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Guild Wars 2 Roll Call

Started by Martinus, August 13, 2012, 08:53:18 AM

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Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 14, 2012, 09:58:07 PM
Quote from: frunk on November 14, 2012, 12:28:48 PM
I don't think it'll have much effect on me since I don't chase the latest and greatest.

It does make for a convenient excuse when somebody beats you in pvp. ;)

If I did sPvP it wouldn't matter since everyone has the same gear.  If I did WvW it would, but I don't do that either.


It's too bad, it looks like there's a lot of good improvements and patches involved in the release.  To have it overshadowed by a dumb change to introduce gear grind is rather silly.

It seems strange that they are concerned about the "balance" in sPvP being thrown off, but aren't at all worried about WvW or PvE being screwed.  Sure you can make new PvE content that is balanced with the Ascended stuff, but now all the old content just got easier or you have to retroactively make it harder for everyone else.

The stated idea of having all content be playable regardless of level doesn't work if you effectively make endgame players gradually more powerful.


"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel


In the new content there's a jumping puzzle called "Under New Management".  Also there's a Subdirector Blingg who tries to intimidate Subdirector Noll, plus a golem called BUY-4373.  4373 is a Windows XP error that frequently occurs when there's a rootkit installed on your machine.  Looks like there's some devs (possibly even ANet management) that aren't happy with this change either.


Quote from: frunk on November 18, 2012, 09:20:29 AM
In the new content there's a jumping puzzle called "Under New Management".  Also there's a Subdirector Blingg who tries to intimidate Subdirector Noll, plus a golem called BUY-4373.  4373 is a Windows XP error that frequently occurs when there's a rootkit installed on your machine.  Looks like there's some devs (possibly even ANet management) that aren't happy with this change either.

I've read this on the GW2 forum - apparently NCSoft was bought out last May by the Korean company Nexon, they declared a loss in July and recently hired some 30 something as a 'monetizing manager' (that would be the Blinng character I guess).  And all of a sudden this 180 degrees to vertical progression, gear gating and end game grind - all of which were stated as contrary to their design philosophy by the Devs... Go figure!

"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel


Quote•The new rarity, Ascended, was a one-time fix, and ArenaNet says it's their mistake and this tier (that is, a tier in between exotic and legendary) should have been in the game to begin with to fill the time gap between the two levels. There are no plans for the foreseeable future to add another rarity level, although a small amount of vertical progression will occur through infusions. Horizontal progression, such as the new Apothecary gear set and other possible attribute combinations, are in the plans as well.
•Ascended gear will be fleshed out, with weapons and armor coming in the future.  The cost to produce this gear, as well as the way it is acquired, is also being revisited, as it's currently seen as too grind-heavy.
•ArenaNet is looking in to better ways to communicate with the community. Much of the anger directed towards Ascended gear was because players thought it was just the beginning of a gear treadmill and not a one-time game fix, and it took a while for that information to disseminate through the community.
•At the same time, they were "acutely aware" of the reaction Ascended gear would cause.


Also, no more restarting characters when you hate their looks after a while. There are now two items on the store, a hairdo kit (which lets you change hair/horns) and total make-over kit which effectively allows you to re-create the character (including changing their gender, name, body build etc. - i.e. all character creation options except for the ones that affect your starting story)

I wish I knew it when I recreated my guaradian due to him being too fat. :P


So they're backtracking?  I'm doubtful - unless the requests for refunds/gem sales has dropped significantly this sounds like a PR spin.  Not that it matters to me personally since I don't do dungeons but still - the demographics of the game has already begun to change you can notice it in the chat channel.

"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel


They aren't backtracking, just trying to clarify what they are intending.  The outrage is still going on.  Only a few like the change, the rest range from indifference to disgust.  I think they shot themselves in the foot with this, not realizing how many people played specifically because it sounded like they wouldn't have this type of progression.

I'm almost positive that ANet was thinking that because the overall stat difference was small, it was time consuming to get and it wouldn't have that much of an effect on the game that the outrage would be less.  Instead it's worse, since elitism over it becomes all the more powerful.


Thoughts on the state of the game:

I have 6 characters that are all at level 80 or within spitting distance (missing warrior and necro).

I'm enjoying it still, but the endgame explorable areas are very annoying without other players.  Southsun Cove and Orr are designed for larger groups, and although it's fun for a while to creep through and do what you can when soloing, it eventually gets tiring.  Frostgorge Sound is the best designed of them for a single player and I tend to see more people running around here than in the other level 80 areas.  I think sucking away players with FotM really hurt Orr.

Of the professions I've played to (near) 80, I'd rank them as follows...

Easiest to play:

Most Fun:

I'm sorely disappointed by the Ranger.  They are caught somewhere between a Guardian and a Thief in weapon skills, but with a pet that generally gets in the way and none of the style or panache of the other two.  Mesmer, OTOH, is just pure fun.  Somehow they are a pet class without that pesky worrying if the pet lives or dies and a better trickster than the Thief.  Elementalist is nearly as cool, and I'm still learning the best times to switch attunements.  Thief is a refreshing change as well, with initiative management nicely differentiated from watching cooldowns. tough.  The fact that alternate weapons don't take advantage of the stats of your main weapon (only the sigil) makes it tough to switch from your exotic rifle rather than have another turret.  Guardian is just too easy for the most part.  Fun I guess, but not that engaging. 

One of the interesting elements is preferred opponents.  Elementalists and Mesmers tend to ramp up in power as the fight goes on, so they would rather fight tougher/higher level enemies.  Otherwise the enemy is already dead just when the Ele/Mes is at their strongest.  Engineer can take on almost any single melee enemy without difficulty.  It's easy to keep them away while slowly wearing them down.  The Thief gains the most from playing with others, since they want to attack, dump initiative with high damage skills then run away.  If soloing you have to keep aggro or else the mob will start healing (if still alive).  The Guardian likes chewing through groups of equal or lesser enemies, rather than waste time fighting tougher foes. 


I guess I like easy mode, as I enjoy the Guardian (with a greatsword) the most. Plus I think heavy armors are the best looking.

The Elementalist is too hard/not enough fun for me, I guess.

I may go back to the Mesmer at some point, as I enjoyed that class quite a bit.


Quote from: Martinus on December 21, 2012, 09:36:54 AM
I guess I like easy mode, as I enjoy the Guardian (with a greatsword) the most. Plus I think heavy armors are the best looking.

The Elementalist is too hard/not enough fun for me, I guess.

I may go back to the Mesmer at some point, as I enjoyed that class quite a bit.

I agree the Guardian is a hell of a lot of fun, but there are only a couple of things that give it difficulty.

Rapid attack enemies that suck up your blocks.  Generally this is defeated by some well timed dodges.
Widely spaced ranged enemies.  A shield helps with this.  With some work you can maneuver toward (to melee both) or away from the other ranged enemies.


So tried mesmer again. Having a TON of fun with him. Probably will keep him as my main. I am using the greatsword/staff combo (with Power/Toughness trait build) and so far, for single player content, he is nigh-unbeatable.


New content patch announced for GW2:

Apparently they are going to start changing the world with each patch (not just adding new areas but changing existing ones etc.)

crazy canuck

I played the game for the first time in a long time this morning.  Decided to start over with a class I hadnt played much in a region I hadnt played much.  Necro in the land of the leaf people.  It is still a blast to play.