Just in case the Dems are feeling left out lately :)
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2009/06/john_edwards_faces_new_questio.html?hpid=news-col-blog (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2009/06/john_edwards_faces_new_questio.html?hpid=news-col-blog)
QuoteReport: John Edwards Faces New Questions About Paternity
It isn't just Republicans like John Ensign and Mark Sanford who are making headlines for political sex scandals these days. Democrat John Edwards' name has resurfaced, thanks to a report that Andrew Young, a former close aide, is writing a bombshell tell-all book.
Oddly, the Sleuth has noticed, the subject of that former aide is so sensitive that Elizabeth Edwards couldn't bring herself to mention him by name in her recent best-selling book, "Resilience" -- the same position she took toward her husband's one-time mistress, Rielle Hunter, who also goes unnamed.
"I will call him Jim," she writes of an aide she described as an "obsessed fan" whose "unbridled loyalty" to her husband and "willingness to do anything John wanted" obviously still rankle. That "pathetic" individual first started working with the Edwardses during John's 1998 Senate campaign, she writes, just as Young did.
Former Edwards aides have stepped forward to tell The Sleuth that the references to "Jim" are really about Young, resolving a mystery about the aide's identity that had perplexed readers when her book was released.
"Jim's" loyalty was on full display last year when Young publicly declared through a lawyer that he was the father of Hunter's baby.
But now, according to the New York Daily News, Young will pen a book in which he denies he sired Hunter's baby. John Edwards is the baby's father, Young will write in his book to be published by St. Martin's Press, according to the Daily News' "Rush & Molloy" column.
"Young says that his belief in Edwards ran so deep that he agreed to take the fall for the candidate, inviting the pregnant Hunter to live with him, his wife, Cheri, and their three children," the columnists wrote. "Later, after Hunter delivered the baby, Young and his family moved to a different home in California."
Less intriguing but more salacious is Young's claim that Edwards and Hunter made a sex tape together, according to the Daily News.
Other interesting allegations in the column include:
• Mrs. Edwards holds Young partly responsible for her husband's affair with Hunter.
• Hunter told Young that she and John Edwards talked about getting married one day.
• Mrs. Edwards suspects Young of stealing the baseball card collection of her late son, Wade.
Damn immoral Liberals. I'm glad the Republicans are there to be the voice of reason and Conservative, family values.
I have to say an Edwards presidency would've been sweet, like the 90s all over again :)
Edwards was already ruined and holds no office. ;)
But yes the only thing sweeter than right wing socially people going down is left wing financial people going down.
Awww, you got me hot by thinking the "Hunter" is Ide. :(
A sex tape of Hunter and Edwards would be disgusting. Utterly flaccid.
Quote from: Phillip V on June 29, 2009, 04:28:21 PM
A sex tape of Hunter and Edwards would be disgusting. Utterly flaccid.
Hey, don't diss it until you've tried it. Personally, I think Ideologue is hot.
Quote from: Caliga on June 29, 2009, 03:26:04 PM
Mrs. Edwards suspects Young of stealing the baseball card collection of her late son, Wade.
That's pathetic, but funny.
Quote from: derspiess on June 29, 2009, 03:56:28 PM
I have to say an Edwards presidency would've been sweet, like the 90s all over again :)
It would have been way worse given what Edwards did.
• Hunter told Young that she and John Edwards talked about getting married one day.
That's what they all say, darling.
Quote from: dps on June 29, 2009, 05:05:44 PMThat's pathetic, but funny.
Well... it's not like the kid needed them anymore. :ph34r:
This guy is such a sleeze. Now even his close confidants are out going after him. But to be honest, I don't really like "friends" possibly betraying a trust.
Then I guess Edwards never made good on the donations he promised to help fund some charity type groups. Of course not; all talk about helping, no substance.
Quote from: derspiess on June 29, 2009, 03:56:28 PM
I have to say an Edwards presidency would've been sweet, like the 90s all over again :)
Peace and prosperity? Yeah I think we could all go for it.
Under a President Edwards, he would allow price of haircuts to rise enormously, forcing people to not cut their hair.