Violent times on Boston streets lately.

Started by KRonn, August 14, 2012, 09:10:10 PM

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Violent times in Boston lately.


Residents cry amid bloodshed: 'We're afraid'

Four slayings in two separate weekend bloodbaths — including a man twice accused of murder and three young women blasted in a car in Dorchester — have the city on edge as cops search for ruthless killers and frustrated city officials scramble to tamp down a wave of deadly violence that has suddenly shattered the summer calm. 

"It's a terrible issue," Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis said of the bloodshed that rocked the city over the weekend. "We're working very hard to put the community back together."

On Harlem Street in Dorchester, four women in a car were gunned down during a late-night attack that left three of them dead, including a beloved part-time college student. The neighborhood has seen five young women killed in the past nine months. 

"It's shocking. As women, we're afraid to go out walking," said neighbor Sabrina Thomas, 24, shaking her head in dismay. "Sometimes I wish I could scratch a scratch ticket and get away. Go live on the moon or someplace."

City Councilor Charles Yancey met with families of the victims last night and called the shootings "outrageous" and "cowardly."
"I think the community has to really look into itself in terms of acts of violence, and be willing to challenge it," Yancey said. "I felt a sense of helplessness."

Police were searching last night for a "distinct" white SUV with a black top and bright, halogen headlamps that may be linked to the Harlem Street bloodbath. The victims' names were not released but relatives identified one of the dead as 22-year-old hotel desk clerk and part-time college student Sharrice Perkins, who lived on Harlem Street.

Milton Roye, 81, who has lived on Harlem Street for 62 years, was watching the Olympics' closing ceremonies when the shooting started.

"It sounded like a war zone," Roye said. "I kept low and called police."

The triple slaying came just hours after another multiple shooting at an alcohol-fueled bash in Roslindale that killed a Hub man. Jemald Allen, 34, was gunned down at 3 a.m. on Canterbury Street in a hail of gunfire that also left two others injured, cops said. Allen had been charged in connection with four 2004 slayings. He was acquitted of the first slaying in 2007. In 2011, prosecutors dropped the charges against him on the triple slaying because two key witnesses died, officials said. 

Sunday's deadly party shootout shook residents of quiet Canterbury Street.

"It's horrific," said one resident. "I just heard 'pow, pow, pow.' I heard people screaming and when I came out, there were cars driving all over the place."
Davis said detectives are looking at a possible gang hook in the Harlem Street shooting but said there is no indication drugs were involved. Mayor Thomas M. Menino decried the bloodshed but said Boston "is in much better shape than most cities, when it comes to violence."
It's been a very quiet summer," he said. "It's very frustrating."

Last night, a drive-by shooting in Hyde Park left a man wounded in the leg.

"This has got to stop," said one of the Hopewell Road residents who gathered outside after the 8 p.m. shooting, as police took pictures of a white sports utility vehicle.


Meh, it's just been really hot out, that's all.


Yeah it's hot, and no jobs. This is nasty stuff anyway. Sprayed bullets at a car full of women. I assume they were purposely targeted; just more unusual to be targeting a bunch of women.


Quote from: KRonn on August 14, 2012, 09:31:28 PM
Yeah it's hot, and no jobs. This is nasty stuff anyway. Sprayed bullets at a car full of women. I assume they were purposely targeted; just more unusual to be targeting a bunch of women.

Hey, women get involved in the drug trade, too.



Quote from: KRonn on August 14, 2012, 09:10:10 PM
Violence times in Boston lately.


Residents cry amid bloodshed: 'We're afraid'

Four slayings in two separate weekend bloodbaths — including a man twice accused of murder and three young women blasted in a car in Dorchester — have the city on edge as cops search for ruthless killers and frustrated city officials scramble to tamp down a wave of deadly violence that has suddenly shattered the summer calm. 

"It's a terrible issue," Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis said of the bloodshed that rocked the city over the weekend. "We're working very hard to put the community back together."

On Harlem Street in Dorchester, four women in a car were gunned down during a late-night attack that left three of them dead, including a beloved part-time college student. The neighborhood has seen five young women killed in the past nine months. 

Sad that violence gets a hold in a place and doesn't ever seem to let go.

It's ironic that this is happening in a place called Dorchester, as I live about 30 miles from the original named county town and you'd be hard pushed to think of a bigger urban contrast.

It's still to a large degree straight out of a Hardy novel; as you approach the town there are sheep flocks on some of the surrounding downs and the town is all nice little tea shops and tree lined walks built on the lines of the former roman walls*. 

One mile out of town is the iron age hill fort where part of 'Far From The Madding Crowd' was filmed, especially the part with Terence Stamp and Julie Christie playing mock sword fighting on it's ramparts.

What a very mild mannered, gentle part of the world I live in, very lucky.

I might take a trip on the bike over there, next weekend.

* only demolished by the early victorians.

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Quote from: KRonn on August 14, 2012, 09:43:31 PM
True dat.

Used to deal with a young woman that would go through the shelf life of mid-level dealers until the expiration date rolled over;  one would get locked up enough times until it was big boy time, she'd gravity to another one taking his place and hang with him to keep her in the lifestyle to which she'd become accustomed...until that brother found himself on the coroner's slab at Penn Street, and then she'd hook up with his replacement.  And on, and on. 

One of my best, consistent and reliable clients.  Very sharp, smart lady.  Played the game by proxy, never got dirty.   Wrote a piece on her for a public reading at a writing conference once.


Quotethat left three of them dead, including a beloved part-time college student

"The others weren't popular hotties, so screw them!"
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.



"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.

Darth Wagtaros



QuoteIt's ironic that this is happening in a place called Dorchester, as I live about 30 miles from the original named county town and you'd be hard pushed to think of a bigger urban contrast.   

I used to work in Dorchester. Lot of nice areas there, but there are the places you need to watch your back in. Mixed neighborhoods. Lots of Cambodian, Viet Namese, and of course blacks and whites.

Phillip V

If you want to survive, don't stay out late partying. If not murdered, you'll get raped.