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King of Dragon Pass AAR

Started by Solmyr, March 19, 2013, 03:37:17 PM

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Because you fuckers will never finish a KoDP AAR, I'm making my own.

Ancient Lore
During the marriage of Orlanth and Ernalda, our men whooped and drank with Orlanth, making Orlanth our main deity.
Our clan's earliest famous event was when Roitina, lady of dance, first performed the Clan-Making Dance.
During the Storm Age, we adopted strangers into our clan. Our worst enemies in those days were the elves, because fuck elves.
We were originally a Balanced Clan.
At the Dawn, we first awakened Uralda, the Cow Mother.
Our attitude toward dragons and their ilk was neutral; we did not go along with them nor actively make war on them.

When we arrived in Dragon Pass, we claimed more land than we needed, to grow into. We built a clan hall, some steads, and a shrine to Orlanth. But when we left Heortland, we lost much of our connection with the gods.

The god-talkers said we needed to learn one of Uralda's blessings. Sure, we like cows, no problem.

First though, we reorganized our clan ring.

Aski remains our chief, an aging Orlanthi. He is an excellent leader and reasonably good at everything else except farming.
Ordag is our lawspeaker, a young follower of Lhankor Mhy with excellent knowledge of tribal customs and good abilities otherwise. Except at farming.
Olende is our warleader, a veteran Humakti thane.
Orngerin is our trickster woman. She's really good at both magic and combat, so we decided to let her deal with magic. We'll see if that's a good idea...
Loricon is an old trader and diplomat, a follower of Issaries.
Karendra is our chief priestess of Uralda, and a caretaker of our herds.
Valensta is our priestess of Ernalda, who advises our farmers.

Our tula is in the middle of a valley just north of the Quivin Mountains. Our closest neighbors are the White Horses, who live upriver. Other neighbors across the hills to the north include Orlmarth, with whom we are allied, Tedanlings, with whom we are feuding, and Hiord. Also the Jerendings live some ways downriver, and Six Brothers live in the hills to the south. We are trading with Blue Spruces and Lysangs, whose tulas are on the western edge of Dragon Pass.

With so many neighbors, our first priority was to defend our tula. We recruited four new weaponthanes from promising carls, bringing our total to 14.

Afterward we decided to explore our tula. We found some strange dragonewts conducting a ritual. As we prefer not to deal with dragons, we decided to keep an eye on them until they left.

When Fire Season arrived, we decided to raid our enemies the Tedanlings, sending some men on a cattle raid. Sadly we were spotted, and our raiders were about to get screwed. We decided to evade and flee. There was a brief clash with a couple of guys wounded. And we managed to grab 11 cows as we ran. Boy are we good.

Some bitch is divorcing one of our carls and demanding the exact same ten cows she brought as dowry, even though those cows are long dead. Our lawspeaker Ordag argued that she is misusing the law, and she left fuming to her clan, the Anzarni, claiming that they would take vengeance against us.

It's Earth Season and we decided to pray to Uralda for her mysteries, as our god-talkers advised. After an initial failure, Uralda revealed the Calf Blessing ritual.

We sent Korol, our eldest Orlanthi, south to explore the Quivin Mountains. However, his party was attacked by the White Horses and he had to return. Fuckers.

We saw a rainbow touch down on our fields; the people were cheered by this good omen. With this blessing, we sought to build friendships and decided to talk to the Anzarni, just in case that bitch tried to badmouth us to them. The chief and thanes of the Anzarni clan pledged their friendship to us.

Another exploration party looked around our own tula. We found a cave full of dangerous, armored rodents on our tula. Orngerin said she would lure them away with trickster magic, and we decided to let her do it. She pranced about the cave mouth, singing a song which she said was an irresistibly salacious tune in the language of the killer rodents. It seemed absurd, but the rodents formed a line and followed Orngerin as she danced away from the borders of our tula and towards those of the Tedanling clan. Let those fuckers deal with the armored rats.

Since we had some bad luck exploring, we decided to sacrifice to Vinga. She revealed the Pathfinder ritual - hopefully we can build a shrine soon to help our explorers.

Rostandos was bullied and insulted by a pair of Taraling weaponthanes at their clan market. We sent for shamans to curse them. Shamans came and said they would curse the Taralings for the low price of 15 cows. We bargained with them. The shamans said that the spirits had entered the dreams of their targets, and rearranged the secret places of their souls. Soon we heard that the Taralings had developed an unquenchable hunger for lichen, and an overweening passion for the company of their sheep.

When Storm Season came, we sent Loricon to the Gorind clan with some gifts, hoping to end the feud. They live far away and we can't raid them easily, and we don't want them sending curses on us with impunity. Loricon negotiated a marriage between our clans, and we ended the feud. Much partying and drinking was had.

Meanwhile, the Tedanlings slipped past our patrols and stole 19 cows from us in a cattle raid. Not to be outdone, we sent a counter-raid and stole 34 cows from them. We rock in the cow-stealing department. Also, making the Tedanlings our bitches is priority number one.

Our first year was reasonably good. We resolved a feud, which is good, especially as our relations with a couple of other clans are getting worse. Our exploration will hopefully improve after we build a shrine to Vinga, and we should also start preparing for a heroquest.


Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Solmyr on March 19, 2013, 03:37:17 PM
Because you fuckers will never finish a KoDP AAR

and the horse you rode in on



Trading wasn't expected to be as profitable this year. Moreover, our harvest would be poor.

To get extra food, we assigned more people as hunters, raising the total from 8 to 30.

Flood struck our lands. Although Orngering suggested a swimming contest, we instead sacrificed to Orlanth for relief from the flood.

Near the end of the Sea Season, we finally built a shrine to Vinga. Hopefully we will send an explorer later in the year.

We learned that the Taralings had declared a feud against us. They probably hate us after we had shamans make them love their sheep last year. That brings out total feuds back to two.

In Fire Season we tried to raid the Tedanlings for cows, but had to turn back because they were all gathered up after a Praxian attack. Unfortunately then they raided us, stealing 34 cows. Bastards.

Our warriors were stricken by a strange palsy. We used trickster magic to divert bad spirits. Orngerin said she had successfully sent the bad spirits away.

Our cattle raid against the Tedanlings was spotted. We were driven off and had no opportunity to obtain booty.

Later we sent out an expedition to explore the northeast. It was headed by Enent, our Vingan warrior-woman.

Orlgandi spoke for the warriors when he said that they were stretched too thin, and that more fighters were needed. We kept our eyes open for qualified warriors. We took on several new weaponthanes.

Our explorer party found the warrior Alarandra, who fled from the injustice of the Pharaoh, and said we should give her asylum. We adopted her as a weaponthane. She took her place in the chief's household. The people were proud to see a foe of the Pharaoh honored in such a fashion. This brings our weaponthane total to 20.

As the god-talkers said, our harvest was poor. We'll have to do something about it eventually, but with trade omens also bad, we will put it off till next year.

A large wild boar disturbed the pig-tenders, whose sows were sorely troubled by them. Our hunters tracked the boar for two days, but it seemed to realize it was being stalked, and would not allow them to close, even when they worked Odayla's magics.

Finally we began our first heroquest, Orlanth and Aroka. Our old Orlanthi, Korol, was chosen to perform it to strengthen the clan's warriors.

Korol became as one with Orlanth. Ernalda told him that his nephew, Daga, was causing a drought and harming the people. Orlanth said that he would drive off or kill Daga.

Korol fought against Daga. Korol parried Daga's blows, and withdrew when it was safe.

Korol gathered weapons, then other enemies attacked him. Korol slew trolls with his klanth and took the Darkwind from them, though he was wounded in the battle. Gagarth buffeted Korol with the awesome Wind From Above. He returned a punch that stunned Gagarth, and Korol took the Wind From Above.

Korol seduced the Dark Woman by showing her the soles of his feet. I guess she has a foot fetish. They did the deed, and she cried out that she was with child.

Korol found another heroquester, who proposed to take the role of Orlanth's brother Urox, saying it was his right. He told the Storm Bull to follow him.

When Korol arrived to fight Aroka, he saw many Chaos creatures swarming towards him. The Storm Bull told him to go fight Aroka, leaving the Chaos creatures to him. And that is what Korol did.

At last Korol found the lair of Aroka, and fought the dragon. Aroka tried to destroy Orlanth. The storm god released the Four Winds, blinding the dragon's eyes. He released the Upper Wind, which dried out the enemy's tongues. He captured Aroka's breath inside the magical Sack of Winds and threw it away. Then Orlanth seized its jaws and tore the dragon asunder.

Korol successfully completed the heroquest, and was cheered by all. Our finest warriors became finer still.

Our warriors were again stricken by a strange palsy. I guess the trickster magic didn't work. We conducted a divination. The god-talkers said that the malady was caused by the Tedanlings, who had hired shamans to send bad spirits after us. We sacrificed to Chalana Arroy. The god-talkers said that the signs were bad.

We raided the Tedanlings. As the battle began, Darndrev, our Uroxi berserker, remembered a powerful dream he had the night before, a dream that could have meant victory or defeat. He defended himself skillfully against many attackers, but finally could not ward off their blows. We were driven off and had no opportunity to obtain booty. Alarandra, the woman we took on as a weaponthane, distinguished herself in the fighting.

We were then raided by the Tedanlings. We exchanged missile fire with them, but never closed.

Estavos, of the Woodpecker clan, asked us to give him cattle, because we owed him a favor. We gave him more than he wanted, because it wouldn't do to be stingy and we need to find potential allies. Estavos praised our generosity, and said that all of Dragon Pass would hear of it.

Our cattle raid against the Tedanlings was spotted. We managed to withdraw while the Tedanlings tried to maneuver their troops.

Finally, we built a watchtower to spot raids.

This year wasn't great. Our food is running out, our cattle herds are shrinking, and our raiding hasn't gone too well. At least we managed to perform the heroquest successfully and began exploring. Our weaponthanes are also quite numerous, at least if they can overcome the palsy curse. Hopefully in the coming year we will see more success on the battlefield.


Anyone reading this? :P


The omens for exploring were good. We have a food crisis though, that needs resolving.

Our scouts found a strange clan of beast folk who were like ducks. Tempering mercy with shrewdness, we exacted payment from the ducks, whose larders were heavy.

The dangerous rodents came back and bit children and horses. Orngerin said she would lure them away with trickster magic. She pranced about the cave mouth, singing a song which she said was an irresistibly salacious tune in the language of the killer rodents. It seemed absurd, but the rodents formed a line and followed Orngerin as she danced away from the borders of our tula and towards those of the Tedanling clan.

Starvation hit our clan.

Loricon led a caravan to trade with the Rune Ducks. We bought some food from them in exchange for cows.

The earth itself swallowed up some of our farmland. The ring promised to see to it that more forest was cleared to make up for the lost land.

The dangerous rodents came back again and bit children and horses. We blocked up the cave entrance. Many of the carls were bitten as they piled rocks inside it. They said the warriors should have been ordered to exterminate the creatures.

Loricon led another caravan to trade with the Rune Ducks, to buy food. We also slaughtered a lot of pigs to get some emergency food.

Endal led a delegation of carls to complain that we were too war-like, and that the crops were suffering as a result. I don't know what he's talking about. Aski made many salient points, and Endal departed.

We were raided by the horse nomads. We were driven from the battlefield and looted. Lots of our guys were killed and wounded. We'll need to sacrifice to Chalana Arroy to heal the sick and wounded, but unfortunately our goods are pretty low too.

The Blue Spruces took some of our carls as thralls. We decided to buy the carls' freedom back. We bargained well, and ended up paying them less than we had expected. The people were happy when our delegation returned with the captured carls.

Our warriors were stricken by a strange palsy, again. We sacrificed to Chalana Arroy. The god-talkers said that the Healing Goddess had banished the bad spirits.

Acting as our emissary, Loricon asked the Hiordlings to make good on the obligation they owed us, and provide us with food. Loricon asked for a bit more food than custom demanded. Leikan, chief of the Hiord clan, agreed to give us the extra food we asked for. Some of his carls seemed unhappy with our request.

Randalyar and his family came from distant Esrolia, to ask for membership in our clan. We adopted them as tenders of sheep.

The ducks delivered their annual tribute of food for 50 people. The food situation is looking better now that the harvest is in.

Loricon could not persuade the Hiordlings to create a new trading route, although he noted that their chief Leikan is a very devout man.

Uralda cultists sought aid in a great ceremony to prevent cattle sickness in a distant corner of Dragon Pass. We sent Karendra to the ceremony with heartfelt prayers and hopes for the ritual's success.

We were raided by the Tedanlings. Olende struck down a Tedanling god-talker before the enemy was ready to fight, then collected his powers for the battle to come. He led us against the enemy. We drove the Tedanlings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. The battle went pretty well and we only had 3 wounded, while killing and wounding dozens of Tedanlings.

We were raided by the Taralings. We drove the Taralings from the field with a withering hail of stones and arrows. Only a few casualties on them, though none for us.

We found fused lumps of iron in the hills nearby.

The Tedanlings raided us for 31 cows.

We heard that the Orladnast chieftain declared war on the Telmori werewolves. Unlikely to affect us as their clan is far to the southwest.

This year was hell on our population, but at least we got through the food crisis and even increased our herds. Next year the task is to recover our population losses and to improve our defenses.


and the horse you rode in on


Yea, I'm impressed. I've never managed to have a hero survive a heroquest, much less complete it.


Quote from: Maximus on March 26, 2013, 10:37:04 AM
Yea, I'm impressed. I've never managed to have a hero survive a heroquest, much less complete it.

There's a ton of luck involved, even if you do everything correctly. Sol definitely gets to do a victory dance for that one.
and the horse you rode in on


I dunno, in my games heroquests are successful fairly regularly. You just need to remember that you shouldn't do them too often (let at least two years pass before doing one again). Use a quester with high appropriate skills (especially Combat if the quest involves fighting). Even if my quest doesn't succeed, it often just wounds the quester.

Anyway, the heroquest is about the only thing that's gone well for the clan so far. :P



The god-talkers learned that if we sent no more than a dozen warriors, our first cattle raid this year would be extraordinarily successful. We'll have to try that. We allocated plenty of clan magic to trade, as we need trade goods badly to finance our sacrifices to Chalana Arroy.

First thing in the Sea Season, we assigned crafters to our maximum capacity and began working on the iron we found on our tula. Having this many crafters isn't the most efficient, but it still produces trade goods and we need those.

Men of our clan seems to have problems with outsider wives. Minara sought divorce from Perandal. She said he had taken a mistress, and that she deserved to keep the bride price as a fine for adultery. We outlawed Perandal and paid the bride price. "My kin will say that you are just," said Minara, as she left our tula to rejoin her kin among the Hendarti.

Korlmhy, one of our younger nobles, explored our tula. We discovered a large cache of bones and ivory in one of our tula's valleys. More materials for our crafters is always good.

Valensta returned from the Uralda rituals on which he left last year. She said that the rituals were successful and the sick calves were healed, so that we will not be threatened by Malia's disease.

As our god-talkers recommended, we launched a cattle raid against the hated Tedanlings, sending three weaponthanes and six footmen. We stole 26 cows from the Tedanlings. I wouldn't call this an extraordinary success, but at least we did not get caught.

While plowing the fields, the carls found something strange. It was the enormous skull of some kind of dragon creature. We didn't have any use for it and so traded it away to another clan, as we'd rather have trade goods right now. A mere novelty, it was worth little.

The ghosts of our dead warriors returned and told us that our actions shamed the clan. We scolded them for frightening their own people. They reacted with anger, and promised that they would soon be back, to take all of our luck and magic from us. Our clan magic suffered badly from this.

Our second cattle raid against the Tedanlings was spotted. We managed to withdraw while the Tedanlings tried to maneuver their troops, so there was no fighting.

We were raided by the Six Brothers. We drove the Six Brothers off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.

With enough goods, we sacrificed to Chalana Arroy. Unfortunately, she chose to reveal the Resurrection ritual, which we don't have any use for at the moment.

Spirit-talkers showed up and asked if we needed anything from them. We asked them to heal our wounded. They did so successfully, so that all our wounded were healed. There are still people sick but at least we restored some of our workforce.

Refugees come seeking aid. They said they had escaped from the Horse-Spawn. We did not want to deal with strangers right now, and with so few weaponthanes we didn't want to provoke the Horse-Spawn into raiding us. We sent them to the Hiordlings. Later we learned that the Hiordlings also turned them away, and were insulted that we sent them the refugees.

Garneneva reported that the Blue Spruces were sorry that we traded away that big skull we found. The Blue Spruces value items of antiquity and asked that they have the first chance to trade if we found anything like that again.

Loricon traveled with a caravan to the Orlmarthi, our allies. He managed to convince the Orlmarthi to create a new trading route. More goods for us.

Beneva, a Hiord clan trader, offered us 10 goods in exchange for the source of our ivory. We refused them, because we want to work the ivory ourselves.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Taralings. We were driven from the battlefield and looted; they made off with 7 cows and 5 horses. At least we managed to kill one of their weaponthanes, with no casualties on our side.

Yinkin cultists came and asked for our help against the Blue Spruces, who they had found out were raising dogs. We refused them, as we did not want to upset the Blue Spruces. They departed, disappointed. We soon heard that they had staged a successful raid against the Blue Spruces, and that they had destroyed all the dogs.

Our population has begun to recover this year, and it was fortunate that those spirit-talkers healed our wounded, as Chalana Arroy has been stingy with revealing her healing mysteries. Our current crisis (there seems to be a new one every year) is serious lack of horses. Without horses, we cannot equip new weaponthanes, which places our defenses at risk. Next year the priority is getting more horses, and we actually already sent Loricon to the Hiordlings to buy some.


Why'd you fuck with your ancestors' ghosts, man?? :D
and the horse you rode in on

Darth Wagtaros




The god-talkers learned that if we sent no more than a dozen warriors, our first cattle raid this year would be extraordinarily successful.

Loricon led a caravan to trade with the Hiordlings. He traded 30 goods for 8 horses.

The dangerous rodents came back and bit children and horses. Orngerin said she would lure them away with trickster magic. She pranced about the cave mouth, singing a song which she said was an irresistibly salacious tune in the language of the killer rodents. It seemed absurd, but the rodents formed a line and followed Orngerin as she danced away from the borders of our tula and towards those of the Tedanling clan.

While exploring our tula, we turned up a cave with green-colored clay that we can use for making high-quality pottery.

An outlaw woman brought us a baby she had raised in a shield. She told us that the babe, Kallyr, would one day be a mighty warrior. We did as the woman asked, and took the girl in.

We stole 17 cows from the Tedanlings. Not an extraordinary success by any means.

We were raided by the White Horses. We exchanged missile fire with them, but never closed.

Our explorers discovered rocks that shine in the dark, which could be used to make valuable amulets.

Loricon led a caravan to trade with the Hiordlings once more. He traded 46 goods for 14 horses.

Traders from the Woodpecker clan complained that Olende had cheated them in a trade deal, giving them cows infested with spirits of disease. We argued that we were not legally responsible. Ordag had a difficult case to prove, and they easily cited precedents that disproved our case. The other ring members forbade him from making further trade deals. Our people were happy, but the Woodpeckers said, "What about us?" We offered them half of the compensation they asked. They tried to convince us to increase our offer, but eventually agreed that ten cows was fair compensation.

We were raided by the Trolls. Enent struck down trollkin at will and beat off the dark trolls until they were afraid to go near her. The rest of us were shamed by her bravery. We were driven from the battlefield and looted. The Trolls made off with 32 cows, although our casualties were much smaller compared to theirs.

Acting as our emissary, Loricon asked the Hiordlings to make good on the obligation they owed us, and provide us with cattle. Loricon asked for no more and no less than the usual amount. The Hiordlings gave us the cattle without complaint.

We were raided by the Tedanlings. We were driven from the battlefield and looted. 6 weaponthanes were wounded. Fuck.

We were raided by the Taralings. We exchanged missile fire with them, but never closed.

With so many sick and wounded again, we sacrificed to Chalana Arroy. She finally revealed the Curing ritual.

Year in review: Our weaponthane situation continues to be bad, with severe horse crisis. Must get more horses soon.



The omens implied a good year for hunting. We allocated magic to war, to at least support our tiny force; to trade, in order to get better deals for horses; to hunting, so that we could get the most out of the good omens; to herds, in order to get our cattle situation under control; and to mysteries, as we still need the help of Chalana Arroy with our sick and wounded.

The dangerous rodents AGAIN came back and bit children and horses. We decided to seek outsiders to exterminate the creatures. We found weaponthanes of the Orlmarth clan willing to do it, for half a cow worth of silver each. Many of them were wounded, and they blamed us for not warning them how dangerous these rodents were. They said that all of the creatures were dead.

"Someone" put a mud-covered effigy in the middle of the temple of Orlanth. We dedicated the statue to Eurmal, moving it to its own sacred hut. Orngerin said Eurmal was affronted to be removed from the proper temple, and would withhold the great magical benefit he had intended for us.

Loricon led a caravan to trade with the Hiordlings. We sold cattle and got lots of horses. Finally we are able to recruit new weaponthanes. We got eight new ones, raising the total to 18.

We hosted the wedding banquet of Yanioth and Orlev, of our clan and the Orlmarthi, our allies. We composed a poem in honor of Orlanthi carls. They beamed with joy as we improvised our verses.

We stole 32 cows from the Tedanlings in a raid. Unfortunately, the Blue Spruces also raided us for 29 cows. At least we came our 3 cows ahead.

Eight more weaponthanes were hired in the Fire Season, bringing the total to 26. Try and raid us now, bitches!

The ghosts of our dead warriors returned and scolded us again, saying that our actions shamed the clan. We promised to do better in the future. Unfortunately our clan magic suffered.

The fucking amored rats came back and bit children and horses. We ordered our weaponthanes to exterminate them. They said the carls should have been ordered to block the cave entrance. Many of them were wounded, but they said that they killed them all. Hopefully for good this time.

Women found a talking fox in our woods. It wanted us to make an agreement not to hunt foxes or clear any more forest. We agreed to both conditions, as we didn't want to fuck with spirits now that our clan is doing better at last. The fox said that we would never know the full measure of disaster we had avoided.

Outlaws stole sheep from us. We gave chase, and drove them off. Some thought we could take them as weaponthanes, but we have plenty already, and don't want outlaws making trouble.

After sending word that we needed more farmers and had land to give, we were able to attract 40 new carls to the clan. They brought with them 37 children. We also promoted three more weaponthanes.

Loricon was sent to some clans who owed us favors to collect on them. He visited the Blue Spruces and the White Horses, asking each for the customary amount of cattle, 20 each. They gave us the cattle without complaint.

A trader named Rangor warned us that he had seen weird priestesses perform a ritual to the west of here. We traded with him. We bargained shrewdly, making a profit of 10 trade goods. Later, some of our good land turned to swamp, almost overnight.

The year in review: Our weaponthane situation is solved. We now have almost 30 of them, enough to guard our borders and go raiding. The clan has also grown. We'll need to increase our cattle herds in the coming year, and produce more goods so we can start building more fortifications and shrines. On the overall, things are definitely looking better.



The god-talkers identified no omens, and this troubled them.

Korol, the old Orlanthi who performed our first heroquest, has died of old age.

Loricon convinced the Hiordlings to create a new trading route.

We approached the Taraling clan with an offer of peace. We offered them payment. They said that neither silver nor gold, nor even cows, could redeem the blood we had spilled.

A new clan arrived and wanted to claim some of our land as their own. We feasted them, then asked them to go. They said the Arnoring clan was grateful to us for our hospitality, and would seek land elsewhere. Later, we learned they had found a place to live in Dragon Pass.

We raided the Tedanlings. We were driven off the battlefield, but did manage to kill 5 of their weaponthanes. We will wear them down eventually.

Starvation hit our clan. 3 people died, but we must hang on until the Earth Season.

We raided the Tedanlings. Darndrev, our Uroxi berserker, struck down a Tedanling god-talker before the enemy was ready to fight, then collected his powers for the battle to come. He fought recklessly but not well, and fell in combat with the enemy. We were driven off and had no opportunity to obtain booty. Too bad.

We were raided by the Tedanlings. We drove the Tedanlings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. Killed or wounded another 7 of their weaponthanes and a ton of their footmen. This should teach them.

We were raided by the Hiordlings. We drove the Hiordlings off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula. We also killed or wounded a lot of them. So far our defenses are good, but our own raids are not very profitable.

Randan Korlmarson walked past a great rock in the back pastures of our tula. One day it spoke to him. It claimed to be named Tarard Riel, and to be the guardian spirit of the local hills. We began to sacrifice to the spirit of the hills, giving it five cows. Tarard Riel said we were under its protection, but it expected further sacrifices in the future.

This is the year of magic rocks, apparently. We found an old series of sacred stones in a forest clearing on our tula. We conducted a divination. The spirits of our ancestors said that the slumbering stone spirits were malign, and had once served the dragon empire. They said we should leave them alone. To be safe, we let the stones alone, and told our hunters to stay away from them.

A delegation came from the Colymar tribe, demanding a large tribute from us. We refused them. They said that they would be back, but that next time they would not stop to parley.

We were raided by the Colymar tribe. Holy fuck they have a lot of men. We drove the Colymar off, and were happy to have survived the battle. Well, it could have been worse.

At year end we conducted some sacrifices. We learned the Vigor ritual from Barntar, to help our farmers work harder, and built a shrine to provide it constantly. We also learned the Healing ritual from Chalana Arroy, but unfortunately she did not choose to heal any of our wounded, and we have a lot.

The year in review: We still need more cattle. Our defenses seem to be working well though, as our goods are increasing so we can build some shrines.