 04, 2016, 01:25:26 PM
:hmm: The sale ended already.
Yeah, just notice that.
Had intended to login in the last few days, but RL got in the way, so I obviously wasn't that bothered about playing a new game!
Ended up buying LA Noire at the very end of the sale. That makes it 4 CK2 DLCs and a full game for this sale.
LA Noire was an enjoyable game. Hope it stands up to time. :)
Yep. I absolutely loved it.
Quote from: Alcibiades on July 07, 2016, 05:28:24 PM
LA Noire was an enjoyable game. Hope it stands up to time. :)
I liked it a lot, but got annoyed at all the times I failed the stupid watch this animated person and tell if he/she's a lying piece of shit or not.
Quote from: Liep on July 08, 2016, 02:08:29 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on July 07, 2016, 05:28:24 PM
LA Noire was an enjoyable game. Hope it stands up to time. :)
I liked it a lot, but got annoyed at all the times I failed the stupid watch this animated person and tell if he/she's a lying piece of shit or not.
Some were easy to get and some were like :huh:
Overall liked game though perhaps a bit too short
Yeah, I have been told interrogation is pretty annoying. But I'm a sucker for classic noir so it's time I played this.
Quote from: garbon on July 08, 2016, 02:12:33 AM
Some were easy to get and some were like :huh:
Overall liked game though perhaps a bit too short
I didn't get that feeling, but I enjoy doing collectables, and there are a ludicrous amount of them in that game. Also, yeah- Mila Kunis' character in particular has got one terrible poker face; I almost laughed at that one.
I find hilarious the way the PC yells at everybody when he doubts or accuses them.
But yeah, I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. I usually don't care that much for technical achievements in games, but the quality of the faces' animations is astounding. They really draw you in.
Quote from: celedhring on July 09, 2016, 08:29:42 AM
I find hilarious the way the PC yells at everybody when he doubts or accuses them.
But yeah, I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. I usually don't care that much for technical achievements in games, but the quality of the faces' animations is astounding. They really draw you in.
As I understand it, they upped the budget a bit for LA Noire and did full facial motion capture for the questioning segments.
LA Noire seems to be up there with last year's fifa for being cheap in game shops around the land.
I played a bit into it. Questioning a Argentinian guy. But meh. Too much of a perfectionist.
Quote from: Tyr on July 12, 2016, 04:32:29 AM
LA Noire seems to be up there with last year's fifa for being cheap in game shops around the land.
I played a bit into it. Questioning a Argentinian guy. But meh. Too much of a perfectionist.
I freely admit I played that one with a Gamefaqs walkthrough immediately at hand. Never finished getting the movie reels, though... or driving the cars- dear god, that was a slog.
I ended up using a guide for interrogations too. I don't have much trouble with spotting the "tells", but the reasoning behind using some clues to prove they are lying is reeeeeeally far-fetched sometimes.
I just noticed Shadow of Mordor is 110% off on Steam, resulting in a negative price. ;)
Quote from: Ancient Demon on August 04, 2016, 06:16:31 PM
I just noticed Shadow of Mordor is 110% off on Steam, resulting in a negative price. ;)
Upon further review, it's been removed from sale on it's store page, but it's still showing the negative price on the specials list.
When I click on it to add it to my cart it has the proper price even though the link shows the negative price.
Slitherine & Matrix are having a sale! 30% off with a coupon code.
Humble Bundle looks good. Been meaning to get Tharsis. Space Engineers looks interesting too
Quote from: Tyr on August 10, 2016, 10:32:07 AM
Humble Bundle looks good. Been meaning to get Tharsis. Space Engineers looks interesting too
It's awesome, but Beware of Clang
TM. Especially in multiplayer, nearly every point of articulation can be an explosion (destroying hours' worth of work) waiting to happen. Rotors and pistons should be used with extreme caution.
Of course, sometimes Clang is absolutely hilarious. Oh, and stay away from planets if you're not running a very high-end computer. Pretty much nobody gets good framerates there.
Witcher 3 is 50% off on Steam ATM.
I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm worried I won't like the combat mechanics. I didn't like them in the first Witcher and hated them so much in the second I couldn't play it beyond the tutorial arena fight thing.
I love the setting and I hear from most people the third one is amazing overall, but is it remotely playable on a PC if you don't have a controller and aren't interested in memorizing keypad combos and shit?
Quote from: Caliga on August 24, 2016, 09:19:45 AM
Witcher 3 is 50% off on Steam ATM.
I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm worried I won't like the combat mechanics. I didn't like them in the first Witcher and hated them so much in the second I couldn't play it beyond the tutorial arena fight thing.
I love the setting and I hear from most people the third one is amazing overall, but is it remotely playable on a PC if you don't have a controller and aren't interested in memorizing keypad combos and shit?
I felt exactly like you about the combat in the first two, but I rather enjoyed it in number 3. With a controller, mind you.
I did love witcher 1. 2 was lacking.
Have a feeling I should go back and play 2 on the other path before playing 3.
Quote from: Tamas on August 24, 2016, 09:57:57 AM
Quote from: Caliga on August 24, 2016, 09:19:45 AM
Witcher 3 is 50% off on Steam ATM.
I'm thinking about getting it, but I'm worried I won't like the combat mechanics. I didn't like them in the first Witcher and hated them so much in the second I couldn't play it beyond the tutorial arena fight thing.
I love the setting and I hear from most people the third one is amazing overall, but is it remotely playable on a PC if you don't have a controller and aren't interested in memorizing keypad combos and shit?
I felt exactly like you about the combat in the first two, but I rather enjoyed it in number 3. With a controller, mind you.
Gotta agree with you both. The combat system was the sole thing getting in the way of my enjoyment of the two first Witcher games. I still loved them, mind, but not when I had to fight stuff.
Steam having p'dox sale weekend. Mare Nostrum for EU4 is now 1/3rd off.
For the Glory makes the sale again. I'm amazed it still has buyers, if recency of reviews are any indication. :D
Quote from: garbon on September 01, 2016, 03:32:51 PM
Steam having p'dox sale weekend. Mare Nostrum for EU4 is now 1/3rd off.
For the Glory makes the sale again. I'm amazed it still has buyers, if recency of reviews are any indication. :D
Is Mare Nostrum worth it? IIRC almost all of the new features were included in the free patch?
OMG there's a tarted up Titan Quest version??? And it's in my library? And 75% off on Steam for those who don't own Titan Quest yet? Sweet!
Quote from: Caliga on September 01, 2016, 03:37:42 PM
Quote from: garbon on September 01, 2016, 03:32:51 PM
Steam having p'dox sale weekend. Mare Nostrum for EU4 is now 1/3rd off.
For the Glory makes the sale again. I'm amazed it still has buyers, if recency of reviews are any indication. :D
Is Mare Nostrum worth it? IIRC almost all of the new features were included in the free patch?
I don't know. I don't have it!
Ok. I open my question to the floor then. :)
Intelligence suggests :no
There's a Paradox sale on Steam.
is March of the Eagles any good?
Quote from: Josephus on September 02, 2016, 08:31:53 AM
There's a Paradox sale on Steam.
Yes, that is indeed what I said. :P
Quote from: Josephus on September 02, 2016, 08:31:53 AM
is March of the Eagles any good?
I don't think so. I picked it up on a sale and have played it all of an hour. Feels like a compact, simpler (yet still requiring effort to learn) version of the EU series. YMMV.
Thanks. I'll accept your mileage on this one.
Tropico 4 is free on Humble Store: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/tropico-4-free-game
Pretty good sale on there too.
Oddly I notice ck2 hasn't updated the complete collection since before charlemagne
Finally picked up Arkham Knight on the WB sale on Steam. Pretty fun. RUns okay on my slow-ass system.
Mad Max is $10 on Steam. Worth it?
E: There's also something called Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor for $7.50. Got that, Mad Max, and some Call of Duty games that I hadn't played yet. Or at least I don't think I've played them yet. There are a shitload of Call of Duty games now, man.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 18, 2016, 06:45:57 PM
Mad Max is $10 on Steam. Worth it?
E: There's also something called Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor for $7.50. Got that, Mad Max, and some Call of Duty games that I hadn't played yet. Or at least I don't think I've played them yet. There are a shitload of Call of Duty games now, man.
Mad Max is fucking great. Shadow of Mordor is okay.
Company of Heroes 1 + 2 plus add ons are on HumbeBundle for $10.-
Quote from: Syt on October 05, 2016, 07:20:29 AM
Company of Heroes 1 + 2 plus add ons are on HumbeBundle for $10.-
Any value here for those of us who don't care about MP?
No idea. I got the first one on a sale and found it too fast paced and hectic even in SP for my liking.
Yeah, I have the first and don't rate it at all.
I tried the campaign in #1, but I really didn't take to micromanaging all units myself, including making use of their various special abilities. It might have worked for me if you could give orders while paused. Without it I felt I had to juggle with a dozen balls at once.
Quote from: Syt on October 05, 2016, 10:16:07 AM
I tried the campaign in #1, but I really didn't take to micromanaging all units myself, including making use of their various special abilities. It might have worked for me if you could give orders while paused. Without it I felt I had to juggle with a dozen balls at once.
Subscribed. We're too old for RTSs. Although I played some missions and really appreciated the game, it's too fast paced for my middle aged need of pondering my moves.
I'll admit I loved Company of Heroes. CoH is a bit more lukewarm. It would be nice if units would throw grenades and the automatically instead of being asked.
Picked it up, scratched my old Company of Heroes Online itch - not as good, unfortunately.
Sniper Elite 3 is free to play on Steam this weekend, $10 if you want to buy it. I'm having a pretty good time with it so far. First one of these Sniper Elite games I've ever played. The kill cam thing gets old.
Steam Haloween sale is on.
So far nothing good. Just horror games. Thats usual for the haloween sale?
From the sale:
I've seen some Let's Plays of Lakeview Cabin. Think 1980s horror in pixelated format. It's more about puzzle solving, exploration, and trying out things than about jump scares. It also seemed pretty open in what you can do and try within the game, giving it a bit of a sandbox feel. €2.49 seems like a reasonable price.
Hard West is kinda XCom in the Wild West with supernatural elements.
GOG.com has The Saboteur at 50% off. If you liked the original Mercenaries or Just Cause 2, this is a pretty good similar game (made by Pandemic). You get to kill Nazis as a wise-cracking Irish car mechanic/race car driver in Paris.
EDIT: And I can't get it to get past the loading screen.
RPS has a list of their Top 50 FREE PC games: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/10/31/the-50-best-free-games-on-pc/
Quote from: Syt on October 31, 2016, 01:51:26 PM
RPS has a list of their Top 50 FREE PC games: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/10/31/the-50-best-free-games-on-pc/
Nice link, thanks. :cheers:
For mobile gamers, Humble Bundle cuurently has a mobile bundle that has a number of boardgame conversions.
Catan, Scotland Yard, Ticket to Ride, Small World 2, Carcassonne, San Juan, and others.
Quote from: Syt on October 31, 2016, 01:51:26 PM
RPS has a list of their Top 50 FREE PC games: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/10/31/the-50-best-free-games-on-pc/
Of this list, Cataclysm looks rather interesting: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/11/14/cataclysm-dark-days-ahead/
Slitheratrix sale is on: http://www.matrixgames.com/amazon/wintersales/Matrix%20Christmas%20Sale%202016.pdf
Quote from: Syt on November 25, 2016, 08:15:20 AM
Slitheratrix sale is on: http://www.matrixgames.com/amazon/wintersales/Matrix%20Christmas%20Sale%202016.pdf
If I were to buy one of their Ancient Rome games, which one should it be?
(I'm willing to accept "none" as an answer, too)
Quote from: celedhring on November 25, 2016, 08:50:57 AM
Quote from: Syt on November 25, 2016, 08:15:20 AM
Slitheratrix sale is on: http://www.matrixgames.com/amazon/wintersales/Matrix%20Christmas%20Sale%202016.pdf
If I were to buy one of their Ancient Rome games, which one should it be?
(I'm willing to accept "none" as an answer, too)
Do you mean AGEOD's Alea Jacta Est games? The very first one, titled Alea Jacta Est probably - it covers a lot of time and well known civil wars.
If you want smaller scale stuff, then Birth of Rome, although I think you have to be well versed in Roman history for the flavour there. Everyone knows Sulla, not nearly as many people know the tribes and city states that Rome defeated for the supremacy of Italy. BoR does cover the 1st Punic War, though.
Quote from: Tamas on November 25, 2016, 09:00:04 AMnot nearly as many people know the tribes and city states that Rome defeated for the supremacy of Italy
Is there a good book about that period? Not only about the military aspects, but also about Roman society and political structure evolved during that time.
I picked up The Wolf Among Us and Witcher 3 in the Steam sale.
Which one should I play first? :hmm:
Quote from: Caliga on November 28, 2016, 07:57:07 PM
I picked up The Wolf Among Us and Witcher 3 in the Steam sale.
Which one should I play first? :hmm:
Wolf Among Us will only take 8 hours and it's a delight. I'd go with that one first, since Witcher 3 is massive.
Yes, Witcher with expansions can clock in at 100+ hours.
Civ III, Civ IV, and CivCity: Rome are now available on GOG:
I'll get a DRM-free of Civ IV to play with the Colonization mod eventually. :)
Don't remember Civcity: Rome but the Cæsar series was there back then.
Roman city builders are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, most insist on throwing in a crappy real time combat model as well.
I wish there was a Roman city builder more like Children of the Nile that models the creation of the local infrastructure, supply chains, and military, but abstracts combat off map.
Quote from: Syt on November 30, 2016, 06:17:36 AM
Civ III, Civ IV, and CivCity: Rome are now available on GOG:
Oddly just bought Civ III complete on Steam sale yesterday for about a dollar.
Quote from: mongers on November 30, 2016, 07:45:12 AM
Quote from: Syt on November 30, 2016, 06:17:36 AM
Civ III, Civ IV, and CivCity: Rome are now available on GOG:
Oddly just bought Civ III complete on Steam sale yesterday for about a dollar.
Pretty interesting looking bundle over at humblebundle:
Is Democracy 3 any good? I'm interested in Making America Great Again.
Quote from: celedhring on November 30, 2016, 12:38:47 PM
Pretty interesting looking bundle over at humblebundle:
Is Democracy 3 any good? I'm interested in Making America Great Again.
Yes, it's fun, although I did not play it extensively.
I'm mainly interested in OOTP17, so I think i'll get the first tier of the bundle.
Quote from: Syt on November 30, 2016, 06:30:11 AM
Roman city builders are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately, most insist on throwing in a crappy real time combat model as well.
I wish there was a Roman city builder more like Children of the Nile that models the creation of the local infrastructure, supply chains, and military, but abstracts combat off map.
Caesar 2 was my favourite of the series because of the provincial/battle part.
Quote from: Pedrito on November 30, 2016, 12:51:18 PM
Quote from: celedhring on November 30, 2016, 12:38:47 PM
Pretty interesting looking bundle over at humblebundle:
Is Democracy 3 any good? I'm interested in Making America Great Again.
Yes, it's fun, although I did not play it extensively.
I'm mainly interested in OOTP17, so I think i'll get the first tier of the bundle.
Playing it a bit. So far:
- Raised import tariffs to high levels
- Gutted health care spending and replaced it with a tax breaks program
- Increased spending on border protection. Sadly there's no way to make Mexico pay for the wall :(
- Gutted environmental, labor, etc... regulations
- Started a large infrastructure building program
- Lowered income tax and corporate tax (sadly the game doesn't allow me to do it only for the upper brackets :hmm:)
- Implemented high racial profiling policies. Stop and frisk!
The economy and the state finances are tanking, but my popularity is growing. MAGA :showoff:
So, I was assassinated by a Black Power org 3 years into my mandate. :ph34r:
GOG is giving away Neverwinter Nights Diamond today
Quote from: celedhring on November 30, 2016, 04:46:47 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on November 30, 2016, 12:51:18 PM
Quote from: celedhring on November 30, 2016, 12:38:47 PM
Pretty interesting looking bundle over at humblebundle:
Is Democracy 3 any good? I'm interested in Making America Great Again.
Yes, it's fun, although I did not play it extensively.
I'm mainly interested in OOTP17, so I think i'll get the first tier of the bundle.
Playing it a bit. So far:
- Raised import tariffs to high levels
- Gutted health care spending and replaced it with a tax breaks program
- Increased spending on border protection. Sadly there's no way to make Mexico pay for the wall :(
- Gutted environmental, labor, etc... regulations
- Started a large infrastructure building program
- Lowered income tax and corporate tax (sadly the game doesn't allow me to do it only for the upper brackets :hmm:)
- Implemented high racial profiling policies. Stop and frisk!
The economy and the state finances are tanking, but my popularity is growing. MAGA :showoff:
I've seen it before. I'm sure this same guy makes lots of simple games.
Its a decent idea in theory but its kind of silly. Legalising weed increases crime? err....
The game is just changing numbers in an excel sheet. But it's fun for a bit.
Yesterday I tried to save Spain's economy and was assassinated by the capitalists 3 times, and by the socialists once. Rough.
I recommend turning off the assassinations.
It can be done?
That's good. Both times I tried it happened to me. Feels like a big realism break.
Is there any actual difference playing different countries?
Quote from: Arvoreen on December 02, 2016, 10:02:38 AM
GOG is giving away Neverwinter Nights Diamond today
Overall GOG has got a nice sale on: you can pick up SMAC complete for like $2.50.
Ubisoft offers a free bundle of:
Prince of Persia - the Sands of Time
Splinter Cell
Rayman Origins
The Crew
Beyond Good & Evil
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon
Assassin's Creed III
They also seem to have a sale on at the moment. Watch Dogs 2 is 33% off - it seems the game is far better than its maligned predecessor.
Quote from: Syt on December 17, 2016, 09:20:53 AM
Ubisoft offers a free bundle of:
Prince of Persia - the Sands of Time
Splinter Cell
Rayman Origins
The Crew
Beyond Good & Evil
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon
Assassin's Creed III
$15 gets you:
Space Quest Collection
Police Quest Collection
Quest for Glory Collection
King's Quest Collection
Gabriel Knight 1-3
Phantasmagoria 1-2
Caesar III + IV
Geometry Wars3: Dimensions Evolved
Velocity 2X
for an extra $5 they throw in the new King's Quest game. The first Chapter of it got overall decent to good reviews, no idea if the rest is any good.
I've heard Arcanum is cool. Are the others worth it?
Steam sale starts in a day or two. Probably
With the Quest series the question is how much tolerance you have for bullshit puzzles, being able to dead end yourself, or being killed in nonsensical ways.
Quote from: Tyr on December 22, 2016, 06:58:51 AM
I've heard Arcanum is cool. Are the others worth it?
Steam sale starts in a day or two. Probably
It starts today. 7 PM Euro time, I guess.
Quote from: celedhring on December 22, 2016, 07:14:50 AM
Quote from: Tyr on December 22, 2016, 06:58:51 AM
I've heard Arcanum is cool. Are the others worth it?
Steam sale starts in a day or two. Probably
It starts today. 7 PM Euro time, I guess.
Thanks for the reminder. :cheers:
Had a quick look, not anything that jumps out at me, but the '12 Labours of Hercules' are all on offer, so I might as well get the rest of them, me being a skinflint. :bowler:
so is this one of the new boring steam sale that stays the same until the end?
Quote from: Liep on December 22, 2016, 05:02:14 PM
so is this one of the new boring steam sale that stays the same until the end?
Wasn't that the end result of them moving to that no fault return policy?
Quote from: Syt on December 22, 2016, 04:40:14 AM
$15 gets you:
Space Quest Collection
Police Quest Collection
Quest for Glory Collection
King's Quest Collection
Gabriel Knight 1-3
Phantasmagoria 1-2
Caesar III + IV
Geometry Wars3: Dimensions Evolved
Velocity 2X
for an extra $5 they throw in the new King's Quest game. The first Chapter of it got overall decent to good reviews, no idea if the rest is any good.
I'm not sure some of those games are easily playable on modern computers though.
Quote from: Ancient Demon on December 22, 2016, 10:10:09 PM
I'm not sure some of those games are easily playable on modern computers though.
I expect they're a similar setup to what GOG does and has them bundled with DOSBox.
Steam version probably. That's usual with HB.
Once there was uplay :x
I'm not big on GOG. Their version of dragon pass is a bitch to run.
I thought GOG is completely DRM free. :huh:
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 23, 2016, 12:32:35 PM
I thought GOG is completely DRM free. :huh:
It is.
Also Steam is currently down, looks like 'everyone' is trying to buy in the Winter sale or is it Putin? :ph34r:
They're DRM free but not very well optimised for modern PCs.
Are we sure the steam sale prices are the same till the new year now?
I just got a bunch of auto mails from steam about wish list items on sale. I'm sure one price is a little less.
Yeah, I too got a handful of steam emails today. Although I wouldn't know if the prices were cheaper than yesterday.
Must've changed, I'm sure FM17 wasn't on sale in the beginning. €41,24 is still too much though. :P
Quote from: Liep on December 25, 2016, 07:32:01 AM
Must've changed, I'm sure FM17 wasn't on sale in the beginning. €41,24 is still too much though. :P
Physical version from Amazon is cheaper.
Quote from: Tyr on December 25, 2016, 07:41:57 AM
Quote from: Liep on December 25, 2016, 07:32:01 AM
Must've changed, I'm sure FM17 wasn't on sale in the beginning. €41,24 is still too much though. :P
Physical version from Amazon is cheaper.
What is this? 1998?
My local videogame store sells Titanfall 2 cheaper than Origin, too :hmm:
All Assassin Creed games and spin offs (except the last one and Black Flag, it seems) for $15: https://www.humblebundle.com/assassins-creed-bundle
Anyone done humble monthly?
I notice xcom 2 for 12 dollaroos :hmm:
My Twitch streaming friend has it.
You will get games you haven't heard of or care about to discover. Some will be great, others will not.
I'll rather stick with PC Gamer's weekly "Five new Steam games you probably missed this week" for games inspiration.
Neat link, Syt. Thanks! :)
Huge indie bundle on Humble Bundle:
The arma games any good?
On at humble bundle
GOG has No-Man's Sky on sale (1-day only as far as I can see) for 40% off: https://www.gog.com/game/no_mans_sky
Is it worth the $36?
Not really, no.
Paradox weekend sale on Humble Store: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/promo/paradox-weekend-sale/
Big Slitherine weekend sale on Steam. Tamas what should I get!
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 09, 2017, 11:24:15 PM
Big Slitherine weekend sale on Steam. Tamas what should I get!
Everything :)
But if I have to single out one, if you feel like counter-pushing wargaming, Decisive Campaigns Barbarossa is a very unique one. Probably the most authentic out there when it comes to feeling like an officer in command of a campaign.
And Qvadriga. Everyone should own Qvadriga.
I picked up the Sendoku Jidai bundle on which I had had my eyes for a while, and the Warhammer Panzer General style bundle.
I will give kudos to Slitherine - the games are discounted, and if you get a bundle, you will get another discount off the reduced prices.
Biggest discount is probably on Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations WOTY, 66% off to EUR 25.15 (and most modern what if scenarios also discounted).
So, if your idea of fun looks like the below screenshots, this might be a good opportunity:
Quote from: Tamas on March 10, 2017, 05:20:46 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 09, 2017, 11:24:15 PM
Big Slitherine weekend sale on Steam. Tamas what should I get!
Everything :)
But if I have to single out one, if you feel like counter-pushing wargaming, Decisive Campaigns Barbarossa is a very unique one. Probably the most authentic out there when it comes to feeling like an officer in command of a campaign.
And Qvadriga. Everyone should own Qvadriga.
I got them both :)
Is the "v" in Qvadriga pronounced as a "u"?
On Command: it is actually quite easy to handle, when it comes to the basics and the UI. The complexity comes from the fact it is a hardcore simulation (heck, there is a professional version now sold to, uhm, organisations), and if you want to play well you need to have at least some idea about the equipment and tactics involved.
But if you do know your thermal layers from your SEAD weaponry (or willing to read a lot of the in-game database), it offers fascinating flexibility. A bit like how the Operational Art of War covers a lot of conflicts and has an event engine. It is similar here.
I mean, in how many other games do you have the chance to fail in sneaking up on some Russian subs south of Cuba in the 70s in one scenario, do a poor job in organising an Iraqi airstrike against Iran in the next, and then recreate the failings of the Pakistani navy in their first "victory" (according to the scenario description, historically they destroyed about 3 mud huts) against India?
Stronghold Crusader HD at less than a euro, for the next 24 hours: https://www.bundlestars.com/en/game/stronghold-crusader-hd
Pretty cool space games humble this week:
Is Gal Civ 3 worth it over 2? Besides the obvious graphic improvements.
Quote from: celedhring on April 11, 2017, 02:34:48 PM
Pretty cool space games humble this week:
Is Gal Civ 3 worth it over 2? Besides the obvious graphic improvements.
Curious on this too.
And is this offworld trader any good?
Looks nice in theory but...who really needs several space 4x games?
On the subject of space games, Endless Space is 96% off on Steam.
There's a Paradox sale on Green Man Gaming. I don't see the new Stellaris expansion on there, but there's a lot of other stuff.
And the whole Easter sale thing, which I haven't really looked over: https://www.greenmangaming.com/hot-deals/
E: Does The Elder Scrolls Online suck or is it okay or what? They've got the "Gold Edition" for $20.
It sucked when it first came out. Supposedly it is pretty good now.
I have no first hand experience to relate though.
Quote from: Ancient Demon on April 13, 2017, 07:31:05 PM
On the subject of space games, Endless Space is 96% off on Steam.
Thanks for the heads up :)
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 13, 2017, 07:53:13 PM
E: Does The Elder Scrolls Online suck or is it okay or what? They've got the "Gold Edition" for $20.
It's okay, especially if you enjoy the Elder Scrolls setting in general. You can customize your character to a great degree (especially if you get the DLCs, but I don't have them and haven't missed them yet). It's also free to play (you can pay for perks but I don't think any are required), so if you want to try it out casually and don't mind the $20 then go ahead.
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2017, 08:17:59 PM
It sucked when it first came out. Supposedly it is pretty good now.
I have no first hand experience to relate though.
QuoteIt's okay, especially if you enjoy the Elder Scrolls setting in general. You can customize your character to a great degree (especially if you get the DLCs, but I don't have them and haven't missed them yet). It's also free to play (you can pay for perks but I don't think any are required), so if you want to try it out casually and don't mind the $20 then go ahead.
Thanks guys. I do like the setting for sure (been playing a lot of Skyrim again lately), so $20 isn't too much to give it a shot as long as it isn't terrible. This gold edition apparently has the Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Imperial City, and Orsinium DLCs. Oh and a horse.
They are doing Free Play entirely through April 18th. You can download direct or through Steam and give it a spin. I'm trying it now and having some fun...enough I may consider paying the $20 :)
It won't even install the launcher.
E: Finally got it to start working by booting into freaking safe mode with networking. So that's nice. Damn 40GB?
I got that endless space game and that space humble bundle. More games I'll never play!
ESO is alright. My wife got it too in the sale (although she had played the beta for a few minutes, and so got a pet monkey or some shit). So she runs through the tutorial real quick, and I'm saying to sell her loot to the first chef dude in the boat. She replies that she doesn't have anything, and I tell her she needs to loot more.
First thing she goes and does?
Steals some shit right in front of a guard, and then fights the guard. :lol: She'll fit right in.
Saints Row 2 is FREE on GOG for 48 hours: https://www.gog.com/game/saints_row_2
Quote from: Syt on April 20, 2017, 06:37:48 AM
Saints Row 2 is FREE on GOG for 48 hours: https://www.gog.com/game/saints_row_2
I enjoyed an hour of getting it to work followed by an hour of gameplay before uninstalling in annoyance.
Well you are an odd one.
Unity of Command bundle is 85% off on Steam.
Dungeons 2 is free, should you miss Dungeon Keeper
Fallout 4 is free to play on Steam until Sunday at 2000GMT and 67% off (~$20US) until Monday.
Fantasy General is free on GOG for the next 30 hours or so.
Steam sale is going to be on the 22nd according to Paypal UK.
aaannnndddd...steam.....is down
Democracy 3: Africa for only 2.74? :w00t:
I got Stardew Valley last night. Pretty neat. :)
Hey is there a way to save the game any time you want, or just at the end of the day?
Quote from: garbon on June 22, 2017, 12:12:18 PM
Democracy 3: Africa for only 2.74? :w00t:
Is that any good? I remember base Democracy 3 was very very easy.
Quote from: Caliga on June 23, 2017, 06:53:57 AM
I got Stardew Valley last night. Pretty neat. :)
Hey is there a way to save the game any time you want, or just at the end of the day?
Just end of day.
Quote from: Tamas on June 23, 2017, 08:51:11 AM
Quote from: garbon on June 22, 2017, 12:12:18 PM
Democracy 3: Africa for only 2.74? :w00t:
Is that any good? I remember base Democracy 3 was very very easy.
I was being a dick. -_-
Quote from: garbon on June 23, 2017, 01:54:52 PM
Quote from: Tamas on June 23, 2017, 08:51:11 AM
Quote from: garbon on June 22, 2017, 12:12:18 PM
Democracy 3: Africa for only 2.74? :w00t:
Is that any good? I remember base Democracy 3 was very very easy.
I was being a dick. -_-
You must understand that we can't distinguish you purposefully being a dick and your normal behavior.
Quote from: Razgovory on June 23, 2017, 02:11:17 PM
Quote from: garbon on June 23, 2017, 01:54:52 PM
Quote from: Tamas on June 23, 2017, 08:51:11 AM
Quote from: garbon on June 22, 2017, 12:12:18 PM
Democracy 3: Africa for only 2.74? :w00t:
Is that any good? I remember base Democracy 3 was very very easy.
I was being a dick. -_-
You must understand that we can't distinguish you purposefully being a dick and your normal behavior.
I was trying something new. -_-
You trying dick is nothing new...
Quote from: garbon on June 23, 2017, 02:28:20 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on June 23, 2017, 02:11:17 PM
Quote from: garbon on June 23, 2017, 01:54:52 PM
Quote from: Tamas on June 23, 2017, 08:51:11 AM
Quote from: garbon on June 22, 2017, 12:12:18 PM
Democracy 3: Africa for only 2.74? :w00t:
Is that any good? I remember base Democracy 3 was very very easy.
I was being a dick. -_-
You must understand that we can't distinguish you purposefully being a dick and your normal behavior.
I was trying something new. -_-
What's Languish' consensus on the Utopia DLC? Pondering its purchase.
Pillars of Eternity or Tyranny?
Steam Sale ends soon.
Still thinking whether now is the time for PoE, Tyranny, Witcher 3, Watch Dogs 2 or Civ 6.
Bought a few el cheapo indie games though. And Tomb Raider :blush:
Might leave the big ones till Autumn as I've too much unplayed.
Quote from: Tyr on July 04, 2017, 03:12:43 PM
Might leave the big ones till Autumn as I've too much unplayed.
That's (finally) my default position on the Steam sales. After so many sales where I bought anything that looked remotely interesting, because OMG cheap! - but 100+ un-played games, if I have to think for more than a minute or two I wait until next sale and try again.
The Walking Dead Season 1 is currently free at Humble Store: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/the-walking-dead-season-1
Humble Bundle seem to be doing freebies every day. Today is a survival horror called outlast.
I shan't be taking it.
I can't even have that listed on my steam.
Too scary.
'The Seven Years War (1756-1763)' strategy game is 85% on Steam till the end of this week.
GOG has Grim Fandango Remastered for free for a day or so.
And now Company of Heroes 2 is free from Humble Store for about a day: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/company-of-heroes-2
Quote from: mongers on December 11, 2017, 08:38:36 PM
'The Seven Years War (1756-1763)' strategy game is 85% on Steam till the end of this week.
Is it any good?
I had trouble getting into it, but I only tried for about 30 minutes. One day when I have more time to devote to playing a computer game, I will try again.
Quote from: Caliga on December 15, 2017, 10:38:23 AM
Quote from: mongers on December 11, 2017, 08:38:36 PM
'The Seven Years War (1756-1763)' strategy game is 85% on Steam till the end of this week.
Is it any good?
Haven't gotten around to downloading it, not at home yet.
But the offers on till 18th Dec.
Quote from: Caliga on December 15, 2017, 10:38:23 AM
Quote from: mongers on December 11, 2017, 08:38:36 PM
'The Seven Years War (1756-1763)' strategy game is 85% on Steam till the end of this week.
Is it any good?
"Realtime" campaign games rarely are, but this could be an exception. The description "Beside of beating the enemy on the battlefield you now have to set up a working economy to supply your troops and your people!" makes me cringe, though.
For you cheap fuckers, Humble Monthly has Civ 6 + Australia and Vikings DLCs for $12.
Quote from: Solmyr on January 05, 2018, 05:33:56 PM
For you cheap fuckers, Humble Monthly has Civ 6 + Australia and Vikings DLCs for $12.
That's certainly addressed to me. :D
Oh and thanks.
Quote from: Solmyr on January 05, 2018, 05:33:56 PM
For you cheap fuckers, Humble Monthly has Civ 6 + Australia and Vikings DLCs for $12.
Well that's me angry. I just bought it on the steam sale :lol: :frusty:
Oh well, I guess I've saved a bunch on humble bundle to cancel it out.
Spamming as I think this is relevant here, even though most of you probably have most of the content already:
Just noticed this is part of a new $12 humble bundle offer this month, that includes a lot of other paradox games.
https://www.humblebundle.com/games/paradox-bundle-2018 (https://www.humblebundle.com/games/paradox-bundle-2018)
edit:see what I did, clicked url icon instead of quote icon.
link doesn't work you inept pommie bastard.
Mass Effect:Andromeda worth $10?
Quote from: katmai on February 20, 2018, 11:35:50 PM
Mass Effect:Andromeda worth $10?
Imagine Mass Effect but with lame characters and plot. Is that worth $10?
Well I recall at least a few people here saying they liked it.
Until I finish playing Witcher 3 I won't be picking up any more RPGs, but for $10 I might have tried out Andromeda.
Yes, I liked it though I never finished it. I think something about knowing the story wouldn't have a final conclusion dampened my interest.
I'm still angry about the ME3 ending. So no intention to play it any time soon.
Plus all the unfinished RPGs...
Free Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition on Humble bundle at the moment.
I might pick up a game or two, but I tend to already own any games that really interest me.
Fallout 4 for 11€. I've seen that the reaction is mixed but I love the saga too much. Should I buy it?
Lots of wargames on rather deep discount this time around.
Anyone have something they'd be willing to PBEM with me if I go in on it?
Shadowrun Returns is free on Humble Bundle atm.
Quote from: celedhring on June 21, 2018, 04:04:47 PM
Fallout 4 for 11€. I've seen that the reaction is mixed but I love the saga too much. Should I buy it?
For 11e it's fine. Plenty of stuff to do and experience, just don't expect your character's personality to be as customizable as previous Fallouts or Elder Scrolls. I understand the DLCs are better story-wise, though I haven't played them.
Haven't played it much myself, but I hear it's a decent open world shooter with crafting mechanics but not much of an RPG.
I've got too many un finished rpgs for f4 as fun as f3 was.
Quote from: Solmyr on June 22, 2018, 02:44:06 AM
Quote from: celedhring on June 21, 2018, 04:04:47 PM
Fallout 4 for 11€. I've seen that the reaction is mixed but I love the saga too much. Should I buy it?
For 11e it's fine. Plenty of stuff to do and experience, just don't expect your character's personality to be as customizable as previous Fallouts or Elder Scrolls. I understand the DLCs are better story-wise, though I haven't played them.
It's more fun than FO3, but not nearly as fun as FONV. No surreal vaults, though, and more of a shooter than an RPG. It's got some great visuals, though. Worth getting just to see the game world.
Quote from: Solmyr on June 22, 2018, 02:44:06 AM
Quote from: celedhring on June 21, 2018, 04:04:47 PM
Fallout 4 for 11€. I've seen that the reaction is mixed but I love the saga too much. Should I buy it?
For 11e it's fine. Plenty of stuff to do and experience, just don't expect your character's personality to be as customizable as previous Fallouts or Elder Scrolls. I understand the DLCs are better story-wise, though I haven't played them.
If the DLCs have better narratives then I'll wait for the GOTY edition to get a bit cheaper.
Thanks for the input everybody.
War in the East and in the West are deeply discounted. I just not sure I want to take the plunge - who here has played and enjoyed them?
I was a tester for WiTE - it was very engrossing at the time, and put a lot of effort into it. It suffers from some problems, and it seems to have a bit of the "Germans will wear down, the Russians will overcome" when playing FtF. I haven't played it in years though.
I do enjoy the fact that I did win a 1 v 1 Germans vs USSR game that was posted on the forums...
Quote from: PDH on June 22, 2018, 10:22:09 PM
It suffers from some problems, and it seems to have a bit of the "Germans will wear down, the Russians will overcome" when playing FtF.
Is it possible to have a WW2 Germans vs Soviets game any other way? That period sure gets a lot of gaming attention for being exceptionally unexciting to portray in a game.
Quote from: Solmyr on June 23, 2018, 02:44:09 AM
Quote from: PDH on June 22, 2018, 10:22:09 PM
It suffers from some problems, and it seems to have a bit of the "Germans will wear down, the Russians will overcome" when playing FtF.
Is it possible to have a WW2 Germans vs Soviets game any other way? That period sure gets a lot of gaming attention for being exceptionally unexciting to portray in a game.
I was more pointing to the fact that by later 1942 and the appearance of the first corps and guard corps, the balance shifts completely and fairly quickly to a USSR domination. A good USSR player can begin successful entire length of the map campaigns that grind down the German player far faster than reality. Just as another quibble is that the German supply lines allow things that shouldn't have been able to happen in 1941, the Soviets knocking on the German frontiers in middle 1943 just doesn't feel right.
Almost impossible to get right, I think.
Quote from: Solmyr on June 23, 2018, 02:44:09 AM
Quote from: PDH on June 22, 2018, 10:22:09 PM
It suffers from some problems, and it seems to have a bit of the "Germans will wear down, the Russians will overcome" when playing FtF.
Is it possible to have a WW2 Germans vs Soviets game any other way? That period sure gets a lot of gaming attention for being exceptionally unexciting to portray in a game.
There's a reason I prefer to play specific campaigns within the war rather than go full strategic.
I think I will avoid War in the East - any views on War in the West?
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 25, 2018, 12:46:25 PM
I think I will avoid War in the East - any views on War in the West?
I haven't played it extensively, but the features are very impressive - the air war can be a game in itself - the production chain of everything is detailed in the background. So for example, oil is transported from wells to refineries and then fuel to units, and you can try and bomb this at any stage you see fit - or all of it. It can be automated fully in terms of you just giving general orders to air formations, but if your thing is to manually assign targets for everyone every turn, you can do that as well.
Also, amphibious invasions are fairly easy to organise compared to the scale of the game.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 22, 2018, 01:16:25 PM
War in the East and in the West are deeply discounted. I just not sure I want to take the plunge - who here has played and enjoyed them?
I ahve played and enjoyed WitE quite a bit, and I bought WitW but haven't ahd time to play it.
That being said, I think the fact that I enjoyed War in the East says more about me than it does the game...
Thanks :)
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 25, 2018, 04:53:41 PM
Thanks :)
I might also be a bit jaded in that I played the opening moves as the Germans a few hundred times in order to help code the AI moves as the Axis way back when (2011 or so). Against human opponents I could do a rather demoralizing 1st couple of turns by the time I had enough of the game.
I picked up HOI IV. I'm bewildered. :blush:
Quote from: garbon on June 28, 2018, 06:03:42 AM
I picked up HOI IV. I'm bewildered. :blush:
Yeah. I never bothered buying it or 3 after a quick play left me totally confused.
Decided to get it since its on humble bundle though... And still none the wiser.
Quote from: garbon on June 28, 2018, 06:03:42 AM
I picked up HOI IV. I'm bewildered. :blush:
Read the manual, you Brit you.
I read the beginner's guide (and the Italy guide as that's the nation in the tutorial) and started playing the tutorial. It felt like a lot of work. :Embarrass:
Quote from: garbon on June 29, 2018, 08:50:03 AM
I read the beginner's guide (and the Italy guide as that's the nation in the tutorial) and started playing the tutorial. It felt like a lot of work. :Embarrass:
I agree, though it felt like less work than HoI3.
Tried to just jump into War in the East - Um, I think I have some manual reading to do. :D
Quote from: Syt on June 29, 2018, 09:18:16 AM
Quote from: garbon on June 29, 2018, 08:50:03 AM
I read the beginner's guide (and the Italy guide as that's the nation in the tutorial) and started playing the tutorial. It felt like a lot of work. :Embarrass:
I agree, though it felt like less work than HoI3.
Just 'finished' tutorial. I see that it taught me about say 20% of the interface? :D
So I'm trying to decide between some games in the Steam sale:
Torment: Tides of Numenara
Pillars of Eternity II
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Help me decide. TIA.
PoE II imo anyway.
I never did beat the first one, but I really liked it.
TToN is rather dull; pity, because I was expecting a lot more from the game. I think the developers added some content with after release patches.
KC:D I did not play it
PoE II I started it and enjoyed it very much, but after a while the game became too heavy for my old pc, so I stopped. I played about ten hours, and liked it a lot.
Quote from: Caliga on June 29, 2018, 04:15:23 PM
I never did beat the first one, but I really liked it.
Thanks for the reminder, I have it on steam but haven't gotten around to installing and playing it yet. :blush:
Paradox games are on sale on steam
Civ 4 Complete is 75% off on Gog at the moment, drm free and on sale for a few more days.
FWIW the Steam Autumn sale starts in the few days, I think the 20th and lasts a week.
Apparently the Winter sale will be two weeks evenly spread either side of 1st January.
That ones new to me. I thought their Autumn one was around Halloween?
Fallout 4 Season Pass at -74% on GameBillet: https://www.gamebillet.com/fallout-4-season-pass
Quote from: Tyr on November 20, 2018, 04:56:21 PM
That ones new to me. I thought their Autumn one was around Halloween?
I think there might well be a sale on as I've just had an email saying 25 items on your wishlist are reduced. Though I've not yet checked the website.
Quote from: Tyr on November 20, 2018, 04:56:21 PM
That ones new to me. I thought their Autumn one was around Halloween?
No, that was the Halloween one.
Picked up the discounted PS4 bundle with Spiderman. Bought the new God of War for $20, and I have Red Dead Redemption 2 waiting me
God is great, for he brings great deals for Black Friday. Praise be.
Gog has a bit of a Winter sale on, highlghts here:
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cheap-or-free-pc-games-in-massive-winter-sale-at-g/1100-6463899/ (https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cheap-or-free-pc-games-in-massive-winter-sale-at-g/1100-6463899/)
Read on for more of our picks, or head to the site to find all 43 pages' worth of deals.
Anno 1404: Gold Edition -- $9
Cuphead -- $16
Darkest Dungeon -- $7.50
Day of the Tentacle Remastered -- $5.30
Dead Cells -- $20
Death's Gambit -- $10
Divinity: Original Sin II -- $29.20
Dragon's Age: Origins Ultimate Edition -- $5
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen -- $9
Frostpunk -- $20
FTL Advanced Edition -- $2.50
Gorogoa -- $7.50
Grim Dawn -- $9
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice -- $15
Hollow Knight -- $10
Into the Breach -- $10
Kingdom Come Deliverance -- $36
The Messenger -- $14
Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete -- $10
Pathfinder Kingmaker: Explorer Edition -- $30
Pillars of Eternity: Definitive Edition -- $20
Pillar's of Eternity II: Deadfire -- $33
Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition -- $5
Pyre -- $8
Stardew Valley -- $11.20
Stellaris -- $16
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales -- $24
Torment: Tides of Numenara -- $15
The Witcher Enhanced Edition -- $1.50
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition -- $3
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GotY Edition -- $20
The Witness -- $10
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack -- $10
Just a reminder, the Steam Winter saile is now on.
Though I haven't had a look to see if there are any bargains.
Is that Kingdom Come game worth getting at a decent discount?
A reminder that Steam sale end today, 12pm CST(?), 6pm GMT here.
I also I think Gog.com sale end at a similar time.
Thanks Mongers. Quickly picked up GTA5 for 50% off.
Quote from: Tamas on January 03, 2019, 10:40:13 AM
Thanks Mongers. Quickly picked up GTA5 for 50% off.
And for others here, gog sale ends in 55 minutes:
The Winter Sale ends on January 3, 11 PM UTC at GOG.COM
Totally missed it as I was too busy to touch my computer over the holidays.
Which I suppose is a good thing
Quote from: Tyr on January 03, 2019, 06:58:19 PM
Totally missed it as I was too busy to touch my computer over the holidays.
Which I suppose is a good thing
Yeah not the end of the world.
I didn't end up buying much myself, more because of the lack of time to 'invest' in any game I bought.
There's a large Paradox humble bundle started, but I guess most of us here have the large majority of it's components.
Additionally steam seems to have a fair few games on sale this week,though that might be due to and overly large wish-list dominated by indie titles?
Chinese New Year sale.
Gary Grigsby's War in the East and War in the West are now available DRM free on GOG. They're currently 50% off, meaning they're priced like normal games. ;)
I already have them from Matrix and Steam, so ...
Humble Monthly is currently $9 and you get Assassins Creed Origins, plus whatever other games they'll give you at the beginning of May.
I've picked up AssCreed Origins for about 7 pounds a couple of weeks ago, and it has become the first Assassin Creed game I have stuck with. Breathtaking open world at times.
It's basically Far Cry: Ptolemaic Egypt, but I am ok with that.
I'm tempted to pick it up just for the sights.
Quote from: celedhring on April 17, 2019, 08:06:47 AM
I'm tempted to pick it up just for the sights.
Worth it IMHO.
Quote from: Solmyr on April 17, 2019, 06:16:47 AM
Humble Monthly is currently $9 and you get Assassins Creed Origins, plus whatever other games they'll give you at the beginning of May.
How do you get that price? Shows as 12 bucks to me.
EDIT: NVM, found a coupon on my inbox and I got it for $4. Dumb not to at that price.
Ubisoft is also currently giving away AssCreed Unity for free: http://assassinscreed.com/unity-notredame/
Matrix Easter Sale!
There's a quite good boardgame pc game bumble for sale on humble bundle at the moment.
Age of Wonders 3 steam key is free via humble bundle for the next day or so.
IIRC the Steam summer sale starts the end of next week, perhaps the 20th/21st?
There is a leak that says it will be on the 25th.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 16, 2019, 08:27:03 AM
There is a leak that says it will be on the 25th.
Yeah just notice that this morning, so the Tuesday after next.
Apparently the Steam sale launched, and then Steam promptly crashed. :lol:
I feel like this has happened several times before. :hmm:
Almost every time there is a sale, iirc.
Meh. I'm in no rush to buy anything that's on sale. It'll be up again within hours--that's fast enough for me.
Tamas mentioned the Microsoft game pass trial in the other thread. There is a $1 for a month promotion on.
An interesting feature is that if you have an XBox live gold account, the $1 promotion upgrades you to a full ultimate game pass. The upgrade applies to any and all prepaid time I.e. if you prepaid a year of live at $60 and you do the $1 promotion, the $1 gets you the ultimate pass for the entire year.
You can prepay up to 3 years and thus get 3 years of ultimate game pass for $5 per month. The game pass includes both PC and console game access.
Looks like it's back up. I'm going to buy Pillars of Eternity 2, at the very least. 50% off, and I'm almost done with the first one...
Anyone see any good multiplayer games on sale? I'm looking for something I can rope my friends into.
Quote from: Habbaku on June 25, 2019, 04:25:32 PM
Looks like it's back up. I'm going to buy Pillars of Eternity 2, at the very least. 50% off, and I'm almost done with the first one...
:thumbsup: I loved it and was recently contemplating a second playthrough.
Yes the crashing was humourously predictable.
Had a quick glance and couldn't see anything much worth getting.
Though Civ6 is 75% off if you've not got it, but then again the DLC seems a necessity and that stuff is still overpriced.
Risk of Rain 2, Habs.
Is Pathfinder: Kingmaker good?
Quote from: Caliga on June 26, 2019, 12:35:46 PM
Is Pathfinder: Kingmaker good?
Used to be monumentally buggy, but ambitious. Honestly haven't checked it since past Christmas, dunno if the patches have improved it.
I went ahead and bought it. I will: report back.
Quote from: Caliga on June 26, 2019, 10:34:14 PM
I went ahead and bought it. I will: report back.
yeah, I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday so you can get that report back before the end of sale.
So far, I really like it. Very much like the Baldur's Gate series, and it uses D&D rules so it's pretty easy to figure out the mechanics and stuff.
Random free but legit mega drive games. If you really must have as much steam as possible.
I went ahead and bought all of the Pathfinder expansions sine they are all on sale too, and I'm thinking other than that I'm done with the summer sale.
I was tempted to pick up Three Kingdoms but the discount is only 10% and I'm a cheap bastard when it comes to games.
Cal (or others): Pillars of Eternity or Pathfinder: Kingmaker? Also, I'm contemplating getting Scythe.
Pathfinder is still really fun. I'm now getting into the kingdom management aspect of the game, which is weird getting used to but pretty interesting. It reminds me of the old D&D rules for ruling territories.
I never beat the original PoE but liked it, for the most part. I did beat PoE 2 and loved it, and eventually will replay it with all the expansions.
Never heard of Scythe till you mentioned it, but I just checked it out on Steam and it looks interesting. :hmm:
I loved PoE but gotta say towards the end I was beginning to get tired with all the combat. Too many same-y fights every few steps. I wish they cut out some of those and focused on creating a few interesting encounters. The oldskool combat engine wasn't that thrilling, to begin with.
Pathfinder I played last december and it was a buggy mess. Glad that it seems to be mostly fixed now, I'll definitely go back to it once I finish my current Divinity Original Sin 2 playthrough.
I haven't played the Scythe port to PC game, but have played the board game a fair amount. It seems to generate either tremendous love or tremendous hate. I guess it's supposed to be a mix of "Ameritrash" style joined with "Eurogame" mechanics. The mechanics are often abstract and may not always make in-game sense, but I enjoy it and find it a really good game.
I'm only ~3 hours into it, but I really like Pillars 2. The quality of art, interface, combat mechanisms, sound, etc. are all better than the first iteration, likely because they got a larger budget.
If you have a Wal-Mart near you, check the electronics section. I initially bought POE 2 from the Steam sale expecting to play it immediately after beating the first one. But Wal-Mart had a physical copy with a Steam key for $9.96 or something, so...
Quote from: celedhring on July 08, 2019, 09:17:50 AM
Pathfinder I played last december and it was a buggy mess. Glad that it seems to be mostly fixed now, I'll definitely go back to it once I finish my current Divinity Original Sin 2 playthrough.
Haven't encountered a single bug or had a crash yet.
There's a fantastic bundle of CK2 expansions at humblebundle, for the two guys here who don't already own all the major DLCs.
Go buy it, and don't forget to put your duplicate keys in the game gift thread! ;)
Makes me really regret having bought them all. Wasn't that long ago too.
Big Mid-Week Sale on GOG.
Includes small to huge discounts on Stellaris & most DLC, Age of Wonders 1-3, Gary Grigsby's War in the East & West, Panzer Corps, Distant Worlds Universe, Field of Glory II & DLC, and more strategy titles. like older Paradox games.
I can't use those if my Paradox games are on steam, right?
Nope. :(
Board game sale on Steam, includes a bunch of Slitherine/Matrix titles.
ubisoft with their horrid steam rip-off "uplay" have launched uplay+
Basically pay £15 a month and get unlimited access to playing a library of games....
Its free for September just so long as you cancel before October. I'm giving the new Anno game a spin.
Quote from: Tyr on September 11, 2019, 03:22:19 AM
ubisoft with their horrid steam rip-off "uplay" have launched uplay+
Basically pay £15 a month and get unlimited access to playing a library of games....
Its free for September just so long as you cancel before October. I'm giving the new Anno game a spin.
I've checked out the Ghost Recon beta with it (awesome, I liked Widlands, this is that just better), and now playing The Division 2.
I like the new Anno but it gets crazy complicated once you get new world islands.
Quote from: Tamas on September 11, 2019, 04:55:02 AM
I've checked out the Ghost Recon beta with it (awesome, I liked Widlands, this is that just better), and now playing The Division 2.
I loved the map in wildlands, but the AI was gobsmackingly stupid. That's what killed it for me.
Making bots spawn behind you and hit you square between the eyes from a km away does not count as AI.
Endless Space (https://www.humblebundle.com/store/endless-space-collection-free-game) is free on Humble Store for a couple of days.
Call of Cthulhu 50% off on Steam in case anyone is interested
What's Languish' consensus on Battletech? It's on the current monthly bundle.
I used to play the boardgame when I was a teen, and I've dug the company's Shadowrun games, but reception seems to be a bit mixed?
It looked good to me...the only thing that held me back from getting it is that I'd prefer a more customizable/sand-boxing play style in that kind of game...and the impression I've had from reviews/videos is that it nails you pretty tightly to the campaign/story line.
They've added a sandbox mode in the meantime, IIRC.
I'm fine with a heavily scripted campaign. Bought it.
Now I only to find time...
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 11, 2019, 08:19:19 AM
I like the new Anno but it gets crazy complicated once you get new world islands.
Quote from: Tamas on September 11, 2019, 04:55:02 AM
Quote from: Tyr on September 11, 2019, 03:22:19 AM
ubisoft with their horrid steam rip-off "uplay" have launched uplay+
Basically pay £15 a month and get unlimited access to playing a library of games....
Its free for September just so long as you cancel before October. I'm giving the new Anno game a spin.
I've checked out the Ghost Recon beta with it (awesome, I liked Widlands, this is that just better), and now playing The Division 2.
Remember to cancel your subscriptions soon.
Got a reminder set for Saturday.
Quote from: Tyr on September 25, 2019, 09:58:17 AM
Got a reminder set for Saturday.
I just cancelled and it told me my subscription will terminate at the end of the month.
Quote from: garbon on September 26, 2019, 05:09:30 PM
Quote from: Tyr on September 25, 2019, 09:58:17 AM
Got a reminder set for Saturday.
I just cancelled and it told me my subscription will terminate at the end of the month.
Cool, will do it now then, ta.
Is the Anno game worth buying?
I'd say no. Maybe if one had infinite time but I think those days are past most of us. Supply chain gets very complicated, as GF mentioned, once you get a new world island.
Yeah, it looks amazing, and the gameplay is absolutely fine, but it does become a lot to manage. Not on Factorio levels, but I feel it's notably more complex/busywork than the previous titles (though I haven't tried the Sci-Fi versions).
Thanks :)
Far cry 5 finished in time for cancellation.
Wow that ending sucked.
Quote from: Tyr on September 29, 2019, 05:36:47 AM
Far cry 5 finished in time for cancellation.
Wow that ending sucked.
The whole game sucked. Who thought it was a good idea for the player to get kidnapped 9 times? I never finished it, some sort of error caused a blue screen of death. I took this as a sign and uninstalled the damn thing.
Quote from: Razgovory on September 29, 2019, 08:44:31 PM
Quote from: Tyr on September 29, 2019, 05:36:47 AM
Far cry 5 finished in time for cancellation.
Wow that ending sucked.
The whole game sucked. Who thought it was a good idea for the player to get kidnapped 9 times? I never finished it, some sort of error caused a blue screen of death. I took this as a sign and uninstalled the damn thing.
Yeah, that was stupid. Once, OK, fine. But that it happened every bloody time you levelled up your threat level...Jesus. What sort of amateur are we dealing with here.
I liked the game a lot in general though, putting aside the main story. It had cool Red Dawn/Rambo vibes.
Company of Heroes 2 is free on Steam atm, and its DLCs are at -75%.
Battletech is on sale...
Late to the party, but I'd recommend Battletech. There are loads of mods out there and the gameplay is pretty fun if repetitive.
Very repetitive. And slow. Its OK. But not brilliant.
Thinking about getting Pathfinder: Kingmaker in the Steam sale - but I am reading a bunch of negative reviews.
So I come to the people I trust, what say you?
Is there a "no fucking hentai" search option on Steam? This is getting fucking ridiculous.
I think most Hentai has some fucking, so that's a pretty narrow category you are looking for.
Quote from: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on November 29, 2019, 06:52:24 PM
Is there a "no fucking hentai" search option on Steam? This is getting fucking ridiculous.
Too right brother, the place is awash with the stuff.
I wonder if there's any way of excluding the 'publishers' from search results?
Quote from: crazy canuck on November 29, 2019, 03:30:11 PM
Thinking about getting Pathfinder: Kingmaker in the Steam sale - but I am reading a bunch of negative reviews.
So I come to the people I trust, what say you?
It was a buggy unfinished mess on release, it got considerably better with patches, although I haven't finished it yet. It's certainly enjoyable if you're into the genre.
i've liked it, but very early in the game.
Many thanks
I had some fun puttering around with it. Tried a few classes for the first couple of levels - Monk - scale fist; Paladin; Cleric; Sylvan Sorcerer. Want to try a wizard next but I am wondering whether I should go back to either a tank or the Cleric - for the persuasion and perception, both of which seem to be key in this game.
Epic games store (yeah, I know) is apparently doing regular give aways to try and tempt people onboard. No need to pay anything, its free to make an account, but free Assassins Creed Syndicate at the moment
Quote from: frunk on November 29, 2019, 07:15:33 PM
I think most Hentai has some fucking, so that's a pretty narrow category you are looking for.
The main thing that bugs me about their store search is that there isn't an exclude function (that I know of). The ability to simply exclude nsfw or early access would be awesome.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on February 25, 2020, 01:42:28 AM
Quote from: frunk on November 29, 2019, 07:15:33 PM
I think most Hentai has some fucking, so that's a pretty narrow category you are looking for.
The main thing that bugs me about their store search is that there isn't an exclude function (that I know of). The ability to simply exclude nsfw or early access would be awesome.
Pretty sure I have seen exclude NSFW for somewhere.
it may be a more permanent setting somewhere under your profile rather than a search filter.
HOI IV is on sale for $16. Never pulled the trigger on that. Should I do so now?
Quote from: Berkut on February 25, 2020, 08:51:17 AM
HOI IV is on sale for $16. Never pulled the trigger on that. Should I do so now?
If you want to play with some nice graphics and some really interesting design ideas, then yes. If you want to play a WW2 game with a functional AI, then no.
Quote from: Tamas on February 25, 2020, 08:56:07 AM
Quote from: Berkut on February 25, 2020, 08:51:17 AM
HOI IV is on sale for $16. Never pulled the trigger on that. Should I do so now?
If you want to play with some nice graphics and some really interesting design ideas, then yes. If you want to play a WW2 game with a functional AI, then no.
If you micromanage you will crush the AI almost every time. I've found it best to take a high level manager's route, which gives a challenging game as the AI fights against the AI at the local level.
If you'll be driven crazy by your subordinate AI doing stupid things and/or don't want to put in the time to figure out how to give general orders to get them to mostly do what you need then it may not be ideal.
Is France viable or do they collapse almost guaranteed? I know Poland was generally always a lost cause in prior iterations and the same with France, but those are my two favorite options.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on February 26, 2020, 05:04:19 PM
Is France viable or do they collapse almost guaranteed? I know Poland was generally always a lost cause in prior iterations and the same with France, but those are my two favorite options.
I remember watching a let's play by Marbozir early on, in which he did quite well as Poland.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on February 26, 2020, 05:04:19 PM
Is France viable or do they collapse almost guaranteed? I know Poland was generally always a lost cause in prior iterations and the same with France, but those are my two favorite options.
I've played quite successfully as France, never tried Poland.
Quote from: Tamas on February 25, 2020, 08:56:07 AM
Quote from: Berkut on February 25, 2020, 08:51:17 AM
HOI IV is on sale for $16. Never pulled the trigger on that. Should I do so now?
If you want to play with some nice graphics and some really interesting design ideas, then yes. If you want to play a WW2 game with a functional AI, then no.
What would you recommend at that strategic level?
Quote from: celedhring on February 27, 2020, 10:33:59 AM
Quote from: Tamas on February 25, 2020, 08:56:07 AM
Quote from: Berkut on February 25, 2020, 08:51:17 AM
HOI IV is on sale for $16. Never pulled the trigger on that. Should I do so now?
If you want to play with some nice graphics and some really interesting design ideas, then yes. If you want to play a WW2 game with a functional AI, then no.
What would you recommend at that strategic level?
I think the only alternatives are Strategic Command and Warplan. I was involved with both to some degree, so it wouldn't be very ethical to recommend, I guess. :)
But still: SC is prettier than Warplan and is more scripted toward historical strategic outcomes. Warplan has far fewer historical events but IMHO it has a bit more modern UI, and a better naval system. Despite having the better UI (and a pretty good AI), Warplan feels more like a boardgame on PC, I guess.
Thanks! I'll look those up.
Quote from: celedhring on February 27, 2020, 10:50:18 AM
Thanks! I'll look those up.
It is worth noting that both of those games are primarily wargames, and have nowhere near HOI4's level of sandboxy diplomatic or political options. There are diplomacy in the games (and research), they work quite ok I think, too, but they are super-abstracted and serve as a background for fighting WW2.
Speaking of Warplan - I wonder if Berkut ever tried it out.
Quote from: frunk on February 25, 2020, 09:43:18 PM
If you micromanage you will crush the AI almost every time. I've found it best to take a high level manager's route, which gives a challenging game as the AI fights against the AI at the local level.
If you'll be driven crazy by your subordinate AI doing stupid things and/or don't want to put in the time to figure out how to give general orders to get them to mostly do what you need then it may not be ideal.
Agreed. I think the game is amusing enough on the strategic level to be worth playing, but the only tactical-level stuff you need to watch out for is when, inevitably, your allies follow up every success you have by flooding the area to fill all the airbases so full they are useless, and use up so much supply that your troops are at 40% attrition levels. If you are allied to the Brits, you need to pull out as soon as they show up, because they drag in all of their empire buddies (who would rather fuck up your advance than defend their homelands).
One of the reasons France falls so quickly when run by the AI is because their army gets sent to Poland, then cut off and destroyed.
XCOM 2 and expansions are on GOG from today, and for the next 14 days will be at considerable discount (the full packet will be on sale at € 22.35, but only if you buy everything).
I loved XCOM and Enemy Within, but Inever tried XCOM 2: is it worth the money and time?
Quote from: Pedrito on March 16, 2020, 12:56:16 PM
XCOM 2 and expansions are on GOG from today, and for the next 14 days will be at considerable discount (the full packet will be on sale at € 22.35, but only if you buy everything).
I loved XCOM and Enemy Within, but Inever tried XCOM 2: is it worth the money and time?
Oh hells yeah. Much better than XCOM, even. Play it first WITHOUT the big expansion pack. But then get the expansion pack. It's awesome.
Quote from: Tamas on March 16, 2020, 02:29:04 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on March 16, 2020, 12:56:16 PM
XCOM 2 and expansions are on GOG from today, and for the next 14 days will be at considerable discount (the full packet will be on sale at € 22.35, but only if you buy everything).
I loved XCOM and Enemy Within, but Inever tried XCOM 2: is it worth the money and time?
Oh hells yeah. Much better than XCOM, even. Play it first WITHOUT the big expansion pack. But then get the expansion pack. It's awesome.
What about the other DLC?
Quote from: Berkut on March 16, 2020, 05:44:04 PM
Quote from: Tamas on March 16, 2020, 02:29:04 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on March 16, 2020, 12:56:16 PM
XCOM 2 and expansions are on GOG from today, and for the next 14 days will be at considerable discount (the full packet will be on sale at € 22.35, but only if you buy everything).
I loved XCOM and Enemy Within, but Inever tried XCOM 2: is it worth the money and time?
Oh hells yeah. Much better than XCOM, even. Play it first WITHOUT the big expansion pack. But then get the expansion pack. It's awesome.
What about the other DLC?
I downloaded it and started playing a little.
It looks pretty cool, but I have to say, the lack of any intro story is baffling. You just kind of show up and I guess the aliens have taken over the earth? Seems like maybe they should tell me about that...
Quote from: Tamas on March 16, 2020, 02:29:04 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on March 16, 2020, 12:56:16 PM
XCOM 2 and expansions are on GOG from today, and for the next 14 days will be at considerable discount (the full packet will be on sale at € 22.35, but only if you buy everything).
I loved XCOM and Enemy Within, but Inever tried XCOM 2: is it worth the money and time?
Oh hells yeah. Much better than XCOM, even. Play it first WITHOUT the big expansion pack. But then get the expansion pack. It's awesome.
The expansion pack continues beyond the end game rather than adding to the existing campaign?
I played the core game but never got the expansion
Quote from: Tyr on March 17, 2020, 04:22:21 AM
The expansion pack continues beyond the end game rather than adding to the existing campaign?
I played the core game but never got the expansion
War of the Chosen adds to it, IIRC. But a whole bloody lot.
I bought the bundle (when I added everything to my cart, it kind of ignored the individual item costs and just charged me $27, so quite a steal). But it seemed like when I started, I was forced into the War of the Chosen content. I think. I tried turning it all off, but I never got any kind of basic intro or story.
War of the Chosen ramps up the difficulty quite significantly imho.
So can you play it without War of the Chosen first, if you have the expansion already?
Quote from: Solmyr on March 18, 2020, 06:11:13 AM
So can you play it without War of the Chosen first, if you have the expansion already?
IIRC yes. And you should.
FM 2020 free for a week or so
Quote from: Tamas on March 18, 2020, 07:32:58 AM
Quote from: Solmyr on March 18, 2020, 06:11:13 AM
So can you play it without War of the Chosen first, if you have the expansion already?
IIRC yes. And you should.
I'm really not getting why. It seems to be extras for the main game rather than an addition to the main campaign.
Unless you fancy playing the whole thing twice?
Quote from: Tyr on March 18, 2020, 12:59:01 PM
Quote from: Tamas on March 18, 2020, 07:32:58 AM
Quote from: Solmyr on March 18, 2020, 06:11:13 AM
So can you play it without War of the Chosen first, if you have the expansion already?
IIRC yes. And you should.
I'm really not getting why. It seems to be extras for the main game rather than an addition to the main campaign.
Unless you fancy playing the whole thing twice?
War of the Chosen turns it into a new game, so effectively if you play the vanilla campaign first you get twice as much mileage out of the game.
WoC is far harder and you have way more things to manage.
You don't HAVE to play the vanilla version to completion but you should try.
I cannot even figure out how to turn off war of the chosen.
Quote from: Berkut on March 18, 2020, 03:22:17 PM
I cannot even figure out how to turn off war of the chosen.
Can't you choose which version to launch, at start?
Quote from: celedhring on November 30, 2019, 04:53:00 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on November 29, 2019, 03:30:11 PM
Thinking about getting Pathfinder: Kingmaker in the Steam sale - but I am reading a bunch of negative reviews.
So I come to the people I trust, what say you?
It was a buggy unfinished mess on release, it got considerably better with patches, although I haven't finished it yet. It's certainly enjoyable if you're into the genre.
Any update on this? It's on sale today for $16....
Quote from: Berkut on March 19, 2020, 03:20:33 PM
Quote from: celedhring on November 30, 2019, 04:53:00 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on November 29, 2019, 03:30:11 PM
Thinking about getting Pathfinder: Kingmaker in the Steam sale - but I am reading a bunch of negative reviews.
So I come to the people I trust, what say you?
It was a buggy unfinished mess on release, it got considerably better with patches, although I haven't finished it yet. It's certainly enjoyable if you're into the genre.
Any update on this? It's on sale today for $16....
I enjoyed it. The bugs seemed to have been fixed.
Yeah I've liked it
Is there a lot of story/rp aspects or is it more focused on fighting?
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 19, 2020, 08:13:49 PM
Is there a lot of story/rp aspects or is it more focused on fighting?
It is story driven, decisions determine story paths and have effects on the types of encounters you will have. There is also alignment restrictions from the rule set. Most of the rule set was incorporated into the game.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 20, 2020, 08:03:22 AM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 19, 2020, 08:13:49 PM
Is there a lot of story/rp aspects or is it more focused on fighting?
It is story driven, decisions determine story paths and have effects on the types of encounters you will have. There is also alignment restrictions from the rule set. Most of the rule set was incorporated into the game.
Nice! :w00t:
Tomb Raider is free on Steam until Monday (you keep it if you add it to your library now). Also its two sequels are at a heavy discount.
Region of Ruins is free on Steam at the moment, it's a bit like last/lost Kingdom, sideways scroller but with RPG and strategy elements thrown in.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/680360/Regions_Of_Ruin/ (https://store.steampowered.com/app/680360/Regions_Of_Ruin/)
well it was free last night, I just ignored the price tag and then signed into my account, which then gave me the option to add to account rather than buy.
Star Control Origins on Humble Bundle now.
It gets a lot of flack, and its not Star Control 2, but I really enjoyed it.
Plague Inc. is 60% off on steam at 5.99 Euro. Just bought it.
Northgard is fee to play on Steam for the next 2/3 days.
Quote from: Tamas on March 18, 2020, 03:38:19 PM
Quote from: Berkut on March 18, 2020, 03:22:17 PM
I cannot even figure out how to turn off war of the chosen.
Can't you choose which version to launch, at start?
Yes. The launcher has both options.
Total War: Shogun 2 is free on Steam at the moment.
Quote from: Solmyr on April 28, 2020, 02:31:13 AM
Total War: Shogun 2 is free on Steam at the moment.
Nice find Solmyr. :cheers:
Yeah, thanks dude! :)
1. Rise of the Tomb Raider
2. Just Cause 3
3. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
4. Life is Strange: Complete Season
5. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
6. Tomb Raider (2013)
7. Tomb Raider I
8. Tomb Raider II
9. Tomb Raider III
10. Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation
11. Tomb Raider V Chronicles
12. Tomb Raider VI: The Angel of Darkness
13. Tomb Raider Legend
14. Tomb Raider Anniversary
15. Tomb Raider Underworld
16. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
17. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
18. Just Cause
19. Just Cause 2
20. Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
21. Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
22. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
23. Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
24. Deus Ex: Invisible War
25. Deus Ex: The Fall
26. Thief
27. Thief: Deadly Shadows
28. Thief II: The Metal Age
29. Thief Gold
30. Battlestations: Pacific
31. Battlestations: Midway
32. Project Snowblind
33. Mini Ninjas
34. Order of War
35. Flora's Fruit Farm
36. Supreme Commander 2
37. Conflict: Desert Storm
38. Conflict: Denied Ops
39. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
40. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
41. Legacy of Kain: Defiance
42. Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain
43. Dungeon Siege
44. Dungeon Siege II
45. Dungeon Siege III
46. Anachronox
47. Pandemonium
48. Deathtrap Dungeon
49. Daikatana
50. Omikron: The Nomad Soul
51. Goetia
52. Hitman GO: Definitive Edition
53. Lara Croft GO
54. The Turing Test
For 38,30€
ashes of singularity
for free, 22 hours left at posting
If you don't fear Epic, I believe they still have on their free giveaway of GTAV
Star Traders Frontiers is on sale on steam - 40% off
Got this email from the Total War website:
Mark your calendars because A Total War Saga: TROY will be FREE to claim for 24 hours from the Epic store on August 13. Check your inbox as we countdown the days until release!
Epic is putting out stuff that is very tempting...
I've claimed a bunch of epic stuff. Yet to actually install any of it though
Is the Total War Troy game going to feature a single province which takes 10 turns to besiege? I hope so :mad:
Quote from: Solmyr on June 02, 2020, 02:38:42 PM
Got this email from the Total War website:
Mark your calendars because A Total War Saga: TROY will be FREE to claim for 24 hours from the Epic store on August 13. Check your inbox as we countdown the days until release!
I think they are expecting poor sales for the Troy game. Nobody seems to like it. It caters to neither people interested in the Bronze age or people who are interested in the Greek myths. Instead it looks more like Hollywood fantasy with out the fantastic elements.
I haven't followed its development at all.
But the melding of fantasy and history seemed to work well for them with three kingdoms. Maybe with this they're effectively doing Rome 3 but with an earlier start date and fantasy elements?
I guess the name troy they figured sold better than illiad or greece or whatever, and didn't they already have sparta?
Quote from: Tyr on June 03, 2020, 03:54:40 PM
I haven't followed its development at all.
But the melding of fantasy and history seemed to work well for them with three kingdoms. Maybe with this they're effectively doing Rome 3 but with an earlier start date and fantasy elements?
I guess the name troy they figured sold better than illiad or greece or whatever, and didn't they already have sparta?
I don't think so, this was supposed be like their Britannia game, a narrow time period and geography. But it looks like they thought bringing in the leader elements from three kingdoms would work well with the bronze age hero concept. As Raz says, it also looks like they missed the mark by making a game that was true to neither myth nor history.
I haven't watched much of it, but the little I did see looked like the movie Troy which wasn't very good when it was released. In other words the game looks bland and generic.
That is too bad. I was thinking of getting it if it turned out to be a good bronze age game.
Was Troy a popular film in China?
Some research and I note a lot of Chinese language material about. Guessing 3 kingdoms may have done well there.
Quote from: Tyr on June 04, 2020, 03:07:04 AM
Was Troy a popular film in China?
Some research and I note a lot of Chinese language material about. Guessing 3 kingdoms may have done well there.
But isn't the game heretical? China is one and undivided!
I liked the Achaeans' armor & helmets and seeing figure-of-8 shields. It's good to see they don't merely look like classical hoplites.
I'm not too sure there can be enough troop variety in such a game though. But I do think focusing on the heroes could make it more interesting.
QuoteWe live in a time of racial injustice, inequality, and police brutality against black people. We hope that everyone takes a stand in any way that they can. We've partnered with creators from all across our platform to support organizations that are working directly with those affected.
We reached out to our community and an unprecedented number of creators donated over 740 projects to be part of what we believe is the largest bundle ever. Over $3,400 of paid works are available Pay-what-you-want with a minimum donation amount of $5.
All proceeds will donated to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund split 50/50.
Please note: No Steam (or other external keys) will be given for bundle purchases. Only direct downloads will be available on the itch.io page.
If you're looking for more ways to help try here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
I was expecting to see Tonight We Riot in there and wasn't disappointed. :lol:
Quote from: Solmyr on June 04, 2020, 09:46:24 AM
Quote from: Tyr on June 04, 2020, 03:07:04 AM
Was Troy a popular film in China?
Some research and I note a lot of Chinese language material about. Guessing 3 kingdoms may have done well there.
But isn't the game heretical? China is one and undivided!
Iirc stuff set in a historic period of division is OK so long as it presents this as a bad and unnatural thing and the heroes strive towards reunification.
Quote from: Tyr on June 06, 2020, 08:51:31 AM
Quote from: Solmyr on June 04, 2020, 09:46:24 AM
Quote from: Tyr on June 04, 2020, 03:07:04 AM
Was Troy a popular film in China?
Some research and I note a lot of Chinese language material about. Guessing 3 kingdoms may have done well there.
But isn't the game heretical? China is one and undivided!
Iirc stuff set in a historic period of division is OK so long as it presents this as a bad and unnatural thing and the heroes strive towards reunification.
Yeah, I see that theme a lot in Chinese films set in ancient times. Also the "the good emperor is being tricked by evil advisors so all of this shit isn't his fault".
Quote from: celedhring on June 06, 2020, 09:01:46 AM
Yeah, I see that theme a lot in Chinese films set in ancient times. Also the "the good emperor is being tricked by evil advisors so all of this shit isn't his fault".
"The empire long united must divide, long divided must unite; this is how it has always been."
Quote from: Sheilbh on June 06, 2020, 10:15:54 AM
Quote from: celedhring on June 06, 2020, 09:01:46 AM
Yeah, I see that theme a lot in Chinese films set in ancient times. Also the "the good emperor is being tricked by evil advisors so all of this shit isn't his fault".
"The empire long united must divide, long divided must unite; this is how it has always been."
Manchu rule is only a temporary aberration.
Quote from: Syt on June 06, 2020, 08:31:44 AM
QuoteWe live in a time of racial injustice, inequality, and police brutality against black people. We hope that everyone takes a stand in any way that they can. We've partnered with creators from all across our platform to support organizations that are working directly with those affected.
We reached out to our community and an unprecedented number of creators donated over 740 projects to be part of what we believe is the largest bundle ever. Over $3,400 of paid works are available Pay-what-you-want with a minimum donation amount of $5.
All proceeds will donated to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund split 50/50.
Please note: No Steam (or other external keys) will be given for bundle purchases. Only direct downloads will be available on the itch.io page.
If you're looking for more ways to help try here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
They added to the package, so it's now well over 1,000 items. https://itch.io/b/520/bundle-for-racial-justice-and-equality
Includes some indie darlings like Night in the Woods, Nuclear Throne, Oxenfree, Astrologaster (a fun game about being a physician in 16th century London), Celeste, Minit, Walden, Hidden Folks, Death & Taxes, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Heavy Bullets, The Real Texas, Paranautical Activity, or Silk, a tile based trading/RPG game set along the silk road in 200 AD oni which I had my eyes for a while: https://huey.itch.io/silk
The bundle also has some assorted nicknack, like RPG rulebooks, some soundtracks, some game making assets, but mostly it's a metric ton of indie games.
Gave it a go. Recommendations to try first?
Eye of the Beholder trilogy is free on GOG.
Steam Summer Sale went live a few hours ago.
Anyone here ever play Torment: Tides of Numenara? It's cheap now and I just beat D:OS2 so I need a new RPG to play.
So I'm pulling the trigger on Stellaris. Base game is 75% off. If I bundle with the DLC I get those for 50% off. Which should I go for?
Since I'm doing a space 4X jag I'll probably also get the 2016 Master of Orion for $10. Worth it?
I am debating grabbing Strategic Command: WW1.
Quote from: Caliga on June 25, 2020, 04:30:07 PM
Steam Summer Sale went live a few hours ago.
Anyone here ever play Torment: Tides of Numenara? It's cheap now and I just beat D:OS2 so I need a new RPG to play.
I think you'll like it. I only played like 1 hour of it but it seems a right game for you.
Quote from: frunk on June 25, 2020, 07:28:12 PM
So I'm pulling the trigger on Stellaris. Base game is 75% off. If I bundle with the DLC I get those for 50% off. Which should I go for?
Since I'm doing a space 4X jag I'll probably also get the 2016 Master of Orion for $10. Worth it?
This article is a good overview for Stellaris DLC: https://www.strategygamer.com/articles/stellaris-dlc-buying-guide/
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 25, 2020, 10:42:47 PM
Quote from: Caliga on June 25, 2020, 04:30:07 PM
Steam Summer Sale went live a few hours ago.
Anyone here ever play Torment: Tides of Numenara? It's cheap now and I just beat D:OS2 so I need a new RPG to play.
I think you'll like it. I only played like 1 hour of it but it seems a right game for you.
why'd you only play it for an hour?
I'm thinking about getting ME: Andromeda since I loved the original trilogy so much and a bunch of people on here (AmScip, etc.) said Andromeda was also good, despite the horrid reviews.
But... even though it's on Steam now, it sounds like you still need to run Origin to play it? Huh? I don't like Origin and actually I recently uninstalled it.
What's the feeling about Field of Glory: Empires? I have the port of the miniatures game so I can get a double discount.
You could try the thread on it?
Quote from: Caliga on June 25, 2020, 11:32:37 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 25, 2020, 10:42:47 PM
Quote from: Caliga on June 25, 2020, 04:30:07 PM
Steam Summer Sale went live a few hours ago.
Anyone here ever play Torment: Tides of Numenara? It's cheap now and I just beat D:OS2 so I need a new RPG to play.
I think you'll like it. I only played like 1 hour of it but it seems a right game for you.
why'd you only play it for an hour?
Those kind of game are not for me.
Is Steel Division 2 any good? Will it scratch my Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin itch? And yes I know that Steel Division 2 is an RTS.
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on June 26, 2020, 11:57:00 AM
What's the feeling about Field of Glory: Empires? I have the port of the miniatures game so I can get a double discount.
Highly recommended
Quote from: garbon on June 26, 2020, 11:57:47 AM
You could try the thread on it?
And thanks cc
Quote from: The Brain on June 26, 2020, 12:36:38 PM
Is Steel Division 2 any good? Will it scratch my Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin itch? And yes I know that Steel Division 2 is an RTS.
From what I've seen of the game it looks like playing a Combat Mission game at triple speed and a lot more gamey. Check Graviteam Tactics: Mius Front instead (there's let's plays and tutorials on YouTube).
Quote from: Syt on June 26, 2020, 10:37:19 PM
Quote from: The Brain on June 26, 2020, 12:36:38 PM
Is Steel Division 2 any good? Will it scratch my Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin itch? And yes I know that Steel Division 2 is an RTS.
From what I've seen of the game it looks like playing a Combat Mission game at triple speed and a lot more gamey. Check Graviteam Tactics: Mius Front instead (there's let's plays and tutorials on YouTube).
Thanks. I've been eyeing Mius Front for years but haven't pulled the trigger. I'll look at it again.
Compared to CM games, the Graviteam games are a bit more hands off with less direct control once combat starts; positioning is more important. The best about their campaigns is the lack of script. You're not sure what a battle will look like - you may send overwhelming numbers against a small token force, run past the enemy in the forst during the night, or get caught with your pants down by a major attack where you only have a small handful of defenders. And because of that no "gamey" scenario design where you can guess at the scenario designer's goals/tricks.
I had some of my favorite WW2 gaming memories in it. Like a desperate defense against an infantry attack across a frozen ford, and sending my under-strength Pz-III column to protect the flank from Soviet armor with my last tank taking out three enemies. An enemy tank hit by my fire, but it keeps trundling forward, so you're not sure it's actually disabled (till it drives into a ditch) - after the battle I saw that my first hit took it out, but it just kept rumbling along. My infantry making desperate attacks against a tracked Soviet tank with little success. There's a lot of little emergent stuff like that. Not to mention the wrecks of the tanks and corpses of my and enemy soldiers being persistent and remaining on the field in later skirmishes in the campaign in the same sector.
Sample gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRDGVc54CP0
I still have trouble with ordering arty and handling supply/reinforcements after combat, though. :blush:
Oh, a bit of a warning, though. The dev studio is quite small, with a niche audience, so they don't have many resources, which limits their scope. They said adding new vehicles (3D model, vehicle physics etc.) is one of the biggest constraints they face. They're from Kharkov IIRC, so the mostly focus on the fighting in that area 1943/43. Their dev said on the Steam forums that he has little to no interest in any WW2 scenarios beyond 1943 - so no Bagration or Seelow Heights scenarios are likely to come.
They worked with Strategy First to release a North African set game. It's "more of the same", but even though it's set in the more diverse Tunisian landscape (as opposed to the pretty featureless Western Desert), I find the terrain quite dull. But you get US units, so there's that. I would love them to do a Bulge campaign, but I think that's very unlikely to come.
I wouldn't buy Operation Star - most scenarios/DLCs (with some exceptions, like the fictional Iran-USSR clas in Afghanistan) have been carried over. Unless there's a scenario from the older game you're desperate to play. They do have some oddball DLC, though. For Mius Front there's two packs based on the 1987 Bush War in Angola, featuring South African and UNITA forces. There's also one about the 1969 border clashes between USSR and China. And they like scenarios with lend lease units like the Sherman or Churchill-II.
I shouldn't buy games though FOG Empires does increasingly tempt me.
Whats the relation with FOG 2? Completely separate games or there's some interplay there? The Persia expansion at all worth it? Just noicing offers around it.
Quote from: Tyr on June 27, 2020, 11:42:29 AM
I shouldn't buy games though FOG Empires does increasingly tempt me.
Whats the relation with FOG 2? Completely separate games or there's some interplay there? The Persia expansion at all worth it? Just noicing offers around it.
Separate games but you can resolve Empire battles using FOG 2.
Early on that is what I did, but since they have improved the ingame battle resolution I have just been playing Empires as a stand alone as it is quite good.
Persia is definitely worth it. It adds a lot - for example each faction plays quite differently. It is a different experience from the base game.
Since they were both on sale I got both Steel Division 2 and Mius Front. Let the best game win. :)
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 27, 2020, 11:59:11 AM
Quote from: Tyr on June 27, 2020, 11:42:29 AM
I shouldn't buy games though FOG Empires does increasingly tempt me.
Whats the relation with FOG 2? Completely separate games or there's some interplay there? The Persia expansion at all worth it? Just noicing offers around it.
Separate games but you can resolve Empire battles using FOG 2.
Early on that is what I did, but since they have improved the ingame battle resolution I have just been playing Empires as a stand alone as it is quite good.
Persia is definitely worth it. It adds a lot - for example each faction plays quite differently. It is a different experience from the base game.
So without FOG2 the battles in Empires are EU style, with its more Total War?
Is FOG Empires strictly Roman and such?
Quote from: Tyr on June 27, 2020, 02:47:34 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 27, 2020, 11:59:11 AM
Quote from: Tyr on June 27, 2020, 11:42:29 AM
I shouldn't buy games though FOG Empires does increasingly tempt me.
Whats the relation with FOG 2? Completely separate games or there's some interplay there? The Persia expansion at all worth it? Just noicing offers around it.
Separate games but you can resolve Empire battles using FOG 2.
Early on that is what I did, but since they have improved the ingame battle resolution I have just been playing Empires as a stand alone as it is quite good.
Persia is definitely worth it. It adds a lot - for example each faction plays quite differently. It is a different experience from the base game.
So without FOG2 the battles in Empires are EU style, with its more Total War?
More leaning toward EU style, you don't move the units around the battlefield but you see the battlefield and how each unit performs. The makeup of your army is critical.
Quote from: Berkut on June 28, 2020, 12:24:39 AM
Is FOG Empires strictly Roman and such?
It is a time period game, so everything from the Roman period is in and same with the Persian DLC. The game does a good job of dealing with the Helenic world as Rome emerges. The Persian DLC does a great job simulating the rise of the Persian empire.
I'm looking at Armored Brigade on Steam. 28 bucks. Anyone play this? Doesn't Tamas work for Matrix Games or something?
Quote from: Razgovory on June 28, 2020, 05:54:39 PM
I'm looking at Armored Brigade on Steam. 28 bucks. Anyone play this? Doesn't Tamas work for Matrix Games or something?
Not since end of last year, no :p
Armored Brigade is pretty neat and can be quite fun but it does require some interest in Cold War era tactical warfare.
Quote from: The Brain on June 27, 2020, 12:57:34 PM
Since they were both on sale I got both Steel Division 2 and Mius Front. Let the best game win. :)
Any opinions?
Quote from: Syt on July 20, 2020, 02:20:50 PM
Quote from: The Brain on June 27, 2020, 12:57:34 PM
Since they were both on sale I got both Steel Division 2 and Mius Front. Let the best game win. :)
Any opinions?
Haven't really gotten to playing yet. -_-
Total War: Troy is out and free on Epic Games for the next 24 hours.
Quote from: Solmyr on August 13, 2020, 08:15:16 AM
Total War: Troy is out and free on Epic Games for the next 24 hours.
I am going to grab it because why not but I must say I am extremely uninterested in the topic.
I'm extremely interested in the topic (and wish there were more Bronze Age games ... hoping for a Field of Glory Empires expansion ... or army lists for FOG2), and while the reviews aren't horrible, they also don't seem to be great. Basically it seems good, but not as good as Three Kingdoms or Warhammer II.
That said, I broke down and have now registered with Epic to claim this game. :blush:
Quote from: Syt on August 13, 2020, 08:25:20 AM
I'm extremely interested in the topic (and wish there were more Bronze Age games ... hoping for a Field of Glory Empires expansion ... or army lists for FOG2), and while the reviews aren't horrible, they also don't seem to be great. Basically it seems good, but not as good as Three Kingdoms or Warhammer II.
That said, I broke down and have now registered with Epic to claim this game. :blush:
Epic is great for collecting free games and never playing them.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 13, 2020, 08:32:59 AM
Quote from: Syt on August 13, 2020, 08:25:20 AM
I'm extremely interested in the topic (and wish there were more Bronze Age games ... hoping for a Field of Glory Empires expansion ... or army lists for FOG2), and while the reviews aren't horrible, they also don't seem to be great. Basically it seems good, but not as good as Three Kingdoms or Warhammer II.
That said, I broke down and have now registered with Epic to claim this game. :blush:
Epic is great for collecting free games and never playing them.
I have 35 games in my Epic library, never played them :lol:
In fairness, I'd like to try Kingdom Come at some point.
Quote from: celedhring on August 13, 2020, 08:41:16 AM
In fairness, I'd like to try Kingdom Come at some point.
It has a naive teenage boy's view of Medieval times, which is a bit frustrating as it prides itself on authenticity, but otherwise I enjoyed my time with it. The bad guys are swearing in actual Hungarian.
Quote from: Syt on August 13, 2020, 08:25:20 AM
That said, I broke down and have now registered with Epic to claim this game. :blush:
I did too. :hug:
I almost bought Kingdom Come last steam sale but I was reading the recent customer reviews and they were saying it as still buggy and broken.
Quote from: Razgovory on August 13, 2020, 10:09:32 AM
I almost bought Kingdom Come last steam sale but I was reading the recent customer reviews and they were saying it as still buggy and broken.
It is still really good though. Next time there is a sale you might pick it up if the price is right.
I dunno, I never finished it. I thought I would like the 'hardcore' history of the game but I felt like combat and shit was pretty boring since, well, there's no magic. :blush:
I mean, I downloaded Epic just to grab it for free. Not sure if I'll actually play it, but having the option is nice if the game turns out not to suck.
Oh, it's definitely worth checking out, it just didn't hold my interest long-term.
Quote from: garbon on August 13, 2020, 09:19:16 AM
Quote from: Syt on August 13, 2020, 08:25:20 AM
That said, I broke down and have now registered with Epic to claim this game. :blush:
I did too. :hug:
And on that same day, Apple and Epic gear up for battle.
Yeah, I'll get a spin.
Today is first day that you can get the Amazons DLC for free for Troy if you have that Total War Access account.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is currently free to keep on Steam if you snatch it before October 19th.
Quote from: Syt on October 10, 2020, 10:10:00 AM
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is currently free to keep on Steam if you snatch it before October 19th.
The little intro movie and the room menu thing is pretty neat. Only problem is that the game isn't quite as fun for me as it was back in 1993. :(
If anyone is looking for a kind of blend of Megaman with bits of Metroid, there's a free game called Hargrave on Steam:
Quote from: Syt on October 10, 2020, 10:10:00 AM
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is currently free to keep on Steam if you snatch it before October 19th.
Following on this, worth checking steam this weekend.
Free yakuza/streets of rage mashup game sounds interesting.
Yes, I noticed they seem to be releasing a free game per day or so.
Relive our shared glory days! Europa Universalis II is free on gog.com! https://www.gog.com/game/europa_universalis_ii
EU2 multiplayer game when? :P
Also, lots of Fallout discounts on GG: https://www.gamersgate.com/campaign/id/13841/
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on October 20, 2020, 02:01:21 PM
Relive our shared glory days! Europa Universalis II is free on gog.com! https://www.gog.com/game/europa_universalis_ii
Nice find.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on October 20, 2020, 02:01:21 PM
Relive our shared glory days! Europa Universalis II is free on gog.com! https://www.gog.com/game/europa_universalis_ii
Ah, looking at those screenshots it reminds me of the days when Europa Universalis had a reasonable number of provinces.
Far Cry 5 is 12 euros on Steam right now. So far I've enjoyed the series so I got it downloading now.
Mirrorsoft DOS bundle on Steam:
Has Annals of Rome, Bombuzal, Austerlitz, Waterloo, Conflict Europe (which I played as Theatre Europe on C64), Power Struggle, Bloodwych, Battle Master, and others. Except Conflict: Europe they're all discounted 65% if you're only interested in a few titles.
Quote from: Ancient Demon on October 25, 2020, 01:45:29 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on October 20, 2020, 02:01:21 PM
Relive our shared glory days! Europa Universalis II is free on gog.com! https://www.gog.com/game/europa_universalis_ii
Ah, looking at those screenshots it reminds me of the days when Europa Universalis had a reasonable number of provinces.
You could finish a whole game in a couple days instead of it being a weeks long commitment. Those were the days.
If you don't have it yet, Kingdom is free.
Fun little game.
For one week from now Elite: Dangerous with all the DLC will be free on the Epic Store.
It's a good way to get an account to play the game, or for those already having it, to get a second account for a different career path.
I tried Elite. The tutorial was good fun but then I'm confronted at the mission board where none of the transport mission I can do in 1 go or have any idea where to start for the other ones. I was overwhelmed & quit.
Steam sale is running right now.
One that might be of interest to some people here is Command: Modern Operations, currently 30% off:
(It's still 47,59€, mind you)
Franchise Hockey Manager 6 is on sale for €1.68
Slitherine Holiday Sale is up: https://www.matrixgames.com/inventory/special
Special Woot! buyout of a Napoleonic wargame: GMT Games Commands and Colors: Napoleonics for 43.92 instead of 72.99. I figured some of you grognards might be interested.
Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny are now free on Epic.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on December 10, 2020, 04:27:05 PM
Special Woot! buyout of a Napoleonic wargame: GMT Games Commands and Colors: Napoleonics for 43.92 instead of 72.99. I figured some of you grognards might be interested.
Almost certainly these are remaindered copies of the first edition, so if there were significant changes with later editions you might want to be careful before buying.
They're sold out now, anyway, so no worries there.
Epic Games will have a free game every day for 15 days, starting today: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/news/the-holiday-sale-returns-on-december-17-plus-15-free-games
According to rumors they will be fairly big and newish games, too:
The GOG winter sale is on: https://www.gog.com/
Any recommendations there?
Quote from: Habbaku on December 17, 2020, 09:11:10 AM
Any recommendations there?
Dark Quest 2 is on there for a couple of bucks. :)
This turned up in my inbox today:
DIG Weekly BUNDLE #335 is here for $0.49 with 9 STEAM games
Titles included in the bundle:
Mermaid Land
Welcome To... Chichester OVN : The Beach
Virus Kombat
oldbI tyt
aMAZE Dark Times
Achievement printer part 1
The last soldier
Пацанский цитатник / Russian Test
Just how bad would those 'games' have tp be? :whistle:
That Epic list doesn't seem right. Cities Skylines today.
Yeah, was just a rumor. Still, free games for the next 15 days.
You can get Star Wars Squadrons for $14 on the Epic store because of the seasonal sale and the free $10 coupon.
I also bought Metro Exodus for $6 :cool:
Quote from: FunkMonk on December 19, 2020, 01:39:10 PM
You can get Star Wars Squadrons for $14 on the Epic store because of the seasonal sale and the free $10 coupon.
I also bought Metro Exodus for $6 :cool:
They sell games there? I thought it was just free stuff.
Indeed :lol:
Quote from: Solmyr on December 17, 2020, 02:20:05 PM
Yeah, was just a rumor. Still, free games for the next 15 days.
Thus far, pretty skippable.
Quote from: garbon on December 21, 2020, 03:44:29 AM
Quote from: Solmyr on December 17, 2020, 02:20:05 PM
Yeah, was just a rumor. Still, free games for the next 15 days.
Thus far, pretty skippable.
Cities: Skylines and The Long Dark were pretty good if you didn't have them already.
Alien Isolation today.
I don't do horror games so not sure if I'll ever risk it but it's supposed to be good.
GOG has Metro: Last Light Redux for free if you are subscribed to their newsletter.
Star Wars Battlefront II is free on Epic for a week: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/star-wars-battlefront-2/home
I must have 20 epic games now... never played any.
You don't get games because you play them all, you get them for your gamer collection street cred. :D
Quote from: Tyr on January 15, 2021, 06:49:30 AM
I must have 20 epic games now... never played any.
I played Dauntless with friends as a lockdown activity. It was bland, but OK.
Steam is having a Made in Quebec game sale. Go! Buy something to help Viper, Oex & I local economy.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 28, 2021, 08:05:26 PM
Steam is having a Made in Quebec game sale. Go! Buy something to help Viper, Oex & I local economy.
:hmm: That sounds suspiciously like capitalism. Why would I do that?
Quote from: Habbaku on January 28, 2021, 08:09:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 28, 2021, 08:05:26 PM
Steam is having a Made in Quebec game sale. Go! Buy something to help Viper, Oex & I local economy.
:hmm: That sounds suspiciously like capitalism. Why would I do that?
Because you do that stuff.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 28, 2021, 09:08:24 PM
Quote from: Habbaku on January 28, 2021, 08:09:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 28, 2021, 08:05:26 PM
Steam is having a Made in Quebec game sale. Go! Buy something to help Viper, Oex & I local economy.
:hmm: That sounds suspiciously like capitalism. Why would I do that?
Because you do that stuff.
I recommend Foundation - it is a great builder game :)
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 29, 2021, 11:42:37 AM
I recommend Foundation - it is a great builder game :)
Is Daneel in it? :w00t:
Some additiona old school games brought to GOG, currently discounted: Steel Thunder, Gunboat, and The Train: Escape to Normandy
Quote from: Syt on January 29, 2021, 12:22:23 PM
Wait... The Train is one of my favorite WWII movies, and there's an oldschool game inspired by it? :w00t:
Quote from: celedhring on January 29, 2021, 12:46:17 PM
Quote from: Syt on January 29, 2021, 12:22:23 PM
Wait... The Train is one of my favorite WWII movies, and there's an oldschool game inspired by it? :w00t:
Yes. :)
It looks really really shitty but I might make the plunge for curiosity/nostalgia's sake :lol:
Gunboat I did play quite a bit back in the time. It still gives me PTSD.
I played a lot of Steel Thunder on C64. :)
Not tried it myself yet but you may remember epic battle simulator enjoyed a spell of popularity with silly lets play experiments on YouTube some years ago.
Seems to be free on steam this weekend.
Not only free but it is permanently in your collection if you get it before Feb. 1
At least that is what the fine print presently says...
Great tip Tyr!
Also, seems Plague Inc have released a free expansion where you play the cure side.
I'm not sure about it after a few games. Not as good as the plague side. But worth a look.
Add to your wishlists now:
Quote from: Tyr on February 08, 2021, 06:25:19 AM
Add to your wishlists now:
Can't one just download it direct from the offical website?
I loved Transport Tycoon. :)
Quote from: mongers on February 08, 2021, 08:49:04 PM
Quote from: Tyr on February 08, 2021, 06:25:19 AM
Add to your wishlists now:
Can't one just download it direct from the offical website?
You can. I haven't for a while but keep being tempted.
I'm hopeful though that this could bring a lot of exposure and see some modding and possibly in the future a true sequel?
European Air War, Hyperspeed and Starlord are on GOG:
There's also a list of old school sims etc. currently on sale:
1942: The Pacific Air War, 7th Legion, Across the Rhine, B-17 Flying Fortress, Command HQ, Sword of the Samurai, etc.
OMG European Air War. I have the same dilemma with it like with Tie Fighter. I SO enjoyed it back in the day, I have the bestests of memories. Shall I risk ruining them by revisiting the game? :unsure:
I don't think it ruins your memories. It will make you feel very old & inadequate. It's like watching an old tv show. The show hasn't change, you did.
Slitherine/Matrix sale this weekend on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/slitherine_weekend
What are people's thoughts about the Battlestar Galactica bundle?
I remember Syt saying the game's actually pretty good. I never played it but could be interested myself (but I weirdly have so little time to play games nowadays...)
I've not played much with recent expansions. However, DasTactic did three quick videos on How To Play last year, which might give you a good indication:
He doesn't seem to have a playlist for them, so I post them just here:
Keep in mind that if you look at video let's plays closer to release and before all the DLC was added, menus etc. looked a tad different and were less user friendly in many users' opinion.
Thanks you. The thing I learned from skipping through was that the DLCs are important to get.
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 26, 2021, 09:31:44 AM
Thanks you. The thing I learned from skipping through was that the DLCs are important to get.
I would say so. I'm a completionist when it comes to DLC, but you might want to look at what each one does, and decide whether you want it or not. Most add story missions to the campaigns, but e.g. Anabasis adds a new game mode. This thread has a breakdown: https://steamcommunity.com/app/544610/discussions/0/3111395750234903712/
Also, keep in mind the game is most likely finished now. The developers are now working on a Warhammer tactical game (think XCOM with space marines squads) instead.
That is perfect. Many thanks!
Well, DasTactic spends the first part of the video saying how terrible the campaign play is, so I guess it's a pass for me :lol:
The Sinking City* is now available on Steam, and on sale to boot.
There was a protracted struggle about this game due to an IP dispute between the developer and the publisher, but I guess it's resolved now?
* :cthulu:
Apparently it's not resolved at all, and the version now on Steam is an older gutted one released by the publisher.
Of course I bought it yesterday. Maybe I'll request a refund... haven't actually played it yet. :blush:
Sunless Sea is the free game on Epic this week.
Think a lot of languish folk may like it if you don't have it already.
Text heavy, heavily Lovecraftian, impossible to finish RPGish game.
Quote from: celedhring on February 26, 2021, 10:43:03 AM
Well, DasTactic spends the first part of the video saying how terrible the campaign play is, so I guess it's a pass for me :lol:
the battlestar game is one of the few in the past few years where I actually doubled down and played through the campaign (pre-dlc) because it was pretty nice.
Quote from: Tyr on February 27, 2021, 01:43:05 PM
Sunless Sea is the free game on Epic this week.
Think a lot of languish folk may like it if you don't have it already.
Text heavy, heavily Lovecraftian, impossible to finish RPGish game.
I played it a few years back when there was a free weekend. Weird as fuck, and I thought it was boring.
Quote from: Syt on February 26, 2021, 05:31:40 AM
Slitherine/Matrix sale this weekend on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/slitherine_weekend
Thanks Syt, I picked up Legion Gold. :skinflint:
I messed up, I spent time putting all the DLC's I wanted in the cart, then left entering my credit card info for later, and never did. Will wait for the next sale :D
Surviving Mars will be free on Epic from tomorrow. I'll finally try it out.
It's pretty fun especially the early game.
I did not like micromanaging your colonists jobs.
I've read it's pretty dry unless you own the DLCs. Is that true? I guess I'll give it a swing anyway, it's free.
It's alright.
Some frustrating points, pretty banished like in that supply zone shuffling is important. And I never got to the end with terraforming- dissapointing results teaching key stages.
Quote from: celedhring on March 10, 2021, 09:37:20 AM
I've read it's pretty dry unless you own the DLCs. Is that true? I guess I'll give it a swing anyway, it's free.
That was my take on it. I did not bother with the DLCs
Watch Dogs Legion is 50% off at the moment: https://store.ubi.com/eu/watch-dogs-legion-standard-edition/5cec2d5839798c0870c07698.html
And CK3 is 48% off at Wingamestore: https://www.wingamestore.com/product/11676/Crusader-Kings-III/
If you were interested in Frostpunk it is now free on Epic.
I purchased it once, found it too stressful and refunded it on Steam. :Embarrass:
Quote from: garbon on June 04, 2021, 02:42:03 AM
If you were interested in Frostpunk it is now free on Epic.
I purchased it once, found it too stressful and refunded it on Steam. :Embarrass:
Ok, fahdiz. :P
Just kidding. Recently had a game recommended to me where you're tasked with raising a child (boy or girl) as part of the Nazi Lebensborn program in the Third Reich. I'm glad the game exists, but I don't think it would be good for my mental state to play it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1114070/My_Child_Lebensborn/ :cry:
QuoteParenting will be hard as your child grows up in a hostile and hateful environment. Experience how hatred towards an enemy can create victims even in times of peace. You will experience the suffering your child has to go through due to a hostile and abusive society, watching them lose warmth and happiness.
Yeah, thanks, none of that, please. :weep:
I liked frost punk a lot.
I remember playing it in a cold December with a half decorated house where I had yet to figure out how to work the heating. Really built the atmosphere.
Good simple game.
Lots of Warhammer stuff (Fantasy and 40k) on sale at the moment: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/skulls
Quote from: Syt on June 04, 2021, 02:52:07 AM
Quote from: garbon on June 04, 2021, 02:42:03 AM
If you were interested in Frostpunk it is now free on Epic.
I purchased it once, found it too stressful and refunded it on Steam. :Embarrass:
Ok, fahdiz. :P
Just kidding. Recently had a game recommended to me where you're tasked with raising a child (boy or girl) as part of the Nazi Lebensborn program in the Third Reich. I'm glad the game exists, but I don't think it would be good for my mental state to play it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1114070/My_Child_Lebensborn/ :cry:
QuoteParenting will be hard as your child grows up in a hostile and hateful environment. Experience how hatred towards an enemy can create victims even in times of peace. You will experience the suffering your child has to go through due to a hostile and abusive society, watching them lose warmth and happiness.
Yeah, thanks, none of that, please. :weep:
Yeah, I think my issue with Frostpunk was combo of bleakness but also feeling like I was always on the edge of failing.
I like games to relax not stress me out. -_-
GOG's summer sale has started.
Anything notable?
Not for me since I have tons of games already. YMMV.
They have some themed lists, like:
RPGs https://www.gog.com/promo/2021_summer_sale_rpg
Highest Discounts https://www.gog.com/promo/2021_summer_sale_highest_discount
Indies https://www.gog.com/promo/2021_summer_sale_indies
Bestsellers https://www.gog.com/promo/2021_summer_sale_bestsellers
Retro https://www.gog.com/promo/2021_summer_sale_retro
Stah Wahs https://www.gog.com/promo/2021_summer_sale_star_wars_byob
Control is free on Epic this week.
On Ubisoft's shop you can get a platinum pack of Far Cry 1 - 5 plus spin offs (Blood Dragon, Primal, New Dawn) for about 55 EUR. If you have 100 u points you can get an additional 20% off, so I picked this up for about 45 EUR. (I only had FC3 and BD so far.)
Primal's cool.
Forza Horizon 5 coming in November, going to Mexico this time. :)
Trailer: https://youtu.be/cKqLQ5aXP8I
Gameplay: https://youtu.be/d_20X1YM28U
Gfx look pretty sweet. :)
I expect most have it already. But surviving mars is free today.
Humble Bundle has a "Build your own Paradox DLC bundle":
All kinds of Paradox DLC 50% off; if you pick 5, they'll be 65% off.
Shadowrun trilogy giveaway on GOG: https://www.gog.com/game/shadowrun_trilogy
Infinity Collection (Baldur's Gate 1/2, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment plus their soundtracks) is on Steam at 91% discount: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/380/The_Infinity_Collection/
Quote from: Solmyr on July 18, 2021, 04:52:56 AM
Infinity Collection (Baldur's Gate 1/2, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment plus their soundtracks) is on Steam at 91% discount: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/380/The_Infinity_Collection/
I might get that. Never did finish bg2 and never had all the expansions.
Ultima Underworlds 1 & 2, Syndicate Plus, and Syndicate Wars are back on GOG (were they gone? :unsure: ), and you can currently grab them FOR FREE:
I got Far Cry 5 on sale the other day. It's pretty fun. :)
It is. The scripted bits and supernatural elements sort of wreck it but it's decent anyway. Would be great to see a proper red dawny open world game.
Quote from: Syt on August 07, 2021, 09:14:30 AM
Ultima Underworlds 1 & 2, Syndicate Plus, and Syndicate Wars are back on GOG (were they gone? :unsure: ), and you can currently grab them FOR FREE:
Thanks Syt.
The IL-2 Great Battles series (and probably all the older ones too) is on sale on Steam. Something like 60-75% off all of the things.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 12, 2021, 10:25:47 AM
The IL-2 Great Battles series (and probably all the older ones too) is on sale on Steam. Something like 60-75% off all of the things.
Is there any game in the series with a proper campaign mode of at least semi-random generated missions?
Quote from: Tamas on August 12, 2021, 11:17:09 AM
Is there any game in the series with a proper campaign mode of at least semi-random generated missions?
I just got it and haven't played much, but there are scripted campaigns for at least some of them (including the tanks) and there are the career modes for WW2 (not for the tanks), which I think is what you're wanting. I don't think the WW1 one has a career mode built in, although it's called Flying Circus
Volume 1, so that might be coming in Volume 2 or whatever.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 12, 2021, 01:36:42 PM
Quote from: Tamas on August 12, 2021, 11:17:09 AM
Is there any game in the series with a proper campaign mode of at least semi-random generated missions?
I just got it and haven't played much, but there are scripted campaigns for at least some of them (including the tanks) and there are the career modes for WW2 (not for the tanks), which I think is what you're wanting. I don't think the WW1 one has a career mode built in, although it's called Flying Circus Volume 1, so that might be coming in Volume 2 or whatever.
My first reaction is that I am probably no longer interested in combat flight sims enough to learn flying in this game.
Quote from: Tamas on August 12, 2021, 04:37:30 PM
My first reaction is that I am probably no longer interested in combat flight sims enough to learn flying in this game.
Yeah I hear you. I have owned the first one (Battle of Stalingrad) for a while, but haven't been bothered to play it until just now after buying most of the rest of them because I didn't want to mess with setting up the HOTAS and learning to play and all that.
This is very impressive re. IL-2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYQ8zWn2oZw&t=2193s
The guy is listing a lot of things I remember reading about the Bf-109 in Hungarian pilot biographies like behaviour at take-off or the way you are supposed to fight with it. But damn that's a lot of stuff to learn.
Gamersgate has a big Bethesda sale: https://www.gamersgate.com/campaign/16864/
Anyone want a copy of Mafia III?
I played it a few years back, its pretty good in lieu of GTA 6.
Jagged Alliance 1 Gold Edition and Titan Quest Anniversary Edition are free on Steam atm:
I love Titan Quest. Played the shit out of it.
Jagged Alliance 1 and 2 stole a lot of my lifespan. JA2: Dangerous Business (I think that was the name) not so much.
The Book of Bondmaids is 1% off on Steam until Oct 1. :w00t:
Quote from: The Brain on September 28, 2021, 04:05:42 AM
The Book of Bondmaids is 1% off on Steam until Oct 1. :w00t:
That is not the Three Kingdoms you were looking for.
Oh, and 1% off???
Quote from: grumbler on September 28, 2021, 06:54:24 AM
Quote from: The Brain on September 28, 2021, 04:05:42 AM
The Book of Bondmaids is 1% off on Steam until Oct 1. :w00t:
That is not the Three Kingdoms you were looking for.
Oh, and 1% off???
Every little helps :bowler:
Civilization 6 Platinum edition is on sale at Win Games for around $10.00, though I guess nearly everyone here has it.
Quote from: The Brain on September 28, 2021, 04:05:42 AM
The Book of Bondmaids is 1% off on Steam until Oct 1. :w00t:
Steam has another, even bigger promotion: buy one game, and you are eligible to buy another game.
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on September 30, 2021, 03:18:41 PM
Quote from: The Brain on September 28, 2021, 04:05:42 AM
The Book of Bondmaids is 1% off on Steam until Oct 1. :w00t:
Steam has another, even bigger promotion: buy one game, and you are eligible to buy another game.
Which game? :w00t:
Quote from: The Brain on September 30, 2021, 05:48:56 PM
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on September 30, 2021, 03:18:41 PM
Quote from: The Brain on September 28, 2021, 04:05:42 AM
The Book of Bondmaids is 1% off on Steam until Oct 1. :w00t:
Steam has another, even bigger promotion: buy one game, and you are eligible to buy another game.
Which game? :w00t:
You mix and match yourself. If you buy Fallout4 VR, you are eligible to buy Civ 6 at full price
I prefer the "Buy one at double the price, get the next one FREE!" offer. I like free stuff.
Quote from: PDH on September 30, 2021, 09:28:39 PM
I prefer the "Buy one at double the price, get the next one FREE!" offer. I like free stuff.
Suddenly that game which costs a dollar is super popular :hmm:
Disco Elysium - the Final Cut is 45% off on both Steam and GOG, until the end of this week. If you don't have it yet, get it right now and play it immediately.
Quote from: Solmyr on October 12, 2021, 03:33:34 PM
If you don't have it yet, get it right now and play it immediately.
Because it's good? Duh.
Not just good, it's the best RPG of the last several years.
Still waiting to buy a physical version as I have with everything Sea Power related.
A little indie game called Chinese parents I've had my eye on has come on sale. Anyone played it? I've heard it's fun/enlightening.
I'll wait for Jewish parents. :P :Joos
Quote from: Solmyr on October 15, 2021, 01:13:56 AM
I'll wait for Jewish parents. :P :Joos
No you won't. But that's ok, they're not important... don't worry about them. :)
The annual Matrix Holiday Sale is on: https://www.matrixgames.com/inventory/special
Really surprised that War in the East 2 is already 50% off.
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide is free from here for the next six days: https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/warhammer-end-times-vermintide
That's the not very good left 4 dead clone right?
I've had a lot of fun in Vermintide.
I had lots of fun with Vermintide 2.
I did have a group of friends to play with though. So nothing of the usual "rush rush go faster!" shit that goes on in some coop games.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (Commandos/Desperados in old Japan) is FREE on GOG for a short while: https://www.gog.com/game/shadow_tactics_blades_of_the_shogun
That's a pretty fun game. The Dev team got to make Desperados 3 base on the resume of that game.
Yes, I liked it a lot.
A style of game they never made much of though I really enjoyed.
Quote from: Tyr on December 13, 2021, 02:38:17 PM
Yes, I liked it a lot.
A style of game they never made much of though I really enjoyed.
Oddly enough, Slitherine are just now revealing that their Stargate SG-1 game will be such a tactics puzzler.
Quote from: Syt on December 14, 2021, 12:26:01 PM
Quote from: Tyr on December 13, 2021, 02:38:17 PM
Yes, I liked it a lot.
A style of game they never made much of though I really enjoyed.
Oddly enough, Slitherine are just now revealing that their Stargate SG-1 game will be such a tactics puzzler.
14 year old me just weed.
The Steam Winter Sale has started today 10am Pacific time.
Mutant zero road to Eden is free on epic.
It's a good game. A sort of x comny rpg
Quote from: Tyr on December 22, 2021, 06:15:02 PM
Mutant zero road to Eden is free on epic.
It's a good game. A sort of x comny rpg
This looks quiet interesting and it's 90% in the steam sale:
Three Kingdoms The Last Warlord
https://store.steampowered.com/app/577230/Three_Kingdoms_The_Last_Warlord/ (https://store.steampowered.com/app/577230/Three_Kingdoms_The_Last_Warlord/)
Just bought Master of Orion 2 & 1 on steam for a dollar. :)
There's a very complete looking Sid Meier bundle:
Well, complete in "currently available digitally". Civ III - VI (with add ons), Colonization (old and new), Pirates, etc. For under 15 EUR.
Quote from: Syt on March 04, 2022, 11:07:33 AMThere's a very complete looking Sid Meier bundle:
Well, complete in "currently available digitally". Civ III - VI (with add ons), Colonization (old and new), Pirates, etc. For under 15 EUR.
A good enough deal that, even though I had most of the items, it was still worth it. Unfortunately, the $15 Civ VI New Frontiers coupon doesn't work. You can get New Frontiers for $20, but not $15.
I note jedi fallen order is much reduced on steam.
It was one on my list for when I finally get a ps5 in the distant future (many of the games I want to play on if being ps4). But it is tempting.
Daggerfall in Unity engine and with a bunch of mods attached is currently free on GOG: https://www.gog.com/en/game/daggerfall_unity_gog_cut
Quote from: Josquius on March 14, 2022, 05:51:42 PMI note jedi fallen order is much reduced on steam.
It was one on my list for when I finally get a ps5 in the distant future (many of the games I want to play on if being ps4). But it is tempting.
It's a game of skills. Skills of jumping, rope swinging, wall climbing, and very occasionally lightsaber fighting.
Apparently Amazon will be giving away the legendary edition of Mass Effect (the recent remasters) for prime day in July.
Anyone else tried amazon prime's game thing?
Its so well hidden I didn't realise it was even a thing until not too long ago. Football Manager 22 available at the moment.
Quote from: Josquius on September 27, 2022, 12:26:55 PMAnyone else tried amazon prime's game thing?
Its so well hidden I didn't realise it was even a thing until not too long ago. Football Manager 22 available at the moment.
Amazon Prime game thing?
Quote from: Tamas on September 28, 2022, 10:00:57 AMQuote from: Josquius on September 27, 2022, 12:26:55 PMAnyone else tried amazon prime's game thing?
Its so well hidden I didn't realise it was even a thing until not too long ago. Football Manager 22 available at the moment.
Amazon Prime game thing?
Login with amazon prime account.
Free stuff.
Oh, aren't those the things you get free on Twitch if you connect your Prime account? I recall seeing something on there once (a lot of it is microtransactions for various "mainstream" games, but it has games, too), clicking the "claim" link and being taken to this thing and then thinking, "nah, not gonna bother." :D
Btw, remember when Discord had a games store for about 5 minutes?
Many you can get for free with little fuss. Like I got that remaster of Mass Effect Trilogoy that came out last year for free.
Quote from: Josquius on September 28, 2022, 10:07:14 AMQuote from: Tamas on September 28, 2022, 10:00:57 AMQuote from: Josquius on September 27, 2022, 12:26:55 PMAnyone else tried amazon prime's game thing?
Its so well hidden I didn't realise it was even a thing until not too long ago. Football Manager 22 available at the moment.
Amazon Prime game thing?
Login with amazon prime account.
Free stuff.
The new free games include Shadow of War. Now you can experience Celebrimbor on all the Amazon platforms.
Payday 2 and 60+ DLC:s for about 20 euros/bucks: https://www.humblebundle.com/games/payday-2-ultimatescore-bundle
Star Wars: Squadrons is free on Epic: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/star-wars-squadrons
Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics are free today on Epic.
Quote from: Solmyr on December 22, 2022, 01:19:37 PMFallout 1, 2, and Tactics are free today on Epic.
Thanks, I picked them up. :cool:
Death Stranding free on epic today.
Might actually install and play something on epic.
Is it any good? I kinda got Kojima fatigue around Metal Gear V.
Quote from: celedhring on December 26, 2022, 02:57:55 AMIs it any good? I kinda got Kojima fatigue around Metal Gear V.
The bug secret of the game is that it is not challenging at all. It pretends to be and it is fun while you believe the ruse. Once you realise the environmental puzzles which are the entire game don't really matter (e.g. you gradually unlock more advanced tools to help with carrying stuff around harder terrain, only to realise you don't need it), it becomes kinda lame. The story itself is of course all kinds of silly.
In fact, story-wise, the only question is whether Kojima is genuinely the most terrible writer ever to achieve commercial success, or he was experimenting to see how much he can get away with and still maintain his fans' adoration.
I've heard it's either excellent or utter trash. From what I've heard of the way it works it seems like the kind of experience over gameplay thing that appeals to me so I'm keen to give it a go.
I didn't even get past MGS3 there. Found it too fiddly. MGS5 was the one where it was taken out of his hands and released unfinished right?
I liked MGS5 except for the slow and elaborate torture cutscenes, especially the elaborate torture of the bikini-clad sniper lady.
Quote from: Tamas on December 26, 2022, 10:08:34 AMI liked MGS5 except for the slow and elaborate torture cutscenes, especially the elaborate torture of the bikini-clad sniper lady.
Yes, that sounds like it's dated very rapidly; and for the best.
From what I've seen Death Stranding is one of those experiences where you have to get into the mindset of accepting its premises/clichés and world building without pulling at some of the loose ends too much. Not a bad thing, I think, but I feel going in expecting a tightly woven, meticulously crafted watertight narrative can lead to disappointment. Kojima IMO is less about such stories and more about fever-dream emotional experiences, I guess?
Anyone feeling nostalgic for the old Leisure Suit Larry games, can get them for free by signing up for the Fanatical newsletter and linking Steam account. I remember playing the second one back in the day.
Shadow of Mordor 80% off and Shadow of War 90% off on Steam currently (including bundles with all DLCs):
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is like 70% (so $12 USD total) off on Steam right now.
Quote from: FunkMonk on May 09, 2023, 08:55:18 AMPathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is like 70% (so $12 USD total) off on Steam right now.
Is it any good?
Quote from: Jacob on May 09, 2023, 07:17:02 PMQuote from: FunkMonk on May 09, 2023, 08:55:18 AMPathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is like 70% (so $12 USD total) off on Steam right now.
Is it any good?
I don't know, I've barely played it :P
But apparently very highly rated by the Youtuber RPG video game people I follow.
Paradox Publisher sale over on Steam:
Never played the series though I hear good things, but Metro Last Light is free on steam.
Quote from: Josquius on May 19, 2023, 04:56:03 AMNever played the series though I hear good things, but Metro Last Light is free on steam.
:hmm: Should I get it now, or wait to see if they will pay me in the future to take it off their hands?
Yakuza 0 and the remastered Yakuza 1-6 are currently on GOG for 33.99 for all 7 games.
A lot of game for not much money.
Yakuza 0 is great.
It is. Though like all Yakuza games you might want to stay away if a mix of depressing emotional quests, melodramatic gangster soap opera and slapstick and over the top humor is not for you, or you don't like tons of minigames and side challenges in your games. The 80s Japan atmosphere is great, though. :D
Gog.com summer sale on, noticed the base crusader kings II game is free at the moment, useful if you know someone who hasn't tried it and doesn't have or like Steam.
Obviously we all have it here, plus nearly all the DLC for that and the complete CK III to boot I'd wager.
Steam summer sale on, can't say I've seen any juicy discounts, but I did notice last time I logged in and presumably played a game was March 19th. :hmm:
There's a strategy games pack on humble bundle. I don't recognise most. But it does have the Banner Saga trilogy available in the cheapest pack- now this is a good series.
Most useless give away game for people over here:
https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv (https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv)
Until August 17.
Quote from: Duque de Bragança on August 14, 2023, 06:55:25 AMMost useless give away game for people over here:
https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv (https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv)
Until August 17.
I tried to get my husband excited. He is not.
Quote from: garbon on August 14, 2023, 07:59:58 AMQuote from: Duque de Bragança on August 14, 2023, 06:55:25 AMMost useless give away game for people over here:
https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv (https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv)
Until August 17.
I tried to get my husband excited. He is not.
Why did you ever marry that guy?
Surely the ability to geek out about this stuff after sex is the primary advantage of being gay?
Quote from: Josquius on August 14, 2023, 08:04:33 AMQuote from: garbon on August 14, 2023, 07:59:58 AMQuote from: Duque de Bragança on August 14, 2023, 06:55:25 AMMost useless give away game for people over here:
https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv (https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/europa-universalis-iv)
Until August 17.
I tried to get my husband excited. He is not.
Why did you ever marry that guy?
Surely the ability to geek out about this stuff after sex is the primary advantage of being gay?
Why would you want to marry yourself?
Quote from: garbon on August 16, 2023, 09:56:23 AMWhy would you want to marry yourself?
For the tax deduction.
Think of the income splitting possibilities
For people looking for some turn based games:
Includes among others
- Songs of Conquest (Heroes of Might and Magic style game) https://store.steampowered.com/app/867210/Songs_of_Conquest/
- Panzer Corps 2 (no DLC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1072040/Panzer_Corps_2/
- Dungeon of Naheulbeuk https://store.steampowered.com/app/970830/The_Dungeon_Of_Naheulbeuk_The_Amulet_Of_Chaos/
- Jupiter Hell (Doom as roguelike): https://store.steampowered.com/app/811320/Jupiter_Hell/
- Banner Saga Trilogy Deluxe Pack: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/6876/Banner_Saga_Trilogy__Deluxe_Pack/
For €18.16 that's an absolute steal. :)
Gog.com Autumn sale now on, they're giving away free copies of Hero of the Kingdom II.
Gog.com is now giving away a Kings bounty game, I think called 'Kings bounty - The legend'.
It's here if you're interested.
Berthesday publisher sale on GOG:
Besides Elder Scrolls/Fallout, there's Quake, Doom, Evil Within, Dishonored, Wolfenstein, Hexxen, Prey (the new one), Arx Fatalis etc. heavily discounted.
I'm late saying this, but humble bundle is doing a new bundle every day for xmas. Worth tracking.
All Metro games (2033 Redux, Last Light Redux, Exodus with DLC) are on GOG for under €10: https://www.gog.com/en/game/metro_franchise_bundle
Anno 1800 is 75% off on Steam
GOG is currently giving away Mordheim: City of the Damned for free:
In a weird coincidence, there's currently a Fallout franchise sale on Steam coinciding with the launch of the series on Amazon Prime:
Prime are giving some of them away. I think 3 and NV. Though we've all played those right?
I have not played any of them, is there one that stands the test of time
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 12, 2024, 10:05:28 AMI have not played any of them, is there one that stands the test of time
New Vegas. Most atmosphere and by far the best quests.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (i.e. ME1-3 + DLC remastered) is 90% off on Steam:
Quote from: grumbler on April 15, 2024, 01:16:00 PMQuote from: crazy canuck on April 12, 2024, 10:05:28 AMI have not played any of them, is there one that stands the test of time
New Vegas. Most atmosphere and by far the best quests.
New Vegas is definitely the best. It helps that they keep all the Enclave/BoS nonsense to a reasonable minimum.
I preferred F3 to be honest. The plot and setting just had more of a solid put together feel to it.
Though it maybe helped that I played it first and it had been years since Oblivion so it had some originally to it.
Never played it so dunno if it's good but warhammer 40k gladius free on steam at the moment
Steam Summer Sale has Mass Effect Legendary edition (ME 1-3 with all single player DLC etc., remastered for 4k) at 90% off (€5.99). That's 100s of hours of game for a ridiculously low price.
I need to hold off on buying anything as I've a big unplayed collection.
But some good ones on mega discount. Like frost punk. Different to a normal city builder but I liked it.
For added immersion, as I had when I played it, play when temperatures are near zero without working heating.
Also disco elysium for 3 quid if you've avoided that thus far.
Quote from: celedhring on May 02, 2024, 11:24:17 AMNew Vegas is definitely the best. It helps that they keep all the Enclave/BoS nonsense to a reasonable minimum.
Bethesda's love affair with the Brotherhood of Steel was so puzzling. But maybe Todd Howard found a group of reclusive cultish weirdos relateable.
There's a game called all walls must fall free on steam. Looks potentially interesting. Not gave it a go yet.
A great collection of rpg's on Humble Bundle (The Pathfinder games, older D&D ones, Rogue Trader, etc.)
Quote from: Sophie Scholl on August 14, 2024, 05:02:36 PMA great collection of rpg's on Humble Bundle (The Pathfinder games, older D&D ones, Rogue Trader, etc.)
I'll be getting this bundle when my next paycheck drops. If anyone wants the Kingmaker or Icewind Dale keys, let me know.
11 Resident Evil games on Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/games/resident-evil-decades-horror-village-gold
Combat Mission games are on sale on Steam. You can actually buy them at reasonable prices. That's a first in the 25 year history of Battlefront.
I picked up Black Sea, Cold War and Shock Force 2 a while ago during a Matrix sale and I had an x years anniversary voucher that shaved a bunch off the top. Still, barely played them, because the performance is still absolute ass, unfortunately. :(
Huh. Black Sea is a ten year old game. You shouldn't have that much trouble running it. Keep in mind it will look like ass, even the newer games look like ass. That's just because Battlefront games look like ass.
Anyone want free Gotham Knights?
No idea if its any good.
Quote from: Razgovory on August 29, 2024, 04:20:09 PMHuh. Black Sea is a ten year old game. You shouldn't have that much trouble running it. Keep in mind it will look like ass, even the newer games look like ass. That's just because Battlefront games look like ass.
Gave them another spin. Doesn't matter what details/resolution etc. I select - the game controls always feel sluggish (and the load times ridiculous even on an SSD). Not to mention the constant environment detail pop in when you move around the map or pan up/down.
Btw, if anyone wants to blow up Warsaw Pact tanks with Western tanks, Gunner, HEAT, PC! is 20% off and under EUR 20.
In early access for 2 years now, and getting regular updates and content ca. every month based on update notes.
In other Cold War deals - Regiments is currently 25% off as its first DLC has been released. It's an RTS in the style of Wargame and the likes, except single player only, and seems quite well reviewed with players. The DLC adds dynamic campaigns from the looks of it?
It's 1989 and the flames of a New War are flaring up. Thousands of square miles of German landscape will become a stage for sweeping battles between the best NATO and Warsaw Pact has to offer.
Lead your Regiment through the inferno of a wide-scale Cold War conflict in this new Real-Time Tactics game. Break through the lines, call in artillery and air support, maneuver, feign retreats, and stage mobile defenses. Do not relent.
The Platoon Command system lets you orchestrate battles with unprecedented precision and ease. No need to micromanage every infantryman - you're a Commanding Officer, not a sergeant.
Form your force on the fly. Selecting the main Regiment is just a start. You can expand your army during the game by calling in unique Task Forces, each bringing its own equipment and off-map support options.
Main features
- Plot-focused Campaign of several Operations that tells a complex story of warfare around the Inner German border from multiple perspectives
- Nine diverse Operations, each encompassing up to several days of fighting. Fight tactical battles, manage limited resources in the lulls between combat, make operational decisions, and lead your Regiment to victory
- Four distinct skirmish modes with varied, dynamic objectives
- Over 100 authentic vehicles modeled, combined into a multitude of different formations. Deploy such iconic vehicles as Leopard 2, T-72M, or M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle
- Command Regiments, Brigades, and Task Forces from a multitude of factions: Soviet Union, USA, East and West Germanies, Belgium, UK, Poland
- Aggressive, competent AI that can challenge experienced RTS players
- On-the-fly force customization, rewarding adaptability, and creativity
- Deep game mechanics, simulating the Cold War era mechanized fight with great detail
- Visceral visual effects, bringing WWIII to your screen in all its terrifying glory
- Smooth learning curve and high accessibility even to novice RTS players
- Refined controls that make commanding hundreds of soldiers a breeze
DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2542770/Regiments__Winds_of_Change/
QuoteFollow the war paths
The Winds of Change DLC bring a vast array of new content and systems to Regiments!
Navigate the unpredictable nature of war in the all-new procedurally-generated 'War Paths' mode. Lead a selected Regiment through dozens of battles, evolve its organization, overcome challenges, lament your losses, fight, survive, and if it all comes crashing down, try again.
Lead one of the many new French, Dutch, Canadian, or Czechoslovakian regiments as they enter the fray, spanning more than 70 new units! Experiment with new tactics as additional air assets such as heliborne infantry redefine the very shape of the battlefield!
Main features
- Experience twisting, procedural campaigns in the new War Paths mode
- Fight alongside or against new units from French, Dutch, Canadian, and Czechoslovak regiments, all ready to bring their own style of fighting to the battlefield
- Strike from the sky with new tactical possibilities heralded by the addition of heliborne troops and fighter jets!
- Command more than 70 new vehicles and weapon systems, all meticulously modelled with the kind of detail you've come to expect from us in the base game
Soar on the Winds of Change
I think the game always looks sluggish. It's just the way it looks. Same with graphics popping in and out.
Fair enough.
The forgotten city is heavily discounted.
Despite my huge backlog I might buy it.
It seems a wonderful game. Basically the outer wilds time loopy stuff... But in a really good ancient roman setting.
Forza Horizon 4 is currently discounted 80%. Note that the game will be delisted in December (but servers will stay up): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293830/Forza_Horizon_4/
If you want to arcade race through Northern England and Southern Scotland, then you may want to get it before that.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Fest on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/category/plane_train_autos
Things I spotted:
- Tank Mechanic Simulator 75% off (or 59% off with both DLC): https://store.steampowered.com/app/407130/Tank_Mechanic_Simulator/ (88% positive reviews)
- Skies Above the Great War (30% off, 8.39€). One man indie management game where you oversee air operations in WW1. You can jump into any plane at any time. Not many reviews, but at that price maybe worth a look: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2320040/Skies_above_the_Great_War/
- The Last Train (50% off) - bring the Czechoslovak Legion home after WW1 by traveling the Transsiberian Railroad to the Pacific: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1469610/Last_Train_Home/
- Project Wingman (50% off) - well reviewed indie flight sim with modern jets: https://store.steampowered.com/app/895870/Project_Wingman/
- Jalopy (80% off at EUR 2.99): stylized low poly game (with resource management, I guess?) about driving a clunky old Eastern Block car through GDR, CSSR, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria: https://store.steampowered.com/app/446020/Jalopy/https://store.steampowered.com/app/446020/Jalopy/
Syt, did you ever play any of the Decisive Campaigns series? I've enjoyed them all, but have precious few people to PBEM against. :hmm:
I've been eyeing Last Train, any reports on gameplay?
Quote from: Habbaku on September 17, 2024, 11:58:58 AMSyt, did you ever play any of the Decisive Campaigns series? I've enjoyed them all, but have precious few people to PBEM against. :hmm:
I've never really broken into them. They seem ... big and clunky? Though I guess that Ardennes is most accessible (Steam says I have 13 minutes in it. :D I have 5 hours in Warsaw to Paris - much of that doing the tutorial two or three times, similar for Barbarossa :lol: )
They are big, to be sure, but I've not found them all that clunky! The number of decisions seems daunting at first blush, but I think it's actually quite channeled for such a complex game.
If you ever want to give one of them a real shot, let me know. :P
Last Train is on my list to get someday. But time....
Mashinky is also one I'm eying up in this promotion (albeit not on sale?). That looks potentially very good.
I really should learn how to play A-Train someday.
I think that the management aspects of Last Train look good, but the real-time combat is a no-go.
On Matrix/Slitherine taking over Battlefront: if you bought any of their "new" Combat Mission Titles (Shock Force or later) through their Battlefront website, you can register them on your Matrix account and get Steam keys.
Log in here to review your orders: https://battlefront.com/matrixgames.html
Go here to redeem your serials (activation codes): https://www.matrixgames.com/member/registerserial
Note: It seems if you bought a bundle of main game and expansion, it only seems to let you register the expansion of the bundle - Steam forums indicate you will have to hit up Matrix support to redeem the main game. Alternatively, it seems that if you bought single game upgrades (the $5 "engine" upgrades also count as serials for the main game if you bought those).
Rule the Waves 3 is 40% off on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2008100/Rule_the_Waves_3/
Kingdom Come: Deliverance with all gameplay DLC for 3.99 on sale : https://store.steampowered.com/sub/368776/
I contributed to Jingle Jam and there are a few games that either I don't want or already have. If anybody wants one of these message me and I'll send you the Steam code. If you want more than one list them in order of preference, as I'll wait a bit to see if someone else who hasn't gotten one wants it.
Shadows of Doubt (https://store.steampowered.com/app/986130/Shadows_of_Doubt/)
For the King II (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1676840/For_The_King_II/)
Citizen Sleeper (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1578650/Citizen_Sleeper/)
Submachine: Legacy (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564790/Submachine_Legacy/)
Scorn (https://store.steampowered.com/app/698670/Scorn/)
Eternights (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1402110/Eternights/)
Wildfrost (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1811990/Wildfrost/)
There's also a MCC Island access key and a Displate 40% discount if anybody wants either of those.
Quote from: frunk on December 03, 2024, 08:58:55 PMI contributed to Jingle Jam and there are a few games that either I don't want or already have. If anybody wants one of these message me and I'll send you the Steam code. If you want more than one list them in order of preference, as I'll wait a bit to see if someone else who hasn't gotten one wants it.
Shadows of Doubt (https://store.steampowered.com/app/986130/Shadows_of_Doubt/)
For the King II (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1676840/For_The_King_II/)
Citizen Sleeper (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1578650/Citizen_Sleeper/)
Submachine: Legacy (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564790/Submachine_Legacy/)
Scorn (https://store.steampowered.com/app/698670/Scorn/)
Eternights (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1402110/Eternights/)
Wildfrost (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1811990/Wildfrost/)
There's also a MCC Island access key and a Displate 40% discount if anybody wants either of those.
That's very public spirited of you. :thumbsup:
' Old World' is on sale at gog.com for around $10-12 (it's £9 GBP) , which is 75% off.
Quote from: mongers on December 04, 2024, 06:28:22 PM' Old World' is on sale at gog.com for around $10-12 (it's £9 GBP) , which is 75% off.
It's also on Humble Choice this month with a bunch of other games.
Quote from: Solmyr on December 05, 2024, 01:47:44 AMQuote from: mongers on December 04, 2024, 06:28:22 PM' Old World' is on sale at gog.com for around $10-12 (it's £9 GBP) , which is 75% off.
It's also on Humble Choice this month with a bunch of other games.
Yeah, saw that. I re-upped my subscription a few months ago. I have OW already, but I'm kinda stoked for Crime Boss Rockay City - it's one I wanted to check how good/bad/bland it is with all its star cast (throwback to the old GTAs, esp. Vice City and San Andreas in that regard), but never wanted to pull the trigger regardless of price tag. :D
Also, make sure to buy Warcraft 1 & 2 on GOG soon, because Blizz will pull it off the store soon.
Quote from: Syt on December 05, 2024, 02:22:14 AMAlso, make sure to buy Warcraft 1 & 2 on GOG soon, because Blizz will pull it off the store soon.
That's a good recommendation or maybe I should leave the nostalga as only a memory?
Enjoying 'Old World' a lot.
Quote from: mongers on December 07, 2024, 08:03:56 AMQuote from: Syt on December 05, 2024, 02:22:14 AMAlso, make sure to buy Warcraft 1 & 2 on GOG soon, because Blizz will pull it off the store soon.
That's a good recommendation or maybe I should leave the nostalga as only a memory?
Enjoying 'Old World' a lot.
Never been big into "classic" basebuilding RTS myself, but I imagine there have been advancements in terms of user friendliness and quality of life in the past few decades. :D
Is there anyone who hasn't goet Civ6?
If that's the case it's on the microsoft games website at 90% off, here:
https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/store/Sid%20Meier%E2%80%99s%20Civilization%C2%AE%20VI/9N1WK3HZG0J6?ocid=wishlistsale_ema_gem_xbo&OCID=AID_ema_TRX_XboxWishlist (https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/store/Sid%20Meier%E2%80%99s%20Civilization%C2%AE%20VI/9N1WK3HZG0J6?ocid=wishlistsale_ema_gem_xbo&OCID=AID_ema_TRX_XboxWishlist)
Also just notice steam have it at 95% of, though still slightly more expensive at $3.
CDKEYS has 3 months of Gamepass Ultimate for $25.49.
The latest Indiana Jones Game (retail $70) was a first day release on GP and is available to play along with the rest of the GP library.
Quote from: Syt on December 05, 2024, 02:22:14 AMAlso, make sure to buy Warcraft 1 & 2 on GOG soon, because Blizz will pull it off the store soon.
I think I still have the original CDs for those. Any meaningful difference? Or would they just remove the need for DOSBox?