General Category => Off the Record => Topic started by: Josquius on January 21, 2024, 08:51:44 AM

Question: What should be done with Abdul?
Option 1: Burn it votes: 4
Option 2: Permanent storage votes: 0
Option 3: Extensive modification votes: 1
Option 4: Museum donation votes: 3
Option 5: Find it a less prominent home votes: 0
Option 6: Use it as designed votes: 5
Title: What should be done with Abdul?
Post by: Josquius on January 21, 2024, 08:51:44 AM

My dad recently dug this guy out of storage and repaired him.

He belonged to my nanna, who kept him near her front door to store letters and such things.
However I'm told when the Asian doctor came round she would put a blanket over it so knew even back in the 60s it could be a bit dodgy.

My parents used him for a while for a similar purpose until he broke.

Now he's back.

And someday he shall be mine.
But... What should rightly be done with him?

(is this a humble brag about our servant? Hmm...)
Title: Re: What should be done with Abdul?
Post by: Maladict on January 21, 2024, 10:42:51 AM
Refuse the inheritance wholesale. Who knows what else is in there.
Title: Re: What should be done with Abdul?
Post by: celedhring on January 21, 2024, 11:12:05 AM
No way this thing isn't cursed. Probably will kill you in your sleep.