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Remember the fallen

Started by Richard Hakluyt, December 31, 2012, 02:33:29 AM

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Eddie Teach

Otto Skorzeny. All the rest of Sad's personae can suck it though.
Tel. The obsessive shaving afficionado.
Rocky. The guy who named himself after an overrated Stallone flick.
Rocky Horror. The guy who named himself after an overrated Tim Curry flick.
Korea. Too bad she couldn't get a joint custody agreement or at least visitation rights in the divorce.
Bumblebee. Lesbian Australian truck driver. Or was that me?
Dorsey. Cause he's definitely gone...
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

Richard Hakluyt

Quote from: katmai on January 01, 2013, 08:56:25 PM
Screw them, they were weak.

Hey! It's not Highlander here you know  :P
