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World of Tanks

Started by Threviel, June 13, 2011, 06:05:24 AM

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Quote from: Berkut on April 01, 2012, 11:02:40 AM
Quote from: DGuller on April 01, 2012, 10:06:07 AM
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 01, 2012, 05:44:37 AM
Have any of you guys played around with the new perks yet?  The only crew I have at 100% is my JP crew & pre-patch I was at about 95% on their first skill, so post-patch they let you re-pick your skills & they come up at the same percentage they were at, and being so close to maxing out that skill anyways I decided to Mix & Match some -- some good stuff in there, notably (for me, at least) Situational Awareness, Smooth Ride & Recon.  Smooth Ride alone has already saved my ass a couple of times... :)
I find sixth sense to be by far the most useful.  Not only does it help to know when you're being detected for the purpose of safety, but it's also a great educational tool on how to hide yourself.

I can't tell how it indicates you are being seen.

a big-ass red exclamation mark is shoved right into your face


Quote from: DGuller on April 01, 2012, 10:06:07 AM
I find sixth sense to be by far the most useful.  Not only does it help to know when you're being detected for the purpose of safety, but it's also a great educational tool on how to hide yourself.

I will have to look into it when I max out what I've got...



Heh.  I saw one of them flash up in a notification, but I just now saw in my Service Record that I have a Mastery Badge: II Class for my Jagdpanther & my VK 2001H and the description of the badge.  The JP I can see, but the one for the VK kind of threw me...


Had a blast in a run with the silly of the slowest tanks I think I've ever driven...


Does anybody know if your crewman are still limited to three perks, or is it unlimited now that there are, well, more than three perks?  I guess I could probably go to the official forum & look for myself, but that sounds like an awful lot of work & I can't be arsed to work on my weekend off...



Quote from: C.C.R. on April 06, 2012, 12:09:05 PM
Does anybody know if your crewman are still limited to three perks, or is it unlimited now that there are, well, more than three perks?  I guess I could probably go to the official forum & look for myself, but that sounds like an awful lot of work & I can't be arsed to work on my weekend off...

It's unlimited now.  However, the universe will die of old age before you can complete the fourth perk, given the retarded exponential increase in experience required to get it.



Copy.  I was just asking because I'm closing in on closing out my second set of perks on my JP & I want to Choose Wisely when it comes to my third.  I don't want to Go Nutty on Fire Fighting & find out I'm stuck with it...


To all of you kids out there playing The Home Game:  beware the "Deadeye" perk.  It works & it's great when shooting at a highter tiered vehicle you're not sure if you're going to gank or not, but it sucks when you're a Tier VII TD & you jack a Lee or a KV and just knock the tread off with no damage...



Once again a special halved the money I needed to upgrade. I'm now the owner of a shiny VK3002(DB). Still mostly stock, though.
Sadly KV-13 is still 25k exp away so I'm not going to make that one.

I also received my first First Class Mastery Badge! 1003 Exp (no premium) on my beloved AMX 13t-75mm.
It was on one of the new maps, the one set in Italy, with a deep valley between the teams. I rushed their flank, scouting for my team (got a crapload of exp from this). An IS-4 and two Tiger IIs joined me up top and we easily overran the enemy.
In the confusion I shot up a couple Tigers and a T-43 and ended up bagging a T110 from behind while it was busy with our IS-7.


I love the new Province map.  I got a four kill my first time there & have (generally) done well ever since.  I just had a five kill there right before the post... :ccr


There is no feeling more delicious than taking 1000 hit points off a T34 in one shot, in a derp KV.  Actually, getting an Ace Tanker afterwards probably is more delicious. :yeah:


Quote from: C.C.R. on April 06, 2012, 03:01:30 PM
To all of you kids out there playing The Home Game:  beware the "Deadeye" perk.  It works & it's great when shooting at a highter tiered vehicle you're not sure if you're going to gank or not, but it sucks when you're a Tier VII TD & you jack a Lee or a KV and just knock the tread off with no damage...


OK, this is really starting to annoy me.  I don't need to take an M6 down to 24% & then proceed to knock his track off three consecutive times, I need to fucking KILL that M6 with any one of those three shots before he kills me & makes me look like a dumbass.  Fuck...



I love using the Trollcannon as improptu arty. One-shot a KV-1s and a JpzIV today at Campinovka from half the map away, without direct line of sight. I also managed to lob a 152mm shell through the commander's cupola of a Type leaving him at 17% hp. :lol:


So, I went and joined a clan. One that is actually involved in Clan Wars, in fact. They hold a decent chunk of Sweden on the CW map.

While I have yet to actually get into a CW battle, this is A Very Good Thing for a variety of reasons:

1. It gives me people to fight with. Fighting in platoons with TS/Vent is about a million times more interesting.
2. I now am actually very incented to play my IS-4, which I happen to be pretty good at. Previously, I almost didn't want to play it because I was so ambivalent about the IS-7, since there isn't anything after that. Now I want that IS-7 to I can use it in CW.
3. Ditto my E-75.
4. Ditto getting more XP for my E-50.
5. However, with the need for an IS-7, I am also going to need a lot of credits. Luckily, I have a T-34, and since it is a gold tank, I am using that to farm creds.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


T-34 is a gold tank? :yeahright:  Are you sure you don't mean T34?