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Off the Record / Re: Football (Soccer) Thread
Last post by crazy canuck - Today at 05:48:27 PM
Oh God, new reporting that the men's team also employed drone scouting/spying at COPA, and there is some chance this was something Soccer Canada had a role in the deciding iwas a good idea.

Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Josquius - Today at 05:43:40 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on Today at 05:37:09 PM
Quote from: Josquius on Today at 04:52:54 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on Today at 04:43:11 PM
Quote from: Josquius on Today at 03:10:06 AMThink of the stupidest things in the world and there'll always be someone who believes it.

Yeah, we had that guy posting that Nazis supported Israel earlier.

Yeah, it was pretty stupid thing for that guy to say

QuoteIt was to you and raz because I don't get why you were saying that in response to me pointing out nazis these days tend to be pretty pro Israel since it's Muslims they hate.

Not really.
Love how you trim all context and omit the important detail of these days.

And real ironic of you in this thread to accuse others of saying stupid shit...
Not to mention kind of creepy. You really need a better hobby.
Quote from: Sheilbh on Today at 05:09:37 PMDidn't spot this at the time, but on countries sharing boats - I can only imagine the Portugal, Qatar and North Korea boat must have been a bit weird :lol:

Unfair for Portugal to be lumped with those two.  :thumbsdown:

The joys of the alphabet P,Q,R (epublic of juche Korea).

Enough to ruin a photo.
Off the Record / Re: Football (Soccer) Thread
Last post by crazy canuck - Today at 05:37:30 PM
Coach has also now been suspended pending further investigation.  Turns out this has happened before and it seems unlikely the head coach did not know.
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Razgovory - Today at 05:37:09 PM
Quote from: Josquius on Today at 04:52:54 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on Today at 04:43:11 PM
Quote from: Josquius on Today at 03:10:06 AMThink of the stupidest things in the world and there'll always be someone who believes it.

Yeah, we had that guy posting that Nazis supported Israel earlier.

Yeah, it was pretty stupid thing for that guy to say

QuoteIt was to you and raz because I don't get why you were saying that in response to me pointing out nazis these days tend to be pretty pro Israel since it's Muslims they hate.
Off the Record / Re: TV/Movies Megathread
Last post by HVC - Today at 05:23:12 PM
Quote from: celedhring on Today at 03:35:20 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on Today at 03:34:37 PMStarted on Phantom Menace.  My God this movie is a trainwreck.  Just cut every Jar Jar scene and it automatically becomes a mediocre movie.

It also becomes a 30 minute movie. He's like every-fucking-where.

And yet still better then the sequels.
Off the Record / Re: Brexit and the waning days...
Last post by HVC - Today at 05:20:02 PM
Quote from: Sheilbh on Today at 01:15:23 PMEdit: And I tend to be a bit more "throw the book" about protests aimed at causing this type of disruption in the lives of normal people than the vandalism stuff - though I think it will probably end up with more glass and security and less accessibility in museums which will be a shame.

My line of reasoning is disruption is personal, it's a moment in time. It's sucks for the people in question (and I'd be livid), which is why I'm ok with police brutality haha. but destroying art (or genuinely attempting to) destroys it for the future and everyone. But I might be weird in that regard. Even when watching films where there is explosions and mass destruction I'm not think "oh the poor people" I'm thinking "they're ruining nice scenery for future generations :lol:
Off the Record / Re: TV/Movies Megathread
Last post by Josquius - Today at 05:11:14 PM
Doesn't the Phantom Edit do that?
Sure I've heard of such a thing before.
I'd love to know the truth of just what they were thinking with jar jar and other idiocy in that film.
Always surprises me though that a lot of kids born in the 90s or later see the prequels as the main star wars films and... Often like them?
Off the Record / Re: Refractory Gauls, or the F...
Last post by Sheilbh - Today at 05:09:37 PM
Didn't spot this at the time, but on countries sharing boats - I can only imagine the Portugal, Qatar and North Korea boat must have been a bit weird :lol:
Off the Record / Re: Refractory Gauls, or the F...
Last post by garbon - Today at 04:57:36 PM
I enjoyed it but glad I could watch on TV so it could cut to all the bits.