How likely are you to fill a survey?
You know the ones I mean. You go to your dentist, you get a survey. You go to your mechanic, you get a survey. You go to a restaurant, you get a survey. You go to your brothel, you get a survey.
I used to, but I stopped. I always feel like if I give a bad survey, they're gonna leave a bolt undone next time I take my car in or something.
I do some of them but largely because I feel I have to given my industry is dependent on them.
Of course, I'm also likely to lie as I don't feel anyone should be penalised on the basis of customer satisfaction surveys.
Store Surveys ? I don't do that.
I've signed up to a survey firm that sends me surveys regularly. I answer those.
I try to do them because I know how important feedback is, but it's not always I have the energy.
I always give the top score when ask review an employee, like Instacart or stores that ask you to rate their server. I figure it might help them get a raise, or at least avoid being fired for having a less than perfect score.
i have to fill out HR surveys at work because i'm on the management team. i dislike it very much
Those kind of customer survey forms? Almost never.
That being said, I always answer public opinion polls. I must be on some lists because I get a fair number of those calls. I figure that as a 45 year old white male my opinion on all sorts of topics needs to be heard. :)
We're also a Numeris TV/Radio ratings family. :ph34r:
Your dentist gives you a survey?
I often get survey's from restaurants. I always fill them out. People's bonuses are often tied to those results.
I usually don't, for a couple of reasons. If it's not anonymous, then I don't fill it out, because clearly there is some manipulative reason for giving that survey out. For example, I know that a lot of landlords around here give non-anonymous surveys to residents, and then they dump the results as reviews that Google picks up. This is highly manipulative, given that even unhappy residents wouldn't want to put their security deposit in danger by burning a bridge with the landlord, so I don't participate in this charade.
I also know that some companies, like Volkswagen, have that system where the providers either gets all 10s on every question, or they fail the survey. People who set up such systems are obviously authoritarian abusive imbeciles who are not interested in productive feedback, so I want to be no part of their abuse.
If the survey is quick enough to fill out and is anonymous, sure, I may do it.
Quote from: Barrister on October 21, 2020, 10:37:29 AM
We're also a Numeris TV/Radio ratings family. :ph34r:
Still jealous!
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti. ;)
But seriously, almost never. I have little patience for paperwork.
I am disappointed that this thread isn't a poll. :(
I always try to leave positive feedback whenever I can. I rarely leave negative feedback. If I do, it has to be pretty egregious, like ran over my dog bad.
I was filling out a survey for a major credit card company, and suddenly questions came about other credit cards and how I used them. LOL. I immediately stopped, and emailed them that that stuff was way out of line. MIND YER BIDNESS!
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 21, 2020, 11:06:14 AM
Your dentist gives you a survey?
I often get survey's from restaurants. I always fill them out. People's bonuses are often tied to those results.
Yes. That's what started this. I went to the dentist yesterday (routine hygienist appointment). And this morning I get a survey, you know questions like: Where you greeted nicely? Did you wait long? Was the hygienist good at oral? That kind of stuff.
Quote from: Josephus on October 21, 2020, 03:01:22 PM
Was the hygienist good at oral?
Was she? Inquiring minds want to know.
Not entirely on topic, but this thread stirs up traumatic memories from when surveys were done by phone. As a summer job at a local museum I had to call people who had visited an exhibition from their reservation details, to ask about their experience. On one of the calls, a woman answered whose voice went frail and timid as I introduced myself. Plunging on with the questions (getting paid by number of calls) I was met with silence, then sobbing.
Eventually she told me she and her husband visited the exhibition during which he had a massive heart attack and died on the spot. Although they were both longtime patrons of the museum she had never heard from them afterwards until now, a teenager asking her if she had enjoyed the exhibition.
Thoroughly unequipped to deal with this I mumbled some apologies and hung up. The manager I reported to waived it off saying they would handle it. I suspect they never did :(
It gave me a healthy dose of phone phobia for a couple of years, not to mention a distaste for surveys :lol:
Quote from: Josephus on October 21, 2020, 09:47:59 AM
You go to your brothel, you get a survey.
I used to, but I stopped. I always feel like if I give a bad survey, they're gonna leave a bolt undone next time I take my car in or something.
Only if they give me a discount toward my next visit :P
I used to fill some surveys for a (extremely) small amount of cash, and I recently accepted to fill another one of these. Now I'm getting spammed 2-3 times a day to fill out a new survey. I'm going to unsuscribe, it's just too much hassle for so little money.
Quote from: Eddie Teach on October 21, 2020, 04:04:36 PM
Quote from: Josephus on October 21, 2020, 03:01:22 PM
Was the hygienist good at oral?
Was she? Inquiring minds want to know.
Meh...she wears a haazmat suit now...hard to get anything through that