Calling Tamas - What's all this shit about CHF mortgage loans?

Started by Martinus, September 16, 2011, 04:49:49 AM

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lololol so they reduce the circle of people who can apply for this shit drastically.

then, the flat tax rate. They introduced it, it was a big deal in their election campaign, as a kind of hallmark "right-side" thing to do (since otherwise their rhetoric is choke full of leftist populism).
So they keep saying it has been a great idea, altough they did not cut spending with it, and it has failed to trigger any kind of economic growth.

Sooo, they introduce a solidarity tax, rumored to be around 4% to anyone earning a bit above the average wage.
ie. they re-introduce non-flat income tax, except they wont admit it.

Also, from next year, they will remove the "tax return" system which was basically a minor tax ease for low income ones.
Thats news from late last week.

Today it appears, they will give a a tax ease to low incomes, if they go and apply in the tax offices.


They are such incompetent improvisers it boggles the mind