Preordered and preloaded.
Anyone else suckered into it?
When's it out?
I'm looking forward to it.
Have you guys read the books? The novel (tetralogy?) is so-so, but his short stories are awesome. I wonder how they hold up in translation.
Quote from: Tyr on May 16, 2011, 07:23:36 AM
When's it out?
I'm looking forward to it.
There is a midnight premiere in Warsaw tonight. I'm almost considering getting the bootcamp installed on the iMac I'm planning to buy, just so I can play it.
Wait, what it's out tomorrow?
I got most of the way through the first one, but never beat it. I enjoyed it, though. Might get this one when the price goes down.
Quote from: Martinus on May 16, 2011, 07:24:38 AM
Have you guys read the books? The novel (tetralogy?) is so-so, but his short stories are awesome. I wonder how they hold up in translation.
Planned to back when I played the first one (well, translations anyway), never got around to it though.
Tried watching the TV series and lolled at the production values.
I could never get myself to play beyond the first scene of part 1. :blush: -_-
There was a TV series? Fuck's sake.
Quote from: Martinus on May 16, 2011, 07:24:38 AM
Have you guys read the books? The novel (tetralogy?) is so-so, but his short stories are awesome. I wonder how they hold up in translation.
Not well. I read The Last Wish and was not impressed.
The tv series/movie were very bad. The books are much better.
I didn't care for the first one a whole lot though I may give it a try again at some point. Like any other game, I wouldn't get The Witcher 2 until it is 50% off or better, so not any time soon.
I finished Witcher 1. Despite the relatively weak graphics and small world, somehow the game was quite addictive. I think I'm going to give Witcher 2 a go.
I enjoyed the Witcher, but think I am gonna pass one the sequel. Rather like Mass Effect, I enjoyed what the first installment had to offer, without feeling like i needed any more once I finished the first go-round.
Stupid pre-download corrupted. Have to redownload. Sigh.
Also, combat appears to be more action-oriented. Sigh.
Grumbler, ME2 is really far superior to the first one, in plot, characterization, and combat.
Quote from: Scipio on May 17, 2011, 07:07:54 AM
Grumbler, ME2 is really far superior to the first one, in plot, characterization, and combat.
Did they do more than ten models for the other people you meet in the game?
Quote from: Lucidor on May 17, 2011, 08:27:06 AM
Did they do more than ten models for the other people you meet in the game?
They ditched the fighting styles, though, and the tiered skill progression.
grumbler, ME2 is one of the best RPGs I have played on the computer. They have created a great sci-fi setting, and the NPCs, plus the various small and large alternatives the story can get are great. (there are like 700 sub-plots taken over from ME1, ie. the decisions you made with your ME1 character influences ME2 story and NPCs in a LOT of ways)
What was the Witcher's name again? Geraldo or something, right? :hmm:
Geralto of Rivira
That sounds right, thx. :cool:
Somebody needs to photoshop Geraldo and Geralt together.
Quote from: Tamas on May 17, 2011, 08:42:53 AM
grumbler, ME2 is one of the best RPGs I have played on the computer. They have created a great sci-fi setting, and the NPCs, plus the various small and large alternatives the story can get are great. (there are like 700 sub-plots taken over from ME1, ie. the decisions you made with your ME1 character influences ME2 story and NPCs in a LOT of ways)
Since you and Scip agree on this, I will have to change my mind. I'll keep an eye out for the sales.
Quote from: Tamas on May 17, 2011, 08:42:53 AM
grumbler, ME2 is one of the best RPGs I have played on the computer. They have created a great sci-fi setting, and the NPCs, plus the various small and large alternatives the story can get are great. (there are like 700 sub-plots taken over from ME1, ie. the decisions you made with your ME1 character influences ME2 story and NPCs in a LOT of ways)
Oh, and I broke down and got the new Witcher as well. Firing it up now.
I agree on ME2. I think it's probably the best action RPG of all time.
Witcher 2 is OSSUM graphically. Combat is very action clicky, sort of Soul Calibur-esque or even Tomb Raidery (lots of roll dodging all over the place). Parrying and riposting is quite difficult. Much easier for well-timed single shot take downs, both for you and the enemies. Ouch.
I'll wait a while. The first one was fun, but I ended up hating Whitcher Gerry.
The dragon in the prologue is kicking my ass, I can deal with the soldiers well enough but after clearing the first group that overgrown lizard roasts me every time.
I must say that the tutorial section of the game is the worst I have ever seen. I've lost count of how many times I've died, I wonder what the regular game will be like? :huh:
Quote from: Legbiter on May 17, 2011, 07:23:37 PM
I must say that the tutorial section of the game is the worst I have ever seen. I've lost count of how many times I've died, I wonder what the regular game will be like? :huh:
Apparently, it gets easier. Once I got the parry skill, it made my life easier, that's for sure. The combat is bitch-ass hard, though. Even on normal.
Well, made it to chapter 1. Combat is easier than in the tutorial. :lol: But unless you're using potions and the correct signs along with alot of diving around you'll get slaughtered. The graphics may be the best I've ever seen in an RPG, ever. The voice acting is very good and the theme is relentlessly mature which I like. The story is OSSUM and the main baddie from what I can tell from the beginning of chapter 1 is quite interesting and may even have the right idea. :hmm:
I like ME1 & 2 for different reasons.
ME1 is the epic sci-fi movie in polished 1980s high-tech style. Glossy and immersive space opera.
ME2 is the grittier 1990s tv series spin off. It's darker, more action oriented. It's also a lot more episodic than ME1. Most cookie cutter sidequests have been replaced by fewer but more intricate quests, especially for your crew members. Some have complained that the plot is much less epic than ME1, which rings true, but the story told is nevertheless cool and you meet some very interesting characters and will have to make some tough choices. The add on missions are the icing on the cake.
I enjoyed playing ME1 more than ME2 but I do understand ME2 is probably the better game.
The difficulty curve takes a huge dive in Chapter 1, chiefly because not every quest is of the 'kill every motherfucker in the room' variety. Also, upgrading equipment is hella easier than in Witcher 1.
The first game had kind of a strange feel to me... maybe something was lost in translation. I don't know if I can exactly articulate what I mean, and I wish I could because I would like to know if that certain something is still present in the sequel.
It's quite immersive. I've enjoyed it a lot more than the first one, except for the difficulty curve, which is just a bitch.
I've decided to get it. The first was just that awesome.
And I really must read the books sometime.
I note you can import W1 saves- what do you get for this?
Mine are all on my old computer...if they still exist at all. Dunno if I can be bothered to set it up just to get them.
Anyone know of anywhere a W1 save can be downloaded with my choices or...a way to make it have my choices in the game or something?
'K so yeah the Kayran: kicking my ass on easy. :Embarrass: I can lop off 2 tentacles with the Yrden sign but then it's game over.
Nevermind, got it sorted out, take out the left tentacles, then take out the rightmost tentacles.
Quote from: Solmyr on May 22, 2011, 01:33:18 PM
It's only funny until you realize you can skip the screens.
I watched them the first time though. Maybe there woudl be an intro video?
Just finished it. I ended up letting so-and-so walk away after talking to him. Seemed kinda pointless to kill him at that stage.
Quote from: Legbiter on May 24, 2011, 04:24:03 PM
Just finished it. I ended up letting so-and-so walk away after talking to him. Seemed kinda pointless to kill him at that stage.
Dude. You fucking cruised.
Quote from: Scipio on May 24, 2011, 04:43:57 PM
Quote from: Legbiter on May 24, 2011, 04:24:03 PM
Just finished it. I ended up letting so-and-so walk away after talking to him. Seemed kinda pointless to kill him at that stage.
Dude. You fucking cruised.
Didn't seem right to kill him, he and Geralt weren't even enemies per se and he answered all of Geralt's questions. :hmm: Henselt and Síle on the other hand were....less fortunate :mad:
Anyways I went with Roche on this playthrough but apparently that means I've only played half the game. Gonna check out Iorveth next time. Who'd you go with this playthrough?
How's the length?
Quote from: Legbiter on May 24, 2011, 05:29:49 PM
Quote from: Scipio on May 24, 2011, 04:43:57 PM
Quote from: Legbiter on May 24, 2011, 04:24:03 PM
Just finished it. I ended up letting so-and-so walk away after talking to him. Seemed kinda pointless to kill him at that stage.
Dude. You fucking cruised.
Didn't seem right to kill him, he and Geralt weren't even enemies per se and he answered all of Geralt's questions. :hmm: Henselt and Síle on the other hand were....less fortunate :mad:
Anyways I went with Roche on this playthrough but apparently that means I've only played half the game. Gonna check out Iorveth next time. Who'd you go with this playthrough?
Not even to that point yet. I got about 1/3 of the way through Flotsam, and I decided to go back and finish up the first game (which I've never finished). First game still looks pretty decent, graphics wise, and I really prefer the combat, I think. Otherwise, 2d game is so far superior I can't even compare the two.
WTF is this crap. I can't remap WASD to the Arrow keys.
I'm at the end of act 1 and I missed two sidequests which seem quite important :(
Didn't know the blue stripes were even there....
Trying to decide whether go back and star tfrom a earlier save...the fight with the witcher dude was hard enough....
Since I couldn't remap the WASD keys, I decided to bite the bullet and play the game with my Xbox 360 Controller. Works fine so far.
Damn game is really damn Hard. I'm in the Monastery part of the Prologue.
Geralt should be able to bash doors in. "It's locked" crap, is really fucking crap.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 12:16:59 PM
Since I couldn't remap the WASD keys, I decided to bite the bullet and play the game with my Xbox 360 Controller. Works fine so far.
Damn game is really damn Hard. I'm in the Monastery part of the Prologue.
Geralt should be able to bash doors in. "It's locked" crap, is really fucking crap.
Why you trying to remap, left handed?
Quote from: sbr on May 26, 2011, 11:07:38 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 12:16:59 PM
Since I couldn't remap the WASD keys, I decided to bite the bullet and play the game with my Xbox 360 Controller. Works fine so far.
Damn game is really damn Hard. I'm in the Monastery part of the Prologue.
Geralt should be able to bash doors in. "It's locked" crap, is really fucking crap.
Why you trying to remap, left handed?
Yes. I couldn't even remap it to IJKL.
Patch 1.1 is out. The game is now completely DRM free. That's pretty awesome.
Quote from: Caliga on May 17, 2011, 12:07:40 PM
What was the Witcher's name again? Geraldo or something, right? :hmm:
Geralt of Rivia
Quote from: Caliga on May 18, 2011, 08:34:06 AM
The first game had kind of a strange feel to me... maybe something was lost in translation. I don't know if I can exactly articulate what I mean, and I wish I could because I would like to know if that certain something is still present in the sequel.
I think it suffered from a very bad translation into English from what I heard. A lot of dialogues were cut out/simplified until the "fan translation came out".
Incidentally, it beats the living hell out of me why they titled it "Assassins of Kings" and not "Kingslayers" or "Regicides". Probably couldn't afford a thesaurus.
Assassins of Kings has a better ring I think. Long subtitles sound...grander.
Witcher 2: Regicide sounds very common. Like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
Quote from: Martinus on May 28, 2011, 02:48:06 AM
Quote from: Caliga on May 18, 2011, 08:34:06 AM
The first game had kind of a strange feel to me... maybe something was lost in translation. I don't know if I can exactly articulate what I mean, and I wish I could because I would like to know if that certain something is still present in the sequel.
I think it suffered from a very bad translation into English from what I heard. A lot of dialogues were cut out/simplified until the "fan translation came out".
The first one had an extended edition that had better and uncut dialogue translations. I'm sure this one will get something similar.
Quote from: Martinus on May 28, 2011, 02:52:30 AM
Incidentally, it beats the living hell out of me why they titled it "Assassins of Kings" and not "Kingslayers" or "Regicides". Probably couldn't afford a thesaurus.
Probably because they understood English better than you. "Assassins of Kings" means something different than "Kingslayers" or "Regicides."
It's coming to Sexbox in Autumn. :cool:
Quote from: Martinus on June 03, 2011, 04:17:23 PM
It's coming to Sexbox in Autumn. :cool:
Wait, you're not experiencing Poland's greatest gift to civilization because you're waiting for it to be out on some shitty console? :wacko:
Quote from: Legbiter on June 03, 2011, 06:33:52 PM
Quote from: Martinus on June 03, 2011, 04:17:23 PM
It's coming to Sexbox in Autumn. :cool:
Wait, you're not experiencing Poland's greatest gift to civilization because you're waiting for it to be out on some shitty console? :wacko:
I don't have a Windows machine, you tard.
So do you get to have sex with lots of hot chicks you've just met in the sequel?
Not so much so far (not started act 2 yet)
Amusing review:
Quote from: Tyr on June 09, 2011, 12:03:30 PM
Amusing review:
Not so much no. Yes the prologue was hard and barely explained basic concepts but regarding the rest it just reinforced my position that he is a casual gaming consolescrub although usually a humourous one.
Quote from: Caliga on June 04, 2011, 05:53:40 AM
So do you get to have sex with lots of hot chicks you've just met in the sequel?
In the first town there's a brothel. My Geralt had sex with most of them. Altho, that's not cheap.
I think some elf is waiting for me to fuck her. That or it's an ambush.
Quote from: Cecil on June 09, 2011, 03:10:16 PM
Quote from: Tyr on June 09, 2011, 12:03:30 PM
Amusing review:
Not so much no. Yes the prologue was hard and barely explained basic concepts but regarding the rest it just reinforced my position that he is a casual gaming consolescrub although usually a humourous one.
Truth hurts doesn't it?
Quote from: Martinus on June 04, 2011, 01:25:20 AM
Quote from: Legbiter on June 03, 2011, 06:33:52 PM
Quote from: Martinus on June 03, 2011, 04:17:23 PM
It's coming to Sexbox in Autumn. :cool:
Wait, you're not experiencing Poland's greatest gift to civilization because you're waiting for it to be out on some shitty console? :wacko:
I don't have a Windows machine, you tard.
Bootcamp. :contract:
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 09, 2011, 03:35:25 PM
Quote from: Cecil on June 09, 2011, 03:10:16 PM
Quote from: Tyr on June 09, 2011, 12:03:30 PM
Amusing review:
Not so much no. Yes the prologue was hard and barely explained basic concepts but regarding the rest it just reinforced my position that he is a casual gaming consolescrub although usually a humourous one.
Truth hurts doesn't it?
Often it does but what does that have to do with the review?
So when Witcher 1 was cheapo on GOG recently I bought it and finished it. Altough I went with the nazi route, I did piss off the witch chick when I gave the psych kid to the healer gal.
I remember some conversation with Shani later that Geralt could never marry her.
So I launch Witcher 2 (thank you game, for thinking my comp can run it in Ultra - it can't), load my last save from part one, and when waking up in the tent its the witch beside me.
Is this only because I had the nazi ending, or the game has more start points?
No, Shani never appears in two.
Very little is carried over. Its quite lazy in places even, for instance the princess- if you save her she isnt' there as a convient heir to Foltest...she's mentioned as being away married to some foreign king.
You'd think maybe there'd be an attempt by him to claim the throne or somesuch?
And then if you read a book about her you see that it says the Witcher killed her. Clearly that is the canon option and there are no other alternatives.
And heh, I have the opposite problem with its performance detecting, it thinks my computer can only manage very low when in fact it can manage it pretty high.
Okay, playing the game, and it's fucking ridiculous. I am fighting endless loops of the same battle near the ballista. Clearly, the game wants me to do something I am not doing, but I have no clue what it is. Kill guys, click on ballista, ballista fires (I can't aim it or anything, just click on it), and more endless troops to kill, rinse and repeat.
WTF? Is this broken?
Quote from: grumbler on July 01, 2011, 08:39:45 PM
Okay, playing the game, and it's fucking ridiculous. I am fighting endless loops of the same battle near the ballista. Clearly, the game wants me to do something I am not doing, but I have no clue what it is. Kill guys, click on ballista, ballista fires (I can't aim it or anything, just click on it), and more endless troops to kill, rinse and repeat.
WTF? Is this broken?
It certainly isn't broken for me. I remember that I had to stand at a spot behind the ballista to trigger some action that I had to do. Then the enemy came, and as soon as I finished them, I returned to that spot to trigger more work with the ballista. I think there were like three rounds of this. After the ballista has fired, I returned to the upper levels to continue the story.
Quote from: Monoriu on July 01, 2011, 09:11:39 PM
It certainly isn't broken for me. I remember that I had to stand at a spot behind the ballista to trigger some action that I had to do. Then the enemy came, and as soon as I finished them, I returned to that spot to trigger more work with the ballista. I think there were like three rounds of this. After the ballista has fired, I returned to the upper levels to continue the story.
Must be broken, then, for me. I've fired the ballista more than a dozen times, I am sure.
Edit: Looked it up online. Turns out a feature of the game is that it randomly requires you to mash the LMB a bunch of times really fast, and that the ballista is one of them. Wish the tutorial actually mentioned that! :lol:
Quote from: grumbler on July 01, 2011, 09:35:43 PM
Quote from: Monoriu on July 01, 2011, 09:11:39 PM
It certainly isn't broken for me. I remember that I had to stand at a spot behind the ballista to trigger some action that I had to do. Then the enemy came, and as soon as I finished them, I returned to that spot to trigger more work with the ballista. I think there were like three rounds of this. After the ballista has fired, I returned to the upper levels to continue the story.
Must be broken, then, for me. I've fired the ballista more than a dozen times, I am sure.
Edit: Looked it up online. Turns out a feature of the game is that it randomly requires you to mash the LMB a bunch of times really fast, and that the ballista is one of them. Wish the tutorial actually mentioned that! :lol:
Is this your first time encountering QTEs?
Quote from: Cecil on July 02, 2011, 04:09:04 AM
Is this your first time encountering QTEs?
Yes. The tutorial didn't mention them, either. This tutorial isn't nearly as useful and informative as the one in the first game.
Gawd, that was confusing. Stupid QTEs.
Quote from: Cecil on July 02, 2011, 04:09:04 AM
Is this your first time encountering QTEs?
Quicktime events are a scourge that needs to be purged.
This game just got patched to 2.0, with the following changes:
Quote1. Completely new, extensive Tutorial System
The new tutorial helps players fully enjoy the game from the very beginning and systematically explains the depth of The Witcher 2's combat and gameplay mechanics. It allows gamers to gradually and smoothly immerse themselves in the game world and Geralt's adventures.
2. Special Dark difficulty setting
The new Dark Mode presents players with a new challenge, the highest level of difficulty where every foe is now a significant challenge requiring careful planning and consideration. Dark Mode also features several new sets of equipment and items all linked together through a dark legend in the game journal. These cursed items harm Geralt so long as the sets remain incomplete, but once the player collects all the components, the Blasphemer's, Oathbreaker's and Kinslayer's outfits provide great advantages in combat. Dark Mode offers dark-themed gear with very high stats such as:
• 18 new equippable items including
• 3 new sets of dark armor (light, medium, and heavy)
• 3 new sets of dark swords (3 silver, 3 steel)
• Other Dark themes/elements in the game
3. Completely new arcade-style Arena Mode
Infinitely replayable and progressively more challenging, Arena lets you hone your combat skills and techniques against all the different monster types from the game. Dispatch wave upon wave of progressively more difficult enemies, earning awards that you can use to upgrade abilities, experiment with new weapons and armor, and to test your alchemy skills. Hirelings can also assist you in battle—for a price. Combat waves will continue infinitely until your character is defeated, after which you'll see a statistical summary of results. Players can share their results with their friends by uploading this summary to the official Witcher forums or to Facebook. Arena Mode includes:
• New location, with a dynamic, responsive audience reacting to the events
• A new monster type, Werewolf
• Waves of different opponents, looped with increasing levels of difficulty
• 3 different prizes to choose from in each wave
• 3 new characters (mage, knight, and dwarven fighter) that can serve as allies during clashes
• A shopkeeper offering gear and enhancements
• 3 new GUI panels designed specifically for the mode
• New dialogue
• New background music
• New Witcher Forum and Facebook integration
4. Technical Bliss
Version 2.0 includes all previous and new technical and gameplay enhancements such as:
• 40+ new technical and gameplay enhancements
• 100+ previous technical and gameplay fixes
• All 9 previous DLC packs
- Troll Trouble
- Roche Commando Jacket
- Ultimate Alchemy Suit
- Ultimate Magical Suit
- Ultimate Swordsman Suit
- Finisher Pack
- Mysterious Merchant
- Barbers and Coiffeuses
- A Sackfull of Fluff
I picked this up on Steam for $30 last week and it's been eating up the time I otherwise would be playing Shogun 2 or RO2. I'm quite happy with it. :)
Quote from: FunkMonk on September 29, 2011, 05:00:41 PM
This game just got patched to 2.0, with the following changes:
I picked this up on Steam for $30 last week and it's been eating up the time I otherwise would be playing Shogun 2 or RO2. I'm quite happy with it. :)
How's it compare to the first one? I didn't like the first one all that much, not terrible it just couldn't keep my interest for some reason.
I didn't much like the first one either, although I was interested a bit by the story and the universe it's set in. I remember not liking the combat at all in the first one, whereas in The Witcher 2 I'm really enjoying laying waste to mobs of people and monsters by myself. It's very tricky at first but once you get a feel for it you'll be slaying dudes left and right. The combat system rewards you for using everything at your disposal (your swords, potions, bombs, traps, magic).
A worthwhile tutorial would be most welcome, letting people pick the order in which they do things was a big mistake, I got killed by that damn dragon loads of times before I figured things out.
Its not as good as the first one at all. But still quite good.
Quote from: Tyr on September 29, 2011, 11:51:31 PM
A worthwhile tutorial would be most welcome, letting people pick the order in which they do things was a big mistake, I got killed by that damn dragon loads of times before I figured things out.
Its not as good as the first one at all. But still quite good.
Meh, you don't like Morrowind, who's gonna listen to you?
Quote from: FunkMonk on September 29, 2011, 09:26:28 PM
I didn't much like the first one either, although I was interested a bit by the story and the universe it's set in. I remember not liking the combat at all in the first one, whereas in The Witcher 2 I'm really enjoying laying waste to mobs of people and monsters by myself. It's very tricky at first but once you get a feel for it you'll be slaying dudes left and right. The combat system rewards you for using everything at your disposal (your swords, potions, bombs, traps, magic).
That's not the answer I wanted, now I am going to have to pick it up next time I see it on sale.
It's on semi-sale (i.e., 30$ rather than whatever was the original price) on GoG.
The QTEs in Witcher 2 were too much for me. I never finished the game, nor likely ever will.