Swedish father kept daughter imprisoned for 11 years

Started by Solmyr, October 28, 2011, 09:13:07 AM

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QuoteA Swedish father stands to face charges for having cashed in over 25,000 kronor ($3,850) a week to take care of his daughter based on a faked diagnosis for mental illness.

The girl has been held in isolation since the age of seven and following an investigation it has been shown that the now 18-year-old girl has no disability, the City Malmö newspaper reported.

The girl has spent the last eleven years in the care of her father, without going to school and has been considered to be infantile, unable to express herself in any other way than sounds and body language.

To care for her, her father received welfare totalling 25,000 kronor a week.

The revelations which emerged from the recent medical assessment of the girl are expected to lead prosecutors to soon file charges against the father at Malmö District Court on counts of aggravated fraud and benefits crimes.

Everything came to light when the girl ran away from her parents and reported her father for unlawful threats.

She was taken into care and placed in a youth home, where the social services carried out an investigation into how she, contrary to all previous diagnoses, has a high level of functionality.

The father, who was arrested last summer, is now suspected of having instructed her how to behave in contact with social services, doctors and psychiatrists with the result that she was granted personal assistance 98 hours a week, the newspaper said.

After the revelations the father has been prohibited from having contact with his daughter.

Deputy chief prosecutor Bo Birgerson, who is leading the preliminary investigation has confirmed to the newspaper that the scam runs into several million kronor.

Swedes being pussies, he didn't actually do a Fritzl on her.


The Swedes gave dad $200K per year to look after his daughter?  :huh:
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


The Brain

Quote from: Malthus on October 28, 2011, 09:21:39 AM
The Swedes gave dad $200K per year to look after his daughter?  :huh:

Strollers don't last long in the Swedish climate.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


So why isn't she being prosecuted for fraud, too?  Sounds like she was his accomplice.  Sure, you can't really charge her for doing that when she was 7, but apparantly she was OK with the situation till she and her father had a fight.


Quote from: dps on October 28, 2011, 09:54:24 AM
So why isn't she being prosecuted for fraud, too?  Sounds like she was his accomplice.  Sure, you can't really charge her for doing that when she was 7, but apparantly she was OK with the situation till she and her father had a fight.

Hard to argue she had independant agency when she was kept isolated on the theory she was nuts since she was 7.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius



I'm guessing Smålander. The odds are in my favour.



Which is to say, gypsy, somali or arab. No fucking way this is an actual Swede. The gyppoes are the most frequent fliers when it comes to this sort of scam.


Quote from: Slargos on October 28, 2011, 01:32:30 PM
"Swedish"  :rolleyes:

Speaking of towelheads, I've read this morning in the news that the Swedish police is under pressure because they have been accused to have recorded cases of suspicious deaths as "suicide/accidental" when they could have been crimes of honor, because the girls have been thrown down fell down the balcony.  :lol:


QuoteSwedish police are being criticized for a lack of knowledge about suspected honor murders of young women and girls here - too easily assuming that these are suicides.

This wastes valuable time in the investigations - spoiling the chances of any successful prosecution of the potential culprits.

Swedish Radio News reports that the police in this Nordic sensation suspect a dozen cases of reported suicides since 2006 were possibly honor killings - the murder of young women and girls in mostly immigrant families - by parents or brothers outraged that the girl has refused orders to marry someone against her will ... or defying the family's honor by dating a Swede or other boy friend not approved for cultural, ethnic or religious reasons.

Leif Franson is a policeman in the southern Swedish city of Malmö, and maintains that one case there concerned a 28-year old woman who arrived in this country only a few days before she was found dead - fallen or thrown from a high apartment building balcony.

He says the initial conclusion was that this was an accident.

He argues that such a conclusion can have devastating consequences for the investigation... that time can be lost and that it's hard to backtrack once those months are lost.

Both police, experts, researchers and the police themselves admit that they are sometimes missing the boat and letting possible killers escape.

A number of the deaths have involved victims falling from windows or balconies - giving them the gruesome general label of "balcony women" . But other cases have involved overdoses of pills - or hangings.

What can be missed by a wrong classification?

Franson says the first very obvious: fencing off the scene of the death to gather evidence. An accident simply doesn't require the same hawk-eye search as a suspected murder case.

Devin Rexvid is a sociologist at the University of Umeå in northern Sweden, and has been studying the cases of the balcony women. He insists that these are very difficult to study and demand special knowledge - something the police don't have.

He says the best thing to do is to rely on experts - and in the cases he knows where this has been done, the results have been much better.

The sociologist adds that he has nothing against general education in the police corpse - but that in the 2/12 years of police training, only a short time is dedicated to honor killings. It's better to rely on expert groups.

Ulrika Herbst is a department chief at the national police board and agrees that something has to be done to make sure more murders are not covered up as suicides.

Asked what kind of grade she would give to the police since not one of the 12 balanony women cases have let to a guilty verdict, she says a simple answer would be that this is a failing grade. But she adds that the police are trying to solve these cases in a legal and professional way.

In the meantime, defenders of both male and female victims of honor killing here in Sweden continue their campaigns and education programs - trying to convince the authorities to take such violence and tragedy seriously - and to convince both immigrant and Swedish families to give their children the freedom to choose their own life styles and partners - without the fear of retaliation.


Nothing will come of it.

The money is already gone and in all probability the girl will be able to swindle the state of even more money by receiving a pain and suffering settlement which the father can't pay and will thus be punted to the taxpayers.

But eh. I'm tired of ringing that bell.


Is Sweden really that horrible or do Slargos and the rest exaggerate?


Quote from: Martinus on October 29, 2011, 03:13:16 AM
Is Sweden really that horrible or do Slargos and the rest exaggerate?
Sweden the way it's structured should be a shining beacon of guiding light for the rest of the world. However, when you defecate in a batch of cookie dough the result may not be as great as the original recipe would imply.


Quote from: Slargos on October 28, 2011, 01:32:30 PM
"Swedish"  :rolleyes:
Which is to say, gypsy, somali or arab. No fucking way this is an actual Swede. The gyppoes are the most frequent fliers when it comes to this sort of scam.
Because of course the aryan race never does this kind of thing, totally unheard of in white countries. It is crazy to suggest there might be one particular landlocked country which is infamous for it. :contract: