Is this game good. I've been missing space 4x lately. I know there's a sequel due out soon, but I don't like this genre quite enough to ever pay full price for a game, and it looks like I can get a bundle of the original plus all expansions for $20.
I have played around with it a bit but not recently. I remember there are some parts I liked and found interesting, but I can't remember specifics. Ont eh downside the 3-D maps are really hard to get used to and the real time space battles never did much for me. I do know quite a few people who really like the game though.
So do you think it's worth $20?
The 3-D map will drive you bonkers.
Quote from: Caliga on September 03, 2011, 01:01:12 PM
So do you think it's worth $20?
I guess to me it depends on how you feel about the real time battles. I know I said before they "never did much for me" but that isn't true, I actively dislike them. I don't like them in Total War games, I don't like any RTS games no matter how much I want to. If you enjoy/can tolerate the real time battles I think there is definitely enough interesting stuff in the game to make it worth $20.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 03, 2011, 01:15:13 PM
The 3-D map will drive you bonkers.
I didn't like them at first either. I ended up mostly playing on the flat 2-D map they have, I think they called it a disc. Once I got more comfortable I moved on to some of the other maps, they were always a bit annoying though.
This game has real time battles but is otherwise turn based, right? I like that "Total War"-style setup (and I do like the TW games). I passed on Sins of a Solar Empire when I heard it was entirely real-time.
Quote from: Caliga on September 03, 2011, 01:30:28 PM
This game has real time battles but is otherwise turn based, right? I like that "Total War"-style setup (and I do like the TW games). I passed on Sins of a Solar Empire when I heard it was entirely real-time.
Ok, another question: how does control of the battles compare to TW? Do you actively move ships around or just say "attack" or "defend" and pretty much watch the outcome?
I am pretty sure you move the ships around and decide when and where to fire.
20 bucks? No way. I mean it's not horrible but 20 bucks for a several years old game?
It sucks.
The 3D map does indeed drive one mad.
How's the 3D map in comparison to, say, the Homeworld games? They're full-3D, but the nav is done via a disc plane with variable altitude.
Kind of amazing that after all this time there still really hasn't been a 4X game that has been really good, say compared to MOO2.
Sins of a Solar Empire? Galactic Civilizations 2?
I like it. The 3D map isn't that hard to get used to. The battles are nice, you can controle each ship individally if you want to.
I suck quite hard at this game though. I tend to get eaten by the AI and the randomn encounters :Embarrass:
The randomnized techtree is quite cool, you never know in advance what techs you will get. The different chances of getting techs and the unique modes of intergalactic movemement makes playing each race truly special.