General Category => Off the Record => Topic started by: citizen k on July 29, 2009, 11:33:32 PM

Title: It's morning in Moldova
Post by: citizen k on July 29, 2009, 11:33:32 PM
QuotePro-West parties narrowly beat Moldova Communists
By CORNELIU RUSNAC, Associated Press

CHISINAU, Moldova – Moldova's pro-Western parties said Wednesday they'll forge an alliance after winning a narrow lead in parliamentary elections — a stinging setback to Europe's last communist-run government.

Preliminary results from a tightly contested parliamentary vote in the impoverished former Soviet republic gave four center-right opposition parties a slim lead over the Communist Party, which has ruled Moldova since 2001.

With 75 percent of the vote counted, the opposition had 49.5 percent to the Communists' 46 percent.

Officials said the gap could grow as more ballots cast in the capital, Chisinau, were tallied. And the opposition could get another boost from three parties whose votes will be redistributed because they didn't reach the 5 percent minimum needed to enter parliament.

Wednesday's outcome threatened to unseat Europe's last government officially administered by a Communist Party.

Leaders of the four opposition blocs vowed to form an alliance, raising the likelihood that Moldova — one of Europe's poorest nations — may move out of Russia's orbit and closer to the European Union.

"The conclusion is that the Communist Party lost the elections after an exhausting campaign where there were enormous pressures not just on the political parties but also on the ordinary people," said Alexandru Tanase, deputy chairman of the largest opposition bloc, the Liberal Democratic Party.

Tanase confirmed that his party would negotiate with the Liberal Party, Democratic Party and Our Moldova Alliance.

"In a short time we will find a favorable solution to develop democracy in Moldova," added Our Moldova Alliance chief Serafim Urechean.

Despite the opposition's gains, it appeared to fall short of gaining enough seats in the 101-member assembly to elect a successor to outgoing President Vladimir Voronin, meaning it will have to negotiate with the Communists.

Voronin, who leads the Communists, already has served the maximum two terms.

Moldova has been in political paralysis since April parliamentary elections sparked violent protests, with the opposition claiming that vote had been rigged by the government.

At least three people were killed and hundreds of others arrested after protesters — some of whom used the online social network Twitter to organize after cell phone networks went down — stormed parliament and the president's office after the April vote.

Streets were quiet and nearly deserted Wednesday evening, with no sign of unrest.

A pro-Europe victory would move Moldova closer to the EU and NATO.It also would help Moldova repair relations with neighboring Romania. Voronin accused Romania of trying to overthrow his government during April 7 riots, and Moldova subsequently imposed visa requirements on Romanians. Moldova was part of Romania until 1940, and gained its independence after the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union.

"This is the most important thing for us in power," Voronin said as the projections came in. "This is the most important achievement — that we were able to organize civilized and democratic elections."

Voter turnout was just under 59 percent, the Central Electoral Committee said.

In an effort to discourage any attempts at vote fraud, more than 3,000 foreign and Moldovan observers monitored Wednesday's elections.

A member of the opposition Our Moldova Alliance, Sergiu Bumbu, was shot in the leg near Chisinau by a man accompanied by two Communist Party politicians. An argument had broken out over allegations the Communists were breaking election rules, said Leonid Bujor, a spokesman for Our Alliance Party.

Interior Ministry spokeswoman Ala Meleca confirmed the shooting and said police were investigating. The Communist Party declined comment.

During April's ballot, the Communist Party took the most votes but failed to win enough parliamentary seats to elect a successor. After the violent protests, opposition parties boycotted the vote in parliament for a new leader.

Twice, lawmakers failed to vote in a president. That led to parliament being dissolved, which in turn triggered Wednesday's election.

Moldova's president wields considerable power and influence. The president heads the armed forces and border police and can fire ministers, although he needs parliament's approval to dismiss a prime minister. The president also can return legislation to parliament.

The current vote was overshadowed by the world economic downturn, which has exacted a heavy toll on Moldova. The country's average monthly wage is only $350 (euro245), and the International Monetary Fund has warned that its gross domestic product will tumble 9 percent this year.

Ivan Mihailicenko, a 68-year-old retiree, said he voted for the Communists. "Only they can give us stability and order in the country. ... The opposition will only bring chaos and destruction."

But accountant Andreea Gaibu, 28, said the country needed reform: "We urgently need change. Things can't go on like this."

Associated Press Writers William J. Kole in Vienna and Alison Mutler in Bucharest, Romania, contributed to this report.