General Category => Off the Record => Gaming HQ => Topic started by: Slargos on January 03, 2010, 06:15:12 PM

Title: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Slargos on January 03, 2010, 06:15:12 PM
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Slargos on January 03, 2010, 07:06:47 PM
Ottoman Empire
A divine recounting of events


An uneventful decade-and-a-half with little need for mention of details, but since the chroniclers are paid by the page, here follows a brief history of the rather impoverished and weak Sultanate at the very edge of Civilization.

The war of savage conquest started by the Timurid empire and its cronies came to an abrupt halt when the Ottoman forces furtively advanced on mighty Karaman, marching in threadbare uniforms, bootsoles made of freshly cut poison ivey (the only material cheap enough for the strained economy) and lacking even the most basic of supplies. It is said that in the morning of the battle, Allah chose to show his divine favour of the Ottoman forces by lighting the still visible crescent of the moon on fire against the crimson morning sky. (Some would claim by freak natural occurrence though not for long, as men without heads cannot make such idle claims). In their decripit state, strengthened by the grace of Allah they managed to halt the savage hordes dead in their footsteps, and there was much blood spilled, and sheep sacrificed, and goats impregnated, and children taken from their mothers, and the daisies, and the willow bark, and on the second day there came as a great halo in the sky... (writing trails off and several dark red smudges dot the lower part of the page.)

What went down

The active part of the war of aggression initiated by the Timurid invaders lasted between 1399 and 1402. By exploiting the Timurids' war against Georgia and the Jalayarids, we managed to destroy several small armies in and around Anatolia, occupying Karaman, Ramazan and Dulkadir in the process. The increasing Timurid war exhaustion, together with pretender rebels ensured that the Timurid forces though numbering in the tens and tens of thousands or more specifically 20 regiments that were sent against our smaller but superiorly led forces were possible to defeat in detail after which no more real Timurid threats could be scouted. The death of the Sultan in a minor battle at the onset of the war was a setback that could've cost us dearly, yet thankfully the Brown Eminence proved supremely capable in destroying every threat sent his way. The war ended in 1406 with the acquisition of a CoT in Fars and neighbouring province Luristan. The Timurid empire crumbled from the aftermath of this war and spawned several upstart nations bent on the destruction of the brave Ottoman Empire, but their time shall come.

Smaller skrimishes were fought against the Wallachian dogs in 1402, and their so called "Crusade" ended in less than a year with the annexation of Oltenia and Morea to the glorious Ottoman Empire.

Warfare and skirmishes against envious and greedy neighbouring states was more or less a constant during the period, yet it was in 1410 that the crisis would peak, as the infidel dogs saw their opportunity to strike whilst the Ottoman Army was busy putting down the dogs of Trebizond and Georgia (Annexation of Trebizon, acquisition of most available Georgian property, thank you witless pigs) and almost as if by silent agreement, the Venetian and Hungarian hordes struck as one, Italian sell swords in the greek south, and drunken Hungarian cossacks in Bulgaria.

Again, through cunning, brilliance, bravery and a pinch of luck, the quick reaction of the Ottoman forces managed to drive out the wine swilling Italians and secure a separate peace with them (it is known that Italians can't fight for shit, and are backstabbing cowards to boot) in order to be able to focus the full fury of the Empire on the foully stinking Hungarian forces.

The war against the Hungarians - whom despite their foul temper, atrocious smell and vicious looks (or perhaps because of) proved to be able fighters - strained the resources of the Empire almost to the brink of defeat. After 4 years of savage fighting, however, the Hungarian army was finally annihilated and the combat phase of the Hungarian war could be declared officially over. What now remains is low level insurgencies and the ratification of a peace treaty, once the Hungarian king can be located (rumoured to be hiding in some wine cellar or other).

In the area of diplomacy, there is little to be said. Treaties were drawn up but not yet ratified as the full focus of the Sublime Porte was on defending and expanding the borders of the Empire. It appears that the Russians don't want our help, and that the Poles just won't listen to anything that isn't accompanied by vodka and borscht.

We have yet to make gainful contact with any of the major powers of Europe, and hopefully they will treat a minor, impoverished, weak nation on the fringe of Europe with the kindness and consideration one such should command.


For the cost of 6 points of inflation, a slightly tarnished reputation and currently 25 infamy, we have acquired a total of 11 new provinces, expanding the economy slightly but more importantly securing necessary manpower and as an added bonus getting most of our current holdings converted to the one true faith. In alles, an acceptable first session, though not strictly according to plan, especially the case of the massive annoyance of having a Mameluke army cockblocking my attempts to take Thrace the entire session, which should hopefully be sorted in the start of the next one.

Addendum: After a brief look at the diplomatic situation of Europe, I can only conclude a certain amount of worry at the apparent Entente Cordiale that now includes Spain aswell as France and England. What can the Central European powers do to counter this, one wonders? Dangerous times are ahead, and who knows what kinds of horrors such manoeuvring may lead to.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Kleves on January 03, 2010, 09:18:49 PM
It was an interesting time in the West, as well as in the filthy, heathen East. The session began with tensions high among the major powers of the West, but ended with England, France, Spain, Portugal, and Austria all connected through alliances, like all films are with Kevin Bacon.

England began the session peacefully, with only occasional covetous glaces at our neighbors. Our main worry was that the French would attempt to take by force what had, by diplomacy, so far eluded them. We need not have worried. Shortly before the death of our illustrious, although incontinently incompetent king, Henry IV, negotiations were entered into with the French. No sooner had diplomats been exchanged than France found herself under attack by the warmongering Philippe II. In short order, Paris was overrun, and the French were crying for English assistance. The shock of seeing the French call for English intervention was too much for King Henry IV to bear, and he soon died sometime after his brain ceased to function. Thus the extraordinary circumstances in France directly lead to the death of an English king, for which we remain vengefully grateful.

Fortunately, Henry had sired a son of quality (although thus of suspicious paternity). Henry V took the throne in a time of great challenges for our fair land. The French still requested aid, as their forces were completely defeated in northern France. Henry offered military and financial aid, in exchange for French recognition of English claims to Calais and Picardy. The French agreed, and Henry set off to war.

The war began well, with our brave soldiers destroying substantial Burgundian forces in and around Flanders. With a force of only 13,000, Henry managed to defeat over 20,000 Burgundians, and capture Picardy for the English crown. Unfortunately, Philippe II soon lead the main Burgundian force of 25,000 against Henry. Seeing the overwhelming enemy forces, Henry advanced across the channel and back to England.

Meanwhile, the Scots had abandoned their humbled French overlords for the embrace of Burgundy. Thus they soon swarmed over the border and into England, like so many orcs (only with less culinary sense). Our forces quickly overcame our beskirted nemesis, and the Scots feel back across the border. With the addition of Henry's victorious forces from the continent, the Scots were subjugated, and ceded two provinces to England.

Thus our forces were freed to proceed back to the continent, where the French were on the verge of total collapse. The full might of the English army, more than 20,000 men, were landed in Calais. Local Burgundian forces were quickly disposed of, and Burgundy again switched the majority of its forces against Henry in the north. Philippe marched against Henry with a force of 35,000, setting the stage for the decisive battle of the war. For weeks English and Burgundian troops clashed in Flander's fields. Despite repeated charges from the entirety of the Burgundian military, English forces held the field for two weeks. Eventually, battered, bloodied, but unbroken, Henry decamped back to Calais and England. English losses were around 7,000, while the Burgundians lost no fewer than 20,000 men to Henry's genius.

With the nobility of Burgundy dead upon the field, their provinces in revolt, and a Grand Alliance of England, Spain, and France poised for final victory, only a miracle could save Burgundy. It was at this very moment that the French caved in to Burgundian demands, and fled from the field. With the reason for our intervention at an end, Henry graciously accepted the Burgundians plea for a white peace.

The next few years passed in peace. Nations rebuilt, and there was much rejoicing. No matter how welcome, however, one thing is certain: this peace cannot last...
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Tamas on January 04, 2010, 02:40:49 AM
Let us get a clearer picture than English propaganda, shall we?

The two armies of France were massing on the border with Aragon, eagerly awaiting Castille to get freed from African commitments for a joint strike on that quite agressive power, using France's newly found claim on Rousillon. Aragon had made an alliance with Brittany and had France warned so it was clear they had us as target.

But it was Burgundy to strike first. Rushing the armies north, I decided to throw them in battle separately, rather than together, which proved to be a  bad decision: once the bigger of the two armies was defeated and recovering from low morale, Burgundian überstacks flooded my realm. Yet, I was determined to come out of the war as a net winner, seeing how even my allied vassals manage to take care of the army of Brittany. So, I secured English support in exchange of two of my claims, and when received, switched my focus away of the Burgundians I could not defeat at the moment, and toward Brittany, the weak link in the alliance against me. While my forces were marching accross France, Aragon decided to join in the fun, and later Auvergne, my former vassal did as well.

With the "mighty" Henry V being unable to handle the secondary front of the Burgundian war, my income slowly faded away, especially after southern Burgundy was taken back from my control. The loss of Paris sealed my financial fate, and altough I managed to vassalize Brittany, the armies of Burgundy, Aragon, Portugal, and Auvergne was too much to handle. SoI handed over Champagne and cancelled my vassalization of Brittany, removing Burgundy from the anti-French coalition, and started my slow recovery.

Auvergne was punished, re-vassalized and its former capital taken, then I took Rousillon from Aragon as well.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on January 10, 2010, 02:15:34 PM
The world in 1442:
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on January 10, 2010, 02:33:08 PM
The next few decades were a decisive time for the Habsburg monarchy. With the Turks knocking on the gates of Budapest, it was imperative that Emperor Albrecht V establish a bulwark to defend all western Christendom from the Mahometans. Despite this most holy mission, Pope Martinus continued his recalcitrance and expansion in Italy. The Emperor quickly crushed the Papal upstart, discovering evidence that the Pope was involved in sodomy and other sins. Romagna and Ancona were freed from Papal domination and the Emperor established an alliance with Milan to ensure that Imperial interests in Italy were maintained.

In the meantime, the Turks had crushed Hungary and subjugated Transylvania and Croatia. Unable to bear the thought of his Christian brothers suffering under the Sultan's yoke, Emperor Albrecht V declared a holy crusade against the Turks. God was surely with him, for victorious Imperial armies quickly overran Croatia, liberating it from Mahometan occupation. The grateful Croats petitioned to join the Empire under the enlightened guidance of the Habsburgs.

Unfortunately, the new Pope proved to be just as treacherous as his predecessor, and placed the Emperor under excommunication. Naturally, no true Christians were fooled by this obvious politically-motivated proclamation, and the Emperor continued his enlightened rule unmolested. Upon his death he was succeeded by his son Franz I. Franz, though short-lived, ensured that no internal discord would harm the Holy Roman Empire via a victorious war against Bohemia, which saw the Czech king humbled and most of his lands falling to the rightful rule of the Habsburgs. Later, a series of war with Burgundy saw the liberation of Imperial provinces of Liege and Hainaut, though France reaped most of the benefit, crushing Burgundy utterly. Regardless, the Electors desired the wise rule of the Habsburgs to continue and after Franz's death elected his brother, the young Ladislas, as the new Emperor. The Habsburg lands were again at peace as the regency council consolidated current territories.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Slargos on January 10, 2010, 06:24:06 PM
A relatively uneventful session as far as the Ottoman Empire is concerned. In fact, so uneventful and uninspiring that I can't even be arsed to write bad prose about it.

1414-1448 was spent mainly consolidating the empire, mopping up various one province minors (once I realized that I had a bunch of outstanding warrants on their arrest pissing about unexploited. I really didn't realize what the impact of infamy was, or how to best exploit the new CB system.) and acquiring whatever free provinces I could. Infamy dropped from a 39 high to a 14 low, due to a few events and the savage butt rape served by Austria after the Ottoman annexation of Croatia and the Austrian gold province previously owned by the hungarians.

Yes, yes, I probably should've known the outcome of going against the deal I made with Austria about the partition of Hungary, but I decided I would have to try it and see what he would do. Now I have seen, and I am properly cowed.

Austria has a huge army. It's fucking massive. At 83 regiments (out of a limit of about 140) it makes me so fucking scared, I almost shat myself during the game. The piddly fucking ottoman army is so deeply in the shit when it comes to standing up to the germans, even the fact that my military tradition dwarfs his impotent joke of an officer corps doesn't turn me from dispair and wondering whether it's better to just quit right away rather than to suffer the indignity of having to orally service the Austrians at every fucking turn.

The Ottoman Empire is weak.

Make no mistake, there is no denying it: Inflation is soaring, non core cots is making trade pointless, tech speed is that of a differently abled turtle, and to cap it all off, manpower is only slightly higher than that of Milan.

Yet the Ottomans soldier on.

On the good side, we are well on our way towards westernization. Another few DP clicks and Latin is in reach. Whether this is a good thing or not I'm not actually really sure, since it seems early eastern units are better than early western so I may decide to hold on westernization on that account.

On the subject of diplomacy, Spain chose to guarantee the safety of the Ottoman Empire for some reason or other, while a defensive pact was signed with Muscovy. What can Muscovy do for the Ottoman Empire, you may ask? Nothing. The answer is absofuckinglutely nothing. But maybe there is a dastardly plan?

There is no dastardly plan.

Meanwhile, the HRE is consolidating, growing more powerful by the day and making everyone wonder: When will he stop annexing those poor HRE minors? Of course, everyone is content to just sit idly by while Solmyr grabs a choke hold on the game, and when David Carradine is discovered dead in a closet, it will be deemed a suicide and no one will stop to question why he's in the closet to begin with.

But all is not bleak, no.

Only most of it.

Income is increasing at a higher rate than inflation, and if I keep this up maybe I can match tech speed with the western nations some time next century.

10 provinces added this session means we are on about the same rate of expansion as last session, though it has all certainly come at gruesome cost and this session was of course a lot longer than the last one so one can only conclude that the apex of Ottoman expansion has already come and gone, and that the rotting husk that is left will be little more than a smelly nuisance to the marauding christian armies once they decide which way is left.

Frankly, it may simply be a sense of morbid curiosity that keeps me around the game.

All is lost,

Slargos, Steward of the festering realm of TURKEY.

Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Habbaku on January 10, 2010, 06:42:57 PM
Viva Espana!

Well, not yet, anyway.

This session saw Castilla steadily recovering from the good-hearted and successfully expansionist but ultimately economically unsound administration of Katmaios I.  Once the mercenaries were fired and the army brought back down to a manageable size, work began apace on ensuring that infrastructural work was spread through Land Reform in multiple provinces and temples built in most.

With the economy balanced and inflation starting to come under control (started at ~6, brought down to 4.5 by end of the session, I believe, thanks to a lucky level 5 Master of the Mint and a refusal to mint any further), Castilla's attention turned towards funding overseas expeditions.  Overseas mainly meaning the Canarias, Madeira and the Cape Verde islands, specifically.  Colonies were established at all three places starting in ~1439 and a proper administration set up on each to allow for future growth.

On the foreign policy side of things, the session was a bit strange, with Spain mostly helping fund the Austrian war effort against the Turks (and being later repaid in full), then brokering a sale of the provinces of Aquitaine--first purchasing them from England, then bargaining a deal with the French to get my hands off the provinces for a tidy sum.  Alas, other than the colonies, no expansion took place save for the colonies established in the Atlantic as our infamy was simply too high (~26 at the start) but that has come down substantially (~9 by the end) and should allow for great strides to be made in the near future.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Alcibiades on January 10, 2010, 06:45:41 PM
Gonna be hard to top that, so I wont even try.... not that I was going to attempt an aar any way.

The Russian domain is, well, poor.  We increased our provinces by a fair amount, neutering Novgorod in two wars, and punishing the Golden Horde effectively.  Infamy got quite high, which limited expansion when Lithuania was severely weakened and saved her from being crippled by our inaction.

An alliance was formed with the Ottomans, which is beneficial to us for the time being, but may possibly aid the Turk more in the future if it lasts.  An alliance was formed with the Poles, but they crumbled soon thereafter, as all poles are completely inept, which this forum has shown us.  Another beneficial alliance was formed with the Swedes, as well as sharing the same dynasty as us.  We hope for great things.

All in all, we have probably the largest territorial mass, but we are more poor than piddly Milan.  Also we are in a crappy tech group.... No plans to Westernize any time soon, if the chance even presents itself at all.


Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: katmai on January 10, 2010, 07:54:49 PM
What to say about Milan...

After realizing it was in our best interests we signed an Alliance with Austria who dominates the HRE. It was also decided to make a trade with Austrians who through wars with the Papacy had come into holdings on the Italian peninsula for lands that once belonged to our Swiss vassals.

Soon after another war that the Pope sought to get involved with the good people of Romagna  declared independence from the Papal states, only to be DoW'd by another former Papal territory Tuscany. As we had already guaranteed Romagna we intervened on their behalf, sadly their small kingdom fell before we had control of Tuscan capital. In the peace that followed we decided it was better to bring Romagna and their fine universities under our direct safety/control and vassalized Tuscany.

Other than that Milan worked toward better relations with all and sent Milanese traders through out Europe and Egypt. Invested heavily in Trade and production tech and fighting to keep inflation at reasonable levels.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Tamas on January 11, 2010, 02:53:14 AM
After the desperate fight for mere survival, France has recovered. Her economy  still feels the weight of the barely avoied bankrupcy during the Gangbang Wars, but France proper is mostly under the King's reign, altough still much work to be done there.

With the assistance of England and Austria, the back of Burgundy has been broken, in two wars they have been reduced to a single province, with Picardy going to England, some Dutch provinces to Austria, and most of it to France, including Antwerpen with its CoT.

Some good money was spent to bring Acquitaine back to the homeland, altough our Castillian ally failed to put the money to good use, they managed  to lose a war against Morocco of all countries.

However, with consodilation, our natural borders which once were far-off dreams are quickly becoming dangerous barriers. All other powers in Europe has plenty of space or rich provinces to expand into. Deals will have to be made to ensure they don't force the mighty French forces into desperate acts.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Habbaku on January 11, 2010, 03:20:53 AM
Quote from: Tamas on January 11, 2010, 02:53:14 AM
Some good money was spent to bring Acquitaine back to the homeland, altough our Castillian ally failed to put the money to good use, they managed  to lose a war against Morocco of all countries.

:lol:  French propaganda is funny.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on January 11, 2010, 06:37:13 AM
Quote from: Slargos on January 10, 2010, 06:24:06 PM
Yes, yes, I probably should've known the outcome of going against the deal I made with Austria about the partition of Hungary, but I decided I would have to try it and see what he would do. Now I have seen, and I am properly cowed.

Austria has a huge army. It's fucking massive. At 83 regiments (out of a limit of about 140) it makes me so fucking scared, I almost shat myself during the game. The piddly fucking ottoman army is so deeply in the shit when it comes to standing up to the germans, even the fact that my military tradition dwarfs his impotent joke of an officer corps doesn't turn me from dispair and wondering whether it's better to just quit right away rather than to suffer the indignity of having to orally service the Austrians at every fucking turn.

This, of course, could have been entirely avoided had the Sultan stuck to our original deal and not decided to try his luck by screwing it (while having sky-high infamy and all regiments in Persia, for some reason). Then Croatia would have been an independent country instead of being owned by Austria. Naturally, the blond-haired, blue-eyed German lads could not stomach the idea of Turkish immigration into Europe and had to take action, although some reports indicate that the oral service was somewhat popular and it is now under consideration to import some "illegal Turkish immigrants" for further work.

All of this should naturally tell you that the Habsburgs are not at all dishonorable and prefer to be magnanimous to their friends and allies. We always prefer diplomacy and those who make treaties with us in good faith have nothing to fear from us.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Tamas on January 11, 2010, 06:53:13 AM
Austria has been a fair and loyal ally of France, and Emperor is considered a friend of French people.
However, the sheer power he commands strikes fear of a broken balance of power in Europe, therefore the rate of his future expansion will be closely monitored.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on January 17, 2010, 02:06:15 PM
The world in 1471 (

AI Milan > Katmai Milan
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Alcibiades on January 17, 2010, 02:17:03 PM
The next few decades proved very important for the Russians.  Resources were pooled, and the Lithuania and Novgorod crumbled.  Much land was added to the Russian Empire, yes Empire now, with much help from the Turks.  Ryazan was brought into the fold diplomatically, upon which we received the mission to Subjugate Novgorod.  We embarked upon this mission, but or worthless ally, the Ukranians, dragged half of the world into this war with us.  Slowly we are being pushed back in the West by Hungarians, Germans, and Poles.  But we have space to give....just a matter of time until we mount out counteroffensive.


Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Tamas on January 18, 2010, 05:11:29 AM
A dull session for France, altough not without significant gains. Inflation is being fought very effectively, not only by a very talented master of mint, but by the national bank which has been founded. Still this effort keeps the treasury quite low compared to what it could be.

Brittany accepted to be ruled more directly from Paris which saw a valuable coastline added to the realm, and a police action to keep greedy Milan out of French sphere of influence saw Provence annexed and a province of Aragon's taken.

Honoring alliance with Castille turned out to be costly because of a forgotten force-vassalization of Avignon plumetted French stability when we had to declare war on the bastards.

However, France is still happy to call Spain an ally, to show this they even helped in their North African crusade, agreeing to the burden of keeping two African provinces at peace.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on January 24, 2010, 02:40:18 PM
The world in 1504 (
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: katmai on January 24, 2010, 03:51:41 PM
Milan's last 30 years have been productive to say the least.

First it was decided to officially add the western part of Sicily to the Kingdom and with the assistance of Castile who agreed to take Malta in exchange we did just that.
It was then in 1478 with the understanding of our allies that we marched on Rome and ended the Papal control on the Italian peninsula.
The next step for Milan was to embrace the thinking of our friends in Toledo and London had and started looking West young man, in doing so we sent our first explorers to discover the continent of Africa and then Colonists to Rio Oro south of Morocco.

In doing so we angered the Moroccan government who then had the audacity to Declare war on us. After initial losses of our colonies that were lightly defended we sent just over 20k men to show Morocco how much of an error on their part it was to tussle with Milan.
In the end we took back our two colonies, and three provinces that had belonged to Morocco.

We ended the session just after the turn of the century having spent last 10 years or so sending out Milanese explorers as far West as the Americas (where we kept running into Spanish settlements) around Tierra Del Fuego in South America and as far east  down past Cape Horn and all the way to  the Indian subcontinent. (where we ran into Ottomans)
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Slargos on January 24, 2010, 04:27:00 PM
You can't kill the Ottomans
The Ottomans will live on

The Venetians tried to kill the Ottomans
But they failed as they were smited to the ground

The Mamelukes tried to kill the Ottomans
But they failed as they were stricken down to the ground

The Nogai tried to kill the metal


they failed as they were thrown to the ground

Aiiaaaaaiiieeeyeah Aiiaaaaaiieeeyeah


No one can destroy the Ottomans
The Ottomans will strike you down with a vicious blow
We are the vanquished foes of the Ottomans
We tried to win for why we do not know

Baluchistan tried to destroy the Ottomans
But the Ottoman Empire had its way
Persia then tried to dethrone the Ottomans
But the Ottomans were in the way
Candar tried to destroy the Ottomans
But the Ottomans were in the way
Qara Koyunlu tried to destroy the Ottomans
But the Empire was much too strong
Serbia tried to defile the Ottomans
But Serbia was proven wrong

Ottoman Empire!
It comes from hell....

Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Habbaku on January 24, 2010, 06:32:37 PM
Quote from: Slargos on January 24, 2010, 04:27:00 PM
The Nogai tried to kill the metal

You missed an edit in your paraphrasing of the song.  :P
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: sbr on January 25, 2010, 02:47:14 AM
Quote from: Habbaku on January 24, 2010, 06:32:37 PM
Quote from: Slargos on January 24, 2010, 04:27:00 PM
The Nogai tried to kill the metal

You missed an edit in your paraphrasing of the song.  :P

I couldn't get the tune in my head quite right until I saw this, thanks. :)

FWIW, I am reading and enjoying this quite a bit, not that any of you give a shit. :)
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: katmai on January 25, 2010, 02:53:12 AM
I care!

Even if you are a dirty Duck lover.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Slargos on January 25, 2010, 03:17:58 AM
Quote from: Habbaku on January 24, 2010, 06:32:37 PM
Quote from: Slargos on January 24, 2010, 04:27:00 PM
The Nogai tried to kill the metal

You missed an edit in your paraphrasing of the song.  :P

No I didn't. I knew I would have to leave one in there for the imbecilles.


Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: katmai on January 25, 2010, 03:24:25 AM
Quote from: Slargos on January 25, 2010, 03:17:58 AM
Quote from: Habbaku on January 24, 2010, 06:32:37 PM
Quote from: Slargos on January 24, 2010, 04:27:00 PM
The Nogai tried to kill the metal

You missed an edit in your paraphrasing of the song.  :P

No I didn't. I knew I would have to leave one in there for the imbecilles.



I still don't get it
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Tamas on January 25, 2010, 03:36:36 AM
France has been in an interesting situation. If you consult the statistics posted in the other thread you will see data which indicates the masters of europe (the french) fell behind in relative power, which must be true to some extent, but it did not feel that way.

Slowly reducing the attricious inflation level took much spending and had to be put on hold for a while when engaged in the very expensive measure of turning Bermuda (which we bought from Castille) into a city. It has had the national focus, altough there are some advisors who suggest now that focus should switch to north africa in order to form a new center of trade there...

And that would be possible due to the most successful crusade in history ever since the liberation of Jerusalem. Tunis is now a vassal of France, while almost all of Algiers is now not only under French rule, but has been converted to Christianity, apart from a couple of provinces.

The continued integration of the French vassals (only one, plus the issue of one-province Burgundy remains) took a hit on centralization efforts, which in turn made some foolish nobles repeatedly think they could follow their own twisted ambitions. As a result, stability has been an issue, but an issue ketp under control. With stability fluctuating, churches and workshops built in the entire realm, the King felt it appropriate to keep the military on an artifically low  level, somewhat less than 90 thousand troops instead of the app. 120 thousands the enlarged kingdom could easily maintain.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on January 31, 2010, 01:21:16 PM
El map (
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on February 19, 2010, 04:28:37 AM
So if we aren't going to continue that other game, how about some summary from everyone on their strategy? Would be an interesting analysis IMO.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: katmai on February 19, 2010, 06:57:14 AM

Lie, cheat, steal and do everything to make Italy a colonial power.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 19, 2010, 09:09:02 AM
He stole Russia's lunch money :(
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Solmyr on February 19, 2010, 11:02:46 AM
Italy was just riding on the unwillingness by anyone to let it be conquered by anyone else. :P

As for me, it was likely pretty obvious since I was entirely honest about my plans in my diplomatic communications. Establish my dominance over Germany, making sure that France doesn't get any slice of it if I can help it (hence my quick takeover of areas along the French border). I wasn't especially eager to dismantle the Ottomans, at the beginning I was content to keep independent Hungary as a buffer between us, but that changed after Slargos went on his annexation spree. Eventually I aligned myself with Spain, since our interests lay in entirely different directions and were unlikely to ever clash, thus it looked like a safe bet. I'm guessing there might have eventually been some conflict if Russia decided to expand into Poland too forcefully.
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: katmai on February 19, 2010, 11:03:23 AM
Quote from: Solmyr on February 19, 2010, 11:02:46 AM
Italy was just riding on the unwillingness by anyone to let it be conquered by anyone else. :P

You work with what ya got ^_^
Title: Re: Languish Universalis - AAR thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 19, 2010, 06:35:20 PM
Quote from: Solmyr on February 19, 2010, 11:02:46 AM
I'm guessing there might have eventually been some conflict if Russia decided to expand into Poland too forcefully.

I would have Expanded to Berlin and quit.  I'm guessing you wouldn't have liked that.