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Guild Wars 2 Roll Call

Started by Martinus, August 13, 2012, 08:53:18 AM

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Meh, whatever.  I fought and killed a dragon.


In general I like the reward system of the game, apart from the fact that veteran and champion opponents should probably give better drops.  However...

The biggest problem I have with rewards in the game are those given for killing mobs and participating in events. Right now for a mob kill you just have to tag them and you'll get full credit. In events the system is based strictly on damage done/activity performed. They both fail to give credit for "time spent". Far too often it makes sense to wander into a long term event, do enough to get the (relatively easy) gold reward and then leave. There's little incentive to stick around and see it out (or do more than show up just before the end). If they both gave extra benefits for sticking with a mob/event for a longer period it would make more sense. Say if you were there participating in fighting a champion mob from start to finish you'd get 50% more reward than someone who wandered by and did a single hit.


Agreed frunk, even though I have been known to occasionally abuse the system myself.  :blush:

My Guardian hit level 80 today. 

I also finally finished the level 70 personal story mission Battle of Fort Trinity.  The first two times I tried it I got hit by a bug where the enemies don't spawn and the mission just sits there and does nothing until you quit the game.  The third time I got past that and got stuck/clipped into a wall when I closed the Fort gate.  After that I took a week off.  The fourth time was tonight and I got all the way to the end, and the game crashed when the final cinematic started and of course I had to redo the mission when I restarted the game (of course the game remembered all my armor was broken and I had to pay 10s to fix it).

My fifth try I finally got it.

crazy canuck

@ Funk, there is an upside to the current system as I always lend I hand to a passing event when I can.  If I didnt it would be harder for those doing it during the time I am passing through without the added assistance.

But I agree that giving an added bonus to people based on time spent is also a good idea.

Havent had time to play for over a week.  I am hoping I can get some time this weekend.


Quote from: crazy canuck on October 25, 2012, 05:42:17 PM
@ Funk, there is an upside to the current system as I always lend I hand to a passing event when I can.  If I didnt it would be harder for those doing it during the time I am passing through without the added assistance.

But I agree that giving an added bonus to people based on time spent is also a good idea.

Havent had time to play for over a week.  I am hoping I can get some time this weekend.

I like the current system and wouldn't take away the current rewards, but those who do put forth a lot of effort should get something extra.


Well, the more mobs you kill/tag, the more drops there will be for you (and special crafting components, and fabric are to me among the most sought after drops), so there is this incentive at least to hang around.

Plus I think quest events are mainly fun and lead often to follow up quests, so I just hang around to see what happens next.


Well after 2 characters leveled to 80 - an elementalist and my beloved assassin - I have a warrior to 25 and a ranger to 12.  But I couldn't finish my personal story with the thief since it requires to complete Arah in story mode - the most difficult of all the dungeons.  And the 'grindiest' one.  On the thief I reached 400 in jewelcrafting and can now craft orichalcum.  It cost e perhaps 20 golds?  But it's time they release their expansion because I'm getting bored again.  Although I still have to complete all zones I'm not really motivated anymore.

"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel


Can't say I've played much in a while....but I did get my first 'hack' attempt.  Got an email from them asking if I wanted to allow access to a new IP address in China  :lol:

Quickly changed my password and added authenticator support to it.  If you haven't added authenticator, you probably want to soon. (They are using Google Authenticator).


I had email authenticator on but one day it stopped working - that is it stopped sending me emails to authenticate.  I did not accidentally check the remember network thing.  So I logged into my account security and deactivated it thinking I just had to recheck the option to kick it back to life.  But *no* - there's no options to reactivate it if you can believe it.  So I opened a support ticket only to be told that no there are no options to reactivate it once the player has chosen to deactivate the godsdam thing...  <_<

No wonder the place is crawling with bot swarms.

How does the Google one works?  I don't have a cell or any other type of mobile device.

"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel


Ah....I use the iOS app.  It would work on an iPod touch too as far as I know (and there is an Android version also).  Not sure if there are options that don't include an app...


Well, ArenaNet decided to piss off most of their fanbois.  One of the pillars of both GWs is that endgame gear stays endgame gear and is never made obsolete.  Neither had any significant gear grind, except for cosmetic improvements.  So this week they announced Ascended items, which are a bit better than current top tier (exotics/legendary) and have stated that legendary will be buffed retroactively to always be as good as the best gear.  In order to get legendary weapons there's a significant grind in dungeons, which many people (including me) have no interest in doing.  Now that legendaries aren't just a cosmetic benefit it effectively means there's a gear grind to get the best.

I don't think it'll have much effect on me since I don't chase the latest and greatest.  It does annoy me that they've made several statements in the past that this is a step they'd never take, and now they've taken it.  The Thoughts on Ascended Gear thread has ballooned to over 7000 posts in a day and a half, and that's after the rigorous trimming by the forum staff.


About every 20th post in the main thread includes this quote:

Quote"Here's what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can't realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don't make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs." -Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

At least before the mods go through and remove them.

crazy canuck

That is disappointing news.  If I wanted to grind I would go back to WoW.


And all it took was less than 3 months...  *shakes head*

"Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself."

~Jean-François Revel

Eddie Teach

Quote from: frunk on November 14, 2012, 12:28:48 PM
I don't think it'll have much effect on me since I don't chase the latest and greatest.

It does make for a convenient excuse when somebody beats you in pvp. ;)
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?