So i will be in Chicago from Friday May 22 through Memorial Day (which is my parents' 40th wedding anniversary). Passing through St. Louis on the 21st. I wish to engage in beer tourism, and may plan an excursion out to Three Floyds for Saturday, May 23 (not, I know, in Chicago).
I'd love to, but I'm working that weekend.
Unfortunately away on the 21st. As for beer tourism in STL, check out:
I'm in Chicago all the time on business but unfortunately I think I will be there earlier that week, but leaving before Friday. :(
Cunts, the lot of you.
If you've never had it before try Root Beer Beer. I've had it at a few places up there including Untitled and State and Lake (inside theWit).
Put ketchup on your hot dogs. Make sure they see you doing it.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2015, 07:03:57 PM
Put ketchup on your hot dogs. Make sure they see you doing it.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2015, 07:03:57 PM
Put ketchup on your hot dogs. Make sure they see you doing it.
Son. I do this shit all the time. Freaks the plebes the fuck out.
Good man.
do it assholes
you can split my tab with Scip.
Not enough notice, dude. I already have my vacation scheduled for the following week (was going to go to Columbus for Origins, but decided on the beach instead).
Short notice but there's a small chance I could do the Three Floyds thing Saturday.
We're both going to be out of state (two different states) for the weekend. However, if you stopped in Champaign Thursday or say Monday-Tuesday we could probably meet up at a brewery or two.
Quote from: Oexmelin on May 17, 2015, 03:04:45 PM
Unfortunately away on the 21st. As for beer tourism in STL, check out:
Schlafly has some beers in their taproom/brewpub that tend to be more interesting than their production beers. Food is only about as good as it has to be.
I did not make it to Urban Chestnut last time I was in St. Louis but I've heard good things about it.
Quote from: Scipio on May 17, 2015, 06:31:50 PM
Cunts, the lot of you.
PM CCR and hope he notices it in his inbox, it is your last best hope.
Isn't CCR way downstate from Chicagoland?
It's definitely worth a shot to try to meet up with him though.
It was only about an hours drive IIRC
Oh I was thinking he was much further south, like around Springfield or something.