The sheriff's deputy who was shot is my nephew. Hit 4 times in the legs and hips. Life is not in danger, but his tibia was shattered and his hip bone hit as well. Going to be a very, very long recovery.
He clocked in at 4:30 today, and at 4:40pm him and his partner responded to a local Wal-Mart, where store security guards had apprehended someone shoplifting. When they arrived to take the suspect into custody, he pulled out a gun and shot Cameron 4 times in the legs and hip, shot the two security guards (both not critically) and then was shot by Cameron's partner twice, and fled the scene. He was apprehended a couple hours later after a car chase.
I am in shock. He's a great kid. No organs or major arteries hit, but he nearly bled out. Is out of surgery now, but there is going to be more surgeries to keep getting bone and bullet fragments out and somehow repair his tibia.
If anyone is the praying type, my sister would appreciate it, as would I.
Sending best wishes B.
Thinking of your nephew. What a horribly random and senseless thing to happen. I have no words really.
Please keep us updated. I hope his medical costs are being taken care of.
Jesus Christ. I hope he's going to fully recover, physically and mentally.
Quote from: Valmy on January 03, 2021, 01:26:36 AM
Thinking of your nephew. What a horribly random and senseless thing to happen. I have no words really.
Please keep us updated. I hope his medical costs are being taken care of.
I would assume his medical costs will be fully covered since he was hurt in the line of duty. I have to assume he is getting the best medical care available in, well...the world? Or close to it?
Fucking ridiculous. Shoplifting at fucking wal-mart.
God that's horrible Berk. Hope he recovers fully.
And yeah - so ridiculously senseless :(
Christ, that's awful.
I hope he's able to make a recovery, Berkut.
Absolutely dreadful :(
I do hope he can make a complete recovery though the damage sounds terrible.
That's just crazy. Security already had the guy but he started shooting anyway.... Hope he makes a quick recovery.
That's horrible. :(
I am very grateful that it wasn't even worse. I hope for a speedy recovery. :hug:
I'm sorry, Berk, all the best to your family and that he'll have a speedy discovery!
That's awful :(
I hope he makes a full recovery.
He is awake and responseive this morning.
There is a lot that needs to happen still. He has an exit wound that need to be dealt with - 2-3 inches, and will need some kind of skin graft there. A lot of bullet fragments, so they are trying to decide what to go after (each one is a infection risk, but digging after them has its own risks. Three of the four bullets stayed in him, they took one out last night, the other two will probably just stay since they are in his hip and they think they will do more damage getting them out then leaving them alone.
One hip the bone was hit - that they think will mostly heal on its own over time. The opposite leg the tibia was hit and shattered, that will require titanium rods to rebuild. Needless to say, he won't be able to put weight on either side for some time, and recovery will be complicated because of damage to both sides.
All of this over some shoplifted bullshit from Wal Mart.
Horrible and absurd. Hope he recovers.
My thoughts are with you, your sister, and your nephew, Berk.
This is literally insane. No sane person commits multiple felonies in order to avoid arrest for a misdemeanor.
Quote from: grumbler on January 03, 2021, 11:07:35 AM
No sane person commits multiple felonies in order to avoid arrest for a misdemeanor.
Sadly, many, many sane people will commit multiple serious offences in order to avoid arrest for a minor offence.
Doesn't make it any less tragic.
Best wishes and prayers for Cameron Berkut.
Quote from: grumbler on January 03, 2021, 11:07:35 AM
My thoughts are with you, your sister, and your nephew, Berk.
This is literally insane. No sane person commits multiple felonies in order to avoid arrest for a misdemeanor.
My sister said they weren't even going to arrest him. Wal-mart wanted them to, but they don't generally go through the hassle of an arrest for shoplifting.
The suspect was agitated, said he had to get to work. Cameron was assuring him that he would get to work, they just have to let them do their job, and he would be on their way. When he moved over to pat him down he pulled out the gun and started shooting out of nowhere.
This, right here, is why cops freak out when they cannot see your hands, and why seemingly innocent interactions can end in tragedy.
What a nightmare - our hopes are with you and your family.
I'm sorry Berkut.
Quote from: Berkut on January 03, 2021, 12:23:05 PM
Quote from: grumbler on January 03, 2021, 11:07:35 AM
My thoughts are with you, your sister, and your nephew, Berk.
This is literally insane. No sane person commits multiple felonies in order to avoid arrest for a misdemeanor.
My sister said they weren't even going to arrest him. Wal-mart wanted them to, but they don't generally go through the hassle of an arrest for shoplifting.
The suspect was agitated, said he had to get to work. Cameron was assuring him that he would get to work, they just have to let them do their job, and he would be on their way. When he moved over to pat him down he pulled out the gun and started shooting out of nowhere.
Well there you have the very limited but non-insane thinking going on. He didn't want to get busted for the firearm for whatever reason (from no concealed carry permit to being prohibited from possessing).
Sorry - don't mean to go on a tangent. Just the "well he must have been insane" actually lets a piece of shit like this off the hook - he knew what he was doing and figured he'd rather potentially murder a couple of cops so he wouldn't be late for work.
I've just seen too many shoplifting files turned into a fucking armed robbery or worse just because the LPO tries to do their job, when the last thing my office cares about is shoplifting files.
Glad to hear Cameron is doing well so far Berkut. And yes - that's exactly why cops get touchy.
Yeah, well some more info has come to light. Suspect was a previously convicted felon (attempted murder, served 10+years). Gang member. Almost certainly the case that the gun was illegal, and likely would have sent him back to prison.
Camron said when talking to my sister that their intention was literally to just write a citation and let him go. Of course, had they found the gun and his background, that almost certainly would not have been the case.
His right tibia and fibia are both shattered. Going to need a titanium rod replacement for both of them.
His left hip was struck and fragmented, but the docs hope with time that will heal without much intervention. He has a 3 inch exit wound in the back of his calf, and the calf muscle has been ripped apart by the bullet - going to need a graft and repair for that (in addition to the rod).
Nerve damage in his right leg - he cannot move or feel his toes. But that doesn't mean much at this point with the amount of swelling that is common with the hip wound.
No idea long term recovery at this point, but the orthos say that the titanium rod replacement is nearly routine now, and their expectation is that he should have a full recovery from that part of his time.
:( Jesus dude. All the best to Camron, Berk.
I lost the ability to feel the toes on my right foot for about 4 months after a hip injury, so those can heal over (a lot of) time.
I'd also note that it isn't sane to risk a high likelihood of death, and an almost certain life sentence for aggravated attempted murder, to avoid even a five-year bangup for illegal possession of a firearm. Saying that a person is insane doesn't absolve him or her of any responsibilities for their actions. Criminal insanity is a different standard than insane behavior (i.e. criminal insanity has a legal definition, while insanity does not).
And Berkut, you are right that it is this kind of insanity that makes even good cops trigger-happy. It's too easy for wackos to get their hands on guns.
This incident? It is reported by CNN.
Quote from: Monoriu on January 03, 2021, 06:04:52 PM
This incident? It is reported by CNN.
Quote from: Berkut on January 03, 2021, 01:00:42 AM (
The sheriff's deputy who was shot is my nephew. Hit 4 times in the legs and hips. Life is not in danger, but his tibia was shattered and his hip bone hit as well. Going to be a very, very long recovery.
He clocked in at 4:30 today, and at 4:40pm him and his partner responded to a local Wal-Mart, where store security guards had apprehended someone shoplifting. When they arrived to take the suspect into custody, he pulled out a gun and shot Cameron 4 times in the legs and hip, shot the two security guards (both not critically) and then was shot by Cameron's partner twice, and fled the scene. He was apprehended a couple hours later after a car chase.
I am in shock. He's a great kid. No organs or major arteries hit, but he nearly bled out. Is out of surgery now, but there is going to be more surgeries to keep getting bone and bullet fragments out and somehow repair his tibia.
If anyone is the praying type, my sister would appreciate it, as would I.
that's awful. All my thoughts with you and your family :(
My prayers are with you and your family Berkut.
He's in my prayers Berk, while incredibly lucky to be alive anytime you're shot (let alone multiple times), rehabbing from extensive bone and muscular wounds to the leg like this is no fucking joke. I hope he comes through it all okay.
Quote from: grumbler on January 03, 2021, 05:49:35 PM
I'd also note that it isn't sane to risk a high likelihood of death, and an almost certain life sentence for aggravated attempted murder, to avoid even a five-year bangup for illegal possession of a firearm. Saying that a person is insane doesn't absolve him or her of any responsibilities for their actions. Criminal insanity is a different standard than insane behavior (i.e. criminal insanity has a legal definition, while insanity does not).
From what I've heard from a lot of the LEOs I deal with regularly is there's a certain class of offender who has done prison time before, and for any number of reasons has made a calculated decision that they would prefer their life comes to an end rather than go back to prison again. Those people when confronted with imminent arrest will basically be ready to shoot out with cops, assuming there is a very high chance they themselves are killed in the attempt. It's kind of a quibble if you want to call it sane or not, but they have an internal logic for it and a deliberateness of action. Not everyone actually is able to tolerate prison very well at all, there's lots of suicides in prisons. He could also have beefs in the prison system or even a falling out with the gang he was in and prison would put him in an inescapable situation with that too.
Argh, I'm sorry Berk. :( :hug:
Absolutely terrible, and senseless. A swift and full recovery to your nephew.
He went in for further exploratory surgery yesterday. They cleaned out some more fragments from his lower right leg.
1. Bullet wound to upper left thigh. Bullet missed the femoral by about 2 centimeters. Still in his thigh, they likely won't get it out.
2. Bullet eound to upper left thigh. Through and through, extensive soft tissue damage. Possible nerve damage. Expected to heal fully, mostly on it own.
3. Bullet wound to left hip. Struck the hip bone, fracturing it, bullet looks like it most fragmented itself. Giving all the tissue around the hip, this should heal on its own - even the fractured hip bone. Joint not involved luckily. But this will have to be immobilized for some time.
4. Bullet wound to right lower leg. Bullet fractured the tibia and fibia completely, then exited leaving a 3-4cm exit wound and basically a big ass hole in the back of his leg. Extensive muscle damage.
The 4th wound is the one that they've been most worried about (along with the apparent nerve damage on the left). This is going to require a replacement of the effected portions of the tibia and fibia with titanium rods, along with extensive plastics work to close that large exit wound. There is a 10 hour surgery scheduled for tomorrow where they are going to do all of this in one go.
Assuming that goes well, it should be the last needed surgery. Then they can start recovery.
This is kind of interesting - the radio chatter from the entire incident.
200 Alpha is Camron and his partner.
There isn't much for the actual incident - but you can hear my nephew call in that he's been hit. Then it's like three hours of follow up and coordination of the manhunt.
Ten hours of surgery! Wow!
You and he are in my thoughts. I didn't see you at the Five Guys the other night.
That's terrible, Berkut. My thoughts with you and your family.
I appreciate everyones thoughts. For some reason writing about it here is kind of cathartic.
Going down this weekend to visit and help out my sister.
Grumbler, are you still in the DC area?
Quote from: Berkut on January 06, 2021, 05:13:21 PM
I appreciate everyones thoughts. For some reason writing about it here is kind of cathartic.
Going down this weekend to visit and help out my sister.
Grumbler, are you still in the DC area?
Damn, that's bad, Berkut I hope his and your families see better days as he recovers.
Just seeing this. I'm so sorry, Berkut. That's awful. Glad that he's going to be okay, but what an awful thing to go through. My heart is with you and your family. :hug:
Best wishes and a speedy recovery to your nephew!
Quote from: Berkut on January 06, 2021, 05:13:21 PM
Grumbler, are you still in the DC area?
Yep. Still out in Remington (about 5 miles from where we ran into each other at Five Guys), about 20 miles west of Fredericksburg. If you think you'll have time for a short get-together, let me know.
Shit :(
My thoughts are with you and yours. Take care :hug:
That's awful :(
Glad he survived. Best hopes for his recovery.
The local news video is pretty good, has some pics of Camron and my sister and their family.
WTF, how can it be that not all medical costs of on-the-job shooting are covered?
Quote from: DGuller on January 20, 2021, 11:49:06 AM
WTF, how can it be that not all medical costs of on-the-job shooting are covered?
It is just the way our system works. Glad the community stepped up to help.
Anything really serious happening to you will leave you basically bankrupt even if you have insurance. 'Murica.
It's also a professional curiosity. How can a workers' compensation coverage leave someone not fully covered for medical expenses? I know it's a shitty way to get your medical expenses covered, and I know that laws can limit the compensation you get for a partial permanent disability like losing a hand, but treatment and rehab should always be covered fully, I would think (though you may be required to get treatment from Dr. Nick Riviera).
Quote from: DGuller on January 20, 2021, 11:49:06 AM
WTF, how can it be that not all medical costs of on-the-job shooting are covered?
Quote from: DGuller on January 20, 2021, 11:49:06 AM
WTF, how can it be that not all medical costs of on-the-job shooting are covered?
I think that the medical and rehab costs are covered, but not things like being on disability and so getting only something like 60% of your pay.
I think there are also potential costs that would be not covered - insurance is going to cover whatever is considered the standard of care, which is not necessarily the same thing as the best possible care.
Quote from: Berkut on January 20, 2021, 09:55:07 PM
I think there are also potential costs that would be not covered - insurance is going to cover whatever is considered the standard of care, which is not necessarily the same thing as the best possible care.
Good point - quality of the pins used, for example, or the specific types of rehab programs.
Quote from: Valmy on January 20, 2021, 03:03:26 PM
Quote from: DGuller on January 20, 2021, 11:49:06 AM
WTF, how can it be that not all medical costs of on-the-job shooting are covered?
It is just the way our system works. Glad the community stepped up to help.
Anything really serious happening to you will leave you basically bankrupt even if you have insurance. 'Murica.
Our system doesn't work
Kind of crazy is takes this long to get an open and shut trial started.
Quote from: Berkut on May 17, 2022, 07:08:08 PMKind of crazy is takes this long to get an open and shut trial started.
Actually, that's a pretty good time for a capital attempted murder case in the middle of pandemic backlog. Loudon County apparently didn't get rolling on their jury trials again until this past January.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 17, 2022, 07:31:21 PMLoudon County apparently didn't get rolling on their jury trials again until this past January.
January of '21, LOL. Fuck, it's '22. nvm
Shooter was convicted on 10 of 12 charges, including both attempted capital murder charges, and the felony malicious wounding, which all carry life sentences. Sentencing won't be for a couple months though.
Quote from: Berkut on May 28, 2022, 12:50:42 PMShooter was convicted on 10 of 12 charges, including both attempted capital murder charges, and the felony malicious wounding, which all carry life sentences. Sentencing won't be for a couple months though.
Good to hear.
What were the charges that he was acquitted on?
How is your nephew doing?
Quote from: jimmy olsen on May 28, 2022, 08:49:05 PMQuote from: Berkut on May 28, 2022, 12:50:42 PMShooter was convicted on 10 of 12 charges, including both attempted capital murder charges, and the felony malicious wounding, which all carry life sentences. Sentencing won't be for a couple months though.
Good to hear.
What were the charges that he was acquitted on?
How is your nephew doing?
Two charges of criminal wounding or attempted wounding or something like that.
The two Wal-mart employees in the room were wounded as well - they were both hit with bullet fragments, almost certainly from the bullets that hit Camron. But Cam's partner shot the suspect, and the defense argued that there was no real way to know which fragments hit the wal mart employees.
Now, that actually (legally) doesn't even matter. Even if you could prove that the fragments came from Camron or his partners gun, the responsibility is still with the criminal who caused the gunfight to happen. I think he was charged with 12 counts, and the jury wanted to find him innocent of *something*.
Camron, overall, is doing very well. He has likely permanent nerve damage in his left leg, so won't ever be likely to run again, but he is able to walk pretty well now.
Quote from: Berkut on May 29, 2022, 07:45:33 AMCamron, overall, is doing very well. He has likely permanent nerve damage in his left leg, so won't ever be likely to run again, but he is able to walk pretty well now.
My understanding from the news reports is that he will be unable to continue as a policeman. Is that true? If so, does he have other plans made yet? Ther3e's money to be made in school security. Independent schools in particular are likely to be looking for someone.
Quote from: grumbler on May 29, 2022, 01:30:31 PMQuote from: Berkut on May 29, 2022, 07:45:33 AMCamron, overall, is doing very well. He has likely permanent nerve damage in his left leg, so won't ever be likely to run again, but he is able to walk pretty well now.
My understanding from the news reports is that he will be unable to continue as a policeman. Is that true? If so, does he have other plans made yet? Ther3e's money to be made in school security. Independent schools in particular are likely to be looking for someone.
Yeah, well, that is a good question.
He likely will never pass the physical requirements for a typical police officer, is my understanding.
He might actually go get a degree. Which I am trying to encourage. Of course, his mom will want him to go to Liberty University or some nonsense like that.