Only English news source atm seems to be Serbian B92. Bear with their typos. They report the facts of the story as the Austrian media does.
QuoteSrebrenica whistleblower denied asylum
3 February 2010 | 13:03 | Source: Tanjug
VIENNA -- The Austrian government has rejected the asylum request by Jovan Mirilo, known for uncovering the Srebrenica crime.
Mirilo gave video material documenting the Srebrenica crime to the Hague Tribunal in 2005 and received the Austrian Bruno Kreisky Human Rights Award in 2007, had to move from the town of Šid to Austria with his family after receiving many threats.
He submitted his application for receiving asylum in April 2007, which has now been denied.
According to Austrian weekly Falter, the government decided that Mirilo's "stories" was suspicious.
It wrties that "Mirilo has the same tattoo that members of special units that committed the Srebrenica crime have", and he is also accused of forging documents.
The official that rejected the demand will remain anonymous because of possible threats on his life, taking into consideration Mirilo's possible ties with the right wing scene, says the report, and adds that the expert in question now "fears for his life".
As for Mirilo's claim that his life was in danger, mentioned in his asylum application, the decision to reject it has reportedly not been explained.
According to Amnesty International Secretary General in Austria Heinz Patzelt, there are also reports of a robbery of a store Mirilo committed in an earlier visit to Austria that was taken into consideration.
However, that case was settled out of court.
As far as the forged documents are concerned, Mirilo apparently received a visa through a tourist agency in Serbia, and then ripped it out of this passport when he thought that it was not valid, Patzelt said.
"Jovan Mirilo did the right thing at the right time by giving the video material to the Hague Tribunal," Patzelt said.
He added that it is absurd for the asylum service to base its decision on anonymous expert reports.
Patzelt said that Mirilo might be forced to leave Austria, since Serbian citizens do not need visas to travel in the EU anymore. He also believes that Mirilo's fear is justified, "since a man was killed last year in Šid connected to the video material".
Meanwhile, Balkan historian Oliver Rothkolb, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak and former Vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek all gave statements against the decision of the asylum service. All three were in the commission that decided to award Mirilo the Bruno Kreisky award.
Mirilo can appeal the decision of the asylum service, which would send the case back before the asylum court for reevaluation.
No one likes rats.
There is an 'Austrians are all closet Nazis' joke in there somewhere.
He should have gone for the Christian homeschooling angle.
Quote from: Martinus on February 03, 2010, 12:09:21 PM
He should have gone for the Christian homeschooling angle.
Euros hate Jesus.
As far as the forged documents are concerned, Mirilo apparently received a visa through a tourist agency in Serbia, and then ripped it out of this passport when he thought that it was not valid, Patzelt said.
Why would he do that? You don't remove a visa or a page because of that. People usually rip stuff out when there is something they want to hide.