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Gaming HQ / Re: New Paradox Tinto Game - "...
Last post by grumbler - Today at 09:00:31 PM
Quote from: Norgy on Today at 04:22:01 PMToo thick around the ankles.

And elbows are too pointy.
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by grumbler - Today at 08:58:48 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on Today at 08:49:40 PMSeriously?  Words have meanings.  You can bend them a little, but "nazis support Israel" is a way too far.  I brought it back up because Josq said something about the stupidest thing possible, and that was the stupidest thing I could think of at the moment.  Josq has been redefining words in this thread to suit his needs in this thread, don't join with him on that.

Yes, word have meanings, and proper nouns have different meanings than common nouns.  I hate the commonization of "nazi" but am smart enough to recognize that it is a fait accompli.  You may continue to shout at clouds at your leisure.
Off the Record / Re: Refractory Gauls, or the F...
Last post by grumbler - Today at 08:55:02 PM
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on July 25, 2024, 09:29:34 AM
Quote from: grumbler on July 24, 2024, 11:41:20 AMThis sounds very much like the Russian argument as to why they invaded Ukraine:  "they were mean so they forced me to invade."  The UK had peace after the Treaty of Amiens and they unilaterally broke the peace.

I don't think the analogy in the first sentence holds although I definitely agree with the second sentence.

The war party in Britain feared the growth in French power under Bonaparte, viewed conflict with the traditional rival as inevitable and were worried that waiting further could result in further consolidation of power by France and a weakening of Britain's relative position.

Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812 for pretty much that exact reason, so it's not like that thinking was unique to the UK.  My argument was simply that Napoleon becoming emperor was not the result of personal vainglory nor were his wars all the results of French aggression. 
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by HVC - Today at 08:50:27 PM
Just add neo and everyone is happy.
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Razgovory - Today at 08:49:40 PM
Seriously?  Words have meanings.  You can bend them a little, but "nazis support Israel" is a way too far.  I brought it back up because Josq said something about the stupidest thing possible, and that was the stupidest thing I could think of at the moment.  Josq has been redefining words in this thread to suit his needs in this thread, don't join with him on that.
Off the Record / Re: TV/Movies Megathread
Last post by grumbler - Today at 08:42:37 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on Today at 03:34:37 PMStarted on Phantom Menace.  My God this movie is a trainwreck.  Just cut every Jar Jar scene and it automatically becomes a mediocre movie.

If Lucas had just pulled the trigger on Jar Jar being the Big Bad as he'd ben set up to be, we'd be calling the Jar Jar stuff in TPM genius.
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by grumbler - Today at 08:38:38 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on Today at 06:13:03 PMIf your definition of Nazi includes people who support Israel, then you definition is fundamentally flawed.  It is unfortunately quite wide spread in the Pro-Pal circles.  The people who want to eradicate the Jews (and are often fans of Hitler) are the heroic anti-fascists while the Jews themselves are Nazis.  It's a whole topsy-turvy movement there.

As an aside, Raz, there is a difference between "xerox" and "Xerox," "kleenex' and "Kleenex" and "nazi" and "Nazi."  Proper nouns are not the same as common nouns.  Maybe you were absent from school the day they taught that?
Off the Record / Re: Hungarian Politics
Last post by Sheilbh - Today at 07:24:50 PM
Yeah. I sort of think we should be trying to encourage a brain drain from Russia. But a guest worker route into Schengen feels far more like it's be helpful for intelligence operatives.
Off the Record / Re: [Canada] Canadian Politics...
Last post by crazy canuck - Today at 06:28:22 PM
Big decision from the Supreme Court of Canada.  It affirmed the decisions from the lower courts that the provincial and federal government governments had breached treaty rights of an indigenous nation north of Lake superior for 150 years By refusing to increase the annuity which was required to be paid under the treaty.

The treaty required the government to increase the annuity to each individual member of the indigenous nation, if revenues from the land justified such an increase.  The area turned out to be mineral rich, and the government, along with private corporations, made a lot of money.  The Annuity was never increased.

The first nation values its claim at about 126 billion. The court has sent the government back to exercise its own judgement as to what is owed and to pay it.  The Decision of the government will be subject to judicial review.

And here's the kicker, the government has a deadline of six months to do this.

If people thought we had a bad deficit problem  before this decision, just think about this case being multiplied many times across the country.  While it is true that this treaty has rather unique language with an escalating clause, there are a lot of other rather unique treaties And claims being made across the country.
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Razgovory - Today at 06:13:03 PM
Quote from: Josquius on Today at 05:59:21 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on Today at 05:51:20 PMYou did say Nazis support Israel.  You back tracked and meant not real Nazis, just people you disagree with.

I can't even remember this discussion. It's simply bizare and pathetic you decide to dredge it up out of nowhere for no reason.

The modern far right, coloquially known as nazis, broadly supports Israel. This is true.
Bizare thing to try and fling insults about.
Very interesting to see your conversion continue as you pickup the typical fascist mating call of out nowhere declaring "you just call people you disagree with a nazi!"

If your definition of Nazi includes people who support Israel, then you definition is fundamentally flawed.  It is unfortunately quite wide spread in the Pro-Pal circles.  The people who want to eradicate the Jews (and are often fans of Hitler) are the heroic anti-fascists while the Jews themselves are Nazis.  It's a whole topsy-turvy movement there.