How is the latest one?
fucking AMAZING is what it is. I havent even left my room since I started it. Not that I never do anyhow but i've been stockpiling food.
Quote from: Jaron on March 08, 2010, 02:21:51 PM
fucking AMAZING is what it is. I havent even left my room since I started it. Not that I never do anyhow but i've been stockpiling food.
Like a Korean during a Starcraft event???!!?!11 kekekekke
13 is out?
I've completely lost all faith in the series after the crap that was the last one <_<
The last one I played was X, the last I played and liked was VIII
I enjoyed the first one. Way back when. It's amusing to think of magical spells called "Rub", "Nuke", and "Lit3".
12 was alright. Story was awful but the combat and game mechanics were enjoyable and it was a large world to explore.
Really just want a FFVII remake though.
Quote from: DisturbedPervert on March 08, 2010, 06:31:45 PM
12 was alright. Story was awful but the combat and game mechanics were enjoyable and it was a large world to explore.
Really just want a FFVII remake though.
I couldn't play it. The aesthetics were seemingly intended to appeal to borderline pedophiles. Normally, I'm not a prude, but this was over the top and embarrassing. What I tried of it, the mechanics did indeed seem quite good. I hope the new one ditches the yaoi shtick.
I enjoyed the first one. Way back when. It's amusing to think of magical spells called "Rub", "Nuke", and "Lit3".
Damn straight.
What is it..
"yaoi" ?
Quote from: DisturbedPervert on March 08, 2010, 06:31:45 PM
Really just want a FFVII remake though.
Did you watch Advent Children?
Quote from: Jaron
What is it..
"yaoi" ?
Martinus's wet dreams.
Wet feet?
Quote from: DisturbedPervert on March 08, 2010, 06:31:45 PM
12 was alright. Story was awful but the combat and game mechanics were enjoyable and it was a large world to explore.
Really just want a FFVII remake though.
I'd say the opposite. Story was fairly typical RPG fair whilst the game itself was awful.
FF7 spawned a generation of Sephiroth wannabes in online gaming and mmos :bleeding:
Quote from: DisturbedPervert on March 08, 2010, 06:31:45 PM
12 was alright. Story was awful but the combat and game mechanics were enjoyable and it was a large world to explore.
Really just want a FFVII remake though.
Should've never left Midgard in that game. That first part was the best.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on March 09, 2010, 08:00:32 PM
Quote from: DisturbedPervert on March 08, 2010, 06:31:45 PM
12 was alright. Story was awful but the combat and game mechanics were enjoyable and it was a large world to explore.
Really just want a FFVII remake though.
Should've never left Midgard in that game. That first part was the best.
True enough.
A entire game with you as a terrorist just running around blowing up reactors and whatnot would have been great.
Quote from: Tyr on March 11, 2010, 06:00:04 AM
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on March 09, 2010, 08:00:32 PM
Quote from: DisturbedPervert on March 08, 2010, 06:31:45 PM
12 was alright. Story was awful but the combat and game mechanics were enjoyable and it was a large world to explore.
Really just want a FFVII remake though.
Should've never left Midgard in that game. That first part was the best.
True enough.
A entire game with you as a terrorist just running around blowing up reactors and whatnot would have been great.
:thumbsup: Damn Straight!
That would have been a terrible game. FF7 rocked because you had such a large world to explore.
JRPG :yucky:
Quote from: Fate on March 11, 2010, 01:07:04 PM
That would have been a terrible game. FF7 rocked because you had such a large world to explore.
A whole wide world filled with blah.
Just like most 8-bit era JRPGs, too.
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on March 11, 2010, 06:20:38 PM
Quote from: Fate on March 11, 2010, 01:07:04 PM
That would have been a terrible game. FF7 rocked because you had such a large world to explore.
A whole wide world filled with blah.
Just like most 8-bit era JRPGs, too.
Disagree. :(
Looks like 13 is out. Anybody play it?
Word on the street that it is absolutely linear, with almost no exploration, as a direct response to the fact that 12 had almost no direction.
Personally, I think that the franchise is really weakening, and has been for years.
It's been downhill since III (VI if you're Japanese). VII was a downgrade, VIII was an even bigger downgrade. It just keeps getting worse.
III was the last one I played.
Quote from: Neil on March 22, 2010, 10:06:17 PM
Word on the street that it is absolutely linear, with almost no exploration, as a direct response to the fact that 12 had almost no direction.
Personally, I think that the franchise is really weakening, and has been for years.
Haven't Final Fantasys been that way for awhile? World exploration hasn't really been a hallmark of the series in quite some time, unless you consider traveling on a world map from point A to point B < exploration >
I think the last one that was really semi-non-linear was maybe 3/6. After the floating continent, you were pretty much free to reassemble your allies in whatever order. You could even go straight to the final boss. 7 had a little exploration in that there were some side quests to chase after.
What is different now?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 22, 2010, 09:49:52 PM
Looks like 13 is out. Anybody play it?
I'm playing it.
Pros -
Stunning graphics
Compelling story
Interesting battles. Player actions have a real impact on outcome. The battles don't feel too repetitive. Less micromanagement than previous installments.
Good general production values - the voice acting is good, the music is good, the scenaries are well-designed, battle difficulty and balance is good, etc.
Cons -
Extremely linear so far (I'm up to Ch. 7). There is basically no exploration, no talking to NPCs, no choice whatsoever. It is so linear that I won't call it an RPG. It is a movie, one in which you are not allowed to watch the next part until you fight and win some battles.
No real choice and trade-offs in character development. They have an interesting system in place, but it is just an illusion. In reality the players don't need to choose how to develop their characters.
My verdict - if you don't mind the linear aspect, it is an addictive game well-worth the investment. If that aspect really bothers you, then this is not your game.
Quote from: Neil on March 22, 2010, 10:06:17 PM
Word on the street that it is absolutely linear, with almost no exploration, as a direct response to the fact that 12 had almost no direction.
Personally, I think that the franchise is really weakening, and has been for years.
FF7 is the high point of the series.
FF8 :wub:
I've not played it but my idiot of a flatmate bought it and his beast of a gf played it through.
It apparently takes all the bad things from 12 and expands on them. Just dungeons, dungeons, dungeons.
FF is dead to me. It reached its best with X and there it also ended.
Quote from: Judas Iscariot on March 23, 2010, 01:24:37 AM
It's been downhill since III (VI if you're Japanese). VII was a downgrade, VIII was an even bigger downgrade. It just keeps getting worse.
Quote from: Judas Iscariot on March 23, 2010, 01:24:37 AM
It's been downhill since III (VI if you're Japanese). VII was a downgrade, VIII was an even bigger downgrade. It just keeps getting worse.
7 and 8 were perfectly fine. 9 was alright and 10 had exemplary gameplay and a story I enjoyed. But 11 was worthless due to the fact that it was a MMO, 12 was totally disorganized, in part due to the decision late in the development process to change the central character from it's natural focus, the disgraced knight Basch, to the young kid with a minor attachment to the story. It was like having Yuffie instead of Cloud as the main character of FF7. Also, the game was a bit too open, and there were parts where you wandered around without much idea as to what to do to advance the plot.
I agree with Mono.
Graphics: 'Stunning' isn't enough, actually. The game is gorgeous and still it feels very swift & agile. Screen loading times are very short, and save/loading too. The programmers have done a hell of a job.
Story: In general, compelling. It's a bit telling, I think, that the guys at Square/Enix have provided us with kids, teens and grownups in the party, even a dad... can you spell 'our clients aren't kids anymore'?
Before XIII, battles in FF games were so easy and so repetitive that they were a true nuisance, a total loss of time. Well, not this time. The new battle system is a huge improvement.
Regarding production values in general I agree with Mono, but a certain song is getting on my nerves...
Linearity: Nuff' said. I have read FFXIII defined as 'Final Linear Hallways XIII', and until chapter 6-7 it certainly is no RPG.
Besides, I don't much like the character development system, but it¡s better than having experience levels. What I really don't like until now is the weapon & accesories modification system. Too opaque, too vague... I would even say that system it's shamelessly trying to sell game guides.
My provisional verdict is favorable, FFXIII is well worth the money in my opinion, but I hope some things will get better before the end.
Have it. Haven't started yet.
I want to see what people who have gotten well into the late-game say, I think.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 30, 2010, 01:07:32 PM
I want to see what people who have gotten well into the late-game say, I think.
I'm in Chapter 11 (out of 13). I stand by my verdict.
Quote from: garbon on March 23, 2010, 04:36:28 AM
FF8 :wub:
It's good, but could have used some more polish and testing on the junction system, TBH.
Probably my second-favorite of the series.
Quote from: Monoriu on March 31, 2010, 08:01:22 AM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 30, 2010, 01:07:32 PM
I want to see what people who have gotten well into the late-game say, I think.
I'm in Chapter 11 (out of 13). I stand by my verdict.
By that you mean you still think it's linear, then?
That was why FF Mystic Quest was such a piece of utter shit.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 31, 2010, 12:26:34 PM
Quote from: Monoriu on March 31, 2010, 08:01:22 AM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 30, 2010, 01:07:32 PM
I want to see what people who have gotten well into the late-game say, I think.
I'm in Chapter 11 (out of 13). I stand by my verdict.
By that you mean you still think it's linear, then?
That was why FF Mystic Quest was such a piece of utter shit.
Ch.11 is the first time where side quests begin to appear. But I'm extremely generous to describe them as such. All of them are exactly the same: touch a stone, find another spot, kill a monster, get reward, go to next story, no conversation, no choice, nothing.
In Chapter Two. The graphics and video are beautiful. but game play is boring. The battle's are pretty much reduced to watching the computer fight itself. Maybe it gets better.
Quote from: Darth Wagtaros on April 06, 2010, 10:22:34 AM
In Chapter Two. The graphics and video are beautiful. but game play is boring. The battle's are pretty much reduced to watching the computer fight itself. Maybe it gets better.
It'll get much better in Ch.3, when you can start changing roles.
Quote from: Darth Wagtaros on April 06, 2010, 10:22:34 AM
In Chapter Two. The graphics and video are beautiful. but game play is boring. The battle's are pretty much reduced to watching the computer fight itself. Maybe it gets better.
I'm in chapter 7 now, and I've noticed the game getting less boring as time goes on. Not a great model, where you have to work your way out of a pit of crappiness.
That's good at least. Some level of interactiveness would be good.
Quote from: Darth Wagtaros on April 07, 2010, 07:38:45 AM
That's good at least. Some level of interactiveness would be good.
No kidding. You don't even really talk to people anymore.
What gets me is the paths. Previous FF games have generally had paths you are supposed to follow, but that was concealed by making large, open areas. So far, the whole game has literally been on rails.