This computer is a grindhouse so it's likely I'll get something new soon.
Nothing too fancy, probably mid range. But this means Windows 7.
Will EU2, HOI2, and regular Victoria run with Windows 7?
Despite the years, I've really stuck with those three games.
For the glory worked fine for me on Windows 7, and that's build on the eu2 engine iirc.
I've tried HOI2 since getting windows 7 and yeah, it works.
Most stuff does, I've yet to find anything that worked on xp and doesn't on windows 7 except the drivers for my scanner- but then drivers are a bit different to regular software.
Quote from: Habsburg on August 23, 2011, 11:27:09 PM
Will EU2, HOI2, and regular Victoria run with Windows 7?
Despite the years, I've really stuck with those three games.
What you'll want is to know the max resolution your graphics card supports.
Since you'll most likely play those games and perhaps a few other Paradox games, you'll be pleased to know that Paradox still release games that five-six year old computers run like beasts and new ones run quite poorly.
What you need is this:
Win7 (no issue there)
A reasonable dual core or higher clocked four core processor (the latter will help other tasks). I would say get anything with an Intel processor made after 2009 and you're set.
Some RAM. Say about 4 gigs. Because it's cheap.
A low-end graphics card. AMD Radeon offer the best options, I believe. If you go mid-range, you can probably score a cheap AMD Radeon HD 6870, which offers a very, very good price/power draw/performance ratio. If you can get your hands on one, get an Asus Direct CU II one.
Now, why do I mention resolution at all?
The reason is simple. Older games look extremely crap in the 1920x1080 HD graphics you get these days. But if your monitor still weighs about as much as you do, I would not worry too much, as you won't get any higher resolution despite switching gfx cards.
Let me suggest a setup that you'll most likely be able to build yourself.
Case: Something quiet, probably. So you could probably go with a case on the cheap end of the scale. The Antec 300 or CoolerMaster 912 would be good, relatively quiet and expandable cases.
Motherboard: Trust in Intel. It will cost you, but Intel vs AMD is a no-brainer. Get a card for the Intel 1155 socket. No recommendations, but Asus usually delivers. You can get a H67 and screw the graphics, really.
Processor: Either a dual-core 21something or quad 23something.
RAM: Any DDR 3 RAM will do, but Corsair, OCZ and really, anything that's of a brand will do. Two sticks of 2 GB RAM to get that dual-channel magic going.
GFX: For really just playing anything older than 2011 and get it to run, go with the H67 Mobo. You will get bad graphics. Buy a P67 Mobo. And the previously mentioned Asus AMD Radeon 6870 Direct CU II.
Power supply: Get a Corsair 550 or 650W.
This computer will run anything but the most graphically intensive game on any resolution and at any speed.
If you are confused, send a PM.
Thanks all, great help Norgy.
This thing can grind my coffee (and today is whistling.) :huh:
New beast soon, was looking at a Dell "all in one." But just started the search.