The details of the interesting events depend on what you look like. May or may not occur under Citizen Clinton's desk. :) (
QuoteMrs Clinton offers day with Bill
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is offering the chance to spend a day with her husband Bill in exchange for help paying off her campaign debt.
The offer was sent to supporters of Mrs Clinton in an e-mail from her former campaign manager, James Carville.
Mrs Clinton owes $2.3m (£1.5m)from her run for the Democratic Party nomination for the presidency last year.
For a $5 donation, supporters enter a draw for several prizes including a day with the former US president.
The other prizes are tickets to the season finale of the hit US talent show American Idol and lunch in Washington with Mr Carville - a long-time Democratic strategist.
The day with Mr Clinton involves meeting him in New York and attending "several interesting events".
"Make a $5 contribution today, and you could be on your way to one of these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities!" Mr Carville's e-mail said.
"Your contribution today not only gives you the chance at winning one of these fantastic prizes, it'll also help our dear friend, Hillary Clinton, pay off the very last of her campaign debt."
As secretary of state, Mrs Clinton is banned from fund-raising but loyalists such as Mr Carville have stepped into the breach.
Previous appeals have whittled down her debt from a peak of $25.2m to $2.3m, all of which is owed to Mark Penn, a pollster and political strategist.
Mrs Clinton lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Barack Obama, who named her as secretary of state.
P.S. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. :contract: