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China and the US in the Future?

Started by Jacob, August 02, 2012, 12:33:19 PM

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What shape will US-China tension take in the next several decades?

"Oh shit, things just got real..." - aka World War style; a big, fat, destructive war.
2 (4.4%)
"Cold War" style - clear enmity, but no open conflict. Espionage, sabotage and even proxy wars, but not beyond that.
5 (11.1%)
"The Great Game" style - trying to take every advantage using every dirty trick, while pretending there is no conflict. Plenty of proxy conflicts, but none of them armed.
17 (37.8%)
"All about the money" - there's clear economic competition and some tension, but mostly it's just about doing business.
18 (40%)
"Special friendship" - tension will lessen, and the US and China will grow closer; like the EU and the US.
1 (2.2%)
Some other special option (like either or both of the countries will seize to be a significant power due to internal issues, or something else...)
2 (4.4%)

Total Members Voted: 44


Somewhere between Great Game and Cold War.  Upcoming generations of Chinese leaders will be less cautious and more aggressive than leaders since Deng, a trend that's already begun.