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World of Tanks

Started by Threviel, June 13, 2011, 06:05:24 AM

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Quote from: Iormlund on September 10, 2011, 07:35:06 PM
I'm on a Marder II as well now. Without the 76 mm it is basically the same as my old Jäger with much better traverse. Problem is, I'm now facing 2 or 3 KVs plus Stugs every round. Hearing 'bounce' every 2 seconds gets old fast. Especially when you are shooting from the sides or behind.

As for the Wespe, it was a bad idea. I'm by far the most incompetent artilleryman in the Third Reich. I'm getting two or three hits per map, which when facing Tigers and Stalin tanks means they still have about a quarter HP left.

Only my trusted Luchs is pulling its weight against enemies two tiers above it. Which is not that hard since it only has to hide behind bushes and run very very fast towards their arty. Sometimes it even makes it to the end of the round.

The Marder II gets better with the 7.5 & then the 7.6 guns (you can at least penetrate medium tanks reliably), but you still inevitably get rushed by a heavy & smoked every third round or so.

How is the Luchs?  I hate the Pz II with the power of a trillion suns (mostly because of the 2cm gun), but I couldn't decide whether to upgrade to the Luchs or the Pz III, which is how I ended up going the TD route...

Alexandru H.

Same thing happened to me. PzII truly sucks -> TD route. It's like shooting cotton balls.


PzII. 8 total battles. Max destroyed in 1 battle: 8 (still my record)
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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I now have the Stug III with it's most expensive 76(?)mm gun. On paper that is an amazing gun with decent damage and awesome penetration. The vehicle itself is much more manuverable than the Hetzer.

Yet, I am not convinced. I am not convinced the fast reload times and high penetration are compensating me for the halved damage compared to the 105mm gun. And altough I had a hellish time penetrating Stug front armor with any of my tanks, above tier enemies seem to slice through me rather easily.

I just need to adopt I guess. Either become a more sneaky short-range ambusher, or buy the camouflage net and snipe from very far.


Quote from: Berkut on September 10, 2011, 11:59:37 PM
PzII. 8 total battles. Max destroyed in 1 battle: 8 (still my record)

You are:  Teh Nife Fightta...


Looking at my stats I guess I wasn't quite as bad in the Pz II as it felt like, but it was like just being horrible instead of atrocious...



Quote from: Tamas on September 11, 2011, 06:00:50 AM
I now have the Stug III with it's most expensive 76(?)mm gun. On paper that is an amazing gun with decent damage and awesome penetration. The vehicle itself is much more manuverable than the Hetzer.

There is no comparison between the 75L70 and the 105mm Howitzer.

The 75 (that is the gun that armed the Panther historically, btw) lets you damage vehicles several tiers up, hits as far as anything can see, and has an excellent ROF. That gun is what makes the StugIII one of the better TDs in the game for its tier.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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0 rows returned


Quote from: C.C.R. on September 10, 2011, 07:54:33 PM
How is the Luchs?  I hate the Pz II with the power of a trillion suns (mostly because of the 2cm gun), but I couldn't decide whether to upgrade to the Luchs or the Pz III, which is how I ended up going the TD route...

It is pretty much the same, except you cannot kill anything but arty, since you are facing tier 5 enemies almost every round. The good part is that forces you to scout properly. I rarely shoot anything, even if I'm in range of soft targets. Far better to remain hidden and let your own artillery bag them, which they tend to do very well. In many maps I notice arty responds almost immediately when I spot stuff and unlike me they rarely miss.


Quote from: Iormlund on September 11, 2011, 09:32:17 AM
It is pretty much the same, except you cannot kill anything but arty, since you are facing tier 5 enemies almost every round. The good part is that forces you to scout properly. I rarely shoot anything, even if I'm in range of soft targets. Far better to remain hidden and let your own artillery bag them, which they tend to do very well. In many maps I notice arty responds almost immediately when I spot stuff and unlike me they rarely miss.

The big caveats being make sure to give the arty time to set up, and if the target is hidden behind hard cover don't expect much help.


I've noticed that my battles, which were usually decided by arty and spotters when I was tier 2 facing 4s, depend now on the level of mental retardation among heavies. If your KVs decide to take a long stroll down the flanks, your base is almost assuredly overrun. On the other hand, if they spearhead the assault or a couple decide to act as reserves we tend to win the match easily.


Quote from: Tamas on September 07, 2011, 04:00:42 PM
Quote from: DGuller on September 07, 2011, 03:40:45 PM
How did you guys get the Hetzer to work?  I really hated it and could never come to grips with it, and was happy to blow some of my free experience to skip ahead to StuG.

well maxed engine with 105mm gun is very ok. I am not doing anything non-TD-standard thing with it, really.
D'oh, the derp gun, of course.  How could I of all people neglect that option?  I'm now making up for the lost fun in StuG III, and I'm just dealing death left and right with it in matches where I'm in the top half.


If I'm top dog in a match and I hide well, I can get 4-6 kills with my Hetzer's 105. If I'm mid-range or lower, usually 1-2 kills.

I don't even bother shooting at Tigers unless I'm directly behind them and KVs just piss me the fuck off because I know I can't hurt them.


I just shoot them with my 76mm loaded with HEs, taking down a mighty 2% HP per shot. :lol:
Hopefully it annoys the Hell out of them.


If I hit and it doesn't go through, at least I throw their aim off. Unfortunately, the 105's reload speed is abysmal.


Quote from: Iormlund on September 11, 2011, 11:11:00 AM
I've noticed that my battles, which were usually decided by arty and spotters when I was tier 2 facing 4s, depend now on the level of mental retardation among heavies. If your KVs decide to take a long stroll down the flanks, your base is almost assuredly overrun. On the other hand, if they spearhead the assault or a couple decide to act as reserves we tend to win the match easily.

Killed my first KV with my Marder II today.  The dumbass just kept strolling around trying to cap while I five or six-shotted him.  The only thing I can figure is that he was out of ammo or something, but then you'd think that he'd at least try to ram me...

And I'm finding my Place In The Sun with the Marder II -- to the point where I bought a camo net instead of upgrading to the Hetzer.  Fuck it.  I'm having fun, and my Panzerjaeger crew (which I transfered to the Marder) is putting in some mega training right now.  I figure I'll try to get them close to maxed out before I buy the Hetzer, and put some Seed Money away.  No point in upgrading now just to have to grind it out against even worse opponents without the money to upgrade ASAFP...

And my favorite achievement so far:  10 hits out of 10 shots in one game (which got me the Sniper award).  Had four kills, but three of those were Shoot & Scoot instead of my normal Find Cover On High Ground & Snipe Until I'm Kekeke Rushed.  I was pleased.  I fucking suck at Shoot & Scoot...


Alexandru H.

I've bought the Hetzer. Had no money left and got stuck with the worst engine ever. Advice: if you buy it, try to research beforehand all the engine tier... It looks ok, but I have to adapt to it..